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Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Unit 1 - Algebraic Expressions & Equations & Real Numbers

1 Evaluating Algebraic Expressions & Order of Operations
Vocabulary - variable, constant, power, base, exponent, algebraic expression, evaluate,
multiple representation, standard notation, denominator, numerator, fraction, order of
operations, hierarchy, parenthesis, brackets, grouping symbols, product, quotient, PEMDAS
Define and identify variables, constants, powers, bases, and exponents
Translate a word phrase into a power expression
Evaluate the power of a number
Evaluate algebraic expressions with and without powers
Without calculator
With calculator (stress parentheses)
Include expressions with absolute value
Problem solving applications
A.PS.2 Recognize and understand equivalent representations of a problem situation or a
mathematical concept
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically
A.CM.3 Present organized mathematical ideas with the use of appropriate standard notations,
including the use of symbols and other representations when sharing an idea in verbal and written
A.A.2 Write a verbal expression that matches a given mathematical expression
A.N.1 Identify and apply the properties of real numbers (closure, commutative, associative,
distributive, identity, inverse)
A.N.6 Evaluate expressions involving factorial(s), absolute value(s), and exponential expression(s)
(no factorials or absolute values)
2 Translating Verbal Phrases into Algebraic Expressions (not equations)
Vocabulary verbal model, sum, plus, total, more than, increased by, added to, difference, less than,
minus, decreased by, subtracted from, times, twice, product, multiplied by, of, quotient, divided by,
divided into, consecutive integers, consecutive even integers, consecutive odd integers,
interpretation, quantitative model, rate, unit rate
Translate a quantitative verbal phrase into an algebraic expression (no equations)
Interpret a verbal expression into its matching mathematical expression (no equations)

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Problem solving applications
A.PS.2 Recognize and understand equivalent representations of a problem situation or a
mathematical concept
A.A.1 Translate a quantitative verbal phrase into an algebraic expression
A.A.2 Write a verbal expression that matches a given mathematical expression
3 Translate Word Sentences into Algebraic Equations & Inequalities
(Linear in one variable only NO solving, only setup)
Vocabulary equation, inequality, open sentence, plus, minus, sum, difference, product, quotient,
increased by, decreased by, more than, less than, times, twice, the difference of, subtracted from,
added to, consecutive, consecutive even, consecutive odd, break even point, equal to, is less than(<),
is smaller than(<), is more than(>), is greater than(>), is at least(), is at most(), is not more
than(), is not less than(), solution
Differentiate between an expression and an equation
Translate a quantitative verbal sentence into a mathematical equation
Represent a situation with an algebraic equation
Translate a quantitative verbal sentence into a mathematical inequality
Represent a situation with an algebraic inequality
A.A.1 Translate a quantitative verbal phrase into an algebraic expression
A.A.3 Distinguish the difference between an algebraic expression and an algebraic equation
A.A.4 Translate verbal sentences into mathematical equations or inequalities
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.6 Analyze and solve verbal problems whose solution requires solving a linear equation in one
variable or linear inequality in one variable
A.PS.2 Recognize and understand equivalent representations of a problem situation or a
mathematical concept
4 Analyze and Solve Verbal Problems (Algebraic solutions of equations/inequalities not
Vocabulary review vocabulary from 1.1 through 1.4, formula, strategy, appropriate, interpret,
explain, elicit, check, formula, quantity, formulate
Analyze a verbal problem whose solution requires solving a linear equation in one variable and
formulate a solution plan
Analyze a verbal problem whose solution requires solving a linear inequality in one variable and
formulate a solution plan
Apply Problem solving strategies to determine a problem solving plan & solution

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Verify the appropriateness of a solution
Apply formulas to solve for given quantity
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.6 Analyze and solve verbal problems whose solution requires solving a linear equation in one
variable or linear inequality in one variable
A.PS.5 Choose an effective approach to solve a problem from a variety of strategies (numeric,
graphic, algebraic)
A.PS.6 Use a variety of strategies to extend solution methods to other problems
A.PS.8 Determine information required to solve a problem, choose methods for obtaining the
information, and define parameters for acceptable solutions
A.PS.10 Evaluate the relative efficiency of different representations and solution methods of a
A.CM.1 Communicate verbally and in writing a correct, complete, coherent, and clear design
(outline) and explanation for the steps used in solving a problem
A.CM.6 Support or reject arguments or questions raised by others about the correctness of
mathematical work
A.CM.8 Reflect on strategies of others in relation to ones own strategy
A.CM.11 Represent word problems using standard mathematical notation

5 Functions
Vocabulary relation, function, domain, range, ordered pair, vertical line test, independent variable,
dependent variable
Define and identify functions given their input/output tables
Determine if an input/output table is a function using its ordered pairs
Verbalize based on a graph or table if a function exists (ex: It is a function because there is one y
coordinate for each x coordinate)
Identify the domain and range of a function
Identify the independent and dependent variable
Given a scatter plot, determine whether it is a function
Apply the vertical line test

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Given the equation of a linear function, with a limited domain, determine its input/output table
Problem solving applications
A.PS.3 Observe and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjectures
A.G.3 Determine when a relation is a function, by examining ordered pairs and inspecting graphs of
6 Introduction to the Real Numbers
Vocabulary natural numbers, whole numbers, opposites, integers, rational numbers, irrational
numbers, real numbers, decimals, fractions, set, element, union, intersection, square root, perfect
square, absolute value, symbol: | |
Define absolute value
Determine the absolute value of a number
Evaluate absolute value expressions with multiple absolute values. (Ex. |3 7| 2|1 + 9|)
Define and identify the following sets and their symbolic representation: Natural Numbers, Whole
Numbers, Integers, Rationals, Irrationals, & Real Numbers (include their roster form)
Refer to historical development of each number set
Define and identify undefined terms
Compare & rank order the Real Numbers in different forms (decimals, fractions, integers, &
radicals) using a number line
Classify a number to which set it is a member of: whole, natural, integer, rational, irrational & real
Rank order the Real Numbers in different forms (decimals, fractions, integers, & radicals)
Compare & order the Real Numbers in different forms (decimals, fractions, integers, & radicals)
using <, >, <, >
Determine the exact square root of a rational number
Approximate the value of the square root of a irrational number
Apply the calculator to find the square root of a number exactly or to a given decimal place
Problem solving applications
A.N.2 Simplify radical terms (no variable in the radicand)
A.CM.3 Present organized mathematical ideas with the use of appropriate standard notations,
including the use of symbols and other representations when sharing an idea in verbal and written
A.R.2 Recognize, compare, and use an array of representational forms
A.CN.8 Develop an appreciation for the historical development of mathematics

Know that numbers that are not
rational are called irrational.
Understand informally that every
number has a decimal expansion;
for rational numbers show that the
decimal expansion repeats
eventually, and convert a decimal
expansion which repeats
eventually into a rational
Use rational approximations of
irrational numbers to compare the
size of irrational numbers, locate
them approximately on a number
line diagram, and estimate the
value of expression.
Use square root and cube root
symbols to represent solutions to
equations of the form x2 = p and
x3=p, where p is a positive rational
number. Evaluate square roots of
small perfect squares and cube
roots of small perfect cubes.
Know 2 is irrational.

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.PS.3 Observe and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjectures
A.RP.3 Recognize when an approximation is more appropriate than an exact answer
7 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of Integers, Fractions & Decimals
Vocabulary integers, fractions, decimals, additive identity, additive inverse, opposites
Define and apply the rules for addition & subtraction of Integers, fractions, and decimals
Review operations with mixed numbers & improper fractions
Add and subtract positive/negative of integers, fractions, and decimals without the calculator
Add and subtract positive/negative of integers, fractions, and decimals with the calculator (stress
difference between negative key & subtraction key on calculator)
Define and apply the rules for multiplication & division Integers, fractions, and decimals
Multiply & divide integers, fractions, and decimals without the calculator
Multiply & divide integers, fractions, and decimals with calculator
Use calculator to express division in fractional form
Verbal applications (expressions not equations, stress difference between an equation and an
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.CM.11 Represent word problems using standard mathematical notation
A.CN.6 Recognize and apply mathematics to situations in the outside world
A.CN.7 Recognize and apply mathematical ideas to problem situations that develop outside of
A.R.4 Select appropriate representations to solve problem situations
8 Properties of the Real Numbers & Distributive Property
Vocabulary closure, commutative, associative, distributive, identity, opposite, additive inverse,
multiplicative inverse, logical argument, commutative property of addition, commutative property of
multiplication, associative property of addition, associative property of multiplication, distributive
property of multiplication over addition, identity element of addition, identity element of
multiplication, equivalent expressions, term, coefficient, constant, like terms, variable, combining
like terms
Identify and apply the properties of Real Numbers (closure, commutative property of addition,
commutative property of multiplication, associative property of addition, associative property of
multiplication, distributive property of multiplication over addition, identity element of addition,
identity element of multiplication, additive inverse, multiplicative inverse) Note: Students do not

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

need to identify groups & fields, but students should be engaged in the ideas.
Apply properties to simplify calculations (i.e. (25)(37)(4) = (25)(4)(37) = (254)(37) = (100)(37) =
Define and apply the distributive property to numerical expressions (no variables)
Define and apply the distributive property to algebraic expressions (with degree 2 or lower)
Applications using the distributive property
o Ex. 13(12) = 13( 10 + 2) = 13(10) + 13(2) = 130 + 26 = 156
o Ex. 13(95) = 13(100 5) = 13(100) 13(5) = 1300 65 = 1235
A.N.1 Identify and apply the properties of real numbers (closure, commutative, associative,
distributive, identity, inverse
A.RP.4 Develop, verify, and explain an argument, using appropriate mathematical ideas and language
A.RP.7 Evaluate written arguments for validity
A.RP.9 Devise ways to verify results or use counterexamples to refute incorrect statements.
A.PS.2 Recognize and understand equivalent representations of a problem situation or a
mathematical concept

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Unit 2 Solutions of Linear Equations

1 Solution of 1-step, 2-step, & multi-step equations applying addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division
Vocabulary inverse operations, equivalent equations, additive inverse, opposite, reciprocal,
multiplicative inverse, like terms, solutions, check, simplify, distributive property
Distinguish the difference between an algebraic expression and an algebraic equation (i.e. Can you
solve 3x + 9?)
Given algebraic expressions and algebraic equations determine which can be solved and which
cannot be solved
Solve a one-step equation with addition, subtraction, multiplication or division
Solve two-step & multi-step linear equations containing variable one side
Solve multi-step equations by applying the distributive property
Justify the solution (check)
Problem solving applications
A.A.3 Distinguish the difference between an algebraic expression and an algebraic equation
A.A.21 Determine whether a given value is a solution to a given linear equation in one variable or
linear inequality in one variable
A.A.22 Solve all types of linear equations in one variable
A.CM.1 Communicate verbally and in writing a correct, complete, coherent, and clear design
(outline) and explanation for the steps used in solving a problem
A.RP.2 Use mathematical strategies to reach a conclusion and provide supportive arguments for a
A.RP.9 Devise ways to verify results or use counterexamples to refute incorrect statements
A.R.1 Use physical objects, diagrams, charts, tables, graphs, symbols, equations, or objects created
using technology as representations of mathematical concepts

2 Solving Equations with variables on both sides

Solve multi-step equations with variables on both sides of equation
Solve multi-step equations that apply the distributive property
Solve multi-step equations that apply the distributive property where there is a negative outside the

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Solve equations that lead to x = 0
Justify the solution (check)
Problem solving applications (include consecutive integers, consecutive even & consecutive odd)
A.A.5 Determine and construct an algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.21 Determine whether a given value is a solution to a given linear equation in one variable or
linear inequality in one variable
A.A.22 Solve all types of linear equations in one variable
A.CM.1 Communicate verbally and in writing a correct, complete, coherent, and clear design
(outline) and explanation for the steps used in solving a problem
A.RP.2 Use mathematical strategies to reach a conclusion and provide supportive arguments for a
A.R.1 Use physical objects, diagrams, charts, tables, graphs, symbols, equations, or objects created
using technology as representations of mathematical concepts

3 Solving Literal Equations

Vocabulary - literal equation, formula
Define & identify literal equations
Solve for a given variable in a literal equation
Apply formulas to solve for a certain variable
Problem solving applications
A.A.23 Solve literal equations for a given variable
A.CM.1 Communicate verbally and in writing a correct, complete, coherent, and clear design
and explanation for the steps used in solving a problem
4 Solving Proportions
Vocabulary ratio, proportion, simplest form, cross product, cross product property
Find the ratio of two quantities in simplest form
Solve proportions that lead to linear equations
Applications of ratios
Applications of proportions

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Problem solving applications
A.N.5 Solve algebraic problems arising from situations that involve fractions, decimals, percents
(decrease/increase and discount), and proportionality/direct variation
A.A.21 Determine whether a given value is a solution to a given linear equation in one variable or
linear inequality in one variable
A.A.22 Solve all types of linear equations in one variable
A.A.25 Solve equations involving fractional expressions Note: Expressions which result in linear
equations in one variable.
A.A.26 Solve algebraic proportions in one variable which result in linear or quadratic equations
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.CM.5 Communicate logical arguments clearly, showing why a result makes sense and why the
reasoning is valid

5 Conversions
Vocabulary metric system, customary system, inches, feet, etc.
Given a relationship between two units, convert within the measurement system
Calculate rates
Solve verbal problems involving conversions within measurement systems given the relationship
between the units (i.e. Ellen traveled six times as far as Beth. If Ellen traveled 150 km, how many
meters did Beth travel? 1 km = 1,000 m or A dress on sale was reduced to $25. If that was 1/6 of
the original price, find the original price in Euros. The current conversion is 1 Euro = $1.50)
Include examples where students need to do multiple conversions to arrive at an answer.
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.6 Analyze and solve verbal problems whose solution requires solving a linear equation in one
variable or linear inequality in one variable
A.M.1 Calculate rates using appropriate units (e.g., rate of a space ship versus the rate of a snail)
A.M.2 Solve problems involving conversions within measurement systems, given the relationship
between the units
A.PS.5 Choose an effective approach to solve a problem from a variety of strategies (numeric,
graphic, algebraic)
A.PS.6 Use a variety of strategies to extend solution methods to other problems

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.PS.7 Work in collaboration with others to propose, critique, evaluate, and value alternative
approaches to problem solving
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)
6 Solving Word Problems in Percents, leading to linear equations
Vocabulary percent, proportion, percent of change, percent of increase, percent of decrease,
Determine the percent of a number (ex. What is 9% of 12?)
Determine the percentage (ex. What % of 20 is 17?)
Given a percentage, determine the number (ex. 19 is 50% of what number?)
Determine the percent of increase
Determine the percent of decrease
Determine the percent of change
Problem solving applications
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.N.5 Solve algebraic problems arising from situations that involve fractions, decimals, percents
(decrease/increase and discount), and proportionality/direct variation
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)
7 Applications
Apply knowledge of linear equations to the solution of consecutive integers word problems
Apply knowledge of linear equations to the solution of coin word problems
Apply knowledge of linear equations to the solution of break even word problems
Stress the use of let statements and give examples where they are appropriate.
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)

Unit #3 Geometry
Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

1. Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations:
a. Lines are taken to lines, and lime segments to lime segments of the same length.
b. Angles are taken to angles of the same measure.
c. Parallel lines are taken to parallel lines.
2. Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be
obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two
congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them.
3. Describe the effect of dilations, rotations, and reflections on two-dimensional figures
using coordinates.
4. Understand that a two-dimensional figure is similar to another if the second can be
obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations;
given two similar two-dimensional figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the
similarity between them.
5. Use informal arguments to establish facts about the angle sum and exterior angle of
triangles, about the angles created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and the
angle-angle criterion for similarity of triangles.

Unit 4 Graphing Two Variable Linear Equations

1 Introduction to graphing linear equations
Vocabulary coordinate plane, abscissa, ordinate, ordered pair, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, x-axis,
y-axis, axes, quadrants, origin, linear function, vertical, horizontal, slant, oblique
Define & identify coordinate plane, abscissa, ordinate, ordered pair, quadrants, axes
Plot points (include those that lie on the x & y axis)
Explore & generalize how to determine the quadrant in which a point lies
Identify the quadrant in which a point lies (stress quadrantals, and the Roman numeral names of
Introduce general form for equation of a line (Equation of a line can have only x1, y1, or x1 and y1.
General form is Ax + By = C)
Discuss the concept that a line is a linear function
Given a linear function, with a limited domain, set up a table & graph the points (not a line)

Describe qualitatively the
functional relationship between
two quantities by analyzing a
graph. Sketch a graph that
exhibits the qualitative features of
a function that has been described


Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Given an ordered pair, check whether it is a solution to an equation
Given a linear equation in two variables, using the table method, graph the line (this is to be done by
hand, not the calculator, the students are not putting the equation in y = mx + b form)
Given a graph, determine the ordinate when given abscissa
Given a graph, determine the abscissa when given ordinate
Introduce horizontal lines
Graph horizontal lines
Introduce vertical lines
Graph horizontal lines
A.R.1 Use physical objects, diagrams, charts, tables, graphs, symbols, equations, or objects created
using technology as representations of mathematical concepts
A.A.4 Translate verbal sentences into mathematical equations or inequalities
A.A.21 Determine whether a given value is a solution to a given linear equation in one variable or
linear inequality in one variable
A.A.36 Write the equation of a line parallel to the x- or y-axis
A.A.39 Determine whether a given point is on a line, given the equation of the line
A.PS.3 Observe and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjectures
A.CM.2 Use mathematical representations to communicate with appropriate accuracy, including
numerical tables, formulas, functions, equations, charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and other diagrams
A.CM.4 Explain relationships among different representations of a problem
2 Graphing Linear Equations using x & y intercepts
Vocabulary linear equation, x-intercept, y-intercept, general form of a line
Given the graph of a line determine the x and y intercepts
Develop the concepts of intercepts and their connections to the equation of a line
Explore, conjecture & generalize about the x & y-intercepts of horizontal & vertical lines
Given the equation of line in Ax + By = C form, find the x-intercept (A or B or C can equal zero)
Given the equation of line in Ax + By = C form, find the y-intercept (A or B or C can equal zero)
Given the equation of a line use the x and y intercepts to graph the line
Conjecture & rationalize the appropriateness of this method and when other methods are more
appropriate (intercept is a fraction)
A.R.1 Use physical objects, diagrams, charts, tables, graphs, symbols, equations, or objects created
using technology as representations of mathematical concepts
A.A.4 Translate verbal sentences into mathematical equations or inequalities

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.A.36 Write the equation of a line parallel to the x- or y-axis
A.A.39 Determine whether a given point is on a line, given the equation of the line
A.PS.3 Observe and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjectures
A.CM.2 Use mathematical representations to communicate with appropriate accuracy, including
numerical tables, formulas, functions, equations, charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and other diagrams
A.CM.4 Explain relationships among different representations of a problem
3 Slope of a Line
Vocabulary slope, rate of change, positive slope, negative slope, zero slope, undefined slope
Define and introduce slope as a rate of change (do not simply use x and y as the variables)
Discover by looking at a graph, if the slope of a line is positive, negative, zero, or no slope (stress
difference between zero & no slope)
Determine the exact slope of a line by looking at its graph
Determine the slope of a line given in any form
Discover the formula for slope of a line by investigating graphs of lines
Apply the slope formula to find the slope of a line given two points on the line
Apply the slope formula to find the rate of change
Given a point on a line & the slope of a line, find the coordinates of another point on that line
Given the slope of a line & a point on the line, find the missing x or y-coordinate of the point (i.e. A
line with a slope of goes through the points (2, 7) and (6, y). What is the value of y?)
A.A.32 Explain slope as a rate of change between dependent and independent variables
A.A.33 Determine the slope of a line, given the coordinates of two points on the line
A.A.36 Write the equation of a line parallel to the x- or y-axis
A.A.37 Determine the slope of a line, given its equation in any form
A.CM.7 Read and listen for logical understanding of mathematical thinking shared by other students
A.CM.10 Use correct mathematical language in developing mathematical questions that elicit, extend,
or challenge other students conjectures

Graph proportional relationships,
interpreting the unit rate as the slope
of the graph. Compare two
different proportional
relationships in different ways. For
example, compare a distance-time
graph to a distance-tme equation to
determine which of two moving
objects has greater speed.
Use similar triangles to explain
why the slope m is the same
between any two distinct points on
a non-vertical line in the
coordinate plane; derive the
equation y=mx for a line through the
origin and the equation y=mx+b for
a line intercepting the vertical axis at

4 Graphing Linear Equations using Slope-Intercept form (y = mx + b)

Vocabulary slope, y-intercept, slope intercept form, parameter changes, general form of a line, m,
Given an equation in y = mx + b form, identify the slope and y-intercept
Given an equation of a line, write as an equivalent equation in slope-intercept form


Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Graph a linear equation given in slope-intercept form by using the slope & y-intercept
Given the line in Ax + By = C form, apply the slope-intercept form to graph
Given the equation of a line in any form, graph by hand
Given the equation of a line in any form, graph by using the graphing calculator
Discuss direct variation (i.e. what happens when y-intercept = 0)
Conjecture & generalize the effects of changing the slope or y-intercept to a family of lines
Determine if lines are parallel, given the equation in any form
Problem solving applications
A.A.37 Determine the slope of a line, given its equation in any form
Determine if two lines are parallel, given their equations in any form
A.G.4 Identify and graph linear, quadratic (parabolic), absolute value,
and exponential functions
A.CN.2 Understand the corresponding procedures for similar problems or mathematical concepts
A.RP.10 Extend specific results to more general cases
Unit 5 Equation of Lines
1 Slope-Intercept form (without calculator) & Families of Lines
Vocabulary slope, y-intercept, slope-intercept form, parallel
Conjecture & generalize the effects of changing the slope or y-intercept to a family of lines
Draw conclusions of the effects of m & b on a line
Given the slope & y-intercept of a line, determine the equation
Given the slope & y-intercept of a line, determine if a point lies on that line
Determine the equation of a line, given its slope and y-intercept
Determine the equation of a line, given its slope and the coordinates of a point on the line
Determine the equation of a line, given the graph of a line that includes the y-intercept
Determine the equation of a line, given two points
Determine the equation of a line, given its graph
Determine the equation of a line, parallel to the x- or y-axis
Problem solving applications
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.34 Write the equation of a line, given its slope and the coordinates of a point on the line
A.A.35 Write the equation of a line, given the coordinates of two points on the line
A.A.36 Write the equation of a line parallel to the x- or y-axis
A.PS.2 Recognize and understand equivalent representations of a problem situation or a mathematical

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.PS.3 Observe and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjectures
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.CM.2 Use mathematical representations to communicate with appropriate accuracy, including
numerical tables, formulas, functions, equations, charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and other diagrams
A.CM.3 Present organized mathematical ideas with the use of appropriate standard notations,
including the use of symbols and other representations when sharing an idea in verbal and written
A.CN.2 Understand the corresponding procedures for similar problems or mathematical concepts
A.CN.4 Understand how concepts, procedures, and mathematical results in one area of mathematics
can be used to solve problems in other areas of mathematics
2 Equations of lines continued
Vocabulary y-intercept, slope, slope-intercept form, parallel
Determine the equation of a line in slope-intercept form, given its slope and a point on the line
Determine the equation of a line in slope-intercept form, given any two points on the line
Determine the equation of a line given its graph
Problem solving applications
A.A.33 Determine the slope of a line, given the coordinates of two points on the line
A.A.35 Write the equation of a line, given the coordinates of two points on the line
A.A.36 Write the equation of a line parallel to the x- or y-axis
A.PS.2 Recognize and understand equivalent representations of a problem situation or a mathematical
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.CM.2 Use mathematical representations to communicate with appropriate accuracy, including
numerical tables, formulas, functions, equations, charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and other diagrams
A.CN.2 Understand the corresponding procedures for similar problems or mathematical concepts
A.CN.4 Understand how concepts, procedures, and mathematical results in one area of mathematics
can be used to solve problems in other areas of mathematics

3 Point-Slope form of a line

Vocabulary point-slope form, two-point form, parallel

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Define & apply the point-slope form
Determine the equation of a line given the slope & a point
Graph a line given in point-slope form
Define & apply two-point form
Graph a line given in two-point form
Problem solving applications
A.A.34 Write the equation of a line, given its slope and the coordinates of a point on the line
A.A.35 Write the equation of a line, given the coordinates of two points on the line
A.A.36 Write the equation of a line parallel to the x- or y-axis
A.CN.2 Understand the corresponding procedures for similar problems or mathematical concepts
4 Standard Form Equation of a Line
Vocabulary standard form, Ax + By = C, parallel
Define and identify a line in standard form
Determine the standard form equation of a line, parallel to the x- or y- axis
Discover equivalent standard form equations (Ax + By = C and its multiple)
Reason about A, B & C and their values in parallel lines
Determine the equation in standard form, given the slope & y-intercept
Determine the equation in standard form, given the slope & a point on the line
Determine the equation in standard form, given two points on the line
Determine the slope of a line, given the equation in any form
Problem solving applications
A.A.34 Write the equation of a line, given its slope and the coordinates of a point on the line
A.A.35 Write the equation of a line, given the coordinates of two points on the line
Determine the slope of a line, given its equation in any form
Determine if two lines are parallel, given their equations in any form
A.PS.2 Recognize and understand equivalent representations of a problem situation or a mathematical
5 Equations of Parallel Lines & Perpendicular Lines
Vocabulary parallel
Define & discuss parallel & perpendicular lines and their slopes
Determine if two lines are parallel or perpendicular given their graphs

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Given the equation of two lines in any form, determine if they are parallel & perpendicular
Determine the equation of a line parallel to a given line and passing through a given point
Problem solving applications
Determine if two lines are parallel, given their equations in any form
A.PS.2 Recognize and understand equivalent representations of a problem situation or a mathematical
6 Best Fit Line
Vocabulary scatter plot, univariate data, bivariate data, positive correlation, negative correlation,
no correlation
Define and recognize the difference between univariate and bivariate data
Given a set of data, determine whether it is univariate or bivariate
Create and investigate a scatter plot of bivariate data (minimal calculator use)
Construct manually a reasonable line of best fit for a scatter plot
Determine the equation of the reasonable line of best fit MANUALLY
Determine predictions from line of best fit using linear interpolation and linear extrapolation
Justify predictions found from line of best fit
Verbal applications
A.S.2 Determine whether the data to be analyzed is univariate or bivariate
A.S.7 Create a scatter plot of bivariate data
A.S.8 Construct manually a reasonable line of best fit for a scatter plot and determine the equation of
that line
A.S.12 Identify the relationship between the independent and dependent variables from a scatter plot
(positive, negative, or none)
A.S.17 Use a reasonable line of best fit to make a prediction involving interpolation or extrapolation
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)
A.PS.8 Determine information required to solve a problem, choose methods for obtaining the
information, and define parameters for acceptable solutions
A.PS.9 Interpret solutions within the given constraints of a problem

Understand that patterns of
association can also be seen in
bivariate categorical data by
displaying frequencies and
relative frequencies in a two-way
table. Construct and interpret a
two-way table summarizing data
on two categorical variables
collected from the same subjects.
Use relative frequencies calculated
for rows or columns to describe
possible association between the
two variables.

7 Applications of Scatter Plots

Vocabulary scatter plot, best-fit line, linear regression, interpolation, extrapolation, zero of a

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Create and investigate a scatter plot of bivariate data
Define linear interpolation and linear extrapolation
Apply linear interpolation & linear extrapolation to predictions
Problem solving applications
Determine information required to solve a problem, choose methods for obtaining the
information, and define parameters for acceptable solutions
Interpret solutions within the given constraints of a problem
A.RP.2 Use mathematical strategies to reach a conclusion and provide supportive arguments for a
A.RP.3 Recognize when an approximation is more appropriate than an exact answer
A.CM.2 Use mathematical representations to communicate with appropriate accuracy, including
numerical tables, formulas, functions, equations, charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and other diagrams
A.CM.8 Reflect on strategies of others in relation to ones own strategy
A.CN.3 Model situations mathematically, using representations to draw conclusions and formulate
new situations
A.R.4 Select appropriate representations to solve problem situations
A.R.5 Investigate relationships between different representations and their impact on a given
A.S.7 Create a scatter plot of bivariate data
A.S.8 Construct manually a reasonable line of best fit for a scatter plot and determine the equation of
that line
A.S.17 Use a reasonable line of best fit to make a prediction involving interpolation or extrapolation

Unit 6 Solving & Graphing Linear Inequalities

1 Solving Linear Inequalities in one variable
Vocabulary - <, >, , , , inequality, solution set, braces {}, number line
Define linear inequalities
Graph linear inequalities on a number line (stress open & closed circle)
Determine the values that make the inequality true or false
Determine the linear inequality represented by a graph on the number line
Define and apply the Addition/Subtraction property of inequality
Define and apply the Multiplication/Division property of inequality
Explain & prove the effect of multiply or dividing by a negative in a given inequality

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Solve linear inequalities in one variable
Graph the solution to a linear inequality on a number line
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.6 Analyze and solve verbal problems whose solution requires solving a linear equation in one
variable or linear inequality in one variable
A.A.24 Solve linear inequalities in one variable
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.RP.12 Apply inductive reasoning in making and supporting mathematical conjectures
A.CN.1 Understand and make connections among multiple representations of the same mathematical

2 Applications of Linear Inequalities

Translate verbal sentences into mathematical inequalities and solve.
Translate real life situations into mathematical inequalities and solve.
Determine acceptable solutions to applications of linear inequalities.
A.A.4 Translate verbal sentences into mathematical equations or inequalities
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.6 Analyze and solve verbal problems whose solution requires solving a linear equation in one
variable or linear inequality in one variable
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.PS.8 Determine information required to solve a problem, chose methods for obtaining the
information, and define parameters for acceptable solutions.
A.CM.11 Represent word problems using standard mathematical notation
A.CN.6 Recognize & apply mathematics to situations in the outside world.


Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

3 Compound Inequalities in one Variable
Vocabulary compound inequality, intersection, union, and, or
Define and graph on the number line compound inequalities with no solution needed (ex. -2 x < 5)
Solve compound inequalities (and ex. -15 < 15p 10 25)
Solve compound inequalities with and (ex. -2 < 3x + 1 and 7x 3 < 19)
Solve compound inequalities with or
Graph the solution set to a compound inequality (stress open & closed circle)
Write the solution to a compound inequality as a solution set with braces (ex. {x| -2 < x < 5}
Solve and graph compound inequalities on a number line using the graphing calculator (stress
inability to see open/closed circle on calculator)
Problem solving applications
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.6 Analyze and solve verbal problems whose solution requires solving a linear equation in one
variable or linear inequality in one variable
A.A.24 Solve linear inequalities in one variable
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.RP.12 Apply inductive reasoning in making and supporting mathematical conjectures
A.CM.11 Represent word problems using standard mathematical notation
A.CN.1 Understand and make connections among multiple representations of the same mathematical
4 Solving Absolute Value Equations
Vocabulary absolute value, symbol: | |, absolute value equation
Solve absolute linear equation
A.A.22 Solve all types of linear equations in one variable
5 Graphing Absolute Value Functions
Vocabulary absolute value, function
Properties of the parent function y = |x|
Graph absolute value linear functions with the calculator
Compare & contrast the graphs of linear absolute value functions with the parent function
A.N.6 Evaluate expressions involving factorial(s), absolute value(s), and exponential expression(s)
A.A.22 Solve all types of linear equations in one variable
6 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables On the Coordinate Plane

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Vocabulary coordinate plane, linear inequality, solution
Given an ordered pair, determine if it is a solution of a two variable inequality
Graphing a linear inequality in one variable
Graphing a linear inequality in two variables given in any form
Graph linear inequalities using the graphing calculator (with shading)
Determine a point in the solution set & verify your solution
Determine a point not in the solution set & prove it is not in the solution set

A.G.6 Graph linear inequalities

A.A.21 Determine whether a given value is a solution to a given linear equation in one variable or
linear inequality in one variable
Unit 7 Systems of Equations & Inequalities
1 Solving Linear Systems Graphically
Vocabulary linear system, solution, consistent system, inconsistent system, consistent dependent
Given a graph of a linear system, find the solution and check algebraically
Review graphing lines in any form
Review graphing lines in the calculator
Graph a linear system to find the solution and check algebraically (include lines that are parallel to x& y- axis)
Discuss and identify a system with no solution (inconsistent)
Discuss and identify a system with an infinite number of solutions (consistent dependent)
Find and label the solution
Problem solving applications
A.A.10 Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically
A.A.21 Determine whether a given value is a solution to a given linear equation in one variable or
linear inequality in one variable
A.G.7 Graph and solve systems of linear equations and inequalities with rational coefficients in two
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.CM.11 Represent word problems using standard mathematical notation
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)
2 Solving Linear Systems by Substitution

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Vocabulary - linear system, solution, consistent system, inconsistent system
Discuss the steps in the problem solving process
Solve a linear system by substitution and check
Setup and solve a system of equations from verbal applications
Verbal problem applications
A.A.7 Analyze and solve verbal problems whose solution requires solving systems of linear equations
in two variables
A.A.10 Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically
A.G.7 Graph and solve systems of linear equations and inequalities with rational coefficients in two
A.CM.1 Communicate verbally and in writing a correct, complete, coherent, and clear design
(outline) and explanation for the steps used in solving a problem
A.CN.6 Recognize and apply mathematics to situations in the outside world
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)
3 Solving Linear Systems by Elimination
Vocabulary - linear system, solution, consistent system, inconsistent system, elimination, least
common multiple
Convert a system as an equivalent system with both equations in standard form (Ax + By = C)
Solve a linear system by elimination when addition can be used to eliminate a variable
Solve a linear system by elimination when multiplying one of the equations by -1 can be used to
eliminate a variable
Solve a linear system by elimination when one equation must be multiplied by a constant to
eliminate a variable
Solve a linear system by elimination when both equations must be multiplied by a constant to
eliminate a variable
Verify solution by substitution into each of the original equations
A.A.10 Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically
A.CM.1 Communicate verbally and in writing a correct, complete, coherent, and clear design
(outline) and explanation for the steps used in solving a problem
4 Solving Systems of Linear Equations Algebraically
Vocabulary - linear system, solution, consistent system, inconsistent system, elimination, least
common multiple

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Determine and apply the most appropriate method for solving a system of linear equations
Problem solving applications (include all past Regents problems from parts II, III, and IV)
Solve coin problems that involve systems of linear equation
Include sum and difference problems (Ex: The sum of two numbers is 47, and their difference is 15.
What is the larger number?)
Include examples where the students must find only the x coordinate or y coordinate.
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.7 Analyze and solve verbal problems whose solution requires solving systems of linear equations
in two variables
A.A.10 Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically (See A.G.7)
A.R.4 Select appropriate representations to solve problem situations
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)
A.CM.1 Communicate verbally and in writing a correct, complete, coherent, and clear design
(outline) and explanation for the steps used in solving a problem
A.CN.6 Recognize and apply mathematics to situations in the outside world
A.RP.1 Recognize that mathematical ideas can be supported by a variety of strategies.
A.PS.1 Use a variety of Problem solving applications strategies to understand new mathematical
A.PS.4 Use multiple representations to represent and explain problem situations (e.g., verbally,
numerically, algebraically, graphically)
A.PS.5 Choose an effective approach to solve a problem from a variety of strategies (numeric,
graphic, algebraic)
A.PS.8 Determine information required to solve a problem, choose methods for obtaining the
information, and define parameters for acceptable solutions
A.PS.9 Interpret solutions within the given constraints of a problem
A.PS.10 Evaluate the relative efficiency of different representations and solution methods of a
5 Solve Systems of Linear Inequalities Graphically
Vocabulary linear inequalities in two variables, systems of linear inequalities
Review graphing a linear inequality on a coordinate plane
Graph a system of linear inequalities on a coordinate plane
Graph a system of linear inequalities on a coordinate plane using the graphing calculator
Determine a point in the solution set of the linear inequality system

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Label the solution set on the graph
Determine whether a given point is in the solution set of the linear inequality system from the graph
Determine whether a given point is in the solution set of the linear inequality system algebraically
A.A.40 Determine whether a given point is in the solution set of a system of linear inequalities
A.G.7 Graph and solve systems of linear equations and inequalities with rational coefficients in two
Unit 8 Exponents & Exponential Functions
1 Laws of Exponents Involving Products
Vocabulary power, base, exponent, reciprocal
Apply positive, negative, and zero exponents to all of the below (integral exponents only)
Final answers may not be left with negative exponents
Define x0, xa, x a
Evaluate expressions
Multiply two powers of the same base (do examples with the like bases as numbers and/or variables)
Multiply monomials by monomials
Power of a Power Property
Power of a Product Property
Product of a Power Property
Define and apply zero and negative exponents
Compare and rank different bases raised to powers
Applications with verbal problems (i.e. area of a square, area of a rectangle)
A.A.12 Multiply and divide monomial expressions with a common base, using the properties of
exponents (Note: Use integral exponents only.)
A.PS.3 Observe and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjectures
2 Laws of Exponents involving Quotients
Vocabulary - power, base, exponent, quotient, reciprocal
Apply positive, negative, and zero exponents to all of the below (integral exponents only)
Power of a Quotient Property
Quotient of a Power Property
Define and apply zero and negative exponents
A.A.12 Multiply and divide monomial expressions with a common base, using the properties of
exponents (Note: Use integral exponents only.)

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.PS.3 Observe and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjectures
3 Laws of Exponents Mixed Review
4 Scientific Notation
Vocabulary scientific notation, standard form of a number
Define scientific notation
Given a number in standard form, convert to scientific notation
Given a number in scientific notation, convert to standard form
Determine the product/quotient of numbers in scientific notation
Apply the graphing calculator to convert from one form to another
Apply the graphing calculator to add, subtract, multiply and divide in scientific notation
Include examples where students find the product or quotient of two numbers where one is in
scientific notation and the other is not.
A.N.4 Understand and use scientific notation to compute products and quotients of numbers

Perform operations with numbers
expressed in scientific notation,
including problems where both
decimal and scientific notation are
used. Use scientific notation and
choose units of appropriate size
for measurements of very large or
very small quantities. Interpret
scientific notation that has been
generated by technology.

5 Applications of Exponential Functions

Vocabulary exponential function, exponential growth, exponential decay, initial amount
Generalize y = ax, where a > 1, as exponential growth
Generalize y = ax, where 0 < a < 1, or y = a -x where a > 1as exponential decay
Compare and contrast exponential growth and decay
Stress the difference in the exponential growth, y = a(1 + r)x, and exponential decay,
Identify a as the initial amount, r as the rate expressed as a decimal, and x as the time.
Problem solving applications
A.A.9 Analyze and solve verbal problems that involve exponential growth and decay
A.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., find the height of a
building if a ladder of a given length forms a given angle of elevation with the ground)
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)
A.CN.6 Recognize and apply mathematics to situations in the outside world
A.CN.7 Recognize and apply mathematical ideas to problem situations that develop outside of
A.CM.10 Use correct mathematical language in developing mathematical questions that elicit, extend,
or challenge other students conjectures

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

6 Graphs of Exponential Functions
Vocabulary exponential function, exponential growth, exponential decay, initial amount,
Define & graph y = ax, where a > 1, with a graphing calculator
Define & graph y = ax, where 0 < a < 1, with a graphing calculator
Compare and contrast the graphs where a > 1 with the graphs where 0 < a < 1
Generalize y = ax, where a > 1, as exponential growth
Generalize y = ax, where 0 < a < 1, as exponential decay
Compare and contrast exponential growth and decay
Identify a graph as exponential growth or exponential decay
Identify and define the asymptote of the exponential function
Define & graph y = a bx, where a is an integer and b is a natural number
Compare graphs of exponential functions
Problem solving applications
A.A.9 Analyze and solve verbal problems that involve exponential growth and decay
A.G.4 Identify and graph linear, quadratic (parabolic), absolute value, and exponential functions
A.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., find the height of a
building if a ladder of a given length forms a given angle of elevation with the ground)
A.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., determine profit from
student and adult ticket sales)
A.R.8 Use mathematics to show and understand mathematical phenomena (e.g., compare the graphs
of the functions represented by the equations y x and y x )
A.CN.6 Recognize and apply mathematics to situations in the outside world
A.CN.7 Recognize and apply mathematical ideas to problem situations that develop outside of
A.CM.10 Use correct mathematical language in developing mathematical questions that elicit, extend,
or challenge other students conjectures
Unit 9 Polynomials
1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Vocabulary variable, constant, degree, exponent, degree of polynomial, monomial, binomial,
trinomial, polynomial, leading coefficient, simplify

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Define and identify polynomial, monomial, binomial and trinomial
Define and identify the degree of a polynomial
Identify a polynomial in standard form
Put a polynomial in standard form
Determine the leading coefficient of a polynomial
Add polynomials
Subtract polynomials (include subtract from problems)
A.A.13 Add, subtract, and multiply monomials and polynomials
2 Multiplying Polynomials & Special Products
Vocabulary variable, constant, exponent, monomial, binomial, trinomial, polynomial, standard
form, simplify
Multiply a monomial by a monomial
Multiply a polynomial by a monomial using the distributive property
Multiply two binomials using distributive property
Multiply two binomials using FOIL method
Multiply a polynomial by a binomial
Find the product of two polynomials
Identify the product of the sum and difference of two binomials ex. (2x 1)(2x + 1)
Determine the product of the sum & difference of two binomials ex. (2x 1)(2x + 1)
Determine the square of a binomials ex. (3x + 5)2
Stress that final answer must be in standard form
Problem solving applications Ex. Geometric problems, area shaded and word problems
A.A.12 Multiply and divide monomial expressions with a common base, using the properties of
exponents (Note: Use integral exponents only.)
A.A.13 Add, subtract, and multiply monomials and polynomials
A.PS.3 Observe and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjectures
3 Factoring GCF
Vocabulary equation, zero product property, GCF
Find the GCF of a pair of numbers, by hand and with the calculator
Find the GCF of a pair of monomials
Introduce factoring of polynomials
Find the greatest common monomial factor of a polynomial
Factor a polynomial by factoring out a GCF

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.A.20 Factor algebraic expressions completely, including trinomials with a lead coefficient of one
(after factoring a GCF)
4 Factoring ax2 + bx + c
Vocabulary trinomial, FOIL backwards, factoring, factors
Use same method when a = 1 and a 1
Factor trinomials by FOIL backwards (this is only one method of factoring there are many other
perfectly acceptable methods (i.e. possible factors method (see below), area rugs)
i.e. x2 + 7x + 10 (FOIL Backwards)
o step 1: multiply ax2 by c x2 * 10 = 10x2
o step 2: find two factors whose sum is bx and product is acx2
2x, 5x
o step 3: write factors from step 2 between ax and c
o x2 + 2x + 5x + 10
o step 4: group and factor G.C.F. from first two terms and last two terms:
x(x + 2) + 5(x +2)
o step 5: factor out common binomial factor
(x + 5)(x + 2)
Stress prime polynomials
Stress the difference between polynomials and equations ( no solutions to polynomials)
A.A.20 Factor algebraic expressions completely, including trinomials with a lead coefficient of one
(after factoring a GCF)
A.PS.1 Use a variety of problem solving strategies to understand new mathematical content
A.PS.5 Choose an effective approach to solve a problem from a variety of strategies (numeric,
graphic, algebraic)
A.CM.4 Explain relationships among different representations of a problem
A.CN.1 Understand and make connections among multiple representations of the same mathematical
A.CN.4 Understand how concepts, procedures, and mathematical results in one area of mathematics
can be used to solve problems in other areas of mathematics
5 Factoring Special Products
Vocabulary binomial, trinomial, FOIL backwards, factoring, factors
Stress that the difference of two perfect squares is actually ax2 + 0x c
Identify quadratic binomial
Write in factored form as sum and difference
Verbal problem applications

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.A.19 Identify and factor the difference of two perfect squares
6 Factor Completely
Vocabulary - binomial, trinomial, FOIL backwards, factoring, factors, completely
Three steps to factoring completely
o 1st Factor out GCF
o 2nd Factor trinomials
o 3rd Difference of two perfect squares
Identify and factor out GCF in a polynomial (numerical only) and then factor the remaining
polynomial into two binomials (remaining polynomial will have a leading coefficient of 1)
A.A.20 Factor algebraic expressions completely, including trinomials with a lead coefficient of one
(after factoring a GCF)
A.PS.1 Use a variety of problem solving strategies to understand new mathematical content
A.PS.5 Choose an effective approach to solve a problem from a variety of strategies (numeric,
graphic, algebraic)
A.CM.4 Explain relationships among different representations of a problem
A.CN.1 Understand and make connections among multiple representations of the same mathematical
A.CN.4 Understand how concepts, procedures, and mathematical results in one area of mathematics
can be used to solve problems in other areas of mathematics
7 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Vocabulary algebraic expression, algebraic equation, multiplication property of zero, roots
Distinguish the difference between an algebraic expression and an algebraic equation
Determine the standard form of the quadratic equation
Understand and apply multiplication property of zero
Solve quadratic equations by factoring (integral coefficients and integral roots)
Explain the difference between factors and roots
A.A.8 Analyze and solve verbal problems that involve quadratic equations
A.A.27 Understand and apply the multiplication property of zero to solve quadratic equations with
integral coefficients and integral roots
A.A.28 Understand the difference and connection between roots of a quadratic equation and factors of
a quadratic expression

1 day on equations
1 day on applications


Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Unit 10 Quadratic Equations
1 Parent Quadratic Function
Vocabulary quadratic function, parabola, parent quadratic function, vertex, axis of symmetry
Define quadratic functions and parabola (stress that a parabola is a function)
Define parabola in standard form
Examine the graph of y = x2, looking at the curve, the vertex and the axis of symmetry
Graph y = ax2, by the table method, for both positive & negative values of a
Graph y = ax2 + c, by the table method for both positive & negative values of c
Generalize the effects of different values for a & c
Graph all the above using the graphing calculator
A.G.3 Determine when a relation is a function, by examining ordered pairs and inspecting graphs of
A.G.4 Identify and graph linear, quadratic (parabolic), absolute value, and exponential functions
A.G.5 Investigate and generalize how changing the coefficients of a function affects its graph
2 Graphing Parabolas & Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
Vocabulary - quadratic function, parabola, standard form, vertex, axis of symmetry, zeros of a
function, roots, solution set
(Note: The vertex will have an ordered pair of integers and the axis of symmetry will have an integral
Define & identify the standard form of a parabola: y = ax2 + bx + c
Identify a parabola given its equation or graph
Determine axis of symmetry (use x = -b/2a) given an equation or a graph
Define and determine vertex given an equation or a graph
Define and identify maximum or minimum point by inspection of leading coefficient
Apply axis of symmetry to set up a table of values
Utilize table to graph parabola
Determine the roots of the quadratic from the graph of the parabola (roots must be integral values)
Emphasize the difference and connection between the roots of a quadratic equation and the factor of
a quadratic expression
Graph parabola on calculator
Determine window of best fit
Utilize calculator to find maximum or minimum point
Copy table from calculator

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Copy graph on graph paper
Answers must be written as a solution set with braces { }
Define roots of an equation and identify on the graph
Show the connections between the factors of a quadratic equation and the roots of a parabola
Solve a quadratic equation by placing it in standard form & graphing
Solving a quadratic equation having no solutions, one solution, and two solutions
Find the zeros of a quadratic function
Problem solving applications
A.A.28 Understand the difference and connection between roots of a quadratic equation and factors of
a quadratic expression
A.A.41 Determine the vertex and axis of symmetry of a parabola, given its equation (See A.G.10 )
A.G.8 Find the roots of a parabolic function graphically Note: Only quadratic equations with integral
A.G.10 Determine the vertex and axis of symmetry of a parabola, given its graph (See A.A.41) Note:
The vertex will have an ordered pair of integers and the axis of symmetry will have an integral value.
A.R.8 Use mathematics to show and understand mathematical phenomena (e.g., compare the graphs
of the functions represented by the equations y x and y x )
A.RP.10 Extend specific results to more general solutions.
3 Solving Quadratic Equations ax2 + b = c
Vocabulary perfect square, square root, irrational number, simplifying square roots
Solve quadratic equations of the form x2 = c, by taking the square root of each side (stress that you
will have two answers: one positive & one negative)
Solving quadratic equations of the form ax2 = c by dividing by a, then taking the square root of each
Solve quadratic equations in the form ax2 + b = c
Find solutions exactly, in radical form, or to the given decimal place
Problem solving applications
A.A.8 Analyze and solve verbal problems that involve quadratic equations
4 Compare Linear, Exponential, Absolute Value & Quadratic Models
Vocabulary linear function, exponential function, absolute value function, quadratic function
Given a graph, identify the function as: linear, exponential, absolute value or quadratic
Given an equation, identify the function as: linear, exponential, absolute value or quadratic
Given points, draw a scatter plot & identify as: linear, exponential, absolute value or quadratic

A.REI.4 Solve quadratic equations

in one variable.
a. Use the method of completing
the square to transform any
quadratic equation in x into an
equation of the form (x p)2 = q
that has the same solutions. Derive
the quadratic formula from this
form. *Note this is a prerequisite
skill for High School Geometry.
Compare properties of two
functions each represented in a
different way (algebraically,
graphically, numerically in table,

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.G.4 Identify and graph linear, quadratic (parabolic), absolute value, and exponential functions

or by verbal descriptions)

Unit 11 Systems of Quadratic Linear Equations

1 Solving a Quadratic-Linear System Graphically
Graph line and parabola and find intersection(s)
Utilize calculator to graph line and parabola and find intersection(s)
Check and label the solution set in both equations
Stress that solutions may not appear on the table and that graphs sometimes need to be extended.
Problem solving applications
A.G.9 Solve systems of linear and quadratic equations graphically (Note: Only use systems of linear
and quadratic equations that lead to solutions whose coordinates are integers.)
2 Solving a QuadraticLinear system algebraically
Review solving systems of linear equations using substitution
Solve a system of a line and parabola by substitution (The quadratic equation should represent a
parabola and the solution should be integers.)
Identify all solutions
Check all solutions in both equations
Problem solving applications
A.A.11 Solve a system of one linear and one quadratic equation in two variables, where only
factoring is required Note: The quadratic equation should represent a parabola and the solution(s)
should be integers.
Unit 12 Sets
1 Sets (use set symbolic notation)
Define sets and subsets
Define and identify the difference between a ( ) and [ ] and { }
Apply set-builder notation and/or interval notation to illustrate the elements of a set (given the
elements in roster form)
Apply a number line to express the elements of a set (stress open & closed circles)
Determine an inequality that represents a set
Determine the subsets of a set (improper & proper subsets)
Find the complement of a subset of a given set (within a given universe)

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.A.29 Use set-builder notation and/or interval notation to illustrate the elements of a set, given the
elements in roster form
A.A.30 Find the complement of a subset of a given set, within a given universe
2 - Union and Intersection of Sets (No more than 3 sets)
Use proper set notation!
Define and determine the union of 2 or 3 sets
Define and determine the intersection of 2 or 3 sets
Apply set notation!
Problem solving applications
A.A.31 Find the intersection of sets (no more than three sets) and/or union of sets (no more than
three sets)
3 - Venn Diagrams (No more than 3 sets)
Define and give examples of Venn diagrams
Construct Venn diagrams
Construct a Venn diagram to support a logical argument
Problem solving applications
A.A.31 Find the intersection of sets (no more than three sets) and/or union of sets (no more than
three sets)
A.RP.11 Use a Venn diagram to support a logical argument
Unit 13 Radicals
1 Simplifying Radical Expressions (no variables in the radicand)
Vocabulary square root, radical, radicand, simplest form
Define square roots
Simplify numeral square roots
Find the product of two square roots and simply
Simplify the square root of a quotient
Find quotient of two square roots and simplify
Find the sum of square roots and simplify
Find the difference of square roots and simplify
Rationalize the denominator
A.N.2 Simplify radical terms (no variable in the radicand)
A.N.3 Perform the four arithmetic operations using like and unlike radical terms and express the
result in simplest form

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.N.4 Understand and use scientific notation to compute products and quotients of numbers
2 Pythagorean Theorem
Vocabulary right triangle, right angle, legs, hypotenuse, Pythagorean Theorem, a2 + b2 = c2
Define a right triangle and its parts
Define Pythagorean Theorem as leg2 + leg2 = hyp2
Given two sides of a right triangle in numerical form, find the third side
Given the sides of a triangle in variable form, solve for the variable & find the sides (this will lead
to quadratic equations only where a = 1 after taking out the GCF)
Given the length of three sides of a triangle, determine if the triangle is a right triangle
Problem solving applications
A.A.5 Write algebraic equations or inequalities that represent a situation
A.A.45 Determine the measure of a third side of a right triangle using the Pythagorean theorem,
given the lengths of any two sides

Explain a proof of the Pythagorean
Theorem and its converse.
Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to
determine unknown side lengths in
right triangles in real-world and
mathematical problems in two- and
Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to
find the distance between two points
in a coordinate system.

Unit 14 Rational Expressions & Equations

1 Simplify Rational Expressions
Vocabulary rational expression, excluded value, undefined, fractional expression
Define & identify rational expressions
Find the value for which a rational expression is undefined (NYS term is undefined, Textbook term
is excluded value)
Simplify a rational expression by dividing out the GCF
Simplify a rational expression by dividing out binomials & monomials
Geometric problem solving applications
A.A.14 Divide a polynomial by a monomial or binomial, where the quotient has no remainder
A.A.15 Find values of a variable for which an algebraic fraction is undefined
A.A.16 Simplify fractions with polynomials in the numerator and denominator by factoring both and
renaming them to lowest terms
2 Multiplying & Dividing Rational Expressions
Vocabulary multiplicative inverse, reciprocal
Only problems that factor (no long division)
Multiply rational expressions involving monomials and simplify the answer


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Multiply rational expressions involving polynomials and simplify the answer
Multiply a rational expression by a polynomial and simplify the answer
Divide rational expressions involving polynomials and simplify the answer
Divide a rational expression by a polynomial

A.A.18 Multiply and divide algebraic fractions and express the product or quotient in simplest form
3 Adding & Subtracting Rational Expressions (only with monomial or LIKE binomial
Vocabulary Least Common Denominator (LCD)
Adding and subtracting rational expressions with common monomial denominators
Adding and subtracting rational expressions with UNLIKE monomial denominators
Adding and subtracting rational expressions with LIKE binomial denominators
A.A.17 Add or subtract fractional expressions with monomial or like binomial denominators
4 Solving Rational Equations
Vocabulary rational equation, cross product, extraneous roots, check
Stress difference between expression and equations
Solve algebraic proportions that result in linear or quadratic equations that can be solved by
Solve by LCD
Solve by product of the means = product of the extremes
A.A.25 Solve equations involving fractional expressions (Note: Expressions which result in linear
equations in one variable)
A.A.26 Solve algebraic proportions in one variable which result in linear or quadratic equations
Unit 15 Geometric Figures
1 Polygons & Circles
Vocabulary - triangle, quadrilaterals, parallelograms, rectangles, squares, rhombi, trapezoids,
isosceles trapezoids, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons, nonagons, decagons, dodecagons,
radius, center, diameter, circle, circumference, area
Define and identify triangle, quadrilaterals, parallelograms, rectangles, squares, rhombi, trapezoids,
isosceles trapezoids, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons, nonagons, decagons, dodecagons
Given the name of the polygon, identify number of sides and number of angles
Given the number of sides or number of angles in a polygon, determine the name of the polygon
Define and identify regular polygons
Define a circle

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Define radius and diameter
Given the radius, find the diameter (vice-versa)
Determine the circumference of a circle
Determine the circumference of semi-circles & quarter-circles
Determine the area of a circle
Determine the area of semi-circles and quarter-circles
Given the area, find the circumference of the circle (vice-versa)
Verbal applications
A.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., find the height of a
building if a ladder of a given length forms a given angle of elevation with the ground)

2 Perimeter
Vocabulary perimeter, triangle, square, rectangle, polygon, rhombus, trapezoid, & regular
polygon, complex figure
Determine the perimeter of a triangle, square, rectangle, polygon, rhombus, trapezoid, & regular
Determine the perimeter of a complex figure (i.e. Figure has more than two shapes attached)
Problem solving applications
A.G.1 Find the area and/or perimeter of figures composed of polygons and circles or sectors of a
circle Note: Figures may include triangles, rectangles, squares, parallelograms ,rhombuses,
trapezoids, circles, semi-circles, quarter-circles ,and regular polygons (perimeter only).
A.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., find the height of a
building if a ladder of a given length forms a given angle of elevation with the ground)

3 Area
Vocabulary area, triangle, square, rectangle, polygon, rhombus, trapezoid, & regular polygon,
complex figure, regular polygon
Develop and apply the formulas for area of a triangle, square, rectangle, polygon, rhombus,
trapezoid, & regular polygon

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Determine the area of a complex figure (i.e. Figure that separates into more than one shape or
shaded area)
Calculate the relative error in measuring square and/or cubic units, when there is an error in the
linear measure
Verbal applications
A.G.1 Find the area and/or perimeter of figures composed of polygons and circles or sectors of a
circle Note: Figures may include triangles, rectangles, squares, parallelograms, rhombuses,
trapezoids, circles, semi-circles, quarter-circles, and regular polygons (perimeter only).
A.M.3 Calculate the relative error in measuring square and/or cubic units, when there is an error in
the linear measure
A.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., find the height of a
building if a ladder of a given length forms a given angle of elevation with the ground)
4 Volume
Vocabulary - volume, cube, rectangular solid, cylinder
Define the volume ONLY for: a cube, a rectangular solid, and a cylinder
Apply volume formulas to find the volume of a cube, rectangular solid, and cylinder
Given the volume, find the length of a missing dimension in a cube, rectangular solid, and cylinder
Calculate the relative error in measuring square and/or cubic units, when there is an error in the
linear measure
Problem solving applications
A.G.2 Use formulas to calculate volume and surface area of rectangular solids and cylinders
A.M.3 Calculate the relative error in measuring square and/or cubic units, when there is an error in
the linear measure
A.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., find the height of a
building if a ladder of a given length forms a given angle of elevation with the ground)
5 Total Surface Area
Define total surface area of a cube, rectangular solid, and cylinder
Apply total surface area formulas to find the volume of a cube, rectangular solid, and cylinder
Given the total surface area, find the length of a missing dimension in a cube, rectangular solid,
and cylinder
Calculate the relative error in measuring square and/or cubic units, when there is an error in the
linear measure
Verbal applications

Know the formulas for the volumes
of cones, cylinders, and spheres and
use them to solve real-world and
mathematical problems.


Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

A.G.2 Use formulas to calculate volume and surface area of rectangular solids and cylinders
A.M.3 Calculate the relative error in measuring square and/or cubic units, when there is an error in
the linear measure
A.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., find the height of a
building if a ladder of a given length forms a given angle of elevation with the ground)
Unit 16 Right Triangle Trigonometry
1 - Introduction to Right Triangle Trigonometry
Define sine, cosine and tangent functions
Determine the opposite and adjacent legs to an angle
Express the ratios for sine, cosine, & tangent, given a right triangle and the lengths of its sides
A.A.42 Find the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios of an angle of a right triangle, given the lengths of
the sides
2 Right Triangle Trigonometry sides
Determine a missing side given an angle & the length of a side
A.A.44 Find the measure of a side of a right triangle, given an acute angle and the length of another
3 Right Triangle Trigonometry angles
Determine a missing angle given two sides
A.A.43 Determine the measure of an angle of a right triangle, given the length of any two sides of
the triangle
4 Right Triangle Trigonometry applications
Determine and apply the correct trigonometry ratio to solve a verbal right triangle problem
Apply right triangle trigonometry to verbal problem with angle of elevation and angle of
Include examples where the students must use the same triangle to answer multiple questions.
A.RP.3 Recognize when an approximation is more appropriate than an exact answer
A.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., find the height of a
building if a ladder of a given length forms a given angle of elevation with the ground)
A.CN.6 Recognize and apply mathematics to situations in the outside world
Unit 17 Probability
1 Empirical vs. Theoretical & Probability and complement
Vocabulary probability, empirical probability, theoretical probability, outcome, finite sample

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space, event, favorable event, independent event, dependent event, complement, certainty,
Define empirical probability
Define theoretical probability
Distinguish between empirical vs. theoretical
Define outcome, finite sample space, event, & favorable event
Distinguish between dependent and independent events
Determine empirical probabilities based on specific sample data (simple one stage)
Define probability and complement
Calculate the probability of an event and its complement
Define and apply certainty and impossibility
Solve for simple probabilities in a finite sample space
Determine, based on calculated probability of a set of events, if some or all are equally likely to
Determine, based on calculated probability of a set of events, if one is more likely to occur than
Determine, based on calculated probability of a set of events, if whether or not an event is certain
to happen or not to happen
A.S.20 Calculate the probability of an event and its complement
A.S.21 Determine empirical probabilities based on specific sample data
A.S.22 Determine, based on calculated probability of a set of events, if:
some or all are equally likely to occur
one is more likely to occur than another
whether or not an event is certain to happen or not to happen
2 Multi-Stage Experiments
Vocabulary compound event, sample space, tree-diagram, mutually exclusive events, independent
events, dependent events, counting principle, with & without replacement
Determine the total number of outcome in a multi-stage experiment
List the sample space of an experiment
Determine the number of elements in a sample space
Determine the number of favorable events in a sample space
Construct a tree diagram


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Define and apply the concept of mutually exclusive events and not mutually exclusive events
Calculate the probability of a series of independent events
Calculate the probability of a series of dependent events (with & without replacement)
Calculate the probability of two mutually exclusive events (with & without replacement)
Calculate the probability of two events that are not mutually exclusive (with & without
A.N.7 Determine the number of possible events, using counting techniques or the Fundamental
Principle of Counting
A.S.18 Know the definition of conditional probability and use it to solve for probabilities in finite
sample spaces
A.S.19 Determine the number of elements in a sample space and the number of favorable events
3 Permutations & Applications
Vocabulary factorial, x!, permutation, nPr
Define factorial
Evaluate expressions involving factorials
Define permutations
Evaluate permutations using the graphing calculator and by hand
Determine the number of possible arrangements of a list of items with no repeats
Determine the number of possible arrangements of a list of items with repeats
Apply permutations to probability
Problem solving applications
A.N.6 Evaluate expressions involving factorial(s), absolute value(s), and exponential expression(s)
A.N.8 Determine the number of possible arrangements (permutations) of a list of items
4 Probability mixed review

Unit 18 Statistics
1 - Introduction to Statistics
Vocabulary survey, sample, random sample, bias, correlation, causation, biased sampler,
qualitative, quantitative

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Categorize data as qualitative versus quantitative
Determine when collected data or display of data may be biased
Evaluate published reports and graphs that are based on data by considering: experimental design,
appropriateness of the data analysis, and the soundness of the conclusions
Define and apply the difference between correlation and causation
Identify variables that might have a correlation but not a causal relationship
Identify and describe sources of bias and its effect on drawing conclusions from data
A.S.1 Categorize data as qualitative or quantitative
A.S.3 Determine when collected data or display of data may be biased
A.S.10 Evaluate published reports and graphs that are based on data by considering: experimental
design, appropriateness of the data analysis, and the soundness of the conclusions
A.S.13 Understand the difference between correlation and causation
A.S.14 Identify variables that might have a correlation but not a causal relationship
A.S.15 Identify and describe sources of bias and its effect, drawing conclusions from data
A.CM.6 Support or reject arguments or questions raised by others about the correctness of
mathematical work
A.CM.9 Formulate mathematical questions that elicit, extend, or challenge strategies, solutions,
and/or conjectures of others
A.CN.3 Model situations mathematically, using representations to draw conclusions and formulate
new situations
A.CN.5 Understand how quantitative models connect to various physical models and
2 Measures of Central Tendency
Vocabulary mean, median, mode, range, measures of central tendency
By hand & by calculator
Define range, mean, median and mode
Given a set of data find the range
Given a set of data find the mean
Given a set of data find the median
Given a set of data find the mode
Apply linear transformation to mean, median, mode and range and describe its effect
Given a set of data, determine whether it is univariate or bivariate
Compare & contrast the appropriateness of different measures of central tendency for a given data

Integrated Algebra with 8th grade Common Core

Recognize how linear transformations of one-variable (univariate) data affect the datas mean,
median, mode, and range
A.S.4 Compare and contrast the appropriateness of different measures of central tendency for a
given data set
A.S.16 Recognize how linear transformations of one-variable data affect the datas mean, median,
mode, and range
A.CN.3 Model situations mathematically, using representations to draw conclusions and formulate
new situations
3 Frequency Distribution Tables
Vocabulary frequency, frequency distribution tables, cumulative frequency distribution tables,
histograms, cumulative histograms
Define and interpret frequency distribution tables
Define and interpret cumulative frequency distribution tables
Construct frequency distribution tables
Construct cumulative frequency distribution tables
Analyze frequency distribution tables
Analyze cumulative frequency distribution tables
Verbal applications
A.S.5 Construct a histogram, cumulative frequency histogram, and a box-and-whisker plot, given a
set of data
A.S.9 Analyze and interpret a frequency distribution table or histogram, a cumulative frequency
distribution table or histogram, or a box-and-whisker plot
A.CM.2 Use mathematical representations to communicate with appropriate accuracy, including
numerical tables, formulas, functions, equations, charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and other diagrams
A.CN.5 Understand how quantitative models connect to various physical models and
A.CN.3 Model situations mathematically, using representations to draw conclusions and formulate
new situations
4 Histograms
Vocabulary histogram, cumulative histogram
By hand only
Define and interpret histograms
Define and interpret cumulative frequency histograms

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Construct histograms
Construct cumulative frequency histograms
Analyze histograms
Analyze cumulative frequency histograms
A.S.5 Construct a histogram, cumulative frequency histogram, and a box-and-whisker plot, given a
set of data
A.S.9 Analyze and interpret a frequency distribution table or histogram, a cumulative frequency
distribution table or histogram, or a box-and-whisker plot
A.CM.2 Use mathematical representations to communicate with appropriate accuracy, including
numerical tables, formulas, functions, equations, charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and other diagrams
A.CN.5 Understand how quantitative models connect to various physical models and
A.CN.3 Model situations mathematically, using representations to draw conclusions and formulate
new situations
5 Box & Whisker Plots
Vocabulary box & whisker plot, quartiles, Q1, Q2, Q3, lower quartile, median quartile, upper
quartile, inter quartile range, outlier
By hand & by calculator
Define box-and-whisker plots
Given a box-and-whisker plot, identify the five statistical summary (minimum, maximum, and
three quartiles)
Apply the five statistical summary construct a box-and-whisker plot
Identify point values in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartiles (or lower, middle, and upper quartiles)
Define and determine percentile ranks
Analyze and interpret percentile ranks
Problem solving applications
A.S.5 Construct a histogram, cumulative frequency histogram, and a box-and-whisker plot, given a
set of data
A.S.6 Understand how the five statistical summary (minimum, maximum, and the three quartiles) is
used to construct a box-and-whisker plot
A.S.9 Analyze and interpret a frequency distribution table or histogram, a cumulative frequency
distribution table or histogram, or a box-and-whisker plot
A.S.11 Find the percentile rank of an item in a data set and identify the point values for first, second,
and third quartiles

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A.CM.2 Use mathematical representations to communicate with appropriate accuracy, including
numerical tables, formulas, functions, equations, charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, and other diagrams
A.CN.5 Understand how quantitative models connect to various physical models and
A.CN.3 Model situations mathematically, using representations to draw conclusions and formulate
new situations


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