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PeopleSoft 8.

1 General Ledger Documentation Update

Consolidating a ChartField Other Than Business

Topic path:

PeopleSoft 8.1 General Ledger PeopleBook: Performing Financial Consolidations,

Determining Consolidation ChartFields, Consolidating a ChartField Other Than Business Unit.

Last updated:

August 2002

ICE #: 513532000
We revised the entire section from the heading, Consolidating a ChartField Other
Than Business Unit to the heading, Selecting Your Approach, with the following

Consolidating a ChartField Other Than Business Unit

You can set up PeopleSoft General Ledger to perform consolidations using other ChartFields with
a minimal amount of modification to records, pages, trees, and reports.
To set up consolidations on ChartFields other than Business Unit, use the following guidelines:

1. Use the Application Designer to add the ELIMS_ONLY field to the ChartField table for the field you
want to consolidate: for example, OPER_UNIT_TBL.
You can use the existing field list to select the field name because ELIMS_ONLY is
already on the BU_UNIT_TBL_GL record. Ensure that the field has a default value of N
and a yes/no table edit. Also verify that it is required.

2. Use the Application Designer, SQL Alter Table function to alter in place your modified ChartField
3. Use the Application Designer to modify the page that maintains the ChartField table.
Add the check box for the new ELIMS_ONLY field and place it anywhere within the scroll
bar. Also, open page BUS_UNIT_TBL_GL1 and make the For Eliminations Only check
box invisible.

4. If you use the Affiliate for elimination processing, modify the Affiliate_VW.
Use the Application Designer to modify the view text to reference the ChartField table you
want to use instead of the Business Unit table. Add SetID as the first key field if the
ChartField table has SetID.
For more information about modifying view text in a PeopleSoft database record, see

If the new field is effective-dated, modify the select fields in the view to retrieve the effdt
and eff_status fields. If the modified Affiliate_VW and Affiliate_Lang are effective-dated,
make the editing to Affiliate effective-date sensitive. Follow these steps:
a. In the edit_ChartField function (PeopleCode Field Formula for
FuncLib_FS.Edit_ChartField), change the following line so that editing for Affiliate
ChartField values will use the lower part of the code:
from: if &CHARTFIELD = "AFFILIATE" then

if &CHARTFIELD = " " then

b. Update the record property of Affiliate_VW and Affiliate_Lang and enter

BUSINESS_UNIT in Set Control Field. Add the Affiliate_VW to an appropriate
Record Group. For example, add FS_10 if Affiliate_VW is based on

5. Verify that the length of the Affiliate ChartField is the same length as the ChartField on which you
are consolidating.
If your ChartField is not five characters, you will need to configure the length of the
Affiliate ChartField to match yours. You will need to use SQL Alter and Create View for
tables and views that contain Affiliate, including those that contain Subrecord with Affiliate
in it.

6. Note that if you select the Affiliate with a ChartField other than Business Unit, you can no longer
use the Affiliate field with the business unit.
7. Use the valid value page for the ChartField that you are consolidating to add elimination ChartField
values, such as elimination operating units.
8. Build the consolidation tree that rolls up the ChartField values: for example, regular and elimination
operating units.
9. Set up the elimination sets.
When you define an elimination set using the Affiliate approach, do not include the
ChartField that you are consolidating in the set definition.

10. Set up the consolidation definition.

You will be prompted to enter a value for Business Unit, which will serve as a high order
key when you process the eliminations.

11. Define and process a consolidation request.

12. Create reports that are based on the consolidation tree to show consolidated results.

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