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Table of Contents

Update Log:
Your Role As A Soldier ...
His Abilities
Your Items
Pros and Cons
Counter Jungle
Team Fights
Best Picks With Amumu
Champions Similar To Amumu
Amumu Summary
Guide Top
Update Log:
# Updated for Patch 5.10
# Updated for Patch 5.9
# Updated for Patch 5.8



skill order for Patch 5.6

masteries for Patch 5.6 (Meteo's)
runes for Patch 5.6 (Meteo's)
item build to the Patch 5.6 (removed Sunfire Cape mainly)

# Did 5.3 update for the guide
# Did 5.2 update for the guide
# Did 5.1 update for the guide

# Added Azir, Kalista, and Sion to the "Best Picks With Amumu" section
# Added items for "Twisted Treeline - 3vs3", "Howling Abyss - Aram", "Crystal Sc
ar - Dominion"
# Added ability sequence in "His Abilities" section
# Added a "Masteries" chapter - (still need to write)
# Added a "Runes" chapter - (still need to write)
# Added an items end build section in the "Items" chapter

Created an update log to keep track of updates

Changed masteries to fit the new patch, 4.21.
Added Banner of Command to the "AGAINST BIG CARRY AP" section.
Removed the 2 bugging trinkets in the "TRINKETS" section
Updated the "Items" section with the Banner of Command, Ranger's Trailblazer.
Reworked the whole "Jungling" section, changed the jungle route, added the new
pictures for the camps (S5 pictures), added a dragon and baron nashor section,
added the summoner's rift map tool by Riot Games Inc.
# Added ganking routes for top, mid and bot in the "Ganking" section.
# Changed the number of health potions from 4 to 2 in the upper items section an
d lower text item section.
Guide Top
Your Role As A Soldier ...
Your role as the tankies little guys in League Of Legends is to take some DMG in
. In the end of each game you should always check who took the most DMG, and thi
s should always be you.
Your aim is really to save your team mates and don't worry you will get the best
price for a LOL player, ONE MORE WIN ! For me the most important is to take car
e of mid lane and your buffs. Playing Amumu is a luck, Amumu is often ban for hi
s CC but not often taken too because he is easy to counter jungle, what I often
do is ask my mid to look after me a lot because we can get some kills when the o
ther jungler tries to counter us, what I often do if someone counter me (like Le
e Sin or Shaco) I just check if they took my red; if yes I finish it (for it to
re-spawn later) then I go and jungle normally and paying extra care to get my re
d before he even thinks about it. Your next blue schould not be yours, I know yo
u need mana but your mid too and you need to learn to not spam your abilities. T
hen once you gave one kill to your mid go top and trie to get a kill, if it is w
arded or your gank failed then just let your team mate farm and deny your enemy'
s farm by standing in the back of the enemy minions. Then come back mid and trie
s for a second kill then go help bot like you did in top. This would be my regul
ar go to in a normal game. More detailed info BELOW
Guide Top
His Abilities
His Passive:

Cursed touch could be called a "debuff", because it cancels or reduces a champio

ns skills. Cursed touch is used when you auto-attack an enemy his reduces his ma

gic resistance by 15/20/25.

His "Q":

Bandage Toss is your "Q", Amumu sends a bandage that will stick to the enemy it
touch and Amumu will pull himself to the enemy touched (I would strongly recomme
nd you put this spell in smart cast mode). Your "Q" also deal a bit of DMG (AP)
His "W":

Despair is a toggle ability (once you active it you have to re-click on it to de

activate it). Despair is Amumu's crying ability, so Amumu begins to cry when you
toggle it on and it deals DMG (AP) 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 on all nearby enemies or c
His "E":

Tantrum is a passive and active ability at the same time (an ability you don't n
eed to do something for it to work and an ability (often a skill shot) where you
need to click on it for it to work). Tantrum's passive is that Amumu take reduc
ed physical (DMG from auto-attacks) and abilities. Tantrum's active when you act
ivate it is Amumu's rage, his get mad and scratch on all nearby enemies dealing
DMG (AP) 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175.
His "R":

Curse of the Sad Mummy is probably one of the most feared ultimate abilities. Cu
rse of the Sad Mummy is an active ability (once you cast it it actives and then
it is on cool-down). Amumu entangles all enemies in range and stun them for 2 se
conds and DMG (AP) them 150 / 250 / 350.
Ability Sequence

Guide Top







Guide Top

Seal of Armor
Glyph of Magic Resist
Quintessence of Movement Speed
Mark of Magic Penetration

Guide Top
Your Items
You will first start with a Hunter's Machete and 2 Health Potion like every jung
le player, most of them at least and your trinket. The Hunter's Machete will pro
vide you with 10 additional damage dealt to monster and 5 damage reduction again
st monsters (not minions). And the Health Potion will restore 150 health over 15
seconds after have used it.
First Back:
For your first back you should back with the money to be able to buy Boots of Sp
eed and a Ranger's Trailblazer. The Boots of Speed will be used later to upgrade
them into Boots of Mobility, Boots of Speed will also provide you with 25 addit
ional movement speed. The Ranger's Trailblazer will be upgraded into a Ranger's
Trailblazer - Cinderhulk, but for the moment it provides you with: Smite deals h

alf damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for
1.5 seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana,
45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana
per second while in combat with monsters.
Second Back:
You will finish your Ranger's Trailblazer - Cinderhulk and you might have enough
money to finish your Boots of Mobility (I am always able to buy both at the sam
e time). The Ranger's Trailblazer - Cinderhulk will give you: 10 Cooldown Reduct
ion, 500 Health. UNIQUE Passive: Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows,
taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by 35%. (Unique Pa
ssives with the same name don't stack.) and it will also provide you with everyt
hing the Ranger's Trailblazer provided you with already. The Boots of Mobility g
ives you 25 movement speed and 105 when out of combat for 5 seconds.

End Build:
My usual end build consists of the Ranger's Trailblazer - Cinderhulk, the Warmog
's Armor which gives you 800 Health and a Unique Passive: Restores 1% of maximum
health every 5 seconds. You will also have a Banshee's Veil it will give you: 4
50 Health, 55 Magic Resistance. Passive: +100% Base Health Regeneration. UNIQUE
Passive: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield r
efreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds. You will
also have the Abyssal Scepter which provides you with 70 Ability Power, 45 Magic
Resistance and has a unique aura which reduces the magic resistance of nearby e
nemy champions by 20 (in a range of 700). You will also have the Frozen Heart wh
ich provides you with 95 armor, 20 cooldown reduction, 400 mana and has a passiv
e which reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies by 20% (it has a range of 100
0 range). Your last item will be the Enchantment: Homeguard for your Boots of Mo
bility, whenever you are at fountain, you instantly gain full health and mana, a
nd gain a 200% movement speed boost that decays over 8 seconds but the bonus mov
ement speed is lost upon entering combat.
Against hard carry AD:
When an AD champion is very fed on the other team I suggest you build a Thornmai
l or a Frozen Heart or a Randuin's Omen or a Guardian Angel. They will all provi
de you with a lot of armor. The Thornmail 100 armor, the Frozen Heart 95 armor,
20 cooldown reduction, and 400 mana. The Randuin's Omen with 70 armor and 500 he
alth. The Guardian Angel with 50 armor and 45 magic resist and it will give you
a second life once you die regaining a percentage of your health.
Against hard carry AP:
When an AP champion is very fed on the other team I suggest you build a Spirit V
isage or a Abyssal Scepter or a Banner of Command or a Banshee's Veil or a Guard
ian Angel. They will all provide you with a lot of magic resist. The Spirit Visa

ge 20 cooldown reduction, 400 health, 20 health regeneration, and 55 magic resis

tance, the Abyssal Scepter 70 ability power, 45 magic resistance, the Banner of
Command 20 magic resist, 10 cooldown reduction, 200 health, 60 ability power, th
e Banshee's Veil 450 health, 55 magic resist, the Guardian Angel 50 armor and 45
magic resist and it will give you a second life once you die regaining a percen
tage of your health.

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