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TE L EPHONE (7 17) 337-9828
TELEFAX (717) 334-6521

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Detention m,d RemOl'(l/ Operatiolls
U.S. [)epartment ofllom r ll1nd Sec urity
425 1 Street. NW
Washington. DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

Sheriff' James W. Muller

Adams County Sheriffs Office
Adams County Courthouse
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Dear Sheriff Muller,

Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation or Authority program. The 287(g)
Program Management Office (PMO) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U. S.
Imntigratioll and Customs Enforcement (lCE) arc in receipt of your request for training for the
Adams County Sherifrs Office.

On November 15, 2007, the 287(g) PMO at ICE Headquarters forwarded your request to the
Special Agent. in Charge SAC Philadelphia, and the Field Office Director (FOD) of Detention
and Removal Operations, FOD Philadelphia. Local representatives from these two divisions
w ill be in contact with you soon to conduct a preliminary assessment and determine whether
the 287(g) program is the appropriate application to address your local law enforcement

The [ocallCE poinl of contact regarding the 287(g) program is Field Office Director (FOD)
Thomas Decker. who can be reached al 215-656· bX6 •


(bX6). (bX7XC)

287(g) Uni(ChreJ:-.J
Detention and Removal Operations
Office o/Stote and Local Coordination

U.S. Drpartmrnt of lIomrlaod S«urily

425 r Slreel. NW
Washinglon, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

JAN - 7 2008

Mr. James. W. Muller

Sheriff of Adams County
III~I 17 Baltimore Street, Room 4
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Dear Mr. Muller:

Thank you for your October 26, 2007, leiter to Julie L. Myers, Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), requesting participation in the 287(g) Delegation
of Authority Progralll.

Your request has been reviewed. After our conversation, it has been detennined that
implementation of the 287(g) Delegation of Authority Program is not appropriate for your office
at this time.

As you know, ICE has many options available to state and local law enforcement agencies.
Partnerships between ICE and state and local agencies such as yours are critical to the sllccessful
execution of our mission. Please take an opportunity to review and consider some of the various
opportunities available to your agency. Information can be found on the IC E website at
http://\;llenforce.htm . Thomas Decker, Field Office Director can also advise
you on the best ICE programs for your office. Mr. Decker can be contacted at (215) 656- b.)(..Q


~ (Ret.) J;",,0,Lpe"n/dl...eOr"1a'fh;.--1L-
~~ive Director
Office of Siale and Local Coordination

cc: Thomas Decker, Philadelphia Field Office Director

_(~bX~6~J.~lb~~~7~1~. Philadelphia Special Agent in Charge

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