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Jason Moon

Jason Moon, Riko Reese


Carter Reid

Carter Reid, Art Williamson, Joseph Beck

Riko Reese, Dave Larsen, Eric Shell, Neal Pollard, Greta
Pollard, Chad Rapier, Jill Rapier, Aric Wieder, Dawn
Wildfong, Chris Doyscher, Katie Shannon, Matthew
Russell, Scott Willener, Ryan Campbell, John Fuentes,
Brady Anderberg, Mitch Winchester and Greyson
Special Thanks to Aric Wieder and his help with the
Vor Cultist.

Darren England

2004 IRON GOLEM GAMES. All Rights Reserved.

LEGACY are Trademarks of Iron Golem Games. All rights reserved.
D20 SYSTEM and the D20 SYSTEM logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20
System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS AND Wizards of the Coast are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission.
All rights reserved under international law. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or in whole, in any form or by any means, without
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Destiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CHAPTER 1: NEW CLASSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Barbarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cult Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Fixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Healer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Hedge Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Thief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Warrior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
CHAPTER 3: DYNAMIC SORCERY. . . . . . . . . . 36
Dynamic Magic Casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Dynamic Magic Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Spell List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
CHAPTER 4: FLAWS AND EDGES . . . . . . . . . . 40
Flaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Flaw & Edges List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Random Characteristics Table . . . . . . . . . . 50
Poisons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Poison Generation Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Sample Poisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Disease Generation Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Sample Herbs and Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Herb Generation Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Herbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Golem Centaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Body Type 1 Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Body Type 2 Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Body Type 3 Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Body Type 4 Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Golem Familiar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
CHAPTER 7: GODS OF LANNITH . . . . . . . . . . 70
Athora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Azersun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Broone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Eamcriss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Faja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Rathlorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Raztoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Sabble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Santra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Wornlorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
CHAPTER 8: NEW EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Magi War Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Rune Lance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
New Rune-Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Rune Stones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Sorcerer Wands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
CHAPTER 9: CULT OF VOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Eyless One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89



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System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid,
James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Refrence Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb,
Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Montee Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter
Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker..
Everstone: Blood Legacy, The Shroud: Blood Legacy, and The Everstone Companion: Blood Legacy are Copyright 2005,
Iron Golem Games; Author Jason Moon
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

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The streets were quiet. Rune-lamps illuminated
small sections of the road, sending small fingers of
light into gloomy ally ways. Weary eyed watchmen
had passed a few hours before, seeing nothing out of
place. Warehouse doors were locked and windows
closed to the darkness of night.
Night in Telegrona had always been peaceful, until
recently. In the past few weeks people had been
mysteriously taken from their sleep. Their limp bodies
are later found arranged in strange positions and
completely drained of blood. It is for this reason that
the Hunter came to the city.
Adriana moved quietly and smoothly passed the
dim light of a lamp, her body fading into the shadows
around her. Her feet moved quietly, softly. Her hands
held weapons ready. Her eyes always open and alert.
Adriana was able to see even the slightest movement
or the smallest detail. She was a Cult Hunter. She had
been chosen to purge the evil taint from the world
around her. It was her calling, her destiny.
Adriana worked with the Magi, though at times she
did not agree with their methods. The Magi always
want to interrogate heretics and cultists. Adrianas
method was shoot-to-kill; there was no reason to ask
questions. Evil is evil and it needs to be dealt with
Adrianas eyes caught a glimpse of a track hidden
in the dust. It was so slight that the ordinary eye
would have missed it. Adriana paused; the creature
had passed this way not too long ago. The Hunter
had carefully investigated the city for the past few
days. She had meticulously tracked the monsters
movements and pattern of attack. Adriana knew
that the beast would strike tonight. She also knew
approximately where it would strike. But, there was
no way in knowing who its victim would be. One
more death in payment for her prey was a small price.
The attack had come as she predicted, and near the
area she had sectioned off in her mind. An old silver
smith had been the victim. Adriana had arrived just
after the man was stolen from his home and she was
able to track the animal for three blocks. She was
sure that it was headed for the sewers under the city
streets. Adriana had taken precautions and had sealed
the entrance to the sewer before she had begun her
A slight breeze began to waft through the streets.
The air carried a hint of something unnatural. Adriana
was closing in on her quarry. Her body melted into
the surrounding buildings, her breath barely making a
sound as she began to move toward her target.
Adriana hated evil. She had always hated evil. But
now after years of training and dedication she could
do something about it.

She had felt her spiritual calling as a Hunter a long

time ago on another dark night. She had been alone,
abandoned in a harsh world and left to survive on
her own. Adriana had struggled to scarcely make it
through each day. She was beaten down, humble, and
in a very vulnerable state when the feeling came to
her. Peace, joy, comfort. Something told her all would
be well. She heard the call of the new gods. She heard
the promise of a better life. Adriana found a way out
of her old life. Adriana had found inner peace with
cold hard vengeance. Vengeance of the gods.
Tonight she did not feel peaceful inside. She
could feel her prey. She could feel its hatred, its
malevolence. As she moved through the allies and
side streets, the vile trail of taint that the monster left
behind became more and more evident. She was on
the right track and her target was getting anxious. She
had passed the sealed sewer lid and had sensed the
monsters irritability. She had forced it to make a rash
decision and she hoped it would be its undoing.
A slight fog rolled in as the heat of the day began
to leave the street and turn into the cool of night.
Adriana slithered around the corner with amazing
skill, her eyes darting from side to side. She knew she
was close.
Another street passed by and she found a telltale
sign of the creatures passing. She had to hurry. She
had scouted out the city before the hunt and she
knew that the monster was headed toward another
entrance into the deep sewers below. She had to
stop it before it made it that far, or her hunt would
suddenly become a lot harder. She hurried her step
and pushed through the misty fog that curled up in
long, tail-like wisps from the ground.
Adriana neared a bend in the road and stopped. Her
instincts hummed and she knew that what she sought
was just around the corner. She readied her weapons
and prepared for the fight that she knew was to come.
With a deep breath she strode confidently around the
shops edge into the open street. Her eyes caught the
site of a body lying on the cobblestones and a form
leaning over it. At first glance she saw the beast with
its mangled hair, and its malformed and twisted body.
But, then the fog swirled and in an instant her eyes
were staring at the weeping form of a small child. A
girl of maybe six or seven was weeping and huddled
over the form of an elderly man. The child turned
her tear-streaked face and looked into the eyes of the
Hunter. Adriana saw no fear, not hate, and no evil.
Sorrow filled the deep brown stare that held her gaze
like a vice. The Hunter put away her weapons and
moved toward the two forms hidden in the white
grasp mist. Her adrenaline instantly replaced by
compassion, her killing instinct completely gone.

It hurt my papa. The monster hurt my papa, the

words were heartbreaking, filled with sorrow. Please
help him.
Adriana felt her feminine intuitions take hold. She
dropped her guard. Her tense stance loosened and
she lowered her weapons. In the back of her mind a
warning was tugging at her but she ignored it.
Where is the monster now? she asked the small,
frail girl.
It ran away. Please look at my papa, he needs your
help, another tear ran down her cheek as she reached
out a hand toward Adriana.
The Hunter reached out and took the childs hand.
Together they walked to the side of the fallen man.
Kneel down and look at his side, the girl motioned
to an obvious wound that had torn open his sleeping
shirt as well as the soft skin below.
Adriana let go of the girls hand and placed it on
her shoulder. Show me where, the Hunter softly
commanded the child.
The girl knelt with her back to Adriana and placed
her hand over the Hunters that was still on her
shoulder. Come down here and see, her voice
Adrianas head spun for a moment as she knelt
behind the childs small form. Her mind played back
what she had seen when she had entered the street.
The Hunter knew what she had seen. She knew what
she was hunting.
It will be alright, she soothingly remarked as her
free hand moved to the weapon on her side.
The childs hand grasped Adrianas and her voice
took on a different ton of urgency. You must save
him. He is my papa. You must help him before the
monster comes back.
Gently the Hunter moved her hand from under the
girls and stroked her hair. Adriana could feel the deep
sorrow in the girls voice. Her hand moved away for
a moment from the gun at her side. Then her mind
reminded her again of what she had seen and her
hand grasped the pistols grip. She pulled it slowly

from her holster and gradually began to raise it toward

the back of the childs head.
The small girl grabbed Adrianas hand with a
strength born of desperation and pulled the Hunter
closer to her. Look at his wound. You must help him,
the tears were gone now and her voiced quivered with
an agitation that shook Adriana soul.
The Hunter leveled the barrel of her weapon directly
at the childs head. She took a deep breath and placed
the barrel against her skull. Adriana could fill a sudden
tension in the childs shoulder as her grip tightened on
the Hunters hand.
Please no, came the childs voice. I am no
Adriana told herself that she knew what she had
seen. She was here to purify evil, to purge the world of
heretics. It was her calling. It was her destiny.
The girls eyes glazed over and the round eyes
became slits, glowing with an evil the belied the girls
appearance. Adriana thought she saw a forked tongue
whip out just before she pulled the trigger.
The shot reverberated down the allies and streets of
the sleepy city. A dogs howl echoed the pistols rolling
boom as it bounced from wall to wall. The silence of
the night was broken for a brief moment and then,
as if the blanket of night had rolled in to cover the
disturbance, all was still again.
Adriana walked down the deserted side road, no
longer needing to blend with her surroundings, no
longer filled with the thrill of the hunt. There was
no remorse. There was no regret. A job had been
completed and a long rest had been earned. The
Hunter gradually made her way back to the inn and
up to her room. No one would know what she had
done tonight. No one would see the child for what she
was. But, the city of Telegrona would sleep in peace
for now. That was all the payment the Hunter needed.
And with that thought she closed her eyes in a serene

We often overlook one of Everstones greatest strengths. The Guilds have made it a
point to accept help and allies wherever they can be found. They extend citizenship
to all who will uphold their laws and pay their fare tax, providing the protection
of one of the strongest nations left on Lannith. This has made a diversified people
as well as broadening our knowledge. Even others see how this increases our
strength. The Shone have opened their borders to free trade as have the Ogrom.
The Mordanians and Adone are still struggling, counting everybody as an enemy.
But who can blame them really. Its a dangerous world out there. I feel that soon
they and others will open their borders and in the process begin the founding of
new alliances. Of course the Adone can rot in their own demon infested filth for all I
care, but I wont go into my own feelings about that right now.
-Sebastian Hinkerly, Master Librarian of the Hall of Books-

In the Everstone book we provided 10 new classes

that were tailor made for the Everstone setting. In The
Shroud: Blood Legacy you will find 4 more classes.
Most of these classes are geared towards the heroes
of your story. In this book we provide you with 8 new
classes which target the more mundane people of the
world. Although they are worthy adventuring classes
in their own right. They simply appear more commonly
than those in the Everstone and Shroud books. You can
find entire tribes of barbarians to the mountains in the
north and the mountains in the south, not to mention
around the Azurite Sea and other far off places. You
can find Thieves in just about any tavern or hostile
and any good size town or village will have a few
Healers. Of course there are some classes which can
compete with those found in the other Blood Legacy
books, such as the Cult Hunter who is a nasty kind
of bounty hunter set upon the trail of any cultist who
makes the mistake of drawing attention to themselves.
Game Masters and Players alike are free to use these
classes, multi-classing, or taking these new classes as
a career choice.
Barbarian: Not so much a class as a way of life.
Barbarians are used to living off the land and most
have a hard time adjusting to Civilization. Barbarians
are fierce warriors and can survive in even the harshest
of conditions.
Cult Hunter: The Cult Hunter is a member of the Church
of Ancients and like the Templar he gains powers from

all of the rediscovered gods. He specializes in flushing

out and hunting down cultist of Rathlorn as well as
cultist who have allied themselves with Hollow Lords.
Fixer: The increase in use of rune devices has made a
new kind of craftsman. The Fixer specializes in fixing,
modifying, and building rune devices.
Healer: One of the arts that were not lost during the
long night was that of healing. Healers, like always, are
in high demand and you can usually find a Healer in
even the smallest village. They use magic and herbs to
work their miracles.
Hedge Wizard: The Magi are powerful in magic but
they are not the only ones who know magic in good
proportions. A few of the more organized cultures
outside of Everstone have founded their own small
schools of magic. They call themselves wizards but the
Magi usually refer to them as Hedge Wizards.
Pilot: As with the Fixer, the user of rune devices has
opened up new professions one of which is the land
ship Pilot. Pilots have abilities which enhance their
performance with not only piloting but other systems
of the land ships, such as seer-scope operations and
Thief: Were ever society goes the Thief is sure to
follow. They prey upon others and will resort to almost




Attack Bonus


Will Fortification






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points






+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points







+5 Character Points

anything to make a few silver coins. They specialize in

Stealing but many work as thugs and even assassins.
Warrior: Warriors are typical men at arms that can be
found working as body guards, town watch, militia and
hired thugs. Warriors specialize in combat and many
Stormguard start their careers as Warriors.

When the Night of Terror came the proud civilizations
of people were destroyed. Over the course of the long
years that followed much of what had been learned
over the course of centuries was lost. The chore of
simple survival had taken precedence over all else.
Complex civilization had to be discarded for simpler
ways and after the course of many generations there
are no clues left to trace back to these peoples roots.
Barbarian tribes now hunt the ruins of the lost. Most
tribes believe that the ruins they find belonged to a
different more civilized race of people. For how
could some of the magnificent buildings they find be
constructed by the simple people they have become?
The smaller tribes seem to prosper more than the larger.
Smaller tribes are able to avoid notice by the Hollow
Lords. Smaller tribes are faster to move at a moments
notice and when a large force of Hollow minions is on
the move they are more able to avoid confrontation.
Most tribes are human and are either of Everstonian or
Surellion descent. They form a kind of pecking order
with the greatest warrior acting as leader and usually
an older wiser member acting as councilor. Because
of their isolation from larger communities Barbarians
feel uneasy around a lot of strangers and most dont
like the feel of being enclosed or surrounded by a lot of
buildings, such as in a city.
Barbarian shaman will usually have skills which
incorporate the Barbarian class and the Healer class.
Abilities: Barbarians rely mostly on their brute strength
and their lasting endurance. To this end, a high Strength
and Constitution is a must for this class. Also, a good
Dexterity would be good to have to help avoid any
deadly blows aimed towards the character.
Class Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal
(Cha), Hide: Wilderness (Dex), Intimidate (Cha),
Jump (Str), Knowledge: Nature (Int), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently: Wilderness (Dex), Spot: Ambush (Wis),
Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int mod.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has learned to survive in very hostile
environments, including the frozen wastes to the far
north, to the blazing hot deserts of the far south, to the
acidic rainforests on the many islands in the Thessalonic
Ocean. When this attribute is chosen for the character
he or she must pick a harsh environment like extreme
hot, cold, etc. Only one environment can be chosen
with this attribute. This attribute provides one point of
Armor per rank against environmental conditions and
attacks similar to the chosen environment.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained to fight in armor and does
not suffer the armor check penalty to Attack or Defense
rolls. Such armor penalties only apply to skill checks
that involve moving.
Rank 1: Proficient in light armor.
Rank 2: Proficient in medium armor.


Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in the use of melee combat.
The character gains a +1 bonus to his or her Base
Attack Bonus (BAB). This could increase the characters
attacks per round if their BAB is increased to +6, +11,
+16, or +21, as normal.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in unarmed combat and
knows how to maximize his or her damage with their
fist, foot, or knee. Normally, the character inflicts 1d3
points of damage plus Strength modifier in damage.
Rank 1: The characters unarmed damage is 1d6 + Str
Rank 2: The character can take a full round action to
make a kick attack that delivers 1d8 + Str modifier in

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
When scouting the enemy you have learned to cover
your tracks so they dont follow you or realize they
have been found out.
Rank 1: Cover physical signs of presence, Survival
Tracking skill attempts against you are at a -5 penalty.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
If you deal an opponent enough damage to make him
drop, you get an extra attack against another opponent
who is also in melee with you. This attack is immediate and at the same bonus to strike as the attack that
dropped the first opponent.
Rank 1: You may make one cleave attack per round,
even if you drop more than one opponent.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained their body to withstand
harsh punishment as well as increase their endurance. The character gains an extra hit dice +
Constitution modifier in hit points each time
this attribute is chosen.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has been trained in
defense against attacks. Increase
the characters Base Defense Bonus
by +1 each time this attribute is

Attribute: 3CP
Energy Cost: 2
The character can
strain their bodies to
attain that extra little
speed they need to get out of the way
of a lethal attack. When they use this
attribute, spend the listed Energy Points
to gain a bonus equal to the characters
level in Barbarian to either a single Defense check or Reflex save. They can
decide to do this right before they
make the check.


Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has learned
to ignore their discomfort and pain in order
to survive and perform
at top efficiency in times
of need.
Rank 1: Whenever the character needs to make a skill
check (swimming, running, climbing great heights, etc.)

while performing a physical action that extends over a

period of time the barbarian can ignore up to 4 points
of penalty which they might suffer from.
Rank 2: Whenever the character needs to make a skill
check (swimming, running, climbing great heights, etc.)
while performing a physical action that extends over a
period of time the barbarian can ignore up to 8 points
of penalty which they might suffer from.
Rank 3: Whenever the character needs to make a skill
check (swimming, running, climbing great heights, etc.)
while performing a physical action that extends over a
period of time the barbarian can ignore up to 12points
of penalty which they might suffer from.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has grown used to and is
at home in a single type of terrain of their
choice: artic, forest, jungle, swamps,
mountains, underground, or plains.
Rank 1: The character
gains a +2 bonus to
Hide, Knowledge: Nature, Listen, Move Silently, Spot and Survival
skill checks while in the terrain
of their of choice.
Rank 2: The character gains
a +4 bonus to the above skills
while in the terrain of their choice.
Rank 3: The character gains a +6
bonus to the above skills while in
the terrain of their choice.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character stays in good
health. Increase the characters
Fortitude save by +1 each time
this attribute is chosen.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
When in combat Barbarians
can excite themselves into
a frenzy, enabling them
to cause a greater amount
of bloodshed at the cost of
becoming a little more reckless in the process. All Hit
Points gained are temporary and after the character
looses the bonus Constitution the character will lose the

temporary Hit Points. This could even kill the

character if enough Hit Points are lost that they
bring the total below the characters Strength
ability. The character will continue his or her fury
attack until a Will save is made against a DC of
15, the character runs out of available targets, or
he or she runs out of Energy Points, which ever is
first. If the character runs out of enemies, they will
continue to attack the closest possible victim even
if it means their friends!
Rank 1: The character temporarily gains +4 to
their Strength and Constitution abilities. He or
she also receives a +4 to their Will saves for the
duration. However, the character receives a 2 to
their Dexterity ability. This attribute can be used
once per day.
Rank 2: The character temporarily gains +8 to
their Strength and Constitution abilities. He or
she also receives a +8 to their Will saves for the
duration. However, the character receives a 4 to
their Dexterity ability. This attribute can be used
twice per day.
Rank 3: The character temporarily gains +12 to
their Strength and Constitution abilities. He or
she also receives a +12 to their Will saves for the
duration. However, the character receives a 6 to
their Dexterity ability. This attribute can be used
three times a day.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained so that they have a
greater chance to act first in combat.
Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks.
Rank 2: Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative checks.
Rank 3: Gain a +6 bonus to Initiative checks.

Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 0
If the character has a higher Initiative against an
opponent, they can make a leap attack against
them, using the momentum from the leap to
lend their weapon force. The character gains a
+2 bonus to damage, as well as half their ranks
(round up) in their Jump skill to damage. This is
counted as a full round action and the only attack
they can make during the round. If the character
fails to hit, however, they are off balance and
suffer a 4 penalty to any Defense checks until
their next allowed action (even if it is not until
next round).

The tribes of people that roam close to Everstone
are numerous. Many Barbarians see the Magi as
witches and do not trust men who can wield
such great power. Barbarians will often descend
into Everstone valley to raid and pillage. Most are
confronted by the Stormguard but many make it
back into the mountains and back to where their
tribe. There are a few larger tribes which have been
around for many years and even thrived within the
wild lands.
The Black Foot: These Barbarians dwell to the
South of Everstone and are so named because
of their bare black feet which are stained by the
black mud of the swamps they live in. They are of
Everstonian stock and they have adapted to living
in the swamps quite well. They use short spears
and make long strong ropes from the vines. They
dont have armor and really on being swift of foot
and their extraordinary skill of jumping to get away
from predators. It is said that tracking a Black Foot is
near impossible. Black Foot Barbarians have access
to the Trackless Passage attribute of the Prey Stalker
on page 83 of The Shroud: Blood Legacy book.
The Mountain Clans: These Barbarians paint
themselves up for war and are some of the more
warlike tribes. The Mountain Clans are led by a
Shaman who says he can speak to the mountain
spirits. These Barbarians, more than most, rely
on raiding to supply themselves with what they
need. Surprisingly these Barbarians have been a
problem to the Roogadin to the north. Mountain
Clan Barbarians have access to the Adrenal Burst
attribute on page 80 of the Everstone: Blood Legacy
book). These Barbarians are of mixed Everstonian
and Surellion descent.
The Shore Walkers: The lands around the Azurite
Sea have always been rich and fertile. The many
ruins found around the Sea are testament to its
once great civilization. The Shore Walkers are
Barbarians who make their living from the Sea and
make their home in the many lagoons and isolated
beaches that can be found there. The Shore Walkers
greatest enemy is the minions of the Hollow Lord
Levithorn, great hulking beasts that rise from the
Sea and devour fishing boats in a single bite. Shore
Walkers use a long spear which is their favored
weapon. They have access to the Spear Mastery
attribute on page 83 of The Shroud: Blood Legacy
book. Shore Walkers are of Surellion descent.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Barbarian has learned to lengthen their stride to get
where they need to go quickly.
Rank 1: Increase the characters Base Movement rate
by 5 feet.
Rank 2: Increase the characters Base Movement rate
by 10 feet.
Rank 3: Increase the characters Base Movement rate
by 15 feet.
Rank 4: Increase the characters Base Movement rate
by 20 feet.

Rank 5: You may shrug off 5 points of damage that was

dealt to you.
Rank 6: You may shrug off 6 points of damage that was
dealt to you.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
By spending 1d6 minutes with a rope and surrounding
brush/trees/limbs/ the character can create a snare that
will ensnare subjects walking upon the 5-foot diameter

Rank 5: Increase the characters Base Movement rate

by 25 feet.

Rank 1: When anything walks over the area, they

must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or be caught up and
entangled (see EBL book page 170).

Rank 6: Increase the characters Base Movement rate

by 30 feet.

Rank 2: DC for the Reflex save is increased to 20.

Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: Strength 13+
By concentrating on brute force instead of accuracy the
character can make a power attack. Subtract a number
of points from the characters melee Attack roll (must
be stated before Attack roll is made) and add the same
amount to the damage if the attack is successful.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character is quick on their feet at any slightest sign
of danger. For each rank in this attribute the character
gains a +1 bonus to their Reflex save.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Barbarian is a powerful being and has hardened his
body through many years of survival in harsh conditions.
Because of this the Barbarian can shrug off damage that
might floor a normal person. The amount of damage
that can be ignored depends on the number of ranks in
this Attribute. This protection does not combine with
non-natural armor.
Rank 1: You may shrug off 1 point of damage that was
dealt to you.
Rank 2: You may shrug off 2 points of damage that was
dealt to you.
Rank 3: You may shrug off 3 points of damage that was
dealt to you.

Rank 4: You may shrug off 4 points of damage that was

dealt to you.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
By listening to the sounds of the wildlife and using the
characters experience in the wilderness, the character
can sense things that others have a hard time picking
up on.
Rank 1: The character gains a +3 bonus to Spot skill
checks against ambush and can never be caught flatfooted while in the wilderness.
Rank 2: The character gains a +6 to both Spot and
Listen skill checks against ambush and gains a +6
bonus to Spot skill checks while detecting snares and
Rank 3: The character gains a +9 to both Spot and
Listen skill checks against ambush and gains a +9
bonus to Spot skill checks while detecting snares and

Lannith is a world filled with many strange beliefs
and even more bizarre rituals. Each culture has its
own myths, legends, and superstitions. In Everstone,
however, the new rise of the ancient gods has brought
about a feeling of xenophobia. Cults that follow false
gods, forbidden gods, the Hollow Lords, and other
unnatural things have sprung up all over Everstone.
The Temples of the Ancients have taken notice of these
unholy and evil sects. To prevent the spread of these
cults the Temple has taken steps and precautions to
battle this wave of heathenism.

A small branch of well-trained individuals has been

sent abroad to hunt, track, find, and eliminate the
heretics. They are known as Cult Hunters and only a
few have heard that they even exist, which is how the
Temple wants it.
Cult Hunters have chosen a path that is not an easy
one. It is a dark and lonely path that few choose. They
are killers sanctioned by the Temple to eliminate those
who present a threat to the safety of Everstone. It is
their job to infiltrate into the darkest gatherings and
weed out the infections that could cripple the valleys
defenses. They go places most people would not wish
to go. They work alone or in small groups. Either way,
they are effective and can get the job done no matter
what it takes.
Abilities: Cult Hunters rely on a variety of skills to
achieve their goal. If you are looking to play a Cult
Hunter that uses her mind to find and learn the
weaknesses of the enemy then you will want to have
high Intelligence. If you want to beat the enemy into
submission you will want high strength. Either way a
Cult Hunter needs to be quick and always ready for
anything. Therefore, a high Dexterity is a must as well
as a good Charisma to be able to persuade or convince
Class Skills: A Cult Hunters class skills are Bluff (Cha),
Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy
(Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape
Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha),
Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge: arcane (Int),
Knowledge: religion (Int), Knowledge: occult (Int),
Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Int),
Rune Device (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis),
and Spot (Wis).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int mod.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
Taping into the magic of the Magi the Cult Hunter
has been able to learn a few tricks to aid in her
trade. This spell allows you to create an illusion over
yourself, changing the appearance of your clothing and
equipment. The illusion affects the visual and touch
senses and lasts for 30 minutes.
Rank 1: Illusionary clothing that affects visual and
touch senses. If attempting to disguise yourself, this
spell grants a +3 bonus to your Disguise check.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained to fight in armor and does
not suffer the armor check penalty to Attack or Defense
rolls. Such armor penalties only apply to skill checks
that involve moving.
Rank 1: Proficient in light armor.
Rank 2: Proficient in medium armor.

Favor: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: special
With Athoras grace the Cult Hunter can focus the
number of Energy Points equal to the Skills Attribute
modifier and add that number to the next roll on that
skill. For example if a Cult Hunter had a Strength
modifier of +3 she could spend 3 Energy Points to add
to her next Climb skill check (or any other Skill that
uses Strength).
Rank 1: The Hunter can use this Attribute for any Skill
Rank 2: As rank 1, but the Hunter can also use this to
add to Saving Throws.
Rank 3: As rank 2, but the Hunter can also use this to
add to Attack and Damage rolls.

Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
Cult Hunters need to be aware of who and what they
are hunting as well as the environment that surround
them. With aid from Athora the Cult Hunter can
enhance his senses and become more alert to things
others might miss. This prayer lasts for 1 scene.
Rank 1: The Hunter gains +2 to Spot, Listen, and
Sense Motive checks.
Rank 2: The Hunter gains +4 to Spot, Listen, and
Sense Motive checks.
Rank 3: The Hunter gains +6 to Spot, Listen, and
Sense Motive checks.


Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in the use of melee combat.
The character gains a +1 bonus to his or her Base
Attack Bonus (BAB). This could increase the characters
attacks per round if their BAB is increased to +6, +11,
+16, or +21, as normal.



Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
With a blast of magical energy the Cult Hunter can
smite those who appose him. Any enemy that can truly
be considered a heretic, cultist, Hollow, or blasphemer
by the Hunters judgment is affected by this cleansing

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
When you use this spell it allows you to use illusion to
cover the appearance of your skin, hair, and eye color.
These changes are visual only. The spell lasts for 30

Rank 1: The Hunter can smite 1 enemy, within 60 feet,

for 5d6 magical damage.
Rank 2: The Hunter can smite 2 enemies, within 60feet,
for 3d6 magical damage or one enemy for 6d6 magical

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This spell allows the Cult Hunter to blend into the
background and fade from memory. When this spell
is used it lasts for 1 scene and everybody who sees
the Cult Hunter in that period has a very hard time
remembering the Cult Hunters appearance or even if
they where present at all. When trying to remember the
target later subjects must make a Will save. If failed
they cannot recall the Cult Hunters appearance, even in
the smallest detail.
Rank 1: Subjects must make a Will save (DC: 12) to
remember your appearance.
Rank 2: Subjects must make a Will save (DC: 15) to
remember your appearance. If failed by more than 5
points they forget that you were even present, unless
you took direct action in the affairs of the scene in
which case you are not forgotten.

Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: special
You can use your inner energy to charge a depleted
bloodstone. Depending on your skill, the process can
take more or less energy. Each rank decreases the
number of energy points you need to spend in order
to recharge the bloodstone. The exchange of energy is
Rank 1: Spend 3 energy points to recharge 1 energy
point in a bloodstone.
Rank 2: Spend 2 energy points to recharge 1 energy
point in a bloodstone.


Rank 1: Affect the color of your skin, eyes, or hair color.

If attempting to disguise yourself this spell grants a +3
bonus to your check.

Spell: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 4/rank
With this spell you can create a magical circle 10 feet
in diameter. The circle must be drawn upon the floor
(with chalk, blood, ink, etc.) and takes 1d4 minutes to
complete. Once the circle is drawn you may cast the
Circle of Warding spell into the circle. The spell creates
a protective circle that will inflict damage upon a
specified creature type passing in or out. The creature
type is a general species, such as Human, Fey, Vor,
Roogadin, Hussgar, etc. The lines of the circle glow
with power, giving a hint of the protective energy that
charges them. The protective/guarding power only
works against physical objects, energy or magic passed
through unhindered. You can use the spell to protect
yourself, or keep a creature prisoner within it. The spell
lasts for one scene.
Rank 1: The spell inflicts 6d6 of magic damage to
a creature of the specified type attempting to pass
Rank 2: The spell inflicts 10d6 of magic damage to
a creature of the specified type attempting to pass

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained their body to withstand harsh
punishment as well as increase their endurance. The
character gains an extra hit dice + Constitution modifier
in hit points each time this attribute is chosen.


Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has been trained in defense against
attacks. Increase the characters Base Defense Bonus by
+1 each time this attribute is chosen.

Favor: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Whenever you use this Favor Wornlorn warns you of
any Hollow beasts which may be nearby. This Favor
requires the Cult Hunter to Concentrate while being
Rank 1: You sense all Hollow minions within 30 feet.
Rank 2: You sense all Hollow minions within
120 feet.

Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 0
You gain a +4 bonus on
the following checks. Swim
checks to remain swimming
for longer periods of time,
Constitution check to keep
running for extended periods,
Constitution check to continue
a forced march, Constitution
or Swim check to hold your
breath for longer, Constitution
checks to avoid damage from
starvation or thirst, Fortitude
saves to resist harmful effects
from extreme hot and cold

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Through training the Cult
Hunter has increased his
capacity for channeling energy.
The Hunter is allowed to roll
another energy dice and add
the result to his current rating.
This Attribute can be chosen
multiple times.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Cult Hunter must be quick
of foot, able to evade danger
instead of facing it head on. He or she is
not interested in confronting the danger only
getting past it. Hunters who hesitate and are not aware
of their surroundings dont last very long.
Rank 1: The Cult Hunter is never caught flat-footed,
retaining his or her Dexterity bonus to Defense rolls
even when surprised or attacked by an invisible

Rank 2: When the Cult Hunter would normally be

allowed to make a Reflex save to take half-damage,
they instead take no damage if the save is successful.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You learned to maximize your enemys weaknesses.
You must have witnessed the opponent in
action for more than 2 full rounds, either
previous observations, or as you are
fighting them. You use this weakness
against your opponent in an attempt to
make a lethal attack.
Rank 1: After 2 rounds of observing
or fighting an opponent you
can score a Critical strike on a
natural roll of 19 or 20, instead
of just 20.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character stays in good health.
Increase the characters Fortitude
save by +1 each time this attribute
is chosen.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has
trained so that
they have a greater
chance to act first in
Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to
Initiative checks.
Rank 2: Gain a +4 bonus
to Initiative checks.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Cult Hunter has been trained to
spot relevant information or clues. He
or she gains a +2 bonus per rank on all
Gather Information and Search skill checks.

Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
When you use this prayer you gain a bonus to all
your rolls during one round within the next hour after
making the prayer. The downside of the prayer is that


Mantyle is the wily god who is fickle in his allegiances

and often finds humor at the expense of others. For this
reason, the bonus is figured out randomly and may even
be a penalty instead of a boon.
Rank 1: You gain a -1 to +3 modifier to all rolls for the
round. Roll 1d4; a 1 = -1, a 2 = +1, a 3 = +2, and a
4 = +3.
Rank 2: You gain a -2 to +6 modifier to all rolls for the
round. Roll 1d8; a 1 = -2, a 2 = -1, a 3 = +1, a 4 =
+2, a 5 = +3, a 6 = +4, a 7 = +5 and a 8 = +6.


Prayer 2CP
Energy Cost: 3
With a quick blessing from the beast god, you are able
to move with the grace and nimbleness of a feline.
You gain a +4 bonus to all Balance, Climb, Escape
Artist, Jump, and Move Silently, checks while under
the prayers influence. The effects received last for the
length of the scene.


Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
The healer may detect and remove magic that is
hindering a subject in someway. Manipulation magic
includes spells that control a person (such as Charm
Person) or spells that erase memories, alter mood, etc.
Usually such spells will list a Will save DC that can be
rolled against to resist the magic. When the healer cast
this spell on the subject (who must be arms length away
or less) the subject gets another save immediately. If
successful the subject has resisted the magic and is free
from its affects. If the free Will save fails the Remove
Manipulation Magic spell cannot be used again on them
for 24 hours.

Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/per rank
There are times that a Cult Hunter needs to get out of a
sticky situation. This spell allows the Hunter to get out
and appear in a safe place. The Cult Hunter must kneel
before a statue of Santra and use this prayer. Anytime,
over the next year (360 days), the Cult Hunger may
use this prayer again and they will return to the statue.
Only the Cult Hunter and items that he is wearing, will
Rank 1: The Hunter can teleport to the linked statue up
to 1 mile away.
Rank 2: The Hunter can teleport to the linked statue up
to 10 miles away.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The Cult Hunter is able to see the residue left over by
beings that are filled with the taint and other evils. By
focusing his mind she is able to track the residue and
find her target.
Rank 1: The Hunter can sense and follow the aura of a
being that left the area 10 minutes ago.
Rank 2: The Hunter can sense and follow the aura of a
being that left the area 20 minutes ago.
Rank 3: The Hunter can sense and follow the aura of a
being that left the area 30 minutes ago.
Rank 4: The Hunter can sense and follow the aura of a
being that left the area 40 minutes ago.


Rank 2: Subject gets a free Will save with a +4 bonus

to shrug off the affect of the spell.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You are aware of the tricks of mental persuasion and
have a strong self-discipline. Every time you take this
Attribute your Will save increases by +1.



Rank 1: Subject gets a free Will save to shrug off the

affect of the spell.

Favor: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Cult Hunter must spend a lot of time in areas filled
with the vile essence of the taint. To aid them in their
work the gods have blessed them with the strength to
avoid the effects of the taint. The Hunter receives a +6
to rolls to withstand the hollow taint. This attribute may
be taken more than once with the effects stacking.



Favor: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
When in danger, the Hunter receives a warning in the
form of a chill running along his spine, raising the hair
up on the back of his neck. This warning grants the
Hunter an Initiative bonus on the first round of combat.
What he is warned against is dependent on his rank.
Rank 1: This favor automatically warns the Hunter
against a hidden attack from a Hollow Minion. This also
grants him a +2 bonus to Spot skill check for creatures
and to Initiative on the first round of combat.

Rank 2: This rank in this favor warns the Hunter

against any type of threat. The warning grows stronger,
increasing his bonus to +4 to his Spot skill check and
to his Initiative on the first round of combat.

Fixers are craftsman who specialize in repairing and
building rune devices. A sort of sub culture has begun
to spring up among the young, people who excel at
fixing up rune devices and modifying them to their
specific needs. Fixers will usually look for good deals
and buy used rune-devices as they are going to modify
and change them anyway. More and more Fixers are
finding themselves out in the field more than in their
shops. The need for their skill out on the battlefield,
fixing land ships, Golems and rune weapons has made
them a necessity. Such craftsman were usually the
domain of the Guilds but over the years many have
picked up on the magic techniques and have begun
to apply what they have learned in their own way. At
first the Guilds were apposed to these freelancers
but as more and more began to make improvements
and show their ingenuity the Magi saw the benefit of
allowing a broader mix of minds. Many designs that
are being used in the newer land ships were developed
by Fixers out in the field who were attempting to rig the
ship out of need.
Abilities: Fixers rely on their Intelligence and Wisdom
to build, fix, rig, or just plain invent the things that
make the world run. Their intuition is keen and their
ingenious ability to look at something and know how
to take it apart and rebuild it, even better than before,
is uncanny.
Combat Mastery: Fixers spend less time than warriors
at practicing combat techniques. Thus, a Fixer character
can only choose the attribute Attack Combat Mastery
on every even level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, etc.). If
they do not decide to choose it on their current even
level, then they will have to wait until the next even
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft: (Int), Craft:
Armor Smith (Int), Craft: Weapon Smith (Int), Decipher
Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Knowledge: (Int),
Knowledge: Mechanics (Int), Knowledge: Weapons,
(Int), Open Locks (Dex), Profession: (Int), Repair (Int),
Rune Device (Int), Search (Int), Spot (Wis).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int mod.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
This Attribute allows you to find something that you
thought you had but were not sure where it went. By
using a full action you can reach into your pack and

pull out one item that you dont have written on your
list of gear. This can be anything that has a cost of no
more than 50 silver guilders. For example you may find
a torch, needle and thread, chalk, a whistle, a small
mirror, a tool, or any number of normal objects. GMs
have the final say as to what types of items you can
pull out of your bag. You may do this once per gaming
session per rank.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained to fight in armor and does
not suffer the armor check penalty to Attack or Defense
rolls. Such armor penalties only apply to skill checks
that involve moving.
Rank 1: Proficient in light armor.


Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in the use of melee combat.
The character gains a +1 bonus to his or her Base
Attack Bonus (BAB). This could increase the characters
attacks per round if their BAB is increased to +6, +11,
+16, or +21, as normal.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You can manipulate, rearrange, transfer, or what ever
it takes to get a non-working object to work a number
of times depending on the ranks you have in this
Attribute. You can use this to cause a door to open, or
make a Rune-Device operate, you can hotwire a vehicle
or another creative idea (GM has final say) that may
aid you or hinder your opponents.
Rank 1: You can get an object to work 1 time and then
it is beyond your skill to resurrect with out repairing it
Rank 2: You can get an object to work 2 times and then
it is beyond your skill to resurrect with out repairing it
Rank 3: You can get an object to work 3 times and then
it is beyond your skill to resurrect with out repairing it

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: special
You can use your own inner energy to charge a depleted
bloodstone. Depending on your skill the process can
take more or less energy. The exchange of energy is


Rank 1: Spend 3 energy points to recharge 1 energy

point in a bloodstone.
Rank 2: Spend 2 energy points to recharge 1 energy
point in a bloodstone.
Rank 3: Spend 1 energy points to recharge 1 energy
point in a bloodstone.


Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 2/per hour spent making the item
The Fixer can make normal items into masterwork items
over a period of time. When he is finished the item gains
a +1 to its functions. For example a masterwork sword
gains a +1 to hit and a +1 to damage. A masterwork
piece of armor increases the armor protection value by
1. An item takes 20 plus 1d20 hours to create. An item
can only benefit once from this Attribute.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/per hour spent engraving
Runes are not just a bunch of simple markings that
can be duplicated by just anybody. Engraving a rune
takes 10+1d10 hours to finish. The runes need not be
done all at once, but no power is granted
the weapon/armor/item until the rune
string is completely finished. When engraving a rune, the Fixer is not only making the symbols but tying and working the
magic into each rune. The process is specialized enough that the work must be completed
by the same Fixer that it was started by. After
the required hours have been spent working on
the runes, a Spellcraft skill check must be
made against a DC based on the value of
the rune item or rune-string. If the check
is failed, the process must be started
from scratch, roll for time taken and the
cost paid again, followed by another
skill check. You can purchase a second rank in this attribute which will
give you a +4 bonus to the Spellcraft
skill check. This attribute is limited
when compared to that of the Moon Magis
because it can only be purchased twice (2
ranks) and the Fixer cannot team up with
other Fixers or Moon Magi to get aid.

Attribute: 3CP
Energy Cost: 0
Using your skills you are able to work on any
ranged weapon and increase its accuracy by
a +1, as if it we a masterwork weapon.
This bonus stacks with any other bonus
that the weapon may already have (even
if it is already a master work weapon).


The cost to do this is 1/3 the original price of the

weapon. A ranged weapon may only be modified in this
way once.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You are able to use things around you to make things
that you dont have. During a game session you may
make any small mundane item that you may need from
the items you have available. Even if you are stripped
naked and put in a clean room you can use your hair
stiffened with blood and spit to make a lock pick.
Rank 1: You may use this 1 time per game session
Rank 2: You may use this 2 times per game session
Rank 3: You may use this 3 times per game session

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You are able to use things
around you to fix gear and
other items.
Rank 1: You gain a +4 to
Craft and Repair skill checks
to get a device working again.
Rank 2: You gain a +8 to Craft
and Repair skill checks to get a
device working again.
Rank 3: You gain a +12 to
Craft and Repair skill checks to
get a device working again.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3
Some greater power seems to look out for
you from time to time, granting you
a bit of what appears to be raw
luck. You can choose to re-roll a
single die once per game session
equal to the number of ranks in this
Attribute. You must keep the second
roll even if it is lower than the first.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You are able use Rune Devices
that are out of your normal
understanding. All DC checks
still remain the same.

Rank 1: You can use a Rune Device that is 2 above you

current Rune Device skill level.
Rank 2: You can use a Rune Device that is 4 above you
current Rune Device skill level.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
A Fixer can be of aid on a ship if there is a battle or
the Land Ship takes damage from other forces. You are
able to use your experience to reroute and change the
use of power in the ship or you can rig pieces and parts
from other places to rebuild areas that need attention.
You can make do with out as many lesser engineers
when working as a ships Matrix Engineer. See Matrix
Engineer on page 182 of the EBL book.
Rank 1: You gain a +4 bonus to Issue Repairs and
require one less lesser engineer to make the repairs.
Thus you would need no lesser engineers on an
Explorer class ship.
Rank 2: As rank 1 except you get a +8 bonus to Issue
Repairs and you may continue to Issue Repairs from
round to round even after you have failed a check.
Rank 3: As rank 2 but you also restore 5 hit points of
damage to the ship for each successful Issue Repairs
task you succeed at. This will not fix damage that has
not been taken within the last 10 minutes.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
Having spent your life fixing things and being around
others that use magic to do so, you have picked up a
small amount of magic to add in your work. You can
weld cracks, rips, and breakage of items. The density
and hardness of the material you are able to affect
is based on your rank in this spell like ability. By
welding this means joining the items together, even
items of different materials. Welding a door shut or a
weapon into a scabbard are some examples of using
this Attribute.
Rank 1: You can affect organic material such as cloth,
wood, etc. you can affect up to 5 pounds of material.
This power will heal a golem by 5 hit points.
Rank 2: You can affect stone and mortar, such as
granite blocks or hardened clay. You can affect up
to 20 pounds of the material. This power will heal a
golem by 15 points.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character is so certain of their skill that he or
she can, Take 10 even under the most adverse of
conditions. This attribute can be used for such skills as
Concentration, Repair, and Rune Device, etc. However,
this attribute must be purchased for each skill used in
this way.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
A character with this Attribute can use a full action to
hide objects on their body making them hard to find.
Rank 1: You can hide an object that weighs 1 pound
or less on your body. The person looking for the object
suffers from a 5 to their Search or Spot skill checks.
Rank 2: You can hide an object that weighs 2 pounds
or less on your body. The person looking for the object
suffers from a 10 to their Search or Spot skill checks.
Rank 3: You can hide an object that weighs 4 pounds
or less on your body. The person looking for the object
suffers from a 10 to their Search or Spot skill checks.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: special
You can use your abilities to bypass the power from
one bloodstone to another. You can move power to a
drained bloodstone from any working bloodstone on


You can usually find a Fixer in any good size
town. Sky Town on Sanctuary has four or five
Fixers of good reputation alone. If you can hire
a fixer for a few months at a time you can get
away with paying them 15 silver a day or so.
But if you just hire a Fixer to repair or modify
a device which takes a few hours you are going
to be forking over a few more coins. Fixers will
usually charge 1 silver guilders per hit point
repaired on a rune-device and 10 silver guilders
per Armor Point they restore.
When constructing, modifying or making a
device they charge the normal fees but may
charge extra for unique or hard jobs (Story
Masters discretion on what is unique or


any Rune-Device. The ratio depends on the number of

ranks you have in this Attribute.
Rank 1: You can transfer 3 energy points from one
bloodstone to fill 1 energy point in another.
Rank 2: You can transfer 2 energy points from one
bloodstone to fill 1 energy point in another.
Rank 3: You can transfer 1 energy points from one
bloodstone to fill 1 energy point in another.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character is aware of tricks of mental persuasion
and has a strong self-discipline. Every time the character
purchases this attribute they receive a +1 to their Will

The ways of the healer are old and well trodden paths that
have been passed down from generation to generation.
Constant war has made it so Healers are treasured and
many times a Healer will fill the position of councilor
or shaman. It is said that among the Barbarian tribes
skilled Healers are protected before any other man or
woman. It is considered a worthy cause to lay ones life
down while protecting a healer. After all, do they not
lay their lives on the line when they tend to the horrible
sicknesses that ravage the land from time to time?
Healers practice their trade for one of two reasons, profit
or because they have a tender spot in their heart for
those who are suffering. You will usually find the later
kind in smaller communities where people do not have
a lot they can offer in exchange for their services. Those
who demand high prices will flock to larger towns and
cities. They know they can get a better price for their
skills where they are well to do merchants and nobles.
Healers should not be confused with an herbalist. A
Healers primary tool is magic. They will use herbs, but
only in conjunction with their magic.
Abilities: Wisdom and Intelligence are what Healers rely
upon the most. They need a high Wisdom to determine
the best diagnosis for the victim and they need a high
Intelligence to help them gain and retain the knowledge
of anatomy and what herbs to use in concoctions for
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft: Alchemy
(Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge: Animals, Plants, Insects,
Alchemy, Anatomy (Int), Listen (Wis), Poisons: Slow
(Dex), Profession: Apothecary, Brewer (Int), Search:


Outside (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Survival: Wilderness Lore

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int mod.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
This spell allows the caster to look into the subjects aura
to determine their health. The subject being analyzed
needs to be within arms length. The information gained
from this spell grants a bonus to Healing skill checks if
the healer makes any such attempt on the subject over
the next 30 minutes.
Rank 1: Know the subjects remaining hit points and
Strength. This rank grants a +3 bonus to Healing skill
Rank 2: As rank 1, except the spell also determines any
disease, bacteria or sicknesses that may be present. This
rank grants a +6 bonus to Healing skill checks.
Rank 3: As rank 2, except the spell also determines any
poisons or foreign substances that may be present. This
rank grants a +9 bonus to Healing skill checks.

Spell: 1CP
Energy Cost: 5
The caster can awaken one subject (even if they are
under the influence of a magical slumber) through the
use of this spell. The healer need only be within 30 feet
of the subject to use this spell on them.


Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The caster can purge (cleaning it of rot and disease)
food and water. The amount purged is determined by
the rank of the caster.
Rank 1: The caster can purge up to 10 lb of food or
Rank 2: The caster can purge up to 50 lb of food or

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
The caster can cure blindness (non-magical or magical)
through the use of this spell. The target must make a
Fortitude check against a DC that is derived for how
long they have been blind. If the subject has been blind
their whole lives the DC = 30. If the subject has been
blind for more than 5 years the DC = 25. If the subject
has been blind for more than 1 Year the DC = 20. If the
subject has been blind for less than a year the DC = 15.

If the check is failed the Cure Blindness fails it cannot

be used on the subject again for 48 hours.
Rank 1: The Spell allows the subject to make a Fortitude
check to cure their blindness.
Rank 2: As rank 1 but with a +4 bonus to their
Fortitude check.
Rank 3: As rank 1 but with a +8 bonus to their
Fortitude check.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
The caster can cure deafness (non-magical or magical)
through the use of this spell. The target must make a
Fortitude check against a DC that is derived for how
long they have been deaf. If the subject has been deaf
their whole lives the DC = 30. If the subject has been
deaf for more than 5 years the DC = 25. If the subject
has been deaf for more than 1 Year the DC = 20. If the
subject has been deaf for less than a year the DC = 15.
If the check is failed the Cure Deafness fails it cannot
be used on the subject again for 48 hours.
Rank 1: The Spell allows the subject to make a Fortitude
check to cure their deafness.
Rank 2: As rank one but with a +4 bonus to their
Fortitude check.
Rank 3: As rank one but with a +8 bonus to their
Fortitude check

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
The caster can cure disease (non-magical or magical)
through the use of this spell. The target of this spell
may make a Fortitude save to ward off the Disease. The
DC of the save is equal to the DC of purging the disease
normally. If failed the Cure Disease spell may not be
tried upon the subject for another 24 hours.
Rank 1: Subject may make a Fortitude save with a +4
bonus against the DC of the disease. If successful the
disease is gone.
Rank 2: Subject may make a Fortitude save with a +8
bonus against the DC of the disease. If successful the
disease is gone.
Rank 3: As rank 2, except all damage that was caused
by the disease heals in only 24 hours (unless it would
have healed sooner by itself).

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
The caster can cure insanity (non-magical or magical)
through the use of this spell. The target is allowed a
Will save to cure the insanity permanently. The DC is
25 for Major insanity and a 20 for Minor insanity. If the
check succeeds the insanity is gone. If the check fails
the insanity remains. If failed the spell cannot be used
on the subject again for 72 hours.
Rank 1: Subject may make a Will save to cure the
insanity permanently.
Rank 2: Subject may make a Will save at +4 to cure
the insanity permanently.
Rank 3: Subject may make a Will save +8 to cure the
insanity permanently.

Spell: 1CP
Energy Cost: 10
The caster can completely remove paralysis from a
subject. Touching the subject and casting the spell
cures the paralysis.

Spell: 2CP
Energy Cost: 10
The caster can rid victims of the taint that seems seep
through the lands controlled by the Hollow Lords. To
rid the subject of taint the caster must touch the target
of this spell while casting the spell. This will remove a
single taint trait over the course of 48 hours.

Spell: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: Special
The healer places their hands upon the head of the
subject and slowly chants this spell. While the spell
is being used the subject will slowly heal 1 point of
ability damage (Strength, Dexterity, etc).
Rank 1: Spend 3 Energy Points to heal 1 ability Point
over the course of 5 minutes.
Rank 2: Spend 2 Energy Points to heal 1 ability Point
over the course of 3 minutes.
Rank 3: Spend 1 Energy Point to heal 1 ability Point
over the course of 1 minute.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Through training the caster has increased his or her
capacity for channeling energy. The caster is allowed
to roll another racial energy dice and add the result to



During the Golem War there was a great need
for Healers as can be imagined. Healers, by
nature, are not ones who approve of battle and
conflict and as a general practice most shun
violence. But during the Golem Wars the small
gathering of women known as the Womans
Circle among one of the smaller towns got
together and choose to weather the horrible
conflict that raged about the valley. They chose
traveling gear and simple walking staves as
their uniforms and together they volunteered
their services to the Magi. Of course the Magi
had Guild members who were trained in healing
but most such healers were better trained at
staying alive than mending flesh.
These brave women started an epidemic and
soon many other women who wanted to help,
but were no warriors, joined the Sisters of
Mercy as they came to be called. Soon Sisters
were not an uncommon sight and the ranks of
Magi and Golems were joined by these brave
Today the Healers are a recognized Guild. The
Sisters of Mercy makes its base in Harbor which
is simply called the Hospice. Sisters who take
the oath swear their loyalty to the Magi and
Everstone. Sisters are known for their bravery
and initiative. They are not afraid to practice
their art under fire, or travel to the front line
where they can be of great service.

his or her current rating. This attribute can be taken

multiple times.

Spell: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The caster can endow (by touching the target of this
spell) a subject with enhanced abilities dependent upon
the rank of the caster. The enhanced ability will last for
the duration of one scene.
Rank 1: The caster can raise two abilities by 2 points
Rank 2: The caster can raise two abilities by 4 points
Rank 3: The caster can raise two abilities by 6 points


Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The healer can summon forth a sphere of light that
will float and move about with them. The sphere
is around 1 foot in diameter lighting a given radius
as shown below. The glove of light can follow
above the healers head or behind them. For 1 extra
energy point the globe of light can be attached to
something so that it will remain stationary.
Rank 1: Globe illuminates a 20-foot radius and lasts
for 30 minutes.
Rank 2: Globe illuminates a 60-foot radius and
lasts for 60 minutes.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The healer can use this spell to reach out and locate
any useful herbs (that they themselves are aware
exist) within the given radius.
Rank 1: Detect presence of the plant within a 100foot radius.
Rank 2: Detect presence of the plant within a 1000foot radius.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can cure poison (non-magical or
magical) through the use of this spell. The target
of this spell may make a Fortitude save to ward off
the Poison. The DC of the save is equal to the DC
of resisting the poison in the first place. If failed the
Cure Poison spell can be immediately attempted on
the next round.
Rank 1: Subject may make a Fortitude save with a +10
bonus against the DC of the poison. If successful the
poison is purged.
Rank 2: Subject may make a Fortitude save with a +20
bonus against the DC of the poison. If successful the
poison is purged.
Rank 3: As rank 2, except all damage that was caused
by the poison heals in only 24 hours (unless it would
have healed sooner by itself).


Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
The healer may detect and remove magic that is
hindering a subject in someway. Manipulation magic
includes spells that control a person (such as Charm
Person) or spells that erase memories, alter mood, etc.

Usually such spells will list a Will save DC that can

be rolled against to resist the magic. When the
healer cast this spell on the subject (who must
be arms length away or less) the subject gets
another save immediately. If successful the
subject has resisted the magic and is free from
its affects. If the free Will save fails the
Remove Manipulation Magic spell cannot
be used again on them for 24 hours.
Rank 1: Subject gets a free Will save to
shrug off the affect of the spell.
Rank 2: Subject gets a free Will save
with a +4 bonus to shrug off the affect
of the spell.

Spell: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
You can cast this spell upon a target to make
them fall into a deep slumber from which it is
very hard to awaken. The target of the spell
will only awaken if they suffer at least a
single hit point of damage.
Rank 1: You can affect a single target
up to a short distance (around 30 feet)
away. The target must make a Will
save (DC 12) or fall into a slumber
for 1d4 rounds.
Rank 2: You can affect a single
target up to medium (around 300
feet) away. The target must make a
Will save (DC 14) or fall into a deep
slumber for 1d4 minutes.

Rank 3: The subject gets a free Will

save with a +8 bonus to shrug off
the affect of the spell.



Spell: 1CP
Energy Cost: 5/rank
The healer can use this spell
to restore unnatural aging
that can happen do to
(such as the sight of
a ghost). This spell
may only be used
once per supernatural
aging incident.
Rank 1: Restore up to 5 years
that was stolen.
Rank 2: Restore up to 15 years
that was stolen.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: Special
The healer can use this spell to lessen the fatigue and
weariness of a subject.
Rank 1: For 4 energy points the healer can restore 1 hit
point immediately.
Rank 2: For 3 energy points the healer can restore 1 hit
point immediately.
Rank 3: For 2 energy points the healer can restore 1 hit
point immediately.
Rank 4: For 1 energy point the healer can restore 1 hit
point immediately.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The Healer can cast this spell upon
a subject to completely rid them of
infectious germs, bacteria and the
Rank 1: The subject gains
a +8 bonus to Fortitude
when rolling to see if the
contract a disease over
the next 24 hours.
Rank 2: The healer
can sterilize an area
of up to 300 feet. All
in the area gain a +8
bonus to their Fortitude checks when
rolling to see if the contract a disease.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character is aware of tricks of mental persuasion
and has a strong self-discipline. Every time the character
purchases this attribute they receive a +1 to their Will

The Guilds are not the only magic using organization
within Everstone. The Guilds require a lot from their
members and not everybody is willing to dedicate
themselves on the level which the Magi require. Hedge
Wizards got their start in a small network of villages
along the northern Azurite Sea. When the Magi made
their Ascent from the Stone Hold the people of Seress


(as their alliance was called) took notice and chose not
to ally themselves with the arrogant Magi. In truth it
was more likely that the arrogant Wizards saw the Magi
as contenders for their power. The Wizard, Varsellimen
prophesied that the Magi and their Golems would fall
within the year. Of course his prophecy proved to be false
and even today the people of Seress hold contempt for
the Magi. This has not stopped many citizens of Seress
from escaping in the night and making for Everstone
lands. Forsaking the arrogant Wizards of Seress for the
better protection the Magi of Everstone can provide.
Quite a few Wizards have journeyed to Everstone to
see the wonders they have heard about. Quite a few of
these Wizards have stayed within the Valley, opening
up small schools of wizardry and offering to teach those
whom the Magi have spurned (so the Wizards term it).
There are only two schools in the Valley, the School of
Wizardry in Telegrona and the School in South Harbor.
Both have marginal attendance and the classes are
These wizards have become known as Hedge Wizards
to most citizens. Most think that Sorcerers and Hedge
Wizards are the same thing. But Sorcerers practice and
study their own magic, in isolation and solitude, making
the magic form to their own techniques. Wizards
use practices fixed methods which is easier but less
powerful. Many Hedge Wizards will eventually study
more powerful magic and become Sorcerers in the end.
Abilities: The abilities most useful to a Hedge Wizard
vary greatly. A Hedge Wizard that relies on showmanship
would do well to have a high Charisma, while one that
seems drawn to combat would do well to have a good
Constitution. Still others who rely on guile would do
well to have a high Wisdom. Finally, those that rely on
book smarts would do well to have a high Intelligence.
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft: Alchemy (Int),
Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal
(Wis), Knowledge: Alchemy, Arcane, Nature (Int),
Perform (Cha), Poisons (Dex), Profession: Apothecary,
Brewer (Int), Sense Motive (Cha), Slight of Hand (Dex),
Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int mod.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This spell allows the caster to create a small orb of acid
out of the surrounding air and launch it at an intended
target. The caster must succeed in a touch-ranged attack
to be able to hit the target.


Rank 1: The maximum range of the attack is 10 feet and

causes 2d4 points of damage. It also has these Attack
Qualities: accurate 1, area of effect x1, burning 1.
Rank 2: The maximum range of the attack is 20 feet and
causes 4d4 points of damage. It also has these Attack
Qualities: accurate 2, area of effect x1, burning 2.
Rank 3: The maximum range of the attack is 30 feet and
causes 6d4 points of damage. It also has these Attack
Qualities: accurate 3, area of effect x1, burning 3.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can manipulate normal rope to perform
certain tasks.
Rank 1: The caster can have a rope tie itself into a knot.
The caster can be up to 20 feet away from the end that
she desires to be tied.
Rank 2: As Rank 1 but the caster can be 40 feet away.
The caster can also cause 40 feet of rope to become stiff
and rigid enough to hold 150 pounds.
Rank 3: As in Rank 2 but the caster can be 80 feet away
and can cause 80 feet of rope to become rigid and hold
300 pounds.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can cast a fist full of magical energy at a
target and dazzle them (see page 169 of the EBL book).
The magic ball will fly from the casters hand and
automatically strike a number of targets within medium
Rank 1: A single selected target must make a Will save
(DC 12) or be dazzled.
Rank 2: Up to two selected targets must make a Will
save (DC 14) or be dazzled.
Rank 3: Up to four selected targets must make a Will
save (DC 16) or be dazzled.
Rank 4: The caster calls spreads forth their arms and
all within 100 feet must make a Will save (DC 18) or
become dazzled.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can detect the presence of poison (whether
it is a victim that has been poisoned, a weapon that is
poisoned, or a creature that has a poisonous attack).
The caster can also determine the type of poison with a

successful Wisdom or Craft: Alchemy skill check. This

spell lasts for one round.
Rank 1: Detect presence and exact location of poison
within 300 feet.
Rank 2: As rank 1 and you may make a Craft: Alchemy
skill check to determine exactly what the poison does
(DC equal to poison save DC).
Rank 3: As rank 2 and you may make a Craft: Alchemy
skill check (DC equal to the poison save DC) to concoct
a potion that acts as an antidote (takes 1d4 hours to
actually manufacture).

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can detect the presence of magic within
the given radius that is determined by the rank in this
attribute. Note that this spell does not provide any
additional information about the magic, only tells the
caster if there is anything magical within the given
radius by highlighting it in a soft red glow. This spell
lasts for one round.
Rank 1: Detect presence of magic within 50 feet.
Rank 2: Detect presence of magic within 100 feet. You
may also determine the basic type of magic (elemental,
demonic, hollow, natural, divine, etc).


Spell: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
The caster can place a limited enchantment upon an
object such as a ring, an amulet, or weapon. The object
may be used over the next hour to gain a magical
bonus to any action the wielder or wearer wishes. For
example the wearer could use the bonus for a Reflex
save, or they could use it for an attack or defend bonus.
If the items power is not called upon within an hour
after it is made, the magic is lost.
Rank 1: +2 bonus to any one action, 1 time only.
Rank 2: +4 bonus to any one action, 2 times only.
Rank 3: +6 bonus to any one action, 3 times only.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Through training the caster has increased his or her
capacity for channeling energy. The caster is allowed
to roll another racial energy dice and add the result to
his or her current rating. This attribute can be taken
multiple times.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The caster can siphon a targets energy level fatiguing
(see EBL book page 170) it for the duration of the spell.
If the target misses a Fortitude save it then becomes
fatigued. The caster must succeed in a touch-ranged
attack to be able to hit the target and for the spell to
have any affect.
Rank 1: The caster must touch the intended target (DC
Rank 2: Caster must be within 30 feet of target (DC

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The caster has the ability to slow his rate of falling.
Each rank of this spell allows the caster to fall further
with out taking damage. If the caster falls the allowed
distance then he can land in any fashion he wishes: on
his feet, kneeling, etc. If the caster falls further than
the allowed limit on the spell then the caster suffers
1d6 less damage for each 10 foot section that the
spell works. The spell must be activated as soon as
the person begins to fall. The caster cannot fall for a
short distance, and then activate the spell to slow down
before they hit the ground.
Rank 1: The caster may fall 100 feet without taking
Rank 2: The caster may fall 100+ feet without taking

Spell: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This spell allows the caster to shoot forth a cone of frost
from an outstretched hand. The caster must succeed
in a touch-ranged attack to be able to hit the target.
If successful the target is allowed a Reflex save (DC
determined by the rank of the spell) to nullify half the
damage. Armor protects against this attack as normal.
Rank 1: Cold attack with the following characteristics.
Max Range: 10 feet, Base Damage: 2d6, Qualities:
magic, spreading 2.
Rank 2: Cold attack with the following characteristics.
Max Range: 20 feet, Base Damage: 3d6, Qualities:
magic, spreading 3.
Rank 3: Cold attack with the following characteristics.
Max Range: 20 feet, Base Damage: 4d6, Qualities:
magic, spreading 3.


Rank 4: Cold attack with the following characteristics.

Max Range: 30 feet, Base Damage: 5d6, Qualities:
magic, spreading 4.

Rank 3: As rank 2 but the ball of light can be made to

explode at any time to make a flare 3 attack (see page
142 of the EBL book).



Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can summon forth a sphere of light (about
one foot in diameter) that will float and move about
with the caster lighting a given radius determined by
the rank of the spell. This globe of light can follow
anywhere about the casters body or for an additional
Energy Point it can be attached to something so that it
will remain stationary.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can summon forth a blob of a slippery
substance that covers and an area and hinders the
progress of others. It may also be used to silence
squeaking objects.

Rank 1: Globe illuminates up to a 20-foot radius and

lasts for 30 minutes.
Rank 2: Globe illuminates up to a 60-foot radius and
lasts for 1 hour. The Globe can also be moved around by
concentrating, up to a range equal to 10 feet multiplied
by the casters Spellcraft skill rank.

The Hedge Wizard is a good class for character
and NPCs to take during apprenticeship years. By
taking a Hedge Wizard level or two (or more) then
graduating into the Sorcerer or Magi (if accepted
into the Guilds) your spell caster will become well
rounded, learning minor magic which will be useful
throughout their carrier.

Most of the Seress Wizards remain bitter and
spiteful as they have lost a good number of their
population to the Magi. The Wizards have a number
of towns and villages along the Azurite Sea which
are abandoned and re-occupied from time to time do
to attacks from Levithorn and Boorkar minions. The
merchants of Everstone make it a point to keep a
strong trade going with Seress but the Wizards have
a hefty tax which fills their own coffers. The Wizards
have declared it treason to abandon their lands and
most citizens must leave behind close family, who
act as hostages. The Wizards are worried that the
Magi will take pity on the citizens of Seress and
attempt to put a stop to the Wizards tyrannical rule.
They are probably right.
The Wizards have sent many of their members into
Everstone to attempt to infiltrate the Guilds and
learn what they can of the Magis actions. Of course
these Wizards have little chance against the Shadow
Guild when it comes to espionage but who knows
what length they will go to in their attempt to stay
in power.


Rank 1: Caster creates enough grease to cover a 10-foot

by 10-foot area. Any person or animal passing through
this area must make a Dexterity check (DC 12) or fall
prone. This check must be made each round they are in
the effected area.
Rank 2: Caster creates enough grease to cover a 20-foot
by 20-foot area. Any person or animal passing through
this area must make a Dexterity check (DC 16) or fall
prone. This check must be made each round they are in
the effected area.
Rank 3: Caster creates enough grease to cover a 30foot by 30-foot area. Any person or animal passing
through this area must make a Dexterity check (DC
20) or fall prone. This check must be made each
round they are in the effected area.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can keep a door open or closed by simply
touching it and casting this spell. The door will be
magically held and will require a specified amount
of Strength to open.
Rank 1: Caster can hold a door for 10 minutes and a
combined Strength of 25 is needed to open it.
Rank 2: Caster can hold a door for 1 hour and a
combined Strength of 50 is needed to open it.
Rank 3: Spell holds the door for up to 6 hours and a
combined Strength of 100 is needed to open it.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The caster can create a spectral set of hands that
can be controlled by concentrating on them. These
hands can manipulate stuff up to a short distance
away. The caster can use these spectral hands as if
they were her own to open or close doors, windows,
or any other containers. Accordingly, the caster can
even pick up a weapon and attack with it (-4 penalty
do to aiming issues). The weight the caster can lift is
dependent on the rank in this spell. This spell lasts
for 1 scene.

Rank 1: Caster can lift up to 2 pounds and the hands

will work up to 15 feet away.

Rank 1: The maximum range of the spell is 50 feet and

lasts up to 1 round.

Rank 2: Caster can lift up to 20 pounds and the hands

will work up to 45 feet away.

Rank 2: The maximum range of the spell is 100 feet

and lasts up to 1 scene.

Rank 3: Caster can lift up to 100 pounds and the hands

will work up to 120 feet away.

Rank 3: The maximum range of the spell is 150 feet

and lasts up to 1 hour.



Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The caster can weld cracks, rips, and breakage of
items. The density and hardness of the material the
caster is able to affect is based on the rank in this spell.
By welding, this means joining the items together, even
items of different materials. Welding a door shut or a
weapon into a scabbard are some examples of how
casters have used this spell.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This spell allows the caster to whisper to anybody
within sight of him or her and that is in range of the
spell. Also, the target of the spell must be looking at the
caster for the spell to have any affect. Accordingly, both
must speak the same language to be able to understand
each other.

Rank 1: The caster can affect organic material such as

cloth, wood, etc. The caster can affect up to 5 pounds
of material. This power will also heal a Golem by
5 Hit Points.
Rank 2: The caster can affect stone and
mortar such as granite blocks or hardened
clay. The caster can affect up to 20 pounds
of material. This power will also heal a
Golem by 15 Hit Points.
Rank 3: The caster can affect metals such
as iron or even alloys such as steel. The
caster can affect up to 50 pounds of
material. This power will heal a Golem
by 25 Hit Points

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
This spell allows the caster
to create a sound equal to
five humans per rank in
this spell. Examples
of sounds can be men
marching or running,
a galloping gintii, a roar
of a granite mountain lion,
a banging door, glass breaking,
etc. Once chosen the sound
then cannot be altered. Also,
comprehensive words cannot
be heard through the use of
this spell. The duration
and the range of this spell
are also determined by
the casters rank.

Rank 1: The maximum range of the

spell is 100 feet and lasts up to 1
Rank 2: The maximum range of the
spell is 1000 feet and lasts up to 10

Every young Everstonian
eventually finds himself
looking skyward when a
Land Ship flies by, and
cant help but dream of
one day flying the skies
of Lannith. Some make
it up there amongst the clouds,
and some keep dreaming. Very
few will ever sit in the runehelm of a Leviathan or even
a Destroyer class Land Ship
but for those who do they
find that the real thing is
much different then they
imagined. When one sits at
the rune-helm it is like an out
of body experience and the entire
ship becomes your being. You
see as the ship, act as the ship and
are completely aware of the ship.
Many Pilots get so enthralled with
the experience that they describe
their existence outside of the
rune-helm as a downer and
Of course this is not just simply
flying the ship. The Pilot must
know how to work the guns,


the seer-scope and the mana-matrix as well as the

complete workings of their craft.
Abilities: Pilots rely on their Intelligence to keep a cool
head and remember what they have learned from books
or experience itself. They need to make quick decisions
that could be the difference between life and death.
Dexterity is also important because a Pilot needs to act
fast and move quickly without thinking about it. There
are so many things that a Pilot has to do at one time that
quick reactions are a must.
Combat Mastery: Pilots spend less time than warriors
at practicing combat techniques. Thus, a Pilot character
can only choose the attribute attack combat mastery on
every even level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, etc.). If they
do not choose this Attribute on their current even level
then they will have to wait until the next even level.
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha),
Disable Device (Int), Knowledge: Local Travel,
Knowledge: Weather, (Int), Listen (Wis), Navigate
(Int), Pilot (Dex), Repair (Int), Rune Device (Int), Spot
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int mod.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained to fight in armor and does
not suffer the armor check penalty to Attack or Defense
rolls. Such armor penalties only apply to skill checks
that involve moving.
Rank 1: Proficient in light armor.


Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in the use of melee combat.
The character gains a +1 bonus to his or her Base
Attack Bonus (BAB). This could increase the characters
attacks per round if their BAB is increased to +6, +11,
+16, or +21, as normal.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Do to your exceptional skills as a Pilot you can take
small measure in commanding the Land Ship. With
this Attribute you are able to take upon you some of
the actions that are normally for the Captain. (See EBL
page 180).
Rank 1: You may choose one of the actions listed for a
Captain (EBL page 180) and try to perform that action
using a Concentration check. Each action receives a +4
to the DC.


Rank 2: You may choose two of the actions listed for a

Captain (EBL page 180) and try to perform that action
using a Concentration check. Each action receives a +2
to the DC.
Rank 3: You may choose two of the actions listed
for a Captain (EBL page 180) and try to perform that
action using a Concentration check, with no additional
modifier to the DC.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: special
You can use your own inner energy to charge a depleted
bloodstone. Depending on your skill the process can
take more or less energy. The exchange of energy is
Rank 1: Spend 3 energy points to recharge 1 energy
point in a bloodstone.
Rank 2: Spend 2 energy points to recharge 1 energy
point in a bloodstone.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your training has made it so you know where you are
even in the worst of conditions.
Rank 1: You gain a +4 to Navigate checks dealing with
being lost or disoriented.
Rank 2: You gain a +8 to Navigate checks dealing with
being lost or disoriented.
Rank 3: You gain a +12 to Navigate checks dealing
with being lost or disoriented.


Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your training has allowed you to push your ship beyond
the threshold of normal Pilots abilities. This Attribute is
connected to the Pilot skill Push It (See EBL page 180).
Rank 1: You can increase the ships speed by 30% a
round using your Piloting skill check (DC 15).
Rank 2: You can increase the ships speed by 35% a
round using your Piloting skill check (DC 20).


Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your skill helps you gain an even greater advantage over
your enemies. This Attribute is tied into the Piloting skill
Defensive Piloting (see EBL page 180).

Rank 1: For the rest of the round the Pilot gets a +6

bonus to all Defense checks if a Pilot skill check is
made (DC20).

Rank 1: You may use this attribute once per scene.

Rank 2: For the rest of the round the Pilot gets a +8

bonus to all Defense checks if a Pilot skill check is
made (DC25).


Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your skill helps you gain an even greater advantage over
your enemies. This Attribute is tied into the Piloting
skill Prepare (see EBL page 180).
Rank 1: If a Piloting skill check (DC 25) is made
then you gain a +4 bonus to Initiative, a +3 bonus
to Gunner strike rolls, and a +3 to all Defense
Rank 2: If a Piloting skill check (DC 30) is
made then you gain a +5 bonus
to Initiative, a +4 bonus to
Gunner strike rolls, and a
+4 to all Defense checks.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5
You have found a lucky charm
that you always take with you.
As long as you are with in sight
of this charm then these benefits
can be added. These additions do
not count as a Natural roll in
the case of a critical hit. You
can not re-roll a re-roll and
you may always keep
the best roll out of the
Rank 1: You may reroll a failed check
and may keep the
best roll.
Rank 2: Your re-roll
gains a +3 bonus.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
Your skill and use of experience allows you
to pull off some amazing feats while at the helm of
your Land Ship. This Attribute allows you to lower the
DC of a pilot skill check (See EBL page 180) by half
(round down).

Rank 2: You may use this attribute twice per scene.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character is quick on their feet at any slightest sign
of danger. For each rank in this attribute the character
gains a +1 bonus to their Reflex save.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You are able to use your experience to reroute and change
the use of power in the ship to
keep it functioning more
efficiently even after it
has been damaged.
After the battle or
scene ends you can no
longer keep the flow
of energy going to the
needed areas and the
ship retakes the damage.
All damage taken must
be repaired latter. This
Attribute allows you to
keep your Land Ship
functioning a bit longer
in battle.
Rank 1: You may make
a Repair skill check (DC
15) to ignore a single
critical taken during
the battle.
Rank 2: You may make
a Repair skill check (DC
15) to ignore up to two
critical hits taken during
the battle.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Most of the smaller
Land Ships that have
a seer-scope have a
connection to the Rune
Helm. Even larger vessels
that have a seer-scope operator have some connection
with the Pilot. This Attribute allows you to pick one
seer-scope operator task for each rank purchased (See
EBL page 181), you can perform the seer-scope task
from the Rune Helm as though you were sitting at the


Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 0
The character is so certain of their skill that he or
she can Take 10 even under the most adverse of
conditions. This attribute can be used for such skills
as Concentration, Piloting, and Rune Device. However,
this attribute must be purchased for each skill used in
this way.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character is aware of tricks of mental persuasion
and has a strong self-discipline. Every time the character
purchases this attribute they receive a +1 to their Will

Just like any other vermin, thieves follow a healthy
host and Everstone valley is a better place to work
a racket than most. Stormguard, Shadow Magi and
Border Marshals alike have their hands full dealing with
those who steal for a living. There are few dungeons in
Everstone and punishment is usually harsh. After all the
Magi cannot afford to spend much time policing inside
their borders when they must keep an ever watchful
eye without. For this reason the punishment for theft is
usually severe. This carries over from their time below
the Stone Hold where theft was considered among the
worst crimes one could commit. The Stealing of food,
blankets and necessities was and is considered the worst
kind of pilfering. But even still, this does not keep the
thieves from plying their trade.
Thieves across Lannith come in all shapes and sizes;
from the thief to the cat burglar, from the highwayman
to the extortionist. Many are just independent thieves
trying to find an easy way to wealth. Others work for
Merchant Houses or clandestine organizations that try
to infiltrate their competitors and sabotage them or
still their secrets and/or wealth. Still others hide in the
civilized forests surrounding towns preying upon the
unsuspecting merchants and travelers. Any way you
look at it they are scoundrels.
Abilities: Thieves rely mostly on their Dexterity to keep
them balanced on precarious ledges or to avoid fatal
blows that would put an end to their careers. Wisdom
would also be useful for the Thief when it came time
to decide the best available course of action while
burglarizing a target.
Combat Mastery: Thieves spend less time than warriors
at practicing combat techniques. Thus, a Thief character
can only choose the attribute attack combat mastery on
every even level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, etc.). If the


player decides not to choose Combat Mastery on his

current even level, then they will have to wait until the
next even level.
Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist
(Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge: local ,
streetwise (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open
Locks (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Int), Search
(Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot
(Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int mod.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You can determine the value of items and how much
they will sell for in different locations. You know what
price you can get the item from in one place and what
its rough value will be if you attempt to sale it in another
Rank 1: You can determine common household and
military equipment such as spices, furniture, weapons,
armor, etc.
Rank 2: You can determine exotic items such as gems,
magic items, rare/magical metals, etc.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained to fight in armor and does
not suffer the armor check penalty to Attack or Defense
rolls. Such armor penalties only apply to skill checks
that involve moving.
Rank 1: Proficient in light armor.


Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in the use of melee combat.
The character gains a +1 bonus to his or her Base
Attack Bonus (BAB). This could increase the characters
attacks per round if their BAB is increased to +6, +11,
+16, or +21, as normal.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
As a Thief you have learned to use all of your senses to
see and feel the environment around you. Even without
the aid of your eyes, you can see your surroundings.
You can perform actions, such as combat, detect
secret passage, traps, search, etc., without the normal

penalties that the darkness would entail. The rank of

this Attribute determines how effective the blind sight
Rank 1: see everything within 10 feet.
Rank 2: see everything within 25 feet.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: Quick Kill rank 1+
When the Thief successfully deals damage with quick
kill, they can also deal Strength damage to the victim if
the save versus Fortitude is not made. Strength damage
is healed according to the rules found in the Everstone:
Blood Legacy (EBL) book, page 169.
Rank 1: Deal 2 points of Strength damage if save vs.
Fort (DC 12) is not made.
Rank 2: Deal 4 points of Strength damage if save vs.
Fort (DC 14) is not made.
Rank 3: Deal 6 points of Strength damage if save vs.
Fort (DC 16) is not made.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained their body to withstand harsh
punishment as well as increase their endurance. The
character gains an extra hit dice + Constitution modifier
in hit points each time this attribute is chosen.


Attribute: 3CP
Energy Cost: 2
The character can strain their bodies to attain that extra
little speed they need to get out of the way of a lethal
attack. When they use this attribute, spend the listed
Energy Points to gain a bonus equal to the characters
level in Thief to either a single Defense check or Reflex
save. They can decide to do this right before they make
the check.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Thief must be quick of foot, able to evade danger
instead of facing it head on. He or she is not interested
in confronting the danger only getting past it. Thieves
who hesitate and are not aware of their surroundings
dont last very long.
Rank 1: The Thief is never caught flat-footed, retaining
his or her Dexterity bonus to Defense rolls even when
surprised or attacked by an invisible opponent.
Rank 2: When the Thief would normally be allowed to
make a Reflex save to take half-damage, they instead
take no damage if the save is successful.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Thief has an uncanny ability to sense and avoid
ambushes and traps.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has been trained in defense against
attacks. Increase the characters Base Defense Bonus
by +1 each time this attribute is chosen.

Rank 1: The character receives a +5 bonus to their

Search skill when trying to locate a trap or ambush.
Also, they receive a +3 bonus to their Reflex save or
Defense when confronting affects or attacks from traps
or ambushes (first round of combat only).


Rank 2: The character receives a +10 bonus to their

Search skill when trying to locate a trap or ambush.
Also, they receive a +6 bonus to their Reflex save or
Defense when confronting affects or attacks from traps
or ambushes (first round of combat only).

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
Prerequisite: Tumble 7 + ranks
As a Thief you have spent more time training to avoid
lethal attacks than delivering them. You can choose
to roll with the punch at a successful attack against
you. Your rank in this attribute determines how much
of the damage you can avoid. You can decide to use this
attribute before damage is rolled but after the Attack
and Defense roll is made.
Rank 1: Take only 75% of the normal damage (round
Rank 2: Take only 50% of the normal damage (round

Rank 3: The character receives a +15 bonus to their

Search skill when trying to locate a trap or ambush.
Also, they receive a +9 bonus to their Reflex save or
Defense when confronting affects or attacks from traps
or ambushes (first round of combat only).

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained so that they have a greater
chance to act first in combat.


Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks.

Rank 3: +4 bonus to attack and +6 bonus to damage.

Rank 2: Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative checks.


Rank 3: Gain a +6 bonus to Initiative checks.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Youre the kind of person that can just blend in with the
crowd. You call no attention to yourself and do little to
attack any unwanted attention.
Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to your Disguise and Hide
Rank 2: Gain a +4 bonus to your Disguise and Hide

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Thief has been trained to spot relevant information
or clues. He or she gains a +2 bonus per rank on all
Gather Information and Search skill checks.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
As a Thief you work best alone. They have strategies
that work best when they are in control. This Attribute
works almost in the opposite of Teamwork (see EBL).
The Thief can gain the advantage over an opponent by
facing it on her own terms. When facing an opponent
the Thief gains bonuses based on the number of ranks
in this Attribute.
Rank 1: +1 bonus to attack and +2 bonus to damage.
Rank 2: +2 bonus
to attack and
+4 bonus to


Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Thief has studied the deadliest places to strike an
unwary target. He or she is able to incapacitate or kill
in a single blow. Whenever a target is attacked that
is flat-footed, the Thief may add the quick kill bonus
damage to a successful strike. This can only be done
with melee weapons. This damage also has the magic
Attack Quality (see EBL page 143).
Rank 1: +1d6 points of damage on a surprise attack.
Rank 2: +2d6 points of damage on a surprise attack.
Rank 3: +3d6 points of damage on a surprise attack.
Rank 4: +4d6 points of damage on a surprise attack..

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character is quick on their feet at any slightest sign
of danger. For each rank in this attribute the character
gains a +1 bonus to their Reflex save.

Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 0
The character is so certain of their skill that he or she can
Take 10 even under the most adverse of conditions.
This attribute can be used for such skills as Pick Locks,
Sleight of Hand, Disarm Traps et cetera. However, this
attribute must be purchased for each skill used in this

Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 0
You have an unnatural knack to talk very fast. When
you are trying to convince others you can make them
think you know more than you do by talking quickly.
You gain +4 to all Bluff skill checks.

ometimes there is no way of avoiding a
fight. The situation arrives where words
wont stand up against the brute strength
of the enemy. In situations like these you
have two options; fight yourself or hire
someone to fight for you.
Even though the Hollow Lords and their
minions threaten every border of Everstone and countless other terrors wander
throughout the valley, the need for Magi,
Stormguard, and Boarder Marshals has
waned. In the first years of the ascension
of the Everstonian out of Stone Hold, if
there were a fight to be fought then one of
these professions would be called upon to
take care of the danger. But today, as Everstone boarders keep increasing it is difficult to get a professional soldier to ever
place there is a need. So, out of necessitate, other professions have arisen to take
care of the need for brute strength within
the valley.
Merchants have an increasing need for
bodyguards, and are more then willing to
pay a little less for a strong man, than
turn out a fortune for a Stormguard. There
are many taverns that also have a need
for bouncers. Farmers need protection for
raiding monsters and bandits.
Though the various schools pump out
Magi, Stormguard, and Boarder Marshals,
the need for regular town guard, militia,
soldiers, and law keepers is at an all
time high. So, many people have now opted to take the quick way to one of these
professions. Instead of taking the time to
do the schooling for these other three major professions they train and learn the art
of war on their own. Another route has
been training gin The Pitt. Many men, and
women, have begun to make a living at
the infamous tavern in Cinder The Pitt,
fighting in the pit. Hence, the Mundane
Warrior Class has arisen to fill the need for
these types of minor professions that are
needed within Everstone.
Abilities: Warriors rely mostly on their
brute strength and their lasting endurance.
To this end, a high Strength and Constitution are a must for this class. Also, an
above average Dexterity would be nice to
help avoid any deadly blows aimed at the

Most thieves act alone or in small groups. But as is natural
some have banded together to form alliances where
one member looks out for the other. Some of the larger
organizations that can be found throughout Everstone
valley are covered in brief below.
The House of Little Fingers: Probably the most notable
organizations to date. The House of Little Fingers is
becoming something of a legend. It makes its base in South
Harbor and is controlled by the three Hs (see Everstone:
Blood Legacy book page 213) which stands for the Heart,
the Hand and the Head. Of course there are many rumors
to whom these three Hs are and among the many rumors it
is said that a prominent Shadow Magi is among their ranks.
These thieves go out of their way to keep casualties to a
minimum it seems and they only steel from those who can
afford it. The thieves of Little Fingers are notoriously good
burglars and they consider it the greatest failure if they are
seen or detected while doing a job.
The Deck: There is no proof of this organizations existence
is the whispers heard in the darkest corners of the seediest
of taverns. The Deck is a very organized group of assassins.
They are very high priced and most of the time the person
hiring them does not even know who they are dealing
with. The only indication that they were responsible for
an untimely death is their calling card they leave behind.
A dagger stuck in the body and on the end of the hilt a
laughing skull made of pure silver. It is said that only the
assassins of the Deck carry such daggers and to have one
in your possession and not be of the Deck is surely death.
The Deck works in both South Harbor and Telegrona. It is
said that they fear the many Magi which inhabit Harbor
and so stay away from the city or at least the avoid using
their calling card. They charge triple the price if their target
is a Magi or in the employ of the Guilds. The leader of the
organization is one who simply calls himself ACE.
The Traveling Stage: A group of actors, singers and musicians
travel between the larger cities of South Harbor, Harbor,
Telegrona and finally Greenfields. They spend an entire year
in route and unknown to all they are a group of flamboyant
thieves. They take pride in their showmanship and
attempting more complicated jobs that leaves investigators
stumped. When they pull a job it is usually big. They do not
advertise their existence and most believe that the theft is
simply a common thief with a flare for showmanship. None
has put together that these thefts seem to travel with The
Traveling Stage Show. The mastermind behind the show is
one Madam Sith, the master of the show and the master of
her thieves. She is known for her beauty, both in voice and
appearance. She is the best among her kind and she has the
respect of every last one of her members.


Class Skills: Climb (Str), Gamble (Wis), Handle Animal

(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Ride
(Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/per rank
You have learned to channel your adrenaline to an
extent and make it work for you. By spending energy
points you can increase your Strength and Dexterity
for 1 scene. The exact point boost is dependent on the
ranks you have in this Attribute.
Rank 1: Increase your Strength and Dexterity by 2
Rank 2: Increase your Strength and Dexterity by 4

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained to fight in armor and does
not suffer the armor check penalty to attack or defense
rolls. Such armor penalties only apply to skill checks
that involve moving.
Rank 1: Proficient in light armor.
Rank 2: Proficient in medium armor.
Rank 3: Proficient in heavy armor.


Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in the use of melee combat.
The character gains a +1 bonus to his or her Base Attack Bonus (BAB). This could increase the characters
attacks per round if their BAB is increased to +6, +11,
+16, or +21, as normal.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in unarmed combat and
knows how to maximize his or her damage with their
fist, foot, or knee. Normally, the character inflicts 1d3
points of damage plus Strength modifier in damage.
Rank 1: The characters unarmed damage is 1d6 + Str
Rank 2: The character can take a full round action to
make a kick attack that delivers 1d10 + Str modifier in


Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: special
You can use your inner energy to charge a depleted
bloodstone. Depending on your skill, the process can
take more or less energy. Each rank decreases the number of energy points you need to spend in order to recharge the bloodstone. The exchange of energy is instantaneous
Rank 1: Spend 3 energy points to recharge 1 energy
point in a bloodstone.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
If you deal enough damage to make an opponent drop,
you get an extra attack against another opponent who
is also in melee with you. This attack is immediate and
at the same BAB as the attack that dropped the first opponent.
Rank 1: You can make only one cleave attack per round,
even if you drop more than one opponent.
Rank 2: You can make as many extra cleave attacks in a
round equal to the number of opponents you drop.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained to their body to withstand
harsh punishment, as well as increasing their endurance. The character gains an extra hit dice + Constitution modifier in hit points each time this attribute is


Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in defense against attacks. Increase the characters Base Defense Bonus by +1 each
time this attribute is chosen.

Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Normally, the character suffers a 2 penalty for each
defense roll after the first, but with training he or she
can learn to be aware and defend against multiple attacks per round. Each round the character can make an
additional defense action without suffering the normal
penalty. Each time the character purchases this attribute it grants them an additional defense roll without
the penalty.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character stays in good health. Increase the characters Fortitude save by +1 each time this attribute is

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained so that they have a greater
chance to act first in combat.
Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks.
Rank 2: Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative checks.
Rank 3: Gain a +6 bonus to Initiative checks.

Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 0
If the character has a
higher Initiative against an
opponent, they can make a
leap attack against them, using the momentum from the
leap to lend their weapon force.
The character gains a +2 bonus
to damage, as well as half their
ranks (round up) in their Jump
skill to damage. This is counted as
a full round action and the only
attack they can make during the
round. If the character fails to hit,
however, they are off balance and
suffer a 4 penalty to any defense
checks until their next allowed action (even if it is not until next

Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 0
The character has
practiced and become very efficient
with one melee weapon type. You can hit
the target easier with
this weapon than other
similar types. This Attribute allows you to gain a bonus to hit
with just that one weapon. You
must pick a specific weapon
to use this Attribute on. For

example; you cannot pick sword and have it count for

long, short, two handed, and Magi Warblade. You need
to pick one specific weapon. This does not increase the
characters BAB. The character can choose this attribute multiple times for multiple weapon types.
Rank 1: You may add +1 to your Attack Bonus when
attacking with the chosen melee weapon.
Rank 2: You may add +2 to your Attack Bonus when
attacking with the chosen melee weapon.
Rank 3: You may add +3 to your Attack Bonus when
attacking with the chosen melee weapon.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: Ride skill
The character has trained in the cavalry and has learned
how to make their mount more effective in combat.
Rank 1: Once per round the character can make
a Ride skill check and replace it with that of the
mounts defense roll if the result is better. This
greatly increases
chance to get out
of harms way.
Rank 2: When the
character is mounted
and he or she charges
into melee, (at least
half of the mounts base
movement) the character
deals double damage. If the
character has a lance or similar pole arm they can deal triple

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained
to wait until the enemy
is almost upon them, increasing their chance for a
deadly shot before closing for
Rank 1: The character gains a +1
bonus to strike and damage with a
ranged weapon when the target is
within 30 feet.


Rank 2: The character gains a +2 bonus to strike and

damage with a ranged weapon when the target is within
30 feet.

Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: Strength 13+
By concentrating on brute force instead of accuracy the
character can make a power attack. Subtract a number
of points from the characters melee attack roll (must
be stated before attack roll is made) and add the same
amount to the damage if the attack is successful.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1
You have learned to ignore your own discomfort and
pain in order to survive and perform at top efficiency in
times of need.
Rank 1: Each time you spend one energy point you heal
back one hit point of damage.


Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 0
The character has practiced and become very efficient
with one ranged weapon type. You can hit the target
easier with this weapon than other similar types. This
Attribute allows you to gain a bonus to hit with just that
one weapon. You must pick a specific weapon to use
this Attribute on. For example; you cannot pick bow and
have it count for long, short, and Fey bows. You need
to pick one specific weapon. This does not increase the
characters BAB. The character can choose this attribute
multiple times for multiple weapon types.
Rank 1: You may add +1 to your Attack Bonus when
attacking with the chosen ranged weapon.
Rank 2: You may add +2 to your Attack Bonus when
attacking with the chosen ranged weapon.
Rank 3: You may add +3 to your Attack Bonus when
attacking with the chosen ranged weapon.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character is quick on their feet at any slightest sign
of danger. For each rank in this attribute the character
gains a +1 bonus to their Reflex save.


Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Through training with the shield, the character has
learned to optimize its defense capability. Against a
single attacker the character gains a +1 Defense Bonus
per rank in this attribute (along with the normal +2
bonus for using a shield). If the character has at least 3
ranks in this attribute they can use the shield to block
ranged attacks.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+
The character has trained in the combat art of wielding
a melee weapon in each hand, as long as both weapons
are designed to be used as a single-handed weapon. The
character gains an extra attack with this weapon. Accordingly, the penalty for doing so is reduced by 2 (see
attacking with two weapons on page 166 in the Everstone book) or the character can use the extra weapon
to parry incoming melee attacks, granting a +2 bonus
to their Defense Bonus. Every time the character takes
this attribute, they reduce the penalty for making two
attacks by 2.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: BAB 4+
Through focused training on a given weapon type, the
character has increased their ability to inflict grievous
wounds. When using the weapon type the character is
specialized in (long sword, mace, spear, etc.) the character gains a +1 damage bonus per rank in this attribute,
to a maximum of 6 ranks. The character can choose this
attribute multiple times for multiple weapon types.

Over the course of years a person can pick up a few
things from friends and companions. Practicing a
combination attack, how to sucker punch somebody or
some spell techniques by the campfire to kill the time is
not uncommon. Listed here are a few attributes which
can be learned by any class. They are usually limited
to rank 1 of the more basic attributes found in many of
the existing classes. To learn an attribute at rank 2 or
more you need to have a level or two in a class that has
the more advanced ranks of the chosen attribute. Some
attributes are only allowed on specific levels. In which
case, if they dont appear in your character class, you
cannot purchase them. A good example of this is the
Willpower attribute. If it appears in your class you can
purchase it every level if you want. But if you purchase
it from this generic list, you can only purchase it on
level 4, 8, 12 and so on (every 4th level).
Many of the attributes are new to this book. Such as
the Golem Familiar and many of the spell enhancement

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
You have learned to channel your adrenaline to an
extent and make it work for you. By spending energy
points you can increase your Strength and Dexterity for
one scene.
Rank 1: Increase your Strength and Dexterity by 2

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You have trained in unarmed combat and know how to
maximize your damage with your fist, foot, or knee.
Rank 1: Your unarmed damage is 1d6 + Str modifier.

Spell: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1
Before a spell caster learns to cast the more powerful
spells they must first learn use lesser magic such as
cantrips. These are spells that are more utilitarian and
include polishing the silver, mending a ripped shirt,
starting or dousing a candle flame, etc. Each time

the character takes this attribute they gain two of the

cantrips described below. Casting a cantrip takes a
standard action. Most of these cantrips have a range of
25 feet.
Clean: This cantrip will immediately clean the caster
or somebody he touches. Cleaning their clothing, their
skin and hair and ridding them of body odor.
Cook Meal: This cantrip can be used to warm up
foodstuff, about 1 pound per use.
Disappearing Item: This cantrip can be used to
make something that is in your hand be immediately
teleported to another location on your body (such as
within a pocket) or vise versa.
Disperse Smoke: This cantrip is useful around campfires
as well as clearing unwanted smoke from a room (say
after burning a meal by accident). Smoke within a 10
foot radius will disperse into nothing over the next 30
Light Play: This cantrip creates small balls of glowing
light which can be juggled and made to float about the
casters body which is very entertaining.
Mug of Ale: This cantrip will fill an empty mug or cup
with fresh ale.
Mundane Task: This cantrip will cause a simple 5
minute task to be preformed automatically. This cantrip
must be chosen for each such task. Simple tasks
include, laying out and putting away a bedroll, setting
up utensils and plates to prepare a meal, washing the
dishes or unsaddling and brushing down a mount.
Open: This cantrip will cause a door or chest to unlatch
and open or close if already open. It will automatically
open locks with a open DC of 25 or less.
Polish Metal: This cantrip will clean and polish armor,
silverware, silver mirror, or anything else metal. The
item will gleam with brilliance after this cantrip is
Stitch: This cantrip will mend a ripped shirt or other
article of clothing that has been damaged.


Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: special
You can use your own inner energy to charge a depleted
bloodstone. Depending on your skill the process can
take more or less energy. The exchange of energy is
Rank 1: Spend 3 energy points to recharge 1 energy
point in a bloodstone.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
When in combat you have a primary opponent (the one
you are attacking with your highest BAB). Against this
opponent you gain a Defense bonus. If you switch your
primary opponent then your Defense bonus switches to
this new target.
Rank 1: You gain a +1 to your Defense checks against
your primary opponent.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
You can choose any of the spells you know that require
a target to make a Saving throw or inflicts damage
(choose one or the other if spell has both elements).
The spells save DC or damage is increased. You can use
this on any such spell but you must spend the extra
energy points for this ability on top of the energy points
for casting the spell.
Rank 1: Increase Save DC by 2 or increase spells damage
by 1 die.
Rank 2: Increase Save DC by 4 or increase spells damage
by 2 die.

Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 0
You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks. Swim
checks to remain swimming for longer periods of
time, Constitution check to keep running for extended
periods, Constitution check to continue a forced march,
Constitution or Swim check to hold your breath for
longer, Constitution checks to avoid damage from
starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves to resist harmful
effects from extreme hot and cold environments.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You learned to maximize your enemys weaknesses. You
must have witnessed the opponent in action for more
than 2 full rounds, either previous observations, or as


you are fighting them. You use this weakness against

your opponent in an attempt to make a lethal attack.
Rank 1: After 2 rounds of observing or fighting an
opponent you can score a Critical strike on a natural
roll of 19 or 20, instead of just 20.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You are in good health. You can increase your Fortitude
save by +1. You may only take the Fortitude (generic)
attribute at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

Attribute: 2 + 1/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: 3 levels of a Magi class, and spend 3,000
silver guilders.
The Magi character has a Golem familiar as a companion. The Golem becomes the characters property and
can be modified, used, or upgraded as they see fit. If
the Golem is ever destroyed it can be replaced for a
250 experience points. The new Golem familiar will be
of the appropriate level and all upgrades (see below)
purchased will also work on the new golem. The first
rank in this attribute is to acquire the Golem; each rank
after the first allows you to purchase one of the following abilities.
When a golem initially purchased it is 1st level. The
Golem does not earn experience points as normal but
instead increases its level when the Magi chooses to
do so (see Level Up, below). A new level is handled
just like character advancement. The Golem increases
its BAB and Saves as appropriate and earns 5 character
points to spend on the upgrades listed in this section.
Golem Link: You can sense your Golem. You
automatically know in which direction, how far away
and the condition of your Golem (how many hit points
and energy points it has remaining).
Power Transfer: You can use this ability to transfer
energy points from yourself to your Golem. For each
energy point you spend you can recharge the Golem
by the same amount. You cannot give the golem more
energy points than its maximum rating.
Level Up: The Golem increases its level by 1 to a
maximum of 5th level.

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You have a trusted henchman who is loyal as well as
your friend. The Henchman must be treated with respect or they may leave you. The henchman will put
themselves in danger for you but only when doing so

would protect you of an equal danger. The exact reason for the henchmen being around is up to the story
and the Game Master. The Henchman will always be
3 levels lower than yourself and each time you raise a
level they will raise a level as well. If the henchman is
killed or they abandon you because of abusive treatment they will be replaced by another henchman (at
GMs leisure) but will be reduced a level (4 levels lower than yourself). Each time the henchmen is replaced
they are reduced another level. Game Masters should
always keep the exact stats of the henchman a secret
although players should have a good idea of what their
henchman can do.
Each time this attribute is chosen you attract another


Rank 2: You draw your weapon as a free action and

gain a +6 bonus to your Initiaitve on the round the
weapon is drawn.

Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 3
Prerequisite: spell must be enhance with the Master
You have mastered the spell to such an extent that you
may cast the spell as a free action. This means you
could take your normal action, attacking or even cast
another spell. You may only use one Quickened Spell
per round. You must pay this abilities energy points on
top of the energy points needed for the spell.


Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your training has made it so that you have a greater
chance to act first in combat.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You have trained to be quick. Increase your Reflex save
by +1 for each rank in this Attribute. You may only
purchase this attribute at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative checks.



Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your eyes are quick and fast. They catch every detail
in the area much faster than normal people. For every
rank you spend in this Attribute you gain +2 to Search
and Spot skill checks.

Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 3
Some greater power seems to look out for you from
time to time, granting you a bit of what appears to be
raw luck. You can choose to re-roll a single die once
per game session equal to the number of ranks in this
Attribute. You must keep the second roll even if it is
lower than the first.
Rank 1: you are allowed 1 re-roll per gaming session.

Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 0
You can choose any spell you know and master to such
skill that you no longer need to use gestures or verbal
components to cast it. You simply bring it into affect.
This attribute may be taken more than once, each time
select another spell.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Normally a move equivalent action is required to draw a
weapon. With this attribute you can draw your weapon
out so quickly you surprise even the most observant of
Rank 1: You draw your weapon as a free action and
gain a +3 bonus to your Initiaitve on the round the
weapon is drawn.

Attribute: 1CP
Energy Cost: 0
When using a weapon in either hand you can use the
Total Defense (EBL 166) option and gain a +6 Defense
bonus instead of only a +4.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You have trained with a specific type of weapon more
that others. For each rank you put in this Attribute
you gain a +1 bonus to attack with that weapon type
(long sword, rapier, etc). Note that this bonus does not
increase your Base Attack Bonus, thus granting more
attacks, it grants only a bonus to strike.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You have your mind to resist intrusion; as well you have
taught yourself strong self control. You may purchase
this attribute at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.


The spells represented in the Blood Legacy books as
attributes have been refined to the point of being more
like a special ability than a spell. The fact is, is that
there are numerous spells and spell casting variations
known throughout Lannith. Some sorcerers have a
much wider range of spells that they know but on
the downside they are not as refined as spells the
Magi and some other use (this is reflected in the higher
Power Point cost of dynamic magic spells).
Characters and NPCs alike are free to study outside
the normal parameters of spells found within the Blood
Legacy books. By searching out old sorcerers and other
backwater spell users they can learn magic that is
primal but very effective (typical d20 spells).


Although many of the Magi have spells that are easily
attained through their classes without trouble, there
are still many Magi who have some experience with
using the more raw magic of Dynamic spells. As a
matter of fact it is quite common. Around 70% of all
Magi will have a few ranks in both of the Dynamic
magic attributes listed below. These magi will usually
spend 25% of their character points on them.


To learn dynamic magic a character must first find
somebody who can cast dynamic magic. It is impossible
to learn such magic from a tomb or scroll, it must be
taught to the character. After studying with a Dynamic
spell user for at least a month they must spend all 5
character points from their next level increase on the
Dynamic Magic Casting and Dynamic Magic Study
attributes (found below). Both of these attributes must
have their first rank purchased at the same time. After
the character has rank 1 in each attribute they may
increase each as they desire. Thus a character could
increase their rank in Dynamic Magic Casting each level
without needing to raise the Dynamic Magic Study at
all, or vice-versa. Any class or race may learn dynamic


When introducing dynamic magic into your game there
is a number of issues which need to be clarified. How
are save DC calculated? What is your magic level?
What about magic damage? What determines the
spells level? How many energy points does a spell take
to cast?


All dynamic magic is figured from a Sorcerer spell
level equivalents.



If you are not familiar with the use of typical
d20 spell using rules you might want to
overlook this section. Simply use those spells
and create your own spells as you need them.
The dynamic rules provided here are to give
typical d20 players a wider range of magic
that they are used to having and incorporate
their favorite spells from other d20 games. This
section of the book takes for granted that the
reader is familiar with the Core d20 rulebooks.


Spells usually depend on the casters level to

determine things like range, duration, damage, etc.
The casters level is equal to the number of ranks
they have in the Dynamic Magic Casting attribute.

Many spells require the target to make a saving
throw against a DC, this if figured as follows. The
DC of the spell is figured by taking the base of 10
and adding the spells level and then adding the
characters lowest attribute modifier from either
Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma (DC = 10 +
spell level + lowest modifier).

The Blood Legacy game uses a unique convention
for magic damage. Damage that is considered
magical (such as a fireball, burning hands, magic
missile, etc) is always rolled in d6s. This is usually
not a problem as most magical damage is already
figured in d6s in the Players Handbook. A few,
such as magic missile, are not. Use the Non-Magic
to Magic conversion table to figure out what you
should be rolling.

The maximum number of spells that a character
can learn how to use is dependent on their Dynamic
Magic Study attribute as detailed below.

Spells of any type always take up magical energy
which requires the character to expend energy
points. When you cast the spell you must spend
the energy points, if you dont have the energy
points you cannot cast the spell. The table found
here decides how much energy each spell uses up based
on its level.


Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You spend time mastering the working of magic and the
study of how to get more out of your dynamic spells.
Each rank you take in this attribute increases your spell
casting level by 1 and allows you to cast higher level
spells. Thus if you had four ranks in this attribute you
would be a 4th level spell caster and be able to cast
spells of level 0, 1, and 2 (you max spell level is listed as



Max Spell Level


2). See the Dynamic Magic Casting table. This

attribute can be increased a maximum of 10 ranks.


Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You spend a good deal of time learning new spells of
different types. Each rank in this attribute increases the
number of spells you have learned. See the Dynamic
Magic Study table. This attribute can be taken a
maximum of 10 ranks.


Dynamic Magic
Study Rank


Spells Known by level






Many spells are inappropriate for the Blood Legacy setting. Game Masters are always the final judge of whether
a spell is allowed in the campaign or not. We have provided a list of spells here that can be easily integrated into
most Lannith stories without harm (spells beyond 5th level are considered inappropriate). Spells not in this list
should be looked over carefully before being allowed into the game. Spells that completely negate magic, especially
those with an area of affect, should not be allowed. Magic is too much of a dominating force in Lannith and to
completely stop the flow of magic would be disastrous, most likely destroying the one who attempted it. Spells
that allow travel between planes or worlds should also be banned. Although there are different realms that can
be reached from Lannith, these will be introduced as the world unfolds with special ways to contact and travel
between each.

Acid Splash (not magical damage)
Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights
Detect Poison
Disrupt Undead (magic damage)
Ghost Sounds
Mage Hand
Ray of Frost (magic damage 1d6-2)
Touch of Fatigue


Animate Rope
Burning Hands (magic damage)
Cause Fear (subjects become
frightened as found on page 170
of the EBL book)
Charm Person
Chill Touch (magic damage)
Color Spray
Comprehend Languages
Detect Secret Doors
Detect Undead
Disguise Self
Endure Elements
Erase (does not affect magical
Expeditious Retreat
Feather Fall


Hold Portal
Identify (does not work on rune
items, Kataan talismans, Adone
demon items, Shone wyrd items,
only traditional magic items)
Mage Armor (Armor Protection 2)
Magic Missile (magic damage)
Magic Weapon (weapon inflicts
magic damage while under this
Mount (calls Gintii)
Obscuring Mist
Ray of Enfeeblement (not magic
Shield (+4 shield Defense bonus,
Armor Protection 6)
Shocking Grasp (magic damage)
Silent Image
Tensers Floating Disk
True Strike
Unseen Servant


Alter Self
Arcane Lock
Bears Endurance
Blur (+2 Defense bonus instead of
20% miss chance)
Bulls Strength
Cats Grace
Continual Flame

Daze Monster
Detect Thoughts
Eagles Splendor
False Life
Fog Cloud
Foxs Cunning
Flaming Sphere (magic damage)
Gust of Wind
Hypnotic Pattern
Leomunds Trap (magic damage)
Locate Object
Magic Mouth
Melfs Acid Arrow (magic damage)
Miner Image
Mirror Image
Obscure Object
Owls Wisdom
Protection from Arrows
Resist Energy
Rope Trick
Scare (subjects become panicked
as found on page 170 of the EBL
Scorching Ray (magic damage)
See Invisibility (works against
Shadow Magi Invisibility, even at
rank 3)
Spider Climb
Touch of Idiocy (not magic

Whispering Wind


Arcane Sight
Deep Slumber
Fireball (magic damage)
Flame Arrow (magic damage)
Gaseous Form
Gentle Repose
Halt Undead
Haste (+1 on Defense rolls since
AC is not used)
Hold Person
Illusory Script
Invisibility Sphere
Leomunds Tiny Hut
Magic Weapon, Greater (weapon
inflicts magic damage while
under the influence of this spell)
Major Image
Non Detection
Lightning Bolt (magic damage)
Phantom Steed (magic gintii)
Protection from Energy
Secret Page
Sepia Snake Sigil
Shrink Item
Slow (-2 to Defense checks since AC
is not used)
Sleet Storm
Stinking Cloud
Vampiric Touch (not magic
Water Breathing
Wind Wall


Arcane Eye
Bestow Curse
Charm Monster

Crushing Despair
Detect Scrying
Dimension Door
Fire Trap (magic damage)
Fire Shield (inflicts magic damage)
Geas, Lesser
Hallucinatory Terrain
Ice Storm (magic damage)
Illusory Wall
Locate Creature
Leomunds Secure Shelter
Minor Creation
Otilukes Resilient Sphere
Phantasmal Killer (magic damage)
Polymorph (does not work on
Hollow creatures)
Rainbow Pattern
Remove Curse
Scrying (range cut down to half in
Hollow tainted lands)
Shout (magic damage)
Solid Fog
Stone Shape
Wall of Fire (magic damage)
Wall of Ice

Teleport (range cut down to half in
Hollow tainted lands)
Transmute Mud to Rock
Transmute Rock to Mud
Wall of Stone
Waves of Fatigue (as Fatigued on
page 170 of the EBL book)


Baleful Polymorph (does not work
on Hollow creatures)
Blight (magic damage)
Cloudkill (not magic damage)
Cone of Cold (magic damage)
Dominate Person
False Vision
Hold Monster
Major Creation
Mind Fog
Mirage Arcana
Mordenkainens Private Sanctum
Persistent Image
Prying Eyes
Rarys Telepathic Bond


People are funny. We each have those things that make us special. Sometimes
we find the path that makes those special things come out, sometimes we
dont. Take one of my wives for example. She can cook and I mean really
cook! But she is not so good at other unmentionable skills. On the other
hand, my other wife cant cook worth a lick. Even though she has tried and
practiced, she just cant seem to get the hang of it. Not that I care. She does
that unmentionable thing.really well! Like I say everybody has that
thing that makes them shine. You just hope they have more qualities that
make them shine than make them a pain in the ass.
-Thane Kastian, agent of House Savant-

Although the Blood Legacy game gives a ton of options

and you can already modify and customize your
character to a great extent, we have found that the fun is
in the small details. This section provides the new flaw
and edges rules for making your Lannith character.
Provided below are a list of flaws that you can pick for
your character as you see fit. Each flaw awards you a
number of flaw points. These points can be traded
in for various things; most commonly edges (see later
on in this section for list of edges). You can only pick a
number of flaws to equal 10 points or less and you can
only take flaws and edges at character creation.
Skills: You can trade flaw points on a one for one basis
with skill points although you cannot increase a skill
above and beyond your maximum skill rank. It should be
noted that these are actual skill points that can increase
your rank. Not a skill bonus (as most background feats
Class Skill: You can make a non-class skill a class skill
(that will remain a class skill even if you change classes).
For 4 points you can make any skill a class skill.
Character Points: You can trade flaw points in for
character points. For 4 points you may purchase 1
character point to spend on class attributes, background
feats, or racial attributes as you choose (but not ability
scores). You can only get 1 character point in this way.


Character Edge: You can trade in flaw points for

character edges. Each character edge has a listed value
of how many flaw points are needed to purchase it. This
is the only way edges can be developed. You cannot buy
edges with character points or skill points.

Listed below you will find a list of flaws which will
give you flaw points. Some flaws give you more points
than others, depending how they limit or hinder your
character. Some flaws have multiple levels which can be
taken. For example the Brittle flaw can give you 3 flaw
points or 6 flaw points. Of course the higher point flaw
hinders your character more than the lesser point flaw.
You can only take a Flaw once; you cannot take two
levels of a flaw and stack their negative affects. Some
flaws do not work with some edges. For example you
cannot take the Ugly flaw and then purchase the Good
Looks edge. Story Masters are the final judge of whether
or not your character can take a flaw or edge.

Flaw Points: 3
Being afraid of heights has always kept you back. You
hate traveling aboard those flying land ships and you
could not possibly understand how anybody could live
in a flying island that was just waiting to come crashing
down. Anytime you get more than 20 feet off the ground


Many of the flaws listed here are nothing more
than extreme personality quirks. Just because
your character does not purchase the flaw does
not mean they cannot be role-played such.
You can have a Curious character but your
character does not let their curiosity rule their
lives. Those personality flaws described here
are the extreme end of the ruler and if you are
awarded flaw points for a personality quirk you
should play it up to no end.


Characters can buy off flaws later on in the
game as they wish. Trading in character points
or skill points (in reverse exchange rates) when
they go up in level. There should be a good
reason why the flaw is bought off but with the
Game Masters permission and some in story
reason it is possible. Your Obese character
might be on a diet or your Hard of Hearing
character might have sought out magical
healing for his impairment.

Flaw Points: 3/6

You have always been a little scrawny and you
bruise easily. Most people have always referred to
you as sickly or the runt.
3 points: You reduce your hit points rolled each
level by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
6 points: You reduce your hit points rolled each
level by 2 (to a minimum of 1).

Flaw Points: 2
You are over cautious and will never charge
headlong into anything that is not well planned
out. You get frustrated with hot headed friends
who dont slow down and listen to reason. You
will not take part of unplanned action unless
forced into it (in self defense).

Flaw Points: 2
You are arrogant and you will not back down from
a fight. You believe you can do anything and brag
to all that you can and Will!

you want to freeze up and clamp your arms around
anything solid. You suffer a -2 penalty to all actions
while near a substantial height. You must make a Will
save (DC 15) to even get onto a flying vehicle or animal
and even then it is only with the coaxing and threats of
your companions.

Flaw Points: 2
You are arrogant to those whom you think are youre
lesser. Usually this is because you have powerful magic
at your disposal. Perhaps you come from a long line
of strong Magi and you believe that you have respect
do to you. Only those who hold a higher standing in
the guild than you are worthy equals and sometimes
that is not enough. Maybe you just believe that you are
smarter than everybody else. Either way you suffer a
-2 penalty to all influence based checks when dealing
with others whom you think are not your equals.

Flaw Points: 1
You are a bit sadistic when it comes to your enemies.
Taking pleasure in their pain and you never accept a
plea for mercy. You enjoy confrontations and like to
make sure that you give more than you get.

Flaw Points: 2
You have a drive to know answers. You hate
mysteries and will go to extraordinary lengths to solve
them. Heedless of what danger lies along the way, the
risk is always worth finding out the truth.

Flaw Points: 2
You have some kind of marking, such as a scare,
coloring or speech pattern that makes you stand out.
Whenever anybody makes a Gather Information to try
and find you, or attain information about you receive
a +2 bonus. The marking is very hard to disguise and
you suffer a -2 penalty to Disguise skill checks when
trying to conceal the distinctive feature.

Flaw Points: 2
You get out of wind when you get to active and you
have a hard time pushing yourself for more than a
short period. You will usually always have a mount to
carry you on a long journey as you slow down your
companions if not. If traveling afoot you slow down the
whole party by 20% per day. You receive a -2 penalty to
resist Fatigue that the Game Master may call for.

Flaw Points: 1
You have always had a weakness for those of the
opposite sex. Whenever a member of the opposite sex
(that does not have the Ugly flaw) uses an influence



Flaw Points
Affraid of Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Arrogant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Bloodthirsty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Brittle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 or 6
Cautious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Cocky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Curious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Distinctive Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Easily Fatigued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Easy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 or 6
Faint of Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 4
Greedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Grouchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Hand of the Gods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Hard of Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 5
Hard of Seeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 or 6
Hated Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Heavy Sleeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Heroic Demeanor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Impulsive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Inept With Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Low Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 5
Loyal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Magic Weak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 or 6
Mute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Obese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 4
Peace Seeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Reckless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Seeking Death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Show Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Slow On Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 4
Slow To React . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 or 2
Sticky Fingers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Stubborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

based skill on you they receive a +2 bonus to their


Flaw Points: 3/6
You have an arch-nemesis that stalks your ever step.
Your enemy takes pride in foiling your efforts and will
go out of their way to see harm or degrading rumors


Susceptible To Poison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Tainted Dreams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Truthful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Ugly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Unobservant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Vengful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Vow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 4
Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4 or 6
Weak Immune System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Point Cost
Brave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 4
Brawler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Extra Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 2 or 3
Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 6
Increased Endurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Fast Learner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Fast of Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 or 3
Good Looks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Guild Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 or 6
High Pain Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Homing Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Keen Eyesight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 3
Keen Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 or 2
Light Sleeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Magi Bloodline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or 5
Magic Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Merchant Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Renown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4 or 6
Resistance to Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Resistance to Poison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Sense Presence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Smooth Tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Strong Will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

spread about you. If your enemy is ever slain or disposed

of the Game Master will work another enemy into the
story, or you could buy the flaw off (see Seeing the
Light on the sidebar). Enemies will usually make an
appearance or influence the game every few sessions
or so (if you choose to role randomly you can have the
villain influence every 1d4 sessions).
3 Points: Your enemy is 2 levels lower than yourself.

6 Points: Your enemy is 2 levels higher than yourself

(there level changes as yours does).

Flaw Points: 2/4
You have a hard time dealing with unsightly situations.
Bloodshed is not so bad, but when things get messy you
may retch and get a little shaky in the legs. You have a
hard time standing your ground when something out of
a nightmare charges you.

that coincide with the belief of the gods and any who
disagree or get in your way are dubbed a heretic. All
treasure, such as magic items, scrolls and artifacts that
you come across are given, as soon as possible, into the
Temple of Ancients care.

Flaw Points: 2/5
Your character is either near deaf or completely deaf
depending on the points you get from this flaw.

2 Points: You receive a -2 to Will save penalty against

fear or terror like affects.

2 Points: Your character has a penalty of -2 to all Listen

skill checks.

4 Points: You receive a -4 Will save penalty against fear

or terror like affects.

5 Points: Your character is completely deaf. On the plus

side deaf characters are
immune to shriek and
other sound attacks.

Flaw Points: 2
You have a love for material
everything you can get your
hands on. You will do nothing
that puts you out without
seeing a profit in it. You want
reimbursed for every scratch,
expense, and ailment when
hired. You dont have many
friends as most people dont
want to pay your friendship

Flaw Points: 3/6
nearsighted and has a hard
time seeing things far away.
3 Points: Your character can
see pretty well up to 30 feet
away. Anything beyond this
is fuzzy and they receive a -2
penalty to Spot skill checks
as well as ranged attacks
beyond 30 feet.

Flaw Points: 2
You have a hard time
finding friends who
will put up with your
pessimistic demeanor. Whenever
are asked for your opinion it is usually a
gripe of some sort. You always see the bad
side of things even when
others constantly
show you your
error. You suffer
a -4 penalty to any
influence based checks that would
be better off if handled in a friendly manner.


Flaw Points: 4
You believe that your entire existence is to serve the
gods. Although many of the priest of the Temple of
Ancients have warned that you seem to be over
zealous you simply think they have not seen the true
light as you have. You think yourself on an errand of
divine right that sets your goals above and beyond the
needs of others. You suffer a -3 penalty to all influence
based checks who do not share the same reasoning
as yourself. You set your sights on performing goals

6 Points: Your character is

almost blind. They can only see
clearly up to 10 feet away and have a
-4 penalty to Spot skill checks as well
as ranged attacks. On the plus side because
your sight is hindered so you gain a +2
bonus against Fear checks against creatures
that cause fear or panic (on sight), that are
more than 10 feet away from you.

Flaw Points: 2
You have a burning hatred for a race of people. You
could be a Fey who has had a loved one stolen by an
Adone slave party or you could be a citizen who has
seen much hardship at the hands of Roogadin raiders.
Either way you have such a hatred for the chosen race
that you will attack them on site.

Flaw Points: 1
When you go to sleep you sleep so soundly that it is
very difficult to wake you up. Even after awake you
are groggy and it takes longer than usual to clear your
head. You suffer a -4 to Listen checks for loud sounds


to wake you and you suffer a -2 penalty to all actions

for the first 5 minutes after you awaken.

Flaw Points: 2
You are a hero and that requires you act like a hero.
You will not turn away from those in need and you
will never accept money for simply helping out.
You release you have to make a living and will
usually expect a moderate fee for services rendered
but you usually enforce this only on those who can
afford it.

Flaw Points: 2
You are a man (or woman) of action. You dont
like boring schemes and thinking things out just
takes to long. You like to act and you dont like to
over think your actions. You throw caution to the
wind and often times strike out with out a thought
for the consequences. You suffer a -2 penalty to
Concentration skill checks.


Flaw Points: 2
Your character has a hard time with mechanical devices
of all kinds. He has a -2 penalty to Pick Lock and Repair
skill checks as well as Craft checks dealing with simple
and complex machines.

Flaw Points: 2/5
You have come from a family that never had much and
you are always struggling to make ends meet.
2 Points: You start with 20% less silver at character
creation (2,000 silver guilders per level in equipment
and only 160 silver guilders spending money to start
the game with).
5 Points: You start with 20% less silver at character
creation as per the 2 point flaw but you also have debts
which need to be paid. You could be supporting a
family member somewhere, paying off a family debt or
even paying off your mentor who trained you for those
few years. Either way 20% of all coin you make goes
towards this debt.

Flaw Points: 2
You have friends and these lucky people get your
complete loyalty. You will stick by your friends through
thick and thin, risking your own life for theirs if need
be. You will never lie to a friend unless it is for their
own good.


When a Golem is built they take on the
major personality quirks of the Magi who
craft their rune-sphere. These could easily
be desirable traits (edges) or just as likely
undesirable (flaws). Some flaws and edges
are not appropriate and are up to the Game
Master. For example, Golems could not choose
the Susceptible to Poison flaw since they are
unaffected by poison. Likewise Weak Immune
System would not be allowed. But a Golem
could have Ugly if the craftsman was going for
a scary visage that would unnerve the Golems

Flaw Points: 3/6
You dont seem to have the strength in magic that others
of your race do.
3 Points: You reduce your energy dice roll for each level
by 1 point (to a minimum of 1).
6 Points: you reduce your energy dice roll for each level
by 2 (to a minimum of 1).

Flaw Points: 4
Your voice was either damaged in some way growing
up (perhaps a disease of some kind), you were born
without a voice or perhaps one of your enemies cut
your tongue out. You can pantomime until you are blue
in the face but you cant speak, although you may be
able to grown and yelp.

Flaw Points: 2/4
You have a love for food and it shows in your physic.
For 1 point you are husky but not to bad. Your Dexterity
is limited to 16 and your base speed is reduced by 5
feet. For 3 points you are incredibly fat. Your Dexterity
is limited to 14, your base speed is reduced by 10 feet
and you get a -1 penalty to Reflex saves.

Flaw Points: 4
You dont like to resort to violence and will always
seek to settle trouble with negotiation. Even when the
enemy resorts to blows you attempt to bring the level
of excitement down. You will never be the first to draw
weapon in combat and even when you win initiative

you wait to see if your enemy is really going to strike

(always go after enemy on first round of combat). This
flaw does not apply to monsters, Hollow minions and
other obvious evils.

Flaw Points: 6
You dont have much regard for your own safety and
while others see you as reckless you think yourself a
dashing daredevil. You receive a -1 penalty to Defense
checks. But you gain a +1 bonus to maneuver skill
checks (such as Climb, Balance, etc) when it is
particularly dangerous.

Flaw Points: 4
You seek the ultimate heroic death. To die in battle,
to die saving lives, or anything else you decide on.
This flaw is good for most Templar characters as they
have no fear of death and they see death while fighting
the Hollow as the most exalted reward. Choose the
circumstances you have as a death wish and whenever
faced with those circumstances you may never back
down, no matter what the odds.

Flaw Points: 2
You are greedy for attention. You are always seeking
center stage and you make sure that everything you do
is larger than life (at least you make it appear so). You
want everybody to know your name and deeds. You
have a hard time concealing secrets because you want
everybody to know how brilliant you are. Of course
you often times forget that such bragging gives away
any chance at stealth. It is impossible for you to go

Flaw Points: 2/4
You may have short legs or you may just not be able to
swing your feet as fast as everybody else.
2 Points: You decrease your Base Speed by 10%.
4 Points: You decrease your Base Speed by 20%.

Flaw Points: 1/2
You dont react as quickly as others when danger
presents itself.
1 Point: You suffer a -1 penalty to Initiative checks.
2 Points: you suffer a -2 penalty to Initiative checks.

Flaw Points: 2
Although your friends think you have a problem you
see yourself as simply taking advantage of the situation.
Why pay for something if you can just sneak it into
your pack or pocket with nobody the wiser. Sometimes
when you walk out of a shop and you have acquired a
pocket full of new things and you havent paid for any
of it, you have to admit that maybe you have a problem.
But then you start going through all your new found
treasures and forget all about it. Game Masters may
require you to make a Will save to avoid temptation
when presented with an opportunity to get a five finger
discount. You usually keep your theft down to stuff that
costs fewer than 100 silver guilders but it is still enough
to land you a few nights in the local Constables jail cell
and a good size fine.

Flaw Points: 1
When you get your mind set you have a hard time
changing it and the more people argue the more set it
gets. If you decide that you dont agree with somebody
there is no half way point it is either your way or you
sit out and let them learn the errors of their way on
their own. Even if they dont you wont admit that they
were right and you were not. They just got lucky is
all and you dont talk about it.

Flaw Points: 2
Your body does not fight off the affects of poison as
well as most. You have a -2 penalty to Fortitude saves
against poison.

Flaw Points: 2
For some reason you seem to be heavily influenced
by the entropic energy that runs through the world.
It brings you horrible and strange dreams that have
made you wake screaming more than once. The closer
to tainted lands (those lands controlled by a Hollow
Lord and his minions) the worse the dreams become.
The dreams cause you to toss and turn and you usually
wake up more worn out than when you went to sleep.
Every night while you sleep roll a d20. On a roll of 1-5
you have horrible dreams and you wake with 20% less
hit points than when you went to sleep.

Flaw Points: 3
You have a very hard time telling a lie so you try to
stay away from ever having to. Whenever you lie you
get so uncomfortable and have such a hard time doing
it that you receive a -4 penalty to Bluff checks and any
other influence based checks that require you to tell


Flaw Points: 2
Even though you might have a high Charisma (or
not) you can safely say it is not because of your
looks. You try to stay away from most mirrors as
you dont like what looks back at you from the other
side. Every so often somebody winces when they
see you for the first time. You receive a -2 penalty to
all influence based skill checks (Bluff, Diplomacy,
Seduction, etc) you make when dealing with
members of your own race and like races (that look
similar such as human and fey nobles).

Flaw Points: 1
You dont seem to see much of anything going on
around you, letting the little details slide in the
wake of oh look at the pretty light. You receive a
-2 penalty to Spot and Listen skill checks.

Flaw Points: 2
You are not known for your forgiving nature. If
somebody wrongs you, you will attempt to pay the price
back in full plus interest. If somebody has wronged you
in a serious way (made an attempt on your life) you will
go to great lengths to seek out vengeance on them.

Flaw Points: 2/4
You have sworn a vow to perform a task. This task is
something that is not easily accomplish and may require
years or a life time.
2 Points: You have a vow that is not life threatening,
such as a family vow. A typical vow would be a sworn
vow to a Merchant House, or as a priest of the Temple
of Ancients.
4 Points: The vow is made on your life. The most
common vow of this nature in Everstone is the oath a
Magi or Stormguard makes to the Guilds. On the villains
standpoint this could be a cultist who has given his
loyalty to his fellow cultist.

Flaw Points: 2/4/6
You have a criminal background and are wanted for
crimes made against the citizens of Everstone. The
higher the point value of this flaw the more serious the


MAGI: Magi of high rank who knows the inner
workings and happenings within the Guild.
Different Magi might have different types of
useful knowledge.
Priest: A priest of the Temple of Ancients that
can provide knowledge and access to history
books, artifacts and new discoveries.
Merchant Agent: Agents keep up on the events
outside the valley and have access to rumors
and news that takes place beyond Everstone.
Stormguard Captain: The Stormguard are
up on the nitty-gritty of defenses, invasion
attempts, position of major enemies (such as
the Adone or Roogadin).

your trial goes. 4 point crimes include murder,

kidnapping or destruction of Magi property and other
like activities. There is a 2,000 silver guilder reward for
your capture.
6 Points: You are considered a traitor and are wanted
for treachery against the Guilds which is punishable by
death (no exceptions). There is a 10,000 silver guilder
reward for your capture or death and you most likely
have a Border Marshal or two on your trail.


Flaw Points: 2
It seems that whenever a run of sickness passed through
your town you always got sick and usually sicker than
most. You receive a -2 penalty to Fortitude checks
against disease.

The only way for characters to get edges are to purchase
them with points they receive from flaws. Edges are
simple things that give your character something over
the normal person. Edges represent quirks and benefits
that you may have been born with or might be something
you had to work hard to get. Most edges help you fill
out the background of your character and should always
have a place within your characters history and story.

2 Points: You have a colorful background of sorts and

your punishment will most likely be a few years hard
labor (such as theft, assault, rape, etc). There is a 500
silver guilder reward for your capture.


4 Points: Your crime is a bit more serious and you

may or may not be put to death depending on how

2 Points: You gain a +3 Will save bonus against fear

and fear like affects.

Flaw Point Cost: 2/4

You have a steady nerve that even the most foul of beast
would be hard pressed to break.

4 points: You gain a +6 Will save bonus against fear

and fear like affects.

3 Points: You get an extra 1,500 silver guilders per



4 Points: You get an extra 2,000 silver guilders per


Flaw Point Cost: 4

You have grown up in a rough and tumble environment
where you have to fight off the village bully or
other bruiser type. You gain a +1 to attack
when using your natural attack (fist or kick)
and you inflict +1 damage.

Flaw Point Cost: 2
You have a contact in one organization
or another that is in the know when
it comes to information dealing
with that group. The contact will
always help you if convenient
and doing so wont land them
in to much hot water. Of
course the contact might stick
their neck out a little more if you
were to help them out from time
time. You may take this edge more than
once, each time getting another useful

Flaw Point Cost: 1/2/3
You have acquired more than the usual personal
property through the years. Making sure to keep
everything is in good shape and well taken care
of has paid off.
1 Point: You get an extra 1,000 silver guilders to
purchase equipment with.
2 Points: You get an extra 2,500 silver
guilders to purchase equipment with.
3 Points: You get an extra 5,000 silver
guilders to purchase equipment with.

Flaw Point Cost: 1/2/3/4/5/6
You have some type of regularly monthly income.
This could be allowance from your wealthy
Merchant family or you might own a small
business. The reason for the income should be
decided when this edge is taken. The income will
have a set place for you to pick it up or place to
which it is sent.
1 Point: You get an extra 500 silver guilders per
2 Points: You get an extra 1,000 silver guilders per

5 Points: You get an extra 2,500 silver guilders per

6 Points: You get an extra 3,000 silver guilders per

Flaw Point Cost: 2
You have always been able to push yourself
beyond the limit. You can force march and
increase your daily travel distance by 20%
and you gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude
checks to resist Fatigue that the Game
Master might call for.

Flaw Point Cost: 3
You have always had a knack for
picking up things quickly. You
gain a free skill point each

Flaw Point Cost: 1/3
You are quick on your feet and
you have always given as good as
youve got in any footrace.
1 Point: You can increase your base speed
by 5 feet.
3 Points: You can increase your base speed
by 10 feet.

Flaw Point Cost: 2
You have always drawn the stares of members
of the opposite sex. You have been blessed with
good looks and you gain a +2 bonus to influence
based checks to those of the same race or who
might find your race attractive (such as humans
and fey nobles). On members of the opposite sex
this bonus increases to +4.

Flaw Point Cost: 3/6
You have been sworn as law enforcement for
the Guilds. This is a common edge for Border
Marshals as they need to hand out justice on a regular
basis. Although there are many members of the Magi
Guild not all have the authority to enforce the laws
on citizens. This is reserved for local Constables and
Border Marshals. It should be noted that the Magi do


not give this authority easily and they are quick to take
it away if proof of abuse can be presented.
3 Points: You have the right to arrest, punish (not
death sentence), and fine, citizens who have broken the
law. You are usually given a local (50 mile diameter)
to enforce and you loose your authority outside this
6 Points: You have the right to arrest and punish (even
death) citizens who have broken the law. You have
the authority to use this power anywhere within and
outside the borders of Everstone.


Flaw Point Cost: 1
You have always been able to repress your pain and
not let it hinder your performance. Whenever you take
Strength damage and you are suffering a penalty (-1 per
Str point of damage) you may ignore the first five points
of penalty. After this five point leeway you suffer the
penalty as normal (-6 Strength points will cause
you to suffer a -6 penalty). This also grants
you a +6 bonus to your Will save to
resist torture.

Flaw Point Cost: 2
You have trouble sleeping in nosey places as every little
sound seems to wake you. This can be advantageous
from time to time. You gain a +4 Listen bonus when
rolling to see if you wake up from strange or loud

Flaw Point Cost: 2/5
You come from a long family line of Magi (or other
magic using people). Over the generations your family
has become more gifted and the magic seems to flow
richly through your veins.
2 Points: Every level increase when you roll your energy
dice to increase your energy points you get a +1 point
5 Points: Every level increase when you roll your energy
dice to increase your energy points you get a +2 point

Flaw Point Cost: 5
You have always had a natural talent
for magic and you seem to be able to
sense it like one senses a slight draft
of cold air. You gain a +4 bonus
to Spellcraft skill checks and if you
touch something or somebody you
can automatically tell if they are under
the influence of magic.

Flaw Point Cost: 2
You have a superb sense of direction
and distance. Whenever you leave
someplace and are awake to witness
your travel (does not work if you are
unconscious and being transported)
you can always tell the direction
from which you came and how far you
have traveled. You also gain a +2 bonus to
Navigation skill checks.

Flaw Point Cost: 2/3
You have always been able to see further than most of
your friends and family.
2 points: You gain a +2 bonus to Spot skill checks.
3 points: You gain a +4 bonus to Spot and skill

Flaw Point Cost: 1/2
You have always been able to hear better than your
friends and family.
1 point: You gain a +2 bonus to Listen checks.
2 points: You gain a +4 bonus to Listen checks.


Flaw Point Cost: 3
You were born into a well to do Merchant House (the
Income edge works will with this edge) and when you
need you may call upon a few favors. You may travel
for free on most merchant vessels or at least 50% the
normal fee if traveling longer distances (to Shone for
example). You will usually know the popular trade
routs of other Merchant Houses and you will know all
the trade routs of your own House. If you prove yourself
worthy to the Head of your House (usually an aunt or
uncle) you may be given an important assignment such
as command of your own ship (usually when characters
are 8th level and above).

Flaw Point Cost: 2/4/6
With the constant conflict with the Hollow Lords and
other enemies such as the Roogadin and Adone there are
plenty of opportunities for heroic deeds. Word spreads
quickly through Everstone especially with the Sages
Voice that comes out every few weeks. Taverns and
town squares are places where the tales of heroes are
usually repeated and spread, lighting the eyes of every


You will notice that on the facing page a few
tables have been provided to derive random
age, height and weight. Game Masters can use
this for NPCs as they desire or players could
use these tables to throw a little randomness
into their character.
Starting Age: If your character begins the game
at first or second level you might want to start
out as a Young Adult. Characters who start the
game at the default level of 3rd will most likely
be Mature. You can start your character at an
older age as you wish.
Aging Affects: Listed at the bottom of the
facing page are modifiers to a characters Ability
scores to reflect their age. These modifiers do
not stack and they are not enforced unless the
Game Master says they are.

Flaw Point Cost: 2

You have always had a strong resistance to
sickness. You gain a +4 bonus to your Fortitude
save against disease.

Flaw Point Cost: 2
Your body seems to fight strongly against strange
substances such as poison. You gain a +4 bonus
to your Fortitude save against poison.

Flaw Point Cost: 3
You have a sort of sixth sense that seems to nudge
you when being observed or watched closely.
Game Masters should grant you a Spot check to
notice anybody watching you even when you are
not paying attention. This works against invisible
targets (Spot DC is usually 20) as well and if you
roll a success you feel the presence of another
nearby but you dont actually know where they

youngster. It is quite common for a heroes name to
precede him and he becomes something of a celebrity.
Renown does not always need to be for heroics. It
could be that people simply know of you because you
are the son or daughter of a great hero or your family
is very wealthy and has done quite a bit for the citizens
of Everstone.
2 Points: Your name is heard from time to time but
most people just seem to say I heard of younow
who were you again? When in your home town/city/
area you receive a +2 bonus to influence checks that
the Game Master approves.

Flaw Point Cost: 4

You have a way with words and your voice is well
suited for public speaking. You gain a +2 bonus to all
influence based skill checks.

Flaw Point Cost: 2
You have a clear identity of who you are. You gain a +4
bonus to Will saves against magic that would attempt
to control or confuse your mind. Note this does not
provide a save bonus against other mental attacks such
as mind reading.

4 Points: Your name is spreading from town to town

and there is a good chance that when you or your
companions relate the tale of your deeds a good many
people will recognize you. You gain a +4 bonus to
influence checks that the Game Master approves.
Those who view you favorably and approve of your
actions will often buy you a drink or dinner. Many Inn
keepers will provide a room on the house as long as
you carve your initials into the counter or entertain the
other customers by talking and telling them stories of
your deeds.
6 Points: You are known throughout the valley and
even beyond the borders. You become something of an
icon and it would be wise to retain a few henchmen to
provide an appropriate image. You dont need to stay
in a Inn as many an important people will likely invite
you to be guest if they know you are in town. You gain
a +6 bonus to influence checks with the Game Masters



Everstonian (human)
Fey Noble















Everstonian (human)
Fey Noble



Everstonian (human)
72 (67)
Fey Noble
78 (70)
42 (38)
84 (76)
72 (66)
36 (34)

no change
no change
no change
no change
no change
no change


Everstonian (human)
175 (125)
Fey Noble
155 (115)
75 (65)
210 (170)
70 (65)

no change
no change
no change
no change
no change


Middle Age: -1 Str, Dex, and Con but a +1 to Int, Wis and Cha.
Old Age: -2 to Str, Dex, and Con but a +1 to Int, Wis and Cha.
Venerable Age: -3 to Str, Dex and Con but a +1 to Int, Wis and Cha. Height decreases by 3 inches.


As the merchants of Everstone spread their trade further and further into the unknown so do they bring
knowledge of exotic poisons, herbs and even disease.
In this section we have given Game Masters a few tables and guidelines in making random poisons, herbs
and diseases. With a few simple roles a GM can determine the exact details for the needed element.

Poison Type: Poisons are categorized by how they are

applied to a victim. Either contact, ingested, inhaled
(poison gas) or injected. The poison will have a special characteristic depending on its type. For example
injected poison has a Longevity DC to determine how
long it lasts on a weapons blade, and contact poison
has a Detect DC to determine how well it can be hidden. See Poison Types below for more details.


Save DC: When a poison is applied in the correct manner the victim is then required to make a Fortitude save
to see if they can resist the poisons affect (primary
damage). If the save is made, the victim ignores any
affect and any special characteristics and side-affects.
If the poison has a secondary damage then the victim
is required to make another save. If this second save
is failed the victim suffers the affect and side affect of
the poison.

It does not take the Shadow Magi long to pick up

on new poisons. They, along with many other shady
types, put various poisons to good use on a regular
basis. It is said that the Shadow Magi have agents in
any land where an Everstonian merchant has dared
travel. It is not always prudent to deal with enemies
sword to sword, especially when your enemys allies
are close by. Most of the time spies must really on more
invisible means to exterminate threats. Likewise it
is said that the Adone excel at poison use and even
though they attempt to keep their poison lore secret a
few tricks of the trade have started to circulate among
those of ill intent. One can find these poison in out of
the way markets like Cinder or Port Abyss. Elsewhere
these poisons are outlawed and the seller can expect to
have everything confiscated while they are imprisoned
and tried.

One can find the basic rules for poison on page 173 of
the EBL book. The rules provided here are not meant
to complicate the rules already given but are for Game
Masters and players to develop and create their own
unique poisons. Game Masters can roll randomly on
the poison tables given here to detail their poison or
they can pick and choose as they wish. Either way the
Game Master should write down the details of the poison they generate and then give it a name. The poison
will then be available through the means which the GM
sets (black market, through a Guild, from a contact,

Initial Damage: if the Fortitude save is failed the victim suffers ability score damage (normally heals back
1 point per day). The Initial Damage table gives some
random damages that can be applied (such as 1d4
Strength damage). This damage is applied immediately
upon failing the Fortitude save.
Secondary Damage: After the onset time the victim
must make another Fortitude save against the poisons
secondary damage which occurs after a onset time.
If this save is failed the victim suffers the determined
Poison Characteristics (side affects): Most poisons
will only have a single characteristic but some poisons
may have more (up to Game Master). These side-affects may be a desirable affect or may be undesired
and may cause the cost of the poison to increase or
decrease as shown on the table. Game Masters should
apply these side-affects after the initial damage is suffered. Although the victim may have suffered the initial
damage and secondary damage already the side-affects
of the poison may last several hours.




Contact (base: 100 sg)
Detect DC (roll on save table)
Ingested (base: 50 sg)
Detect DC (roll on save table)
Inhaled (base: 75 sg)
Cohesion (see seperate table)
Injected (base: 25 sg)
Longevity DC (roll on save table)



1 pt (+0 sg)
1d4 (+25 sg)
1d6 (+100 sg)
1d8 (+175 sg)
1d10 (+300 sg)


Strength (+40 sg)
Constitution (+0 sg)
Dexterity (+50 sg)
Intelligence (+75 sg)
Wisdom (+60 sg)


DC = 6+1d8
DC = 10+1d8
DC = 14+1d8
DC = 18+1d8
Cost: 10 sgs per point over 10.
-25 sigs per point under 10.


Rounds (+0 sg)
Minutes (+75 sg)


1d4 (+0 sg)
1d6 (+25 sg)
1d8 (+75 sg)
1d10 (+150 sg)


Round after (+0 sg)
1d4 rounds (-50 sg)
1 minute (-75 sg)
1d4 minutes (-125 sg)


Same as initial (initial damage)
Same as iniatial +1 die type (initial damage)
Unconciosness (+150 sg)
Paralysis (+100 sg)
none (+0 sg)
Death (+1,000 sg)


1 - The Poison only affects those of a specific race (i.e. humans, kataan, fey, gavown, etc). (-80 sg)
2 - The Poison only works in the darkness of night or in the light of day. (-40 sg)
3 - The Poison inflicts damage that takes twice as long to heal (1 ability point takes 2 days). (+75 sg)
4 - The Poison inflicts damage that heals twice as fast as normal (2 ability points per day). (-35 sg)
5 - The Poison is completely undetectible with normal or magical means. (+250 sg)
6 - The Poison requires two parts that can be applied up to 1 hour appart. (+0 sg)
7 - The Poison has no known antidote except by magic. (+65 sg)
8 - The Poison distorts magic to such an extent that the victim must spend +1 EP to cast spells. (+100 sg)
9 - The Poison blurs vision (1d3 hours, -2 to Spot and Search checks). (+65 sg)
10 - The Poison causes a ringing in the ears and distorts hearing (1d3 hours, -2 to Listen checks). (+40 sg)
11 - The Poison is persistant. If attacked by poison in future you suffer a -2 Save penalty to resist). (+25 sg)
12 - The Poison also causes exhaustion damage (3d6 HP) each time a save is missed. (+45 sg)
13 - The Poison swells the tongue and makes it difficult to speak (-2 influence based checks). (+15 sg)
14 - The Poison inflicts a heavy fever (1d3 hours, -2 to all non-combat based checks). (+35 sg)
15 - The Poison inflicts a heavy rash (1d2 days, -1 to all movement & manuevering actions). (+85 sg)
16 - The Poison dilated pupils (1d3 hours, see half distance in shadowy and dark conditions. (+60 sg)
17 - The Poison causes increased paranoia (1d2 hours, -4 to Saves vs Fear and Panick). (+35 sg)
18 - The Poison causes shakes (1d2 hours, -4 to all checks requiring fine manipulation). (+30 sg)
19 - The Poison blocks scent (1d3 hours, completely blocks sense of smell). (+25 sg)
20 - The Poison causes Anxiety (1d2 hours, +2 to Spot and Reflex saves, -6 to Concentration). (+40 sg)



It is usually considered dishonorable for a character to use poisons. Poisons are often reserved
for those of ill repute but in todays attempt to
survive in the face of such opposition its use
is becoming more widespread. Ones enemies
must be overcome in any way possible. That or
face the threat of extinction all together. Of the
three Guilds the Shadow Magi practice the use
of poison the most, although they do not practice it openly. Many a Border Marshal has gone
out of their way to learn the way of venom use.
After all they are used to facing overwhelming
odds and every little edge they can get against
the scum they are hunting, the better. The only
problem is hunted criminals often resort to the
same dirty tricks.
Of course any and all villains will usually resort to poison without any coaxing at all. The
cult of Rathlorn (mostly made up of assassins
anyway) takes pride in their advanced knowledge and catalogs of various poisons.
When a student studies the use of making and
using poison so do they learn ways to counteract the poison. No assassin worth his salt
will use a poison on a regular basis without
having a couple doses of the antidote handy.
More than a few assassins have fell victim to
fumbling the deadly substance. Even though
it was not something that herbalists made a
point to study there are quite a few who have
begun to specialize in antidotes even more so
than herbs. In the city of South Harbor alone
there are three herbalists who spread the word
that they can have an antidote for any poison
within a day of being provided with a sample
of the venom.

Poison Cost: When figuring the cost of poison add together the poisons base cost (determined by poison
type) and each additional cost adder (from Save DC,
Initial Damage, Secondary Damage, Detect DC, etc).
Example of Poison: Rolling a random poison we get the
following Results. The poison is an Injected (base cost
of 25 sg) poison. A Longevity DC of 16 (10 sg multiplied
by 6 = 60 sg). A Fortitude save DC of 14 (10 sg multiplied by 4 = 40 sg). Initial Damage of 1d4 Constitution (1d4 = 25 sg, Constitution damage = 0 sg). The
Secondary Damage has an onset time of 1d4 rounds
and inflicts 1 pt of Strength (1d4 rounds onset time =

-50 sg and 1 point of Strength = 40 sg). The Game

Master decides that the poison will not have a special characteristic and so the final cost of the poison
is 160 silver guilders (base 25 +60 for longevity DC,
+40 for save DC, +25 for Con damage, -50 for onset
time, and +40 for secondary Str damage = a total
of 160) per dose.

There are four general ways to apply poison as described in the main Everstone: Blood Legacy rule
book (page 173).

By injection you get the poison into the targets
bloodstream by applying it to an edged weapon.
When you inflict a single point of damage on a target it means the poison has been delivered and takes
affect. Injected poison must be a sticky gel or liquid
that is rubbed onto a weapon and will stay.
Longevity DC: One of the most important characteristics of injected poison is how long they will stay
upon the weapon before drying out or being rubbed
off. For this reason Injected Poisons are assigned a
Longevity DC which is used when the user makes a
Poison skill check to see how well they applied the
poison to the weapon and how effective they use it
in combat. Each minute or successful strike requires
the user to make a Poison skill check against the DC.
If failed the poison dries up or is rubbed off. When
calculating the cost of the poison, Longevity DC is
10 silver guilders per point that it is under 18.

Sometimes poison is so potent that it will deliver
its venom by simply touching the skin. The poison
seeps through the pores of the skin and immediately starts to kill cells and enter the bloodstream.
Contact poison can be used as injected poison by
putting it on an edged weapon or it can be used as
an ingested poison by putting it in food or drink.
Contact poison is very deadly, both to use and to fall
victim too. A single drop touching exposed flesh can
be fatal for the user so special protection must be
used, usually leather gloves. The more common forms
of this poison are liquid or gels but they can be powders.
Detect DC: The secret to contact poison is making it
a clear solution type substance that cannot be seen.
Contact poison that appears like thick black tar is not
easily hidden but if it is clear, does not smell, and does
not glisten in the light then it has a better chance of not
being detected. Contact poisons are assigned a Detect
DC which determines how difficult they are to detect
with a Spot or Search skill check.


Ingested poisons are those that need to be consumed
by the victim in order to work. Perhaps more than any
other poison the ingested poison depends on a high Detection DC for success. The perfect ingested poison is
flavorless, colorless, and odorless. This makes hiding it
in food and drink easier and so less likely to be found
out before it is consumed. These poisons are often liquid or powder form.
Detect DC: Ingested poisons have a Detect DC which
is used for those who have a chance of seeing,
smelling or tasting the poison.

These poisons are even more dangerous
to use than contact poisons. Inhaled
poisons or poison gas are released
into the air where they can affect any
who breathe them in. Such a delivery
method is chaotic at best. Poison
gasses are subject to wind
changes and will usually cover an area that
could easily move,
dissipate quickly,
or linger, all depending on the
air movement
where the gas
is released.
It is not uncommon
poisons to
be made of
usually water
and a powder.
When they mix
they form a gas that
quickly spreads.
Area of Affect: It is assumed that
a single dose
of poison gas will cover an
area of 10 foot in diameter. Normally
a single dose of poison gas will fit within a fist sized
beaker or clay pot. When broken or opened the gas will
fill the area around it.
Cohesion Rating: It is desired that poison gases be the
same weight as air. Thus they do not rise into the atmosphere or sink to the ground two quickly. Some gasses
have a tendency to stick together which means the
cloud of gas does not separate swiftly without a strong
wind. Poison gasses have a Cohesion rating. This is a


rating that is a length of time such as 1d4 minutes, or

1d10 rounds. This is the length of time the gas will remain effective within a calm area. Mild winds will cut
this time in half while strong winds may cut the time
down to 10% to 0% (Game Master judgment).

Almost every poison has some kind of side affect that
makes its presence in a target obvious. Besides the
weakening and damage affect many poisons will cause
outward signs such as bloodshot eyes, sweating, shaking hands, swollen tongue, or complexion becomes
sickly pale, etc. Provided are 20 different side affects that a poison might have although the
list is far from complete. Game Masters can
apply one or more side affects to a poison
or no side affect at all. For additional side
affects Game Masters could role on the
Disease symptoms table on the following pages.

The price of the poison
is usually based on its
rarity. Poisons that are
easily attained and
common among the
more seedy types
of characters might be
only half the constructed
price. Poisons that are
rarer and have unique
characteristics might
be double or triple
the price. Rare poisons have the benefit of victims having
little or no knowledge
about them, thus
making it harder
for antidotes or
cures to be attained. But on the
downside many assassins learn how to work
a poison and like to stay
within the parameter
of their skill. It takes time to learn
h o w to work with a new poison and an assassin will
usually need a good reason for adapting the poison. The
more poisons an assassin has to keep track of the more
danger of a slip-up accruing.

Type: contact, Detect DC: 14, Save DC: Will 13, Initial
Damage: 1d8 intelligence, Secondary Damage Onset
Time: 1 minute, Secondary Damage: 1d6 wisdom,
Characteristics: This poison works only in the darkness
of night. Cost: 390 sgs
Information: Arbesine is made form the leaves of
the nighthawk, a plant that only blooms in the light
of the moon near running water. The plant dies if the
sun touches it and this the poison does not work in

Type: Inhaled, Save DC: Will 15, Cohesion Duration:
1d6 rounds, Initial Damage: 1d6 Intelligence, Secondary
Damage Onset Time: 1d4 rounds, Secondary Damage:
1d6 intelligence, Characteristics: Poison swells tongue.
2 to influence based checks. Cost: 440 sgs.
Information: Babtolan Spores are found in the furdin
plant that grows in the Forests of Giants and Maple Top
Forest. It is taken from the leaves of these plants and
ground into a fine powder and mixed with other agents
that aid in its smoke-like dispersal. It has a small hint
of mint to its smell.

Type: Inhaled, Cohesion: 1d4 minutes, Save DC:
Fortitude 14, Initial Damage: 1d4 wisdom, Secondary
Damage Onset Time: 1d6 minutes, Secondary
Damage: 1d6 wisdom, Characteristics: Totally blocks
sense of smell for 1d3 hours. Cost: 485 sgs.
Information: The ingredients that make this powder
are readily available over much of Lannith. The making
of this drug includes the mixing of a menagerie of
components. This variety has also led to the drugs
nickname, Concoction Powder.

Type: Contact, Detect DC: 10, Save DC: Fortitude 22,
Initial Damage: 1d8 constitution, Secondary Damage
Onset Time: 1d4 rounds, Secondary Damage: 1d6
strength, Characteristics: Damage takes twice as long
to heal, each point takes two days to heal. Cost: 670
Information: Galoog is a dark black root that grows in
the fertile soil near the Rhome, Rolling, and red Rivers.
The root is made into a thick, black oil that can be
easily placed on blades. It smells very bad if you are
close enough (which usually means you are the victim)
and can be easily detected.

Type: Injected, Longevity DC: 12, Save DC: Fortitude
12, Initial Damage: 1d8 wisdom, Secondary Damage
Onset Time: round after, Secondary Damage: 1d6

wisdom, Characteristics: Causes ringing in ears for1d3

hours, -2 Listen checks. Cost: 500 sg
Information: This is the sap from the large lolactivas
tree-like plants that are found mainly in the Forests of
Giants. The sap is thick and hurts when it is injected.
The color is usually a reddish-brown.


Type: Contact, Detect DC: 18, Save DC: Fortitude 16,
Initial Damage: 1d6 constitution, Secondary Damage
Onset Time: 1d8 rounds, Secondary Damage: 1d6
constitution, Characteristics: Causes anxiety for1d2
hours, +2 to spot and Reflex saves, -6 to Concentration.
Cost: 430 sg
Information: Mung doa Vine is a potent poison that
can kill weaker men in a single dose. It is made from
the vine that gives it its name. The vines are found in
the swampy forests of the Shroud and the Tangle Vine
forest. The plant is boiled and then made into a paste.

Type: Ingested, Detect DC: 20, Save DC: Fortitude 18,
Initial Damage: 1d8 strength, Secondary Damage
Onset Time: round after, Secondary Damage: 1d6
strength, Characteristics: Causes exhaustion damage
of 3d6 HP each time a save is missed. Cost: 415 sg
Information: Star water is a rare poison that is made by
soaking the mineral known as Star Stone in a mixture
of water and plant oil. Star Stone is found in Ogrome
and the surrounding mountains.

Type: Ingested, Detect DC: 12, Save DC: Fortitude 14,
Initial Damage: 1d4 dexterity, Secondary Damage
Onset Time: 1d4 rounds, Secondary Damage: 1d4
dexterity, Characteristics: Damage heals twice as fast
as normal, 2 points a day. Cost: 175 sg
Information: Tiger Leaf comes from the tiger plant
found prominently in Mosstone. Its leaves are stripped
like the feline creature that is the source of its name.
The leaf is dried and them crushed and made into a
fine powder. The powder can be put in water or into

Type: Ingested, Detect DC: 16, Save DC: Fortitude 18,
Initial Damage: 1d6 constitution, Secondary Damage
Onset Time: 1d4 rounds, Secondary Damage: 1d4
strength, Characteristics: This poison has no known
antidote. Cost: 420 sg
Information: This aquatic plant is found near Ladys
Lake. The weed itself has a distinct fish-like smell. As
a poison the weed is actually an oily clear liquid that
faintly still smells of fish.



It may be true that diseases are not new to Lannith but

they seem to be more prevalent with the arrival of the
Hollow Lords. This may be do to the need for living
in close proximity required by those survivors still left,
or it may be because their dark power has somehow
pushed and even incubated many of the diseases
into something else. Unlike poison, Hollow Minions
seem to be completely immune to all forms of natural
disease although their may be a few rare magical types
that will cause them discomfort or death.
The Magi have quite a few who dabble in healing magic
and there are many healers who ply their trade within
Everstone. Although disease is not a major crisis in the
valley, it is something that will cause an epidemic from
time to time. In some of the outlaying settlements (those
outside the valley proper) disease is a very real threat
and even the smallest signs of it may be cause for panic.
More than once a lone hero has been sent in search of a
healer with talent and skill enough to combat a sickness
which has afflicted a village.

The basics of diseases can be found on page 171 of the
EBL book. In this companion we expand upon disease a
bit more but at the same time trying to keep away from
overly complex rules that would slow down the story.
Like anything, Game Masters can take and leave what
they wish in order to make their game a better experience for their players.
Game Masters may roll randomly on the disease tables
or they may pick and choose as they see fit. Remember
to note down the disease results and give your disease a
name. The disease will usually be the same for whoever
contracts it but as a disease makes its pass it will often
form different strains and may alter gradually from
one area of the world to another.

Disease has four ways it can be transmitted from carrier
to victim (which then turns into a carrier if infected).
These are covered below.

All diseases have a difficulty class that potential victims
need to make a Fortitude save against in order to avoid
contracting the disease.

If the Infection save is failed the victim suffer the diseases primary damage after the listed incubation time.
During the incubation time no primary damage is suffered but disease symptoms will begin to become appar-


ent (see below). After the incubation time has passed

the victim suffers the diseases primary damage.

After the incubation time the victim automatically suffers the diseases primary damage as well as the full
affect of all symptoms (see below). Disease damage
inflicts ability score damage. Such damage cannot be
healed until the disease has been purged.

Every few hours or days the victim must make a further Fortitude save against the Infection DC to avoid
taking further damage. If the save is made the damage
is avoided. If the victim passes two saves in a row the
disease is purged and the sickness passes.

Each disease has 1d4 symptoms that begin to show
themselves within moments of contracting the disease.
Game Masters are encouraged to play these symptoms
up as some can be more hindering to characters than
the actual primary damage. Most symptoms pass with
the purging of the sickness but other symptoms are lasting, such as the loss of teeth or hair.

Almost all sicknesses are accompanied by some type of
fever to one extent or the other. The fever might be only
marginal, hardly noticed at all, while other sicknesses
have such a high fever accompany them that they can
severely hinder and even disable. Higher fevers can
cause disorientation and cloud the mind to such an affect that the victim suffers penalties to their awareness
skill checks (Listen, Spot & Search). If the fever of a
disease is Very High the victim must make roll a d20
after missing at least two Fortitude saves in a row. If the
roll comes up 19 or 20, they lose a point of Intelligence

Diseases are categorized into types depending on how
they infect an individual. Many people have no idea
how diseases travel and only a trained healer can clearly define and classify diseases with any hope of clarity.

For a disease to fall into this category it needs to travel
through the air from infected to potential host. The infected subject need only be within a dozen feet or so
or the potential victim may catch an inhaled disease
by simply being in a room that the carrier just left or
even by being in the same room as the clothing the carrier once wore. Disease that travel on the air are the
most easily transmitted of all sicknesses and therefore
the most common. Game Masters may call for a Fortitude save against a disease any time a character comes










DC = 6+1d8


Low (no affect)


Ingested (food or water)


DC = 10+1d8


Med (-2 Listen, Spot & Search)


Injury (untreated)


DC = 14+1d8


High (-4 Listen, Spot & Search)


Contact (sexual)


DC = 18+1d8


Very High (-6 Listen, Spot & Search)


Affects suffered each Damage Increment


Disease causes victim to become weak (1d4 Strength damage).


Disease causes victim to become generally unhealthy (1d4 Constitution damage).


Disease causes victim to become clumsy and loose hand eye coordination (1d4 Dexterity damage).


Disease causes victim to become forgetful and have memory loss (1d4 Intelligence damage).


Disease causes victims mind to become clouded and haxy (1d4 Wisdom damage).


Disease is magical (lose 1d4 energy points, the points do not return until disease is cured).


Disease seems to affect the body as a whole (loose 1 point from all abilities each damage increment).



Damage Occurrence


1d20 minutes



1 day



1d6 days



ROLL 2D20 (1D4 times)
2 - Absent Minded (-4 to Int checks to remember stuff).
3 - Horrible Breath (-1 to influence based checks).
4 - Black Fingernails.
5 - Blackouts (random Will save to remain conscious).
6 - Blackspots all over body (-1 influence based checks).
7 - Black Teeth (-1 to influence based checks).
8 - Bleeder (Str damage, if any is suffered, is doubled).
9 - Blistered Skin (-1 to all movement actions).
10 - Blood in Stool or Urine
11 - Bloody Nose every 1d4 hours.
12 - Blured Vision (-2 to Spot and Search).
13 - Bruised Easily (double hp from attacks).
14 - Bulging spots over entire body (-1 influence).
15 - Chills come over victim every few minutes.
16 - Constant gas (-2 to Hide and Move Silently).
17 - Discolored tongue.
18 - Discolored skin (-1 influence).
19 - Dialated Eyes (half vision in shadowy light).
20 - Constant Diarrhea.
21 - Dry lips and throat (-4 to Singing and like checks).

22 - Sunbane (direct sunlight causes 1 hp per minute).

23 - Hacking Cough (-4 to Hide and Move Silently).
24 - Hair Loss from random locations.
25 - Short of breath (double fatigue from exertion).
26 - Major affect (increase primary damage to 1d6).
27 - Minor Headache (-1 to all actions).
28 - Loss of Hearing (-2 to all Listen checks).
29 - Loss of Voice (-2 influence and other voice checks).
30 - Impotent.
31 - Loose 1d4 teeth.
32 - Pounding Headache (-2 all actions).
33 - Sever Affect (increase primary damage to 1d8).
34 - Magic Spasms (2 extra EP to cast any spell).
35 - Constant Vomiting (25% hp loss from dehidration).
36 - Minor aches and pains.
37 - Runny Nose.
38 - Vomiting Blood (50% hp loss).
39 - Puss sores all over body (-4 to influence).
40 - Disease is fatal lose 1 Strength per hour until dead.




Infection Type: inhaled, Save DC: 22, Fever: low,

Primary Damage: 1d4 Con, Incubation Time: 1 day
(make save 1/day), Symptoms: discolored skin (18),
black spots (6), constant gas (16). Description: The
black stink is very contagious and usually lasts for
weeks after it is contracted. Although it has a funny
name the stink is all but humorous. Once the disease
sets in it can easily kill an individual without the aid
of a healer. Smaller communities have been completely
decimated within days of coming into first contact with
the sickness.

Preparation Time: 1day, Preparation DC: 10, Form:

Root, Prepared Form: Syrup, Environment: Humid,
Duration: 1d4 rounds, Properties: Increases Strength by
1d10, Information: This root is mashed and mixed with
water and plant sap to make a syrup-like substance that
if ingested effects the muscles in the body to tighten and
increase their function. Cost: 210 silver guilders.

Infection Type: ingested (water), Save DC: 14, Fever:
very high, Primary Damage: 1d4 Dex, Incubation
Time: 1 day (make save 1/day), Symptoms: blistered
skin (9), Description: One of the primary reasons why
Ratlings are hated and despised so much is that they
dirty the water source which they are drinking from. The
contaminated water is not much of a threat to the vermin
race (Ratlings get a +10 bonus to save) but those who
share the drinking water, usually unknowingly, begin to
show signs of a very high fever and show outward signs
of red boils all over their ears, under their nostrils and
at the corner of their mouth. They boils on their skin
begins to affect their sense of balance and take away
their dexterity.



Preparation Time: 1d6 hours, Preparation DC: 13,
Form: Bark, Prepared Form: Powder, Environment:
Bright sunlight, Duration: 1d4 rounds, Properties:
Increases Intelligence by 1d6, Information: Fungrul is
made from the bark of the staghorn elm. It is ground
and made into a powder that is snorted. Cost: 300 silver

Preparation Time: 3d6 minutes, Preparation DC: 14,
Form: Nut, Prepared Form: powder, Environment: Host
off other plants, Duration: 2d6 minutes, Properties:
Temporarily increase hit points above normal by 1d8,
Information: Li is a nut that feed off of other plants. Its
parasitic behavior makes it a survivor in many harsh
environments, as long as it can find a host. The nut
is ground and made into a powder that is mixed with
liquids or taken alone. Cost: 70 silver guilders.



Infection Type: injury, Save DC: 8, Fever: high,

Primary Damage: 1d4 energy points, Incubation Time:
1d20 minutes (make save 1/hour), Symptoms: short
of breath (25), Description: The old dried blood of
magical creatures has been known to attract a bacteria.
This blood usually sits in the unwashed cracks of old
and ill kempt weapons where it can be transferred into
the blood stream of further victims. A victim that is
struck with such a blood encrusted weapon must make
a save each time they are struck or contract this magical
disease which causes them to become short of breath
and slowly drain their energy points, which do not
return until the disease is cured.

Preparation Time: 1d6 hours, Preparation DC: 12,

Form: Flower, Prepared Form: Syrup, Environment:
Humid, Duration: 1d4 minutes, Properties: Increased
magic perception grants 1d6 bonus to Spellcraft checks,
Information: This flower and it potent nectar has
magical effects to those who ingest it. The plant is found
near Dawns gate and Ardennes Mountains. Cost: 120
silver guilders.

Preparation Time: 1 day, Preparation DC: 13, Form:
Seeds, Prepared Form: Powder, Environment: Bright
sunlight, Duration: 1d4 minutes, Properties: Increases
base speed by 1d6 x2, Information: This small seed has
a powerful stimulant that aids in the endurance of the
body. It allows the person who takes it to run faster
than normal. Cost: 180 silver guilders.





Time to Prepare

Knowledge: Herb DC


Herb Strength


3D6 minutes


DC = 6+1d4




1d6 hours


DC = 10+1d4



DC = 14+1d4








1 day


1d6 days


Part of the plant used




Usable Form


Where Herb Grows




Lotion/Oil (rubbed on)


Bright Sunlight




Poultice (compress)






Syrup (injested)


Humid Location



Powerd (mixed w/liquid)


Host off other plant




Under Water










Whole plant



Complete Dark (underground)

Herbs affective time


1d4 rounds


2d6 rounds


1d4 minutes


1d2 hours

1 - Increase Strength by herbs potency roll.
2 - Increase Dexterity by herbs potency roll.
3 - Increase Constitution by herbs potency roll.
4 - Increase Wisdom by herbs potency roll.
5 - Increase Intelligence by herbs potency roll.
6 - Increase Initiative by herbs potency roll.
7 - Increase Base Speed by herbs potency roll multiplied by 2.
8 - Increase Fortitude save bonus by herbs potency roll.
9 - Increase Will save bonus by herbs potency roll.
10 - Increase Reflex save bonus by herbs potency roll.
11 - Increase Fortitude save against disease by double herbs potency roll.
12 - Increase Fortitude save against poison by double herbs potency roll.
13 - Increased awareness gives a bonus equal to herbs potency roll to Spot, Search and Listen skill checks.
14 - Restore a number of lost hit points equal to herbs potency roll (no herb duration needed)
15 - Restore a number of lost energy points equal to herbs potency roll (no herb duration needed).
16 - Restores lost Strength points equal to herbs potency roll (no herb duration needed).
17 - Darkvision equal to 10 feet multiplied by herbs potency roll (thus a roll of 3 would be 30 feet).
18 - Increased sense of smell gives a bonus equal to herbs potency roll (i.e Survival: Tracking skill checks).
19 - Increased magic perception grants a bonus to Spellcraft skill checks equal to herbs potency roll.
20 - Temporarily increase hit points above normal limit by double herbs potency roll.


within what the GM deems is an afflicted area. If

there are many carriers of the disease around, or the
area has been saturated with the disease over a number
of days, then the GM may impose a -1 to -5 penalty to
the check.

Many bacterial diseases travel in foods and even water.
The subject must eat or drink the contaminated substance in order to have a chance of becoming infected
with the illness. Each time a portion of substance is
consumed a Fortitude save is required. Game Masters
may judge that eating or drinking large amounts of infected food may require more than a single Fortitude
save. If the substance is consumed on a regular basis
(every few hours, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner)
the Fortitude check may suffer a cumulative penalty.

Untreated wounds can be a magnet for bacteria that
will become infected and can become the most deadly
kind of illness. The infection can usually be treated by
amputating the infected area (foot, arm, hand, etc).
Sickness brought on by injuries will almost always
be accompanied by higher degrees of fever (add +5
to the d20 roll when determining the diseases Fever).
If the infected area is amputated the subject gains a
+8 bonus to their next Fortitude check
to purge themselves of the disease.
If potential victims quickly clean
their injuries and make sure they
have abundant clean bandages and
the like they gain a +1 to +3 bonus
on their Fortitude checks
to resist contracting the
disease in the first

If one knows what to look for and where to look they

could have a wealth of herbal aids at their fingertips. As
you look through the Blood Legacy setting books you
will find a number of herbs that have been documented
for you. Many of these herbs are common knowledge
and others have yet to be discovered by the majority of

Herbs can be a rich element that helps Game Masters
can use to increase their players awareness of their environment. To clearly define and make using herbs easy
to incorporate into the game they have a number of
characteristics that can be easily listed.
In this section of the companion we have provided various tables and charts to allow Game Masters to randomly generate or choose herbs as they need them in
their stories. GMs should take the time to note down
the entries of the herbs and provide an ample name
for them. If his players are the first to come across the
herb he or she may allow
them to give the herb a

This is the raw herbal
form that the herb is
in before it is prepared. Game Masters can roll (or pick)
on the herb form
table and then invent
a plant around what is
needed. Thus if the GM
rolled a leaf it could be
anything from a tree to
a small shrub to a root
with a single leaf sticking above ground. All
that would be needed of
the plant would be a single

Irritating and deadly diseases alike can travel through
bodily contact and the sharing of
bodily fluids (sex). If one comes into contact with another who already has the disease they need to make
a Fortitude check whenever the infected touches them
for a prolonged period of time. A check is required as
soon as any contact becomes intimate (even a simple
close mouthed kiss). Most diseases are irritating and a
nescience but most are not fatal.


The magical flows that pass over the surface of Lannith have caused a large number of unique magical
herbs to sprout up throughout the land. Magical herbs
have flourished to such an extent that they are almost
as common as the more mundane non-magical types.



The herb has a favored place where it will usually grow.
The Game Master has the choice of the exact region of
the world the herb is found in but the table found here
just gives the growing conditions that the herb prefers
and where herbalists should be looking.

The Herb needs to be prepared before it can be applied.
This is how long the herb takes to prepare for use. If the
prepare time is listed in days it does not mean the herbalist need spend the entire day preparing it. It is simply
a given time that the herb may need to dry or cure.



After the time to prepare the herb has been spent the
herbalist need make a Knowledge: Herb skill check. If
the check beats the DC the herb is prepared normally.
If not the herb is ruined and the material used (the
herb) is destroyed.

This is how long the herb will continue to affect the

user. Game Masters should roll this when the herb is
used and keep the result secret. Using herbs can be
a chaotic business and nobody knows how strong an
herb will be exactly. The herb may last as long as the
user needs or it may give out and stop working well

When the herb is correctly prepared this is the usable
form it will be in. If the form is lotion or oil the herb
must be rubbed on the flesh to have an affect. If the
form is a poultice it must usually be used as a compress
(usually those herbs that have healing properties). If
the final form is a syrup-like paste it must simply be
eaten or mixed in with food. If the final form of the
herb is a powder it is likewise mixed with food or can
be mixed with drink.

This is the affect the herb is going to have on the user.
It can increase ability scores, restore lost hit points or
energy points, increase the users initiative, etc. Game
Masters should get creative and are free to add whatever they come up with, after all many herbs in the
world of Lannith are magical in nature.

There are many herbs that will have similar affect to
a greater or lesser extent. The herbs potency is rolled
when the herb is used. The higher the dice roll the
greater the affect. For example if the herb is one
that increases the users Strength then they would
roll the herbs potency dice and increase
Strength by the rolled amount.


I used to think the most wondrous inventions that the Magi ever came up
with were their amazing flying ships. Oh, they are still amazing, dont get
me wrong but I have to say I have since changed my opinion. You see just
because something is big does not mean it is the best. After working on my
friend Grinder, who is a War Golem of some renown, I have seen the details
and magic that make these constructs the pride and joy of the Guilds. Any
craftsman worth his title can tell you that the hardest part of any project
is the details and the Golem is full of fine details. Details that can dish out
there portion of pain!
-Runder, gavown foreman of the Sky Dock-

Although the War Golem has provided characters with

a basic idea of what a Golem can do, it is not the only
kind of Golems created by the Magi. Golem Familiars are
common among the more prominent Guild members.
There are also Golems that are given more complex
rune-spheres at the expenditure of weapons and armor.
These Golems fill roles as messengers, companions,
and aid in more mundane tasks such as working as
In this section we provide some upgrades that target
each of the Golem body types as well as a new body
type, the Golem Centaur.
You will also find a list of new upgrades for Golems.
These upgrades are restricted by a Golems body type.
That is to say they are only available to Golems with
the body type they fall under. You can give your Heavy
Golems more armor, make your light Golems faster and
grant Quadruped golems better at jumping.

The Golem centaur is a newer model that was designed
by a Magi after visiting the Realm of Faerie. The Centaur
allows greater movement capacity with heavy weapons


at the expense of awkward form. The Centaur Golem is

not as fast as the quadruped but is faster than the heavy
body type. They are extremely bulky and actually have
a lower Dexterity than the heavy Golem.
Body 4 (quadruped, heavy): Strength 20, Dexterity 8,
Constitution 18, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charisma
8, Speed 32, armor 4. Increased loud: Centaur Golem
can carry 50% more weight than its carrying capacity
for its Strength would indicate.


The upgrades listed here are available to Golems of
the Heavy Biped body type. These upgrades can be
purchased at character creation or later as the character
develops and they become available.


Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 4
Golems can concentrate an amazing amount of force
into a single melee attack. By spending the energy they
may transfer their Attack bonus into damage. Each
point of Attack bonus that the Golem gives up increases


the damage they inflict (if the strike is successful) by 3



Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: Reinforced Armor rank 10
Heavy Golems have the Strength and capability to
carry more bulky armor. Each rank in this upgrade
increases their armor protection by 1. Golems can have
a maximum of 5 ranks in this upgrade. Cost: 800 silver
guilders per rank.


Upgrade: 3CP
Energy Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Self Repair rank 3+
You are fitted with an advanced repair unit that you can
choose to activate to repair your Golem quickly. When
you activate this upgrade you can heal a number of hit
points equal to your Self Repair but instead of healing
the hit points over an hour you regain them instantly.
This upgrade takes a full round and the Golem cannot
perform any other action while using it. Cost: 2,000
silver guilders.

Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 0
If you deal an opponent enough damage to make the
opponent drop, you get an extra melee attack against
another opponent who is in melee with you. This attack
is immediate and at the same BAB as the attack that
dropped the first opponent.

Upgrade: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
The Golem is able to put their head down and charge
through walls or other static barriers. As a full round
action the Golem can make a charge attack (up to its
running distance and more than 15 feet away) against
a static object. If the Golem fails to break through the
object they suffer half the damage they inflict (round
down) but does not count the armor penetration of the
attack. Cost: 1,000 silver guilders per rank.
Rank 1: The Golems charge has the following
characteristics. Base Damage: 7d6, Attack Qualities:
armor penetrating 8, magic, muscle powered.
Rank 2: The Golems charge has the following
characteristics. Base Damage: 9d6, Weapon Qualities:
armor penetrating 16, magic, muscle powered.



The upgrades listed below are available to Golems
of the Light Biped body type. These upgrades can be
purchased at character creation or later as the character
develops and they become available.


Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Golem has a complex rune-sphere (Golem brain)
which allows for more in-depth thought processes. The
Golem gains an extra 4 Skill Points to spend on any skills
they wish (cross class skills still cost double points) for
every rank in this upgrade. This upgrade may only be
taken every even level (i.e. 2, 4, 6, etc). Cost: 750 silver
guilders per rank.

Attribute: 3CP
Energy Cost: 2
When you exert yourself (spend the energy points) you
can move out of the way with increased success. Before
rolling a Defense check but after the attacker has rolled,
you can choose to use this attribute. You gain a +1
bonus to your Defense check equal to your level, thus if
you where 3rd level and you used this attribute it would
give you a +3 bonus to your Defense.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your reaction time is quicker and you gain a bonus to
Initiative checks.
Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks.
Rank 2: Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative checks.

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your Golem has increased movement. Increase the
Golems base movement by the number of feet given
below. Cost: 300 silver guilders per rank.
Rank 1: Golems movement increases by 5.
Rank 2: Golems movement increases by 10.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Golem is quicker than most to react to danger and
gains a +1 bonus to their Reflex saves for every rank in
this attribute.


The upgrades listed below are available to Golems of
the Light Quadruped body type. These upgrades can be
purchased at character creation or later as the character
develops and they become available.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The Golem can use its inner power supply to propel it
at faster speeds. The speed burst lasts for 1 scene.
Rank 1: Golem can double its Sprinting speed.
Rank 2: Golem can triple its Sprinting Speed.

Upgrade: 2CP, 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: per rune-string activated
The Golem has a bite attack which is just like any other
rune weapon attack. The first time the Golem gets this
upgrade they get the basic attack as shown below.
Each additional rank purchased grants them one of the
listed Rune-Strings. Cost: 2,000 silver guilders + runestrings.
Base Damage: 3d6, Weapon Qualities: magic, melee,
muscle powered, Rune-Strings: armor puncture (1-4),
bane (1-2), flame-frost-shocking (1-2), quick strike (12), slicing (1-3), speed (1).

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your Golem has increased movement. Increase the
Golems base movement by the number of feet given
below. Cost: 300 silver guilders per rank.

Rank 2: Receive a +4 bonus to Balance skill checks

and gain the ability to fall up to forty feet without
suffering damage.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your powerful legs and feline body allow you to jump
further than other Golems.
Rank 1: You receive a +4 bonus to Jump skill checks.
Rank 2: You receive a +8 bonus to Jump skill checks.


The upgrades listed below are available to Golems of
the Light Quadruped body type. These upgrades can be
purchased at character creation or later as the character
develops and they become available.


Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 4
Golems can concentrate an amazing amount of force
into a single melee attack. By spending the energy they
may transfer their Attack bonus into damage. Each
point of Attack bonus that the Golem gives up increases
the damage they inflict (if the strike is successful) by
3 points.

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Your Golem has increased movement. Increase the
Golems base movement by the number of feet given
below. Cost: 300 silver guilders per rank.
Rank 1: Golems movement increases by 5.

Rank 1: Golems speed increases by 5 feet.

Rank 2: Golems movement increases by 10.
Rank 2: Golems speed increases by 10 feet.
Rank 3: Golem movement increases by 15.
Rank 3: Golem speed increases by 15 feet.
Rank 4: Golem speed increases by 20 feet.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
A perfect sense of balance allows you to land on your
feet. By using your four powerful legs you can reduce
damage from falling and you gain a bonus to your
Balance skill checks.
Rank 1: Receive a +2 bonus to Balance skill checks
and gain the ability to fall up to twenty feet without
suffering damage.

Upgrade: 2CP
Energy Cost: 3
The Golem is able to put their head down and charge
through walls or other static barriers. As a full round
action the Golem can make a charge attack (up to its
running distance and more than 15 feet away) against
a static object. If the Golem fails to break through the
object they suffer half the damage they inflict (round
down) but does not count the armor penetration of the
attack. Cost: 1,000 silver guilders per rank.
Rank 1: The Golems charge has the following
characteristics. Base Damage: 7d6, Attack Qualities:
armor penetrating 8, magic, muscle powered.


Although the War Golems of Magi are the most talked
about and the tales of their effort to protect the valley
of Everstone are widespread, they are far from the only
types of Golems that have been developed. Many Moon
Magis and Fixers have tinkered and worked on various
types of Golems in an attempt to make their usefulness
more widespread. For a price a Magi can have a Golem
companion constructed for their personal use or
construct their own. Such Golems make fine assistants,
lifting heavy loads, delivering messages, organizing the
workshop and even light protection if needed.
This option is only available for those who are actual
members of the Magi Guilds.
The Golem familiar must
be paid for at the
Each of the listed
upgrades for the
purchased at the
time of creation or
can be added later
as the Magi wishes
to spend the funds.
Acquiring a Golem
Familiar is reflected
in the purchase of an
Attribute, just like an
animal companion or
Class Skills: Balance
(Dex), Climb (Str),
Craft: choice of 2 (Int),
Hide (Dex), Jump (Str),
Knowledge: choice of 2
(Int), Repair (Int), Rune
Device (Wis), and Search
Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 +
Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points each Additional
Level: 2 + Int modifier.

The Golem Familiar can purchase the following upgrades
with its character points as it increases in level (see
Level Up, under the Golem Familiar Attribute). These
upgrades can be acquired by taking the Golem to a
rune-device craftsman or Moon Magi guild hall.

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Golem Familiar may take an upgrade of armor
that increases his armor by 1. This can only be taken a
maximum of 4 times and only on even levels, 2, 4, 6, 8,
etc. Cost: 200 silver guilders per rank.

Upgrade: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
This upgrade gives the Golem Familiar a natural attack
such as a bite, claws, or even a whip like tail. Cost: 400
silver guilders per rank.
Rank 1: Magic attack that deals
1d6+Str in damage.
Rank 2: Magic attack that
deals 2d6+Str in damage.

Upgrade: 1CP, 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: Per rune
This replaces one
Familiars hands
with a weapon that
is equal to the blaze pistol
weapon (see EBL page
141). Each rank after the
first grants the golem
a Rune-String (which
must be paid for) which
is normally allowed on a
blaze pistol. Cost: 1,600
silver guilders +

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: special
The Golem Familiar
bloodstone that it can
touch. This is a very useful
upgrade as it allows the Golem to charge the Magis
equipment while maintaining it. Cost: 750 silver guilders
per rank.
Rank 1: For 3 energy points the golem can replace 1
energy point in the bloodstone.
Rank 2: For 2 energy points the golem can replace 1
energy point in the bloodstone.


Golem familiars are not common outside of larger Everstonian
towns such as Harbor and South Harbor. Moon Magi use Familiars
the most since they simply get in the way of Shadow Magi and Sun
Magi, who would only put their familiar in harms way as they are
in combat more often.
Golem familiars take on a number of different appearances, just
as do Golems, since each is individually hand crafted. The cost
in materials to build a Golem Familiar is 1,500 silver guilders.
Familiars are built in the same way as any other rune device (see
Engrave Runes on page 83 of the EBL book). They are considered a
3,000 silver guilder rune device for purpose of determining DC.
When a Golem Familiar is built it is 1st level. Over time the owner
can develop the familiar up to 5th level.
Familiar Body Frame: Strength 10, Dexterity 12, Constitution
14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 12, Charisma 10, Armor 1, Speed 24


Ability Drain Immunity: Golem Familiars are not subject to
normal ability drain attacks. Note that this does not make them
immune to Strength damage taken from damage after all hit points
are depleted.
Construct: Constructs do not heal on their own and need to be
Energy Dice: Golem Familiars use 1d8 for their energy dice.
Golem Sleep: Golem Familiars need to recharge their managenerators after extended use. Every 24 hours a Golem Familiar
must shut down and recharge for 4 hours.
Hit Dice: Golem Familiars use 1d8 for their hit dice.
Necromantic Affect Immunity: Immune to death and necromantic
affects such as life drain.
Needless Necessities: Golem Familiars have no need to breathe,
eat or drink. They run from their mana-generators.
Size: Golem Familiars are small and so get a +4 bonus to Hide skill
checks. Lifting capacity is only three-quarters of what a medium
size character would be able to lift.
Subdual Immunity: Constructs are immune to subdual damage.
Tattoo Immunity: Due to the nature of flesh runes they will not
work on constructs such as Golem Familiars.
Toxin Immunity: Golem Familiars are immune to poisons and
Upgrades: Golem Familiars come with 2 character points of
upgrades installed.

Rank 3: for 1 energy point the

golem can replace 1 energy point
in the bloodstone.

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The familiar has its seer-scope
upgraded to be able to see in
absolute darkness as easily as
it does in the light. Although
the range is limited and color is
reduced to shades of grey. Cost:
350 silver guilders per rank.
Rank 1: See 30 feet in absolute
Rank 2: See 90 feet in absolute

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
You have trained in defending
yourself against attacks. You
increase your Base Defense
Bonus by +1 each time you take
this Attribute.

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
By taking this upgrade the
Golem Familiar is able to gain
4 extra skill points on that level
for placement in academic skills
only. This Upgrade can be taken
multiple times, but only once
per level. The total ranks of the
skill must still be with in the
parameter set for the Golems
level. The skills that the points
can be used to increase are; Craft,
All Knowledge, Repair, Speak
Language, and Spell Craft. Cost:
750 silver guilders per rank.

Upgrade: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
By taking this upgrade the
Golem Familiar is able to gain
4 extra skill points on that level
for maneuvering skills only. This
Upgrade can be taken multiple


times, but only once per level. The total ranks of the skill
must still be with in the parameter set for the Golems
level. The skills that the points can be used to increase
are; Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, Swim, and Tumble. Cost: 650 silver guilders
per rank.

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
This upgrade allows the Golem Familiar to record a
book or number of scrolls depending on the rank. The
Golem can then recite the information as needed to its
master as needed. This gives the golem a Library bonus
that based on the number of ranks. Cost: 1,000 silver
guilders per rank.
Rank 1: The Golem Familiar can memorize 1000 pages
giving it a +2 Library bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom,
Gather Information, and Knowledge checks.
Rank 2: The Golem Familiar can memorize 2500 pages
giving it a +4 Library bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom,
Gather Information, and Knowledge checks.
Rank 3: The Golem Familiar can memorize 10,000 pages
giving it a +6 Library bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom,
Gather Information, and Knowledge checks.

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/per rank
This upgrade allows the Golem Familiar to increase its
speed. The Golem must pay the Energy Cost each round
it uses the extra speed.
Rank 1: Increase base speed by +5 feet.
Rank 2: Increase base speed by +10 feet.
Rank 3: Increase base speed
by +15 feet.

Upgrade: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The Golem Familiar
has a lantern built
into part of its body.
It can be used to
illuminate areas as
well as to make a
flare attack.
Rank 1: The
lantern can cast
a beam of light up
to 50 feet forward in a
45 degree arc. For 3 energy
points the Golem can make the


beam flash with a sudden pulse which acts as a Flare 1

attack against a single target within 50 feet. No to strike
roll is needed.
Rank 2: The lantern can cast a beam of light up to 100
feet forward in a 45 degree arc. For 5 energy points
the Golem can make the beam flash in a sudden pulse
which acts as a Flare 3 attack against a single target
within 100 feet. No to strike roll is needed.

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The Golem Familiar has its arms braced and reinforced
to be able to lift a lot of weight. The extra Strength can
only be used in lifting and does not increase the Golems
overall Strength rating.
Rank 1: The Golem can lift/pry something that weighs
up to 250 lbs (counts as having Strength 17).
Rank 2: The Golem can lift/pry something that weighs
up to 500 lbs (counts as having Strength 22).
Rank 3: The Golem can lift/pry something that weighs
up to 1000 lbs (counts as having Strength 27).

Upgrade: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
Prerequisite: golem link
The Magi can command the Golem to teleport to his
or her side. This teleportation is only a one way, from
were the Golem is to where the Magis side. The Golem
cannot teleport any other objects with itself, although if
it has the Storage upgrade, everything it is carrying in its
storage compartment is transported with him.
Rank 1: Golem can teleport up to
5 miles to be at its Magis side.
Rank 2: The Golem can
teleport up to 25 miles to be
at its Magis side.

Upgrade: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 4/rank
The familiar is fitted
with specialized magic
devices which allow
it to mend broken or
ripped objects. This
upgrade allows
the Golem to
repair broken or
damage objects,
Golems. The Golem can
only use this ability once per

object, per damage incident. Thus if a Golem used this

ability once on an object it could not use this ability
again until the object was broken or damaged in the
future. For damaging and breaking objects and how
this is handled see page 121 of the EBL book.
Rank 1: Repair up to 10 hit points to operational objects
or repairs a completely broken static object by giving it
2 armor points that were lost from damage.
Rank 2: Repair up to 20 hit points to an operational
object or repair a completely broken static object by
giving it 4 armor points that were lost from damage.

Upgrade: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
By having shock absorber arms and legs and a
reinforced frame installed, the Golem Familiar can
increase its hit points. Each time the Golem Familiar
chooses this upgrade, roll another hit dice + the
Constitution modifier and adds it to its hit point total.
A Golem Familiar can only take this upgrade 3 times
(rank 3).

Upgrade: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Golems do not heal naturally like living organisms.
Instead, they must be repaired to regain any lost hit
points. This newly designed upgrade allows the Golem
to repair itself. From a compartment, small arms
attached with tools and manipulators extend to help the
Golem make its own repairs. The Golem has also been
fitted with a myth-stone mender upgrade that patches
damaged plates and rods on its own. It is important
to note that this upgrade does not heal back Strength
damage, or work after the Golem has been completely
destroyed (once all Strength points are gone). Strength
damage needs to be repaired using a Golem repair Kit.

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The Golem is able to use its natural attack better
(see Bite or Claw upgrade, above). For each rank you
put into this Attribute the Golem gains a +1 bonus
to attack with that weapon type. Note that this bonus
does not increase the Base Attack Bonus, thus granting
more attacks. The Golem Familiar can only take this
Attribute at level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.

Upgrade: 2CP
Energy Cost: 0
The Golem Familiar has been implanted powerful claw
like grasping hands to climb up walls. This upgrade
grants the Golem a +8 bonus to Climb skill checks.
The Golem may also move at half its normal speed
while climbing.

Upgrade: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
Although this upgrade installs wings on the Golem,
these wings are mostly used for flight manipulation
and steering. The Golem is empowered with a small
rune-engine that allows the Golem to hover off of the
ground. When the energy points is spent the Golem
can fly for 1 scene.
Rank 1: The Golem Familiar can fly at the speed of 1
x its Dexterity.
Rank 2: The Golem Familiar can fly at the speed of 2
x its Dexterity.
Rank 3: The Golem Familiar can fly at the speed of 3
x its Dexterity.

Rank 1: Golem regains 2 hit points ever hour.

Rank 2: Golem regains 4 hit points ever hour.
Rank 3: Golem regains 6 hit points ever hour.

Upgrade: 2CP
Energy Cost: special
The golem has an internal compartment that acts very
similar to the Explorers Pack (See EBL page 134). It
can hold five cubic feet and which never increases its
weight or encumbrance when used. This compartment
is powered by the Golems internal mana-generator.
Rank 1: Holds 5 cubic feet of material.
Rank 2: Holds 10 cubic feet of material.


In the pages that follow you will find an account of each
of the rediscovered gods. Each entry gives a general
overview of the god. Their sphere of influence, favored
weapons, common worshipers, general description

Goddess of strategy, wisdom, fine crafts and skill at
Symbol: Athoras symbol will usually incorporate her
war spear. Athora Priests of the Temple of Ancients
have taken to wearing a badge which is shaped like a
shield and has a spearhead emboldened on it.
Favored Weapon: Athora and her priests
will use anything which is finally
crafted but is always a melee
Common Worshipers: Athora has
a wide range of followers from
delicate metal smiths (gold and
silver) to weapon smiths. Those
who seek perfection of form
in combat seek her blessing so
this includes many Stormgaurd,
Warriors, Sun Magi, and of course
Templar. It is said that Athora gave
the people of Lannith the will and
desire to create art and so many
Artist give her thanks.
Priests: Because of her broad spheres
of influence Athora has a very diverse
priesthood. The most notable of her priest
often study in the skill of arms and are usually
Description: In all the depictions of Athora, she is
clad in some form of delicate yet ornately decorated
breastplate with chain mail leggings. In the drawings
brought by the Shone, she is in ornately decorated full
plate. In all cases she wears a small buckler on her left
hand and a glowing spear in her right.


Athora is always depicted as delicate and of fine

beauty. Some statues and drawings show her having
long flowing hair and other show here with shorter
hair with a more commanding visage.
History: In stories found of Athora she was unstoppable
as she danced and weaved in and out of her opponents
ranks. Her skill with spear is always listed as unequaled
as there was never an account of an opponent that
wasnt defeated when facing her. When one of the gods
was slain by The Magi it was Athora who was reputed
to go to battle to stop them. In the stories that have
been found, it was a battle that lasted for three days
and three nights and at its end neither was victorious.
Athora is sister to the God Xentor, who it is said
is the god that is worshiped by the Adone.
They differ greatly in their teachings
and there are many tales of their
differences being settled in combat.

Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This prayer requires the Priest
to meditate and focus their inner
strength to perform the weaving
dance of Athoras own combat
technique. For 1 scene the Priest
gains a bonus to their Defense
Rank 1: Gain a +1 bonus to Defense
checks for the scene.
Rank 2: Gain a +2 bonus to Defense
checks for the scene.
Rank 3: Gain a +3 bonus to Defense checks for
the scene.

Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
Athora is the goddess of inner strength and focus.
With this prayer the priest may increase the focus
and willpower of those within 30 feet (including

I have been chosen to discuss my currant work which is soon to be finished. I have
yet to find an appropriate title for it but it is an extensive manuscript which deals
with what we currently know and believe we know of the gods. Of course it
is not a work that is my own but one that many Priests here at the Temple
have been studying. Although you Magi have little interest in the gods you
can believe that they have an interest in you. Very much so, to this I can
When you compare what we know now and what we new seventy years
ago I guess you can say we know a lot. But there is still much much more
we do not know.
You have heard from your parents and your mentors that the gods
abandoned us during our time of greatest need. I can tell you, upon
consulting my own god, Wornlorn, that this is not so. The gods didnt
abandon us, but used the greatest portion of their power to defend us. It is
unclear to as why the Night of Terror happened. The gods communicate in
omens, signs, and visions. All of which are very difficult to decipher. The gods
do not speak to us as many would have you think. There mere words would hold
power enough to unhinge even the strongest of mind. In these portents which quite a few Priests have received it
has been given to us that we owe our continued existence to the gods. There power was needed to stop the greatest
onslaught of the Hollow Lords. That is right, we suffered only that which passed through the vanguard of the gods
But I am not hear to speak of things which are speculative but events and happenings which we know for facts or at
least what we read from ancient scrolls and think to be facts.
Many manuscripts found within ruined temples have hinted towards a cataclysmic clash of divine power. Of a war
that took place before all of creation. It seems that there were two vying factions. Wornlorn and those that called
themselves his allies were of one and the other were those who opposed. You might understand it better in more general
terms of Order against Entropy. Before Wornlorn and the gods brought order there was naught but chaos and in this
chaos the lords, or gods, made their own realms, each being as different as the gods themselves. The gods made war
upon one another attempting to expand their realm of influence as much as possible, for each grew in power as their
realm grew.
There had never been an alliance among the gods, for each could only fathom their own ends. Wornlorn was the
first among gods to propose such. He held secret councils and drew other gods to his cause. Of course it may have been
attempted many a times before but Wornlorn was the first to bring an alliance about. We do not know how many
gods he gathered to his cause but it was enough. In their combined power the gods brought about order and forced all
other gods to kneel to them. Of course it is much easier and faster said but it was a war that lasted eons and a battle
that was unequaled either before or after its time. There is no mention of what happened of the gods who resisted in
any of our findings but it is hinted and implied that these gods were imprisoned.
I believe, as many of my colleagues do, that these imprisoned gods were none other than the Hollow Lords. In many
references they are named Lords of Entropy and Chaos Lords. They are described as monsters and often depicted as
alien beasts that appear nothing like the gods. Of course how much of this is actual fact?
The allied gods formed the world of Lannith and all of existence, each taking some part in its creation. Each of the
gods made themselves a home as well, places among the stars. Each god is associated with one of the traveling stars.
The gods wanted a place where their offspring could live and grow, a place where their children could learn the trials
and errors of their ways. Upon death the children would transcend to the home of the god they most emulated. After
death the soul would travel to its home where it would be put upon a new course. Many believe that this course is
another life, stages as you would, each life and path reaping its own rewards. It was a worthy plan and from what


we know it has worked for more than several thousand years. It worked up until the Night of Terror almost 400
years ago.
There is a scholar among our priests who has studied and came up with quite a few philosophies on the subject of the
idea of mortals being children of the gods. He believes, and I have to say that he has my attention, that the various
races are descendents of different godly paring.
Lets see how can I explain this?
Let me use an example. Men, or humans, are the result of the intimate relationship between Wornlorn and Santra.
Their children are humans. In contrast the Kataan are the children of Raztoff and Athora.
I know, I know. I can see the wonder and speculation in your eyes and some of you are imagining Athora naked as I
speak. I do not say that this teaching is true, only a guess.
We have a picture that is colored with our own culture. We are finding clues left behind by the people who inhabited
this valley before the Night of Terror. What we know is what the people of Everstone knew. As our Lore Hunters
travel abroad and they gather more information from places like Shone and Adone, we begin to color our picture with
more details.
We know that Everstonians come from the south. We are of darker hair and complexion than the fair haired
northerners such as the Surellions or Shone. We are less husky and our language seems to have its own roots. Our
recovered history books speak of an event which led to the migration of our people. An event which speaks of a horrible
account where a single man slew one of the god!
I see and hear you gasp. You are surprised that a god could be slain and I am not saying that such a feat is possible.
I am merely saying that it is related to in some of our manuscripts. Just because it is written down, let me remind
you, that it does not mean it is true.
What we have of the account is sketchy at best. There are writings of a great and vast empire that was not of human
origin, far to the south. Our people were held captive or as slaves, that part is unclear, but in the end there was
betrayal and the spilling of divine blood. Our people made haste to leave their captivity. It may explain why there is
so little left of our religious practices. Perhaps worship of the gods was not a common thing among our kind.
Our people were led north by Magi or as we are coming to think The Magi, which would explain many other
documents which have referred to the Magi in the singular sense.
I wont go into my own beliefs and findings. Of course I should speak of what I know, not speculation. I have found
many interesting references to The Magi and they would place this single man as a powerful worker of magic. If
you seek more on this subject I am always pleased to have smaller classes and I am getting together with just such a
class on the morrow. If you feel so inclined please drop by the library and join us.
We are learning much and the gods have returned to answering our prayers and granting us their favor. There are
many speculations on the nature of gods. Are they physical? Do they walk among us? Do they send messengers or
spies to watch over us? There are more questions than there are answers by a long throw and we seek answers day by
One of the more common questions is why the gods act in such mysterious ways? Let us not think of them as so
mysterious as they are simply leaving us to our own devices. They do not what they can but what they think
is right. Many would point out that they are leaving us to suffer. But they have granted us every tool we need to
survive. Even among the nightmares we know as Hollow Lords. The Gods have given us magic, they have given us
our minds and they have given us the knowledge and skills to apply both to their utmost potential.
Maybe they do walk among us, counseling, and giving aid to those who please them. Each of the gods, even the
dreaded Rathlorn may be no more than an eye blink away. Who knows maybe the Sovereign Magi himself keeps the
council of the gods!
I knew that would get a laugh out of you. Now lets take a break and get back to studying our books.
- Rustian Rinkle, High Priest of Wornlorn-


themselves). All allies within range gain a +2 bonus to

Will saves against Terrifying and other mind affecting
powers for 1 scene. Each rank in this prayer increases
the bonus an additional +2.

Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
Athora can endow her priest with enhanced senses to
pick up details that others usually miss. This prayer
grants a bonus to Spot, Listen and Sense Motive skill
checks for the scene.
Rank 1: The Priest gains a +2 bonus to Spot, Listen,
and Sense Motive skill checks.
Rank 2: The Priest gains a +4 bonus to Spot, Listen,
and Sense Motive skill checks.
Rank 3: The Priest gains a +6 bonus to Spot, Listen,
and Sense Motive skill checks.

God of magic and elements
Symbol: Most symbols of Azersun incorporate the four
elements or the sparking energy of magic. Azersun
Priests of the Temple of Ancients have a round token
which is engraved with symbols for each of the four
elements with magic at its center.
Favored Weapon: Of course the favored weapon of
Azersun and his Priests is magic itself but Azersun is
commonly depicted with a long staff at his side and it
has become the favored weapon of his Priests.
Common Worshipers: Azersuns sphere of influence
is narrow but powerful. His worshipers
are those who seek to control and
understand magic. He counts quite
a few Magi among his worshipers
but by far his greatest number
of worshipers are found
outside the three Guilds.
Priests: Azersun Priests are
almost always Sorcerers
but it is not unheard of
for Hedge Wizards and
Magi to claim the title. It
is the practice of Priests of
Azersun to take very little
action to sway the affairs
of those around them. Like
their god they practice that
magic is a tool which should
be applied as a tool not a luxury.
For this reason many users of magic
are not inclined to join his priesthood.

Description: Azersun often appears as a figure which

is seems to command very little physical presence,
usually appearing as an elderly man or a middle aged
man that is not strong of arm or stout of stance. His
gaze is always piercing and he seems to be a figure
of hidden power. The god of magic is often adorned
in robes with long billowing sleeves. Sometimes he is
hooded and when his head is not covered he will usually
have graying long hair which is tied back. His beard is
trimmed and neat. It is not uncommon for pictures or
statues of Azersun to have many magical trinkets about
him, such as bracelets, amulets, earrings, and the like.
History: Azersun is said to have created the final
tapestry of creation which acted as a blueprint for
Wornlorns plan. Azersun endowed the children of the
gods with power over magic so that they might have
an advantage over that which threatens them. Azersun
is often depicted as the most neutral of the gods for he
cares little if his magic is used for good or ill.


Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
With a blast of magical energy the Priest can smite
those who appose him. Any enemy that can truly be
considered a heretic, cultist, Hollow, or blasphemer
by the Priests judgment is affected by this cleansing
Rank 1: The Priest can smite 1 enemy, within 60 feet,
for 5d6 magical damage.
Rank 2: The Priest can smite 2 enemies, within 60feet,
for 3d6 magical damage or one enemy for 6d6 magical

Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 4/rank
Priests can hinder the magic using
ability of others. The Priest can
select a single target within
range and cause all spells
that the target uses to drain
more energy points. The
target of this prayer is
allowed a Will save each
round to throw of the
affects of this prayer. Once
the Will save is made by
the target they are free of
the shackle but the Priest
may use the power again.
The Priest must concentrate
to keep this prayer active.
Rank 1: The Priest may use the
Shackles on any target within 60 feet.


The target must double the energy point cost for all
spells they use until they make a Will save (DC 14) or
the Priest stops concentrating.
Rank 2: The Priest may use the Shackles on any target
within 300 feet. The target must triple the energy point
cost of all spells they use until they make a Will save
(DC 18) or the Priest stops concentrating.
Rank 3: The Priest may use the Shackles on any target
within 300 feet. The target cannot use any spells unless
they make a Will save (DC 20) to break this prayers

God of Craft and Strength
Symbol: Broones symbol usually incorporates his
hammer, as a sign of craft, or an arm that is well
muscled, as the sign of strength.
A few incorporate both. Broones
Priests of the Temple of Ancients
usually have a pin or amulet finally
crafted from gold or silver, in the
shape of a smiths hammer.
Favored Weapon: Broone is almost
always depicted as wielding a great
smith hammer and many of his
Priests have taken to using such devices in battle.
The Storm Hammer made by the Moon Magi is a
popular weapon among Priests of Broone.
Common Worshipers: By far Broone draws the
most worshipers from craftsman of all types
but mostly those of the more practical
application, such as blacksmiths.
He has a smaller following among
younger men who seek his favor
in their development physically.
Surprisingly many Gavown have a small
statue of Broone in their shops, although
most Gavown are not inclined to become
Priests. Because Broone is considered to be the
guardian and protector of Wornlorn there are
quite a few guards who take up Broones name
in prayer form time to time.
Priests: Broones Priests are usually craftsman
but a few are Warriors. Over the last few years
many new Priests have chosen to be Fixers or
Moon Magi. It is not uncommon for Priests of
Broone, after they have become an age where
wielding their heavy hammer is difficult, to pass on
into the Priesthood of Eamcriss. The Priest explain that
after mastering their physical body, the Priests are ready
to master their mental capabilities. When a Priest of
Broone becomes a Priest of Eamcriss they do not loose


their prayers granted by Broone. This is only the case if

the Priest is past middle age.
Description: Broone is often depicted as a broad
shouldered man of very large physique. He is sometimes
pictured as balding but just as commonly he is given a
long main of hair with bushy sideburns and eyebrows.
He seems to always have a grim determination set to his
features. It has been noted by many Priests that Broone
is often depicted in statues with the same hammer
which would indicate that it is special. A few Priests
have set out for Shone as it is said the Shone have a
stronger following of Broone and more is known about
him in that land.
History: Documents that have been found have hinted
that Broone was not always the god of Strength. These
writings hint that there was another who was slain in
some catastrophe that was the cause for the people of
Everstones migration. Broone is thought to be
the younger brother to Wornlorn
and is the elder gods most avid
protector. The Priests of Broone
claim that it was his inspiration
and tools that brought about
the inventions the Magi have


Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
As a Priest of Broone you can
call upon his power of superior
craftsmanship to enforce the
armor which you wear. This prayer
increases the armor protection of your
worn armor (but no more than doubling
it) and lasts for 1 scene.
Rank 1: Increases your Armor Protection by 2.
Rank 2: Increases your Armor Protection by
Rank 3: Increases your Armor Protection
by 6.


Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
Priests of Broone may call upon his power
to increase the craftsmanship of an item they
are using. Be it a hammer they are using to smith,
lock picks used to pick a lock, etc. they gain a bonus
to reflect the items master work quality. The bonus is
granted to the skill check that the item is being used in

conjunction with for the rest of the scene. This bonus

applies to attacks if used on a weapon.
Rank 1: Item grants a +2 bonus to the appropriate
skill check.
Rank 2: Item grants a +4 bonus to the appropriate
skill check.
Rank 3: Item grants a +6 bonus to the appropriate
skill check.


Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 4/rank
Priests of Broone can call upon his power to endow
themselves with a fraction of his Strength. The Priest
increases their Strength by the following amount for 1
Rank 1: Increase Strength by 4 points.
Rank 2: Increase Strength by 8 points.

God of knowledge, mental strength, and well being
Symbol: It is said that the Monks of Eamcriss have a
simple three pointed triangle with a sphere at each point
which represents mind, body and soul. The Priests of
the Temple of Ancients favor an open book which is
usually died or embroidered upon their robes.
Favored Weapon: Eamcriss is renowned
for not using any weapon other than
his own body. Priests of Eamcriss
usually specialize in unarmed
fighting styles. Not so much for
the sake of combat but for self
Common Worshipers: As would
be expected Eamcriss draws
his flock from sages, scholars
and teachers of all kinds. Most
libraries and centers of learning
will have a symbol of Eamcriss
located over the entrance or
somewhere of respect.
Priests: Probably the most
notable Priests of Eamcriss are
the Lore Hunters. There are many more bookish
Priests which make up the ranks but the Lore Hunters
take much of the attention as they are actively putting
themselves in danger to attain more knowledge. The
largest gathering of Eamcriss Priests is at the Temple
of Ancients itself within the grand library of Ancients
where all histories are kept. To be a priest of Eamcriss

means to always be learning and it is not uncommon

for the unarmed priests of Eamcriss to travel far and
wide in their search and recording of new things.
Description: Eamcriss is always depicted as an elderly
man with a long grey beard which runs down to his
ankles as he stands stooped over his work. His work
includes the reading and writing of scrolls, always
keeping the gods up to date on the happenings of the
present and the lessons of the past. He acts as councilor
to Wornlorn and his advice is usually given in riddles
and similes for his words are only for the wise that are
able to decipher their true meaning. Eamcriss always
dressed in simple clothing and never wears jewelry or
other passing treasures, his only treasure is wisdom
and thought.
History: It has always been the voice of Eamcriss that
has cautioned the gods in every act. It was Eamcriss
who warned against the act of giving the weapon,
which is referred to in ancient text as the god slayer,
into mortal hands. It is said that Eamcriss is also the
father of the runes that the Magi use and the Glyphs
that the Adone control. Eamcriss is one of the less active
gods as he wisely seems to be able to avoid conflict
with others but at the same time he is one whom all
the other gods trust and go to for counseling. It could
be said that Eamcriss is the grandfather god and he is
often depicted as the father of Wornlorn and Broone.
Higher in the mountains to the south of Everstone
it is said that a monastery was found, high in the
mountains, where the monks of Wornlorn resided.
Another monastery was found high in the
Horn Peak Mountains far out into The
Shroud. It is also rumored
that the Monks of these
monasteries are still there,
living out their simple lives
and they will help travelers
who seek their aid.

Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
When calling upon the aid of
Eamcriss, the Priest can clear
their mind and bring forth the
exact memories of anything they
witnessed within a certain time frame.
Examples could be calling forth books
that was read, conversations, or tutoring
sessions word by word. GMs might grant a +2 bonus
to any Intelligent based skill checks while under the
influence of this prayer or simply allow the Priest to
call up the exact information that he was trying to


Rank 1: Call forth any information within the last

Rank 2: Call forth any information that the priest may
have witnessed during their lifetime.


Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
As a Priest of Eamcriss you may use this prayer that
allows complete control over your own bodily functions.
Each level of control allows you different abilities that
reflect your increased mastery of mind and body.
Rank 1: You can slow your need to breathe, allowing
you to hold your breath for 1 minute per point in your
Rank 2: You can slow your bodily functions down to
the point of appearing dead. You have no heartbeat,
your breath is reduced to such a low amount that you
could survive off of an ounce of oxygen for an hour.
Attempting to tell if you are alive by non-magical means
is an automatic failure. While performing this task you
can hear what is going on around you but your eyes
are closed and your body is limp. You can slow your
body functions like this for 1 hour per point in your
Rank 3: The Priest has such control over their body
that they can control the blood flow through their
veins as well as the mending of flesh and organs.
Priest can channel harmful substances such as
poison out of their body and away from where it
would do damage (such as the heart) which
grants them a +6 bonus to their Fortitude
checks against poison. They can activate
this power to heal 2 Strength points that
were lost from wounds.


Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
Priests of Eamcriss may call upon the all
knowledgeable god to endow them with insight.
When this prayer is used the Priest must specify a topic
they are inquiring about. Once per specific topic this
prayer will grant a bonus to a Knowledge skill check.
This prayer cannot be retried until a day passes and the
Priest has studied the specific subject more thoroughly.
Rank 1: Gain a +4 bonus to a specific Knowledge skill
Rank 2: Gain a +8 bonus to a specific Knowledge skill
Rank 3: Gain a +12 bonus to a specific Knowledge skill


Goddess of love, healing, and passion
Symbol: Fajas symbols range greatly. Those who
favor the aspect of passion which Faja represents use
immodest and oftentimes blatant designs that are
offensive to those no so inclined. The Priests of the
Temple of Ancients favor a simple heart surrounded by
mystical energy.
Favored Weapon: Fajas only weapon is that of her
seduction and wily wit. Her Priest usually appear to be
unarmed but if threatened they use small concealable
weapons, usually throwing daggers. Fajas Priest
are known for their potions and elixirs and it is not
uncommon for them to rely on non-lethal poisons.
Common Worshipers: Faja has a large following among
the commoners as matchmakers and young people who
desire to find their one true love. Healers are among her
most notable followers while courtesans are among her
more looked down upon worshipers.
Priests: Faja has many aspects and each holds to
different outlooks. Healers make good Priests of Faja but
many healing Priest look askance at the more passionate
and free willed nature of Faja. Quite a few Bards (see
Mosstone book) make good Priests. Priests of Faja
are never fighters, at least not after joining the
ranks of the healing goddess.
Description: Faja always takes the aspect of a
beautiful woman. The statues found of her are
revealing and many would make even the
most experienced courtesan flush. She
is always given long fair hair and lustful
eyes. The more modest statues, where she
is nursing an infant or tending to the ill
have her covered in light sashes.
History: Although many stories abound of
the gods conjoining with one another, there
seems to be some stories that relate a dispute
between Wornlorn and another god who is called
Amthon and is the god of the Shone. One were the two
gods were forced to put down arms for the sake of Faja.
Faja eventually went with Wornlorn. The story would
suggest that the gods have split into various factions
which would explain why many gods are named but no
completed documentation has been found within the
ruins of Everstone. Quite a few Lore Hunters have made
the journey to Shone to find out about this new god,
but so far none have returned with any light shed on
the subject.


Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
Faja is goddess who does not like to use harmful
weapons, after all she is the goddess of healing. It goes
without saying that sometimes her Priest are in need
of self defense. Through this prayer Faja will render a
target a numbing blow which causes their body to react
slowly and hinder the aim of their attack so as to allow
the Priest time to escape. This prayer will affect a target
for 1 scene.
Rank 1: Target within 30 feet must make a Will save
(DC 12) or have their movement reduced by 25% and
all actions they attempt are at a -1 penalty.
Rank 2: Target within 300 feet must make a Will save
(DC 16) or have their movement reduced by 50% and
all actions they attempt are at a -2 penalty.


Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2
The Priest places his or her hands upon the subjects
head (or on self) and calls upon the Holy Mantra of
Life. The Priest can heal up to 10 hit points of damage.
The number of ranks in this prayer determines how
many times per day it can be used.
Rank 1: Heal 10 hit points 1 time per day.
Rank 2: Heal 10 hit points 2 times per day.
Rank 3: Heal 10 hit points 3 times per day.
Rank 4: Heal 10 hit points 4 times per day.
Rank 5: Heal 4 Strength points 1 time per day.


Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 6/rank
Prerequisite: Seduction skill rank 7+
Faja is the goddess of love and seduction
and Priests may call upon her power
to influence and bewilder the minds of
those who gaze upon them. The target
of this prayer becomes enamored with the Priest
on a sexual level. With the right manipulation
the target would promise almost anything for a
modest reward (usually the Priests undivided
attention for a short period). The target is allowed
a Will save to resist the power of suggestion but
if they fail they must comply with what the priest
is asking. At the Game Masters discretion they
may rule that the target gets a bonus to their Will
save if they are of a different sexual orientation.
This seduction power usually only works if the
target and the priest are alone. The priest can plant
a single suggestion in the target that the subject will

do most everything in their power to accomplish. If the

seduction fails the first time targets are allowed a +4
save on additional attempts.
Rank 1: The target is allowed a Will save (DC 12) to
resist the suggestion. If failed they must perform a
single task that the Priest has given them within the
next 6 hours.
Rank 2: The target is allowed a Will save (D 16) to
resist the suggestion. If failed they must perform a
single task that the Priest has given them within the
next 24 hours.

God of murder, stealth, darkness and revenge
Symbol: Rathlorns worshipers must use many symbols
which are not recognized by any but others of their
kind. When they wear the symbol in the open, it is
often a pair of horns or a pair of evil glowing eyes.
Many cultist within Everstone have taken to carrying
a specially forged dagger with the face of the god of
murder on its blade.
Common Worshipers: Rathlorns worshiper usually
border on insanity if they are not mad already. They
are those who relish bloodshed for the sake of simply
killing and having power over their neighbor. They
are those who have been wronged and are ready to
step to the other side of sanity to get their revenge.
Assassins are his primary worshipers, while the
rest are made up of psychopaths and paranoid
Priests: It is hard to know what a Priest of Rathlorn
is like because most have strict societies that are
shrouded in secretive meetings. The worship
of Rathlorn has been outlawed in Everstone
as well as Shone. Rathlorn Priests are
usually outcasts who go about shadowy
allies at night searching for potential
sacrifices and attempting to weaken
the Magis power wherever they can.
Some Priests are actual functioning
members of society, and sometimes well-todo that has some dark secret or reason for
worshiping the god of murder. Most Priests are
Thieves who use stealth and guile to conquer
their foes. Because of the secretive nature
Rathlorn Priest must usually hold a variety of
skills, those that they have as upstanding citizens
and those of their darker side. For this reason it
is not uncommon for a priest to have two or three
different classes.
Description: Rathlorn usually appears as a horned
god with long fangs and a powerful upper body with


strong arms ending in wicked claws. In most statues

and other forms of depiction he is usually eating or
reveling in the entrails of his victims.
History: Rathlorn does not oppose order and law as
many think. It is only that the acts of his followers
usually oppose most laws of men. In some old
manuscripts there are stories of how Rathlorn was sent
to hunt down one of the rebellious gods who sought
to overthrow the other gods, a god who, in the stories,
is called Desrakken. This would imply that Rathlorn is
not actually opposed by the gods but other stories put
him in conflict with Amthon, god of the Shone. Other
stories place Rathlorn as brother to the one time god of
Strength who was slain and whos name is unknown.

Prayer: 2CP
Energy Cost: 10
The Priest of Rathlorn can use this prayer upon a target
they have met personally. When this prayer is completed
the Priest learns some dark secret which the target is
keeping. The secret is one that is usually unattainable
or very difficult attain.


Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
This is a vile and dark power that a Priest can use on a
target within range. Dark magic grips the targets heart
and begins to slowly
crush it. The target is
allowed a Fortitude
save to resist the
Prayers power.
If the save is
missed the target is stunned
and unable to
move. The target suffers damage each round as
their heart is crushed for as long
as the Priest concentrates.
Rank 1: The prayer affects a target within 30 feet who
must make a Will save (DC 12) or be Paralyzed (see
page 170 of the E:BL book). Each round that this prayer
continues the target suffers 1d4 points of damage.
Rank 2: The prayer affects a target within 60 feet who
must make a Will save (DC 16) or be Paralyzed (see
page 170 of the E:BL book). Each round that this prayer
continues the target suffers 1d8 points of damage.


Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 10/rank
For this prayer to work the Priest must have an unwilling
victim at their disposal which they can sacrifice to their
dark god. This prayer takes 5 full minutes to complete
and requires the Priest to chant over the prostrate body
of the victim who is usually tied down or drugged.
Upon sacrificing the victim the Priest is rewarded with
a reward for the duration of 24 hours. The Priest can
only benefit from a single award at a time.
Rank 1: Upon sacrificing the victim the Priest is granted
one of the following rewards. 25 extra hit points. +3 to
all attack rolls. +3 to all Defense rolls. +6 to all Saves.
Increases all damage by +1d6. Has Dark Vision 120
feet. +8 bonus to one Skill.
Rank 2: As rank 1 except two other cultist of Rathlorn
are affected who are present for the sacrifice.


God of beasts, hunting and savagery
Symbol: The beast god has many symbols which range
from a snarling maw, to a drop of blood. The Priests of
the Temple of Ancients favor a cat like design across the
back shoulders of their robes or armor.
Favored Weapons: In most of the
statues and printings
found of Raztoff
he is carrying
a mighty spear
which he calls
Brother. In
other depictions he has
mighty claws
with which he pulls
down his prey. Priests of
Raztoff favor the spear as it
makes an excellent all purpose hunting weapon. Lately
there are many priests who have taken to the Long Bow
as their favored weapon, since it is also a weapon of
Common Worshipers: Most of Raztoffs followers do
not announce their silent prayers. Around Everstone the
view of Raztoff is mixed at best. The beast gods favor
is sought by hunters and trappers but he is also the
favored god of many savage barbarians as well as the
Roogadin. Most Border Marshals pay him respects and
quite a few Kataan that have grown up around Everstone are included among his flock.
Priests: The Priests of Raztoff live off the land and are
hunters all year round. They forsake the comforts of


cities and larger population centers for the security of

the forest and other wild lands. The Barbarian is an
appropriate Priest class. A few Border Marshals act as
Priests and even a few Fey Foresters have taken to the
worship of this beast god.
History: In legend it was Raztoff who supplied the
world with predators. Fauna, the goddess of animals
and the wilderness may have made most animals but it
was Raztoff who added the savage element of danger.
In many stories Raztoff and Fauna have coupled many
times begetting strange and wild children but there are
many stories where the lovers fight and lash out at one
another in their anger. Raztoff does not get along well
with Broone and there are a few accounts in which the
god of beasts and the god of craft have come to blows.
There is a story which relates Raztoff sneaking off into
the night to entertain the lone company of Sabble. In
their mad lovemaking Sabble became with child and in
the end she begot the Gor Hog, a horrible beast that is
all savagery and death.

Prayer: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 5/rank
You may summon a predator that will appear within
2 rounds of using this prayer. Predators include any
beast which eats meat and the Priest has personally
seen. The Predator will do as the Priest commands
and will disappear after 1 scene has passed.
Rank 1: You may summon a level 1 or 2 predator.
Rank 2: You may summon a level 3 or 4 predator.
Rank 3: You may summon a level 5 to 7 predator.


Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This prayer endows the Priest with the grace and
nimbleness of a feline. This prayer grants a bonus
to all Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump and Move
Silently skill checks. This prayer lasts for 1 scene.
Rank 1: Gain a +4 bonus to the above listed skills.
Rank 2: Gain a +8 bonus to the above listed skills.

Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
As a Priest of Raztoff you can succumb to your
more savage nature. You become more of a natural
predator, growing claws, thickened hide and faster
running speed. The prayers affect lasts for 1 scene.
Rank 1: You grow natural claws, antlers or fangs
(your choice) which inflict 2d6 magical damage +

Strength modifier. This natural attack scores a critical

on a natural roll of 19 or 20.
Rank 2: Your hide gets thicker or you grow a thick
fur (your choice) which provides you with 4 points of
natural armor protection. This protection is halved (2)
if combined with worn armor.
Rank 3: Your legs become powerful to aid in chasing
down prey. Double your base speed and gain a +6
bonus to Jump skill checks while the prayer lasts.

Goddess of death, disease, rust and rot
Symbol: Sabbles symbol almost always incorporates a
skeleton and most commonly the skull. Sabbles Priests
of the Temple of Ancients wear an amulet that appears
to have a stretched skull placed over a ring of bones.
Favored Weapon: Sabble herself has no need of weapon
for she is death itself and can command the life within
any mortal or god to simply cease. The Priests of Sabble
use short concealable blades and favor weapons that

For their own reasons the Magi have made it
law that all deceased must be disintegrated
or burned within 2 days of death. Outside of
most Everstone towns are large family Tombs
where the burned remains of descendents are
placed after cremation. Cities and towns within
Everstone borders have a large city Tomb which
acts as a temple to Sabble where the dead are
taken and for a small fee can be destroyed and
placed in an urn. The Priests of these Tombs
are referred to as the Deathwatch. These
Priests often take to the road and journey to
smaller settlements where they will perform
rituals and prayers over the body to insure
that the Soul goes to its rightful resting place
after which they destroy the body and they can
either take the ashes with them to the nearest
tomb or they will give the remains to relatives
if so desired.
Over the years the Lore Hunters have uncovered
documents which record the hardship the
people of Everstone had to endure against
hated necromancers and their undead minions.
It is most likely that the strict laws concerning
the dead came from these times.


are more likely to deliver killing blows in a single hit.

Sabbles Priest favor lethal poisons of all types.
Common Worshipers: Sabble does not have a large
following among the citizens of either Everstone or
Shone. Most people want to ignore those spheres which
Sabble governs. Death and disease are both very real
and to dwell on them only brings depression. Those
who do worship the goddess are morbid and drab
souls who seem to seek death and revel in talking of
its ultimate coming. Citizens would rather leave the
formalities of death and the rituals that are required to
herald the deceased into the afterlife up to the Brothers
and Sisters of the Deathwatch (see sidebar).
Priests: The Priests of the goddess are required to
perform the rituals of death over the deceased. This
includes abiding by the laws of the Magi and burning
the corpses of the dead so that they may not be
raised as zombies or other blasphemies.
Priests that are not of the Brothers
and Sisters of the Deathwatch
will usually be of the Thief or
Sorcerer class. The Priests
believe in the renewal of life
through death. That death
has its place and they
seek to create a balance
with life and birth. These
Priests do not pose a
threat for most citizens
as there has been more
death and destruction over
the last few hundred years
to sate their cause. Instead
they seek to stem the tide
of death and most Priests are
concerned with the blasphemous
Nightscream and his army of the
dead that plague the Shone. There
are a few zealous Priests who believe that
only through complete death and destruction of
the world will it be cleansed. These Priests believe that
the Hollow Lords were sent by the gods to eradicate
the disease that mortals inflict upon the world and it
is their job to help the gods extinguish this infected
life. Needless to say the Cult Hunters of the Temple of
Ancients have taken up the responsibility of flushing
these Priests out and dealing with them.
Description: Sabble appears as a slim woman with
small breasts and long black hair. Her face is that of
a skull and in many depictions her fingers end in long
thin black nails that drip with venom.
History: Sabbles home is the realm of unclaimed souls.
When a person dies their soul is claimed by the god that
claims it. When a soul is unclaimed by any of the gods
Sabble is said to send her Spirit Warden to retrieve it to


her realm of the dead. The Kataan calls this retriever

the Spirit Eater and considers it a dire enemy which
must be opposed. Those who use necromancy magic
which would call a body back from the dead to create
zombies, vampires and the like are said to be drawing
souls from Sabbles realm. For this reason her priests are
adamant about the dead staying dead. Old documents
and teaching refer to a god who goes by the name of
Xentor, the demon god of the Adone. Sabble and Xentor
are in agreement in many things and most stories depict
them as lovers.

Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The Priest may call upon the goddess to afflict a target
with a curse which will last the scene.
Rank 1: A target within 30 feet must make
a Fortitude save (DC 12 + Priests
Wisdom mod) or suffer a -2 penalty
to all action checks, damage rolls
and saving throws.
Rank 2: A target within 60
feet must make a Fortitude
save (DC 14 + Priests
Wisdom mod) or suffer
a -4 penalty to all action
checks, damage rolls and
saving throws.
Rank 3: A target within
90 feet must make a
Fortitude save (DC 16
+ Priests Wisdom mod)
or suffer a -6 penalty to all
action checks, damage rolls
and saving throws.

Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
The Priests of Sabble make it a point to track down and
eradicate any undead abominations that exist. Some
Priests have taken the task of hunting these beasts
down and destroying them. They have aptly been
termed Undead Slayers. This Prayer can be used to
destroy undead, causing them to explode in fiery cinders
and returning their stolen souls back to the realm of
Rank 1: A single undead within 60 feet suffers 4d6 points
of magical damage. Damage is halved (round down) if
the undead makes a Will save (DC 14). If the damage is
enough to destroy the undead it explodes dealing 1d6
points of damage to all within 10 feet of it.

Rank 2: A single undead within 120 feet suffers 6d6

points of magical damage. Damage is halved (round
down) if the undead makes a Will save (DC 16). If the
damage is enough to destroy the undead it explodes
dealing 2d6 points of damage to all within 15 feet of
Rank 3: A single undead within 120 feet suffers 8d6
points of magical damage. Damage is halved (round
down) if the undead makes a Will save (DC 18). If the
damage is enough to destroy the undead it explodes
dealing 3d6 points of damage to all within 15 feet of


Prayer: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 4/rank
This prayer is usually used on the corpses of the
deceased to ensure that they are not desecrated by
necromancers and the like. This spell can also be
used on an unwilling target, although they
are allowed a Fortitude save to reduce
the affect. This prayer breaks down a
physical object, both living and nonliving, to its basic components. In
many ways it is like the Sorcerers
spell of disintegration.
Rank 1: A touched target (make
touch attack against unwilling
targets) suffers 4d6 points of
damage. A Fortitude check
(DC 12) is allowed to reduce
the damage to half (round
down). If used on non-organic
material it will reduce the
things armor value by 25%
destroy up to 1 pound of material if it does
not have an armor value.
Rank 2: A target within 30 feet suffers 6d6 points
of damage. A Fortitude check (DC 14) is allowed to
reduce the damage to half (round down). If used on
non-organic material it will reduce the things armor
value by 50% or destroy up to 10 pound of material if
it does not have an armor value.
Rank 3 (prerequisite - 10th level): A touched target
(make touch attack against unwilling targets) suffers
8d6 points of damage. A Fortitude check (DC 16) is
allowed to reduce the damage to half (round down). If
used on non-organic material it will reduce the things
armor value by 75% or destroy up to 50 pound of
material if it does not have an armor value.

Goddess of birth, harvest and abundance

Symbol: Santras symbol will usually incorporate

crops, fruit and even a new born babe. The Priests
of the Temple of Ancients will usually wear a bin or
brooch that is a scythe in a background of wheat.
Favored Weapon: Santra uses no weapon to speak of
and her Priest usually avoids conflict at all cost. When
a Priest of Santra does use a weapon it is usually out of
self defense and so has to be a makeshift tool such as a
scythe, pitchfork or other peasant tool.
Common Worshipers: Santra has one of the largest
followings among commoners. Farmers, ranchers,
mothers, and many others who make their living off
the land pray to this goddess on a regular basis.
Priests: Smaller temples found throughout Everstone
villages and towns will almost always have a Priest or
Priestess of Santra in attendance. They perform tasks
of midwife but more importantly they designate and
section off areas of ground. This helps the farmers and
growers know where their crops will be the most
bountiful and the soil the best suited for their
purposes. It is not uncommon for Priests to
be Healers. Priests of this faith get along
well with Priests of Faja.
Description: Santra is almost always
depicted as a plump female with a warm
smile. Some statues and drawings show
her as a mother nursing her child or
with many children playing around
her feet.
History: Of all the gods and
goddesses it is said that Santra
gave mortals the most important
gift. She taught the first farmer
how to grow crops and she birthed
the first mortals to live upon Lannith.
In many documents she is simply referred to as
the mother. There is a story that has been written
about Santra in which she and Sabble are at odds but
it is unlike either of the goddesses to fight outright so
they both pick a human champion to represent them
and give them a single task. Whoever accomplishes the
task first will be rewarded. Santras champion wins and
as a reward she provides her mortal champion with the
first seeds of apple, cherry and orange trees.


Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The Priest may pray over food and drink, purging
them of all unclean substance, such as poison and rot.
The higher the Priests rank in this prayer the greater
amount of substance they can affect. A meal and drink
is considered to be around 2 pounds in weight.


Rank 1: Affect up to 2 pounds of food and drink.

Rank 2: Affect up to 10 pounds of food and drink.
Rank 3: Affect up to 100 pounds of food and drink.


Prayer: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/day
With this prayer the Priest can go without food or water
for a number of days equal to their rank in this prayer
multiplied by 3. At the end of each day the Priest goes
without food or water they may use this prayer which
drains 2 energy points. These energy points do not return
until the Priest eats and drinks their fill, after which they
return at their normal rate per hour.

not overly so. He is said to be merciful but not lenient.

His word is law and his laws bind himself just as much
as they do others.
History: In stories it is often hinted that Amthon and
Wornlorn are both gods of very strong will and honor
and they have clashed from time to time. When Wornlorn
was mortally wounded by the god Desrakken, Athora
called upon Amthon aid to hunt down the renegade


God of leaders, order and foresight
Symbol: Wornlorns symbol seems to be the most fixed
among the gods. Most documentation and statues depict
his symbol as an all seeing eye that never closes.
Favored Weapon: The statues and other depictions
of Wornlorn that have been found show him with
a simple one handed sword at his belt which is
more of a sign of office than a weapon. Priests of
the god will usually use one handed swords or a
staff. The Magi War Blade is favored among their
Common Worshipers: Wornlorn is the god of kings,
rulers and those who claim divine right. He himself
is the self appointed rulers of the gods and it is he
who began the alliance that would allow the gods
to follow through on a greater plan. Commoners
who avidly support their ruler worship Wornlorn
as do many of the rulers soldiers. There are many
Priests of Wornlorn in Everstone and each gives
vocal homage to the leadership and wisdom of
the Magi. The relationship between the Temple of
Ancients and the Guild owes its benefits from the
Priest of Wornlorn who have made it a point to aid
the three Guilds wherever it could. To some degree
the Temple and the Guilds have crossed over into
one anothers domain even though the Guilds have
no official standing or declaration concerning the
gods and their Priests.
Priests: The Priests of Wornlorn are looked up to
by all Priests of the other various gods. This is out
of respect more than any formal title or position.
Priests of Wornlorn are sought after councilors
and they usually hold positions of importance on
town councils.
Description: Wornlorn always appears as a noble
and charismatic leader, adorned in fine clothing yet


Temples of all size are located throughout
Everstone valley and even some of the larger
villages beyond the valleys border. Temples are
funded by the main Temple of Ancients within
Harbor. A lone Priest will find a village or town
to settle in and will get the aid of residence that
lives in the area. Together they build the first
hall of the temple which acts as the place of
worship for a few years. The Priest will usually
build a small house not far from the Temple,
maybe a few hundred steps away at most.
The first day of the week, Suns Rise, is given
over to the worship of the gods. It has become
tradition for the people of Everstone to take the
day off of labor and visit their nearest Temple
where they give thanks and pray. Temples are
usually the center of festivals such as the Day
of Remembering on the 15 day of Autumns
Once the congregation of the Temple has grown
to a hundred members or so the founding
Priest may go before the High Priest of the
Temple of Ancients and petition the funds to
build a proper temple. Usually within a year or
so the Temple will be rebuilt into a larger place
of worship with a central hall and many antichambers along with living residence for the
founding Priest and any other Priest who wish
to reside within.

In this section you will find new equipment, both rare
and common. Some of these items are new inventions
which may be hard to find as the knowledge of their
making is not common.


It would seem like common sense that the Magi would
have developed a rune staff as one of their first devices.
In the days of old the Magi and Sorcerers alike had
always treasured their magical staffs. The art of such
magic has not been lost and there are many sorcerers
who still work their magic into such creations (see
Wands later in this section).
The Fey brought their magical Staffs with them when
they settled Mosstone a dozen years ago. The Staff of
the Beast, the Staff of Storms and others which they
carried into battle with potent affect brought back
old memories. Druids and Dream Weavers alike carry
powerful magic within what appeared to be nothing
more than ornately carved walking stick. This must
have awoken some dormant instinct for quite a few
Moon Magi got it in their head to construct a staff like
those they used of old, except, of course, as a runedevice. Cost: 1,900 silver guilders.
Maximum Rune-Strings: A staff has a very wide range
of rune-strings that will work on it. The owner can
only have 4 different rune-strings per staff. Thus a staff
could have the Eruption, Lightning Strike, See Magic
and Stunning rune-strings but that would be it. The
four chosen rune-strings could be developed to any
rank listed below.
Base Damage: 2d6, Bloodstone: 24oz, Weapon
Qualities: low penetration 3, magic, muscle powered,
two-handed, Rune-Strings: agile strike (1), defending
(1-3), eruption (1-2), flare (1-2), flaming-frost-shock
(1-2), greater healing (1-2), radius of silence (1-2),
lightning strike (1-3), see magic (1-3), stunning (1-2),
unravel magic (1-2).

The heavy lancers of the Golem War were a destructive
force that was only rivaled by the Golems. Sun Magi
and Templar alike charged forth on mighty Gintii and
their heavy Rune-Lances. Although the crafting of runelances is not as common since the development of the
land ships, there are many Moon Magi who can forge
one for a price. These weapons are popular among the
Templar and see quite a bit of use among the Sun Magi.
Cost: 2,800 silver guilders.
Base Damage: 3d6, Bloodstone: 18oz, Weapon
Qualities: armor puncture 4, magic, muscle powered,
slow 1, Rune-Strings: armor puncture (1-4), bane (13), flaming-frost-shock (1), slicing (1-3), striking (1-2),
Other: A lance can only be used on the charge attack
and if mounted the user applies the mounts Strength
bonus not their own.

The following rune-strings were developed especially
for the Magi war staff but inventive Moon Magi may
find a way to apply them to other weapons.

Rune Device Rank: 8/12
Energy Cost: 3/rank
The device can heal wounds of a target. The wounds
take time to mend after this is used; usually 1 Strength
point is replaced after 1 hour.
Rank 1: Heal 1 Strength point of target touched with
device. The Strength point returns after 1 hour. Cost:
+1,200 silver guilders.
Rank 2: Heal 1 Strength point immediately. Cost: 2,350
silver guilders.


Rune Device Rank: 4/6
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The device can create an area around itself that blocks
out sound and protects against ease dropping magic.
This is a very handy rune-string for those using stealth
or attempting to discuss strategy on the battlefield
without fear of being overheard. This rune-string lasts
for 1 scene.
Rank 1: Creates a 20 foot radius circle where no sound
can pass, in or out. Those attempting to use scrying
magic to penetrate or locate those within the sphere
must make a Spellcraft skill check (DC 15) or be unable
to penetrate the radius for its duration. Cost: +300
silver guilders.
Rank 2: Creates a 20 foot radius circle where no sound
can pass out but can pass in, allowing those within to
hear sound that comes from without. Those attempting
to use scrying magic to penetrate or locate those within
the sphere must make a Spellcraft skill check (DC 25) or
be unable to penetrate the radius for its duration. Cost:
+500 silver guilders.

Rune Device Rank: 6/10/14
Energy Cost: 3/rank
This device can launch a destructive bolt of energy at a
target within range. No to strike roll is needed.
Rank 1: Bolt of lightning with the following
characteristics. Base Range: short, Base Damage: 4d6,

Game Masters are free to increase the difficulty
by 5 for magic that you are unfamiliar with. Any
magic is unfamiliar as long as you do not have
an attribute of the same type. Thus if you only
knew how to use spells and prayers but
the target was using a Kataan conjuration,
the DC would increase by 5 points.
Energy Points Spent

Spellcraft DC

1 to 3


4 to 6


7 to 9




Note: This table and the difficulty increase

mentioned above should be used for the Unravel
Spell attribute listed in the Moon Magi.


Qualities: armor puncture 3, fork 1, magic, slow 1.

Cost: 2,000 silver guilders.
Rank 2: Bolt of lightning with the following
characteristics. Base Range: medium, Base Damage:
6d6, Qualities: armor puncture 5, fork 1, magic, slow 1.
Cost: +2,000 silver guilders.
Rank 3: Bolt of lightning with the following
characteristics. Base Range: medium, Base Damage:
8d6, Qualities: armor puncture 7, fork 2, magic, slow 1.
Cost: +2,400 silver guilders.

Rune Device Rank: 4/8/12
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The device allows you to see the magical flows of
energy that make up Lannith. Game Masters may call
for a Spellcraft skill check to determine finer details (see
skill description). The vision extends up to 300 feet and
lasts for 1 scene.
Rank 1: The device enables you to see magical auras that
surround objects, although not the affect of the magic.
This sight allows you to easily see invisible subjects,
although just an outline. Cost: +750 silver guilders.
Rank 2: The sight allows you to determine the nature
of the magic and the general affect it is having. Cost:
+1000 silver guilders.
Rank 3: The sight allows you to determine if a creature
can use magic or has magical abilities. You can determine
their magical strength (how many energy points they
have), as well as what their most powerful magic
ability is. If you are studying a magical item you
can determine what the items can do, although this
does not allow you to activate it (as per the optional
Studying Magic Items rule on page 4 of The Shroud

Rune Device Rank: 8/16
Energy Cost: special
Prerequisite: See Magic rune-string
When you activate your See Magic rune-string you
can use this rune-string to attempt to unravel magic
as it is being used to negate its affect. You can use
this unravel power to negate any magical powers,
such as prayers, spells, conjurations, and even runestrings, but not Hollow Powers. If a target within
300 feet is using a magic power you may make a
Spellcraft skill check to negate the power. You must
spend the energy points out of your staff equal to
the energy points the target is spending to activate
the power. The difficulty of the Spellcraft check is
based on the energy points spent (see sidebar). If the
Spellcraft check is successful the target spends the

energy points for naught and their magic does not

take affect.
Rank 1: You need to have an action available
before the selected target and you must
hold the action until the target attempts
their magic use. Unraveling the spell is a
standard action.
Rank 2: You can unravel a spell as your
movement action for the round but you
must still have a higher initiative than the

Moon Magi may store spells within rune stones.
Rune stones are nothing more than shaped pieces
of myth-stone that have a flat surface which can
have a complex rune carved upon it. The Moon
Magi must have the Engrave Runes attribute and
must know the spell being carved into the stone.


Engraving a single rune stone takes 3+1d3 hours
and is accomplished as described under the
Engrave Runes attribute found on page 93 of the
EBL book. The DC for the rune is 10 + the spells
final energy point cost. The engraver may store any
version (rank) of the spell that they know but the
higher the rank the higher the energy point cost
and the higher the DC. The cost to engrave a rune
is mostly for the myth-stone as well as the working
of the stone into a suitable medium. Each runestone costs 100 silver guilders +10 silver guilders
per energy point of the spell being stored. This is
because the myth-stone must be slightly larger for
more powerful spells.
Example of Rune-Stone Creation: A Moon Magi with
the Engrave Runes attribute at rank 2 is attempting
to make a rune stone with the spell Wall Walking
stored into it. The Magi knows the Wall Walking
spell at rank 2 and has a Spellcraft skill of +8. He
spends 4 hours (3+1d3 hours) to carve the rune
into a myth-stone that cost him 120 silver guilders
(100, +10 for each of the energy points to cast Wall
Walking at rank 2). After the four hours he has
spent 8 energy points (2 for each hour for Engrave
Runes attribute) and another 2 energy points for
the spell Wall Walking (1 energy point per rank)
for a total of 10 energy points. He then makes a
Spellcraft skill check against a DC of 12 (base of
10 and +2 for the two energy points spent for the
spell). If successful the spell is now stored and may
be used again later by anybody who is holding the


Later on a person may use the stone but must
have a RDR equal to the energy points that
the spell uses. The user must then use an
action and make a Spellcraft skill check
against a DC equal to 10 + 1 per energy
point used to cast the original spell. If
successful the spell is cast from the stone
and has the same affect as if it were cast by
the person activating it.
The wielder of the stone must pay the energy
points as if they themselves were casting the
The stones power may be used only once but
the myth-stone is still good and can be re-used to
inscribe another spell or the same spell again which
must be started from scratch.
Example of Using a Rune Stone: In the above example
the Moon Magi had created a rune stone with Wall
Walking. He gives the stone to a companion Trader
who keeps it for a number of weeks before having a
need to use it. The Trader can use it as they have an
RDR above 2 (RDR of 1 per energy point used to cast
the spell). The Trader pulls it out of a pouch and uses
a standard action to make a Spellcraft check against a
DC of 12 (10 plus 1 per energy point to cast the spell) as
well as spend the 2 energy points for activating it. The
Trader does it and they cast the spell upon themselves,
granting them Wall Walking at rank 2 for the duration
of the scene.

Sorcerers have always had a knack for creating
magical wands. Like the Magi are known for their
rune devices so Sorcerers are known for their mystical
wands of power. Wands are magical sticks made of
exotic woods that usually range from 8 to 15 inches
long. They are hand carved to the makers liking but
will usually have markings to indicate what the wands
primary power is. Thus if the wands primary power
is Fire Bolts than it will most likely be carved with
flames licking up the sides or some other fiery design.
Although wands are created by Sorcerers other magic
using creatures that have knowledge of spellcraft can
use them as well.


Wands have embedded powers which require a
minimum Spellcraft skill rank (SR), much like rune
devices require a minimum Rune Device skill rank
(RDR). This reflects the users knowledge of magic
and how well they can control the wands power. If a
user does not have the adequate number of ranks in


Wands are crafted using the Craft Magic Item
attribute (see Sorcerer attribute on page 93 of the
Everstone: Blood Legacy book). If embedding
the wand power herself the Sorcerer needs to
spend one tenth the listed cost on components.
Use the table below to figure out DC of the
Spellcraft check and how many hours it takes
to embed a single power.
Wand Rank

Equalent Bonus

Rank 1


Rank 2


Rank 3


Rank 4


their Spellcraft skill they can make a Spellcraft skill

check against a DC equal to twice the SR requirement.
Example of SR: If a character with a Spellcraft skill rank
(note that this is the rank, not the overall bonus of the
check) of 11 and they wish to use a wand of fire bolts
that has been embedded with a Firebolt power at rank 4
they may do so. They can use rank 1 firebolts without a
problem since it only requires a SR of 6 or better. They
can even use the rank 2 firebolt without a problem since
it requires a SR of 9 or higher. If the user wished to use
the firebolt at rank 3 they would have a problem since
the power at that rank requires a SR of 12 or better (1
better than the user has). The user may still try to use
the wand at rank 3 they simply need to make a Spellcraft
skill check against a DC of 24 (twice the required SR). If
the check is failed the user has lost their action but does
not need to spend the energy points.

Wands take one action to use. Almost all wand powers
are instantaneous but some may require the user to
concentrate to keep their affect active, if so this will
be specified in the power. When a wand is activated
the user must point it at a target it wishes to affect and
pay the energy points from their own energy point total.
Some wands require the user to make an attack against
targets which will also be noted in the particular power


As the wand maker embeds more power into the wand
they become harder to use as they require a higher
Spellcraft skill rank and more energy from the user. As


a wands power increases in rank it becomes more

powerful but a user does not always need to activate
its strongest rank. If the user wished for a lesser
affect or they do not want to spend as much energy,
they can use any rank of the power up to what the
wand has embedded.
Primary & Secondary Powers: A wand can have
any number of embedded powers but may only have
a power over rank 1 in its primary power. When a
wand is crafted the maker chooses which power will
be its primary power. This power can be increased to
the powers highest rank. All other powers are limited
to rank 1. A wand may never have its primary power

Spellcraft Rank: 6/9/12
Energy Cost: 1/rank
This wand power will cause targets to be overcome
with fear and maybe even panic (see Frightened and
Panicked on page 170 of the Everstone: Blood Legacy
book). There is no roll to strike, the user simply
points the wand at the target and activates it.
Rank 1: Target within 60 feet must make a Will save
(DC 10) or be Frightened. If they fail by more than 10
they are Panicked. Cost: 600 silver guilders.
Rank 2: Target within 120 feet must make a Will save
(DC 14) or be Frightened. If they fail by more than 10
they are Panicked. Cost: +1,100 silver guilders.
Rank 3: Target within 180 feet must make a Will save
(DC 18) or be Frightened. If they fail by more than 10
they are Panicked. Cost: +1,800 silver guilders.

Spellcraft Rank: 6/9/12/15
Energy Cost: 1/rank
The wand can shoot bolts of fire at a target. Roll to
strike as normal. You can make as many fire bolt attacks
per round as you have attacks.
Rank 1: The fire bolts have the following characteristics.
Base Range: short, Base Damage: 1d6, Weapon
Qualities: accurate 1, affect incorporeal, burning 3,
magic. Cost: 850 silver guilders.
Rank 2: The fire bolts have the following characteristics.
Base Range: medium, Base Damage: 2d6, Weapon
Qualities: accurate 1, affect incorporeal, burning 6,
magic. Cost: +1,200 silver guilders.
Rank 3: The fire bolts have the following characteristics.
Base Range: medium, Base Damage: 3d6, Weapon
Qualities: accurate 2, affect incorporeal, burning 9,
magic. Cost: +2,000 silver guilders.

Rank 4: The fire bolts have the following characteristics.

Base Range: medium, Base Damage: 4d6, Weapon
Qualities: accurate 2, affect incorporeal, burning 12,
magic. Cost: +2,500 silver guilders.

Spellcraft Rank: 6/9/12/15
Energy Cost: 2/rank
The power of this wand can lift and move things by
simply pointing at an object and directing its direction
of travel with the wand. If you attempt to affect a
creature it can make a Reflex save to avoid the wands
affect. The wand will lift a single object and move it 10
feet per round for as long as you concentrate.
Rank 1: The wand can affect things up to 30 feet away
and can lift up to 50 pounds. If attempting to move a
creature it can make a Reflex save (DC 10) to break free
each round. Cost: 1,000 silver guilders.
Rank 2: The wand can affect things up to 60 feet away
and can lift up to 100 pounds. If attempting to move a
creature it can make a Reflex save (DC 12) to break free
each round. Cost: +2,500 silver guilders.
Rank 3: The wand can affect things up to 120 feet away
and can lift up to 200 pounds. If attempting to move a
creature it can make a Reflex save (DC 14) to break free
each round. Cost: +3,500 silver guilders.
Rank 4: The wand can affect things up to 240 feet away
and can lift up to 400 pounds. If attempting to move a
creature it can make a Reflex save (DC 16) to break free
each round. Cost: +4,000 silver guilders.

Spellcraft Rank: 6/9/12
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This wand power can open locked locks by simply
pointing and activating. The user makes an Open
Locks skill check using the wands bonus not their
own. This wand will work up to 30 feet away.
Rank 1: Roll an Open Locks skill check with a +8
bonus. Cost: 900 silver guilders.
Rank 2: Roll an Open Locks skill check with a +16
bonus. Cost: +1,600 silver guilders.
Rank 3: Roll an Open Locks skill check with a +24
bonus. Cost: +2,800 silver guilders.

Spellcraft Rank: 6/9/12/15
Energy Cost: 4/rank
This wand power can paralyze targets that it is pointed
at. No attack roll is needed, just simply point and
activate. The target is allowed a Fortitude save to resist
the affect completely. If failed the target is affected by
Paralysis (see page 170 of the Everstone: Blood Legacy
Rank 1: You can affect a target up to 60 feet away
and they must make a Fortitude check (DC 8) or be
paralyzed. Cost: 800 silver guilders.
Rank 2: You can affect a target up to 120 feet away
and they must make a Fortitude check (DC 10) or be
paralyzed. Cost: +1,250 silver guilders.
Rank 3: You can affect a target up to 180 feet away
and they must make a Fortitude check (DC 12) or be
paralyzed. Cost: +1,500 silver guilders.
Rank 4: You can affect a target up to 240 feet away
and they must make a Fortitude check (DC 14) or be
paralyzed. Cost: +1,750 silver guilders.

Spellcraft Rank: 6/9/12/15
Energy Cost: 2/rank
When this wands power is used it sends an invisible
force crushing against a target. This wand only has a
range of 10 feet and is not meant to be used as a ranged
weapon but as a battering ram of sorts. No roll to it is
needed unless it is used against an animate target. If
used against an animate target the target must make


You could easily use the powers listed here
under wands to create any number of magical
items. The best example is rings. Sorcerers
could easily endow a ring with the one of these
powers. The ring would act just like a wand,
except the affect would require the user to point
their finger or fist (ring out) at a target just like
they would a wand. There is no increase in cost
except for the items manufacture. Thus if you
had a very expensive ring, set with precious
gemstones, it would cost a bit more than a
simple band of silver.


a Strength check against the damage inflicted or be

knocked back 1 foot for each point failed by.

1 scene when it is activated. Cost: +2,400 silver


Rank 1: The ramming attack has the following

characteristics. Base Damage: 4d6, Weapon Qualities:
magic, slow 2, stun. Cost: 700 silver guilders.

Rank 3: When you cast a spell you may choose to do

cast it through the wand by paying the additional energy
to activate the wand as you cast it. This can provide
the spell with one of the following: Increase spells DC
by 3, increase spells damage by 50% (round down), or
increase spells range by 50% (unless it requires touch).
Cost: +3,300 silver guilders.

Rank 2: The ramming attack has the following

characteristics. Base Damage: 6d6, Weapon Qualities:
magic, slow 2, stun. Cost: +1,200 silver guilders.
Rank 3: The ramming attack has the following
characteristics. Base Damage: 8d6, Weapon Qualities:
magic, slow 2, stun. Cost: +1,700 silver guilders.
Rank 4: The ramming attack has the following
characteristics. Base Damage: 10d6, Weapon Qualities:
magic, slow 2, stun. Cost: +2,200 silver guilders.

Spellcraft Rank: 6/9/12
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This wands power increases the users manipulation over
magic by granting them magic sight, granting bonuses
to Spellcraft skill checks and increasing a spells power
if cast through the wand.
Rank 1: When holding the wand the user can see the
flows of magic. They can detect magical affects and
know when a subject is using or under the influence of
magic. This power lasts 1 scene when activated. Cost:
1,200 silver guilders.
Rank 2: When holding the wand while making a
Spellcraft skill check the user gains a +6 bonus do to
their increased perception of magic. This power lasts


Spellcraft Rank: 6/9/12/15
Energy Cost: 3/rank
You can aim your wand at a target up to 30 feet away
and spray a sticky web like substance out and entangle
them (see page 170 of the E:BL book). The target may
make a Reflex save (DC 16) to avoid the attack, if failed
they are hit with a Tangle attack (see page 143 of the
E:BL book again). The web will dissolve after 1 scene
and the affects of multiple successful webbing attacks
stack. Thus if a target is hit on one round by a Tangle
3 attack and then on the next round with a Tangle 3
attack they are considered to be under the affect of a
Tangle 6 attack.
Rank 1: Target is hit by a Tangle 1 attack. Cost: 800
silver guilders.
Rank 2: Target is hit by a Tangle 3 attack. Cost: +1,000
silver guilders.
Rank 3: Target is hit by a Tangle 5 attack. Cost: +1,600
silver guilders.
Rank 4: Target is hit by a Tangle 7 attack. Cost: +2,200
silver guilders.



As if we dont have enough flee infested dung hitting us in the

backside we got these lowlife slim crawling cultist to deal with. You think
you seen everything when you walk into a room where a bunch of nut jobs
eating their fill of victims gone rotten. You know you hit the bottom of the
dung barrel when you go fist to claw with a tentacle loving cultist. So far I
only had it out with one and a few of his lackeys but it was enough to
turn my gut upside down just to think I belonged to the same race. What
kind of wackjob you got to be to bond with a minion of Vor?
-Black Jake, veteran Cult Hunter-

There are always those who dont feel they are part
of a society, those who feel alienated but want to
belong to a greater cause. These people usually have
mental illnesses or social disorders that make others
uncomfortable in their presence. They are slow of
wit and have run out of luck long ago, living on the
refuse left by others. It is these kinds of people that are
susceptible to anything which would raise their lot in
life, no matter how little, that usually find themselves
beholden to the entropic power of a Hollow Lord.
Vor Cultist are people who have been jaded by those
around them, who are sick of their decrepit life and feel
little remorse about the pain of others. In fact the cultist
gets a thrill off of the pain which they inflict. They are
affecting the world around them and making the one in
pain recognize their otherwise lonely existence.
A Vor cult will usually begin by an Eyeless One coming
into town and hanging out in the darker allies, gaining
the trust and companionship of the homeless and the
outcast. The Eyeless Ones then begin to plant seeds of
spite for the Magi, pointing out their neglect and turning
away from the needs of those in their own realm. Over
time the Eyeless One begins to pick the most unhinged
and sour ones among them and soon they begin to
do everything the Eyeless one says. Eventually these

mere cultists have the hope to become an Eyeless One

Once a cult begins to gain enough strength they may
draw the attention of a Vorkane. The Kane will take
control of the cult and turn it towards more worthwhile
targets, such as assassinating important Magi or
Stormguard Captains. The Kane will use the cult to
create as much chaos and entropy as possible. It will
not needlessly sacrifice the cult unless it has to for a
good reason. The Kane is the only one who can create
and implant a Vor symbiot, thereby creating an Eyeless

The VorKane are wily creatures that are more cunning
than the Keen when it comes to manipulation and the
understanding of other species. Over time the Kane
have learned how to adapt their knowledge and strange
science to that of other beasts. The Kane can create
symbiot implants which they can attach to a living
host, granting the creature Vor like powers which can
be controlled to some extent but will slowly eat away
at the hosts sanity.
The host does not need to be in agreement about
the symbiot and many change their minds at the last


moment screaming into unconsciousness as the Kane

begins to work their strange magic over them. The
symbiot is implanted within the body, where it is free to
move about at its own free will, working changes that it
needs in order to adapt. The host feels excruciating pain
and it is at this point that the symbiot kills most of its
victims. The pain will begin only hours after the Kane
has done their deed and the host must make a Fortitude
check (DC 16) or die, screaming, throwing up blood and
finally quivering upon the ground in its own vomit. The
symbiot will crawl out from the mouth in an attempt to
live but without its host it also dies within minutes.


Blind Sight: If the victim lives, the symbiot has taken

root and the victim quickly looses the use of their eyes,
which dry up and blank over. To compensate for the
loss of eyes the victim gains Bling Sight up to 300 feet.
This allows them to see in shadowy conditions and
even complete darkness with no ill affect. This sight
has all the characteristics of Vor-sight (see page 35 of
The Shroud).

Implant: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 3/rank
The cultist can call upon their ability of transformation
and control over their vorem to create thick tentacles
to spring forth and wrap about them protectively. The
tentacles reach up and deflect incoming attacks as well
as aid in climbing. The implant will remain active for
1 scene.

Skin Plates: Throughout the host body, they begin to

get rigid skin which aids in deflecting blows. This grants
the subject 2 points of armor protection which will stack
with worn armor.

Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to Defense and Climb skill


Alien: The host no longer has any access to any racial

attributes that it may have been able to purchase. It
retains all racial benefits if they were already developed
but cannot develop or increase the rank of such attributes
after becoming an Eyeless One.
Abilities: The Kane usually select individuals that
are naturally cunning, although by nature most who
would take a symbiot into their system are not all that
intelligent. Wisdom is prized but a high Constitution
will help the host survive the initial implant. Those
with a high Charisma might make good recruiters for
other cultist.
Class Skills: The Eyeless ones class skills are Balance
(Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex),
Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidation
(Cha), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), and Spot
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int mod.


Attribute: 3CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained in the use of melee combat.
The character gains a +1 bonus to his or her Base
Attack Bonus (BAB). This could increase the characters
attacks per round if their BAB is increased to +6, +11,
+16, or +21, as normal.


Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
If you deal an opponent enough damage to make him
drop, you get an extra attack against another opponent
who is also in melee with you. This attack is immediate and at the same bonus to strike as the attack that
dropped the first opponent.
Rank 1: You may make one cleave attack per round,
even if you drop more than one opponent.


Rank 2: Gain a +4 bonus to Defense and Climb skill


Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained their body to withstand harsh
punishment as well as increase their endurance. The
character gains an extra hit dice + Constitution modifier in hit points each time this attribute is chosen.


Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has been trained in defense against attacks. Increase the characters Base Defense Bonus by
+1 each time this attribute is chosen.

Implant: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The cultist has wicked, long claws that are razor sharp
and reinforced to shred through thick armor. This grants
them the armor penetration (see Attack Qualities on
page 142 in the Everstone Book) and bleeding (see page
104 in The Shroud) Attack Qualities, as well as a bonus
to Climb skill checks.
Rank 1: The cultists claws have the following
characteristics. Base Damage: 1d6 Qualities: armor
penetration 1, bleeding 3 (DC 13) muscle-powered.
Also, a +1 bonus to Climb skill checks.

Rank 2: The cultists claws have the following

characteristics. Base Damage: 2d6 Qualities: armor
penetration 1, bleeding 3 (DC 13) muscle-powered.
Also, a +2 bonus to Climb skill checks.

Implant: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Normally a Eyeless Ones sight allows it to see
up to 300 feet. If the cultist has this implant
it increases this range accordingly.
Rank 1: Vor-sight extends up to 600
feet and gives the cultist a +2 bonus
to Spot and Search skill checks.
Rank 2: Vor-sight extends up to
900 feet and gives the cultist a
+4 bonus to Spot and Search skill

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character stays in good
health. Increase the characters Fortitude save by +1
each time this attribute is

Implant: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
A cultist with this implant
can pick up sounds very
clearly. This implant helps
to filter out the surrounding
sounds and allows the cultist
to discern between them with
Rank 1: Cultist gains a
+4 bonus to Listen skill
Rank 2: Cultist gains a
+8 bonus to Listen skill

Attribute: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The character has trained so that they have a greater
chance to act first in combat.

Rank 2: Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative checks.

Attribute: 2CP
Energy Cost: 0
If the character has a higher Initiative against an
opponent, they can make a leap attack against them,
using the momentum from the leap to lend their weapon
force. The character gains a +2 bonus to damage, as
well as half their ranks (round up) in their Jump skill
to damage. This is counted as a full round action and
the only attack they can make during the round.
If the character fails to hit, however, they are off
balance and suffer a 4 penalty to any Defense
checks until their next allowed action (even if
it is not until next round).

Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Eyeless Ones have strategies
that work best when they are in
control. This Attribute works
almost in the opposite of
Teamwork (see EBL).
The Thief can gain
the advantage over an
opponent by facing it on
her own terms. When
facing an opponent the
Thief gains bonuses based on
the number of ranks in this
Rank 1: +1 bonus to attack
and +2 bonus to damage.

Implant: 2CP
Energy Cost: 1
The cultist has small needle
like quills that it can be
launched from tubes located
under its tongue. These darts
are used by the cultist to knock
out guards or others who
would raise the alarm when
they attempt to infiltrate.
Range: short, Base Damage:
1d6, Attack Qualities: accurate
3, magic, muscle-powered, poison (Type: injected, DC:
14, Initial Damage: 1d4 Dex, Secondary Damage: 1d4

Rank 1: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks.




Attribute: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The cultist has studied the deadliest places to strike
an unwary target. He or she is able to incapacitate or
kill in a single blow. Whenever a target is attacked that
is flat-footed, the cultist may add the quick kill bonus
damage to a successful strike. This can only be done
with melee weapons. This damage also has the magic
Attack Quality (see EBL page 143).

Implant: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 2/rank
This implant is added to the cultists arms and shoulders,
allowing them to call upon a massive strength surge.
This is useful for melee attacks and can be used to
deliver devastating blows. The Strength Burst lasts for
one round.

Rank 1: +1d6 points of damage on a surprise attack.

Rank 2: Strength increase of +8.

Rank 2: +2d6 points of damage on a surprise attack



Implant: 2CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
Prerequisite: Tail implant
The cultist grows a long tail tipped with a razor sharp
vorax blade. The tail attack is quick as a whip and can
be used to make successive attacks, one after another.
The tail can be used as a primary attack or used in
conjuction with another attack in the same round.
Rank 1: If used as a secondary attack the tail can make
an additional free attack against a target using the
cultists highest BAB with a -6 penalty. Base Damage:
1d6+1, Attack Qualities: armor puncture 1, magic,
muscle powered.
Rank 2: If used as a secondary attack the tail can make
an additional free attack against a target using the
cultists highest BAB with a -6 penalty. Base Damage:
2d6+1, Attack Qualities: armor puncture 2, magic,
muscle powered.

Implant: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
A longer tail helps the cultist to maintain balance, as well
as be useful as another form of limited manipulation
to aid in climbing, holding objects, etc. Note that this
implant allows the cultist to develop the Razor Vorax
Tail Implant.
Rank 1: Tail grants +3 bonus to Balance and Swim skill
checks as well as a +1 bonus to Climb skill checks.

Implant: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
The cultist begins to develop hard shell like plates over
their skin in places. This provides armor protection from
all attacks including energy attacks. This protection is
halved (round down) if combined with worn armor.
Rank 1: Increase armor protection of cultist by 1.
Rank 2: Increase armor protection of cultist by 2.


Rank 3: Increase armor protection of cultist by 3.

Implant: 1CP/rank
Energy Cost: 0
This implant is placed in both legs and allows the cultist
to spring up to greater distances. The energy cost must
be spent for each jump.

Rank 4: Increase armor protection of cultist by 4.

Rank 1: Gain a +4 bonus to Jump skill checks.

Rank 2: Gain a +8 bonus to Jump skill checks.


Rank 1: Strength increase of +4.


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