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Title: Best Practices for Using Folders in ProjectSpaces

To help manage your Documents within ProjectSpaces, you can setup folders and
subfolders (and sub-subfolders, etc). Our folder system works more like tags, meaning
that you don’t have to navigate into a folder to find a document, but are there to simply
help you to filter the list to find a specific document. Here are some best practices to keep
in mind when setting up folders and organizing your documents within them.

Tip #1: Take care in creating subfolders

When working within ProjectSpaces you can setup subfolders, to help further organize
and classify your documents. Sometimes this is great to use, because it allows for
succinct structure of your documents. For example, you could have a folder called
“Photos” and then subfolders under that to help classify different events your photos are
from. However, take caution in creating too many subfolders, because your documents
within a subfolder will actually not show up in the parent folder. Thus, this might actually
cause more confusion, if your user goes to a folder expecting to find some content not
realizing there are subfolders containing the content he/she is looking for.

Tip #2: Don’t make too many folders

A key to successful project collaboration (and engagement with your team members) is
making things easy and simple to use. More often than not, your users are looking for the
most recently modified or newest content. The default view when accessing a folder is to
show all the content within it sorted by modification date. So steer clear of creating too
many folders, because broader topics are usually enough to allow a user to find what they
are looking for.

Tip #3: Use key folders sparingly

Key folders are great to use within ProjectSpaces because they display above the folder
list in the Documents section, and provide direct links to any documents within that
folder. Use these sparingly however, because these are meant to pull out high value
content, and too many will dilute the functionality’s power.

Tip #4: Add links to a folder on the project homepage

If you have a folder most of your users access on a regular basis, add a link to your
project’s homepage to go directly into that folder. This will allow your users easier
navigation, and will weed out other documents within the project from their view, if they
are not familiar with how the folder structure within ProjectSpaces. You can do this by
copying the URL of the folder, and pasting it in the project description for your project,
and it will display on the project homepage.

For more information on folders see our support page here.

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