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End of Q1 Reflections

End of quimester reflections may take many forms, as outlined below.

Regardless of which type of reflection you have chosen, the reflections
must be submitted to the CAS coordinator by the deadline detailed on the
year 12 instruction sheet. Whichever form of reflection you choose, you
should try to address the questions outlined on this form.
I have chosen to reflect on my CAS experience for quimester 1 by:
Completing this form
Making a scrapbook
Photo essay
Video/ DVD
Recorded group discussion
Notes from group discussion
What did you plan to do this quimester?
All my activities were planned in detail in order for me to complete them

What did you do?

All sort of things such as football, walking dogs, helping the poor, piano etc

What do you think about the activities you completed this quimester?
I think all the activities that were done was a success for me and for the

Continued overleaf

What feelings arose during the activities completed this quimester?

Lots of feeling came to mind such as stress, inpatients, frustration,
happiness etc

What were the outcomes of the activities you completed, for yourself?
I learnt self -discipline and time management

What were the outcomes of the activities you completed, for others?
Compassion, happiness, care, love, stress etc

Was there value for the school or the wider/ global community from any
activities? Explain.
As I went to give toys and candy for the children I felt like I was helping
more than just one person, I was helping a family and community due to
the happiness a present and hug gave, so people with low resources were
the global issue

How will you proceed next quimester? Which activities will you continue
with? Why? Which will you not continue with? Why? Are there any areas
of growth you wish to focus on next quimester?
I will continue with football because this sport is my passion, I will continue
with piano due to the love I have for the instrument, but I will start new
projects such as cleaning parks, walking dogs, helping stores etc. I will
have to improve upon patient and time management due to the difficulties
I faces this quimester.

Continue on another page if needed.

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