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Nama : Ahmad Zaky Muyaman


: 14511359

Kelas : C ( Bahasa Inggris )

1. What is simple pasive voice ?

Passive voice adalah suatu grammatical contruktion (bentuk gramatikal) dimana
subject kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindak lanjuti
(receiver of action) oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik disebutkan ataupun
tidak. Sebaliknya, pada konstruksi active, subject berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan
bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat aktif dapat ditransformasi menjadi pasif, namun
hanya transitive verb (diikuti direct object) yang dapat diberlakukan demikian.
The passive voice is a grammatical construction (specifically, a "voice"). The noun or noun
phrase that would be the object of an active sentence (such as Our troops defeated the
enemy) appears as the subject of a sentence with passive voice (e.g. The enemy was defeated
by our troops).
The subject of a sentence or clause featuring the passive voice typically denotes the recipient
of the action (the patient) rather than the performer (the agent). The passive voice
in English is formed periphrastically: the usual form uses the auxiliary verb be (or get)
together with the past participle of the main verb.
For example, Caesar was stabbed by Brutus uses the passive voice. The subject denotes the
person (Caesar) affected by the action of the verb. The agent is expressed here with the
phrase by Brutus, but this can be omitted. The equivalent sentence in active voice is Brutus
stabbed Caesar, in which the subject denotes the doer, or agent, Brutus. A sentence featuring
the passive voice is sometimes called a passive sentence, and a verb phrase in passive voice is
sometimes called a passive verb.

2. What are the formula?

Formula :
S + Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle

3. Give example for formula!

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Someone knocked on
your door last night.

Your door was

knockedon last night.

Somebody has
used the computer
without permission

The computer has

been used without

You can view the

results on the web.

The final results can be

viewed on the web.

seldom dophysical
exercises regularly.

exercises areseldom do
ne regularly.

teacher instructedthe
students to solve the
math problem.

The students were

instructed to solve the
math problem.

Presspublished The
Enzyme Factor at the
first time in 2005.

The Enzyme Factor was

published at the first
time in 2005 by
Sunmark Press.

digunakan untuk memberi

penekanan pada object

I have to collect more

than 20,000 dollars to
buy the car.

More than 20,000

dollars have to be
collected** to buy the

digunakan sebagai variasi

pada tulisan. Misalnya
pelaku aksi telah
disebutkan pada kalimat

KPK investigators knew

that Neneng Sri
Wahyuni returned to
They arrestedthe
woman on June 13.

KPK investigators knew

that Neneng Sri
Wahyuni returned to
Indonesia. The
arrested on June 13.

digunakan ketikadoer of
action (pelaku aksi) tidak

digunakan ketikadoer of
action tidak penting untuk
disebutkan. Misalnya
karena pelaku aksi
tersebut sudah jelas / bisa
ditebak atau merujuk
kepada orang secara

Other example:

Andys car has been washed just now by himself

The fried chicken is being cooked by my mother
This house was purchased by me yesterday
We are taught by miss Janet everyday
5. The bill may be paid by credit card.

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