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Tarot Reading for

Astrology Forecast-July 2015

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr:

VII The Chariot

Some small hiccups may occur at the workplace that might stifle creativity and productivity just a bit.
The main reason is due to Venus retrograding in your house of work. This will likely have the result of
you being dissatisfied with your job at times, and these feelings and issues will be most prominent in
the latter half of July. But don't get too concerned: Next month Jupiter transitions into this same house
and remains there for the rest of the year and beyond, nullifying these problems and blessing your work
life with luck and fortune. If you can hold out a couple weeks in July, you'll be just fine for the rest of

Dating and meeting new people won't play much of a part in July, thanks mostly in part to Mars ruling
the area of home and family. You'll be more focused on siblings, parents, and so forth. Events may
occur that will require you to spend more time at home or with your loved ones rather than out on the
town. In other months this might cause you to feel anxious and annoyed with your kin, but in July
you'll be more agreeable than usual to these necessities.

In Love

If you have a spouse and/or children, much of the month will revolve around them, and domestic issues
will be the order of the day throughout July. You'll enjoy yourself more around your kids or wife or
husband, and there is also the possibility of extended families coming into play. You may get a visit
from the mother-in-law, or one of your parents may factor into your life for the month in some capacity.
Luckily, this shouldn't cause friction between you and your partner, and may instead provide some
much needed assistance in home affairs.

Try to spend a bit less in all areas of your life this month, because there is the great possibility in July
of having to spend money on home repairs of some sort. Interestingly enough, because of Mars'
influence, the chances are high that this expenditure will come from your own volition. You'll look at
that tarnished roof or decrepit bathroom and decide that this is the month to start sprucing up the place.
DIY projects are a good possibility, but whatever the case, you'll want to have a comfortable bit of
money set aside for just such a project.

Skin issues may creep up this month, and any Aries who is predisposed to dry skin may suffer the worst
of it. But luckily this is a pretty minor problem as far as health issues go. A bit of lotion or cream may
be all that is needed. If you've had a history of acne breakouts, you may have to deal with a blemish or
two, but some extra preventative action on your part can help to avoid anything too major. Dandruff is
also a distinct possibility, but again these issues are small potatoes compared to what many people go
through every day.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May:

Queen of Cups

This month continues the trend of productivity and growth at the workplace, and in some ways July is
even better than June, thanks to the fact that there is no Mercury retrograde interfering with your profits
this month. Saturn will be given free reign to release his final blessings upon you (after teaching you
some tough lessons in the last year, of course) before he moves on from your eighth house altogether. If
this was any other sign, we'd warn you not to squander this blessed period, but we know that Taurus is
the kind of sign that appreciates and respects good fortune in work. As such, all we have to say is enjoy
your boon, Taurus.

This month you'll be more attracted to people who you feel you can connect with on a deeper level. The
idea of fleeting romance and immediate physical attraction won't mean much to you, not compared to
the more desirable notion of a true intimate pairing. You'll be more receptive emotionally during this
time, and you'll conversely be able to pick up on the emotions of others. Our advice? Act on it, Taurus:
If you feel a connection to somebody, try talking to them even if they don't at first seem like your
type. This is the start of a phase of growth for you that revolves around relationships and love, and by
this time next year you'll have a much better grasp of what love means.

In Love
One of the biggest issues that those in a relationship with Taurus have with your sign is that you are far
too often closed off emotionally. It's hard for you to emote and express your true feelings; But
starting around now and continuing for quite some time to come, you'll begin to learn how to talk
openly and honestly about your emotions. This is the beginning of a great period of growth for you, and
if you're already in a relationship, you stand a good chance of fostering that relationship into something
deeper and more meaningful than you've ever experienced. Keep it going, Taurus: Things are going to
get even better for you as the months go on.

Things will brighten up for you in finance-related matters this July as well, Taurus, which is another
thing to look forward to. The Mercury retrograde in your house of money is fully in the rearview now,
and the machinations of Saturn are ensuring that money troubles (and more glaringly, stresses related to
money) aren't as overwhelming as they've been in past months and the last year as a whole. This is a
great time to start considering some investments, if you're so inclined, although storing away a tidy nest
egg is also a good idea, providing you're setting up something that can help you accrue money rather
than letting it stagnate.
While Saturn is generally kind when he leaves a sign (almost as an apology for his sometimes harsh
treatment during the midst of a run), there are times when his residual effect can still produce some
negativity. In this respect, you may have a bit more worry and stress during this month, and you also
can be a bit less practical, due to the fact that Saturn is opposing your sign at this time. But if you look
at the other sections for your sign this month, you can see that things are in fact going relatively well.
Keep that in mind if you start feeling stressed or timid, and it should help you to realize that your woes
are somewhat unfounded.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun:

II The High Priestess

Saturn will remain in your sixth house this month, but he isn't likely to cause the kind of trouble that he
might have brought to you in June. After all, he's in the process of moving on himself and he's all but
spent the lessons that he has been instilling in you in the past year. This month should proceed more
smoothly than last, although don't get your hopes up about any promotions or raises. July will largely
be business as usual. Still, though, that's better than many possible alternatives.

Geminis stand a good chance of meeting an interesting potential mate this month from a relatively
unlikely source: Keep tabs on your acquaintances this month, because it's quite possible that this
possible lover will come in the guise of a friend of a friend. More likely, this person won't be
especially close with your friend, but will be on friendly terms. As such, there will only be the slightest
of introductions between the two of you, but this will allow you to ask more questions about one
another and keep the conversation going.

In Love
While things are going well for you and your partner this month, there will nevertheless be thoughts
running through your head relating to relationships past and the days that used to be. You'll reflect on
old boyfriends or girlfriends, muse upon the one that got away, and so forth. This doesn't necessarily
mean that you'll be craving an old lover or feel dissatisfied with your current squeeze. Rather, you're in
a state where you're looking back at past actions and mistakes. This is really a good thing, because
2015 has in many ways been a process of ridding yourself of baggage and cutting yourself loose from
memories and habits that have held you back. Keep it going, Gemini.
Your luck and fortune in regards to finances will continue, thanks to Mars still being in your house of
money. You'll find ways to earn extra income on the side, possibly from selling off old possessions or
finding a part time job that you actually enjoy. Mars will remain with you throughout all of July and
into the middle of August, so this is a great time to stow away your extra earnings and treat yourself to
something nice, providing it isn't too pricey, lest you squander all the good fortune that Mars has
bestowed on you.

You'll be less inclined to follow any strict diet regimen this month, which could lead to weight gain if
you don't restrain yourself. Also, your workout routine might lapse a bit as you feel less motivation to
maintain physical fitness. On the one hand, a good diet and regular exercise are absolutely essential to a
healthy body. But we also understand that everybody needs to take a break now and then from their
workout. Since your sign is typically pretty high-energy and respects fitness, we'll give you the benefit
of the doubt, but if you start becoming too sedentary, you may want to take a long, hard look in the

mirror and consider stepping back into the gym.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul:

Nine of Pentacles

At this time, with Saturn fully backtracked into your fifth house, you'll start to think about other forms
of employment, and how much more satisfying they would be than your current occupation. Most of
these jobs that you'll prefer doing will relate to entertainment, play, and overall enjoyment. A career in
the arts, in gaming, and so forth. This may make your gig seem more boring by comparison, but don't
make any rash decisions, such as quitting your job and becoming a roadie for a rock band. This yen for
a more entertaining job will dissipate as Saturn returns to his normal path, and you'll begin to
experience the same satisfaction you typically feel with your job.

This is a great month for Cancer to start a new love. Why may that be, you ask? Well, in the last couple
years, Saturn has been in Sagittarius, but he'll soon be moving on from the sign. During this time,
you've been instilled by his wisdom in regards to relationships, and you've slowly learned how to rid
yourself of emotional baggage and bad memories related to love. And when Saturn leaves a sign, he
often is less harsh and more beneficial, more like Jupiter. Put simply, now that you're free of much of
the relationship woes you experienced before and Saturn is finally in your corner in a helpful way, the
groundwork is laid for you to truly make a go of it with a fresh relationship.

In Love
The desire to experience new things will be strong with you this month, which may come as a surprise
to your partner. After all, Cancer is a sign that tends to prefer the creature comforts that you're used to.
But since your partner may sometimes feel stifled with your desire to avoid new experiences, they may
relish this turning of a new leaf with you, whereas other signs could potentially be annoyed. Aquarius
and Aries, for example, often irritate their partners to no end with their constant shifting of interests. So
all in all, this month could provide some exciting changes for you and your lover, all of which are
poised to be positive.
Next month (and part of September) will bring some difficulties in the way of money. You may have
noticed that your sign has largely escaped some of the financial woes that other signs in the Zodiac
have had to deal with in 2015. It's true that Cancer is pretty lucky this year as far as money goes, and
August to early September will be the only truly tough part of the year regarding your savings and

income. And even then it won't be so bad, all things considered. But that being said, we recommend
that you tighten the purse strings this month, in order to avoid the worst that August may bring you.
Stow away a little money and you just may make it through the upcoming Venus retrograde with very
little trouble.

This month you'll be more interested in the general idea of health. You'll enjoy reading books that help
you learn how to be healthier, and you'll make an active effort to try to eat better. You may even
increase the amount of exercise you perform, all of which will go a long way to helping your body.
Some of this may have to do with the fact that around this time Cancer will have a birthday. You're a
year older now, and a year closer to death. But all the same, it doesn't matter why you decide to get
healthier, as long as you do it. And for that we commend you, Cancer.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug:

IX The Hermit

This month we recommend you pay extra attention to your work when signing off on documents,
checking the last details, surveying the job site, or whatever your vocation entails. You stand the chance
of making small errors that could potentially lead to bigger problems. Double check everything that
comes your way and check it again before you leave it. By the time August rolls around you should see
a return to normalcy, but until then you'll want to add some extra focus to whatever you're doing, lest
you incur the wrath of your superiors over a bungled task.

Your optimism may wane a bit as Jupiter prepares to leave your sign head on to new horizons, taking
with him some of the good cheer that he had bestowed on you earlier in the year. During this time you
also may have a bit less confidence in the dating sphere, causing you to avoid acting on impulse,
something that is almost a necessity when it comes to chatting up a new stranger. This is a shame,
because July can indeed be a good month for sparking a new flame, but you'll view these opportunities
more pessimistically, which may lead to you missing out on some truly great romantic experiences.
In Love
Thanks to Saturn nearing his end in Scorpio, there is the great chance that this month will bring with it
plenty of improved relationships between you and your loved ones. For those of you who are married
and are intimately involved with your respective in-laws, this is a great boon. Your wife or husband are

happiest when they get along in all regards with their family, and that makes you happy. And your
partner will also experience your residual easing in regards to your kin, which will make things easier
and more friendly for everybody.

It's been a series of ups and downs for Leo as far as finances go, but there is a very bright light at the
end of the tunnel. And a big one too. Yes, we're talking about Jupiter, who is very near to entering your
second house, which rules such things as net worth, assets, and other money-related matters. Next
month you'll start to see better luck in this area, and since Jupiter is happiest when he's bestowing good
fortune on his subjects, you can expect this trend to continue throughout 2015. All you have to do now,
Leo, is wait for the dough to start rolling in.

This month you'll want to be very careful and aware of any issues related to the heart. Each astrological
sign rules a certain part of the body, and your sign happens to rule this organ, which is easily the most
important body part of all. You'll want to avoid any excess stress and, though we rarely say this, you
may also wish to cut back on any intense cardiovascular exercise. This would also be a great time to cut
back on fried foods, fat, and other things that can clog the arteries supplying blood to this indispensable
muscle. We're not saying that you'll have a heart attack this month, because you most likely won't. But
you will be more aware of the machinations going on in your heart, and this is the perfect time to start
treating it with more care.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept:

Two of Wands

Overall, July is a return to form for Virgo as far as work is concerned. Under normal circumstances,
this would be a month in which you would feel a bit drained and lethargic, after the high that Mars
brought you when he was in your house of careers last month. But the Mercury retrograde in that same
house all but negated Mars' beneficial effect, and in truth July is a much more stable, secure month as
far as your career is concerned. The best part is that things will get better as we head on through the
second half of 2015, meaning you're right where you want to be right now.


During this time you'll admire someone who can communicate more than someone who has the more
traditionally desirous attributes that make us take notice in a romantic way. In other words, you won't
be immediately drawn to the big muscles or large bust of that person sitting across the bar. Nor will you
be attracted to someone for their face or fashion sense. No, communication is key this month, and
you'll fall in love through the ears rather than the eyes, if indeed you fall in love. Some of this has to do
with Saturn backtracking into your third house, which rules communication, but whatever the case, this
is a good reminder for you that it isn't just looks that matter.

In Love
In the same way that single Virgos will be focused more on communication rather than physicality,
Virgos in a relationship will require from their partners some level of interpersonal discourse more than
they'll need any kind of physical satisfaction. This is a great period in which to spend the nights talking
and reconnecting with your lover. And don't worry, the physical part will definitely be there as well, it's
just that you'll remember that it isn't the only reason that two people decide to spend their lives

The next couple months will bring some changes to your financial situation. Some of these will be
positive, while others will be negative. Don't become too concerned the greater trend for you will
result in higher earnings and more financial stability. It's just that the rest of the Summer will bring
small pockets of difficulty in this regard. Your best bet, then, is to stow away a bit of money this month
so that you can negate the better part of these difficulties, rendering them harmless. Try to cut back on
your spending here in July, and it'll be like the upcoming Mercury retrograde never happened.
This month you'll have an enhanced craving for salty foods, and while it isn't a bad thing in and of itself
to enjoy a snack every now and then, sodium is something you don't want too much of. And, sadly,
industrialized societies put way too much sodium in their supermarket options. Virgos with heart issues
are doubly warned against overdoing the salt. Also those with kidney issues should try to limit the
intake of sodium. Salt is okay in moderation, and luckily your sign is good at self-discipline. This is
definitely a month where we'd like to see that self-discipline reign supreme, for your benefit.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct:


Eight of Wands

As promised, the good fortune continues for Libra in regards to your work life. Mars is still in your
house of Careers, helping you to exude more confidence in your job and giving you the extra energy
needed to keep performing at the top of your game. You're more focused on your goals and you have a
clearer idea of what you need to do to move ahead. Your ambitions are higher, and nobody can stand in
your way for long. Make sure to make the most of this influence of Mars, Libra, and you'll be sitting
pretty for the rest of the year.
The name of the game this month is ambition. Though 2015 has been rather kind to Libra, there have
been moments where your confidence hasn't been as high as it could be as far as love and romance are
concerned. But this month single Libras will be instilled with more drive and dedication toward finding
that perfect someone. You won't settle for second-best, you know that you deserve someone who you
can truly connect with on a physical, emotional, and mental level. And we agree that you deserve it too,

In Love
Many female Libras will start to feel the urge to have children during this period. Note that we said
many, though. There are quite a few Libras out there for whom the idea of child-rearing will not
creep up at all. This includes those Libras that are single, or those that already have a child or two.
Married Libras (and those who have been cohabiting with their partners for years), however, will be
much more likely to feel those feminine urges calling out to them. Whether you decide to do anything
with those urges, though, is up to you.

The high ambition that you've been exhibiting in certain parts of your life will also show up in the
realm of finances, although at a slightly lower level. You won't exactly be dedicated to learning each
and every facet of finance, but you will notice a higher than usual level of interest in personal financial
matters. You'll be interested in finding ways to help you hold on to more money at the end of each
month, and you will work at understanding the fine print that you typically skim over. This is a good
habit for anyone to get into, Libra or otherwise, and we recommend you stick with it when July is over
and done with.

Libra is a sign that is interested in higher concepts and the meaning of reality and multiple planes of
existence. This is all well and good, and can lead to great existentialist breakthroughs, but this month
we'd like to caution Libra in this regard. The reason is this: In July you'll be more tempted to try mindaltering substances, from somewhat innocuous drugs like marijuana to more dubious options like
hallucinogens and ecstasy. Anything that will get you out of your usual pattern of thinking will seem
appealing to you, and it goes without saying that this is a slippery slope. The best advice we can give
Libra at this time is to look before you leap, and to think twice before putting something in your body
that can cause irreparable harm.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov:

Seven of Cups

While the truly good times at work are still yet to come, they're closer than ever. This month you may
experience some minor shakeups as Jupiter leaves Leo, but Saturn's backtrack into Scorpio should help
you to be more confident and sure of yourself at work. In other words, the negative and positive cancel
each other out and what is left is a relatively pain-free month at the office (or wherever you work).
Some minor hiccups will occur next month, but overall you're in the midst of a transition to a much
better work environment for the rest of 2015.

Last month was tricky for Scorpio as far as love is concerned. You had Mars in your house of intimacy,
which may have helped you to find someone who you could have a deep connection with, but Mercury
was retrograding in the selfsame house, negating any positive benefits you may have experienced. But
this month things are much more clear. While you don't have as much of a drive to find intimacy, you're
also not as frustrated and confused about the whole affair. This lifting of a burden will actually help you
to approach love with a level head, making July much more conducive to romance than June might
have been, if not for Mercury.
In Love
Not unlike their single peers, Scorpios in a relationship will have a much more enjoyable time with
their partners this month. The Mercury retrograde caused you to feel stressed out from a pent-up desire
for intimacy that your partner may or may not have provided for you. But this month your thinking is
much more clear and you can see your partner for his or her attributes, rather than just focusing on the
drawbacks. If you were unnecessarily mean to your lover last month, this is the perfect time to
apologize and treat them better. It will do wonders for your relationship.

As we've discussed, Saturn becomes much kinder to us as he prepares to leave a sign. His backtrack
into your sign can be seen as his final kiss-off to you, and it should lend itself nicely to your fortunes in
the financial world. In the early part of Saturn's time in your sign, he was giving you tough lessons on
matters relating to investments, commissions, assets, and so forth. But now that his lessons are at an
end, he's happy to throw you a bone in this area. Expect some great financial news of some sort this
month and the next. And we all know that you deserve it, Scorpio.

Scorpio is a sign that tends to think about death and mortality more than many other signs in the
Zodiac. And this month will bring that fact to the forefront. You'll be more focused on your impending
doom, you'll think about the doubts you have regarding some form of afterlife, and the thought of no
afterlife, wherein you die and then you cease to exist in any capacity for an eternity, will give you
chills. Your best bet is to do whatever you can to take your mind off these concepts. After all, there's no
way of knowing what comes next, once we shuffle off the mortal coil. So why trouble yourself about it
if it will only lead to depression?

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec:

King of Wands

This is a much better month than June as far as work and money are concerned. Yes, Saturn is still
backtracking into your twelfth house, but he's near the end of his run, and any seemingly negative
influence that he gave you throughout his run is now replaced by more kindness and benevolence. Also,
Jupiter is preparing to switch gears and head to your house of careers, which will bring you much more
luck and fortune. Put simply, things will only get better from here on out, which no doubt comes as
great news to Sagittarius.

Mars is in your intimacy sector throughout the entire month of July, and you'll be gung-ho about
finding someone who you can connect with on a truly deeper level. The bad news? Well, you stand a
good chance of meeting someone that you feel a major connection with, but it's almost certainly
doomed to be short-lived. Still, if you don't mind a short fling that may teach you an interesting lesson
or two, it won't hurt you to give it a try. Our advice, though, is to hold out for the real deal, which
should come closer to the end of the year.

In Love
The Sagittarius in a relationship will have better luck than his or her single counterparts. Mars will
indeed influence you and make you crave more intimacy, but instead of being ultimately jilted like a
single Sagittarius, you'll have a life partner who can reciprocate these feelings. Of course, that being
said, you may get more easily irked if your partner isn't so inclined to return the intimacy you need.
This could cause some minor spats, so try to look at things from your lover's perspective before you
lose your temper.

This month your ability to negotiate and barter will be weaker than usual, so do your best to avoid
situations where this type of payment is expected. Buying a car should be postponed until you're better
able to haggle, and it's up to you whether the minor differences you may give up in flea markets and
open-airs is worth it. It isn't so much that you're more easily duped, so much as the idea of splitting
hairs over price is too tedious and repugnant to you. And that we can easily understand.

This month your appetite will seem insatiable. Your metabolism is a bit higher, but that isn't the full
story. Food will taste better to you, and look more appealing. Fortunately, you won't gain too much
extra weight by this increased intake of food, but if you're not careful you can add a couple pounds
without even noticing. We recommend you try to keep your snacking limited to healthy foods high in
fiber. This will help you to feel more full and do a good job of keeping you from the type of snacks that
you can sit and munch until the bag or box is empty.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan:

Two of Cups

Last month was pretty productive at your job site, even in spite of the Mercury retrograde in your house
of work. This month, Mars' influence has left you, so your overall energy and drive may be reduced just
a bit, but luckily it will be replaced with a more focused zeroing-in on what you need to do and how
you'll be able to do it. We've discussed at length that the second half of 2015 will be much more kind to
Capricorn than the first half, and you're beginning to notice that now as well. The trends are finally
more apparent to you, and this will help you to think more positively at work, which itself will in turn
make your experience at work even better.

It can be argued that the area in which Capricorn will grow the most (and experience the most
positivity) will be in the realm of love and relationships. This month Mars is in your house of
relationships and he'll be there throughout all of July and part of August. Trust will be a big factor for
you, and you won't be as inclined to start up a relationship with someone who isn't completely on the
up-and-up. This is just one of those factors we've discussed in your overall growth period in this area,
Capricorn, and it's going to get even better.

In Love
Trust will also play a big part for Capricorns in a relationship, and this is a great time for the two of you
to become more open, honest, and up-front with one another. We've talked in recent months about how
many Capricorns are in young, fresh relationships at this time. If you're starting to see elements in your
partner that might hint at dishonesty and dubiousness, there is a good chance you'll break off the
relationship in order to find someone who you can truly connect with. Luckily, you won't feel too bad
about this breakup, and you'll get over it very quickly.

This month may see you give up an extra source of income in some capacity. You may stop renting out
a house (or your renters may themselves vacate the premises). If you've got a second part-time job you
may decide that it's time to go. Whatever the case, you shouldn't fret too much about what this will do
to your overall capital. The rest of the year is going to be beneficial to you in ways related to both work
and finances. And since your sign is great at saving money and avoiding excess expenditure, you'll
have virtually nothing to worry about.

Joint discomfort could be an issue for Capricorns, and it looks poised to be related mainly to work. This
is the perfect time to take stock in your physicality at work. Capricorns who work at desk jobs (rare for
a Capricorn, but still it happens) should look at their desk chair and see if it provides the support
necessary. Take stock in your posture and change it if you slump or crane your neck. Those Capricorns
working in manual labor should similarly reevaluate the way they lift or haul heavy items. A bit of
discernment in this area can do wonders for your joints and help you avoid any major issues further
down the road.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb:

VIII Strength

Great news for Aquarius this month: The enhanced benefits of Mars entering your house of work
(which occurred toward the end of last month) will be in full swing all throughout July. You'll maintain
your higher energy output and your attitude will be brimming with positivity. This is a month in which
you'll get much more down while seemingly putting out the same effort as usual. Last month we hinted
at a new job opportunity that provides more room for growth, or some sort of promotion or raise in

your current gig, and if it didn't happen at the end of June, it has an even better chance of occurring this
month. And, in light of a tough 2014 for you in this area, we can't think of a sign more deserving of it.

A retrograde of Venus occurs this month in your houses of relationships and intimacy, so you'll want to
watch out for that. The first few weeks of July will be business of usual, but toward the end you'll feel
Venus' effect in full swing. You stand a good chance of running into an ex and you may feel inclined to
give that person another go. It isn't for us to say whether you should try to rekindle the flame or let it
burn out once and for all; we don't know your history with this person, whoever he or she may be. But
of course we can say that if you felt negativity and unhappiness with this person, this next go-around
isn't likely to be any different.

In Love
The Venus retrograde will also play a big part for Aquarians in a relationship. While there is still a
possibility of an ex coming back into the picture, you'll be less likely to give them the time of day
compared to single Aquarians. But that doesn't mean things will be hunky-dory for you and your
partner. You'll feel less patient in dealing with any problems between your lover and yourself, and you
will prefer some alone time. This is perfectly fine and may in fact help keep the relationship healthy
during this period. After all, a little personal time can help you come back to the relationship fully
rested and ready to bring things to the next level.

Your improved luck at work will directly translate to more money in your pocketbook, but we caution
you against blowing through this wad too quickly. A similar thing happened in the first couple months
of the year, when you were at risk of spending away all the income you accrued from your earlier
windfall of financial and work-related luck. As such, we advise you to be thankful for the boon but
remain prudent in spending it. This doesn't mean you should become a miser, but it helps to remember
that the good times won't last forever.

We mentioned above that you'll have increased energy in your occupation, but in truth you'll have a bit
more energy overall. And though you're firing on all cylinders at work, there is still a good chance that
you'll have excess energy to burn once you get home. This month, we recommend that you exercise a
bit more, or do anything else that can help to get out your remaining energy. Sitting still and doing
nothing will cause you great anxiety this month, and we all know how bad anxiety can be to your
overall health, to say nothing of the fact that your sign is predisposed to anxiety.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar:

IV The Emperor

This will be a very uneventful month as far as work is concerned, which can be both a good and a bad
thing. On the positive side of things, it's nice to know that things won't be bad in any way. But on the
negative side, you may find yourself becoming bored with July being business as usual. Still, it may
help you to know that August will be a very topsy-turvy, nearly bipolar month as far as work is
concerned, thanks to the triple influence of Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury. So with that in mind, think of
July as a nice, leveled, comfortable month before things really start getting harried.

Last month, toward the end of June, Mars entered your house of love, and here in July you'll get to
enjoy the full benefits of his influence throughout the entire month. You'll want badly to fall in love,
and your vision and common sense may be muddled in this capacity. Try to be more discerning with
whoever you meet, because you'll most certainly be wearing rose-colored glasses and seeing only the
best in everybody. If there's a bright side, it will be that you'll be much more impatient with anyone
who clearly doesn't have commitment in mind. But we can all be tricked, Pisces. Keep that in mind.

In Love
Pisceans who are already in a relationship will get all the benefits of Mars' influence with none of the
drawbacks. Sure, you may be a little miffed if your partner doesn't want to enter the throes of love and
romance with the zeal that you exhibit, but you'll be understanding to that end. Really, the best part is
that the planets are set up to help your relationship grow even more in the next few months. The
influence of Mars in this regard will continue into August, and then the very next month he'll enter your
house of relationships, giving you the energy and drive to take things even further. The road is laid out
for you, Pisces. All you have to do is start walking down it.

There's a good chance that last month's Mercury retrograde in your house of home and family caused
you to put off any home improvement plans. You also probably spent a bit more money on things that
broke or stopped working around the house. But this month Mercury is completely out of your hair, and
you can take this opportunity to go through with the domestic projects that you were forced to put off
last month. Sure, you may spend a tidy bit of money, but odds are that these repairs and improvements
were a long time coming and you had stowed away some income for just such a purpose.

Try to pay attention to your feet this month, because some small issues can creep up. Female Pisces are
particularly cautioned against wearing shoes that hurt your feet simply for the sake of vanity. Yes, there
are some shoes that look fantastic on you, but is it really worth it to have permanent damage to your
heels, arches, toes, and so forth? Pedicures are also something to be wary of, especially if you have
suffer from diabetes. We're not telling you to not get your toes done, but we do recommend that you
have it done by professionals who are skilled in this area.

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