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Work Paper in

Phrasal Verbs and Verbs list

AL- Afandi secondary level

Prepared by

Ali Khatim
Bachelor of art : English honor
Master in: English language teaching

Phrasal Verbs Meanings
a- looking after = taking care of ……………..
b- looking for = trying to find \ searching
c- pulled out = extracted \ took it off
d- pulled out of = withdrew
e- brought up = made
f- bought up = taken care of until she grew up
g- looked over = turned \ saw
h- looked over = studied \ read them

Q(A): Study the list of phrasal verbs in this box then choose the right one to
fill in the blank spaces in the sentences below ?
Hand over -Hand in -Consist of -Fill in-Take on -Go over -Catch
on-Walk up -Deal with -Hold up -Put up with -Turn down

a- The local council ………… his request to open a shop.

b- Social workers help people to ………… their problem.
c- We must stop sleeping and ………….. to the problem of poverty .
d- The rain will …………….. the work on the new road.
e- The development bank must ……….. the money now.
f- Many people ……the job as project manager ?

Q(B):Match the phrasal verb with its meaning :-

Phrasal verb Meaning
1/ Break out (a) Continue
2/ Call on (b) Stop doing
3/ Put on (c) Search for
4/ Give up (d) Visit briefly
5/ Carry on (e) Start
6/ Look for (f) Dress in

Q(C):Fill in each of the spaces in this passage with a suitable phrasal verb
from the a above list :-
My friend was ill and I decided to …(1)… him at five . So I had a shower
and quickly …(2)….my Jalaiya and Imma , I could not find my glasses I …(3)
…. them everywhere but they had just disappeared.
I decided to go without them . just then I hared the sound of a fire
engine. On the road people were shouting that a big fire ……(4)…. suddenly in
hotel , I tried to speak to the Fie-chief but he ignored me and shouted to his men to

……(5)… working and looking for trapped people. by then it was too late and so I
……(6)….. the Idea of visiting my friend .

Phrasal Verbs
A phrasal verb is a verb which is composed of a verb and a preposition or an
adverb . if the preposition or adverb is removed from some verbs the meaning
is changed completely .
There are four types of phrasal verbs :
1-type one : In this type the verb is followed by an object . the proposition is
never separated from the verb
from : verb + preposition
Examples: 1- I believe in what you say .
2-He hopes for success in his work .
3- My father listens to the radio.
2-type two : In this type the particle can be separated from the verb.
from : verb + adverb particle
Examples : 1-He put his clothes
2-He took of his clothes
3-The fire burned the building down
3-type three : In this type the verb cant be followed by an object
Examples : 1-My car broke down when we were returning home
2-A car turned up while we were touring in the desert.
3-Students sit down after standing for the teacher.
4-type four : In this type the verb is followed by an object .
from : verb + adverb particle + preposition.
Examples : 1-we ran out of matches .
2-I’m looking forward to see you.
3-I get on with Ali to take a tour in the city .

Phrasal Meaning ‫يييييي‬
Ask in Invite ‫يدعو‬
blow up Explode ‫ينفجر‬
Bring about Cause to happen ‫يؤدي الي‬
Bring off Succeed ‫ينجح في تحقيق‬
Bring on Cause to start ‫يبدأ‬
Bring up Raise ‫يربي‬
Calm down Pacify ‫يهدي‬
Come out Made public ‫يتم اعلنه‬
Come across Found by chance ‫يجد مصادفة‬
Come between Separate ‫يفصل‬
come by Receive ‫يتلقي‬
Come in Enter ‫يدخل‬
Come off Take place ‫يحدث‬
Come off Succeed ‫ينجح‬
Come up Was raised ‫أثير‬
Cut back Decrease ‫يقلل‬
Cut down Reduce ‫يخفض يقلل‬
Cut down Reduce ‫يخفف يقلل‬
Cut off Disconnect ‫يفصل‬
Do away with Abolish ‫يلغي يمحو‬
Do out of Prevent form ‫يمنع من‬
Do with Need ‫يحتاج الي‬
Do without Manage without ‫يستغني عن‬
Draw in /into Arrive ‫يصل الي‬
Find out Discover ‫يكتشف‬
get at Reach ‫يصل الي‬
Get back Return ‫يعود‬
Get by Mange ‫يدير‬
Get down Descent ‫ينزل‬
Get down Depress ‫يحبط‬
Get down to Start ‫يبدأ‬
Get off Leave ‫ينصرف‬
Get on Manage ‫يتصرف او يدبر المر‬
Get on Advance ‫يتقدم – يتطور‬
Get on with Agree with ‫يتفق مع‬
Get out of Avoid a responsibility ‫يتخلي عن‬
Get over Recover form ‫يشفي من‬
Get round Spread ‫ينتشر‬
Get through Use up ‫ يستنفذ‬-‫يستهلك‬

Get to Arrive at ‫يصل الي‬
Get up Awake ‫يستيقظ‬
Get up to to do ‫يفعل‬
Go for Attack ‫يهاجم‬
Go for choose ‫يختار‬

Regular Verbs
Presen Past Past participle
Open ‫يفتح‬ Opened Opened
Look ‫ينظر‬ Looked Looked
Work ‫يعمل‬ Worked Worked
Place ‫يضع‬ Placed Placed
Melt ‫يذوب‬ Melted melted

Dry Dried Dried

Cry Cried Cried
Try Tried Tried
Certify Applied Applied
Apply Applied Applied
Classify Classified Classified
Deny Denied Denied
Testify Testified Denied

Stop stopped stopped

Fit Fitted Fitted
Marvel Marveled Marveled
Worship Worshipped Worshipped
Rot rotted rotted
Allot Allotted Allotted
Drop Dropped Dropped
control Controlled Controlled

-: ‫ييييي ييييييي ييييي ييييي‬

Infinitive Past
‫المعني‬ ‫اسم‬participle
‫المصدر‬ ‫الماضي‬
Abide ‫يقيم‬ Abode Abode
Arise ‫ينهض – يستيقظ‬ Arose Arisen
Awake ‫يستيقظ‬ Awoke Awoke
Be ‫يكون‬ Was- were Been

Bear ‫يحمل‬ Bore Borne
Beat ‫ يصد‬-‫يضرب‬ Beat Beaten
Become ‫يصبح‬ Became Become
Begin ‫يبدأ‬ Began Begun
Behold ‫يشاهد‬ Beheld Beheld
Bend ‫يثني – يلوي‬ Bent Bent
Bet ‫يراهن‬ Bet Bet
Bid ‫يأمر‬ Bid Bid
Bite ‫يعض‬ Bit Bitten
Bleed ‫ينزف‬ Bled Bled
Blow ‫يهب‬ Blew Blown
Break ‫يكسر‬ Broke Broken
Bring ‫يحضر‬ Brought Brought
Broadcast ‫يذيع‬ Broadcast Broadcast
Build ‫يبني‬ Built Built
Burn ‫يحرق‬ Burnt Burnt
burst ‫ينفجر‬ burst burst
Buy ‫يشتري‬ bought Bought
cast ‫يلقي‬ cast Cast
catch ‫يمسك‬ catch Catch
choose ‫يختار‬ choose Choose
Come ‫يأتي‬ came come
cost ‫يكلف‬ cost Cost
Creep ‫يزحف‬ crept crept
cut ‫يقطع‬ cut Cut
Deal ‫يتعامل‬ Dealt Dealt
Dig ‫يحفر‬ Dug Dug
Do ‫يفعل‬ Did Done
Draw ‫يرسم‬ Drew Drawn
Dream ‫يحلم‬ Dreamt Dreamt
Drink ‫يشرب‬ Drank Drunk
Drive ( ‫يقود )السيارة‬ Drove Driven
Eat ‫يأكل‬ Ate Eaten
Fall ‫يسقط‬ Fell Fallen
Feed ‫يطعم‬ Fed Fed
Feel ‫يشعر‬ Felt Felt
Fight ‫يقاتل – يتشاجر‬ Fought Fought
Find ‫يجد‬ Found Found
flee ‫يهرب‬ fled fled

Infinitive Past Past
‫يييييي‬ ‫يييييي‬ ‫ييي‬participle
Fling ‫يطيح‬ Flung Flung
Fly ‫يطير‬ Flew Flown
Forbid ‫يمنع – يحرم‬ Forbade Forbidden
Foretell ‫يتنبا‬ Forget Foretold
Forget ‫ينسي‬ For gave Forgotten
Forgive ‫يسامح‬ Forsook Forgiven
Forsake ‫يهجر‬ Forsook Forsaken
Freeze ‫يتجمد‬ Got Frozen
Get ‫يحصل علي‬ Gave Got
Give ‫يعطي‬ Went Given
Go ‫يذهب‬ Hung Gone
Hang ‫يعلق – يتشبث‬ Had Hung
Have – has ‫يملك – عنده‬ Heard Had
Hear ‫يسمع‬ Hid Heard
Hide ‫يخفي‬ Hit Hidden
Hit ‫يصدم‬ Held Hit
Hold ‫يملك – يمسك‬ Hurt Held
Hurt ‫يؤذي – يجرح‬ Kept Hurt
Keep ‫يحفظ‬ Knew Kept
Know ‫يعرف‬ Knew known
Lay ‫يطرح – تبيض‬ Laid Laid
Lead ‫يقود‬ led Led
Lean ‫يميل – يستند الي‬ Leant Leant
Leap ‫يقفز‬ Leapt Leapt
Learn ‫يتعلم‬ Learnt Learnt
Leave ‫يغادر‬ Left Left
lend ‫يقرض‬ Lent Lent
Let ‫يدع – يترك‬ Let Lent
Light ‫يضئ – يشرق‬ Lit Lit
Lose ‫يفقد‬ Lost Lost
Make ‫يعني‬ Made Made
Mean ‫يقابل‬ Meant Meant
Meet ‫يحصد – يحش‬ Met Met
Mow ‫يجتاح‬ Mowed Mown
Overrun ‫يدفع‬ Overran Overrun
Pay ‫يضع‬ Paid Paid
Put ‫يقرا‬ Put Put
Read ‫يركب‬ Read Read

Ride ‫يطوق‬ Rode Ridden
Ring ‫ينهض‬ Rang Rung
Rise ‫يجري‬ Rose Risen
Run ‫يقول‬ Ran Run
Say ‫يري‬ Said Said
Seek ‫يبحث يسعي‬ Sought Sought
Sell ‫يبيع‬ Sold Sold
Send ‫يرسل‬ Sent Sent
Et ‫يضع‬ Set Set
Shank ‫يهتز‬ Shook Shaken
Shine ‫يضئ‬ Shone Shone
Shoot ‫يرمي‬ Shot Shot
Show ‫يعرض‬ Showed Shown
Shrink ‫ينكمش‬ Shrank Shrunk
Shut ‫يغلق‬ Shut Shut
Sing ‫يغني‬ Sang Sang
Sink ‫يغرق‬ Sank Sunk
Sit ‫يقعد‬ Sat Sat
Slay ‫يذبح‬ Slew Slain
Sleep ‫ينام‬ Slept Slept
Slide ‫ينزبق‬ Slid Slid
Sling ‫يقذف‬ Slung Slung
Smell ‫يشم‬ Smelt Smelt
Sow ‫يبذر‬ Sowed Sewed
Speak ‫يتكلم‬ Spoke Spoken
Speed ‫يسرع‬ Sped Sped
Spend ‫يقضى‬ spent spent
Spill ‫يسكب‬ Spilt Spilt
Spit ‫يبصق‬ Spat Spat
Split ‫يمزق‬ Split Split
Spoil ‫يفسد‬ Spoilt Spoilt
Spread ‫ينشر‬ Spread Spread
Spring ‫ينبثق‬ Sprang Sprung
Stand ‫يقف‬ Stood Stood
Steal ‫يسرق‬ Stole Stole
Stick ‫يلصق‬ Stuk Stuck
Sting ‫يلدغ‬ Stung Stung
Strike ‫يضرب‬ Struck Struck
Swear ‫يحلف‬ Swore Swore
Sweat ‫يعرق‬ Sweat Sweat
Sweep ‫يكنس‬ Swept Swept
Swell ‫ينفتح‬ Swelled Swollen

Swim ‫يسبح‬ Swam Swum
Swing ‫يتمايل‬ Swung Swung
Take ‫ياخذ‬ Took Took
Teach ‫يدرس‬ Taught Taught
Tear ‫يمزق‬ Torn Torn
Tell ‫يخبر‬ Told Told
think ‫يفكر‬ thought thought
Thrive ‫يفلح‬ Throve Thriven
Throw ‫يرمي‬ Threw Thrown
Thrust ‫يدفع‬ Thrust Thrust
Tread ‫يطا‬ Trod Trodden
Understand ‫يفهم‬ Understood Understood
Wake ‫يوقظ‬ Woke Woke
Wear ‫يرتدي‬ Wore Worn
Weave ‫ينسج‬ Wove Woven
Win ‫يلف‬ Won Won
Wind ‫يلوي‬ Wound Wound
Wring ‫يكتب‬ Wrung Wrung
Writr ‫يفلح‬ Wrote Written

Answer :Q(A)
a-turned down b-deal with c-wake up
d-hold up e-hand in f-put up with
Answer Q(B)
1- e 2- d 3- f 4- b 5- a 6- c
Answer Q(C)
1-Call on 2- But on 3- Look for 4- Broke out 5- Carry on 6- Give up


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