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Sistema Educativo de la Repblica Dominicana

De acuerdo con la Ley General de Educacin N 66-97, aprobada el 9 de abril

de 1997, la cual ha sustituido a la ley 2909 del ao 1951, la educacin inicial
est organizada en tres ciclos: el primero atiende al grupo de edad de hasta 2
aos; el segundo, el grupo de 2-4 aos; y el tercero el grupo de 4-6 aos. La
educacin inicial no es de carcter obligatorio con excepcin del ltimo ao.
La educacin bsica es obligatoria, atiende a la poblacin del grupo de edad 614 aos y tiene una duracin de ocho aos.
La educacin media no es obligatoria, aunque es deber del Estado ofrecerla
gratuitamente. Atiende al grupo de edad 14-18 aos y est organizada en un
tronco comn de cuatro aos de duracin y tres modalidades de dos aos de
estudio que ofrece tres diferentes opciones: general o acadmica, tcnicoprofesional (sector industrial, agropecuario y servicios) y artstica.
Cada estudiante acumula calificaciones parciales, otorgadas sobre la base de
las actividades realizadas durante el proceso: participacin en clase, reporte de
lecturas, proyectos, informes, trabajos en grupo, investigaciones, etc. Si el
estudiante no alcanzara por lo menos 70 sobre 100 puntos en alguna
asignatura, va a pruebas completivas.
Educacin Superior
El sistema de educacin superior comprende los institutos de estudios
superiores (todos ellos privados) y universidades. Los institutos ofrecen
carreras a nivel de tcnico superior. Las universidades imparten carreras a
nivel de tcnico, de grado y de postgrado; estas son reguladas por el
ministerio Educacin Superior, Ciencia y Tecnologa. Dicho Ministerio est
encargado de fomentar, reglamentar y administrar el Sistema Nacional de
Educacin Superior, Ciencia y Tecnologa conforme a la Ley 139-01.
El ministerio de Educacin Superior es el encargado de: Proveer lineamientos
de poltica, criterios tcnicos y de gestin de procesos requeridos para la
conduccin, administracin, seguimiento y evaluacin del sub-sistema de
educacin superior.
La Repblica Dominicana posee una gran cantidad de instituciones dedicadas a
la Educacin Superior.

Educational System of the Dominican Republic

According to the Education Act No. 66-97, adopted on 9 April 1997, which has
replaced the Law 2909 of 1951, initial education is organized in three cycles:
the first attends the age group up to 2 years; the second group of 2-4 years;
and the third group of 4-6 years. Preschool is not mandatory except for the last
Basic education is compulsory, serves the population of the age group 6-14 and
lasts for eight years.
Secondary education is not compulsory, but it is the duty of the State to offer it
for free. Serves the age group 14-18 years and is organized in a common trunk
four years and three modes of two years of study offered three options: general
or academic, vocational (industrial, agricultural and services) and artistic.
Each student accumulates partial qualifications, awarded on the basis of
activities undertaken during the process: class participation, report readings,
projects, reports, group work, research, etc. If the student fails to achieve at
least 70 out of 100 points in a subject, will completive tests.
Higher education
The higher education system comprises higher education institutes (all private)
and universities. The institutes offer courses in higher technical. The
universities offer career technical level, undergraduate and graduate; these are
regulated by the Ministry Higher Education, Science and Technology. This
Ministry is responsible for promoting, regulating and administering the National
System of Higher Education, Science and Technology under Law 139-01.
The Ministry of Higher Education is responsible for: "Provide policy guidelines,
technical criteria and management processes required for the conduct,
management, monitoring and evaluation sub-system of higher education."
The Dominican Republic has a lot of institutions for higher education.

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