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Nombre que reciben los campos perfectamente delimitados del espacio, ocupados
por grupos de estrellas, que permiten la rpida localizacin de objetos particulares
del firmamento.

Se distinguen tres constelaciones: la austral, que pertenece al cielo del hemisferio

sur, la boreal, que pertenece al cielo del hemisferio norte, y la zodiacal, situada en
la banda del cielo correspondiente al zodaco.

La agrupacin de las estrellas que forman una constelacin no es debida a que

estn fsicamente relacionadas ni a que se encuentren a la misma distancia de la
Tierra, sino al efecto de proyeccin sobre la bveda celeste de sus posiciones. En la
actualidad se aceptan 88 constelaciones, de las cuales 12 pertenecen al zodaco.
Las estrellas ms brillantes de cada constelacin se designan mediante una letra
griega (a, , etc.), una latina o un nmero antepuestos a su nombre latino. Algunas
de las constelaciones son muy extensas (Osa Mayor, Centauro), mientras que otras
son extremadamente pequeas (Flecha).

constelaciones australes

Las pertenecientes al cielo del hemisferio sur.

Altar (ASTR.) En latn, Ara. Constelacin austral de pequeo tamao y cercana a la

cola del Escorpin, formada por unas 30 estrellas dbiles visibles a simple vista; la
ms luminosa, Ara, tiene una magnitud de 2,8.

Ave del Paraso (ASTR.) En latn, Apus. Constelacin austras, formada por muy pocas
estrellas visibles a simple vista.

Brjula (ASTR.) En latn, Pyxis. Constelacin austral, formada por 65 estrellas,

introducida en el s. XVIII por La Caille para cubrir los huecos existentes entre las
grandes constelaciones vecinas.

Buril (ASTR.) En latn, Caelum. Constelacin austral, una de las de menor extensin
del cielo, formada por una decena de estrellas observables a simple vista.

Camalen (ASTR.) En latn, Chamaeleon. Constelacin austral, situada entre el polo

Sur y la constelacin del Barco. De pequeo tamao, cuenta con unas 40 estrellas
visibles a simple vista.

Can Mayor (ASTR.) En latn, Canis Maior. Constelacin austral, formada por 80
estrellas visibles a simple vista y situada en el borde de la Va Lctea. Entre sus
cuerpos ms destacados estn la estrella Sirio y el cmulo M41.

Centauro (ASTR.) En latn, Centaurus. Constelacin austral, una de las ms extensas

del cielo, situada entre el polo y el ecuador. Est formada por unas 150 estrellas
visibles a simple vista, entre las que destacan Rigi (magnitud 0,1), Agena (magnitud
0,9) y Proxima (la ms cercana a la Tierra, a pesar de encontrarse a 4,3 a.l.).

Comps (ASTR.) En latn, Circinus. Constelacin austral situada entre Ave del
Paraso, Centauro, Lobo y Escuadra. Est formada por 34 estrellas, la ms brillante
de las cuales es Circini (magnitud aparente 3,41).

Copa (ASTR.) Crter (ASTR.) En latn, Crater. Pequea constelacin del hemisferio
austral, formada por estrellas poco brillantes.

Corona Austral (ASTR.) En latn, Corona Australis. Constelacin austral de poca

importancia formada por 49 estrellas.

Cruz del Sur (ASTR.) En latn, Crux. Constelacin austral compuesta por 54 estrellas,
cuatro de las cuales forman una cruz bordeada por una nube de materia oscura
conocida como saco de carbn. Contiene tambin el cmulo del Joyero.

Cuervo (ASTR.) En latn, Corvus. Constelacin austral formada por 53 estrellas, de

las cuales las ms importantes son Alchib, Glenah y Algorab.

Dorada (ASTR.) Pez Dorado (ASTR.) En latn, Dorado. Constelacin austral, situada
cerca del pez Volador y la Hydra Austral, formada por 43 estrellas. Contiene la Gran
Nube de Magallanes.

Erdano (ASTR.) En latn, Eridanus. Constelacin austral muy alargada en la que

destacan su principio (Cursa, prxima a Rigel) y su final (Achernar). Contiene la
galaxia espiral NGC 1300.

Escorpin (ASTR.) En latn, Scorpius. Constelacin austral formada por 185 estrellas,
la principal de las cuales es Antares.

Escuadra (ASTR.) Regla (ASTR.) En latn, Norma. Constelacin austral formada por
64 estrellas.

Escultor (ASTR.) Taller de Escultor (ASTR.) En latn, Sculptor. Constelacin austral

formada por 131 estrellas.

Fnix (ASTR.) En latn, Phoenix. Constelacin austral, prxima al polo Sur galctico,
situada al sur de la Grulla. Est formada por 106 estrellas, la ms brillante de las
cuales es de magnitud 2,44.

Grulla (ASTR.) En latn, Grus. Constelacin del hemisferio austral, que se halla
situada al S de las de Acuario y Capricornio, formada por 106 estrellas cuyo brillo no
supera la magnitud 2.

Hidra Hembra (ASTR.) En latn, Hydra. Constelacin austral formada por 393
estrellas (la ms extensa del cielo), la principal de las cuales tiene una magnitud de
2,2 (Alfard).

Hidra Macho (ASTR.) En latn, Hydrus. Constelacin austral, cercana al polo, formada
por 64 estrellas cuyo brillo no supera la magnitud 2,9.

Horno (ASTR.) En latn, Fornax. Constelacin austral, situada junto a la de la Ballena,

formada por 110 estrellas cuyo brillo no supera la magnitud 3.

Indio (ASTR.) En latn, Indus. Constelacin austral, formada por 84 estrellas que no
destacan por su brillo.

Liebre (ASTR.) En latn, Lepus. Constelacin austral, situada debajo de la

constelacin de Orin, formada por 103 estrellas cuya magnitud no supera el valor
2,7. Contiene el cmulo globular M79.

Mquina Neumtica (ASTR.) En latn, Antlia. Constelacin austral, situada entre las
que forman el Navo de Argos, formada por 85 estrellas que no destacan por su

Mesa (ASTR.) En latn, Mensa. Constelacin austral, situada cerca del polo y formada
por 44 estrellas cuyo brillo no supera la magnitud 4,5. Contiene, en su lmite con la
constelacin de la Dorada, la Gran Nube de Magallanes.

Microscopio (ASTR.) En latn, Microscopium. Constelacin austral, situada al S de la

de Capricornio, formada por 69 estrellas poco luminosas.

Mosca (ASTR.) En latn, Musca. Constelacin austral, situada entre el Camalen y la

Cruz, formada por 75 estrellas cuyo brillo no supera la magnitud 4.

Octante (ASTR.) En latn, Octans. Constelacin austral, situada junto al Pavo Real y
al Indio, formada por 88 estrellas. Alberga el polo Sur celeste.

Ofiuco (ASTR.) Serpentario (ASTR.) En latn, Ophiuchus. Constelacin austral,

cercana al ecuador celeste y situada entre Hrcules, Sagitario y Escorpin, formada
por 209 estrellas. Contiene los cmulos estelares M9, M10, M12 y M14 y la nebulosa
planetaria NGC 6572.

Paloma (ASTR.) En latn, Columba. Constelacin austral, situada en las proximidades

del Can Mayor, formada por 112 estrellas cuyo brillo no supera la magnitud 2,8.

Pavo Real (ASTR.) En latn, Pavo. Constelacin austral, situada en las proximidades
del polo Sur celeste, formada por 129 estrellas de las cuales la ms brillante es de
magnitud 2,12.

Pez Austral (ASTR.) En latn, Piscis Austrinus. Constelacin austral, situada debajo de
Acuario, formada por 75 estrellas, entre las cuales destaca Fomalhaut.

Pez Volador (ASTR.) En latn, Volans. Constelacin austral, prxima al polo Sur,
formada por 46 estrellas cuya magnitud no supera el valor 4.

Pintor (ASTR.) En latn, Pictor. Constelacin austral formada por 67 estrellas, de las
cuales slo 30 son visibles a simple vista.

Popa (ASTR.) En latn, Puppis. Constelacin austral, una de las integrantes de la

antigua constelacin del Navo Argos, formada por 313 estrellas. Est cruzada por la
Va Lctea.

Quilla (ASTR.) Carena (ASTR.) En latn, Carina. Constelacin austral, una de las
integrantes de la antigua constelacin del Navo Argos, formada por 268 estrellas
entre las que destaca Canope.

Reloj (ASTR.) En latn, Horologium. Constelacin austral, situada entre las de Erdano
y el Retculo, formada por 68 estrellas poco brillantes que no superan la magnitud 5.

Retculo (ASTR.) En latn, Reticulum. Constelacin austral, una de las ms pequeas

del cielo, formada por 34 estrellas poco brillantes.

Sextante (ASTR.) En latn, Sextans. Constelacin ecuatorial, del cielo austral, situada
debajo de la de Leo y formada por 75 estrellas cuyas magnitudes no superan el
valor 4,5.

Telescopio (ASTR.) En latn, Telescopium. Constelacin austral, formada por 87

estrellas dbiles cuyo brillo no alcanza la magnitud 4.

Tringulo Austral (ASTR.) En latn, Triangulum Austral. Constelacin austral, situada

cerca del polo Sur celeste, formada por 46 estrellas, tres de las cuales (las ms
brillantes) forman un tringulo.

Tucn (ASTR.) En latn, Tucana. Constelacin austral, prxima al polo Sur celeste,
formada por 81 estrellas cuya magnitud no supera el valor 2,9. Contiene la Pequea
Nube de Magallanes.

Unicornio (ASTR.) En latn, Monoceros. Constelacin austral, situada entre los Canes
Mayor y Menor, la Hidra y Orin, formada por 165 estrellas poco brillantes.

Vela (ASTR.) Velas (ASTR.) En latn, Vela. Constelacin austral, una de las tres que
componen la antigua constelacin del Navo Argos, formada por 248 estrellas de las
cuales slo 110 son visibles a simple vista.

Constelaciones boreales

Las constelaciones boreales son las que corresponden al cielo del hemisferio norte.
Son las siguientes:

guila (ASTR.) En latn, Aquila. Constelacin boreal, formada por unas 70 estrellas
visibles a simple vista, situada al O de Pegaso y al S de Cisne. Su nica estrella de
primera magnitud es Altair (a Aquilae), que con Deneb (a Cygni) y Vega (a Lyrae)
forma un tringulo perfectamente visible, conocido como Tringulo del Verano.

Andrmeda (ASTR.) En latn, Andromeda. Constelacin boreal situada al S de

Casiopea. De su centenar de estrellas visibles a simple vista destacan Sirrah, Mirach
y Almach, que en la antigedad se consideraban la cabeza, la cintura y el pie del
personaje mitolgico. Contiene la galaxia de Andrmeda, perteneciente al llamado
Grupo Local, situada a 2,2 millones de a.l. de la Tierra. Es una galaxia espiral con
dos brazos, un radio de unos 200.000 a.l. y una masa equivalente a 300.000 soles.
Su perodo de rotacin sobre s misma es de 200 millones de aos.

Ballena (ASTR.) En latn, Cetus. Constelacin en su mayor parte austral, situada al S

de Aries y Piscis. Es la segunda ms grande y est formada por 321 estrellas, la ms
brillante de las cuales es Deneb Kaitos (de magnitud 2,24). Contiene tambin la
variable Mira.

Boyero (ASTR.) En latn, Bootes. Constelacin boreal situada en la prolongacin de

la cola de la Osa Mayor. Entre sus 90 estrellas observables a simple vista destaca

Caballo Menor (ASTR.) En latn, Equuleus. Constelacin boreal de pequeo tamao,

que cuenta nicamente con 10 estrellas visibles a simple vista. Est situada a
occidente de Pegaso.

Cabellera de Berenice (ASTR.) En latn, Coma Berenice. Constelacin boreal situada

entre el Boyero y el Len. Formada por unas 50 estrellas apreciables a simple vista,
cuenta tambin con las nebulosas M64 y M68 y con el cmulo M53.

Can Menor (ASTR.) En latn, Canis Minor. Constelacin boreal, formada por 20
estrellas visibles a simple vista y situada en el borde de la Va Lctea. Su estrella
principal (de primera magnitud) es Procin.

Casiopea (ASTR.) En latn, Cassiopeia. Constelacin boreal, cercana al polo Norte del
cielo y por la cual pasa la Va Lctea. Formada por 90 objetos visibles a simple vista,
contiene el cmulo M103 y la estrella variable Shdir.

Cefeo (ASTR.) En latn, Cepheus. Constelacin boreal formada por 60 estrellas

visibles a simple vista, la ms brillante de las cuales es Alderamn (magnitud 2,6).
Situada entre las constelaciones de Casiopea, Cisne y Dragn, est atravesada por
la Va Lctea. Constituye el ejemplo para la definicin de las estrellas cefeidas.

Cisne (ASTR.) En latn, Cignus. Constelacin boreal, situada en plena Va Lctea,

cuya estrella principal es Deneb (en rabe, cola) y que contiene tambin la doble
aparente Albireo (pico de ave).

Cochero (ASTR.) En latn, Auriga. Constelacin boreal que contiene tres cmulos
abiertos (M36, M37 y M38), situados a distancias de unos 4.100 a 4.700 a.l., y la
estrella Capella (alfa de la constelacin).

Corona Boreal (ASTR.) En latn, Corona Borealis. Constelacin boreal formada por 31
estrellas, la principal de las cuales es la doble Gema (La Perla), situada a 72 a.l. de
la Tierra y con una compaera que describe una rbita alrededor de ella cada 17,4

Delfn (ASTR.) En latn, Delphinus. Pequea constelacin boreal formada por 31

estrellas, entre las que destaca la doble g Delphini.

Dragn (ASTR.) En latn, Draco. Constelacin boreal, situada entre la Osa Menor, la
Osa Mayor, el Cisne y la Lira, formada por 220 estrellas. Su estrella a era la estrella
Polar en el 2700 a.J.C.

Escudo de Sobieski (ASTR.) En latn, Scutum Sobiescianum. Constelacin boreal

formada por 33 estrellas.

Flecha (ASTR.) En latn, Sagitta. Constelacin boreal, situada entre el Cisne y el

guila, formada por 18 estrellas, todas ellas de magnitud no superior a 4. Tambin
recibe el nombre de Saeta.

Hrcules (ASTR.) En latn, Hercules. Constelacin boreal, situada entre la Lira y la

Corona, formada por 227 estrellas (una de las ms extensas del cielo) cuyo brillo no
supera la magnitud 2. Contiene el cmulo M13 y la estrella HZ, una variable
eclipsante. Alberga asimismo Hrcules X1, una de las fuentes ms intensas de rayos
X del cielo.

Jirafa (ASTR.) En latn, Camelopardalis. Constelacin boreal, situada entre el Cochero

y la Osa Menor, formada por 138 estrellas poco brillantes cuya magnitud no supera
el valor 4,2, de las cuales slo 50 son visibles a simple vista.

Lagarto (ASTR.) En latn Lacerta. Constelacin boreal, situada entre las del Cisne y
Andrmeda, formada por 48 estrellas cuyo brillo no supera la magnitud 4.

Lebreles (ASTR.) Perros de Caza (ASTR.) En latn, Canes Venatici. Constelacin

boreal, situada entre el Boyero y la Osa Mayor, formada por 88 estrellas cuyo brillo
no supera la magnitud 3. Contiene el cmulo globular M3, la galaxia M51 y una
gigante roja Superba.

Len Menor (ASTR.) En latn, Leo Minor. Constelacin boreal, situada al sur de la Osa
Mayor, formada por 40 estrellas muy poco brillantes.

Lince (ASTR.) En latn, Lynx. Constelacin boreal formada por 87 estrellas dbiles,
cuyo brillo no supera la magnitud 4.

Lira (ASTR.) En latn, Lyra. Constelacin boreal, poco extensa, formada por 69
estrellas. Contiene las estrellas Vega y o Lyrae, prototipo de la clase de las estrellas
variables. Su estrella Lyrae es un ejemplo de estrella doble (sistema cudruple),
mientras que RR Lyrae es una cefeida empleada como patrn de determinacin de
distancias estelares. Contiene la nebulosa planetaria M57.

Orin (ASTR.) En latn, Orion. Constelacin ecuatorial, situada entre la de Tauro y las
de los Canes Mayor y Menor, formada por 186 estrellas entre las cuales destacan
Belatrix, Betelguese y Rigel. Tres de las estrellas de la constelacin estn alineadas
formando el cinturn de Orin (las Tres Maras o los Tres Reyes). Otras tres, menos
brillantes y dispuestas verticalmente debajo del cinturn, forman la llamada espada
de Orin. Contiene la Nebulosa de Orin (M42), la Cabeza de Caballo (NGC 2024) y
el radiante de las Orinidas.

Osa Mayor (ASTR.) En latn, Ursa Maior. Constelacin boreal, situada en la regin del
polo Norte celeste, formada por 227 estrellas. Contiene, adems de la galaxia M81 y
la nebulosa planetaria de Hibu (M97), siete estrellas principales de las cuales la ms
importante es Mizar.

Osa Menor (ASTR.) En latn, Ursa Minor. Constelacin boreal, situada en el polo
Norte celeste, formada por 54 estrellas, entre las que destaca la estrella Polar.

Pegaso (ASTR.) En latn, Pegasus. Constelacin boreal, de gran extensin, formada

por 178 estrellas. Contiene numerosas galaxias y el cmulo M15.

Perseo (ASTR.) En latn, Perseus. Constelacin boreal, prxima a la de Andrmeda y

cruzada por la Va Lctea, formada por 136 estrellas entre las que destacan Algol y
Mirfak. Contiene el cmulo globular M 34.

Raposa (ASTR.) Zorra (ASTR.) En latn, Vulpecula. Constelacin boreal, situada entre
las de Cisne, guila y Delfn, formada por 62 estrellas de las que slo 45 son visibles
a simple vista.

Serpiente (ASTR.) En latn, Serpens. Constelacin ecuatorial del cielo boreal,

separada en dos partes (cabeza y cola) por el Ofiuco y formada por 123 estrellas
entre las que destaca Unuk (magnitud 2,75).

Tringulo (ASTR.) En latn, Triangulum. Constelacin boreal, situada entre las de

Aries y Andrmeda, formada por 30 estrellas. Contiene la galaxia espiral M33 (o
NGC 598), situada a 2.000.000 a.l. de la Tierra.

Constelaciones zodiacales

Las constelaciones zodiacales son aquellas que estn situadas en la banda del cielo
correspondiente al zodaco. Son:

Acuario (ASTR.) En latn, Aquarius. Constelacin zodiacal que carece de estrellas

luminosas, las tres primeras de las cuales son de tercera magnitud. Cerca de su
estrella &tau. est la radiante del enjambre de las Acuridas.

Aries o Carnero (ASTR.) En latn, Aries. Constelacin zodiacal, situada al S de las

constelaciones de Andrmeda y el Tringulo. Est constituida por unas 50 estrellas
visibles a simple vista, la ms brillante de las cuales es Hamal, de magnitud 2,2.

Cncer (ASTR.) Cangrejo (ASTR.) En latn, Cancer. Constelacin zodiacal del

hemisferio boreal formada por 60 estrellas visibles a simple vista. Contiene el
cmulo M44 y una estrella mltiple (triple), la zeta de la constelacin.

Capricornio (ASTR.) En latn, Capricornius. Constelacin zodiacal del hemisferio

austral situada entre Acuario y Sagitario. Formada por unas 50 estrellas visibles a
simple vista, contiene el cmulo M30 y varias estrellas mltiples.

Gminis (ASTR.) Gemelos (ASTR.) En latn, Gemini. Constelacin zodiacal del

hemisferio boreal formada por 106 estrellas, entre las que destacan Cstor (a) y
Plux (b). Contiene el cmulo abierto M 35 y la nebulosa NGC 2392, y alberga el
radiante del enjambre de las Gemnidas. Su estrella U (U Geminorum) es el
prototipo de las variables eruptivas.

Leo (ASTR.) Len (ASTR.) En latn, Leo. Constelacin zodiacal del cielo boreal,
situada entre Cncer y Virgo, formada por 161 estrellas, entre las que destacan
Rgulo y Denbola.

Libra (ASTR.) Balanza (ASTR.) En latn, Libra. Constelacin zodiacal del cielo austral,
situada entre las de Escorpio y Virgo, formada por 122 estrellas, de las cuales las
ms brillantes no superan la magnitud 2,9.

Piscis (ASTR.) Peces (ASTR.) En latn, Pisces. Constelacin zodiacal, del cielo boreal,
formada por 128 estrellas. Situada en su mayor parte al N del ecuador celeste, sus
estrellas son de poco brillo y no superan la magnitud 4.

Sagitario (ASTR.) En latn, Sagittarius. Constelacin zodiacal, situada entre las de

Capricornio y Escorpin, formada por 298 estrellas. Contiene las nebulosas M8, M17
y M20, los cmulos globulares M22 y M55 y los cmulos abiertos M23, M24 y M25.

Tauro (ASTR.) En latn, Taurus. Constelacin zodiacal, del cielo boreal, situada entre
las de Aries y Gminis y formada por 188 estrellas, entre las que destaca Aldebarn.
Contiene la Nebulosa del Cangrejo, las Hades y las Plyades. La estrella T de Tauro
es un ejemplo tpico de variable eruptiva.

Virgo (ASTR.) Virgen (ASTR.) En latn, Virgo. Constelacin zodiacal, del cielo austral,
formada por 271 estrellas (la segunda ms extensa). Contiene la estrella Espiga y la
llamada masa de Virgo, que constituye el centro del Grupo Local.

Respuesta Mensaje 37 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/06/2012 19:53

Star Map Of The Heavens. Part 3
The Great Bear, Ursa Major, is now in the northwest, his paws near the horizon. The
Dragon, Draco, curves round from between the Pointers and the Pole, above the

Little Bear toward the east, then upward to near the point overhead, its head, with
the bright stars and , being highest. The Herdsman, Bootes, occupies the
midheavens in the west, the Crown, Corona Borealis, higher up, and due west
Hercules, between the Crown and the point overhead. Low down, extending from
the west to near the southwest, we find the Virgin, Virgo, the bright Spica near its
setting place. In the southeast are the Scales, Libra, and, farther to the left,
extending from the Scales to low down near the south, we find the Scorpion,
Scorpio, one of the finest of the constellations, Antares, the rival of Mars (as the
name means), marking its heart. Above the Scorpion and the Scales are the Serpent
Holder, Serpentarius or Ophiuchus, and the Serpent, Serpens, extending right
across him to near the Crown, after which the Serpent seems reaching. A little east
of due south, low down, we find the Archer, Sagittarius: in the southeast, low down,
the Sea Goat, Capricornus: and farther east, and lower down, the Water Bearer,
Aquarius. Above the Sea Goat is the Eagle, Aquila, with the bright bluish-white star
Altair; on its left, the pretty little Dolphin, Delphinus, and above the Dolphin, nearly
overhead, the Lyre, Lyra, with the bluish-white star Vega (even brighter than Altair)
nearly overhead. Below the Lyre we see the Swan, Cygnus, due east; and below the
Swan the Winged Horse, Pegasus, upside down, as usual. In the northeast,
Andromeda, the Chained Lady, is rising. Between the north and northeast is
Cassiopeia, the Seated Lady, and above her, her husband, King Cepheus.

The Great Bear, Ursa Major, is low down, between northwest and north, the Pointers
directed slantingly upward toward the Pole. Between the Great Bear and the Little
Bear run the stars of the Dragon, Draco, round the Little Bear toward the north,
thence toward the northwest, where we see the head of the Dragon high up, his two
bright eyes, directed toward Hercules, which occupies the western mid-heaven.
Above Hercules is the Lyre, Lyra, with the bright steel-blue star Vega high up toward
the point overhead. Right overhead is the Swan, Cygnus. Near the west stands the
Herdsman, rather slanting forward, however, with the Crown, Corona Borealis, on
his left, almost due west. The long winding Serpent, Serpens, runs from near the
Crown, where we see its head, due west to farther south than southwest, high up,
on the western side of the Serpent Holder, Serpentarius or Ophiuchus, now standing
upright in the southwest. Low down creeps the Scorpion, Scorpio, its heart Antares,
rival of Mars, in the southwest, the end of its tail between south and southwest.
Above, and south of the Scorpion's tail, we see the Archer, Sagittarius. Due south
and high up is the Eagle, Aquila, the bright steel-blue Altair marking its body. On the
left, or east, of the Eagle lies the neat little Dolphin, Delphinus. Midway between the
Dolphin and the horizon is the tip of the tail of the Sea Goat, Capri-cornus, whose
head lies nearly due south. On the southern horizon is the head of the Indian, Indus;
and low down in the southeast lies Fomalhaut, the chief brilliant of the Southern
Fish, Piscis Australis. Above lies the Water Bearer, Aquarius, in the southwestern

midheaven. Due east, fairly high, is the "Square of Pegasus," the head of the
Winged Horse, Pegasus, lying close by the Water Pitcher of Aquarius. The Fishes,
Pisces, are low down in the east. On the left of Pisces we see the Ram, Aries, low
down; above it, the Triangle; and above that, the Chained Lady, Andromeda. Low
down in the northeast is the Rescuing Knight, Perseus; above whom is Cassiopeia;
and on her left, higher up, the inconspicuous constellation Cepheus.

Low down between north and northwest we find the seven stars of the Dipper, the
Pointers on the right nearly due north. They direct us to the Pole Star. Between the
Pointers and the Pole Star we find the tip of the Dragon's tail, and sweep round the
Little Bear with the Dragon's long train of third magnitude stars, till we come, after
a bend, to the Dragon's head, with the' two bright eyes, and These two stars are
almost exactly midway between the horizon and the point overhead, and nearly
northwest. King Cepheus - not a very conspicuous constellation - lies between the
point overhead and the Little Bear. Low down in the northwest we find the head of
the Herdsman, Bootes. The Crown, Corona Borealis, which no one can mistake, lies
on his left, and close by is the setting head of the Serpent. Above these three
groups we see Hercules - the Kneeler. Above the head of Hercules we find the Lyre,
with the bright star Vega; and above that the Swan. Passing southward, we see the
Serpent Holder, Serpentarius or Ophiuchus, beyond whom lies the Serpent's tail, a
most inconvenient arrangement, as the Serpent is divided into two parts. Almost
exactly southeast, and low down, are the stars of the Archer, Sagittarius; while
above, in the mid-sky. we see the Eagle, Aquila, with the bright Altair. Note the neat
little constellation, the Dolphin, Delphinus, close by. Due south is the Crane,Grus;
above it, the Southern Fish, with the bright star Fomalhaut; above that, the Sea
Goat, Capricornus, and on the left of this the Water Bearer, Aquarius;. Toward the
east, high up, is the Winged Horse, Pegasus; he is upside down just now. Below lies
the Whale, Cetus, or, rather, the Sea Monster. The Fishes, Pisces, may be seen
between the Whale and Pegasus. Few constellations have suffered more than Pisces
by the breaking up of star groups. The fishes themselves are now lost in Andromeda
and Pegasus. Note how, on the left of Pisces the Ram, Aries, "bears aloft"
Andromeda, the Chained Lady, as Milton set Aries doing long since. The Triangle
serves only as a saddle. Between Andromeda and her father, Cepheus, we find her
mother, Cassiopeia, or, rather, Cassiopeia's Chair. Perseus, the Rescuer, lies below.

The Dipper lies low, the Pointers a little east of north. Between the Pointers and Pole
Star lies the tip of the Dragon's tail. Low down in the northwest, Hercules is setting.
Above is the Lyre, with the bright steel-blue Vega; and above that the stars of the

Swan, Cygnus, which has sometimes been called the Northern Cross. Nearly due
west we find the Eagle, Aquila. Above the Eagle is the pretty little constellation the
Dolphin, Delphinus. In the southwest, rather low, is the Sea Goat, Capricornus;
above, and to the south of him, the Water Bearer, Aquarius. The head of the Winged
Horse, Pegasus, now upside down (in fact, he is seldom otherwise), is just above this
group. Much attention need not be directed to the lowly Phoenix, low in the
southern horizon. The River, Eridanus, is coming well into view; and the great Sea
Monster, Cetus, now shows finely. The Fishes, Pisces, are above; the Ram, Aries,
above them, and eastward, lying toward the southeast; then the Triangle, Triangula
(or the Triangles, according to modern maps), and the Chained Lady, Andromeda,
too nearly overhead to be very pleasantly observed. The grand giant, Orion, is rising
in the east; above him, the Bull, Taurus, with the Pleiades. Low down in the
northeast the Twins, Gemini, are rising; above is the Charioteer, Auriga, and above
him the Rescuing Knight, Perseus, "of fair-haired Danae born."

The Great Bear, Ursa Mafor, is beginning to rise above the northeast by north
horizon. The end of the Dipper's handle is hidden. The stars of the Dragon wind
round below the Little Bear toward the west, the head of the Dragon with the
gleaming eyes ("oblique retorted that askant cast gleaming fire") being low down, a
little north of northwest. Above is King Cepheus, and above him his queen, the
Seated Lady, Cassiopeia, their daughter, the Chained Lady, Andromeda, being
nearly overhead. Low down in the northwest we see the Lyre, Lyra, with the bright
Vega, and close by toward the west the Swan, Cygnus, or Northern Cross. The Eagle
is setting in the west, and the little Dolphin nears the western horizon. Toward the
southwest by west we see the Water Bearer, Aquarius, with his Pitcher, close by
which is the head of the Winged Horse, Pegasus. In the south, low down, is the
absurd Phoenix; above, the Sea Monster, or Whale, Cetus; above him, the Fishes,
Pisces; above them, the Ram, Aries; while nearly overhead lies the Triangle. The
River Eridanus. occupies the southeasterly sky, the Dove and Great Dog, Columba
and Canis Major, rising in the southeast. The glorious Orion has now come well into
position, though not yet so upright as we could wish a knightly hunter to be. He
treads on the Hare, Lepus, and faces the Bull, Taurus, above. Due east we find the
Crab, Cancer, and Little Dog, Canis Minor, low down; the Twins, Gemini, higher;
above them the Charioteer, Auriga, with the bright Capella, and Perseus, the
Rescuer, nearing the point overhead. - R. A. Procter's Star Maps. Copyright, 1903, by
Munn & Co.

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Respuesta Mensaje 38 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 02:50

The Stars of David
When man believed that happiness was dependent upon God, he killed for religious
When man believed that happiness was dependant upon the form of government,
he killed for political reasons.-Adolfo Bioy Casares

It is commonly understood by historians that history is written by the victors. The
history books are dominated with names like Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan,
Julius Caesar, Augustus, Napoleon, Peter the Great, Churchill, George Washington,
Lincoln and Roosevelt. These were people with giant size egos.

Nation building is something like a business. Business leaders count success by

market share, profits and growth. National leaders count success by popular
support, revenue and dominance. This same model applies to religion and sports as
well. It reflects on the celebrity level because we support it on a personal level. We

want to be liked and we want to be rich and influential, if not personally then

There is mostly a positive side to our competitive nature, but that is another topic.
The subject at hand is the negative side.

I have come to see human nature as something like piranha fish. Individually,
piranhas are harmless. But in schools, their collective needs are dangerous to other
species. Individually, we are moral creatures. But applied to aliens, personal morals
turn indifferent and sometimes hostile to those different from us, even when they
are not opposing us.

In sum, there is something in the human psyche that has a need to dominate, if not
to dominate personally, at least to be associated with the winning side. We are at
our worst, when we unite behind the most powerful god and the strongest nation.
Even if it means living a lie, this need for gratification is stronger than the desire for
truth and respect for moral principles.

For these reasons, to Jews, David is second to Moses as the greatest among Jewish
leaders. He was renowned as the man who conquered the rest of the Promised Land
and established a glorious empire that had been promised to Abraham.

I'm not writing to condemn Jews per se. This is a case example that applies to the
United States, German, France, Spain, Japan and other empires whose rise can be
traced to their military conquests. And whose fall was inevitable because their
leaders were corrupt and the masses didn't care as long as they were winning.

As much as Israel is one of the most archeologically researched nations in the world,
very little of what is in the Bible can be confirmed. The only evidence of the
existence of David comes by way of two separate inscriptions of a Davidic dynasty;
nothing can be found about David personally. There is much to doubt.

I'm quoting the findings of "The Bible Unearthed" by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher

"For all their reported wealth and power, neither David nor Solomon is mentioned in
a single known Egyptian or Mesopotamian text. And the archaeological evidence in
Jerusalem for the famous building projects of Solomon is nonexistent.

"The most optimistic assessment of this negative evidence is that tenth century
Jerusalem was rather limited in extent, perhaps not more than a typical hill country

"In fact, it is highly unlikely that this sparsely inhabited region of Judah and the
small village of Jerusalem could have become the center of a great empire
stretching from the Red Sea in the south to Syria in the north.

"There is absolutely no archaeological indication of the wealth, manpower, and level

of organization that is required to support large armies-even for brief periods-in the

"There is hardly a reason to doubt the historicity of David and Solomon. Yet there
are plenty of reasons to question the extent and splendor of their realm.

"Archeologically we can say no more about David and Solomon except that they
existed-and that their legend endured.

"There is no compelling archaeological evidence for the historical evidence of a vast

united monarchy, centered in the land of Jerusalem that encompassed the entire
land of Israel.

The Legend
So what are we left with? There is nothing outside the Bible that tells us about
David. There is no evidence of a united Jewish kingdom. No evidence that Jews

dominated anybody outside their borders. Even so, the Jewish people continue to
believe that theirs was a great kingdom, because of David. The proof can be found
in the turmoil in Israel today, where Zionist supporters are at war to restore the
glory days that never existed.

The legend of David starts when this shepherd boy was chosen by the prophet
Samuel to become the next king of Israel to succeed Saul. David's notoriety began
when he killed the giant Goliath with a slingshot. When Saul gave him command of
an army, David's overwhelming victories made Saul jealous. Saul's jealousy grew to
such a rage, that David had to flee for his life.

When Saul died in battle he was replaced by two kings, David over Judah and
Ishbosheth over Israel. David started a civil war and eventually became king over
both kingdoms until his death forty years later.

His people glorified him because of his military conquests. Some of his victims were
castrated, sawed in half, chopped with axes and burned in ovens. He was a traitor
against his own people, a bandit, a homosexual, an adulterer, liar, extortionist,
betrayer, exhibitionist and murderer. When he broke God's law, even God didn't

Typical of other biblical legendary heroes, the life of David was written according to
the motifs of the Zodiac. As said before, there is only indirect evidence of an
historical David. His exploits reflect more on the character of those who wrote about
him and of those who believe in him, than of his personal character.

For some reason, he doesn't get the full twelve zodiac house treatment of a sun god
like Moses and Jesus. It could be because there was such a human.

Aries the Ram/Lamb

Aries starts with the spring or vernal equinox, when days and nights are equal. It is
the time of year when lambs are born. As the days get longer, the sun is seen as
conquering darkness.

Our tale picks up when God and the prophet Samuel decide that Saul is not fit to be
king of the Hebrews. God tells Samuel to go to Jesse to find a successor. Of Jesse's
seven sons, Samuel decides on David and anoints him to succeed Saul as king. All
that is left is for Saul to die. (1 Sam. 15:35-16:13)

David the shepherder

What could be more fitting to start in the house of Aries than for our hero to be a

11And Samuel said to Jesse, "Are all your sons here?" And he said, "There remains
yet the youngest, but behold, he is keeping the sheep." And Samuel said to Jesse,
"Send and fetch him; for we will not sit down till he comes here." (1 Sam. 16:11)

David and Goliath

In the house of Aries is the constellation Perseus which shows the image of a man
with a sword in one hand and a decapitated head in the other. The popular telling of
David's triumph leaves out a gory detail. (1 Sam. 17:1-54)

The Philistine Goliath was said to be about ten feet tall. He had a bronze helmet, a
coat of mail that weighed almost a hundred pounds. He had armor on his legs and a
shield. His spear weighed eleven pounds.

When the Philistines and the Israelites were first assembled at their lines ready for
battle, Goliath went to the front and challenged the Israelites to choose one to fight
him in battle. The winning side will be the master, and the losing side the servant.

For forty days the giant came forth and issued his challenge, but none of the
Israelites had the nerve to take him on.

Because of his youth, David was not a soldier. On the fortieth day, when David was
bringing some food to his brothers and the soldiers, he heard Goliath's challenge.
When David went to Saul to volunteer, Saul was understandably skeptical. But
David convinced him that his experience at killing lions when they invade his flock,
qualified him; Goliath is no different. Saul was persuaded.

On the day of battle, Saul wanted to put his armor on David, but he refused; he
wasn't used to it. All he needed was his pouch with five smooth stones and his
slingshot. As he and Goliath drew closer, David took out a stone and slung it,
striking the Philistine in the head. The giant fell flat face on the ground and died.

Afterward, David took out Goliath's sword and cut his head off. Afterwards, the
Hebrews chased the Philistines, killing many and plundered their camp. David took
Goliath's head back to Jerusalem and put his armor on his tent.

51Then David ran and stood over the Philistine, and took his sword and drew it out
of its sheath, and killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw
that their champion was dead, they fled. (1 Sam. 17:51)

Taurus the Bull

Bulls are needed for plowing and tilling the fields. Bulls pull, so in the same sense, it
is a time of pulling away.

David's victory over Goliath won favor with Saul, and an army to command. As
David kept winning battle after battle, he soon became more popular than Saul.
When it got to the point where David was credited with killing tens of thousands of
Philistines, while Saul got credit for killing thousands, an evil spirit came over him.
One day, David had to elude two spears that Saul threw at him.

11and Saul cast the spear, for he thought, "I will pin David to the wall." But David
evaded him twice. (1 Sam. 18:11)

In the house of Taurus, David is symbolized by Auriga, the Charioteer which lies
above the horns of the bull. Auriga has a whip in one arm and a goat in the other.
The two bull horns symbolize the two spears Saul threw at David.

Saul tried to get David killed in battle by demoting him to march out in front of a
command of a thousand men, but David continued to rack up successes. Saul tried
to get David to take more risks by offering his daughter, Merab in marriage. When
David continued to be successful, Saul married off his daughter to someone else.
Saul teased David again with his second daughter, Michal. This time he wanted a
hundred Philistine foreskins as a marriage present. David complied by bringing back
two hundred foreskins. David got his wife and Saul was more afraid of David than
ever before. (1 Sam. 18:12-30)

Gemini the Twins

Gemini begins a time of increasing or doubling as the sun reaches its zenith. It ends
on the Summer solstice when days are the longest and nights the shortest. The sun
is at the peak of its strength. Allegorically, the sun is at the top of the mountain.

We turn our attention now to the Gemini twins that represents David and Jonathan
and their homosexual love affair. The Bible is not explicit with the details, but there
if enough to tell the tale.

For Jonathan, it was love at first sight.

1When he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of
David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. (1 Sam. 18:1)

When they first met in private, Jonathan stripped himself naked in front of David.

3Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul.

4And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David,
and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his girdle. (1 Sam. 18:3-4)

Jonathan's father, Saul, was angry at his son for shaming his mother's nakedness.

30Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said to him, "You son of a
perverse, rebellious woman, do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to
your own shame, and to the shame of your mother's nakedness? (1 Sam. 20:30)

Next to a stone heap, they were lying on the ground kissing. In biblespeak, stone
heaps are usually phallic symbols.

41And as soon as the lad had gone, David rose from beside the stone heap and fell
on his face to the ground, and bowed [prostrate] three times; and they kissed one
another, and wept with one another, until David recovered himself. (1 Sam. 20:4142)

At a later time, David was distressed at Jonathan's death. His love was wonderful,
better than the love of a woman.

26I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; very pleasant have you been to me;
your love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women. (2 Sam. 1:26)

Respuesta Mensaje 39 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 02:51

Cancer the Crab

The sun has crossed a major divide; darkness starts to increase. Crabs walk in a
zigzag path, sideways and backwards in a kind of a backsliding movement. This is a
time for assessment and division.

Saul's threats on David's life grew so intense that David had to flee. As the sun
descends from the height of its solstice, so does David's character.

1. When David came upon Ahimelech the priest at Nob, he told the priest that he
was on a mission from Saul to meet some holy men. His lie convinced the priest to
give David some holy bread and Goliath's sword. (1 Sam. 21:1-10)

When Saul heard about the favor Ahimelech did for David, he saw it as conspiracy.
Ahimelech said he didn't know David was an outlaw and that he was still a loyal
servant. Saul was unmoved; so he had Ahimelech and eighty-four killed. Among
them were men, women, infants, children and livestock. (1 Sam. 22:9-19)

One of Ahimelech's sons escaped. To which David admitted he knew he was putting
everybody at risk, because he saw one of Saul's confederates, Doeg the Edomite,
watching him.

22And David said to Abiathar, "I knew on that day, when Doeg the Edomite was
there, that he would surely tell Saul. I have occasioned the death of all the persons
of your father's house. (1 Sam. 22:22)

There was a rich man named Nabal who had a wife, Abigail. She was as beautiful as
he was mean. When David heard of him, he sent ten men to plead for food; Nabal
refused. David wanted to kill Nabal, but his wife intervened by offering the needed
provisions without her husband's knowledge. David promised to spare Nabal, but
God killed him ten days later.

37And in the morning, when the wine had gone out of Nabal, his wife told him these
things, and his heart died within him, and he became as a stone.
38And about ten days later the LORD smote Nabal; and he died. (1 Sam. 25:37)

David was grateful for Nabal's death because he was insulted. He took the beautiful
Abigail for his wife.

39When David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, "Blessed be the LORD who has
avenged the insult I received at the hand of Nabal, and has kept back his servant
from evil; the LORD has returned the evil-doing of Nabal upon his own head." Then
David sent and wooed Abigail, to make her his wife. (2 Sam. 25:37)

It is likely this was the Bible's way of saying David killed Nabal for his wife?

David tried to hide in the Philistine kingdom of Gath. When King Achish learned
David was his enemy, David acted crazy, like he had lost his mind. The king let him
go. (1 Sam. 21:10-15)

At a later time, David returned to the Philistines in Gath, with 600 men and two
wives. This time King Achish took a liking to David and gave him the town of Ziklag
to live in. David returned the favor by killing and plundering the kings friends and
relatives. When Achish asked him who he was raiding, David would give the names
of towns in southern Palestine. Achish got to trust David to the point where he
appointed David as his personal bodyguard. (1 Sam. 27)

9And David smote the land, and left neither man nor woman alive, but took away
the sheep, the oxen, the asses, the camels, and the garments, and came back to
Achish. (1 Sam. 27:9)


David was ready to join Achish with the Philistines in battle against the Israelites
until the other commanders rejected him, despite Ashish's voucher. (1 Sam. 29)

When David returned to Ziklag, his home in the Philistines, he found it burned down
and all his people taken captive by the Amalekites; no one was killed. David
retaliated by killing all the Amalekites, except for four hundred escapees. (1 Sam.

17And David smote them from twilight until the evening of the next day; and not a
man of them escaped, except four hundred young men, who mounted camels and
18David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken; and David rescued his two
19Nothing was missing, whether small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything
that had been taken; David brought back all.
20David also captured all the flocks and herds; and the people drove those cattle
before him, and said, "This is David's spoil." (1 Sam. 30:17-20)

Saul dies
The house of Cancer ends with Saul's death. In a battle with the Philistines, Saul was
mortality wounded by an arrow. To avoid the disgrace of being finished off by the
Philistines, Saul fell on his sword. (1 Sam. 31)

4Then Saul said to his armor-bearer, "Draw your sword, and thrust me through with
it, lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and make sport of me."
But his armor-bearer would not; for he feared greatly. Therefore Saul took his own
sword, and fell upon it. (2 Sam. 31:4)

Leo the Lion

The sun is still hot; this is a time of strength when the sun goes to the end of the
growing season. At the end of the growing season, food is plentiful, and seeds have
to be stored for the next season. The lion is king of beasts.

Kill the messenger

Expecting favorable treatment, an Amalekite came to David to report on Saul and
Jonathan's death. Instead, David accused him of killing Saul and had him killed.

15Then David called one of the young men and said, "Go, fall upon him." And he
smote him so that he died.
16And David said to him, "Your blood be upon your head; for your own mouth has
testified against you, saying, 'I have slain the LORD'S anointed.'" (2 Sam. 1:15-16)

Civil War
David was anointed king over the tribe of Judah, and Saul's son, Ishbosheth was
made king of Israel. Out of self defense, Ishbosheth's commander, Abner, killed
Asahel, one of David's men. David used the incident to start a war against the
people of Israel. (2 Sam. 2:1-3:1)

23But he refused to turn aside; therefore Abner smote him in the belly with the butt
of his spear, so that the spear came out at his back; and he fell there, and died
where he was. And all who came to the place where Asahel had fallen and died,
stood still. (2 Sam. 2:23)

Over an argument with king Ishbosheth, Abner defected to David's side where
Asahel's avenged his brother's death by killing Abner. (2 Sam. 3:2-4:2)

27And when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside into the midst of the
gate to speak with him privately, and there he smote him in the belly, so that he
died, for the blood of Asahel his brother. (2 Sam. 3:27)

Two of Israel's captains killed their king Ishbosheth in his bed and cut his head off.

7When they came into the house, as he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, they
smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him. They took his head, and went by the
way of the Arabah all night, (2 Sam. 4:7)

They expected David to be grateful, but instead David had them killed and had their
hands and feet put on display.

12And David commanded his young men, and they killed them, and cut off their
hands and feet, and hanged them beside the pool at Hebron. But they took the
head of Ishbosheth, and buried it in the tomb of Abner at Hebron. (2. Sam. 4:12)

With the death of Ishbosheth, the kingdom of Israel decided to accept David as their

1Then all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron, and said, "Behold, we are
your bone and flesh. (2 Sam. 5:1)

Losing badly and without a king, Israel had no choice but to accept defeat and unite
behind David.

1There was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David; and
David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul became weaker and
weaker. (2 Sam. 3:1)

Dancing in the Street

David had the ark of God, the one that Moses had constructed to contain the Ten
Commandments, to be brought to Jerusalem. When the ark began to slide off of its
cart and Uzzah reached out to prevent its fall, God struck him dead. (2 Sam. 6:1-7)

6And when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah put out his hand to the
ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled.

7And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there
because he put forth his hand to the ark; and he died there beside the ark of God.
(2 Sam. 6:6)

From that incident, David was afraid to take the Ark home with him, so he left it at
the home of Obededom for three months. When David noticed that Obededom was
blessed and prospered for having the Ark at his home, he decided to bring it back
home with much celebration. (2 Sam. 6:8-19)

When David returned home, his wife, Michal, scolded him for dancing shamelessly
nude in front of other women.

20And David returned to bless his household. But Michal the daughter of Saul came
out to meet David, and said, "How the king of Israel honored himself today,
uncovering himself today before the eyes of his servants' maids, as one of the
vulgar fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!" (2 Sam. 6:20)

From this single incident, David cut her off sexually for the rest of her life.

22I will make myself yet more contemptible than this, and I will be abased in your
eyes; but by the maids of whom you have spoken, by them I shall be held in honor."
23And Michal the daughter of Saul had no child to the day of her death. (2 Sam.

God gave his lion king victory wherever he went. David's forces subdued the
Philistines in the west and the Moabites in the east. In the north, he took Zobah and
Damascus. The death toll was over 60,000 enemies. (2 Sam. 8)

Mosaic Law was clearly against taking slaves.

2and when the LORD your God gives them over to you, and you defeat them; then
you must utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant with them, and show no
mercy to them. (Deut. 7:2)

Despite this, David made slaves out of his enemies.

2And he defeated Moab, and measured them with a line, making them lie down on
the ground; two lines he measured to be put to death, and one full line to be spared.
And the Moabites became servants to David and brought tribute. (2 Sam. 8:2)

Often times I find differences in Bible versions that are too corrupt to ignore. The
older versions are more honest than the contemporary versions. Case in point: The
old versions report that David had these people sawed up, driven over by chariots,
cut up with knives and made to pass through brick ovens. The newer versions say
he put them in slavery.

The 1899 Douay-Rheims is the most explicit. Its lineage comes directly from the
Catholic Latin Vulgate Bible.

31And bringing forth the people thereof he sawed them, and drove over them
chariots armed with iron: and divided them with knives, and made them pass
through brick kilns; so did he to all the cities of the children of Ammon: and David
returned, with all the army to Jerusalem. (2 Kings/Samuel 12:31) Douay-Rheims

The 1611 King James and the 1897 American Standard is less explicit, but they
make the point.

31And he brought forth the people that were therein, and put them under saws, and
under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the
brick kiln: and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon. (2 Sam.
12:31 KJV)

Every modern version says David put them at labor with saws, axes and made them
work in brick kilns. This is not scholarship, this is whitewashing.

31And he brought forth the people who were in it, and set them [to labor] with saws
and iron picks and iron axes, and made them toil [pass] at the brick kilns; and thus
he did to all the cities of the Ammonites. Then David and all the people returned to
Jerusalem. (2 Sam. 12:31)

As a check, Strong's dictionary and concordance is useful. What the revisionists did
was to add "labor" and change "pass" to "toil". David's crimes were so horrendous
that the revisionists felt compelled to cover it up.

Respuesta Mensaje 40 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 02:51

Virgo the Virgin
Virgo is depicted as a woman with grain stalks in her hand. This is when the harvest
is milled into flour. As the sun descends to the equator, troubles start to emerge.
The subject changes to female problems.

Adultery and murder

One afternoon from his rooftop in Jerusalem, David saw a beautiful woman bathing.
He learned that her name was Batsheba, the wife of Uriah, a Hittite soldier in his
army. Unable to contain his lust, David had her brought to him. (2 Sam. 11:1-5

4So David sent messengers, and took her; and she came to him, and he lay with
her. (2 Sam. 11:4)

To mask his lechery and her pregnancy, David had Uriah assigned to the forefront of
the battle lines where he was be sure to be killed. After her mourning, David
married her. The son she bore was to be named Solomon. (2 Sam. 11:6-27)

Mosaic Law forbade taking aliens as wives.

3You shall not make marriages with them, giving your daughters to their sons or
taking their daughters for your sons. (Deut. 7:3)

What this means for Christians who believe Jesus was a descendant of David
through Solomon (Matt. 1:6), is that Jesus was not a full blooded Jew. More so, Jesus'
ancestry was born out of an illegal and adulterous affair.

This story did not involve David directly, but it shows his callous attitude. It is stories
like this that would upset Christian censors if it was told in a different setting.

David's son Amnon fell in love with his sister Tamar. To get his sister alone in
private, Amnon pretended to be sick. When she came to nurse him, he raped her.
When she told David and her brother Absalom, David was angry but did nothing;
Absalom vowed revenge. Two years later, Absalom invited Amnon to a festivity.
When he got drunk, Absalom had him killed. Either out of anger or fearing
retaliation, Absalom exiled himself for three years. David was more upset by
Absalom's self enforced exile than he was by the loss of Amnon. (2 Sam. 13)

38So Absalom fled, and went to Geshur, and was there three years.
39And the spirit of the king longed to go forth to Absalom; for he was comforted
about Amnon, seeing he was dead. (2 Sam. 13:38-39)

Libra the Balance

The balance symbolizes the fall equinox when days and nights are equal. It is a time
for settling debts, getting organized and weighing the good against the bad.

Absalom's Coup
After two years, Absalom arranged a meeting with David and offered himself for
punishment. Instead, David kissed him affectionately. They settled their differences,
or so David had thought. (2 Sam.14:24-33)

For four years hence, Absalom turned politician, shaking hands and making
promises to get popular. At Hebron where David was crowned, he had himself
declared king of Hebron. The plan worked. His following grew to such strength that
David fled Jerusalem to avoid disaster, leaving ten concubines behind. To embarrass
his father, Absalom had his way with the concubine. (2 Sam. 15:1-16:22)

22So they pitched a tent for Absalom upon the roof; and Absalom went in to his
father's concubines in the sight of all Israel. (2 Sam. 16:22)

Finally, their forces met in battle. Absalom lost 20,000 men in the field and many
more in the countryside. Absalom was found hanging from a tree by his hair. David's
commander, Joab, impaled him with three spears. (2 Sam. 17:24-18:33)

David put his ten concubines under house guard for the rest of their lives, and had
nothing to do with them.

3And David came to his house at Jerusalem; and the king took the ten concubines
whom he had left to care for the house, and put them in a house under guard, and
provided for them, but did not go in to them. So they were shut up until the day of
their death, living as if in widowhood. (2 Sam. 20:3)

Sheba's Schism
A Benjaminite named Sheba lead the people of Israel away from David; the people
of Judah stayed loyal to David. To break the rebellion, David sent his soldiers, led by

Joab, to capture the city where Sheba and his followers were hiding. To get at them,
Joab's forces were about to break down the city wall.

Then a woman came to Joab with a plan. If he would not break down the wall, she
would have his head delivered. When she went back to the people to tell them her
plan, they cut off Sheba's head and threw it over the wall. The rebellion came to an
end. (2 Sam. 20)

22Then the woman went to all the people in her wisdom. And they cut off the head
of Sheba the son of Bichri, and threw it out to Joab. So he blew the trumpet, and
they dispersed from the city, every man to his home. And Joab returned to
Jerusalem to the king. (2 Sam. 20:22)

Human Sacrifice
There was a famine in the land that lasted three years. When David inquired, God
told him there was bloodguilt on Saul and his house for killing Gibeonites. (They
were supposed to be under protection since the days of Joshua, but Saul tried to
wipe them out.) So David went to the king of the Gibeonites to ask how to make
amends. The king suggested that David give them seven of Saul's sons for
retribution. David turned them over and they were impaled on the mountain of God,
at the beginning of barley harvest. This sacrifice was supposed to end the famine.
(2 Sam. 21:1-14)

Scorpio the Scorpion

The sun is getting weaker and the air is cold, remindful of a scorpion's sting.
Scorpions are seen as crawling creatures who frequent cracks, holes and other
secluded spots, so they are associated with acts of secrecy and evil. This is a time
of argument and conflict.

David's plague
God was angry at the people of Israel for some unspecified reason. So he told David
to take a census. After nine months, Joab reported 800,000 soldiers from Israel and
500,000 soldiers fro Judah. To put this outrageous number in perspective, estimates
of the size of the Roman Empire's army at the height of power, exceed 600,000

9And Joab gave the sum of the numbering of the people to the king: in Israel there
were eight hundred thousand valiant men who drew the sword, and the men of
Judah were five hundred thousand. (2 Sam. 24:9)

For reasons we will never know, after the census, David realized he sinned by
ordering the census. The word of God came to the prophet Gad. David had three
choices: three months of famine; three months of being pursued by foes; or three
days of pestilence throughout the land.

Now David had a strong sense of self preservation. It was better for the people to
die for his mistake, than for him to be chased by foes. So God sent a pestilence that
killed 70,000 people. When the angel of pestilence was about to enter Jerusalem,
God stopped him. (2 Sam. 24)

Sagittarius the Archer

At the Winter solstice on December 21, the sun enters the lowest point on the
horizon. The next three days are the darkest days of the year. The scorpion's stings
turn into the archer's arrows. The weakened sun is going to die on the solstice.

Bitter to the end

David had gotten so old that not even blankets could keep him warm. So his
servants sent him a young maid to lie next to him; there was no sex. He named
Solomon as his successor and died after ruling for forty years. (1 Kings 1:1-4, 10)

Even in his death bed, he had strong animosity in him to advice Solomon to
assassinate his enemies within the kingdom. (2 Kings 2:5-9)


Respuesta Mensaje 41 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2012 19:15



Istar con la luz como simbolo de la iluminacion.


The Ishtar Gate from Babylon; Puerta de Istar

De illuminati Part 33 (Stargate) -







Respuesta Mensaje 42 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 05:16


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.

We ended the last article by stating that in order to recover the truths regarding the
question "Whom is Jesus Christ" then 4 areas of study will be necessary. It is to
these areas of study we now turn in order to determine whom this "Jesus Christ" of
the New Testament really is and how he was understood by the Ancients and writers
of the New Testament. These 4 areas of study are:

The Analysis Of the Search for a Historical Jesus If He Actually Ever Existed, Which Is
Very Doubtful In Our Post-Enlightenment Age
The Analysis Of Gnosticism And The Early Gnostic Christains Which Was The Earliest
Expression Of Christianity Before The Rise Or Orthodox Roman Christianity And Its
The Analysis Of Comparative Religions And The Many Parallels And
Correspondences That Exist To The "Jesus Story"
The Analysis Of Solar Mythology And The Personification Of The Sun As It Travels
Through The Visible Sky In A Solar Year And Through The Zodica Which Provides The
Myths That Comprise Rome's Later "Jesus Story"
I will deal with these "areas" of study in more detail later but this is but a short
introduction for what lies ahead. This article will help begin to open our eyes to what
lies behind the "Jesus Story" but mind you this is but a short introduction to the
more in-depth studies that come later. You might say we are just getting "or feet


We begin with the recorded history surrounding Jesus Christ in the first century, or
should I say the "lack of it" along with examination of the text of the New

Troubling most for me during my years of study was the fact that there isn't a single
"unforged" reference to Jesus Christ anywhere in recorded history for the time he
supposedly lived. The few references which some say allude to him are, according
to modern scholarship, forged or manufactured long after the original writing in
question in order to bolster support for the existence of a "historical Jesus" in the
face of accusations to the contrary by Christian detractors. What should be
inconceivable to a "thinking believer" is that during the alleged time of Jesus not
one writer, either Jewish or Gentile, bothered to write down anything about this
most extraordinary person and presumed Messiah. Many people alive at that time
wrote extensively about everything that happened for it was a very troublesome
time in the Middle East, and yet there is not a single reference to Jesus anywhere in
all this wealth of first hand accounts. This strange silence on Jesus Christ which
pervades almost a century of Christian correspondence cries out for explanation.
Modern scholarship to day will tell us that all references to Jesus Christ outside of
this "one" book given to the world by Rome are either forged, fabricated, or purely
invented in order to place this "Jesus Christ" into a historical time-line of Rome's
choosing. Of course they chose the Messianic time-line of the Jews but ironically the
Jews tell us today that their expected Messiah never appeared and never fulfilled
the expected Jewish and Hebrew prophecies in their Hebrew Scriptures.

If one does some serious study and examines when the New Testament of Rome
was truly written they discover that the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John; the
four books detailing the life of Jesus) are not referenced in any writings by any
Christian writer or Church Father until the later half of the second century, a full 140
years after the "Christ Event" supposedly happened. You need to let that register.
Not one reference to any of these 4 Gospels by name can be found in any Christian
writer until after 180 A.D.

Answer for yourself: Would you stop for a second and ask yourself how that can be
since harsh debates with the Jews and the emerging Roman Christianity were
ongoing during these years.

But Rome will have their own dates to authenticate their "tradition". Even the
Catholic Church admits a date of 70 A.D. for the earliest Gospel, a full 40 years after
the alleged event. Some Bible Scholars accept this tradition but other more
trustworthy Modern Scholars who possess the knowledge claim the Gospels were
written in 170 A.D. mainly because there is no reference to them by anyone,
Christian or non-Christian, prior to that time, especially by certain people who

definitely would have included references to them had they existed. Justin Martyr,
the first "Apologist" mentions no Gospel in his prolific writings in 150 A.D. in his
debates with the Jews. This is where our inquiry has to begin and this will be
addressed as we make our way through this website.

Next we must look into comparative religion. We already have addressed this in
detail on prior websites by this ministry. But a few comments are necessary.


Gnosticism flourished in Egypt and Western Asia between 250 B.C. and AD. 400. It
was a Theosophic movement made up of elements of Egyptian mythology, Indian
metaphysics, Judaism, and Greek philosophy. Gnosticism was overwhelmed by
Christianity in the fourth century, AD., but some of the lost Gnostic literature has
been recovered, and I shall briefly consider it. The ancient Gnostics were those who
"knew", just as the modern Agnostics are those who "do not know". Gnostics
believed in a Supreme God who was both unknown and unknowable. This unknown
god was not the creator of the world; this task was delegated to lesser gods, who
were emanations of this Supreme God. Egypt called this the "many in the One".
These subordinate gods or emanations (attributes) from the One true God, who
created and governed the world, were called "Aeons". Among the Aeons were:

The Logos (The Word, Christ [masculine])

Sophia (Wisdom [feminine])
Nous (Mind)
Phronesis (Judgment)
Dynamis (Power)
What I uncovered in my studies is that all of the above are but attributes of the One
Supreme God, yet they exist separately but yet are interrelated. The Supreme God
and the Aeons altogether formed the Pleroma (Fullness of the Godhead).

Col 1:19 19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell; (KJV)

Col 2:8-9 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after
the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 9 For in
him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. (KJV)

In the Gospel of St. John, the Logos, or Word, is identified with "the Christ" which to
these earliest writers was not a "historical fleshly person" but a manifestation of
God existing in the metaphysical realm. The Gnostic influence among the primitive
Christians was very strong. St. Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, was Gnostic. As
Rhys has observed: It will be noticed that generally speaking the earlier Epistles
show signs of Gnostic influence, while the later show signs of anti-Gnostic bias. In
the earlier epistles long before Rome's later forgery of the First New Testament, "the
Christ" is spoken of as a spiritual being who has always existed. . . . This Christ spirit
was in Paul himself, just as it had been in Jesus: "Christ liveth in me." (Galatians
2:20) (Rhys, Shaken Creeds, p. 39.) A later Christian Gnostic, Manes (216-275),
formed a sect known as the Manichaeans. The Manichaeans according to Rhys,
"believed that Jesus descended from heaven in the form of a man about thirty years
of age. His body was illusory, as he was in reality a purely spiritual being; and in the
same way the dove (Holy Spirit) which descended upon him, or rather into him, at
his baptism was also an illusion." This explains why Paul never concerns himself
with a "fleshly Jesus" or mentions hardly any teachings associated with the later
traditions of "Jesus of Nazareth". Paul's Christ was not a human being; that is until
Rome makes it look that way by later forgeries of anti-Gnostic writings to which they
attach Paul's name thereby giving these anti-Gnostic forgeries immediate

Manes, the founder of this sect called Manichaeans, described the Virgin Birth story
as a fable which had grown up around the imaginary figure of this pre-existing spirit
Jesus, and drew attention to the fact that no first-hand witness gave evidence to its
occurrence. (Rhys, Shaken Creeds, p. 173.) A later form of Manichaean Gnosticism
was established in the late sixth century of Mazdak, who combined his religious
doctrine with socialism: Mazdakism is mentioned in Chapter XLI of Gibbon's Decline
and Fall of the Roman Empire, and Professor J. B. Bury appended the following note
on this esoteric cult: Its religious character distinguished Mazdakism from all
modern socialistic theories. His doctrines were embraced by the ancient Gnostics
and Mazdak was enrolled by them with Thoth, Saturn, Zoroaster, Pythagoras,
Epicurus, John and Christ as teachers of the true Gnostic doctrines (Gibbon, History
of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. by Oliphant Smeaton, Vol. II,
Modern Library Two-Volume Edition, pp. 255-256).

If you wish to do your own study into this most important area of study of the
earliest understandings of "the allegorical or Gnostic Christ" then I recommend to
the readers that you consider:

Gnosticism, Judaism, and Egyptian Christianity by Birger Pearson

Fragments of a Faith Forgotten by G. R. S. Mead
Pistis Sophia, A Gnostic Gospel by G. R. S. Mead
Did Jesus Live 100 B. C.?, by G. R. S. Mead,
Thrice Greatest Hermes by G. R. S. Mead,
Shadow of the Third Century, Dr. Alvin Boyd Kuhn,
Early Christian Heresies by Joan O'Grady
The True Origins of Christianity and the Bible by Andrew Benson
The Beginning Of Christianity by Andrew Welburn
The Historical Jesus And The Mythical Christ by Gerald Massey
Jung And The Lost Gospels by Stephan Hoeller
Gnosticism: New Light On The Ancient Tradition by Stephan Hoeller
Gnosis: The Nature & History Of Gnosticism by Kurt Rudolph
The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels
The Gnostic Paul by Elaine Pagels
The Gnostic Scriptures by Bentley Layton
I discovered in all of my studies over these years that after the Roman Emperor
Constantine made the Christian religion the State religion of the empire the
remaining Gnostics were persecuted out of existence and their literature was
destroyed. How and why Gnosticism was destroyed by organized Christianity is, as a
rule, glossed over in history textbooks. One American scholar has penned an
accurate and colorful account of these episodes. I ask the reader to read the
following slowly and gleam the truths from it that I have found reiterated
consistently throughout my studies by many infallible proofs:

"Preceding Christianity there was a school of science and philosophy which had
accumulated practically all the wisdom and knowledge understandable to mankind.
The object was to broadly educate the masses of the people by a unit system which
would give to humanity a wisdom in common. This was the most potential period in
human intellectual advancement the world has known. This school was called
Gnosticism. Gnosis means to know - knowledge. Christianity means to believe ignorance. These are the two schools; the one advocating the universal education of
men, the other the universal ignorance of men. The one desired to develop the unit
man, the other desired to suppress the unit and level all mankind to a common
plastic mass. To accomplish this necessitated the suppressing of all extant
knowledge; the closing of all the avenues through which people might acquire
independent learning, education and intellectual training, and the debasement of
humanity in abject ignorance The school which pitted itself against Gnosticism
assumed the name Ecclesia. This name at once identified the purpose for which the
organization was created to seize control of government, that it might exploit
mankind for profit, and for its own glorification. Temporal power was the church
goal. The name Ecclesia was derived from the Greek, and signified the legislative
body which governed ancient Athens long before Christianity was invented. The first
essential act of the Ecciesiasts was to suppress Gnosticism, and confiscate its vast
accumulation of wisdom and knowledge, in order to control the education of future
generations in a manner to adjust mankind to its purposes. Therefore the Gnostic
wisdom was not wholly lost to the world but its great, universal educational system
was supplanted and displaced. It is a well-established historical fact, not denied by
the church that it required about 500 years to accomplish this submersion of
Gnosticism, and to degrade the new generations in ignorance equal to the state of
imbecility. History again points its accusing finger at the living evidence. The
horrible results of such a crime against nature and mankind are pictured in the Dark
Ages .. . Not even priests or prelates were permitted to learn to read or write. Even
bishops could barely spell out their Latin. During this period of mental darkness, the
ignorant masses were trained in intolerance, bigotry, fanaticism, and superstitious
fear of an invisible power secretly controlled by the church; all of which begat a
state of hysteria and imbecility. Through this terrorism popes seized control of the
temporal power, retaining this control for nearly 500 years. They appointed and
deposed kings at will, hence they dictated legislation to their ends and purposes the very essence of government . . . This process of legislating evil into mankind is
to vindicate that damnable doctrine of original sin, which slanders nature and
insults all mankind . . . Originally the motive was to confiscate the intellects of man,
but the modern policy is much more concerned in confiscating their personal rights
and property. Here is the other aspect of the suppression of Gnosticism. Its method
of teaching was an understandable symbolism. It specifically recognized nature as
the great teacher, and visible things as the traditional records of past events, in
progressive evolution from the lowest state to the highest, with thinking, reasoning
man as the highest evoluted being. Man did not fall, he was raised up by a natural
promotion. Hence every man was a Gnostic to the extent of his accumulated

knowledge and understanding. Thus each unit man became a teacher, and all men
were given equal rights in the acquirement of knowledge. It was wholly an
educational system, and a natural consequence in evolution. The Ecciesiasts, the
Roman church, being thoroughly familiar with the Gnostic wisdom concerning
astronomy, chemistry, and mathematics, as demonstrated by the splendid systems
of Babylon, Egypt and Assyria, conceived the idea of developing a religio-political
form of universal government, to control and exploit the future generations of
people upon the earth through living, personified agents of the imaginary heavenly
powers. . . to monopolize such a divine power as that contemplated it was
necessary to personify nature, using the Gnostic system of symbolisms, and to give
to these wholly imaginary beings names and functions. The Gnostic system had to
be confiscated, and Gnosticism suppressed, to prevent exposure. This is why
Christianity is so viciously antagonistic towards science and philosophy (Thomas
Sawyer Spivey, . The Last of The Gnostic Masters, Beverly Hills, California: Published
by the author, 1926, pp. 544-551.)

Let me say in closing this part of the article that once I obtained a through
understanding of Ancient Gnosticism I could see the terrible and horrific
transformation of their earlier and simpler Ancient truths as presented through the
hands of Rome today that line the pages of our New Testaments. Not only would
Rome burn the libraries of the world for hundreds of years to eradicate this prior
knowledge of the Divine as understood since the beginning of time on this planet
but would be responsible for the tragic reinterpretation of all things "Gnostic" and in
so doing present the world with a counterfeit religion in the name of a "historical
Jesus" which up to that time has been treasured and believed by the Ancient
Egyptians on down through every successive nation as the "Christ Within" which
was of a Mystical Nature and not possessing "flesh" of any sort. Paul and his
authentic 7 epistles taught it correctly:

Col 1:27 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this
mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: (KJV)

Gal 4:19 19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed
in you, (KJV)

Respuesta Mensaje 43 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 05:17

Paul and the earliest Christians, which I found upon my intense studies and the
reading of the best of the books on these issues that exist today, knew no
"Historical Jesus" and had no belief in a "fleshly Jesus of Nazareth". I discovered that
only later with Rome's falsification and forgery of the earlier existing Gnostic New
Testament presented by Marcion will the "Mystical Christ Within" and the "Gnostic
Christ" be given "flesh" and in so doing be able now to be fit into a historical timeline of Rome's choosing. Our websites deal with this issue in detail. The more I
studied the more my "Historical Jesus" began to vanish into the background of
Rome's lies and deceptions and alterations of "the faith once given to the Saints
which was definitely as I was finding more "Mystical" than "literal-historical". I have
studied these areas and allied areas of study in detail along with Egyptian studies as
they are related for over the last 6 years and the more that I study the more I see
that this view of the Ancients Egyptian "Karast/Christ" is accurate to the earliest
wisdom of the Ancients. My turmoil at discovering uneasy things concerning my
Jesus finally turned into harmony and peace the more I found these Ancient Truths
for myself and saw God as the earliest Ancients understood Him and these earliest
Ancient Divine Truths which were captured for all Eternity through the medium of
allegory and myths. Finally I found the peace and truth behind the "Jesus Story" but
there were other problems that yet needed my attention if I were to cover all my
bases in getting to the bottom of the "Jesus Story". I had yet to deal with the realm
of Comparative Religion to the degree necessary as well as Mythology. That was
next on the agenda.


Following graduation from Seminary more study into the "Jewish Jesus" and "the
Christ" only disconcerted me more. It was in such studies that I found myself up to
my neck in reasons why the Jewish rabbis did not believe in my "Christian Jesus".
Well at that time I was not going to "accept" their denial as "the ultimate truth" for I
had been conditioned to believe the "Jews were blinded" to "the Christ". But in being
an "apologist" myself as a Christian Pastor in a mega church in Dallas and trying to
disprove these "Jewish" arguments against my "Jesus" I encountered book after
book that began to open my eyes to what had happened over the Dark Ages by
Rome and how they had altered the earliest understandings of "the Christ".In fact I
found over time that the concept of "Jesus Christ" originated in Egypt no less. It was
when reading many books on Comparative Religion that I uncovered and saw for

myself the hard fact that the "Jesus Story", from beginning to end, had existed
thousands of years prior to the alleged time of Jesus; in fact it began in Ancient
Egypt thousands and thousands of years ago. If one looks into such study he finds
that many other religions have identical stories of a crucified savior who was
resurrected and ascended 3 days following their deaths; and it only begins there. I
was to find over time as I studied Astronomy and Egyptian religion that the whole of
the "Jesus Story" from beginning to end in the Gospel was "written in the stars".

The fruit of my studies in comparative religion as I contrasted it with the "Jesus

Story" in the New Testament showed plainly that the exact same story and the
various accounts and events in the "Jesus Story" already existed in numerous
religions prior to the alleged time of Jesus dating thousands of years earlier. This I
came to understand because other nations, not only being influenced by Egypt, but
seeing these same events in the Sky and Heavens, used similar allegory to express
what they saw and understood was God "speaking to them". I was overwhelmed
when I discovered that the accounts of Chrishna, Horus, Orpheus, Bacchus, Osiris,
Dionysus, Buddha, Apollo, Hercules, Adonis, Ormuzd, Mithras, Indra, dipus,
Quetzalcoatle, etc., all read like the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament. But my fear
upon seeing such things in my studies would turn to "joy" as I continued to study
and see for myself how these Ancient Spiritual Masters expressed what they saw in
the Sky and the Heavens in "allegories" which were to be understood not in a
"literal" sense but in a way that revealed deeper truths about God and His message
to all mankind. It is these "allegories" and deeper truths which are lost to us today
because Rome would later discount and reinterpret these Ancient "truths" as if
"literal" and in so doing mankind lost the truth about the "Mystical Christ" and the
"Mythical Christ" which mankind had understood since the beginning of time.

My studies would show me that other than the names being changed in each
nation's recital of this "Mystical and Mythical Christ" the ancient story read the same
from nation to nation. The motif of a Crucified Savior was already existent
thousands of years prior to the alleged time of a "Historical Jesus". When reading
comparative religions I found that they basically all had virgin births, were visited by
wise men and shepherds, were given the same 3 gifts, had to flee a king which
desired to kill the new born infant, was tempted by a devil, turned water into wine,
raised the dead, walked on water, had transfigurations and shinned brightly, had 12
dedicated disciples, were betrayed by 30 pieces of silver, were pieced, had a twin
for a disciple, were wounded in the house of their friends, were crucified between
two thieves, had darkness at their deaths, was dead for 3 days, raised from the
dead after 3 days and ascended, was expected to return, etc. The story was the
same. Even a blind man could see that there is a common story here or a common
mythology that ties all these stories of these sungods together with the Christian's

"Jesus Story". The more I read about the "Jesus Story" and saw its origin as far back
as Egypt then I seriously had to doubt the "Jesus Story" of the New Testament being
a divine and unique revelation as presented by Rome as they cast it in a "literal"
motif. The more I studied it appeared as if my "Jesus Story" was a historical fraud. I
began to wonder where I could find any truth concerning this supposed "Jesus
Christ" of history the more I studied comparative religions as well as the texts of the
New Testament which are replete with forgeries when compared with the Hebrew
Scriptures. What is even more startling is that Early Christian apologists admitted
this themselves in their writings when confronted by those by Celsus and many
others who exposed such Christian plagiarism in the first and early centuries and
believe it or not Christianity's only answer is that they tried to explain this all away
by saying that this plagiarism and "replay of the lives of the Solar gods in their Jesus
Story" was the work of the Devil. This is laughable and their detractors thought the
same as well.

Now hold on. The Bishop of Carthage, Tertullian, says that Christians were
considered as sun worshippers because they prayed towards the east just like their
pagan counterparts who also worshipped the sun. Tertullian goes on to say, You say
we worship the sun; so do you. (Catholic Encyclopedia, xiv, 525; Ad. Nationes, xiii;
Ante-Nicene Father. iii, 123). Here we have the testimony of a highly esteemed
Christian Early Church Father who admits to this plagiarism.

Answer for yourself: How much do you know about Tertullian?

Tertullian went on to renounce Christianity and admitted that he was in error in

accepting the "Christian interpretation of 'the Christ'".

When challenged by their opponents the Christian's general argument was, "What
better way to for the Devil to combat our True Religion than for the Devil to have
previously created a whole bunch of false religions identical to our True Religion." I
don't know how gullible you have to be to believe such a thing but they had not
another course of action when called out; they were exposed as copy cats and they
knew it! It is we who don't today!


I had to know how this "Jesus Story" had begun in the beginning and where it had
come from. Desiring to know how the "Jesus Story" began I began to trace the
"Jesus Story" backwards down through history. Over time I would find that all roads
led to Egypt. Chronologically other nations down through history inherited the
Egyptian wisdom where they adopted these "doctrines" and that explains why the
events were the same but only the names of the characters were different in the
various "Jesus Stories" down through history. In such study I ran into the revelation
that the whole "Jesus Story", as well as the stories of all the other crucified saviors
and godmen prior to Jesus, were nothing more than an allegory of the Sun's annual
journey through the Zodiac and the transit of the Sun and stars through the 4
seasons of the year (the Spring equinox, the Summer solstice, the Autumn equinox,
and the Winter solstice). I quickly realized that this one solar event, the path of the
Sun through the Heavens, repeated and observed by mankind year after year, for
thousands of years, recorded and chronicled by all nations for thousands and
thousands of years, explains why all these stories of the sungods and Jesus are
essentially the same. The allegory of the personified Sun in its path through the sky
was the original precursor to the "Jesus Story" in my New Testament.

I quickly came to realize that the parallels of the Ancient legends and myths (as told
by the Ancients of the personified Sun in it annual path as it travels through the
Zodiac) with the "Jesus Story" are so numerous that it is impossible to explain them
away as just a coincidence. During the course of such study I was so overwhelmed
by what I saw at first I could not believe what I was encountering; in fact I began a
simultaneous study of Astronomy and Astrology in order to see for myself the "Jesus
Story" in the sky. The fruit of such study was the personal accumulation of mounds
of data that showed without a doubt that the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament is
nothing more than Rome's plagiarism of the personification of Sun and its path
through the sky. Never had I dreamed when in Seminary that my studies would ever
lead into such areas as Comparative Religions and Solar Mythology but pursuing
such studies in these areas proved beyond any doubt that the "Jesus Story" is just
an allegory for the sun passing through the Zodiac and the passage of the seasons
of the year. This common origin, the personification of the Sun by nation after
nation, explains why all the stories of crucified saviors are essentially the same as
the "Jesus Story" of the New Testament.

As a "retired Pastor", and moved by what my studies revealed, I feel moved to share
this information and evidence from such studies with those interested in the truth
behind the origin for "Jesus Story" which is taught to the world today as a historical
reality when in fact it is not. In the website that follows such evidence will be
presented to the reader in hopes that the missing puzzle pieces concerning the
"Jesus Story" will be plainly evident to him and he can, in the light of such

knowledge, no longer be deceived by the astrological allegory of "the Christ" as

found in the New Testament which is erroneously taught "literally" today. I make
very few promises to our readers but I make this one now:

If you do these studies, and read these articles on this website then you will be
thoroughly convinced as I was that the "Jesus Story" was never meant to be
understood "literally" as it has been taught to you and me.
Thus the worship of Jesus or connecting him with God or believing him God is the
grossest idolatry according to Moses and the Ten Commandments and a terrible
affront to the Creator.

When all the evidence is amassed from History, Comparative religion, and Solar
mythology and compared with the accounts of New Testament and its "Jesus Story"
then any thinking believer will be convinced that the depiction of Jesus Christ as
found in the New Testament is not the Jewish Messiah and not even a real historical
person. He is just a myth. But?


There is one thing I have found that cannot be denied from my studies of Egypt and
Egyptian Religion; namely, that myths and legends are vehicles for truth and often
Divine Truths from the Creator. The Ancient sages and priest immortalized these
Divine Truth by the agency of myth to ensure their eternity and immorality and they
yet live today thousands of years later. These myths, legends, and stores told that
captured these Divine Truths might not be "real" but that does not mean that the
Divine Truths held within these myths are not "real". Although the "Osiris Story"
might not be real that does not mean that it is not chocked full of Divine Truths
recognized by the Ancient Magi, sages, and priests of Egypt. The same applies to
the "Jesus Story" (in places)!

Now for some really good news for all Christians. Although the "Jesus Story" might
be not a historical truth that does not mean we cannot, once understanding that is
is but an allegory that was later "literalized", look within it for God's Divine Truth to
us for when you do you will find that such Divine Truths rest within it as well. It is
important to understand that we find "truth" often in myths and legends for no myth
exists that has not a seed of truth within it.

What I also uncovered when getting to the bottom of the origin of the "Jesus Story"
is that the New Testament Jesus can be understood in many different ways and in so
doing yet communicate Divine Truth to the reader.

Historically...(myth taught through the medium of a presumed historical person to

serve as an example to be emulated by all mankind)
Mythically...(personification of the Sun and its path through the Zodiac and the 4
seasons of the year)
Mystically...(expressing a hidden teaching, a secret doctrine, given under strict and
exacting conditions to approved candidates by the Masters of Wisdom regarding the
descent of the Logos into matter, ie., mankind). Paul speaks of this:
Col 1:27 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this
mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: (KJV)


It goes without saying that we all begin to read and study the Bible from a "literal"
perspective assuming that it is the vehicle for "literal truth" about Jesus Christ,
never realizing that often these stories were written to be understood as allegories
by the original writers and their later "copyists".

I now random study of Bet Emet Websites can be "confusing"; that is why we
caution readers to "study in order"! Bet Emet Ministries began several years ago to
present websites dealing with Christianity which adopted this "Literal Interpretation"
of Jesus in the "Jesus Story" since the "literal" approach toward Jesus in the New
Testament is taught today by almost all of Christianity as they assume that Jesus
Christ was a historical person. We all grow up in the Western Hemisphere assuming
that the "Jesus Story" is a historical reality; that is until we do the serious study of
our faith required to get to the bottom of the "Jesus Story" and the religious
synthesis within it. Many of our websites, especially the early ones from years ago,
begin by approaching the "Jesus Story" from the historical-grammatical method of
interpretation because this is how we grow up and first get acquainted with the
"Jesus Story". This works well up to a point because in doing so we are presented
with a "Godly" example of a life to emulated as found in the Jesus of the New
Testament (for the most part). A life patterned after the Jesus of the "Jesus Story"
will hopefully issue forth in one bearing the fruit of morality and ethics and one lived
in the Fruit of the Spirit. This is the reason why Israel does not evangelize today
because Christianity has accomplished for them their task as God's Priesthood. The

non-Jew has learned of the God of Israel and has learned how to live in peace and
harmony through the teachings of Christianity. Sadly in all of this the main
character, "the Christ" has been so badly misrepresented. In such a way then Jesus
is our "pattern" for he, real or not, is the only Jew to ever witness to us and came
knocking on our door. As I say often it is sad that when we answered the door of our
lives we did not possess, at that time, enough knowledge that we could not
recognize that this Jew named Jesus, as God's "light to the Gentile world", came
dressed like the idolator Constantine teaching a replacement religion. We bought
into the Roman counterfeit and no wonder the Jews cannot accept our Roman Jesus.
But hopefully as your studies mature you begin to see that there are other ways to
understand the "Jesus Story". That is the great news I bring!

A few years later, as time allowed, we at Bet Emet provided a website dealing with
the Mystical Interpretation of the "Jesus Story" and "the Christ" as we showed that
was the religious belief of the earliest "believers" who were called the first
"Christians" or "Chrestians", long before Rome emerged to dominate the Christian
faith, did not accept a historical Jesus at all but rather understood "the Christ" as a
Divine Concept that lives within every man and woman and is not exclusive to just
one person as is portrayed today http://firstnewtestamentcom.

So 2/3 of our quest to restore to the world the hidden truths behind "the Christ" has
been realized. We have one to go. It has been a hard and long process for me to
accomplish but my task is about through when I complete this last website on the
"Mythical Jesus Christ" as seen in the stars.

Now it is time to devote a website to the comprehensive understanding of the

"Mythical Christ". In so doing we will prove that the "Jesus Story" is actually an
allegory for the path of the Sun "personified" as it travels through the 12 Houses of
the Zodiac & through the 4 seasons of the years (the Spring Equinox, the Summer
Solstice, the Autumn Equinox, and the Winter Solstice). You will come to see that
this is the oldest and most important story mankind has ever known as it is full of
Divine and Spiritual Truths that are to be understood "allegorically" and not
"literally" as we have erroneously been taught today by a literalized Christianity of
Rome's making.


A good teacher makes his students "think"; think thoughts that they have never
thought before in their whole lives. This short introduction is intended to do just
that; to get us to recognize and begin to notice what up to now has gone unnoticed
by the vast majority of Christians. This short introduction is intended to get our feet
wet and prepare us for a deeper look into these issues which lies just around the
corner. But let us think and begin our preparation for what comes next by expanding
our horizons by considering the following.

For most Christians , a "Christian astrology" or a Christian astronomy" cannot exist;

the very idea is a contradiction in terms (oxymoron is the fashionable word). But
you might be surprised by what you find if you look hard at Egypt and other nations
that had the "Jesus Story" thousands of years before the supposed historical Jesus
was supposed to have lived.

It was during my studies in recovering the Jewish Roots of my Christian faith as a

Pastor and ex-Seminary graduate that I first ran into this concept and wanting to be
apologetic for my faith I entered into such a study to prove my Christian faith
correct in the face of such challenges. A year later I had cried rivers of tears and
had a broken heart over what I uncovered. I was almost 45 years old and this
knowledge had completely escaped me while even going to Seminary no less. This
fact, that Christianity is a parody on the Sun and its path through the Zodiac, once
proven beyond any doubt, absolutely devastated me during my years of study
following Seminary and during the years of my Pastorate. I would finally resign my
Pastorship at a large mega church in Dallas having proven to myself that I was
preaching a false "Christ". I am indebted to Seminary however for it was there I was
equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to do such religious studies and
researches necessary to find these truths and do them well. Unlike most of the
graduates there I left Seminary and entered into my pastorate while yet consumed
with my studies. No time on the golf course for me.

Answer for yourself: But since Christianity begins with signs in the heavens and the
visit of Wise Men or Magi (literally, astrologers-astronomers) to the Christ child then
should this statement not tell us that something is amiss and we have not had a
proper understanding concerning the Bible, Astronomy, and possibly Astrology as
taught us by Christianity today? Has it ever dawned upon you yet that to investigate
the link between the stars and the "Jesus Story"? It took me several years with all of
my studies but I finally got there. I firmly believe the study of Jewish Roots of
Christianity, if done correctly, will take you to Egypt where you find the first
"Karast/Christ" from which all others originate.

Matt 2:1-10 1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod
the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where
is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are
come to worship him. 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was
troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief
priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ
should be born. 5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is
written by the prophet, 6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least
among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my
people Israel. 7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of
them diligently what time the star appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and
said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him,
bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. 9 When they had
heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went
before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. 10 When they
saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Who were these Magi and why would they be seeking a
presumed Jewish messiah of all things? These Magi were not Jewish for they were
from Iraq and were of another faith so why would they be concerned about a Jewish
king? This is a time bomb when it finally hits you but these Magi at the time of the
supposed birth of Jesus were an ancient priestly caste dwelling within the Parthian
empire that practiced astrology and what we now call astronomy!

Answer for yourself: Should we not be concerned why astrologers and astronomers
were seeking anything in Israel let alone another religion? What has astrology or
astronomy have to do with religion in the first place?

Well it has everything to do with it as all world religions find their origin in the
Heavens with the Sun and stars as they travel the Heavens whether they know it or
not and you the reader will come to see this soon.

The Bible itself states in its first chapter (Gen.1.14) that the lights in the heavens
were put there as "signs" and signs exist to be interpreted.

Gen 1:14 14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for
days, and years: (KJV)

Notice the book of Job:

Job 38:31-32 31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the
bands of Orion? 32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou
guide Arcturus with his sons? (KJV)

Answer for yourself: What is the "Mazzaroth"?

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon:

4216 mazzarah- Mazzaroth; the 12 signs of the Zodiac and their 36 associated

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Answer for yourself: What is the Zodiac doing in the Bible? I was taught it was evil
by my Christian church and told the people who do such things were going to hell.
Was that your experience? What is with this and have we been led astray in these
regards? How can the Zodiac be in the Bible and it be evil yet God speak about it in
such a positive light?

Ps 19:1 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his
handywork. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Were you aware that the origins of Hebrew astrology are
popularly attributed to Abraham or even Noah? How can these men be examples for
us yet involved in something that is supposed to be so evil?

Yet when you begin to look into these issues one finds that it the Zodiac can be
traced to Egypt in which the Hebrews at once lived as well as Babylon where later
we find the Jews living in exile. Beginning earlier with Egypt and later through the
influence of biblical figures like Daniel, who had access to the wisdom of the
Ancients in Babylon, or Ezekiel whose vision of the four creatures around the throne
has profound relations to the astrology of the elements and the four fixed signs, we
find that the Jews became well versed in both astronomy and astrology through
experiences with both Egypt and Babylon. We should expect to find such principles
as well behind the traditions we find in Judeo-Christianity and you will quickly come
to see that we can.

In fact, the book of Ezekiel is pure astrology. Ezekiel, in his vision, sees in sublime
form the Lords of the signs of the zodiac, the revolving planets, the constellations,
and the angels of the four points -- the elements; in Aquarius, the man; Taurus, the
ox; Leo, the lion; and Scorpio, the eagle.

Num 9:2 2 Let the children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed season.

Answer for yourself: How were they supposed to know when the "season" of
Passover had come? By watching the Sun, the moon, and the stars; in particular
watching for the Full Moon.

Exod 3:18 18 And they shall hearken to thy voice: and thou shalt come, thou and
the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt, and ye shall say unto him, The LORD
God of the Hebrews hath met with us: and now let us go, we beseech thee, three
days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God. (KJV)

You might not be ready for this yet here is a very important "key" to understanding
the "Jesus Story". When the Sun "PASSES - OVER" the CROSS of the Zodiac
(intersection of the celestial equator of the earth with the intersection of the
ecliptical orbit of the earth around the Sun) at the Vernal Equinox it is time for the
observance of the "passover". This will become clear as water as we continue our

Answer for yourself: Have you ever wondered what festival and what sacrifice Moses
asked the Pharaoh to allow his people to bring God as he asked that they be allowed
to go into desert in order to worship God? Did this special time, the "Passover" and
this "appointed season" already existed way back then long before Moses? Was this
the "passover" as we have been taught in the Bible or the "pass-over" of the Sun at
the Vernal Equinox as it crosses the intersection of the earth's celestial equator and
the ecliptic? Did Egypt already know of this "pass over" of the Sun at the Vernal or
Spring Equinox? You will understand later I assure you. Just keep up.


Now get ready for the shock of your life. Today, after more than 15 years of arduous
study I can say without a doubt that the Christian religion is nothing more than a retelling of the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions that were founded upon an
allegorical interpretation of the Sun and the stars and their movements in the
Heavens and sky. I mention "Hebrew" in the same breath as "Egyptian" because
modern scholarship today has shown that not only has Ezra corrupted much of the
ancient history of the Jewish people to hide their Egyptian roots and their Egyptian
parents when he "rewrote" the Hebrew Scriptures following their release by Persia
but that much of Christian religious dogmas and religious doctrines are but
aberrations and deviation from which the earliest Egyptians both believed about the
Creator and reasoned from their astute observations of the Sun, the Stars, and the
Constellations and their movements in the Heavens. In the same breath understand
that modern scholarship is proving today that the whole of the "Jesus Story" is little
more than the personification of the Sun and its path through the Zodiac and the

There is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN as they say.

It all began with Egypt but it does not end there. The ancient Egyptians held a set of
belief systems which were very primitive as far as simplicity but they were
extremely knowledgable in their understanding of the Cosmos as you will come to

see when you begin to study some of our websites that reveal this hidden
knowledge to you. It doesn't matter what religion you are today, there is a common
underlying source of ideas to all world religions and these ideas are what have come
down through history. Therefore all religions have certain things in common and
have all borrowed their current ideas and doctrines from older religions; by older I
mean Egypt and Sumer which preceded them. This can be seen by looking a
common symbolism common to all world religions in one way or the other...the Sun.
More to the point this explains why the "Jesus Story" is almost identical to the
previous stories and myths of the Sungods and Sun-godmen the world over but for
us we should be interested not so much about this myth, although it is important,
but how we are to interpret and understand this "Jesus Christ" and the "Christ Myth"
of the New Testament.

Space does not permit the full disclosure of what we have to share but let me
address some things in summary fashion as we begin our study. First of all, in
ancient times, there were certain things which obviously mystified the early people
and the were certain apparent features of the landscape which were difficult to
ignore. Of course I mean the Sun for ancient mankind looked upon the Sun as their
"Savior". If the sun, which is the source of all life fails to come up the next morning
the ancient people would not have lived long and they knew this. The Sun energizes
you with it's energy and causes the crops to grow through the process of
photosynthesis. The Sun gives up it's life force which is its energy to provide us with
warmth, food, and protection and many other things. So it could be said, and we
find that the Ancients did say and believe, that the Sun of God gives it's life up for
mankind and it is the TRUE SAVIOR for it has risen (daily). The Sun was mankind's
"Risen Savior".

Now before you go and say "they were sun-worshippers" you need to understand
their religion and that cannot be done when reading Christians who write of it as I
found but when you do your independent study from the hands of scholars and
historians then you see that these peoples did not worship the actual Sun but the
Sun was but a SYMBOL of the Divine God and Creator to them. When the ancient
people would track the Sun on the "Sun dial", as some still do today, they saw that
the Sun travels South until the Winter Solstice when it cold and harsh, representing
darkness and death and the Sun would stop "ON THE SUN DIAL FOR THREE DAYS
and on December 25th, the Sun would be said "To be BORN AGAIN" or be "BORN
FROM THE DEAD" as it was on the CROSS OF THE ZODIAC" after having died for
three days in which it had remained motionless on the southwestern horizon when it
set in the same place for 3 days in a row. The Ancients reasoned in this dead of

winter when the days were the coldest and possessed the shortest amount of light
and when food was the scarcest that "the Sun had died". But glory to God; on the
3rd day, on December 25th, on the Winter Solstices, the "Sun was risen" and had
been raised from the dead and began to set northward of this fixed 3 day position
once again on it ascension back toward the soon coming Vernal Equinox of Spring
when nature brought forth the fruits of its new "birth". December 25th is when the
Sun begins it's annual journey back to the Northern Hemisphere with its promise of
salvation through the medium of heat and light and the promise of a bountiful
harvest to come and this was recognized and celebrated in the Spring at the Vernal
Equinox (Easter) when the manifestation of this "prior birth" was fully realized with
the new greenery and food and Harvests of Spring.

Now this gets a little more technical. The Ancient calender also started at a different
time. Some began their calendar when the Sun entered into the constellation Virgo
(the constellation of the virgin) and ended it in Leo (the constellation of the Lion),
that is why some believe the Sphinx has the head of a Virgin and the Body of a Lion.
When the Sun of God was re-born, the Sun was in the Constellation of Virgo, so it
was said to be "Born of a Virgin".

Answer for yourself: You mean we get the concept of the Virgin Birth from the star
and the path of the Sun through a constellation in the sky? Yes we do.

The Sun was thought by the Ancient Egyptians to be the "Eye of God" or as called
"Eye of Horus". Ra was the Sun God in Egypt. His full name was Amen Ra.

Answer for yourself: Who was Amen? Do we as Christians end our prayers with the
name of an Egyptian god?

Well stop right here and understand how I used the word "god" for it refers to an
Egyptian concept of God called the "neteru". Stop right now and read the article on
the "neteru" please.

Amen or Amon was originally a local god from Thebes in Upper Egypt and he
became popular in the New Kingdom when kings from that town came to power. His
name meant - "the hidden one", suggesting that he once had been an invisible
natural spirit of some sort. He was thought to be self-created and was incorporated

with the old myths of how the whole world once was created. Texts from the Old
Kingdom mention him as connected with the force of life .

Answer for yourself: Do you end your prayers with "Amen"? Do you know that that
this name for God in the Egyptian religion is why we say "A-men" after our prayers
never realizing as Christians that this is but one of hundreds of parallels to the
Egyptian religion and myths of old that are hidden in the Christian faith as well as
Judaism? All of the Egyptian beliefs and customs that are built into our Christian
faith go unnoticed by the vast majority of Christians today but they are there at the
foundation of our Christian dogmas. The only problem is not that they are there but
that Rome changed the meaning of many of them and few know that we have
deviated from the earliest understanding of God given to this planet!

Take the origin of the Trinity, the father, the son (Sun), and the holy spirit for
example. Horus, the personified Son of the Sun God (did you catch that?), comes up
at the "Hor-izon". He is "Born" and this is understood as the beginning of the day at
dawn, at 12:00 noon he is the "Most High", and then the Sun "Sets" as sun-Set
(sunset); hence "Set" or "Satan", the prince of darkness does battle with the light of
the world (the Sun) and wins (death of the Sun/Son), until the Sun slips beneath the
"Hor-izon" and is dead. Of course this "SAME" Sun is "re-born" the next day at dawn.
This cycle of "death and rebirth" of the very "same Sun"is a Divine Concept that
undergirds the doctrine of "Eternal Life" not only as understood by Egypt but by
Christianity and Judaism as well.

Every dualism claims that there are two essentially different principles of reality.
Sometimes these two principles of are "symbolically" represented by pairs of
opposites; for example as light/darkness, knowledge/ignorance, spirit/matter (also
mind/body), good/evil, etc. The Trinity, in its oldest expression, is then but a further
representation of the evolution of this life principle found in the Cosmos and this
dualism within it. The only difference is the added "personification" of one of these
parts of this dualism whereby the "two principles" become "three". For example the
light of God becomes the "Son of God". The positive force or principle of life is
further divided into a subset of sorts where we end up in this case with the
Son of the Sun (light). So this dualism and the interplay of these basic "forces" or
"powers" which are basic "neteru" is later defined and symbolized in Egypt in the
process of "birth, or the beginning, mid-life starting in your teen years, and old age,
leading to death, the end of life". This "tension" between these two principles of
reality (light/dark, life/death) is also symbolized in other religions going very far
back. In India, there is Brahma, the Father, Vishnu, the Son, and Shiva. Egypt did the

same with Horus, the Son of the Sun of God. Horus is then easily understood as the
"Son of the Sun" or the Egyptian "Jesus"! One only has to contrast the hundreds and
hundreds of similarities of Horus and the New Testament Jesus to see this beyond
any doubt!

Answer for yourself: What should we have learned from this?

We must be on our toes to not interpret something as "Literal and Historical" when
the intended meaning by the writer and the Ancients was purely allegorical and in
so being expressed deeper "Spiritual Concepts" no less real as if discussing a
"historical entity".

In Malachi 4:2 of the Old Testament, it states "But unto you, fear my name, shall the
Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings."

Answer for yourself: What is this? Why does the verse say "the Sun" instead of "the

One only need look at the above symbol from Egypt of the Sun (gold disk) and his
wings. Does this echo Malachi 4:2 to you? It just so happens that Ancient man knew
that it was the will of God that man entrapped on this earth make his way to God
above whose home was believed to be in the Sky and Heaven above. So wings were
only "symbolic" for man's desire and intent to make his way to God eventually.

Answer for yourself: Jesus was supposed to have 12 apostles but some early Church
Fathers say he had only five? Could this reference to 12 be a reference to the 12
Houses of the Zodiac and not historically accurate to the historical record whom few
even know exists or does not exist depending on how you look at it?

Let us move on. God challenges Job, Have you fitted a curb to the Pleiades (a star
cluster in the Constellation Taurus), or loosened the bonds of Orion (another

Constellation which lies just off the ecliptic)? Can you bring forth theMazzaroth
(Zodiac) in their season, or guide the Bear with its train? Do you know the
ordinances of the heavens; can you put into effect their plan on the earth? (Job 38:

This text is referring to Astronomy rather than Astrology. The word Mazzaroth is the
Hebrew equivalent of the Greek word "Zodiac". Believe it or not this verse is all
about the Zodiac and the Constellations that lie around it. So this is a reference to
the Zodiac and astrology. The definition of Mazzaroth in the King James Version of
the bible is "The twelve houses of the zodiac".

Answer for yourself: What is hidden in the word for "Zodiac"?

The Hebrew word Zodi means; The Way.

Answer for yourself: What does "this Way" represent? Could it be understood as the
"way to God" and His message to mankind hidden in the Sky and the Heavens?

Acts 9:1-2. " Then Saul (Paul) still breathing threats and murder against the disciples
went to a high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogue of Damascus, so
that if he found any who were of "The Way" whether men or women he might bring
them bound up, to Jerusalem.

Acts 22:4 Paul said "I persecuted this "Way" to the death binding and delivering into
prisons both men and women"

Answer for yourself: Is the connection between the Zodiac and meaning "the way"
and the early Christian movement being called "thy way" just coincidence? You
better think long and hard on that one.

In other words earliest man understood that God was speaking to them from His
Heaven and it was this message originally understood my the earliest Spiritual
Masters of mankind (the Egyptian Priests and Sages) which was understood by them

as God's way and desire for mankind and mankind's path or road to inheriting God's

Let us look at another example. Jesus is said to have fed his people with two fishes
and five loaves.

Answer for yourself: Could this reference to these two fishes represent "Pisces" (a
constellation containing two fish) and the age of Pisces or that particular House of
the Zodiac which ruled the Vernal Equinox during the time for the supposed
"Historical Jesus"? Is this why Jesus of the New Testament is referred to as the "great
fisherman"? Is this also why the Pope's headdress is shaped like a fish and that the
symbol of the Christian age is the fish? If you turn it sideways you will see this.
Rome ruled the world for 2000 years under the age of Pisces. This explains why in
this same period of time, some 2,160 years that Pisces ruled the Vernal Equinox that
"Dogon" is the Philistine fish God. As you are beginning to see much of the Bible's
symbolism is wrapped up in Astronomical terminology which we mistakenly
understand today as if "literal" when in fact it was originally understood

What I have presented up to now is just the beginning of the evidence which proves
that the New Testament is Astrology to the core and that the "Jesus Story" is the
story of the Sun and its passage through the Zodiac later personified through a
historical depiction of "Jesus Christ" which was originally understood by the Ancients
as a Divine Allegory and was never understood as if a "historical person". The
Ancients understood that Osiris, Horus, Dionysus, Attis, and Mithra and others we
not "historical persons" but personifications and symbolism of Divine Concepts that
were working in God's Cosmos!!! Said another way these were but another symbolic
representation for what Egypt called "the neteru".

In Matthew 28:20 it states "Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age".

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 05:19

Answer for yourself: With everybody talking about the return of Jesus all the time
then have you ever noticed when consulting a Strong's Concordance or a Thayer's
Greek Lexicon that the New Testament changed the Greek word for "age" (aion) into
the word "world" when the word never said or meant that in the Greek? What is
being covered up here in manipulation of the texts?

What is being talked about here in this famous verse is the "End of the Age"! "But
which one" we should ask as there are many and each new age replaces the earlier
one every 2,160 years according to the Precession of the Equinoxes.

Answer for yourself: When was this "end of the Age" to occur or has it happened
yet? How many times has it happened down through recorded history? Did the end
of the Age occur for example when the Age of Taurus was replaced by the Age of
Aries? When the Age of Aries was replaced by the Age of Pisces? The answer is
"yes" to such questions.

As you are beginning to see this verse refers to the age of "Pisces" which was just
beginning just prior to the first century according to Roman reckoning of time. I
must stress again that this passage does not mean "end of the world" or some other
cataclysm. This makes such apocalyptic literature like the Book of Revelation for
example appear rather silly today when you understand the concepts as they were
originally understood. I cannot begin to tell you how far off we are as Christians
when trying to understand the New Testament since we possess little knowledge of
the "keys" necessary to interpret such a book written almost 2000 years ago. Thus
the end of the "Age" is often mistaken for the "end of the world", creating the
"Apocalypse fears" and a rash of new prophecies to quiet such fears. Let me
apologize to the reader but this information is again a little premature but with each
"end of an age" there is a change of the ruling constellation at the Vernal Equinox.
Each constellation rules for 2,160 years according to the Precession of the Equinox
and the moving of the Heavens by the "finger" of God. That explains why Mithra
was symbolic for God whom was understood as the "Great Kosmokrator"; the
"Mover of Heaven". More important for us is the fact that the more you study you
will come to see that there is a new interpretation of "the Karast/Christ" of God with
each one of these periods of 2,160 years and each period of 2,160 years is
connected with the ruling Constellation during that time at each Vernal Equinox and
its rule and reign lasts for this 2,160 years. This understanding and more "keys" will

come in time to the reader. As you know the Constellation Aquarius follows Pisces
and we await its arrival and with it another "end of the world/age".

Answer for yourself: What are we to do when the "Historical Jesus" does not appear
when the Age of Aquarius officially begins? He was to be with us till the "end of the
Age" but what about a "different Age"?

Answer for yourself: Were you aware that Joshua, whose name is often identified
with "Jesus" was called the Son of Nun, which in Hebrew means "fish"? Who is this
"Nun"? Could this be the Heavens and Sky in Egyptian Religion which is called
"Nun"? Nun is an Egyptian concept that represents chaos; the original ocean which
before the creation contained all the germs of all plants and animals. The Egyptians
called him "Father of the Gods". Sometimes he was found represented as a figure
plunged up to his waist in water, with his arms upreached to the gods.

The new "Age of Aquarius" is coming. The symbol for the age of Aquarius is the
"Water-bearer", or the man with a water pitcher.

In Luke 22:10, when Jesus is asked by his 12 apostles where he will go to settle his
new kingdom, he responds, "Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a
man meet you bearing a pitcher of water, follow him into the house where he
entereth in."

Answer for yourself: Is this a reference to the "House of Aquarius"?

In Matthew 12:32, "The holy spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the
age to come."

In Matthew 13:39, "The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are
angels". 13:40 "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the
end of the age". In

Matthew 24:3 "and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"

Luke 18:30 "the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age
and, in the age to come, eternal life."

First Corinthians 3:6, "We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the
mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age who are coming
to nothing".

Hebrews 6:5 "Who have tasted the goodness of the word of god and the powers of
the coming age". and in

Revelation 15:3 "Great and marvelous are you Lord God Almighty. Just and true are
your ways, King of the Ages."

The Sun, our Lord, is the King of the Ages and we are in the "End Times" and
entering a "New Age". There is nothing to fear in this regard, of a "New Age" or the
"End Times" for one only replaces the former.

As stated earlier the "Passover" is the Sun passing over the Cross of the Zodiac
which happens twice a year; at the Spring Equinox as the Sun moves into the
Northern Hemisphere and the Autumn Equinox when the Sun traces its path and
descends into the Southern Hemisphere. It is at this Autumn Equinox we see the
Sun moving toward the Winter Solstice from the Fall Equinox on its way to its death
and rebirth. This too was borrowed from the Hebrews who borrowed it from the


Notice with me the very interesting word Israel.

Israel (Is-Ra-El):
Isis (Moon)

Ra (Sun)
El (Saturn)
Answer for yourself: Did you before today know that Israel has strong Egyptian

Originally, there were 3 basic religions of astrology:

The Lunar Cult (Moon),

The Solar Cult (Sun) and
The Stellar Cult (Saturn).
Answer for yourself: Does that mean we should expect to find in Judaism and later
Christianity Lunar, Solar, and Stellar background for our "theologies"? It sure does!

The original Hebrew religion was based on the Lunar Cult and the moon, but went
back to the Stellar cult and the worship of El (Saturn). The Christians, as they
emerged and separated from Judaism, were bringing back elements of the Solar
Cult of the Sun. That is why there is the ongoing dispute about the correct day of
worship as well as the similarities between the "Jesus Story" and the path of the Sun
through the Heavens. The Hebrews worship on Saturday (Saturn) and the Christians
worship on Sunday (Sun). It is very simple if you understand what the priesthood is
hiding but it goes much more deeply than I have shown you at present.

In times of social change, new religious movements would respond to the demands
of the times. These movements were derived from the Ancient original traditions
but were also reactions against it. The new sects would eventually rewrite the old
doctrine to accommodate the new social views and reinterpret them through their
evolution as a specific sect or nation. In this way Buddhism was derived from
Hinduism and Christianity from Judaism (the emergence of Christianity was at the
time of the beginning of the age of Pisces...remember?). This helps explain why the
Age of Aries (Judaism) was "Lamb centered" since the ram/lamb was the symbol of
the Constellation Aries which parallels the emergence of Judaism and likewise the
fish the symbol of the Age of Pisces in which times or "age" Christianity emerged. As
you are beginning to see the validity of today's religions are entirely dependent
upon the earlier religions from which they were derived and evolved.

The first astronomers were in fact astrologers. As an interesting piece of information

we find that lacking all scientific knowledge these Ancients interpreted the sky as a
lid or cover on the earth, with the stars as distant holes through which heaven and
God were observed. It was if God and His eyes was watching them from behind a
barrier or a dark screen full of "holes". This Sky for them was the home of God; it
was His Heaven. From this perspective the sun appeared to be a small piece of the
deity seen through the distant holes. This was the birth of the Egyptian tradition of
Osiris, Isis and Horus (Ra). They associated the stars (holes) of Orion with Osiris, the
god who cared and provided for them. And to the left of him is the star Sirius which
they saw as his consort Isis. They ruled the kingdom of the dead, the kingdom at
night. And by the day Ra the Sun of God (early idealistic form of the Son of God)
ruled the land of the living.

On another of our Websites we show the reader that an important religious change
came in the year 1379 BC. The Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (whom many believe
was the Biblical Moses and himself a Pharaoh of Egypt) tried to change the evolved
religion of Egypt from the worship of many Gods and Osiris as the godman to the
worship of the one invisible Incorporeal Creator God. Since the rule of Pharaoh
Akhenaten most religions have encouraged parishioners to worship one chief deity.
And all chief deities were nothing more than personifications of the Sun since the
Sun was again "the Savior" of mankind. That list goes on and on back through
ancient history. Jesus is no different. Jesus, as the personification of the "Son of the
Sun" is referred to as Gods sun, the light of the world, who is our salvation because
he has risen. This hidden theology is evident in every Sun burst around the head of
Jesus as the personified Sun. In fact all Sun deities including Jesus have been
pictured wearing a sun disk as a crown. If you think this is far fetched, take a look at
how the Holy Bible describes Jesus. Revelation 1:7; "Behold, he cometh with clouds;
and every eye shall see him." There is only one light of the world every eye can see
that comes with clouds. That, of course, is the Sun. Even more in the New
Testament we also read how Jesus walked on water. Matthew 14:25; "And in the
fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea." All of us have
seen the sunset at the beach or shinning off a lake or river. The Sun appears to be
walking on the water as it casts its reflection off the water or off the moon. It is as
simple as that.

We are also told that the son of God died with a crown of thorns. Mark 15:17; "And
they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his
head," That is precisely how the Sun was pictured in ancient days, with a crown of
thorns, or sun rays. In antiquity, the sun-god was represented as the driver of a fiery

chariot who wore a crown of thorns or fiery rays. The chariot was the sun which was
pulled through the sky above the clouds by four horses that represented the four
seasons (Vernal equinox, Summer solstice, Autumn equinox, Winter solstice).

Over time as you can take note of the many evidences from your studies that the
Holy Bible is nothing more than a rewritten account of the most ancient story the
world has ever known, the story of the Zodiac and the path of the Sun and the
constellations through Heaven (the sky above). Jesus of Nazareth, Chrishna, Horus
and sixteen other saviors represent the Sun down through recorded history. The
largest and most important thing that appears to travel through the houses or
constellations of the Zodiac was the Sun. Over time the Ancients molded stories and
personified them and the "Sun became the Son of the Sun" and Divine Truths
connected with the Creator and His message to mankind as observed in the Laws of
His Cosmos and its working was handed down throughout history. Allegories were
later "literalized" and the myths lost their original meaning and the truths once held
sacred by the Ancient Priest of Egypt and other nations were lost when these
allegories and myths were later "literalized by Rome" when they turned the
"allegorical Christ into a historical Christ". We have a website describing how the
earliest Gnostic Jews and Gentiles were believers in the "allegorical Jesus Christ"
and not the "historical Jesus" of Rome's making over the first 5 centuries of the
Gentile Church.

The Bible is pure Astro-theology based on the zodiac.

Job 38:31; "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands
of Orion?"

Job 38:32, "Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide
Arcturas with his sons?"

Job 38:33; "Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?"

Orion, Arcturus and the Pleiades are all constellations. If you refer to the interpreting
dictionary in the back of the King James Bible, the word Mazzaroth means the
twelve signs of the zodiac. So God is asking Job; Can thou control Orion, Arcturas or

the Pleiades? Can thou bring forth a zodiac in the proper season? Knowest thou the
commands of heaven? This again is pure astronomy.

As you study you will find that many, many stories throughout the bible depict its
astrological origins. Let us learn right now that each astrological age is 2,160 years
long. And around the year 2200 we will enter into the next "New Age"; the Age of
Aquarius. In the scriptures Peter and John are told by Jesus to prepare for the "Passover" which is exactly what is to occur; namely, the passover to the next
astrological age.

We mentioned above the account in which Jesus feeds his followers with two fishes
symbolizing the two fishes in the Constellation Pisces which had just replaced the
Age of Aries. The text also mentions five loaves.

Matthew 14:15-21 15: When it was evening, the disciples came to him and said,
"This is a lonely place, and the day is now over; send the crowds away to go into the
villages and buy food for themselves." 16: Jesus said, "They need not go away; you
give them something to eat." 17: They said to him, "We have only five loaves here
and two fish." 18: And he said, "Bring them here to me." 19: Then he ordered the
crowds to sit down on the grass; and taking the five loaves and the two fish he
looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples,
and the disciples gave them to the crowds. 20: And they all ate and were satisfied.
And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. 21: And those
who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children.

The two fishes are in fact the two fishes of the constellation Pisces. Consequently
there are twelve baskets of leftovers, one for each house of the zodiac. Other stories
include Jesus Christ the Son of God born of a virgin, in reference to the constellation
of Virgo the Virgin; the golden calf story in relation to the astrological sign of Taurus
which was being replaced by Aries (ram/lamb) at the Vernal equinox in that age and
I could go on and on and show this information as we proceed throughout this

While today as Christians in the Western Hemisphere we might not know of the
connection between astrology and Christianity, middle ages Europe was very well

aware of the connections. Many European cathedrals exhibit symbols of the zodiac
in stained glass windows and other architectural features. In 1932, Archeologists
unearthed a fourth century synagogue in Israel. And in the very center of the
temple they found a beautiful mosaic of the Zodiac. It was a representation of God
surrounded by the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Rome ruled the religious world for two thousand years under the age of Pisces; thus
the fish is an appropriate symbol not only for Christianity but the Pope's miter (hat).
That's why Christians have the fish on the back of their car and not a ram/lamb
since we are no longer in the Age of Aries. Thus Jesus is referred to as the great
fisherman. The pope's miter is actually a fish head representative of Pisces. The
similarities and symbolism never seems to stop once you get the "keys" to their
interpretation of this Bible since it is a book based upon Astronomy and few realize
it; mistakenly interpreting it as if "literal" when it fact it is "allegorical" more than we
ever dreamed.


The reality is that modern religions are based on archaic astrological fables as we
will show you in detail in the following articles on this website. Don't take our word
for it; you need to see these things for yourself.

Of concern for us of course is the "Jesus Story" as depicted in the New Testament
and its reliability as understood "literally" since it is being taught as a literal truth
today about a historical man who lived 2000 years ago. You will come to see in time
as you study that the ancients understood this "Jesus Christ" entirely different for
how we have been taught today under the direction of Roman and Protestant
Christianity. Here are some big questions to ponder in light that most Christians
trust in this Jesus Christ for their Eternal Salvation.

Answer for yourself: Who or what is truly behind the name "Jesus Christ"? Can it be
proven that the "Jesus Story" is nothing but the personification of the Sun and its
passage through the various houses of the Zodiac as it passes through the 4
seasons and the equinoxes and solstices?

Answer for yourself: Are the infancy narratives and later depictions of the life and
ministry of Jesus Christ in the New Testament nothing more than solar stories told as
allegories which were later "literalized" and subsequently written into Rome's New
Testament and depicted as a literalized historical Jesus Christ when in fact they were
understood by the Ancients as astrological myths taken from astronomy?
Answer for yourself: Have we as Christians and followers of the "the Christ" been
deceived by Rome and spent a good part of our lives worshipping a man as God as
Rome has declared in their New Testament and the Nicean Council when in fact we
should have been worshipping the one true Creator as Moses instructed? Are we
guilty of idolatry and blasphemy as Christians because we have believed a fable no
more real than Snow White and the seven dwarfs?
Well the following study is not for the weak of heart as I will present infallible proofs
that the "Jesus Story" as depicted in the New Testament is but a hoax perpetrated
upon us by Rome in their hatred of Jewish Gnosticism back in the first century. You
will see as we move chronologically from one sign of the Zodiac to the other, from
month to month, from season to season, from Spring equinox to Summer solstice,
from Autumn equinox to Winter solstice, and repeat again this cycle, that the "Jesus
Story" as depicted in the New Testament is nothing more than the literalization by
Rome of the path of the Sun through the Zodiac along with other solar myths later
incorporated into their "Jesus Story" when literalized by Rome over the earliest
centuries A.D. In so doing you will see as I and many others have that we have not
been taught the truth about "the Christ within" and how this religious concept is so
integral to the proper worship of the Invisible God as Egypt taught. It would seem
that Egypt got it right in the beginning but thanks to Hellenism and Romanism we
lost these earliest and most correct Divine Concepts regarding God. We are truly
blessed today to live in an age where archeology and the information age can bring
these truths back to life for you and me.


If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all our Websites.
Included with the CD is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of
your Soul and its proper development through following the in-depth studies. There
is an order in which these numerous websites should be "studied" in order to
maximize your learning and spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as
to how you may obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's fifteen websites, or

should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen years. Many of these sites
are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman
Church intended you never come to know.

In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the
student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to
facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you
some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer
of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by
which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and
demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where
you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask
my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a
disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise.
A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but
a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you,
as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives
you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here,
but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed
the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in
fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do
so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience
the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!

Bet Emet Ministries

Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
902 Cardigan
Garland, Texas 75040
Home: 972-496-4238
Cell: 972-480-7690

Respuesta Mensaje 46 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 05:32

Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.


I provide the reader and avid student in our first article on this Website how he
might come to understand that there are 4 different areas of study that one must
master if he ever hopes to come to a proper understanding and interpretation of
"the Christ" of the New Testament. Since the Reformation the Bible has been put
back into the hands of the people, and the question that has risen among many
students of the Bible is whether or not the Scriptures should always be taken
literally. As is the case most Christians and believers in "the Christ" grow up from
childhood being taught a "literal-historical" understanding of the "Jesus Story" which
we find in the New Testament never knowing that archeology has proved today that
the earliest believers in "the Christ" never understood "Jesus Christ" as a just one
human being but rather understood the Divine Concept of "Jesus Christ" not in a
literal manner but in an "allegorical" manner. Yes, we are today literal in every
sense of the word when we first approach the New Testament but if we study hard
and gather needed knowledge about the times and the people who generated these
Ancient Divine Concepts we find that beneath what we have assumed was a "literal"
and "Historical Jesus Christ" are but allegories, figurations, and symbolisms of the
Sun, Stars, and Constellations and their path in the Heavens. On the surface this is
hard for the normative Christian to hear let alone contemplate as even remotely
possible. We have all grown up hearing from Christian teachers and pastors the

basic rule for a literal interpretation of the Scriptures: "When the plain sense of
Scripture makes sense, seek no other sense." But unknown to these preachers and
teachers of old from which we received our "traditions" is the now discovered facts
of modern scholarship that expose this axiom of New Testament "Literal"
interpretation as totally false since behind the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament
we find that those who gave us these Divine Concepts down through history were
people called "Gnostics" and they interpreted and wrote allegorically and not
literally in the times that they lived. History and archeology has shown us that there
existed both Jewish and non-Jewish Gnostics as believers in "the Christ" long before
Rome replaced the "allegorical interpretation" of "the Christ" with a "literal
interpretation" of "the Christ". If one for whatever reason begins a serious study of
the Christian Faith and its origin along with its Jewish Roots then he quickly finds
over time that behind the "Jesus Story" which we have assumed was a historical
account of a real person in the first century is multiple allegories for what would be
innocently the oldest and most important story humans ever knew or wrote down;
namely, that being the annual passage of the Sun through of the seasons of the
year (the Equinoxes and Solstices) as interpreted through the Ancient's
understanding of the path of the Sun, stars, and constellations in the Heavens which
influenced these very seasons of the year. The Ancient Priests and magi made up
stories which were allegories based on what they "literally" saw occur in the
Heavens. Later on, with the passage of much time, these stories took on a life of
their own, as the stories were passed down from generation to generation but the
knowledge of what the stories originally represented was lost. People started
believing their "inherited" stories were real and actual history of events that actually
really happened in the past, when originally the stories were nothing more than
allegories for what people saw happening in the Heavens with the Sun and the
Stars. The bottom line to all of this is that when one begins to study comparative
religion one finds to his amazement that the basic plot of the "Jesus Story",
including his life, ministry, and motif of a crucified and resurrected savior after 3
days being dead already existed in many other Aryan religions thousands of years
prior to the alleged time of the supposed "New Testament Jesus". The "Jesus Story"
is the oldest story recorded in the annals of mankind going back to Ancient
predynastic Egypt and beyond. One only has to read books by Jackson and G.
Massey to see this for themselves. This explains why there is not a shred of
legitimate historical evidence or any unforged evidence anywhere known today that
exits anywhere outside of this one Roman New Testament the validates that the
"Jesus Story" originated as a biography of a literal-historical man named "Jesus of
Nazareth". In fact there exists to the contrary a mountain of evidence that the New
Testament's account of "Jesus Christ" is not to be interpreted or understood in a
"Literal-Historical" setting as we have been taught.

The problem to which I refer concerns how we have been taught to "interpret" the
religious texts which we have inherited. The language of the Bible, when taken
"literally" instead of "allegorically", in many cases has a way of leading the unwary
reader not equipped with the "keys" to this religious puzzle into thinking it was
recording human historical events when, in reality, it was referring to the patterns of
the stars as well as their movement in the Heavens above. We will see the evidence
for this now and prove the prior statement as factual. We will prove this to the
reader and student beyond any doubt on this website with the articles that follow.
By way of introduction this is a website quite unlike our others at Bet Emet
Ministries in that in order to understand how the "Jesus Story" came from the stars
the student will need to become quite familiar with much astronomical terminology
as well as some astrology in order to follow and understand correctly how the "Jesus
Story" can be taken from the path of the Sun in the Zodiac as well as the stars and
constellations as they move in the Heavens throughout the year. With that in mind
we begin our introduction of this website introducing the reader to the necessary
astronomical concepts before examining the individual events in the life of Jesus as
found in the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament. Blessings: Craig Lyons M.Div.

4 Areas Of Study Necessary To Find The Truth About Jesus Christ

Restoring The "Keys" For Proper Interpretation Of "The Christ" #1

Restoring The "Keys" For Proper Interpretation Of "The Christ" #2
Restoring The "Keys" For Proper Interpretation Of "The Christ" #3
The Exodus Allegory And The Gnostic Creation Of The Jesus Myth Of The New
What Are We To Do With "Jesus Christ"? My Thoughts On Jesus After 20 Years Of
Study #1
What Are We To Do With "Jesus Christ"? My Thoughts On Jesus After 20 Years Of
Study #2
What Are We To Do With "Jesus Christ"? My Thoughts On Jesus After 20 Years Of
Study #3
What Are We To Do With "Jesus Christ"? My Thoughts On Jesus After 20 Years Of
Study #4
What Are We To Do With "Jesus Christ"? My Thoughts On Jesus After 20 Years Of
Study #5


Now it is time to view the factual evidence that exists today concerning the
"historical Jesus". I will let you draw your own conclusions after having read and
digested the information below.

Searching For The Historical Jesus

The Search For The Historical Jesus....Can We Find One?
The Impact Of The Dead Sea Scrolls On The Search For The Historical Jesus
The Early Jewish Writers And Their Silence Concerning The Historical Jesus
The Early Roman Writers And Their Silence Concerning The Historical Jesus
Was The Belief In A "Jesus" In The Late First Century Based Upon A Superstition?
What The Jews Really Believed About A Historical Jesus In The Early Centuries #1
What The Jews Really Believed About A Historical Jesus In The Early Centuries #2
The Search For The Historical Jesus...Did He Live In 100 B.C.E.?
Did The Historical Jesus Live In Another Time And In Another Place...In The 18th
Dynasty Of Egypt?
If you so desire I recommend our Egyptian...Christianity website....for truly the
information there is astounding and enlightening like nothing you have ever seen

Now it is time to get behind this "Jesus Story" and find the Divine Truth hidden in it
that is "true"!



Ancient Man And His Fear Of Darkness: The Origin For All World Religions
Ancient Astronomers And Solar Mythology: Did They Give Us The First "Jesus Story"?
The Bible And Astrology: What Is The Truth About Astrology?
Solar Mythology And The "Jesus Story"
Fixed And Wanderings Stars: What Is The Difference?
The Seasons Of The Year: Why Do They Change?
Precession Of The Equinoxes And Its Influence Upon The "Jesus Story"
The Celestial Sphere
Polaris: The Pole Star For Now
What Is The Zodiac?
The Planets, Zodiac, And Ecliptic
The Equinoxes And Solstices

Finding The Truth About Jesus In The "Jesus Story" In The New Testament
The Precession Of The Equinoxes
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac: Could This Be The Origin For The New
Testament "Jesus Story" #1
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Capricorn: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament "Jesus Story" #2
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Aquarius: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament "Jesus Story" #3
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Pisces: Could This Be The Origin For The New
Testament "Jesus Story" #4
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Aries: Could This Be The Origin For The New
Testament "Jesus Story" #5

Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Taurus: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament "Jesus Story" #6a
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Taurus: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament "Jesus Story" #6b
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Taurus: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament "Jesus Story" #6c
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Gemini: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament ""Jesus Story" #7
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Cancer: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament ""Jesus Story" #8
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Leo: Could This Be The Origin For The New
Testament ""Jesus Story" #9
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Virgo: Could This Be The Origin For The New
Testament ""Jesus Story" #10
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Libra: Could This Be The Origin For The New
Testament ""Jesus Story" #11
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Scorpio: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament ""Jesus Story" #12
Tracing The Sun Through The Zodiac & Sagittarius: Could This Be The Origin For The
New Testament ""Jesus Story" #13


Now we come to the main reason for these pages. We wish to reveal, as others have
sought to do, that the greatest of all the mythologies, the Christian, is entirely
based on the zodiac & the stars. We will do so by examining key events in the
depiction of the life of "Jesus Christ" and in so doing we will see the annals of history
in search for the origin of such stories among the Sun and the Stars. Plato said
"They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth". Well I hope that is not
your opinion after you study these pages but rather recognize the love God has
given us for His truth and the desire to impart that to many who have never been
given these truths. After such a study one can quickly see that Astro-Theology can
be used as an hermeneutic in all of the dogmas & creeds that the world is host to.
We concentrate here, however, on the Judaeo-Christian ethos, as it is the one

familiar to most persons in the Western Hemisphere and it constitutes the most
pernicious form of theological lies that capture the intellect of mankind and
subjugates the reason & character of humanity. It has also been pointed out that if
the name of "Jesus Christ", the Son of God, is replaced by the word Sun, every
passage that relates to the personality will fit & make even better sense than if
taken for a biography. Even a cursory familiarity with the precepts of Astro-Theology
will make one clear on this point. For those still skeptical we must be allowed to
quote Rousseau: The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than
any single thing known to mankind.


Astrology In The New Testament...I Bet You Did Not Know It Is There
Astrology And Astronomy In The Bible...What Every Christian Needs To Know
Is The "Jesus Story" The Same Story As The Sungods?
How Did The Ancients View The Sun-god And Its Spiritual Implication For Us Today
How Did The Ancients View The Sun-god And Its Spiritual Implication For Us Today
How Did The Ancients View The Sun-god And Its Spiritual Implication For Us Today
The Hidden Truth In Our Alphabet: Finding Jesus Christ In Egypt 10,000 B.C.E.
The Famous Quote Of St. Augustine: How Could There Be A "Christianity Before
Jesus Christ In The First Century?
Similarity Between The Egyptian God Osiris And Jesus Of The New Testament:
Comparison Of The Lives Of Horus And Jesus Christ: Coincidence?
The Famous Quote of Eusebius: How Could There Be A "Christianity Before Jesus
Christ" In The First Century?
Understanding The Use Of Myth In Ancient Religions As Applied To The "Jesus Story"

Why Is The "Jesus Story" Identical To The Stories Of Other Religions And Their Godmen?
Adam, Eve, And The Garden Of Eden: Who, What, Where?
The Garden Of Eden: Could It Have Been In The Sky And Stars?
The Astronomical Birth Of The Expected Savior Of The Jews
The Fall And The Necessity Of The Salvation Of Jesus Christ...What Did It Mean In
The Beginning?
Was The First Crucifixion In The Sky From Which All Others Were Taken? #1
Was The First Crucifixion In The Sky From Which All Others Were Taken? #2
Was The First Crucifixion In The Sky From Which All Others Were Taken? #3
Was The First Crucifixion In The Sky From Which All Others Were Taken? #4
The Birth Of Jesus Christ As Recorded In The New Testament: Truth Or Is It A Sun
Myth Retold?
The Nativity: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The Birth Of Horus: Was This The Prototype For The Birth Of Jesus?
Born Of A Virgin: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The Virgin Birth Of Jesus Christ As Recorded In The New Testament: Truth Or Is It A
Sun Myth Retold?
The Constellation Virgo The Virgin Who Gave Birth To The Son Of The Sun
Jesus' Birth Foretold By A Star: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Angels And Shepherds Visit The Infant Savior: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The Heavenly Host Sing Praises At Jesus' Birth: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The Visit Of The Three Magi: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The Messiah Is To Be Born In Bethlehem: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Bethlehem And The Virgin...Is There An Astronomical Connection?
Jesus Was Recognized At A Divine Child And Presented Gifts At His Birth: Truth Or Is
It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Was Born In A Cave Or Manger: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?

Jesus "Of Nazareth" Or Jesus Of The Autumn Equinox?

Herod And The Massacre Of The Innocents: Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The Slaughter Of The Innocents...Astrotheology Personified
The Dove At The River Jordan: Truth Or Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Spent 40 Days In The Wilderness Tempted By Satan: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth
Jesus Between Ages 12 And 30...The Silent Years: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Turning Water Into Wine: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Was Transfigured On A Mountain: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold #1?
Jesus Was Transfigured On A Mountain: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold #2?
Jesus Was Transfigured On A Mountain: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold #3?
The Twelve Ages Or Aeons Or Disciples: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Had Twelve Disciples And Apostles: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The 3 Year Ministry Of Jesus In The New Testament: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Was Tempted By The Devil: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Turned Water Into Wine At The Wedding Of Cana: Truth Or Sun Myth Retold?
The Good Shepherd: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus, The Prince Of Peace, Came To Bring A Sword Instead Of Peace: Truth Or SunMyth Retold?
Jesus Told Peter "Get Behind Me Satan": Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Casts Devils Out Of The Swine: Truth Or Sun Myth Retold?
Many Mansions In My Father's House: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The Miracle Of The 5 Loaves And 2 Fishes: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Sends Out 72 Disciples: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
The Raising Of Lazarus: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Had A Triumphant Entry Into Jerusalem On An Ass: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth

Jesus Was Betrayed For 30 Pieces Of Silver: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Raise The Temple In 3 Days: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
There Was Darkness All Over The Land At Jesus' Death: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth
Jesus Was Crucified At The Place Of The Skull: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus Was Put To Death On A Cross: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Death On A Cross: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Resurrected From The Dead After 3 Days: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?
Jesus' Descent Into Hell For 3 Days As Recorded In The New Testament: Truth Or Is It
A Sun Myth Retold?
Mary Was First To The Tomb: Truth Or Is It A Sun Myth Retold?


Really, a better question would be to ask: "What did these sungods and dying/rising
gods mean to these who heard these stories and these "theologies" thousands of
years ago"? Yes, that is the question and the answers fill the questions that we have
as Christians and followers of "the Christ" since the "Jesus Story" is so alike all these
other solar gods why likewise "died and rose again 3 days later".

The First New Testament: The Historical Jesus Or The Christ Of Faith....Which Is It?
The Truth About Early Christianity And The Roman Coverup
Now we must learn a bunch from another website dealing with these early
"Chrestians" or Christians as we call them today. We must deal with the Gnostic
understanding of all we learned in Egyptian studies and all we learned in the
Astrotheology studies and see how this was modeled in the lives and beliefs of
these earliest "Gnostic Chrestians". For that we must go to another site for this
information; ironically a site dealing with the true First New Testament which we
don't have in our churches today.

But before we go I need to help you make sense out of why this Astrotheology and
personifications of the Sun and its path through the Cosmos was so important to the
Spiritual Masters of yesterday. For that we need to understand correctly how these
ancient people looked as these similar "sungods" and "sungod stories" which mimic
our "Jesus Story" today.

Answer for yourself: Did the Ancients understand these "sungods" as if "literalhistorical"? How should we make comparisons to an "assumed literal-historical
Jesus"? What is behind all of these representations of these "sungods"? Were all the
Ancients going to hell according to Christian doctrine? Is there a common thread
and hidden link we have missed between all of the above "gods"? Were all of these
"sungods" nothing more than allegories and symbols for a deeper "spiritual reality"
that escapes us today? Could it be that the Ancients understood all of these above
"pagan gods and goddesses" as allegories for the Divine Energy and Soul within all
mankind and we not know it?

Let us see if our whole Christian perspective on these "sungods" has been wrong
from the traditional Christian perspective. What is the implication for the "Jesus
Story" since it parallels completely these other stories of these "sungods"? Do we
dare rethink the "literal-historical" interpretation of "the Christ"? Were the Christian
Gnostics right about "the Christ" and Rome wrong and have we believed a Roman
lie and forged documents about this whole thing and could our Christian
understanding of "the true Jewish Messiah" be incorrect? What a study. The truth is
out there in these links to help the evidence mount to prove our points but first let
us understand the deep spiritual insights behind these Ancient sungods which are
forerunners of the later "Jesus Story".

How Did The Ancients View These Sungods And The Spiritual Implication For The
Christian Today #1
How Did The Ancients View These Sungods And The Spiritual Implication For The
Christian Today #2
How Did The Ancients View These Sungods And The Spiritual Implication For The
Christian Today #3
If you have studied our Egypt-Christian website as well as this Jesus-Astrotheology
site then now you know why throughout all our websites that we advise that the
Christian seriously look into Judaism for it is the living link today with these Ancient
Truths found originally in the first religion of mankind, the Egyptian religion. Through
Judaism today and their Torah we have made available to us today, the non-Jew, the

most proper way for us to continually develop, mature, and perfect our Soul without
being encumbered by the idolatry inherent in the Christology of Roman Christianity
due to their falsification of these Ancient Religions texts where they "literalized" the
Ancient Divine Allegorical Truths first given to mankind in the beginning of time and
in so doing gave the world a false salvation message and destroyed the Spiritual
Truth of the "Christ Within".

Recover "The Faith Once Given To The Saints" Which Has Been Perverted By Gentile
Christianity And Their "Literal" and "Historical" Interpretation of the Sacred Texts



If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all our Websites.
Included with the CD is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of
your Soul and its proper development through following the in-depth studies. There
is an order in which these numerous websites should be "studied" in order to
maximize your learning and spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as
to how you may obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's fifteen websites, or
should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen years. Many of these sites
are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman
Church intended you never come to know.

In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the
student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to
facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you
some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer
of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by
which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and
demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where
you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask
my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a
disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise.
A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but
a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you,
as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives
you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here,
but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed

the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in
fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do
so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience
the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!

Bet Emet Ministries

Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
902 Cardigan
Garland, Texas 75040
Home: 972-496-4238
Cell: 972-480-7690

Respuesta Mensaje 47 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 23:23

Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.


Greetings...from one "truth seeker" to another.

I want to personally thank you for requesting our CD, the collection of our studies at
Bet Emet Ministries into the origins of Christianity and the hidden truths behind "the
Christ" which are not taught today but have been with mankind since the beginning
of time. I wish to personally thank your for your support of our ministry and your
prayers for our endeavors in trying to restore this hidden wisdom to mankind which
has been deprived from us today by Christian censorship down through Church

I know this amount of information and knowledge can be overwhelming at times but
remember this is a collection of my studies into the origins of Christianity and "the
Christ" totaling almost twenty years. What you must keep in focus in such a study is
that when ALL of the present knowledge is sifted through looking for truth using as
unbiased "scientific method" as possible then we find that down through history the
spiritual masters of our race have understood "this Christ" that dwells within us as
the manifestation of God and Creator in 2 basic ways:

The Mystical Christ...every nation has had a different "name" for this same Spiritual
Concept that dwells within man (Horus, Osiris, Dionysus, Krishna, Attis, Adonis,
Mithra, Quetzalcoatl, Jesus, etc).
The Mythical Christ...these above Metaphysical concepts were expressed by the
Spiritual Masters of antiquity in allegories, metaphors, myths, and legends handed
down since time began. We see the same idea of the transfer of this Spiritual
information being transferred to mankind in both the "lesser" and "greater"
mysteries of the priesthoods of the ancient religions; even the Jesus' example shows
us this type of instruction as seen in the "parables" for the common folk and then
the disciples being taken into the "mountains" for a "higher consciousness" and
understanding of these Metaphysical ideas of Spirit and its "impregnation" into
"matter" and its "indwelling" within humanity. This again we must remember all
occurs "within the human being" and that the "Kingdom of God" is within humanity
not outside humanity. This is the core of the ideas of God incarnated within all
humanity; not limited to but one person as Rome will later devise.

Over time we find that from these above two methods of interpretation of God and
His Christ, His Divine Mind "within us", all of which were allegorical for Divine
Metaphysical concepts, that there developed a 3rd interpretation of "the Christ" at
the hands of Rome during the 2nd through the 5th century:

The "Historical" and "Literal" Christ as confined to but one person.

No matter how far you go back in time and no matter in what nation you look you
find that the first, and in my opinion, the most correct understanding of God and His
relationship to "matter", ie., mankind, is found with ancient Egypt and the nations
that learned of the Creator from them. It is here we find "the Mystical
Krst/Karest/Christ" and the "Mythical Krst/Karest/Christ" and when correctly
understood and this Ancient Spiritual Wisdom correctly interpreted, once these
"keys" are restored, one comes to see that these most ancient religious beliefs and
understandings of the Divine and the Deific Mind of the Universe as taught by
ancient Egypt, the fathers of the later Jewish nation, hold the greatest
understanding and secrets of "God" Deific that exist on our planet even yet today.
Opinions on Egypt are divided today but there are scholars emerging today that
challenge the current mistaken understanding of Egypt expressed by such current
voices as Mark Lerher and Z. Hawass and these modern scholars are restoring the
greatness and understanding of Egypt as the world's first monotheistic nation which
we see when correctly these "keys" to the understanding the Ancient concepts of
God and the Egyptian "Karast" and "Christ" are restored. This ancient Egyptian
"Krst" we call "the Christ" today and this "Divine Spiritual Allegory" is the prototype
for all later "Christ stories" and "Sungod stories" which are only "allegorical" for the
indwelling God and Divine Mind (Christ) within the whole of humanity awaiting
"awakening from the dead". Thus the first Bible of mankind was called the Egyptian
Book of the Dead; mankind being dead to his true Self and Divinity. You will come to
see in time that all of these prior Spiritual Allegories of the Decent of the Soul, the
Deific Mind of God into "matter/flesh" were in 2nd through the 5th century "radically
reinterpreted" by Rome into a supposed "literal-historical" personage called "Jesus"
and to which Rome attached the supposed "only way of Salvation" for mankind and
then created a Sacred Book we call the Bible to espouse their false concepts and
altered Spiritual Wisdom of the ancients.

Well, we begin our study of this story of the Divine "Krst in mankind" over 15,000
years ago and archeology today is overturning the erroneous understandings we
have inherited handed down from that time and and erroneous religious beliefs
today which are largely due to Roman religious "reinterpretation" of this Ancient
Divine Wisdom and their censorship of this prior "Spiritual Truth" down through
church history. It even exists today but is weakening in this Information Age which is

beginning to shine the "light of truth" upon the religious deception of Rome over the
last 1,800 years. As your studies grow in these areas and as you begin the studies
of our Websites you will see progressively why such studies and undeniable facts
and information challenge to our very core our traditional Christian dogmas and
"religious beliefs". The light of truth once again shines and the student can now see
how these Ancient Spiritual Fathers understood God and His Cosmos and His Christ
for over 10,000 years in an unbroken succession of "beliefs" and then knowing this
then contrast it with Rome's "radical reinterpretation" of it all aided by the burning
of all of the world's major libraries to cover up their deception. You will, now being
equipped with the "first Divine Truth" see for yourself how what we have been
taught today about the "historical Christ" and the "historical Jesus" from Rome with
their Second New Testament cannot hold up to scrutiny in light of the prior unbroken
understanding of the nation's "Christ Stories" which parallel our "Jesus Story"; all of
these stories again now being seen as they were understood by all....Divine
Allegories never taken by anyone to be "historical" and "literal". They described
"mankind's condition" that is unique not to one but to all of humanity. This limitation
of the Divine Mind and "Christ" to but one person is the great Roman lie to which
they tied the whole of salvation of mankind and of course in so doing made sure
that such salvation only comes through the doors of the Roman Church. Through
fear, ignorance, and a complete "radical reinterpretation" of the ancient Spiritual
Wisdom the mind-control of humanity under the influence of Rome was now

Being born into Christianity we inherited a "Literalistic" interpretation of almost

everything we read in the Bible never knowing without serious study that this book
was at best as an allegory placed in the historical development of the Jewish people
(the biological children of Egypt). We, not knowing this, read this book with "literal
glasses" never realizing that what we were reading were at best "blurred" religious
concepts of the Ancients which they never interpreted "literally" but only
"allegorically" or "metaphorically" but yet even at that when understood as
"allegories" they expressed a "literal" Divine Truth which has come to be almost
burred beyond recognition today in this "literalistic" understanding which is forced
upon the texts; a radical "reinterpretation" enforced by Rome between the 2nd and
the 5th centuries. Once the texts were "doctored" then almost all hope and "keys"
to the proper interpretation of this Ancient Spiritual Wisdom was lost to the
"average" person. We must never forget that when told through the medium of
legend and myth the identities of many of the characters of which we read were but
anthropomorphic vehicles designed to express such Heavenly truths and were to be
understood not as if "real people" or "historical characters". In other words these
"gods" and "goddesses" and "godmen" were never real but expression of the
"godman" in each of us when we come to understand that man truly is the "Temple
of God" or the "Temple of the Holy Spirit". We are the Divine Himself trapped in

matter through the Descent of the Soul from Heaven to matter....flesh. These
concepts began with Egypt as did most of what we have hear taught in our
churches today in one way or the other although most often than not they have lost
their original understanding as taught by the Ancients who first gave mankind these
Divine messages and truths. We have lost so much through the "literalization" of
these Divine Allegories and Myths. That is why I present in Bet Emet the beginning
studies and websites with a "literalistic" method of interpretation as that is where
we both began our pilgrimage to God in our birth faith of Christianity. We must have
a point of reference to where we are "at" in our lives at present. In so doing I chose
to use this inherited "literalistic" method of interpretation to help the "babes in
Christ" grow to see at first, for example, the beauty of Judaism as the legacy of
Egypt since it is the best and truest expression of these Ancient religious beliefs and
revelation of these Ancient Spiritual Masters that we have existing today in the
world in my opinion. In this way we contrast the Hebrew "texts" with the forgery of
them later in the Greek and later English translations of our Bibles done so in order
to give a "literalist" view to this previous existing Divine Spiritual Allegories. In this
way we can begin to see how our Christian Texts are "forged" in "very important
places" and this purposeful mistranslation, misquotation, and pure invention of
"Scripture" was done on purpose to distort the previous Divine Allegories and make
it appear as if they were "historically" interpreted previously which our and your
study will show you that they were not; not until the 2nd through the 5 century
when Rome became the "forgery mill". There is no "literal" "godman" in Judaism
unlike Christianity; their hoped for Messiah was only a "human being" anointed by
God for a special task and he never appeared according to Judaism. Therefore there
exists in Judaism no threat of idolatry unlike what we innocently inherited with our
Roman Christianity and Protestantism and their "literalistic" and "historical"
interpretation of this prior Spiritual Religious Allegory of the ancients. This enforced
"literalism" of these Divine Concepts by Rome over this 300 year period of early
Christian history is to be understood not as a blessing but as a curse when your
depth of study advances to see the "Gnostic Christ" within which by the way
modern scholarship teaches us today was the earliest understanding of "the Christ"
or "God within mankind" as held by both Jewish and non-Jewish Gnostic Christians in
the early Church. Let us not be so naive to not know that winners of wars write
history from "their view" and that this has been done by Rome and the world fed
"their book"...the New Testament which an insightful reader would notice the
blending of both the "Gnostic Christ within" and the later created "historical Christ
without". Rome should have done a better job editing it as they left trace evidences
as to their forgery in the very texts they "doctored" over the early centuries.
Archeology and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls testifies to this Greek forgery
in the beginning and the later incorporation of it into the Rome Bibles to which
Rome only continued to contribute in their anti-Jewish and antinomian
"reinterpretation" of this Ancient Spiritual Wisdom which was built upon God's Order
and Laws of the Cosmos which promote and maintain harmony between Heaven
and Earth (mankind).

I use the "literal" method of interpretation in reaching the student "in the beginning"
of our studies with the knowledge he needs concerning such areas of study found in
the early websites which deal with Judaism vs Christianity, the Covenant of Noah,
the Biblical Pattern of Worship as best expressed today for the non-Jew again as
found in Judaism which is without the taint of idolatry, the adulteration and
corruption of Christian Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, the Roman Reinterpreted Paul Problem, issues of the Messiah and Messianism as viewed from
Judaism vs Christianity, Messianic prophecies, Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy, the
Essenes and their corruption of the Hebrew Scriptures when they translated them
into the Greek LXX, and finally the introduction of sunworship as applied to the
Christian Jesus and his depiction in our New Testament. All of these sites are
approached with a "literal" view in order to contrast the current understanding and
teaching of them as viewed from the Christian viewpoint vs the contrasting points of
view as we look at what exists concerning these same "religious views" and
"religious beliefs" outside of the Christian viewpoint and how they were viewed
before this Roman "literal reinterpretation"; in particular when looking at Judaism
and literal sun worship. In so doing we see the contrasts as well as parallels that
bring into question the validity and reliability of what we have received as Christian
truth through "church tradition" and "Christian doctrine" and "Christian theology"
concerning these above issues. This is done to make you THINK! I truly believe that
if God is not the author of confusion then this expose has to be blamed on,
primarily Rome and their replacement religion of Christianity of the 2nd through the
5th century, which took the place of Biblical Judaism for both the Jew and the nonJew. Of great importance is the contrast of the "literal understanding" of the
Sungods and Sunworship with the Christian Jesus. This is done to show the reader
that there is very little if any difference between the Sungods of the Ancients, their
stories, their lives, and their sayings and the Roman presentation of Jesus. We will
come to see that unlike before, when these Sungods were NEVER understood as if
"literal-historical" people that Rome will through their "reinterpretation" of this
Ancient Spiritual Wisdom completely "reinterpret" these Sungods as personification
of the Descent of the Soul into mankind into a supposed "historical-literal" Savior
(Jesus) to which the Salvation of the whole human race depends. Now you see how
this "literal" interpretation must be used first to see and expose such plagiarism and
the deception to which we have fallen as Christians who are taught since childhood
to believe in one book "only"; the book that Rome forced upon the world at the point
of a sword.

That is quite a study in itself; one which exposes the crafty manipulation of ancient
Spiritual Texts and their later forgery and sad "reinterpretation" that allowed Rome
to deceive millions and millions down through history. Such mind-control has never
been found to this extent in the history of this planet and it passes for "Orthodoxy"

Sunday after Sunday and few if any ever find the clarity of vision to even question

After seeing these things we move to a deeper understanding of "the Christ" when
we look at Gnostic Christianity and their "Gnostic Christ"; the "Christ Within" which I
believe to be not only the same understanding of "God Within" mankind as taught
by these Ancients but the correct interpretation of "the Christ" as first held by the
earliest followers of "the Christ" before he was "literalized", "carnalized", and
"historicized" by Rome after the Jewish War of 70 A.D. It is here we vindicate the
Paul which Rome previously mischaracterized. We vindicate the "real Gnostic Paul"
now understanding that our previous attack upon him was due to Paul's
presentation by Christianity as promoting a "historical and fleshly" Christ which in
reality he did not. Now the real Paul can be seen and his 7 authentic epistles
understood correctly and his religious views concerning "the Christ within" be
exalted and promoted and given credit where credit is due but laurels to Paul can
ONLY come after you have come to see the big difference between an "internalized
Christ" and an "external Christ" made by Rome's forgery of his epistles and letters
long after his death. We help contrast this "Roman reinterpretation" of Gnosticism
and the Gnostic Paul with the earlier "Romanized Paul". This is why I take great
pains to contrast the Hebrew Scriptures and religious teachings vs the "Roman
Pauline Christology and theology" that we have inherited in our forged Christian
Bibles and New Testaments.Let us not forget that the Roman New Testament is a
"second edition" and "re-editing" of the prior Gnostic New Testament that NEVER
taught a "literal-historical Christ". As I show you these earlier Gnostic Christians
taught this same Ancient Spiritual Wisdom inherited since Ancient Egypt. Rome has
done Paul a great disservice and dishonored his ministry and name for almost 2000
years presently and few know it due to their lack of study in these critical areas
concerning the "Mystical Christ" and the "Gnostic Christ" within. It is in these studies
we contrast the "literal interpretation" of "the Christ" (our first studies on this CD)
with the "allegorical" interpretation of the Christ which we show goes back to the
beginning of time as delineated on our Egypt Christian website as well as the
Marcion New Testament Gnostic website. It is here that I expose the fallacy of the
"literal" interpretation of "the Christ" and the deceptions behind the "historical
Jesus" as a literary creation of Rome when they "carnalized the Christ within" over
the 2nd through the 5th century of the emerging Gentile Church. It is here we don't
hold back and with prior conditioning of the student and reader by study of the
earlier websites I expose the sad facts that an unbiased study of History will show
you that there is not a shred of legitimate historical evidence or any untampered or
unforged evidence anywhere that the "Jesus Story" as we received it by Rome in
their "book/Bible" originated as the biography of a man named Jesus, and quite a lot
of evidence that it did not. Outside of this one forged book, the Roman Bible and the
New Testament, there exists not one piece of unforged or unadulterated evidence

for the historical existence of this man from Galilee. I go on to show the reader that
an unbiased through study of Comparative Religion and Comparative Mythology will
reveal to you that the basic plot of the Jesus Story, from beginning to end, including
the motif of a crucified savior, already existed in many other religions thousands of
years prior to the alleged time of Jesus and if you continue such dedicated studies
into the Astronomy and Solar Mythology websites you will find that beyond any
doubt the "Jesus Story" is nothing more than an allegory for what would naturally be
the oldest and most important story humans would notice and write down, that of
the annual passage of the seasons of the year and the path of the Sun through the
celestial sphere and the 12 Houses of the Zodiac during the year. Personification of
the Sun through the sky, the Equinoxes and Solstices, (symbolic of the Divine Living
Energy of the Cosmos that the Ancients called "God"), as found in the story of
ancient solar and lunar gods, follow in chronological procession through the year,
the exact chronology of the "Jesus Story" when personified from Matthew chapter 1
through Matthew 28. Here you see for yourself that again our "Jesus Story" is
nothing more than the personification of God's Sun, a symbol of Himself that
ancient religions understood was symbolic for a Living Intelligent Energy which is
this Cosmos itself.

For an educated man or woman to believe that all of this knowledge and evidence is
but "coincidence" and there yet exits a "literal-historical" Jesus to which mankind's
salvation depends stretches belief beyond limits of sanity. Besides any serious study
of Egypt will show you that this "Jesus Story" existed on 2 levels: the Mystical and
the Mythical and did so as far back as 10,000 B.C.E. Only later will Rome come and
reinterpret these Divine Truths and forge them into a Historical time line with a
fictitious person and in so doing destroy the Ancient truths and Divine Revelation
given the Ancients who first developed these "religious doctrines" in the first place.
So when you see this, and I mean all of this, then there is no room for a "Historical
Jesus". Sad but true. Yet to teach these truths of ethics and morality that is found in
the "mind of Christ" to the Gentiles due to the preconditioning of a Jesus-centric
faith into which we are born it is necessary to teach through the vehicle of this
"Jesus" as our example of the "indwelling Christ" and in so doing slowly begin to
widen the scope of the reader's learning and gradually introduce him to these other
concepts and origins of the "Mystical and Mythical" Christ and slowly expose the
Historical Jesus for what it is; namely, just an ancient Spiritual allegory which was
later literalized by forgery of previous ancient religious texts and a drastic
"reinterpretation" of this Ancient Spiritual Wisdom as we find in Rome's New
Testament in their grand scheme of replacement religion. Sadly Egypt is destroyed
today but her children and her truths live among her children, the Jewish nation and
Biblical and Rabbinic Judaism. If you want to find the Messiah to come and the
"mind of Christ" it is paramount to "unlearn" the errors you have been taught and
begin to restore these ancient Divine Truths to their splendor as they once were

when the truth was taught about the "Christ Within" by these early
Chrestian/Christian Gnostics let alone much earlier in Judaism and ancient Egypt.
Only in this way can we see clearly that this Jesus, even in as corrupted view that
we received him from Rome, can yet be an "example to be emulated" but for this to
happen where God's true salvation message to mankind is no longer connected to
some supposed "historical-literal" person who never existed then then we must
begin to look into Judaism and into Egyptian religious teachings as they existed
before the rise of the Roman Empire. For it is opinion, after all of these years of
study, that it is there we find "the mind of Egyptian Karast (Krst)" who is the original
Christ, and it is here that we find that the Egyptian mysteries were continued by the
Gnostic Christians and the authentic Paul who only wrote 7 epistles and who never
taught a "fleshly Jesus Christ". Only when Rome forged the later anti-Gnostic
religious writings is Paul given credit for belief in a "historical Christ" which again I
and other scholars point out was never his belief nor the belief of any before the
early 2nd century with the rise of "some" of the Early Church fathers which received
the ancient "oral tradition" to which they begin to give a "drastic" reinterpretation
like Ignatius and Justin Martyr and later Irenaeus. But that time it is too late to stop
this juggernaut of error we call "literalistic" Roman Christianity and the Dark Ages
are the result of such tragic misinterpretation of earlier Divine Wisdom. Only later
do we tragically find that these metaphysical concepts revealing God to man, as
coming down through recorded history from Egypt, to be destroyed when
"literalized", "carnalized", and "Christianized" in Rome.

But some might wonder and ask "where did all this come from originally"? Well I
deal with that also in revealing the "Mythical Christ" as taken from Astronomy and
Astrology of the Ancients as they read the stars and Heavens and saw within them
and the movements of the Cosmos the varied messages of the Creator to mankind
as interpreted in the cycles, patterns, the path of the Sun, moon, planets, stars,
constellations, risings, settings, eclipses, etc. We will eventually get to the study of
the uranograph which is so fascinating. It is all there and the wonder never stops as
these Ancient Spiritual Masters saw and understood "Divine Messages" in the
Heavens which they brought down to earth and applied to the Soul of mankind and
its pilgrimage and development into this "Karastlikeness" or "Christlikeness" which
the Creator intended for mankind and his Spiritual Evolution.

All of this might sound impossible to one now who is not well versed in such areas of
study mentioned above but believe me these teaching will take your breath away as
you see the depth of spirituality of our Ancients compared with the religious fare we
are fed today from our Christian pulpits and TV. If you ever wondered "where is the
beef" you have found it here I promise you and the recommended book list on Egypt
will feed you forever.

In closing it needs to be said that in approaching these sites it is best that you first
read the attachment "websites" as I have reworked this presentation and it exists
today as a "plan-o-gram" for your studies on the CD from beginning to end. it can
be accessed at: Following this "plan-ogram" will lead you from the beginning of our studies where we contrast various
themes of study first using a "literal" hermeneutic in order to see if it can hold up to
scholarly scrutiny of such study. Let me tell you right up front that it cannot; in other
words what we have been taught in our "literal" and "historical" presentation of the
"Jesus Story" cannot hold up to scholarly investigation when comparing many of our
inherited Christian ideas and "spiritual concepts" as taken from our Roman Bibles
are compared to modern scholarship let alone the pre-existing Hebrew Scriptures
which state otherwise which are so tragically and purposefully misrepresented in
our Christian Bibles. Let us never forget that our "religious beliefs" are based upon
the "texts" and if our "texts" can be shown to be unreliable or forgeries then we
have the cause for further study to find the "truth" now realizing maybe for the first
time in seeing this information that "we don't have the truth". This is not "news" to
the Jews who have for over 2,000 years denied the "literal" and "historical" Jesus as
their "Messiah". But is "news" to the Christian Church and only so because we
"studied" what was taken for granted by most. We approach many different
thematic studies by this approach seeing if what we have told is "true" by our
Christian tradition and texts and comparing these "beliefs" with other information
that brings it into severe question. When hundreds of such things and "beliefs"
which are taken for granted by most because they are "in our Christian Bible" are
shown to be purposeful forgeries, purposeful mistranslations, purposeful
misquotations, and pure Scriptural inventions when compared with the previous
Hebrew Scriptures, then our "Literal" and "Historical Jesus", Rome's only way for
man's salvation, fades into the background of a list of Roman deceptions too long to
enumerate in this one article. But the "good news" and "great news" is that now our
minds are open to consider these "higher truths" the eclipse Rome's perverted
"gospel" and we begin to look for the first time at what really "lies behind our Jesus
Story" which we can no longer believe to be limited to but one person or be "literal"
or "historical". Now we find the highest Spiritual Truth ever given mankind that is
hidden even in the teachings of this Jewish Christ. Here we find the "mystical" and
later "mythological" and "metaphysical" interpretation of these Ancient Spiritual
Wisdoms and their "Mystical Christs" that only dwell within mankind awaiting
awakening. This is the only God man ever knew which Rome sent far into the
heavens and in so doing separated mankind from God when the ancients always
knew man and God are "ONE". This is the best way in my opinion to approach these
varied subjects in order where you move from our inherited supposed "historical"
view of "Christ Jesus" to the truer "Mystical Christ" and finally to the "Mythical
Christ/Metaphysical Christ" which lives "in you" and in so doing keep an organized
pattern of such study in order that the study does not get "lost" in such great

amounts of information. Understand that this Spiritual deception of mankind by

Rome did not occur overnight; it took centuries and no full disclosure of such
deception and apostasy from Divine Truth and restoration of Divine Truth can be
handled in just a few articles. This restoration of mankind to its True Self and
Divinity by which he discovers that he is the incarnation of God's Divine Mind and
"Christ" is the goal or all our studies and it can be accomplished quite easily if you
do as I recommend and take these studies in order. We begin with a false premise of
"literal" and "historical" and proving it a fallacy then we move to the "Mystical",
"Mythological" and "Metaphysical" where the Divine Truth of God and man shines
like the dawning Sun. It will only require your desire and time to accomplish these
studies in full. This is the greatest truth mankind has ever lost and the hope of
mankind's future. It is time for the truth and as a retired Pastor with no ambition for
a big ministry but for "truth" then this is my gift to those who want to worship God
in "Spirit" and in "Truth" the way it is supposed to be done and was done by the
ancients who shame our Christian expression of our faith today. We have a lot of
"unlearning" to do and a lot of "correct instruction" to comprehend if you want these
truths to become alive in your life so lets begin.

Also attached in our websites is our "recommended book list" which you can find at:
recommended_books This "recommended book list" shows you where you can go to
examine these findings for yourself and I recommend many good books which I own
and have devoured over these last 20 years. I have tried to acquire each of these
books in my personal library and from them gleamed these hidden truths which I
give you in these websites. I leave you with my blessings and again thank you for
your gift and support of our small and humble attempt to restore the truth
concerning God and His Christ in mankind to the world as He was first revealed to
mankind in the beginning of recorded history before greed, ambition, antisemitism,
and the agendas of men and religious politics robbed us of such wonderful truths
concerning "the Christ within", our True Being!

Now when you get the CD there are several websites "listed". Open one at a time in
the "order" given on the "website" attachment and follow the flow of "thought" from
beginning to end to keep your study on track and organized. Remember we begin
with a "literal" approach because that is what we are taught in Christianity as
children and grow up with that mindset. Only by disproving that the "literal" and
"historical" approach to the "Jesus Christ" is a falsehood can we ever hope of
breaking down in our minds the walls of resistance and erroneously instruction we
have most likely received our whole lives. Only then can we be objective as to the
truth behind the "Mystical" and "Mythological" and "Metaphysical" truths that lie
behind the texts of our Bible and New Testament which were never meant to be
interpreted as if "literal" in the ways they have due to Rome's efforts. As you get to

the later websites then the Divine Truths of such an interpretation of "the Christ"
only as "Mystical" and "Mythological" and "Metaphysical" can be appreciated and
seen for the Divine Truths that they always have held for mankind. After each "site"
is opened "in order" then look for an "index" file. We are not looking for an
"index.hmp" or an "index with a red logo that has a red 'IM' on it". We are looking for
just a plain "index" with a logo on the left of it that is like so many other "logos" or
"articles" in the same website as grouped together. Just "click" on this "index" and it
opens to the "home page" of the website which is placed on the Internet. From this
"index" most if not all the websites on the CD will go to a "second page" that follows
the "introduction". It if from this "second page" that you will find your highway to
other articles in each websites. The journey to truth is not short but remember that
"Truth is the highest Religion ever given man by God". Now the rest is up to you.

Please make the $50 check or money order payable to Bet Emet Ministries and send
to the address below. If you have any questions, feel free to email us!

Bet Emet Ministries

Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
902 Cardigan
Garland, Texas 75040

Respuesta Mensaje 48 de 50 en el tema

De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/09/2012 04:27

Astronoma en la Biblia
De Enciclopedia Catlica

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Los judos no acostumbraban hacer observaciones sistemticas de los cuerpos

celestes. El culto a los astros haba invadido Palestina y ellos difcilmente podran
haberse dedicado a estudiar los objetos de ese culto sin ceder a sus seducciones.
En tales circunstancias la astronoma era inseparable de la astrolatra, y las
amenazas de anatema de los profetas no eran simple capricho. Siendo las obras
ms esplendorosas del Todopoderoso, las luminarias celestes eran celebradas en la
Sagrada Escritura a travs de pasajes llenos de emocionado asombro, pero, para
fines prcticos, su atractivo se reduca a lo mnimo. Incluso la medida del tiempo y
de las estaciones se haca de modo emprico. Los judos utilizaban el calendario
lunar. Este empezaba, por motivos religiosos, con la luna nueva que sigue al
equinoccio de primavera, y el ao duraba normalmente doce meses, o 354 das. El
calendario judo, sin embargo, dependa del curso del Sol, puesto que los festivales
que se guiaban por l eran en parte de carcter agrcola. Ello originaba que se
deban hacer ajustes al calendario, de los cuales el ms obvio era el de aadir o
intercalar un dcimo tercer mes cada vez que la discrepancia entre la maduracin
de las cosechas y las fechas fijas de las fiestas conmemorativas entraban en abierto
conflicto. Ya desde antes de la poca de Salomn, los judos parecen haber iniciado

la costumbre de iniciar su ao en otoo. Esta costumbre, que renaci por motivos

civiles alrededor del siglo V antes de Cristo, fue luego adoptada en el calendario
religioso sistematizado del siglo IV de nuestra era.
Tanto el da civil como el ritual comenzaban en la tarde, una media hora despus de
la puesta del Sol. Nunca se definieron sus subdivisiones. El Antiguo Testamento
nunca menciona lo que nosotros conocemos como horas, y solamente hace
referencia a la medida del tiempo en la narracin del milagro provocado por Isaas
en conexin del reloj de sol de Ajaz (II Re 20,9-11). En el Nuevo Testamento, la
prctica romana de contar cuatro guardias nocturnas se sobrepuso a la antigua
divisin triple, de modo que el da, como entre los griegos, consista de doce partes
iguales. Esas son la "horas temporales" que an subsisten en la liturgia de la Iglesia.
Como dichas horas abarcaban el intervalo entre el amanecer y el ocaso, su duracin
vari con las estaciones del ao, de 49 a 71 minutos. Parece que tambin las horas
nocturnas correspondientes fueron parcialmente usadas en tiempos de los
Apstoles (Hech 23,23).

Como es de esperarse, los libros sagrados no contienen ninguna teora acerca de

los fenmenos celestiales. Las frases descriptivas que se utilizan en ellos se
adaptan a las ideas elementales que se presentaban naturalmente a cualquier
pueblo primitivo. As, la Tierra es descrita como un disco circular de extensin
infinita, que se ubica entre el reino de la luz, encima, y el abismo de la oscuridad,
abajo. La palabra "firmamento" que en la Vulgata traduce el trmino hebreo "rakia",
expresaba la nocin de una bveda slida y transparente que divide las "aguas
superiores" de los mares, fuentes y ros que se encuentran en un nivel muy inferior.
Era a travs de las compuertas, sin embargo, que las aguas contenidas por el
firmamento se distribuan sobre la Tierra en la medida correspondiente. El inicio de
cada mes era sealado por la primera aparicin de la Luna creciente despus del
ocaso, y ello constitua la nica auscultacin que el ritual judo haca del cielo. Los
profetas Ams y Joel mencionan vagamente los eclipses del Sol y la Luna entre las
seales del castigo, y se cree que deben haber tenido experiencias directas de los
mismos, ya que los clculos modernos sostienen que hubo eclipses totales de sol en
Palestina en los aos 831, 824 y 763 a.C., y la Luna enrojecida por la sombra de la
tierra no es fenmeno poco comn en cualquier parte de nuestro planeta. Pero los
pasajes mencionados no pueden ser asociados literalmente con simples fenmenos
pasajeros. Los profetas buscaban algo ms que la intimidacin. Jeremas pronunci
una advertencia clara contra el pnico vulgar cuando dijo: "No se asusten de las
seales del cielo como se asustan las naciones paganas". La bveda estelar, a la
que se ubicaba sobre el firmamento, es comparada por Isaas a una tienda plantada
por el Altsimo.


expresin escriturstica recurrente, tiene un significado general y uno especfico.
Indica, en ciertos pasajes, toda la poblacin sideral. En otros, se aplica
concretamente al Sol, la Luna, los planetas y algunas estrellas selectas, cuyo culto
haba sido introducido desde Babilonia durante el reinado de los reyes posteriores
de Israel.

Los planetas

Venus y Saturno son los nicos mencionados expresamente en el Antiguo


Isaas (14,12) apostrofa al imperio babilnico con el inconfundible epteto de Helal

(Lucifer, en la Vulgata), "hijo de la maana".

La estrella Kaiwan, que era adorada por los israelitas infieles en el desierto (Amos
5,26), indudablemente representa a Saturno. El mismo vocablo (traducido como
"firme") con frecuencia indica, en las inscripciones babilnicas, el planeta ms lento.
Por el contrario, Sakkuth, que es la divinidad asociada con la estrella por el profeta,
es otro nombre para Ninib, el planeta-dios de Babilonia, que se confunda con
Saturno. Los antiguos sirios y rabes tambin llamaban Kaiwan a Saturno. El
nombre correspondiente en el Bundahish zoroastriano (obra mitolgico-teolgica
sobre cosmogona, el gobierno y el fin del mundo; posterior al Avesta, pero con
contenido ms arcaico que ste, del perodo ms primitivo de la historia de Persia.
N.T.) es Kevan. Los dems planetas solamente aparecen individualizados en la Biblia
por implicacin. Se denuncia el culto a los dioses que estn relacionados con ellos,
pero sin intencin de referirse a los cuerpos celestiales. En ese contexto, Gad y
Meni (Is 65,11) son sin duda la "fortuna mayor y menor" tipificadas en Oriente por
Jpiter y Venus; Nebo, la deidad tutelar de Borsippa (Is 46,1), brillaba en el cielo
como Mercurio, y Nergal, trasplantado desde Asiria a Cuta (II Re 17,30), como

Kimah y Kesil

La uranografa de los hebreos est cargada de perplejidades. La Escritura menciona

media docena de grupos de estrellas, pero las autoridades an no se ponen de

acuerdo en cuanto a su identidad. En un texto muy impresionante, el profeta Ams

(5,8) da gloria al Creador llamndolo "el que hizo Kima y Kesil", y que la Vulgata
traduce por Arturo y Orin. Ciertamente, Kima no se refiere a Arturo. Esa palabra,
que aparece dos veces en el libro de Job (9,9; 38,31), es traducida por los LXX como
las Plyades. Ese es el mismo significado que le dan a ese nombre el Talmud y la
literatura siria. La evidencia etimolgica apoya esa traduccin: el trmino hebreo se
relaciona obviamente con la raz arbiga kum (acumular) y con la asiria kamu (atar),
mientras que "cadenas de Kima", al que se refiere el texto sagrado, adecuadamente
figura la fuerza coercitiva que le da unidad a un objeto mltiple. La otra
constelacin, Kesil, es indudablemente nuestra Orin. Empero, en el primero de los
pasajes del libro de Job donde aparece, los LXX traducen con la palabra Herper; en
el segundo, la Vulgata utiliza de modo irrelevante Arturo; Karsten Niebuhr (17331815) entendi que Kesil significaba Sirio; Thomas Hyde (1636-1703) supuso que
indicaba a Canopus (tambin llamada Canopo, o Alfa Carinae, es la estrella con ms
brillo en la constelacin de Carina y parece ser la segunda estrella ms brillante del
cielo, N.T.). En hebreo, kesil significa "impo", adjetivo que denotaba la criminalidad
estpida que legendariamente caracterizaba el carcter de los gigantes, y las
estrellas de Orin nos sugieren de modo irresistible una figura enorme que camina
por el cielo. Consecuentemente, los rabes dieron a esa constelacin el nombre de
Al-gebbar, "el gigante", cuyo equivalente en sirio es Gabbara, segn aparece en la
versin siria de la Biblia conocida como Peshitta. Podemos entonces asumir con
cierta seguridad que Kimah y Kesil s designaban a las Plyades y a Orin. Pero las
dems interpretaciones son considerablemente ms oscuras.


En el libro de Job- la parte ms astronmica de la Biblia- se hace mencin, junto con

otras estrellas, de Ash y Ayish, las cuales casi seguramente son formas diversa de la
misma palabra. Su significado contina siendo un enigma. La Vulgata y los LXX, sin
sustento alguno, las traducen por Arturo y Hsperos (escrita tambin Vsperos, es
Venus, el planeta de la tarde. N.T.). Abenazera, el erudito rabino de Toledo, aport,
sin embargo, tan slidas razones para identificar Ash, o Ayish, con la Osa Mayor,
que aunque hayan sido errneas, prevalecen an. Se fundamentaba sobre todo en
el parecido entre las palabras "ash" y la arbica "na'ash", "fretro", que se aplicaba
a las cuatro estrellas de El Carro (Osa Mayor), de las que las tres primeras eran
vistas como dolientes en una procesin funeraria, con el ttulo de Bet na'ash, "hijas
del fretro". Pero tambin Job habla de los "hijos de Ayish", y es difcil resistirse a
inferir que en ambos casos se refera al mismo grupo de estrellas. Aunque quedan
muchas dudas. Los fillogos modernos no admiten la conexin entre "Ayish" y
"na'ash", ni en el libro de Job aparece ninguna connotacin funeraria. Por otra parte,
el Profesor Schiaparelli llama la atencin al hecho de que en el Antiguo Testamento

"ash" denota una "mariposa nocturna", y que las estrellas alineadas en "V" de las
Hadas (un racimo de estrellas ubicado en la constelacin de Tauro) imitan las alas
dobladas del insecto. En el Peshitta "Ayish" est traducido como Iyutha, una
constelacin mencionada por san Efrn y otros escritores sirios, y las eruditas
reflexiones de Schiaparelli acerca de las varias indicaciones aportadas por la
literatura siria hacen que sea razonable pensar que Iyutha autnticamente
signifique Aldebarn, la gran estrella roja del Toro, con sus pequeuelos, la lluviosa
Hadas. Es verdad que Hyde, Ewald y otros estudiosos han adoptado a Capella (la
Cabra, la sexta estrella ms brillante del firmamento) y a los Nios como
representativos de Iyutha, y por lo tanto, de "Ayish y sus hijos", pero esa opinin
contiene muchas incongruencias.

Hadre Theman (Recmaras del Sur)

Las glorias celestiales mencionadas en el libro de Job incluyen un paisaje sideral

vagamente descrito como "las recmaras [i.e. "penetralia"] del sur". Segn
Schiaparelli, esa frase se refiere a cierto conjunto de estrellas brillantes que
apareca a unos 20 grados sobre el horizonte del sur de Palestina alrededor del ao
750 a.C. (o lo que se considera la poca del Patriarca Job), y tomando en cuenta los
cambios provocados por la precesin (de los equinoccios), l seala que el desfile
estelar conformado por la Vela, la Cruz y el Centauro cumple esas condiciones. Sirio,
si bien en esa fecha culminaba a una altura de 41 grados, perfectamente podra
haber sido considerada como parte de las "Recmaras del Sur". De otra manera,
deberamos pensar que la Biblia ignor ese maravilloso objeto celeste.


A las "Recmaras del Sur" Job (37,9) contrapone una constelacin llamada Mezarim
como el origen del fro. Tanto la Vulgata como los LXX traducen ese nombre por
Arturo, equivocando (los errores no son poco comunes) el nombre de Arctos. En
aquellos das, la Osa Mayor giraba al rededor del Polo a una distancia mucho ms
corta que hoy. Su tpica orientacin hacia el norte sobrevive an en la palabra latina
"septentrio"(de septem triones, las siete estrellas del Carro), y Schiaparelli
concluye, por la forma "dual" (plural) de la palabra Mezarim, que los judos, as
como los fenicios, estaban familiarizados tanto con la Osa Menor como con la
Mayor. l lee la palabra "mezarim" como la forma plural, o dual, de mizreh, "pala
para aventar el grano", un instrumento sugerido por las siete estrellas del Carro, tal

como a los chinos les sugiere "cucharn", o a los americanos el "dipper" (cuchara)
en su lenguaje popular.


Quizs la adivinanza ms complicada de la nomenclatura bblica de las estrellas es

la que nos presentan las palabras Mazzaroth y Mazzaloth (Job 38,31-32; II Re 23,5),
que an provocan falta de acuerdo por sus variantes fonticas. Las opiniones sobre
su significado son desesperantemente diversas. Los autores de los LXX
transcribieron, sin traducir, esa expresin tan ambigua, mientras que la Vulgata la
traduce como "Lucifer", en Job, y como "Signos del Zodiaco", en el libro de los
Reyes. San Juan Crisstomo adopt el segundo significado, sin dejar de sealar, sin
embargo, que muchos de sus contemporneos interpretaban Mazzaroth como Sirio.
Pero esta ltima idea perdi peso mientras que la explicacin zodiacal gan
popularidad. A primera vista esta teora es en definitiva extremadamente plausible.
Los doce signos zodiacales, tal como los conocemos hoy, ya se haban establecido
en las regiones cercanas al Eufrates mucho antes del xodo. Aunque no se les daba
culto en el sentido estricto de la palabra, bien se les pudo considerar algo sagrado,
en cuanto que eran el recinto de las deidades. El trmino asirio "manzallu" (a veces
escrito "manzazu"), "estacin", aparece a veces en las tabletas de la creacin
babilnica con el refrn "mansin de los dioses". La palabra en s misma parece
estar etimolgicamente emparentada con Mazzaloth, que en el hebreo rabnico
primariamente indica los signos del zodaco, y en forma secundaria, los planetas.
Tambin el zodaco lunar sugiere, por su lado, la misma conexin. Las veintiocho
"mansiones de la luna" (menazil al-kamar) eran la caracterstica principal de las
tradiciones rabes sobre el cielo, y en el resto de los pueblos orientales tenan
propsitos astrolgicos. De acuerdo con ello, pueden haber formado parte del
aparato de supersticin usado por los adivinos que fueron expulsados de Jud, junto
con el culto a Mazzaroth, en el reinado de Josas, alrededor del ao 621 a.C. Pero no
se puede dar ninguna explicacin congruente con las expresiones que encontramos
en el libro de Job (38,32). El Patriarca pregunta, en nombre del Altsimo: "Puedes t
hacer aparecer a Mazzaroth a su hora?". Se trata de una clarsima alusin a un
fenmeno peridico, tal como puede serlo la brillante visibilidad del Lucifer, o
Hspero. El Profesor Schiaparelli recurre entonces a la traduccin ofrecida por la
Vulgata para ese pasaje. l reconoce al planeta Venus en Mazzaroth, en su doble
aspecto de estrella de la maana y de la tarde, y afirma que la luminaria indicada
en el Libro de los Reyes junto con el Sol y la Luna, y "el ejrcito del cielo", debe ser
casi tan brillante que los principales emisores de luz. Dice tambin que el Sol, la
Luna y Venus configuran la gran trada astronmica de Babilonia, cuya
representacin escultrica frecuentemente incluye "el ejrcito del cielo", tipificado
por una muchedumbre de animales-divinidades fantsticos. Y como obviamente el

culto astral denunciado por los profetas de Israel era originario del Eufrates, el
nombrar a Mazzaroth como el tercer miembro de la trada babilnica constitua un
eslabn muy importante de evidencia. Con todo, el caso permanece siendo uno de
extrema dificultad.


Sin considerar el escepticismo de los comentaristas recientes, parece bastante

cierto que "la serpiente fugitiva" de Job 26,13 ("coluber tortuosus", en la Vulgata)
realmente representa el reptil circumpolar. La constelacin eufratiana del Dragn es
de vetusta antigedad, y muy probablemente era conocida por Job. Por otro lado,
Rahab (Job 9,13; 21,12), traducido como "ballena" por los LXX, posiblemente tiene
origen simblico o legendario.


La lista que sigue a continuacin (basada mayormente en la autoridad de

Schiaparelli) ofrece las interpretaciones ms confiables de los nombre bblicos de
las estrellas:

Kimah: las Plyades; Kesil: Orin; Ash, o Ayish: las Hadas; Mezarim: Las osas (Mayor
y Menor); Mazzaroth, Venus (Lucifer y Hesperus); Hadre Theman- "las Recmaras
del Sur"-: Canopo, La Cruz del Sur, y Centauro; Nachash: Dragn.


casi no existen alusiones a los astros. La "estrella de los Magos" apenas puede ser
vista como un fenmeno objetivo. Si existi, pas inadvertido al pueblo comn. Sin
embargo, Kepler hipotetiz en 1606 que una asombrosa conjuncin de Saturno y
Jpiter, el cual sucedi en mayo del ao 7, a.C. haba sido la seal que siguieron los
sabios. Resucitada en 1821 por el Doctor Mnter, obispo luterano de Zealand, esta
opinin fue fuertemente defendida en 1826 por C.L. Ideler (Handbuch der
Chronologie, II, 399). Pero la investigacin del Dr. Pritchard (Smith's Dictionary of
the Bible, Memoirs Royal Astrology Society, XXV, 119) demostr su incapacidad
para llenar los requisitos de la narrativa del Evangelio.

AGNES M. CLERKE Transcrito por Joseph P. Thomas Traducido por Javier Algara

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La Nebulosa del guila (tambin conocida como Objeto Messier 16, o popularmente
denominada como "pilares de la creacin", M16 o NGC 6611)

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es un cmulo estelar abierto en la constelacin Serpens. Est asociado con una

nebulosa de emisin difusa catalogada como IC 4703. Esta regin donde se forman
estrellas se encuentra a una distancia de 7.000 aos luz.Los Pilares de la creacin
como fueron vistos por la Cmara Planetaria y de Gran Angular 2 del Telescopio
espacial Hubble. La combinacin de colores de esta imagen (rojo para la emisin de
azufre ionizado, verde para la emisin de hidrgeno y azul para la emisin de
oxgeno doblemente ionizado) ha pasado a ser conocida como paleta Hubble y ha
sido ampliamente difundida en la fotografa astronmica del cielo profundo.

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NGC 6302 es una nebulosa planetaria bipolar en la constelacin de Scorpius, el

escorpin, tambin conocida como Nebulosa de la Mariposa. Al estar incluida en el
Nuevo Catlogo General, este objeto es conocido al menos desde 1888.
Su espectro muestra que su estrella central es uno de los objetos ms calientes del
universo, con una temperatura superior a 200.000 K.

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La nebulosa planetaria Araa roja muestra la compleja estructura que se puede

formar cuando una estrella normal expulsa su gas exterior y se convierte en una
estrella del tipo enana blanca.Llamada oficialmente NGC6537, esta nebulosa
planetaria de dos lbulos simtricos contiene la enana blanca ms caliente que se
ha obsevado, probablemente formaba parte de un sistema binario.
La nebulosa Araa roja est situada en la constelacin de Sagitario.

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La nebulosa Pelcano

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Nebulosa Retina, pues su aspecto se ha comparado con la retina del ojo. Su

distancia a la Tierra es incierta, estimndose entre 1900 y 5000 aos luz, en la
constelacin de Lupus.

En la imagen se oberva como el lado derecho e izquierdo son prcticamente

iguales. El gas y polvo manan de la estrella moribunda formando una estructura de
"rosquilla" alrededor, de la que slo vemos un lado. La luz de los tomos de oxgeno
se muestra de color azul en la imagen, el hidrgeno en color verde y el nitrgeno en

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Esta perfecta tormenta de gas en la turbulenta Nebulosa del Cisne, M17, se

encuentra en Sagitario, a 5.500 aos-luz de la Tierra. Se trata de un burbujeante
ocano de hidrgeno candente con trazas de otros elementos, como oxgeno y
azufre. Denominada tambin Nebulosa Omega, acta como semillero de nuevos

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La Nebulosa Esquimal NGC 2392, tambin llamada "huevo podrido", se encuentra

en la constelacin de Geminis, a unos 5000 aos luz de la Tierra. La imagen se
obtuvo el 10 de enero del 2000, despus de la reparacin efectuada por los
astronautas en el telescopio espacial Hubble. En la foto, el nitrgeno se ve de color
rojo, el hidrgeno verde, el oxgeno azul y el helio violeta.

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La Nebulosa de la Hlice, Nebulosa Helix o NGC 7293, y en ocasiones llamada El ojo

de Dios, es una nebulosa planetaria en la constelacin de Acuario, a unos 680 aos
luz de distancia. Es una de las nebulosas planetarias ms prximas a la Tierra y fue
descubierta por Karl Ludwig Harding antes de 1824.

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La Nebulosa del Huevo ofrece a los astrnomos una inolvidable perspectiva del
caparazn de polvo que empaa la visin de una veterana estrella. Estas negras
conchas alcanzan una distancia de una dcima parte de una ao-luz desde la
estrella central, configurando una estructura a modo de capas de cebolla que forma
anillos concntricos.

Nebulosa del anillo

A esta belleza la llaman "Anillo del Sur". Se encuentra a slo 2000 aos luz de la
Tierra. Los distintos colores representan temperaturas: azul ms caliente y rojo ms
fra. Nuestro Sol podra expulsar una nebulosa planetaria similar a esta dentro de
unos 6.000 millones de aos.

MyCn18 o Nebulosa Reloj de Arena. Se encuentra a 8.000 aos luz de distancia.

Antes de obtener esta fotografa, MyCn18 se vea formada por dos anillos grandes y
uno ms pequeo Por fuerza, este descentramiento, que tambin se ha observado
en el ncleo de algunas galaxias, alrededor de lo que podra ser un agujero negro,
ha de tener alguna explicacin, desconocida por el momento.

Killer VoodOo: Nebulosas

IndiM, por lo que leo, los colores del osito gominola podran no ser slo del azufre
gomoso. Las nebulosas estn llenas de nitrgeno, oxgeno e hidrgeno a
temperaturas altsimas y azufre. por qu iba a ser solo del azufre?

las nebulosas qu tiene de especial para los masones?

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