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Applying the Law of Attraction to Get Physically Fit

When applying the Law of Attraction (LOA) to get physically fit, you use a lot of the same tools and
techniques that youd use to attract any goal.
You shift your thoughts and
feelings, raise your energy around
the subject, and focus on what you
want rather than on what you
dont want.
You believe that its possible and
you act as though youve already
achieved your goal.
Once you know what your goal is,
you can begin to apply the LOA to
achieving it.
You need to visualize what it would
be like to already have what you want.
Think about how the experience will feel. If you want to drop extra weight or improve your strength,
visualize your body as being lean and strong.
Dont stop with just thinking about what your body will look like. See your body being active. What does
it look like as you walk, hike, swim, kayak, etc.?
Then feel your body hiking through the woods or cycling down the street. Notice your muscles
responding and your steady breathing as you move through your day.
Set small goals along the way. Whether you want to be able to run a 10k or a marathon, visualize your
success at that and at smaller events too. Olympic athletes know the importance of visualizing their
success. They think about what it feels like to be in that stadium long before their race, at the starting
blocks and rounding each curve -- even if theyve never physically been there before.
Your mind is extraordinarily powerful and your body responds to your mind. If you visualize running that
10k, your body actually responds as if youre already running it.
Of course that doesnt mean you avoid training your body too. You need to, but dont focus on the
grind. Instead, focus on feeling strong and on your achievements. Its important to set small, realistic
goals that you can complete.
You also need to be aware that every day you devote to training and visualizing, you grow stronger.
Every time you do the same thing over, the task gets easier. And you need to do what you can to make it
fun because that energy will help to attract what you want.

Make it fun by including games and silliness or by joining others -- whether you choose to train or
exercise with family or a group of friends. If running on a treadmill seems boring to you, then dont do it.
There are plenty of fun ways to achieve fitness. Take some time to try a variety of activities and do what
feels good to you. Dont worry about being good at anything either, unless your goal is to become a
professional athlete.
You can get just as fit having fun as you can through drudgery, so choose to have fun. Not only will you
get fit, but youll be much more likely to stick with your routine, attracting long-lasting fitness into your
life. Before you know it, the outer you will match the inner you and youll be amazed at all the things
you can do that you couldnt before.
For more, please visit

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