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iWorld Gym

Issue 1 May - June 2015


10 Minute
HIIT Workout

7 Reasons
to Train Via Webcam.
Vegetarian Burgers

Reasons to start meditating


7 Reasons to Train Via



Why Your Workout Should

Be High-Intensity.


10 Minutes HIIT Workout.


Burpee Exercise


Vegan Athlete of the Year



5 Reasons to start
meditating now.


Ways Food Aects Your Mood.


20 Delicious Vegan Burgers.


The Myth of Complementary


Workout app. More detailed

measurement when you
need it most.

Editor In Chief
Cynthia Le Bosse,

Associate Editor
Laurent Le Bosse,

Art Director
Laurent Le Bosse,
Cynthia Le Bosse,
iWorld Gym,

7 Reasons to Train Via Webcam

Can a guy viewing me
on a screen from miles
away eectively train
me ?

By Dean:
Training via webcam is relatively new, and its natural to have a few questions
about webcam training (or remote training, as I call it). There are concerns about
technical things, of course, such as being able to figure out whatever google
extension or program you need to download in order to participate. Theres also
concern with sound and video; will the quality be high enough that I can see and
hear? Then of course there is the biggest concern:

It was a question that I had when I first

started training other people via webcam.
At that point, I had about a year and a half of
group training experience, and I felt confident
that I would be able to conduct and eective
and informative training session via webcam.
Frankly, I was shocked by how eective it
was. It was easy to give people praise on
what they were doing correctly, and to notice
what they could improve on. Not only was it
eective for the trainee, but it made me a
better trainer. I was no longer able to provide
a physical adjustment to help someone into
position. I had to have the communicative
ability to explain in detail just what the
person on the other end of the webcam
needed to do. More importantly, it
empowered the other person to learn for
themselves what they needed to do, instead
of being shoved into proper position.
That being said, I want to list a few of the
other advantages found in webcam training. I
know that many of you may be or have
already considered web training, and I want
to help assuage your concerns. (If not to train
with me, then just so that in the future you
will consider it if you find a trainer you like
who oers remote training / training via

1) No geographical restrictions.
You can train with a professional ANYWHERE there is an internet connection. That is huge. That means that even when youre
on a business trip, stuck inside because of a snowstorm, or at a family members house for the holidays, you are still able to
train with your normal trainer.

2) Any trainer.

3) Less wasted time.

are saving all of those precious

You can train with the trainer that you

You are BUSY. You know it, I know it,

want that oers training via webcam,

and the whole world knows it.

even if you currently live in

Wouldnt it to be nice to have an extra

Afghanistan and your desired trainer

half hour (or even a full hour) to

lives in Texas. (True story.) I have

yourself every workout day? Training

Gyms are great. You make friends. You

worked with people in Ireland,

via webcam makes that possible.

have conversations with people. You

Afghanistan, South Africa, the UK,

Have you ever considered how much

flex in the mirror. But theres also a lot

Italy, Pakistan, and Canada. You are

time it takes to go to the gym? Think

of bullshit that goes with gyms.

no longer restricted to the trainers

about the time is takes you to put

Judge-y people. Incessant chatters.

that live within 30 minutes of your

everything you need into your gym

Un-mopped sweat. Foul odors. Sta

work or home. You can choose

bag, go outside and get in the car,

infection (seriously). And people

anybody you frickin want. The

drive to the gym, and put your stu in

flexing in the mirrors. You can avoid

internet helps you locate

a locker all before you even start

that by remote training.

professionals that do business in a

your warm-up. Now multiply that by

way that jives well with your interests

two. If you can do that in less than 20

and preferences, and this is no

minutes, kudos. If not, then you are a

dierent when looking for a trainer

normal person. If you travel in rush


hour, that gym travel time could be

minutes and focusing your other time

even longer. By training at home, you

on the other things that matter to you.

4) No gym bullshit.

5) Hands-o experience.

webcam pay nothing except their

monthly internet cost. By working

One of the advantages of training in

directly with trainers who teach via

person is that the trainer can

webcam, you are working with a

physically adjust you into the correct

trainer that feels more valued,

position. When training via webcam,

meaning that he or she provides a full-

this is not an option. Instead, youll

ass (not half-ass) service, which

learn how to make the movement

means that you get better results.

yourself, without being babied into

position. The only disadvantage of this

7) Record button.

is having a trainer who does not have

adequate communication skills. Then

No more forgetting what your trainer

its time to find another trainer.

said. You can record your training

sessions! By using a program like

6) Happier trainers.

Google Hangouts on Air (or even a

simple program that records Skype

Trainers usually have to pay the gym

calls), you can view your training

they work at in order to train people.

session over and over again, revisiting

Depending on the gym, they could be

techniques that were dicult to

making just a fraction of what youre

understand and need more review, or

actually paying them. (A trainer friend

go back to a certain point to measure

of mine works at a gym that charges

your progress or improvement. You

$70/hour, but she only makes $30 of

build a virtual library of training

it.) Conversely, trainers who train via


Hands-o experience.
youll learn how to make
the movement yourself

Why Your Workout Should

Be High-Intensity.
By Jane E. Brody:

Researchers have found that

repeatedly pushing the body close to

its exercise limits for very brief


periods, interspersed with periods of


rest, is more eective than

Many people with chronic health

problems resign themselves to lives
of modest activity or no activity at all,

continuous moderate activity at

improving cardiovascular, respiratory,
metabolic and mechanical functions.

thinking vigorous exercise is unsafe

Instead of continuous movement for

or that they lack the stamina for it.

20 or more minutes, as is typical for

But recent studies are proving just

exercise walkers, joggers and

the opposite.

cyclists, HIIT usually involves 30 to 60

They are showing that high-intensity

exercise may be even better than
regular aerobic activities for many
patients with conditions like heart
disease, diabetes, stroke, pulmonary
disease, arthritis and Parkinsons
The studies strongly suggest that a
more demanding but more ecient
and often more enjoyable form of
exercise known as high-intensity
interval training, or HIIT, is not only
safe for most patients but more
eective at preventing or reversing
the deficits associated with many
chronic ailments.
Although once reserved for athletes
seeking a competitive advantage and
for healthy people wanting to burn
more body fat, HIIT is now being
studied as a treatment that is
sometimes as eective as
medication for many people with
chronic health problems.

seconds of exercise near the peak of

a persons ability, followed by a
comparable recovery period of easy
activity, with the sequence repeated
for a total of about 20 minutes three
times a week.
We know that exercise is good for
people at risk of chronic disease, but
people tend not to exercise, said
Jonathan P. Little, a specialist in
exercise physiology at the University
of British Columbia at Okanagan. Yet
he and other researchers report that
study participants find interval
training more enjoyable than
continuous aerobic exercise, making
it more likely that people will
continue it on their own.
Various activities can be adapted to
interval training, including cycling,
swimming, walking and jogging,
especially on a machine like a
stationary bike or treadmill. But HIIT
is possible indoors and out, for
example by alternating sprints with
more moderate exercise.

Researchers have found

that repeatedly pushing
the body close to its
exercise limits for very
brief periods,
interspersed with
periods of rest, is more
eective than
continuous moderate

The intensity is tailored to an

arteries that are more elastic than

smoothly through arteries that are

individuals starting ability. The

continuous moderate exercise can

wide open, which also reduces the

high-intensity component is set at


risk of a vessel-blocking clot.

maximum aerobic capacity, Dr.

Weve seen, for example, that

The bodys ability to use oxygen

Little said. Researchers commonly

interval training is remarkably

eciently improves markedly after

use exercise bikes and treadmills to

eective at lowering glucose levels

as little as two weeks of training

adjust the pace mechanically.

in people with diabetes, Dr. Little

with HIIT, the researchers wrote.

80 to 90 percent of the persons

said in an interview. Just one

Peak oxygen uptake the amount

However, high-intensity exercise,

session improves a persons

of oxygen an individual can use

even just half a minute at a time, is

glucose level.

during intense exercise is

not appropriate for everyone. In a

considered the best indicator of

recent report in the American

A 12-week controlled study in

cardiovascular fitness and an

College of Sports Medicines Health

Denmark of high-intensity interval

independent predictor of illness and

& Fitness Journal, Dr. Little; his wife,

walking for patients with Type 2

death in cardiac patients.

Mary E. Jung, also at the University

diabetes showed it helped control

of British Columbia; and Marcus W.

blood glucose levels better than

Too many people think incorrectly

Kilpatrick of the University of South

continuous moderate exercise, even

that high-intensity exercise is only

Florida wrote that HIIT is only

though the same number of calories

for athletes, that its a heart attack

appropriate for low-risk individuals,

was expended by both groups.

waiting to happen, Dr. Little said.

moderate-risk individuals who have

Interval training also was more

On the contrary, the research

been cleared for vigorous intensities

eective at enhancing the patients

strongly suggests, it is more likely to

by a medical professional, and high-

physical fitness and reducing body

reduce the risk of a heart attack.

risk individuals who are under direct

fat relative to lean muscle tissue.

medical supervision during exercise


By making blood vessels better able

Among the physiological benefits of

cardiovascular systems ability to

HIIT are the bodys increased ability

respond to added exertion. Oxygen-

to use oxygen and insulin, as well as

carrying blood can flow more

to expand, HIIT can improve the

In a 2012 report reviewing the

this month in BioPortfolio, stroke

on a stationary bike had a global

eects of HIIT in patients with

patients with residual weakness

benefit, improving both lower and

coronary artery disease and heart

enter a vicious cycle of limited

upper body function.

failure, researchers in Canada,

activity and deconditioning. But

France and Switzerland wrote that

while regular aerobic exercise can

Reductions in rigidity and stiness

HIIT appears safe and better

improve their function and

correlated with an increase in a

tolerated by patients than

cardiovascular health, preliminary

substance called brain-derived

moderate-intensity continuous

studies, including one in Trondheim,

neurotrophic factor, which the

exercise and more eective at

Norway, suggest that patients do

researchers suggested could have

increasing patients peak oxygen

even better with HIIT. The

stimulated the growth and function

uptake, blood vessel flexibility and

Norwegian team reported that the

of nerves normally influenced by

pumping ability of the heart.

improvements persisted for months

dopamine, the neurotransmitter that

after the six-week high-intensity

declines in Parkinsons disease.

Patients with chronic obstructive

exercise program ended.

pulmonary disease are often unable

to exercise long enough to gain

And Polish researchers

needed health benefits. But they can

demonstrated that HIIT could

do HIIT for long periods with less

alleviate the rigidity and excessive

shortness of breath and leg

muscle tone that makes it dicult

discomfort, researchers at the

for Parkinsons disease patients to

National and Kapodistrian University

move their arms and legs. The

of Athens have reported.

researchers, from the University

School of Physical Education in

Stroke patients with persistent

Krakow, Poland, showed in 11

disabilities can also benefit from

patients with mild to moderate

HIIT. As rehabilitation specialists at

Parkinsons symptoms that eight

the University of Cincinnati wrote

weeks of HIIT, three times a week,

Warm up:
During your Workout:

Block 1 (3 Sets)
Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:
Recovery active:

Block 2 (3 Sets)
Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:
Recovery active:

Realize before the 10 minutes HIIT workout a 5 minutes Warm up
Execution and posture never live

Mountain Climbing
Jog in place

30 Seconds or 6 Shuffles
30 Seconds or 20 reps
30 Seconds or 30 reps
30 Seconds

Time Block 1:

06 Minutes

Splid Squat Jumps

Side to Side
Spider Push Up
Jog in place

20 Seconds or 10 reps
20 Seconds or 30 reps
20 Seconds or 12 reps
20 Seconds

Time Block 2:

04 Minutes


How to Perform a Burpee



Burpees are a full body exercise which virtually work

Stand with your feet hip width apart and your arms down

every muscle in the body, this means that you can burn

by your side

more calories in a lot less time.

Lower into a squat position with your hands flat on the
You can do burpees almost anywhere as you are only

floor in front of you

using your own body weight.

Kick your legs backwards into a press up position and
They boost strength and endurance which will help with

lower your chest to the floor

everyday activities or enhance you further with physical

Push your chest back up to the press up position thrust


both feet forward so you are back in the squat position

Jump up and raise both hands over your head
Burpees are a full body exercise but here are just a few
of the muscles they work, deltoids, biceps, triceps,
pectorals major, obliques, abdominals, quadriceps,
gluteus maximus, hamstrings and gastrocnemius (calf)
just to name a few.


Life style

Athlete of the
Year 2014
Many of the most successful sportspeople worldwide are
now vegan. While they may dier in that they have decided
to go vegan to avoid animal cruelty, for their health, to
reduce environmental impact, or other reasons, they have
one large similarity. They have proved that excellence and
veganism often go together.
Myths still persist that state that it is not possible to be
vegan and be successful in sport. These myths do not have
a foundation in science, and athletes build muscle,
endurance and ability on plant sources and many go on to
achieve great things. The performance of these athletes is
proof that veganism can and does enable excellence.

Jim Morris, vegan bodybuilder



5 Reasons to Start Meditating Now

by Tiany Gagnon

minutes of daily meditation will help

you start to feel less rushed, more in

1) reduce stress

control, and reenergized,

Previously, the benefits of meditation

4 ) Improve Sleep quality

were merely products of speculation.

But now scientific evidence, top

A single sleepless night can impair

athletes, and the worlds most

brain function, mess with your eating

powerful people are singing its

habits, and screw up your immune

praises. From stress reduction and

system. According to the American

weight loss to increased energy and

Academy of Sleep Medicine, practicing

enhanced sleep, meditation could be

relaxation techniques during the

your most powerful prescription to

daytime, like incorporating small bouts

date. Oh, yeah, and its free.

of meditation, can improve sleep

Shut down your brain

for 10 to 20 minutes
every day and your life
will drastically change
for the better.

quality during the night. By regularly

2) Lose weight
Meditating for 30 minutes each day
reduces stress and, as a result, helps
prevent emotional eating, suggests
research from UC-San Francisco.

practicing meditation, not only will you

fall asleep faster, but you will also stay
asleep for longer and wake up feeling
more rested overall.
5) Boost immunity.

When you bring mindfulness into the

equation, youre able to rationally

A strong immune system comes from

assess how you're feelingwhether

a number of things: your diet, activity

youre hungry or just boredand make

levels, and sleep quality, to name a

eating choices accordingly.

few. What many people dont know is

that meditation has the power to

3) Boost energy
One of the best ways to fight fatigue is
to take some time each day to detach
yourself from all distractions. Kerry
Bajaj, a certified health coach at the
Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New
York City says, Meditation is going to
make you feel better because youre
disconnecting from all the stimulation
of life. Close your eyes and take

seriously boost immune function. A

study published in the journal
Psychosomatic Medicine found that
meditation can increase your body's
ability to ward o illness and infection.
If you feel a cold coming on, or
everyone in your oce is passing
around some wonky virus, take some
extra time each morning to disconnect
and build up your bodys defense.

several deep breaths. Just a few

Previously, the benefits

of meditation were
merely products of
speculation. But now
scientific evidence, top
athletes, and the
worlds most powerful
people are singing its
praises. From stress
reduction and weight
loss to increased
energy and enhanced
sleep, meditation could
be your most powerful
prescription to date. Oh,
yeah, and its free.





GET A FREE 14 DAY TRIAL:14-Day Trial includes a two week online workout plan, one live
webcam consultation and one Live Webcam Workout with your trainer.


Dynamic Core Strength Trainer




6 Ways Food Affects Your Mood

An unhealthy diet high in sugar and fat may be linked to poor mental health. Find out about the links between diet, mood, emotional
eating, and mental health. Can a sugar high make kids bounce o the walls? Most parents would swear to it. But according to Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center a Harvard teaching hospital numerous studies have failed to find the link between sugar and
hyperactivity. So is the food-mood link a myth? Not quite, but it's more about feelings.
The link between emotions and eating is no myth, says Sherry L. Pagoto, PhD, associate professor of preventive and behavioral
medicine at University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester. People do eat to feel better, so the link is there.


1. Unhealthy Diet and Depression

4. Blood Sugar and Schizophrenia

Long-term exposure to an unhealthy diet is a risk factor for

depression, according to the findings of a 2014 study in the
online journal PLoS One that looked at diet and depression in
3,663 people. What constituted an unhealthy diet, for purposes
of the study, was one that was high in sugar and processed

Could a serious mental health disorder like schizophrenia be

linked to blood sugar? Diabetes is more common in people
with schizophrenia," says Dr. Malhotra. "There are some older
studies that suggest a link between sugar metabolism and
schizophrenia. The link is not strong, but it is possible."

One of the symptoms used to diagnose depression is change

in appetite, so there certainly could be a link between diet and
depression, says Anil Malhotra, MD, director of psychiatric
research at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, N.Y.

Take, for instance, a 2006 study in the journal Diabetes Care,

which looked at the link between blood sugar and
schizophrenia. In that study, blood testing in 200 people with
schizophrenia found high blood sugar in 7 percent and
diabetes in more than 14 percent.

2. Sugar and Food Addiction

5. Diet Quality and Mental Health for Adolescents

Research also hints at a link between sugar and addictive

eating. For instance, a 2012 study published in the
International Journal of Eating Disorders found that, of 81
obese people seeking treatment for binge eating, 57 percent
met the criteria for food addiction. Foods that people were
addicted to were high in fat and high in sugar.

A 2014 study of more than 4,000 students in New Zealand

found that a high-quality diet was associated with better
mental health and a low-quality diet was associated with poor
mental health. The findings were published in the European
Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Not surprising, says Pagoto. When people crave foods, they

dont reach for carrot sticks. Sweets and fats trigger the same
pleasure centers in the brain that addictive drugs do.

The link between diet and mental health probably goes both
ways," Pagoto says. "If you have mental health issues, it may
make it harder for you to eat well. A poor diet may also
contribute to poor mental health."

3. The Sugar-Stress Connection

6. Mindful Eating for Better Mental Health

Stress causes your body to seek sugar as quick fuel for a

surge of energy, according to the American Psychological

Eating foods high in sugar to escape a bad mood is called

emotional eating," Pagoto says. "Mindful eating is the antidote
to eating for escape. To eat mindfully, you learn to eat slowly,
without distraction, and to savor the experience of healthy
food." Research bears this out. In a review of 21 studies on
mindful eating, published in the journal Obesity Reviews in
2014, 86 percent of the studies reported less binge eating and
less emotional eating when mindful practices were applied.

"That may be why many people eat sweets when they are
under stress," Pagoto says. "We teach people to use healthy
behaviors to reduce stress instead of food. One of the best
ways to reduce stress is with exercise. You can start to think
of exercise as not just a chore but a way to feel better."

By Chris Iliades, MD Reviewed by Pat F. Bass, III, MD, MPH

RELATED: 6 Conditions That Feel Like Clinical Depression But



20 Delicious Vegan Burger Recipes

Who doesn't love the comfort of biting into a crunchy, flavorful, ultimately satisfying veggie burger? Sure, from a health
perspective, we don't want to dive into a burger and fries for every meal, but some days you gotta' dance, am I right? While
packaged veggie burgers can be handy in a pinch, those made up fresh at home are by far the best tasting, most cost
eective, and have the best quality ingredients. From eggplant to chickpeas to potatoes and black beans, veggie burgers
boost us into the stratosphere of vegan awesomification. So go ahead: pick and choose or work your way down the list and
take you and your friends on a culinary adventure. The best thing about these burgers? They don't ruin the party for
everyone else! And there are so many options! I've compiled a list of yummy vegan burger/patty/fritter recipes. I'm sure
you'll be able to find at least one that peaks your fancy! I've tried about 10 of the 20 recipes...very delicious. Put them on a
piece of romaine lettuce or a salad if you want lighter fare.
Check out 20 great vegan burger recipes at:

Vegan Bean Burgers

Ingredients: (makes 6 burgers)
2 cans black beans (rinsed and drained)
2 carrots, grated
1/2 cup dry rolled oats
1/4 cup pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
To Prepare: Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Next, add the
oats and pepitas to your food processor and grind until
coarsely chopped (they will still be a little chunky). Let it
run for roughly 10 seconds. Grate the carrots, and then
add to your mixture in the food processor. Add 3/4 of
the beans, all spices, and the olive oil. Once all of this is
in the food processor, give it a whir and mix it all
Spoon mixture into a mixing bowl and then fold in the
rest of the whole, reserved beans. Wet your hands and
then form into 6 medium sized patties. Place patties on
a non-stick baking sheet or into a baking pan, and bake
at 300 degrees for 40 minutes, turning once in the
middle. If you want to grill these, pre-bake them for 30
minutes at 300, and then throw them on the grill to
reheat and get a little extra browning.
We pre-baked ours and did a final heat on the grill with
some veggies such a perfect summertime meal!
By Emily Malone


The Myth of
Complementary Protein.
By Je Novick, MS, RD
Recently, I was teaching a nutrition class and describing the adequacy of plant-based diets to meet human nutritional needs. A
woman raised her hand and stated, Ive read that because plant foods dont contain all the essential amino acids that humans
need, to be healthy we must either eat animal protein or combine certain plant foods with others in order to ensure that we get
complete proteins.
I was a little surprised to hear this, since this is one of the oldest myths related to vegetarianism and was disproved long ago.
When I pointed this out, the woman identified herself as a medical resident and stated that her current textbook in human
physiology states this and that in her classes, her professors have emphasized this point.
I was shocked. If myths like this abound not only in the general population but also in the medical community, how can anyone
ever learn how to eat healthfully? It is important to correct this misinformation, because many people are afraid to follow
healthful, plant-based, and/or total vegetarian (vegan) diets because they worry about incomplete proteins from plant sources.
How did this incomplete protein myth become so widespread?


The incomplete protein myth was

human requirements for each of the

acknowledging their error, Barbara

inadvertently promoted and

eight essential amino acids. They set

Howard, Ph.D., head of the Nutrition

popularized in the 1971 book, Diet for

the minimum amino acid requirement

Committee, replied on June 25, 2002

a Small Planet, by Frances Moore

equal to the greatest amount required

to Dr. McDougalls letter, stating

Lapp. In it, the author stated that

by any single person in their study.

(without a single scientific reference)

plant foods are deficient in some of

Then to arrive at the recommended

that the committee was correct and

the essential amino acids, so in order

amino acid requirement, they simply

that most [plant foods] are deficient

to be a healthy vegetarian, you

doubled the minimum requirements.

in one or more essential amino acids.

needed to eat a combination of

This recommended amount was

Clearly, the committee did not want to

certain plant foods at the same time in

considered a definite safe intake.

be confused by the facts.

acids in the right amounts. It was

Today, if you calculate the amount of

Maybe you are not surprised by this

called the theory of protein

each essential amino acid provided by

misconception in the medical


unprocessed plant foods and

community, but what about the

compare these values with those

vegetarian community?

order to get all of the essential amino

Lapp certainly meant no harm, and

determined by Rose, you will find that

her mistake was somewhat

any single whole natural plant food, or

understandable. She was not a

any combination of them, if eaten as

nutritionist, physiologist, or medical

ones sole source of calories for a day,

doctor; she was a sociologist trying to

would provide all of the essential

end world hunger. She realized that

amino acids and not just the minimum

converting vegetable protein into

requirements but far more than the

animal protein involved a lot of waste,

recommended requirements.

Susan Belsinger incorrectly stated,

just the plant protein, many more

Modern researchers know that it is

some but not all of the EAAs

could be fed. In the tenth anniversary

virtually impossible to design a

[essential amino acids], can be found

edition of her book (1981), she

calorie-sucient diet based on

in beans, legumes, grains, nuts and

retracted her statement and basically

unprocessed whole natural plant

green leafy vegetables. But because

said that in trying to end one myth

foods that is deficient in any of the

these foods do not contain all of the

the inevitability of world hungershe

amino acids. (The only possible

EAAs, vegetarians have to be smart

had created a second one, the myth of

exception could be a diet based solely

about what they eat, consuming a

the need for protein complementing.

on fruit). Pride and Prejudice

combination of foods from the

In this and later editions, she corrects

Unfortunately, the incomplete

her earlier mistake and clearly states

protein myth seems unwilling to die.

that all plant foods typically

In an October 2001 article on the

consumed as sources of protein

hazards of high-protein diets in the

contain all the essential amino acids,

medical journal Circulation, the

and that humans are virtually certain

Nutrition Committee of the American

of getting enough protein from plant

Heart Association wrote, Although

sources if they consume sucient

plant proteins form a large part of the


human diet, most are deficient in one

and she calculated that if people ate

Believe it or not, an article in the

September 2002 issue of Vegetarian
Times made the same mistake. In a
story titled Amazing Aminos, author
Incomplete proteins, which contain

dierent food groups. This is called

or more essential amino acids and are

Amino Acid Requirements

Behind the Times

therefore regarded as incomplete

proteins.1 Oops!

Where did the concept of essential

amino acids come from and how was

Medical doctor and author John

the minimum requirement for

McDougall wrote to the editor

essential amino acids derived? In

pointing out the mistake. But in a

1952, William Rose and his colleagues

stunning example of avoiding science

completed research to determine the

for convenience, instead of


food combining.
A Dangerous Myth
To wrongly suggest that people need
to eat animal protein for proper
nutrition encourages consumption of
foods known to contribute to the
incidence of heart disease, diabetes,
obesity, many forms of cancer, and
other common health problems.


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