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Markus G. Konrad and Wolfgang H. Gerstacker

Institute for Mobile Communications

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Cauerstr. 7, 91058 Erlangen, Germany, E-mail: {konrad.gersta}

ABSTRACT proaches assume that the adopted modulation scheme can be in-
terpreted as a scheme with real-valued data symbols, which holds
Future mobile communications radio networks, e.g. 3GPP Long
e.g. for the Gaussian minimum-shift keying modulation of GSM.
Term Evolution (LTE), will typically use an orthogonal frequency
OFDM transmission with real-valued data symbols has been
division multiplexing (OFDM) based air interface in the downlink.
studied in [10], and an equalizer for suppression of intercarrier in-
Furthermore, in order to avoid frequency planning, a frequency reuse
terference resulting from the time variance of the mobile radio chan-
factor of one is desirable. In this case, system capacity is limited by
nel has been introduced which exploits the fact that the transmitted
interference, which is particularly crucial for mobile terminals with
symbols are one-dimensional. However, cochannel interference and
a single receive antenna. For a high throughput, interference can-
channel coding was not taken into account. In [11], a widely linear
cellation algorithms are required in the receiver. In this paper, a
processing approach has been proposed for narrowband interference
single antenna interference cancellation (SAIC) algorithm is intro-
suppression and blind channel identification for OFDM transmission
duced for amplitude-shift keying (ASK) modulation schemes used
with real-valued symbols.
in coded OFDM transmission which achieves high gains in compari-
In this paper, we propose an SAIC algorithm for OFDM trans-
son to a conventional coded OFDM transmission employing quadra-
mission, modifying the algorithm in [12, 6, 13] for single-carrier
ture amplitude modulation (QAM) in an interference limited sce-
transmission suitably, referred to as mono interference cancellation
nario. Furthermore, an adaptive least-mean-square (LMS) and a
(MIC). Real-valued amplitude-shift keying (ASK) modulation is
recursive least-squares (RLS) SAIC receiver, respectively, are pre-
assumed and additional channel coding is considered. Indepen-
sented. We show that in particular the RLS solution enables a good
dent complex filtering with subsequent projection for interference
tradeoff between performance and complexity and is robust even to
removal is applied to each OFDM subcarrier. We present the an-
multiple interferers and frequency synchronization errors.
alytical solution for the MMSE filter and also adaptive approaches
1. INTRODUCTION which are based on the least-mean-square (LMS) and the recursive
least-squares (RLS) algorithm, respectively, where it turns out that
For next generation mobile communications air interfaces such as the latter is particularly suited for practical implementation.
3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) [1] orthogonal frequency division In principle, real-valued ASK modulation has the drawback of
multiplexing (OFDM) will be adopted as basic transmission scheme being less power efficient than a corresponding complex quadrature
in the downlink. In order to avoid frequency planning a frequency amplitude modulation (QAM) scheme. However, since only one real
reuse factor of one is envisaged for 3GPP LTE. Hence, for receivers dimension is used for data transmission additional degrees of free-
without interference suppression capabilities, transmission is possi- dom are available which can be exploited for interference cancella-
ble only with relatively low data rates due to the resulting capacity tion at the receiver. We show that this advantage more than com-
limitation which contradicts the desire for high downlink data rates. pensates for the loss in power efficiency and even significant gains
For this reason, interference cancellation and suppression has are possible in an interference limited environment with respect to a
received high interest from both academia and industry and vari- conventional OFDM scheme using coded QAM modulation with the
0us contributions for OFDM transmission have been already made. same spectral efficiency.
For example, in [2], interference suppression for synchronous and
asynchronous cochannel interferers is studied, where the proposed 2. SYSTEM MODEL
receiver employs an adaptive antenna array which performs mini-
mum mean-squared error (MMSE) diversity combining. Related In the considered scenario a mobile terminal with a single receive an-
approaches based on receive diversity have been introduced e.g. in tenna is impaired by additive white Gaussian noise and J cochannel
[3,4]. interferers representing surrounding base stations. The interferers
Although mUltiple receive antennas are advantageous for can- are present on all subcarriers of the desired signal. Transmission is
cellation of cochannel interference, due to cost and size limita- protected by convolutional coding with code rate R c and bit-wise
tions it is still a challenge to include more than one antenna into block interleaving over time and frequency with interleaving depth
a mobile terminal. Therefore, single antenna interference cancella- lB. Subsequent linear modulation for the OFDM subcarriers uses
tion (SAIC) algorithms have received significant attention in recent real-valued coefficients for both desired and interferer signals which
years, especially for transmission with single-earrier modulation, cf. are assumed to employ the same modulation alphabet.
[5, 6, 7, 8]. The advantages of SAIC for GSM radio networks were A rectangular pulse shaping filter is applied and a guard inter-
analyzed in [9], and in [6] it has been shown that GSM network ca- val (GI) of sufficient duration such that intersymbol interference
pacity can be dramatically improved by SAIC. All mentioned ap- (lSI) can be avoided. A cyclic extension of the transmit sequence

978-1-4244-2046-9/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 201 SPAWC 2008

Authorized licensed use limited to: VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on August 2, 2009 at 06:54 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
is contained in the GI, such that the corresponding discrete-time The cochannel interference power of interferer j with variance erJ
receive signal after removal of the GI can be represented by the at subcarrier J-l contributed by subcarrier jl is er;IGj,dJl] 12 sis~(Jl­
cyclic convolution of the transmit sequence and the discrete-time J-l + ~j), and the resulting subcarrier CIR on subcarrier J-l prior to
channel impulse response. Thus, the discrete Fourier transform SAIC can be expressed as
(DFf) coefficient of the ith receive signal block for subcarrier J-l,
J-l E {O, 1, ... , N - I} (N: DFT length) in equivalent complex CIR[/1] = (a~IHi[/1112 . sis~ (es) )1
baseband notation is given by ( L a~IH;[it1l2. SiSN (it - /1 + es)
Ri[J-l] == Hi [J-l]Ai [J-l] +L Gj,i[J-l]Bj,i[J-l] + Ni[J-l] , (1) +L L a;IGj,;[it1l2sis~(it - /1 + ej)) , (3)
j=l j=l [lEU

where U denotes the set of subcarriers where the desired user and
where i and j, 1 ::; j ::; J, are the OFDM symbol index and the
the interferers are allocated.
interferer index, respectively. The discrete-time channel impulse re-
sponses comprising the effects of transmit filtering, the mobile chan- 3. INTERFERENCE CANCELLATION
nel and receive filtering for the desired signal and the interferer sig-
nals are assumed to be mutually independent and constant during the In [12, 13,6] an approach for SAIC was introduced for application in
transmission of a data frame (corresponding to block fading). This the GSM system where the cochannel interference is perfectly elim-
results in discrete-frequency responses Hi [J-l] and G j, i [J-l] for the de- inated by complex filtering and subsequent projection of the filtered
sired signal and the interferers, respectively. AdJ-l] and Bj,dJ-l] de- signal onto an arbitrary non-zero complex number c for the case
note the independent, identically distributed (ij.d.) real-valued data of a single interferer. In the presence of multiple interferers the filter
symbols of desired user and interferers, respectively, at time i and coefficients are optimized such that the variance of the difference be-
subcarrier frequency J-l. The receiver noise is modeled by a white tween the signal after projection and the desired signal is minimized,
Gaussian process and is represented in frequency domain by N i [J-l]. i.e., an MMSE criterion is applied guaranteeing interference sup-
For (1), perfect frequency synchronization has been assumed and a pression at minimum noise enhancement. The algorithm has been
symbol synchronous network, i.e., the symbol periods of useful sig- derived in [13, 6] for both flat fading and frequency-selective fad-
nal and interfering signals are perfectly aligned. ing channels. As in an OFDM system the channel per subcarrier
To each subcarrier symbol Ri [J-l], the SAIC algorithm described can be considered as flat, the version of the algorithm for flat fading
in the next section is applied before calculation of log-likelihood is applicable to each subcarrier, and the required filter order of the
ratios of bits, deinterleaving and channel decoding. complex filter for subcarrier J-l is zero, i.e., a complex scalar P[J-l]
For reference, we consider conventional OFDM transmission is employed for filtering. In [13], it has been shown that P [J-l] can
with convolutional coding, block interleaving and QAM modula- be selected such that the signal after projection is interference-free
tion. Here, interference suppression is not employed as this can be in the case of only one cochannel interferer. For several co-channel
accomplished only by highly complex methods for QAM and a sin- interferers, an MMSE solution for P[J-l] is a suitable choice, which is
gle receive antenna such as multi-user detection algorithms or suc- derived in the following. We denote the real-valued output signal of
cessive interference cancellation combined with successive decod- projection by Yi [J-l]. The error signal consisting of noise and residual
ing [14]. Therefore, in the QAM case a suboptimum detector with interference is given by
zero-forcing equalization of each subcarrier assuming ideal channel
knowledge is applied. For the QAM scheme a lower code rate is ap-
plied in comparison to the ASK scheme in order to obtain the same where Pc { x} denotes projection of x onto an arbitrary non-zero
spectral efficiency R (in bit/sIHz), i.e., M 2 -ary QAM transmission complex number c and is given by
with code rate R c /2 will be compared to M-ary ASK transmission
with code rate R c (M: size of ASK signal set). P { } == Re{ x . c*} (5)
In practice, additional frequency synchronization errors are
c X Ic1 2 '

present resulting from imprecision of local oscillators and Doppler cf. [12, 13, 6] (Re{·}: real part of a complex number). Hence, the
shifts due to movement of the mobile terminal. In this case, the cost function of the MMSE approach is defined as
orthogonality among subcarriers no longer holds, and intercarrier
interference results, cf. e.g. [15, 16]. In this paper, only static fre- J(P[J-l]) ~ £ {(Pc{P[J-l] . Ri[J-l]} - A i [J-l])2} (6)
quency synchronization errors are considered. In the following, the
(£ {.}: expectation operator). Exploiting the fact that J(P[J-l]) is
system model is extended correspondingly. We introduce the nor-
convex we determine its minimum via the zeros of its derivative,
malized frequency offsets ~s and ~j (j E {I, ... ,J}) of desired and
interferer signals, respectively, with ( == B~'N' where 6. denotes an 8 ,
8P* [J-l] J (P[J-l]) ~ 0 . (7)
absolute frequency offset in Hz and B is the system bandwidth.
In e.g. [17] the intercarrier interference caused by the carrier fre- For example, for c == 1 this results in
quency offsets is determined. We assume -1 < ~. < 1 such that all
possible frequency offsets are smaller than the subcarrier bandwidth 8J(P[J-l]) * '
8P*[J-l] ==~RR[J-l]P[J-l]+~R*R[J-l]P [J-l]-2'PAR[J-l]~O (8)
The average power of the intercarrier interference at subcar-
( (.) *: complex conjugation). The variables used in (8) are defined as
rier J-l stemming from subcarrier Jl is given by [17] er~ I Hi [Jl] 12 •
sis~ (Jl- J-l + ~s) (er~: variance of Ai [J-l]) with ~RR[J-l] £ {Ri[J-l]R:[J-l]} , (9)

. 1 sin(nx) 'PAR[J-l] £, {Ai [J-l]R: [J-l]} , (10)

SlSb(X) == b sin(nxlb) , bEN, x E IR . (2) ~R*R[J-l]
£, { (R: [J-l]) } • (11)

Authorized licensed use limited to: VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on August 2, 2009 at 06:54 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Eq. (8) can be solved for the MMSE solution P[IL] for each subcar- model the interference structure of a cellular network appropriately,
rier. For adaptive adjustment of P[IL] , the LMS and RLS algorithm, we took into account J == 3 cochannel interferers. One of the in-
respectively, can be used. In this case, several OFDM training sym- terferers dominates and has power Id, whereas the other, residual
bols Ai [.] are required. However, only the desired user's training interferers have equal average powers 12 and 13 • The total power of
symbols have to be known, and the algorithms perform blind adap- the residual interference is I r == 12 + 13, and It == Id + I r • The
tation with respect to the interference. dominant-to-residual-interference ratio (DIR) is defined as Id/Ir •
The considered discrete-time channel impulse responses of desired
LMS Algorithm signal and interferers have mutually uncorrelated Rayleigh fading
taps with average tap powers according to an exponential power de-
After the training period the filter coefficients P [IL] are fixed and lay profile which is determined from the continuous power delay
used for complex filtering in the current transmission frame, assum- profile given in [19], P( T) == e - T /TO for 0 :::; T :::; Tmax == 7 ILS
ing that the channel is time-invariant during the transmission of such
and P( T) == 0 else, where TO == 1 j.lS, by sampling with a sample
a frame. Using the normalized version of the LMS algorithm to al- spacing of T s == 130.2 ns. A block fading model is adopted with
low for an adaptive LMS step size parameter we obtain the following
random change of channel coefficients from frame to frame. Each
update equation for the projection filter coefficients [18],
frame consists of training blocks and data blocks, where each block
comprises 7 OFDM symbols of duration T == 512 . T s == 66.67 j.lS.
Each data block is separately encoded.
The performance results for our proposed scheme are compared
where Mx[lL] is the average power of the filter input signal Ri[IL], with results for convolutionally encoded QAM transmission accord-
ing to Section II. In all cases, interleaving with depth IB == 32 bits
(13) is applied. The constraint length of the used convolutional code is 9
for all code rates and schemes.
The parameter p has to be chosen as 0 < P < 2 to allow for con-
vergence of the algorithm [18]. The variable E « 1 is a small real 4.1. Performance in the Interference Limited Case
number required to avoid division by zero.
The convergence of the LMS algorithm is quite slow and there- In the following, we consider interference limitation which is typ-
fore the algorithm is only suitable for long frames and low mobility ical for a downlink scenario with a frequency reuse of one, and
of users. Eb/No == 30 dB holds. Simulation results valid for both noise
and interference limitation are discussed in [20] and omitted here
RLS Algorithm due to space limitations. BLER results are shown for the analytical
MMSE solution and the adaptive approaches using LMS and RLS al-
The major advantages of the RLS algorithm are an order of magni- gorithm, respectively. Results for the conventional scheme are only
tude faster convergence than that of the LMS algorithm such that also shown for a DIR of 0 dB. This is justified because pelformance of
time-variant channels can be tracked and that a lower excess MSE QAM transmission is approximately independent of DIR and only
is obtained. As for the LMS algorithm, each subcarrier is treated in- depends on CIR. From Figs. 1 and 2 we observe that with increasing
dependently and, hence, complexity scales linearly with the number DIR, performance of the transmission scheme with SAIC improves
of subcarriers. The input vector of the algorithm per subcarrier IL is and significant performance gains result. The novel scheme outper-
defined as forms the conventional transmission scheme for all DIRs for 8ASK
transmission with R c == 1/2. For 8ASK with convolutional cod-
ing with R c == 2/3 the proposed scheme requires a D lR 2 5 dB
where 1m{ .} is the imaginary part of a complex number and (.) T to outperform the conventional transmission scheme. A DIR of 5
denotes transposition. The a priori error signal of the RLS algorithm dB is a realistic value in practice assuming low shadowing correla-
is defined as the difference of desired signal and the output of the tions of different base stations. As a result of a higher diversity gain
projection of the filtered received signal, due to more powerful coding the slope of the QAM BLER curves
is higher than that of the corresponding curves for ASK transmis-
EdlL] == Ai [IL] - Re{ Pi - 1 [1L]RdlL]} sion, where a higher code rate was used to obtain the same spectral
efficiency. Nevertheless, ASK outperforms QAM if a certain, rea-
== AdlL] - U1[IL]Pi-1[1L] , (15)
sonably low DIR is exceeded. For a DIR of 20 dB, Le., a highly
dominant cochannel interferer is present, 8ASK with R c == 1/2 and
where Pi-1[t-t] == [Re{Pi-dt-t]} Im{Pi-1[t-t]}]T. With definition
R c = 2/3 performs 14 dB and 10 dB better than QAM transmission,
of variables U i [IL], E i [IL], and Pi-1 [IL], the RLS update equations
given e.g. in [18] can be directly applied. In (15), C == 1 has been
Further analysis has shown that a training length of 21 OFDM
assumed without loss of generalityl .
symbols (corresponding to 3 blocks) is sufficient in order to obtain
4. SIMULATION RESULTS essentially the same performance with the adaptive RLS scheme
as with the analytical MMSE solution for filter P[IL]. This is due
In the following, a carrier frequency of 2 GHz is assumed, and to the fact that the excess error induced by the RLS algorithm be-
B == 7.68 MHz. The DFT length is set to N == 512, and all comes small after a few training symbols already because of the fil-
subcarriers are used for transmission and are impaired by cochan- ter length of one, resulting in almost coinciding curves for both so-
nel interference. The carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) is given lutions, cf. Figs. 1 and 2. For the LMS algorithm the training length
by C/ It, where C and It are the average receive power of the de- had to be chosen about 10 times larger than for the RLS algorithm
sired signal and of the total interference, respectively. In order to and still a performance loss in the order of approximately 1 dB for
DIRs of 0 to 10 dB can be observed from Figs. 1 and 2. Therefore, in
1In general, performance does not depend on c. this case the LMS algorithm is impractical for scenarios with users

Authorized licensed use limited to: VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on August 2, 2009 at 06:54 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
-&- DIR = -5 dB, an -&- DIR = -5 dB, an
-e-- DIR = 0 dB, an -e-- DIR = 0 dB, an
-+- DIR =5 dB, an -+- DIR = 5 dB, an
-+ DIR = 10 dB, an -+ DIR = 10 dB, an
-A- DIR = 15 dB, an -A- DIR = 15 dB, an
~ DIR =20 dB, an ~DIR=20dB, an
·-0- . DIR = -5 dB, RLS ·-0- . DIR = -5 dB, RLS
·-D- . DIR = 0 dB, RLS ·-D- . DIR = 0 dB, RLS
·--a- . DIR = 5 dB, RLS ·-tt- . DIR = 5 dB, RLS
·-¢-. DIR = 10 dB, RLS ·-¢-. DIR = 10 dB, RLS
·-b-. DIR = 15 dB, RLS ·-b-. DIR = 15 dB, RLS
·-<I- . DIR = 20 dB, RLS ·-<1-. DIR = 20 dB, RLS
·.+. .. + .. DIR=OdB, LMS
DIR = 0 dB, LMS
DIR = 10 dB, LMS
~ 64QAM DIR = 0 dB
...*.. DIR = 10 dB, LMS
~ 64QAM DIR = 0 dB

-10 -5 0 5 10 15 -5 o 5 10
CIR [dB]-t CIR [dB]-t

Fig. 1. BLER versus CIR for varying DIR. 8ASK with R e == 0.5 Fig. 2. BLER versus CIR for varying DIR. 8ASK with R e == 0.67
and 64QAM with R e == 0.25, R == 1.5 bit/slHz. "an" stands for the and 64QAM with R e == 0.33, R == 2 bit/slHz. "an" stands for the
analytical MMSE solution. analytical MMSE solution.

of moderate-to-high mobility resulting in time-varying impulse re- dation is approximately 1.5 dB for a DIR of -5 dB and increases
sponses. for increasing DIR due to intercarrier interference up to 3 dB for a
DIR of 20 dB. Nevertheless, transmission performs reasonably well
4.2. Impact of Frequency Synchronization Errors without the necessity to employ additional frequency synchroniza-
tion algorithms, which are required for 8ASK in this case (results
4.2.1. Small Frequency Offsets not shown).
We assume frequency offsets as in [13], i.e., a frequency offset of
400 Hz and 500 Hz is chosen for the desired signal and the dominant A novel strategy for downlink OFDM transmission under presence
interferer, respectively, and no offsets are present for the residual in- of severe cochannel interference was presented, which combines
terferers. The corresponding results are depicted in Fig. 3 for 8ASK convolutionally encoded real-valued ASK modulation with single
transmission with code rates R e == 1/2 and R e == 2/3, respec- antenna interference cancellation. Our scheme enables high down-
tively. The loss in comparison to perfect synchronization is below link data rates already at low CIR values and is capable of exploit-
1 dB for DIR values up to 15 dB, which demonstrates the robust- ing increasing DIRs contrary to the conventional OFDM transmis-
ness of the proposed scheme. In general, it can be observed that the sion scheme using QAM modulation. A comparison to the con-
performance loss increases with increasing DIR. This is a result of ventional approach has shown that for all modulation and coding
intercarrier interference induced by the frequency synchronization schemes studied in this paper, the novel scheme is superior for DIRs
errors. The intercarrier interference inherently limits the maximum of at least 5 dB in terms of error rate at the same spectral efficiency.
achievable effective DIR because now a higher number of effective For higher values of DIR gains of up to 14 dB are possible. There-
interference terms is present for each subcarrier, cf. (3), and therefore fore, by exploiting the additional degrees of freedom gained by using
particularly affects the receiver performance for high values of DIR. real-valued modulation we can more than compensate for the loss
For example, the simulation results in Fig. 3 show a performance in power efficiency of ASK. The adopted SAIC algorithm is blind
loss of approximately 2 dB for 8ASK transmission with R e == 2/3. with respect to the interference, i.e., it does not require any explicit
knowledge about the interferer channels, and is moderate in terms of
4.2.2. Large Frequency Offsets computational complexity. In addition, we have demonstrated that
the proposed scheme is robust to errors in frequency synchroniza-
In [16], a frequency imprecision of 0.5 ppm is allowed. For a carrier tion.
frequency of Ie == 2.0 GHz this results in a maximum frequency off-
set of 1000 Hz. Assuming also Doppler shifts resulting from vehic-
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Authorized licensed use limited to: VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on August 2, 2009 at 06:54 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
[6] R. Meyer, W. Gerstacker, R. Schober, and J. B. Huber, "A Sin-
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-B-OIR o dB, an
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5 dB, an
10 dB, an
of IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, vol. 5, June 2004, pp.

{ \ 'V \ 1 -A-OIR 15 dB, an 2548 - 2552.
\ \\\~ ~OIR 20 dB, an

\ \;.. ~\ \ ·-o-·OIR
.-0-. OIR
-5 dB, ad
o dB, ad
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· -tt-. OIR 5 dB, ad Linear Array Receivers for the Demodulation of BPSK, MSK,
·-<>-. OIR 10 dB, ad
.-8-. OIR 15 dB, ad and GMSK Signals Corrupted by Noncircular Interferences -
· -<]_. OIR 20 dB, ad
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\ \ \ \~\
\ \ \ \ \ [9] A. Mostafa, R. Kobylinski, I. Kostanic, and M. Austin, "Sin-
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CIR [dB] ~
[10] P. Tan and N. C. Beaulieu, "An Improved MMSE Equalizer
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'I\.' V'\ ....'q'

~:::::~1 ,\ \".\.
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\ \ '\ ,~ \' and/or FDMA Transmission," Int. Patent Application

1 \ \ I~ \\ \ ...., -e- OIR =-5 dB, an

-a- OIR = 0 dB, an
---..- OIR = 5 dB, an
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\ l. \ \\\\ \' - A - OIR = 15 dB, an
4J l .\ '\\ \\\\ ~OIR=20dB,an gle Antenna Interference Cancellation Algorithm for Increased
· -0- . OIR =-5 dB, ad
\ t \\ \\ \\ b · -0- . OIR = 0 dB, ad GSM Capacity," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communica-

\ \\ ~\ \t
· -tt- . OIR = 5 dB, ad
·-<>-. OIR = 10 dB, ad
· -8- . OIR = 15 dB, ad
· -<]- . OIR = 20 dB, ad
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\ \\ \\
\ .~ f "\\ [15] D. Marabissi, R. Fantacci, and S. Papini, "Robust Mul-
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-10 -5
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\ \ \\
5 10 15
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