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Plastic Surgery and

Its Dangerous Impacts

Submitted as one of the requirements to graduate from High

Intermediate 4 level at LBPP LIA Taruna Tangerang
Term IV/2014

By: Meidi Rani



Introductory Paragraph
Thesis statement: Although plastic surgery can improve physical appearance, I believe
that plastic surgery has three dangerous impacts : inflammation surrounding the area
where the surgery is done, complication and nerve damage.


The three dangerous impact of plastic surgery

A. Inflammation surrounding the area where the surgery is done
B. Someone who has had plastic surgery has nerve damage
C. Complication that may lead up to something as horrible as death



Do you often hear about plastic surgery? What does plastic surgery actually mean?
According to Diane Gerber (2005) in her book, 100 Questions and Answers about Plastic
Surgery, Plastic surgery is specialty of modern medicine. It includes both reconstructive and
aesthetic procedures of the entire face and body: the skin, fat, muscle,cartilage and bone.

Plastic surgery has nothing to do with plastic or plastic

products. Plastic surgery is derived from the Greek word
plastikos which means to shape or to form. Generally
plastic surgery is divided into two types. The surgery for
reconstruction and the surgery for the aesthetic reasons. The
purpose of reconstruction is to repair the part of the body that
is damaged because of an accident, burns, or physical
deformity. Whereas the purpose of aesthetic is to improve

Picture 1. Plastic Surgery

physical appearance. Liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery and face lift are some example of
plastic surgery for aesthetic reason. In 2003, the American Society of Plastic Surgery reported
more than 6.2 million reconstructive and aesthetic procedures were done by board-certified
plastic surgeons. Nowadays plastic surgery is more popular. Many people and celebrities want to
undergo plastic surgery in order to improve their physical appearance because, it can boost their
self confidence and happiness. Like Ashlee Simpson, Demi Moore, Michael Jackson,
Krisdayanti, Melly Goeslow, and many more. The most common plastic surgery they have had
are reshaping their nose or jaw line, widening their eyelid, until reducing the fat in their body.
Although plastic surgery can improve physical appearance, plastic surgery has three dangerous
impacts : inflammation surrounding the area where the surgery is done, nerve damage and
complication that lead up to something as horrible as death
The first impact is inflammation surrounding the area where the surgery is done. In a
surgical context, inflammation refers to the response of body tissues to injury, infection and
protective reaction. The symptoms and indicators of inflammation are redness, swelling, pain and
sometimes a feeling of heat in the affected area. Occasionally, inflammation can cause a loss of

function. As the body's immune reaction to foreign substances, inflammation can give sign the
onset of infection and it should be checked by a qualified doctor. Inflammation may takes one
week after the surgery. And it wont be seen after six or eight weeks. Many patient are annoyed
with this because, sometimes it can delay the
healing process. Because of this situation,
health care professionals often recommend,
"RICE," (Neal, 2012). which stands for Rest,
take a break from any activity that may be
Picture 2. Inflammation
surrounding the face

causing your pain or soreness worse . Ice, ice

is helpful in postpone swelling and bruising. But, it should be used carefully and under the
instruction of your doctor, because ice can constrict blood vessels and cause permanent damage.
Compression, wrapping the injured area with an elastic bandage. Don't wrap it too tightly,
because this can cause more swelling below the affected area. And Elevation, elevate the injured
area on pillows while applying ice and anytime you are sitting or lying down.
The second impact of plastic surgery is nerve damage. If someone have a scar, they will
notice that the sensation in the area of their scar is less than the sensation of the skin on other
side of the scar. This is minor nerve damage and eventually becomes barely noticeable. On the
contrary, the nerve damage is a serious complication that anyone or the surgeon must be aware
of. Although nerve damage is a fairly rare complication, its effects are often permanent. Some
patients who undergo plastic surgery experience nerve damage after their procedures. The
severity of the damage typically depends upon the extensiveness of the surgical procedure. Nerve
damage can range from the patient experiencing numbness or tingling, to losing sensation or
function altogether. In rare cases, some people experience paralysis of their muscles and

permanent muscle weakness. Usually, nerve damage won't last more than a year, because it can
be treated with reconstructive surgery. If the nerve damage is severed completely, the numbness
and inability to move is permanent. Surgical intervention is required in this case.
Last but not least, plastic surgery causes complication that may lead up to something as
horrible as death. Everybody hopes the operation that they have will succeed and get a good
result. But, sometimes the reality is different with the expectation. There are many plastic
surgery gone wrong which makes the face uglier. The bigger procedure, he higher risk of
complication should be aware. When someone have had facelift procedure, the part of body that
will get complication maybe just the face. But, it is different when someone have had liposuction
procedure. All parts of the body will be affected. Because, it is possible not only the fat will be
sucked, but also the blood.. This will make causes heart failure and the patient goes shock. For
example, Adriana Porras who died from complication of liposuction procedure. Reported from (2009) Porras died two days after her operation.She died from a pulmonary
embolism stemming from a blood clot in her lung. She was suffering from chest pain and
shortness of breath.
To sum up, plastic surgery can improve our physical appearance. Thousands of people
have had this surgery every year. They go under the knife to boost their confidence and
happiness. However, there are some dangerous impacts: inflammation surrounding the area
where the surgery is done, nerve damage and complication that may lead up to something
horrible as death. This makes people have to think twice before they go under the knife, because
it can change their whole life. So, only individual can decide it is worth for them or not.

_____________, May 18, 2014. 8.48pm
_____________, June 4, 2014. 10.14 pm.
_____________, May 7, 2014.
9.40 pm
May 13, 2014. 11.32 pm
_____________, Apr 19, 2014. 2.32 pm
_____________, Apr 5, 2014. 7.54 pm
Picture 1, June 7, 2014. 9.02 pm
Picture 2, June 7, 2014. 9.15 pm

Gerber, Diane. 2005. 100 Questions and Answers about Plastic Surgery. USA

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