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(Tierney, 2003) (Rama Lpez & Prez Fernndez, 2003) (Franch Verdi, 2011)
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(Mitrushina, Boone, Razani, & DElia, 2005) (Pea Casanova, 2006)
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(Heilman & Valestein, Frontal Lobe neglecent in man, 1972) (Heir, Davis,
Richardson, & Mohr, 1977) (Watson & Heilman, 1979)
(Lpez Argelles, Alfonso Len,, Barboza Sanchis, & Prez Manso, 2012)
(Rodrguez Varela , s.f.) (Navarro Prez, y otros, 2011)
(Arango Lasprilla & Allegri , 2003)
(Caramazza & Hillis, 1990) (Smania, Bazoli, Piva, & Guidetti, 1997) (Tham &
Tegnr , 1997) (Salazar Lpez, 2011)

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