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Beginning improvement
Kaizen: the right
approach t o
Ken C. E. Lewis
IFS InternationalLtd
I995,42pp, f22.95
ISBN 0 859070 2 I 3
Kaizen is a Japanese word
meaning continuous improvement and has been the key to
Japans secret of success for over
three decades. The application
of kaizen is equally effective
in manufacturing or service
industries regardless of the size
of the organisations. The
phdosophy of kaizen challenges
the status quo and the traditional
approach to management.
Rather than relying on
innovation and generally high
level of capital investment that
goes with it over a longer time

frame, the kaizen approach is for trained to encourage mass common practice. Kaizen is done
small steps ofimprovement, done participation by employees to to improve quality, reduce cost
by everybody, everyday, without complete kaizen ideas. Unlike and deliver on time, significantly
spendmg much money.
suggestion impacting the bottom line.
The book starts with an schemes all ideas are welcomed
Overall the book is a joy to
explanation of kaizen and how it and the teams are encouraged to read, written in plain Enghh
can be introduced as part of a implement them with token without jargon and has a touch
management menetary rewards. Over time, of humour through cartoons
Kaizen the concept of continuous to maintain interest. It is too
replaces the traditional suggestion improvement becomes the elementary for companies that
encourages culture of the company and have already embarked on kaizen,
employees at all levels to put kaizen champions from different however, it is ideal for anyone
forward improvement ideas to departments work together to with no prior knowledge and
wishing to introduce kaizen into
eliminate waste, however small make the process selfsustaining.
The author, Ken Lewis, is a their organisations quickly.
they might be-and
generating cost practitioner of kaizen, having Priced at A22.95 one would
savings. The foundation of introduced it into his own expect a more in-depth version,
kaizen relies on commitment manufacturing company and his but the book is part of the highly
from the top and people working passion speaks volumes through- successful series of Becoming the
in teams within a non-blaming, out the book whlch contains best reports and is aimed at busy
many case studies with illustra- managerswho are likely to read it
non-judgmental environment.
Within 42 pages covering tions and results from the first and do kaizen.
eight chapters the author explains 100 kaizen. The word may be
step by step how to get started in Japanese but kaizen is simply
Managing director
kaizen award schemes and how common sense and the challenge
Goldrite Metal Finishing Ltd
team leaders are selected and for the organisation is to make it

Training tool
workshops for
Victor Gilgeous
Gower PublishingLtd.
I995,309pp, f I30
ISBN 0 566075 I8 0

for company
programmes, but are then used to
develop existing manufacturing
management skills or to apply
other management experienceto
the specifics of manufacturing.
The manual is split into three
parts, each containing a series of

I was slightly surprised to receive

a four ring binder rather than a
standardtextbook but, on inspection, realised that ths publication
is primarily intended as teaching
material for MBA type courses or
internal management develop,ment programmes. The ring
binder format is necessary due to
the inclusion of handouts, overhead slides, worksheets and other
similar material.
When applied to student
courses the material is directed
towards introducing and improving understanding of manufacturing management through a
series of interactive workshops.
These same workshops are used

strategy -

covering the corporate objectives

of strategy, competitive advantage, change management etc;


covering the criteria that gain

you competitive advantage such
as speed, quality, dependability,
flexibility and cost:,

key activity areas -activities

that support the performance
objective goals including product
design, the supply chain, resource
For each of the 15 workshop
sections the intention is inter-


action for the participants, and

the leader is assisted in
preparation and planning by a
clear introduction detailing the
workshop purpose, plan for
presenting the material, the
expected duration (around 1% to
3% hours), group size (two or
three groups of up to six people)
and the resources required. Each
page of the workshops is then
clearly identified as a master for
an overhead slide, group
handout, trainers notes or task
sheet for the group.
At the end of each of the three
main parts there is a further
workshop that brings together d
of the issues raised in that part.
Whilst the whole binder looks
daunting at first sight its use
soon becomes clear and it oEers a
good manufacturing foundation
course. It is limited in scope to
the hndamental concepts of
manufacturing,but that is not to
say it is basic as the interactive
approach will inevitably provoke
discussion to a depth appropriate
to the participants. Many

experienced managers would

appreciate the content as a means
of provokmg discussion or
sharing ideas and it should be
remembered that it is a training/
development source and not a
reference book.
The cost is high but, given that
it is to be presented to a group,
the value for money is actually
very good compared to the costs
of attending external courses of
this scope. Not necessarily
something for everyones shelf
but a good purchase for manufacturing department or section
heads, training leaders or anyone
wishing to develop their manufacturing team.
Manufacturing Engineer is
always looking for people to

act as book reviewers.

Please send your name and
address, together with
subjects for which you are
willing to review books, to:
The Editor, Manufacturing
Engineer, Michael Faraday
House, Six Hills Way,
Stevenage, Herts SG1 2AY


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