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Fungsi Pv (Present value)

Returns the present value of an investment. The present value is the total
amount that a series of future payments is worth now. For example, when you
borrow money, the loan amount is the present value to the lender.

PV(rate, nper, pmt, [fv], [type])

The PV function syntax has the following arguments:

rate : bunga untuk waktu tertentu (misal: per bulan, per tahun). Jika
diketahu bunga per tahun adalah 10% dan waktu pembayaran dalam
bulan, maka bunga 10% dibagi dengan jumlah bulan dalam setahun, yaitu
12. Sehingga bunganya menjadi 10%/12 atau 0,83% per bulan.

Nper Dibutuhkan. Total angka dari periode pembayaran pada suatu

anuitas. Contohnya, jika kita memperoleh pinjaman pembelian mobil
empat tahun dan pembayaran dilakukan secara bulanan, pinjamannya
menjadi 4x12 (atau 48) periode. Kita masukkan periode tersebut (48) ke
dalam rumus untuk nper.

Pmt Required. The payment made each period and cannot change over
the life of the annuity. Typically, pmt includes principal and interest but no
other fees or taxes. For example, the monthly payments on a $10,000,
four-year car loan at 12 percent are $263.33. You would enter -263.33 into
the formula as the pmt. If pmt is omitted, you must include the fv

Fv Optional. The future value, or a cash balance you want to attain after
the last payment is made. If fv is omitted, it is assumed to be 0 (the future
value of a loan, for example, is 0). For example, if you want to save
$50,000 to pay for a special project in 18 years, then $50,000 is the future
value. You could then make a conservative guess at an interest rate and
determine how much you must save each month. If fv is omitted, you
must include the pmt argument.

Type Optional. The number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due.

Set type equal to

If payments are due

0 atau dikosongkan

Pada akhir periode

Pada awal periode

Menyatakan irr untuk suatu rangkaian arus uang yang diwakili oleh besaran
angka. Arus kas ini tidak mempunyai bahkan, seperti mereka akan untuk satu
anuitas. Bagaimanapun, arus kas harus terjadi pada waktu tertentu, seperti
bulanan atau tahunan. Irr adalah tingkat bunga yang didapat untuk suatu
investasi terdiri dari pembayaran (nilai negatif) dan pendapatan (nilai positif)
yang terjadi pada periode tetap.
IRR(values, [guess])
The IRR function syntax has the following arguments:
Values Dibutuhkan. An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers
for which you want to calculate the internal rate of return.
Values must contain at least one positive value and one negative
value to calculate the internal rate of return.
IRR uses the order of values to interpret the order of cash flows. Be
sure to enter your payment and income values in the sequence you
If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or
empty cells, those values are ignored.
Guess Optional. A number that you guess is close to the result of IRR.
Microsoft Excel uses an iterative technique for calculating IRR.
Starting with guess, IRR cycles through the calculation until the
result is accurate within 0.00001 percent. If IRR can't find a result
that works after 20 tries, the #NUM! error value is returned.
In most cases you do not need to provide guess for the IRR
calculation. If guess is omitted, it is assumed to be 0.1 (10 percent).
If IRR gives the #NUM! error value, or if the result is not close to
what you expected, try again with a different value for guess.
IRR is closely related to NPV, the net present value function. The rate of return
calculated by IRR is the interest rate corresponding to a 0 (zero) net present
value. The following formula demonstrates how NPV and IRR are related:
equals 3.60E-08 [Within the accuracy of the IRR calculation, the value 3.60E-08
is effectively 0 (zero).]

The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.
How do I copy an example?
1. Select the example in this article.
Important Do not select the row or column headers.

Selecting an example from Help

2. Press CTRL+C.
3. In Excel, create a blank workbook or worksheet.
4. In the worksheet, select cell A1, and press CTRL+V.
Important For the example to work properly, you must paste it into cell A1 of the
5. To switch between viewing the results and viewing the formulas that
return the results, press CTRL+` (grave accent), or on the Formulas tab,
in the Formula Auditing group, click the Show Formulas button.




Initial cost of a business


Net income for the first year


Net income for the second year


Net income for the third year


Net income for the fourth year


Net income for the fifth year


Description (Result)


Investment's internal rate of return after four years (2%)



Internal rate of return after five years (9%)


To calculate the internal rate of return after two years,

you need to include a guess (-44%)


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