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Title of Lesson: A Product of Chemistry

How has chemistry changed our society?

Essential Question(s):

Lesson Objective:


Choose a chemical-based
household product (food,
cosmetic, cleaner, etc.)
Research the origin of the
chemical-based product and the
person(s) who invented it
Research the chemistry
underlying the product and study
its impact on our culture

Writing Standards for Literacy in

History/Social Studies, Science, &
Technical Subjects Crosswalk Grades 9 & 10 CC9-10WH/SS/S/TS
1a Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish
the claim(s) from alternate or opposing
claims, and create an organization that
establishes clear relationships among
the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and
evidence. 2.1.2 Organize knowledge so
that it is useful. 4.1.6 Organize personal
knowledge in a way that can be called
upon easily. CC9-10WH/SS/S/TS1b
Develop claim(s) and counterclaims
fairly, supplying data and evidence for
each while pointing out the strengths
and limitations of both claim(s) and
counterclaims in a disciplineappropriate
form and in a manner that anticipates
the audience's knowledge level and
concerns. 1.1.5 Evaluate information
found in selected sources on the basis of
accuracy, validity, appropriateness to
needs, importance, and social and
cultural context. 1.1.7 Make sense of
information gathered from diverse
sources by identifying misconceptions,
main and supporting ideas, conflicting
information, and point of view or bias.
2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions
from information and apply knowledge to
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curricular areas, real world situations,

and further investigations. 2.1.6 Use the
writing process, media and visual
literacy, and technology skills to create
products that express new
understandings. 2.2.3 Employ a critical
stance in drawing conclusions by
demonstrating that the pattern of
evidence le

Chemistry/Language Arts/Social Studies

Content Area(s):



Activity Overview:

Library, Computers, Books, and A

Product of Chemistry Libguide
(containing print and online resources)

As determined by subject area classroom


Students will use different sources to

investigate their product. Some of the sources
the students will use include: Household
Products database: Health Safety & Safety
Information on Household Products (by the
U.S. Department of Health & Human
Services), ChemSpider, BRENDA: The
Comprehensive Enzyme Information System,
PubChem Project, Google Patent Search,
Phthalates and Their Alternatives: Health and
Environmental Concern (by the Lowell Center
for the Sustainable Production University of
Massachusetts Lowell), Environmental
Protection Agency, Material Safety Data
Sheets, etc. Students will record their findings
regarding chemicals in the product and/or
packaging that have potential
health/environmental concerns. Students will
research other ingredients or natural remedies
that can satisfy the same outcome of the
product thereby eliminating the harmful
aspects and environmental concerns. Their
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research with possible comparing/testing

solutions will be their final analysis for their
A Product of Chemistry Libguide
Created and Submitted by: Cami Townsel This lesson was a collaborative lesson with Chemistry
teacher *Mrs. Monique Dunlap.
*I dedicate this submission in her honor of Mrs. Monique Dunlap (1970-2015).

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