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(Luke 12:13-15)
June 14, 2015
Intro Col 3:1, If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things
that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Jack Benny
was an old comedian who represented himself as a tightwad. One famous skit
had Jack accosted by an armed robber who orders, Okay, Mister, your
money or your life. There is a long pause during which Jack says nothing,
until the robber waves his gun and says, Well? Jack replies, Dont rush
me. Im thinking. Im thinking! Its funny only because it illustrates the
truth that its easy for money to get a strangle hold on people.
Give you an example. Boston U sociologist, Juliet Schor, reports that 1/3 of
households with over $100,000 income agree with the statement: I can
afford to buy everything I really need. That means 2/3 of all houses making
over $100,000 say they do NOT make enough money to buy all they need. So
the wealthiest people in the wealthiest country in world history think they
cant afford what they need. In other words, covetousness and greed drives
our existence and we dont even know it.
Given that tendency, its not surprising that Jesus had something to say about
money. In fact, He had a lot to say about it more than any other single
subject. He taught that it is an index of a persons character even an evidence
of salvation. It was when Zaccheus was ready to open his tainted pocket book
to reimburse those he had cheated that Jesus affirms, Today salvation has
come to this house (Lu 19:9). His attitude toward money was evidence of a
transformed heart.
Money is a concrete substitute for God. It is tangible. Money talks and we
listen, often to our own destruction. The Bible does not forbid the possession
of money. Deut 8:18 teaches God gives you power to get wealth. I Tim
6:17: Its God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. The Bible
presents many wealthy believers. I think God loves to find people He can
trust with money. But the Bible does warn against loving money making it a
focus. I Tim 6:10, For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is
through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced
themselves with many pangs. When we cross the line from money as useful
to money as focus of our existence then we fall. And few of us can keep from
crossing that line if we have more than we need. The Bible makes a promise

in the regard: He who loves money will not be satisfied with money (Ecc
5:10). The best way not to enjoy money is to want to make it a priority.
When asked how much is enough, filthy rich John D. Rockefeller replied,
Just a little bit more. Its the easiest trap in the world to fall into because we
all think we can manage it; and before you know it, it manages us. We fool
ourselves like the judge who said to the thief: I note that in addition to
stealing money, you took watches, rings and pearls. Yes, your honor, he
replied. I was taught money alone doesnt bring happiness. That guy was
self-packaged for destruction.
So this brief twopart series Money Matters from Lu 12:13-21. Five
points: Inquiry, Indictment, Instruction, Illustration and Insight.

The Inquiry (13)

A. Hes prioritizing now instead of eternity

Now, get the picture. Jesus has been preaching about profound spiritual
realities the absolute necessity to confess Jesus publically; the possibility of
an unpardonable sin; the need to fear God as the One who can destroy both
body and soul in hell. I mean Heavy truth! Groundbreaking reality, right?
And suddenly hes interrupted with Teacher, tell my brother to divide the
inheritance with me. Are you kidding me? Jesus is addressing major eternal
life and death issues and this guy wants his money. He cant have been
listening and come up with this. Hes like someone sitting thru church and all
theyre thinking about is the ballgame afterward, right? Or dinner, or work or
whatever. Hes oblivious to reality.
Did he have a valid claim to the money? We dont know. But its clear there is
a family squabble going on. Occasionally rabbis would adjudicate such
matters. So, hes looking for help. You can almost sense his impatience.
Drumming his fingers! How long is this guy going to go on!? At his
earliest opportunity, without prelude or explanation he interjects, Teacher [to
get his attention], tell my brother to divine the inheritance. Its not even a
request; its a command. He is driven by crass materialism; completely
indifferent to weighty spiritual realities. His only reality is the inheritance.
Now, is God interested in his inheritance? Yes, Beloved, He is. If He takes
note of every sparrow that falls, He is certainly interested in this mans
inheritance. But this man has made inheritance his ultimate reality. He is
making the monumental mistake of prioritizing now over eternity. Know

anyone like that? Such a common mistake. So easy to fall into. We forget how
short now is and how long eternity is.
John Wayne was 71 when he appeared with Barbara Walters. She asked how
he liked watching his old movies. He replied, Its kind of irritating to see I
was a good-looking 40-year-old then look in the mirror and see this 71-yearold. Im not squawking. I just want to be around for a long time. He barely
made it to 72. Now is short; eternity is long. AND you cant take it with
you. In England they have a quaint little custom. When someone dies, the
probate court sends details to the local paper which publishes how much is left
and to whom. One day, Stuart Briscoe, a British pastor living in Milwaukee,
was back home. His father was reading the Westmoreland Gazette one
morning when he called to his wife, Mrs. Jones has died. Stuarts mom
replied, Oh, really, how much did she leave? His father quickly replied,
Everything. She left everything. And so will we all. Thats why its a fools
errand to prioritize now over eternity. If you are going to exist there that
long, it only makes sense to make preparation, right? If then you have been
raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at
the right hand of God.
B. Hes using Jesus instead of worshiping Jesus
Another sign of the fool. He was hiding from himself listening for others
rather than himself. See, I dont think he came primarily to command Jesus to
divide the inheritance because Jesus was a rabbi. I think he came because he
knows something that jumps out at you if you read the gospels or even Luke
in one sitting. Youd be amazed at how Jesus talks about money more than any
other single subject except Himself. He talks about money relentlessly. Most
of Luke 12 is about money. Its there in Lu 3:14 when Jn Baptist advises, Do
not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, and be
content with your wages. Its there in Lu 9 and 10 when Jesus sends His
followers out with no money. Its in the parable in Lu 8, all thru Lu 16, 19.
Eleven of 39 parables of Jesus are about money 28%. Someone has
estimated that 20-25% of the time Jesus opened His mouth He was talking
about money, riches, possessions and the right use of them. Thats why this
man commanded Jesus, You need to help my brother with this!
Ever hear a sermon and think, Boy, I wish so and so could hear this? That
thought ever cross your mind? Well, thats what this man did. Hed heard
Jesus say, Be generous, and he thinks, Man, my brother needs to hear

this, so he interrupts Jesus teaching on paramount issues to demand, Tell

my brother to divide the inheritance. Your teaching on generosity is
fabulous. So tell my brother; hes holding out on me. He didnt even realize
how he was revealing his own earthbound heart. He doesnt love Jesus; He
wants to use Him. To him Jesus just a cash machine his meal ticket. He
doesnt want Jesus; he wants his money.
A family was visiting St. Patricks Cathedral in NYC when they came to the
candle section. Mom explained that these were not birthday candles but that it
was customary to say a prayer of thanks or petition when lighting one. All the
kids lit one and Mom asked, Do you have any questions. Five-year-old
Amy replied, No but if theres a pony on the steps outside, its mine.
How often does Jesus get treated that way often by us. People come to
Christ only as the answer to their money problems, or the solution to a failing
marriage or the provider of a job. Hes just a fixer-upper, not a Lord. The see
Jesus as the means to a greater end! Thats a problem. See Jesus is the end.
There is no greater! How do you see Him as the end or just as the means to
an end an idolatrous end?!
Such people dont love Jesus; they love His blessings. As long as He antes up
with what we want, were in. Otherwise, count us out. Were like the young
lady who sent out invitations to her birthday party: The honor of your p-r-es-e-n-t-s is requested. Thats how many see Jesus the great Santa in the
sky. They dont want the Lord of the Bible who promised persecution and
hardship rather than presents. Jesus doesnt do presents not under those
circumstances. His gifts are reserved for those who come for His sake alone -those who can say like Paul, that I may know him and the power of his
resurrection, and may share his sufferings (Phil 3:10). Thats who Jesus
comes to those who want Him more than any gift. Anything less is idol
worship. Jesus is looking for Jesus-worshippers.

The Indictment (14) [prohibition, rejection]

Now Jesus refuses this man in no uncertain terms. His comment is strong a
rebuke; Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you? So why the
refusal? Throughout the gospels, Jesus claims to be the judge. He says the
judgment wont happen until he comes back, and then he will be the Judge,
and he will sit on the throne of the universe, and the nations will be gathered
at his feet, and he will divide the sheep from the goats, and all that. But more
importantly, right here in chapter 12 He says He is a divider. See the word

arbitrator? Its literally divider. Im not your divider. But now

look at vv. 49-53 and Jesus says, I did come to divide. He says, I came to
cast fire on the earth. And as a result it will be father divided (same word)
against son and mother against daughter. Jesus came to divide people. How do
you explain that contradiction? Great question. So first, how does He divide?
The reason He divides people is because He is always talking about Himself.
How would you like someone who is constantly interrupting you and saying,
Well, enough about you. Lets talk about me? Jesus was always doing that.
It would be insufferable in a normal person, but Jesus had to do so. He came
to open up heaven to earth; Hes the lynchpin to the whole thing. All of life
comes down to one question: What have you done with Christ? With Him
we have redemption, forgiveness, cleansing, heaven; well outshine the stars;
we have everything. Without Him we have nothing nothing at all of eternal
value. So He had to talk about Himself, but, man, that is a divisive subject.
We all know that. It divides families right down the middle because someone
who made the claims that Christ made is a natural divider. He was saying
Choose me and live or reject me and die. We have to bow in worship and
say, Command me, or we reject Him. Thats divisive!
So how can He say one moment, Im not a divider, and the next moment, I
am a divider? Heres what He means. He means, I did not come for this
kind of division or this kind of judgment. If youre asking me to divide your
inheritance BEFORE you ask me to divide your life, you dont understand
me. You dont get my mission. Then He says in v. 15, Take care, and be on
your guard against all covetousness, for ones life does not consist in the
abundance of his possessions. Literally, You do not exist in your
possessions. Your life is not those things. My mission is to tell you what life
is what it really consists of. Im here to point you to reality. Your reality
possessions -- will disappear almost before you get it. Mine will last forever.
Say it another way: Im not here to get you things you think will make your
life. Im here to BE your life!
We come to Jesus like this: Im thinking of becoming a Christian. I have a
lot of investments. Lord, tell the stock market to stop fluctuating. Im
thinking of becoming a Christian. Lord, tell him or her to marry me. Im
thinking of becoming a Christian. Lord, stop the hail and give me a great
crop this year. Im thinking of becoming a Xn. Lord, tell the critics Im a
great artist, great singer, great businessman, great student, great teacher

Lord, fix my problem! In essence were saying, Lord, I see youre a great
person and I want to know you, so get me the thing that I know is my life.
Meanwhile Jesus is saying, No, no, no. Youre on the wrong level. Thats
not why I came. I didnt come to give you the things that you think make up
your life. I have come to be your life. I have come to set your life on fire to
revolutionize you from the inside out. I have not come to help you get your
agenda; Ive come to be your agenda. Youre into now. Im all about
eternity. I didnt come to divide up your toys. Ive come to divide you from
your toys anything that would keep you from me. I came to be your life.
Now understand. Jesus isnt saying, Give me your money; give me your
things. If you give Him your money before you give Him your life, its
death. A lot of people do. They give their money to build orphanages and
hospitals and shelters and money to build churches. Then they say, Maybe
now God will accept me. But thats death, Beloved. You cant buy God. He
doesnt want your money; He wants you and then Hell have your money,
too. Thats how it works. Thats the only way it works. When Jesus said,
Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you [for now issues]? thats
what He was saying. He was indicting him: You have your priorities all
backwards. I cant help you with now until you come to me for forever.
Conc When someone sticks a gun in your face and says, Your money or
your life, dont be caught saying, Im thinking, Im thinking. Get the
issue settled now. Learn to think of the long term. Learn to think in eternal
terms. Offer a child some candy or a banknote hell choose the candy every
time, right? No perspective. Thinking only in terms of now. But thats a
child. Dont be a child in eternal issues.
John Newton illustrated this way in the 18th century. He said, Suppose a man
was going to New York to take possession of a large estate. Hes inherited
millions. Suppose his carriage should break down one mile before he got to
the city. So he has to walk the one remaining mile to claim the inheritance.
What a fool we would think him if we saw him wringing his hands and
blubbering out all the remaining mile, My carriage is broken. My carriage
is broken. What a fool, but no more so than the man who wanted to use
Jesus to get his inheritance instead of bowing at his feet and claiming him as
Lord and Savior. Dont use Him, Beloved; Treasure Him! If then you have
been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated
at the right hand of God. Lets pray.

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