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When referring to the auto parts manufacturing sector is reasonable to consider

both product supplies to complete the rough product - installation (by providers
approved by car manufacturers) and those intended to meet the need for spare
parts for maintenance and repair required by the specific system (internal and
external network service) and the fund market (open market). In this context, the
automotive industry has been resized and reconsidered in order to be able to
provide the necessary quantities and assortments, thus giving a new impetus to the
entrepreneurs in the horizontal industry profile. Thus, considering the weight of two
structural elements in volume export value of automotive (cars and auto parts),
which in 2011 accounted for over 18% of the total Romanian exports, confirming the
strategic importance of the automotive manufacturing sector national economy.
The unprecedented development of the automotive industry at European level
recorded in last 3 decades has relied on continually expanding domestic demand
driven in turn by internal factors such as increasing motorization in European
countries and rapid rejuvenation of the fleet, on the one hand the spectacular
growth of markets emerging (Asian markets, especially the Chinese), on the other
According to the latest statistics published by the European Association Motor
Vehicle Manufacturers (ACEA), the annual turnover achieved by companies
European industry amounted to over 843 in 2013 billion, representing 6.6% of EU
gross domestic product. The automotive industry operates through areas include
economic with a high share of gross value added (154.3 billion euro in
2013,European Union).
Meanwhile, the automotive sector has a very important contribution to the balance
of European states trade in exports / imports in the automotive field level Europe
recorded significant surpluses year after year (Euro 95.1 billion in 2013). European
car industry pays attention to comply with national policies and European
environment. Thus, efforts have been made towards reducing the amount of
emissions of greenhouse gases by creating a low engines fuels, while increasing
technical performance of new vehicles and development of electric vehicles.
Remarkable progress was also made in towards increasing the safety of passengers
and other road users and improving passenger comfort. These technological
developments have been made possible thanks to investments Considerable
research, development and innovation made by major European companies
automotive sector. According to statistics published by the European Association
Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, investments in R & D made by companies auto
industry in 2013 totaled 32 billion euros, representing 3.8% of turnover business
carried out by this sector. Almost 10 thousand patents are registered annual
European car industry. This sustained investment effort afforded of remarkable
technological advances that make the automotive industry one of the main vectors
increasing the competitiveness of European economies and strengthening
leadership in auto production.

Some statistical figures are relevant to show the importance of the sector's
contribution auto create jobs and increase employment levels in European
countries. In 2013, working in the automotive industry in Europe - direct or related
industrial activities - about 3 million people. Other employees 9.8 million operating
in other economic sectors directly related to the automotive industry (sales, rentals,
maintenance, repair, road transportation, road construction, etc.). In total, 12.9
million people are engaged in economic activities in connection with the automotive
Explozia vanzarilor de masini noi, la care se adauga cresterea sustinuta a celor second hand si scumpirea
pieselor de schimb, va determina cresterea treptata a valorii pietei pieselor auto pana la nivelul de 800 mil.
euro in 2007 si 1 mld. euro in 2008.
Piata a fost impulsionata pana anul trecut mai mult de masinile noi. Acum la un nivel stabil, influentat mai mult de
importurile de masini second hand decat de cele noi, care manifesta o necesitate frecventa de inlocuire a
consumabilelor, segmentul prezinta un ritm de dezvoltare evaluat la aproximativ 30% de la an la an. "Tinand cont de
cifra de afaceri a jucatorilor de pe piata romaneasca si de numarul de autovehicule din import inregistrate, estimam
valoarea pietei pieselor auto din Romania la un miliard de euro pentru anul 2008, fata de 800 milioane de euro in
anul 2007"
Estimarea se ba-zeaza si pe datele publicate de tari din Uniunea Europeana unde consumul mediu de piese per
masina este de circa 350 de euro pe an, comparativ cu Romania, unde statisticile indica un consum mult mai mare.
De asemenea saltul pietei a fost alimentat, pe langa cererea tot mai mare adusa de cresterea parcului auto, si de
cresterea pretului componentelor, motivata de cresterea valorii intrinseci a pieselor datorita gradului de complexitate
Piata acumulatorilor este considerata de cele mai multe ori ca punct de referinta in primul rand datorita faptului ca
reprezinta, cu o valoare de peste 40 de milioane de euro, cea mai mare parte a segmentului de piese auto. Pe de
alta parte efectul cresterii pretului este mai usor de cuantificat in cazul acumulatorilor dat fiind ca unul dintre
componentele de baza, plumbul, este cotat pe bursele internationale ale metalelor. Chiar daca cele mai mari investitii
si cele mai multe unitati de productie au fost realizate de catre producatorii straini de componente auto, care au luat
cu asalt in special orasele din vestul tarii, ponderea individuala a acestor jucatori in valoarea totala a pietei de
componente auto este redusa deoarece in proportie de peste 80% productia lor ia drumul exportului

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