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25 year old female patient c/o weakness , lethargy fatigue since 2

months. she had no complaints before this. lab tests are conducted.
microcytic hypochromic anaemia , calcium is low and INR raised. which of the
following investigations would help in diagnosing the condition.
liver function test
ct abdomen
mri head
transgluatminase antibodies
(this ques appeared twice in my exam)

Q2.teachers of a child have suggested the parents to seek advice regarding a

child , who never waits for his turn , never completes his work, wont stand in
line and wait.has difficulty concentrating on lectures. mother also complaints
that he never finishes his assigned tasks , won't sit at a particular place and
is busy playing video games on computer.
2 ques were with this same stem and ques asked were?
initial step

Q3.patient with history of OA in right knee, given a stick for support while
walking . what is the mechanism .
hold the stick in right knee and with left foot first
hold stick in left hand and left foot first
left hand and rt foot

Q.4 patient with features suggesting of maternal psychosis , what will decide
the urgency of treatment.
frequency of breast feeding
attachment towards child

Q.5Patient with features suggestive of schizophrenia aged 47 years, which of

the following is important to ask in history
h/o social isolation in primary school
family h/o mood disorders

Q6. patient with mva, ct abdomen ; collection in liver , treatment

percuatneous drainage
percutaneous liver biopsy
open surgery

Q7. patient onb many medications , carbamazepin, thyroxine, develops uti

and is been prescribed trimethoprin for that now presents with confusion , lab
value: hyponatremia , k, cl ,hco3 , tsh all normal.what will u do
stop thyroxine and give hypertonic saline
stop cabamazepin and start on hypertonic saline
stop trimethoprin and start normal saline
stop thyroxine and normal saline
stop carbamazepin and start normal saline

Q8.A patient now unconcious and his wife and son have dif opinion , what will
you do?
09.a patient with multiple basal cell carcinoma , removed , which of the
following on histology is most important for deciding the prognosis.
clear surgical margins

Q10.ct scan with ischemic changes

Q11.patient with abd pain history . on warfarin inr 3.5 .ct abomen given .
rectus sheath hematoma(no hematoma in rectus sheath seen)
twisted ovarian cyst
i could not make out the pathology

Q12. pic same as that of burns in a child given in anthology, calculation of

Q13 pic of tinea patch on scalp. same as given in anthology book
Q14.a nurse working in rural area , now complaints of fever cough
hemoptysis . smoker . xray given . looks like apical tb lesion . next step?
sputum for gram stain
bronchoscopy lavage
sputum for zeil nehlson
bronchoscopy biopsy

Q15. a patient known smoker . smokes 30/day . used to work as a plumber,

xray chest showing pleural thickening . investigation of choice
pleural biopsy
brochoscopy guided biopsy

Q16.patient on man drugs , with hypertension . on thiazide , acei, aspirin .

patient also has history of tia. history of femoral bypass graft. has audible
bruit over both femoral arteries. with long history of many drugs .presents
with severe hypertension. what's the mechanism of hypertension
angiotensin system activation
renal emboli
sympathetic over acitivity

Q17 80years old patient with long history of smoking ,breathing problem from
a long time . FEV1 40% FVC 70% . no change on broncho dialator. xray given.
what will you do ,
inhaled steroids
all other options of biopsy

Q18a young boy presents with vertex headche, diffuse, increases on moment
and cough.has h/o of trauma one week back . the velocity of trauma was of
extent that there a break in helmet. neurological examination and all other
examn normal. most likely diagnosis
subdural hematoma
cerebral oedema
intraventricular hemorrhage

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