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Electric Power Components and Systems

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Analytical Solution to Harmonic Characteristics of

Three-Phase PWM Inverter Using 3-D Modulation Model


Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei,

Taiwan, R.O.C.
Version of record first published: 24 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: KUO-HSIUNG TSENG, WEN-SHIOW KAO, YUNG-FU CHENG & SHIN-FU LIN (2004): Analytical Solution to
Harmonic Characteristics of Three-Phase PWM Inverter Using 3-D Modulation Model, Electric Power Components and Systems,
32:11, 1105-1120
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EMP 32(11) #17102

Electric Power Components and Systems, 32:11051120, 2004

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ISSN: 1532-5008 print/1532-5016 online
DOI: 10.1080/15325000490441381

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Analytical Solution to Harmonic Characteristics of

Three-Phase PWM Inverter Using 3-D
Modulation Model
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Taipei University of Technology
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the harmonic spectrum of the threephase PWM inverter drives used in a power system. The analytical methods
are based on a 3-D modulation model and double Fourier series (DFS). In
this article, with Matlab, we analyzed the harmonic model created by DFS,
and used time-domain simulation tools, Pspice and Simulink, to construct the
model and simulation of the three-phase DC to AC PWM inverter found in
the system. Results show that the harmonics generated by the simulator tools
and that generated by DFS method are almost identical, and that the harmonic
model constructed by means of the 3-D modulation model proposed is highly
Keywords 3-D modulation model, double Fourier series, three-phase PWM

1. Introduction
Given a xed or variable DC voltage, a PWM inverter may generate single-phase or
three-phase AC voltage. However, the voltage or current it generates never appears
in the form of a sinusoidal wave. In other words, the output of an inverter is
harmonic. The harmonics are greatly detrimental to the circuit itself, for example,
aecting the power of the circuit, lowering the power factor, imposing a negative
eect on the modulation of work of the inverter circuit itself or other power
electronic equipment, or interfering the other loads and communication circuits
of the system. On the other hand, owing to the fact that the output of the inverter
is never a sinusoidal wave, a great part of the harmonic current generated by
an inverter-driven inductive motor ends up in the inductive motor, giving rise to
unexpected eects, such as the pulsation or additional loss of motor torque [1, 2].
Manuscript received in nal form on 24 September 2003.
Address correspondence to Kuo-Hsiung Tseng, National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, I, Section 3, Chung-Hsiao East Road, Taipei
106, Taiwan. E-mail:


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K.-H. Tseng et al.

To evade the aforesaid harmonics-induced problems, it is necessary to analyze the

harmonic characteristics of the PWM inverter, so as to predict the magnitudes and
constituents of the harmonics likely to be generated.
The characteristics of harmonics vary with the way a PWM is controlled [36].
Studies on the harmonic characteristics of two-level PWM inverters used in a drive
system have been widely discussed [79]. As shown in the above publications, a 2-D
modulation model is employed in the analysis of the waveform generated by a twolevel PWM inverter. It is impossible to illustrate directly the relationship between
a modulated wave, a carrier and a harmonic through a harmonic model created in
this manner. Accordingly, the harmonic model does not help reveal the harmonic
characteristics of a PWM inverter precisely and completely whenever the carrier to
modulated wave modulation frequency ratio varies. To address the shortcomings of
the aforesaid method, this article proposes a 3-D modulation model, and analyzes
the waveform and spectral characteristics of the three-phase PWM inverter used in
the system by means of double Fourier series.
This study consists of three parts: (1) Analyzing the time-domain waveform
of the voltage and current output by the three-phase PWM inverter used in the
system by a 3-D modulation model and double Fourier series; (2) acquiring the
harmonic spectrum of the inverter by processing the time-domain waveform with
fast Fourier transform (FFT) with a view to analyzing the harmonic characteristics;
and (3) analyzing the actual inverter circuit by means of the time-domain simulation
tools, Pspice and Simulink, and then comparing the ndings with that of the
harmonic model created by double Fourier series with a view to verifying the
precision of the method proposed in this article.

2. Three-Phase PWM Inverter Circuit and Principle

Figure 1 shows the circuit of a three-phase PWM inverter. It is usually controlled
in a bipolar manner. The PWM of phase A, B, and C is usually jointly controlled
by a triangular wave carrier vtri , and the phase dierences between modulation
signals vmA , vmB , and vmC of the three phases are always 120 . The power switch
components of phase A, B, and C are controlled in the same way. Suppose the
switch is an ideal component, and take phase A as an example. If vmA > vtri , a
cut-o signal is sent to upper bridge arm power switch S1 , and a cut-o signal is
sent to lower bridge arm power switch S4 , then the output voltage for phase A,
vAO , is equal to Vd /2 with respect to the DC current hypothetical neutral point O.

Figure 1. Three-phase PWM inverter circuit.

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Characteristics of PWM Modulation


Figure 2. Three-phase PWM inverter voltage switching waveforms.

If vmA < vtri , a cut-o signal is sent to S1 , and a connection signal is sent to S4 ,
then the output voltage for phase A, vAO , is equal to Vd /2. S1 and D1 , as well
as S4 and D4 , motion signals or states are always complementary. If a connection
signal is sent to S1 (S4 ), either S1 (S4 ) or the diode D1 (D4 ) continuous ow will be
connected; this will be determined by the direction and magnitude of the current
initially found in electric inductive load, and it is similar to the condition wherein
the single-phase, two-level PWM bipolar circuit is controlled. The control methods
of phase B and C are the same as that of phase A.
Figure 2bc show the waveforms of vAO and vBO whose voltage waveform is
a mere Vd . The waveform of linear voltage vAB is the dierence between vAO and
vBO , that is, vAO vBO , as illustrated in Figure 2d. If switch component arms 1 and
6 are connected, then vAB = Vd . If switch component arms 3 and 4 are connected,
then vAB = Vd . If switch component arms 1 and 3, or switch component arms 4
and 6, are connected, then vAB = 0. Hence, the linear voltage output by an inverter
consists of three kinds of voltages, that is, Vd and zero. The loaded phase voltage
vAN is expressed in Eq. (1).
vAN = vAO

vAO + vBO + vCO



As shown in Figure 2e, vAN is composed of ve voltages, namely (2/3)Vd ,

(1/3)Vd , and 0.

3. Analyzing the Harmonic Characteristics of Three-Phase

PWM Inverter
If a periodic waveform arises from the modulation of two or more periodic waveforms, then the computation of its spectrum will become very complicated. It is


K.-H. Tseng et al.

normally achieved by means of a 3-D modulation model and double Fourier series.
The 3-D modulation model was the rst put forth by W.R. Bennet in 1933. The
spectral analysis used in the model may be applied to any modulation wherein both
the carrier and the modulated wave are periodic functions of time [9, 10]. Since the
PWM sampled waveform adopted by the three-phase PWM inverter conforms to
the requirements of the 3-D modulation model, the researcher in this article put
forth the idea that the harmonic characteristics of a three-phase PWM inverter
should be analyzed with the 3-D modulation model.

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3.1. Harmonic Characteristics of Three-Phase PWM Inverter with

3-D Modulation Model
A unipolar natural-sampling back-rim modulation pulse train generated by the
three-phase PWM inverter is depicted in Figure 3. Figure 3a illustrates the way
in which a double-rim modulation pulse train is generated by a 2-D model. The
3-D modulation model for analyzing the pulse train spectrum adopts the waveform
depicted in Figure 3b. Figure 3c and d depict the waveform vAO and vBO of the backrim modulation pulse trains in phase A and B, respectively. Figure 3e illustrates
the linear voltage vAB generated by the three-phase PWM inverter.
The waveform depicted in Figure 3a is compared with that shown in Figure 3b.
One will discover that the PWM waveform produced by the 2-D modulation model
is actually identical to that generated by the 3-D modulation model. Regarding
the 2-D modulation model, the carrier vtri is compared with two modulated waves,
that is, vmA and vmB , at a frequency modulation ratio of Mf = c /m , Mf > 1.
The pulse signal that arises from the comparison between vmA and vtri controls
the way the switch component of the PWM inverter switches in phase A. Similarly, the pulse signal that arises from the comparison between vmB and vtri controls the way the PWM inverter switches in phase B. The slope of the carrier
varies every half a carrier period. The pulse train of a three-phase PWM inverter

Figure 3. PWM inverter modulation process illustrated by a 2-D model and a 3-D model.

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Characteristics of PWM Modulation


vAB may be acquired by extending the modulated wave and the carrier along the
time axis.
As shown in the 3-D modulation model depicted in Figure 3b, if the modulated
wave and the crossing point extend along -axis and -axis, the slope of the
intersection wall that varies in accordance with the modulation ratio, Mf = c /m
(herein Mf = 7), will not alter accordingly. The image of the wall may be produced
in a way parallel to the -axis by drawing the intersection wall across the modulated
wave obliquely. The image as such helps produce a pulse train that repeats in the
-axis every Mf carrier period or in the -axis every modulation period. All the
pulse trains generated, in the -axis and the -axis, by the intersection wall and
the modulated wave depicted in Figure 3b contain modulation information [9, 10].
The aforesaid modulated wave is a sinusoidal wave, as PWM adopts natural
sampling. However, given the development of electrical and electronic technology,
the modulation method actually applied to a system has already been replaced with
a more advanced sampling method [56, 11], that is, an asymmetrical PWM sampling technique, as shown in Figure 4. The method involves altering the sampling
factor, , of the modulated wave; whenever varies, the point of the intersection
of the triangular carrier and the linear modulate wave segment lying between two
adjacent sampling points will vary, leading to dierent triggering times.
3.2. Analysis of Harmonic Characteristics of PWM Inverter by DFS
According to the reference [10] on DFS equations, whatever the pulse trains that
arises from a 3-D modulation process can be expressed in equation (2).

F (, ) = Aoo +
[Aon cos(n) + Bon sin(n)]

[Amo cos(m) + Bmo sin(m)]



[Amn cos(m + n) + Bmn sin(m + n)]

m=1 n=1


2 2

Bmn =

2 2




F (, ) cos(m + n) d d
F (, ) sin(m + n) d d

The DC of the pulse train accounts for the rst term of Eq. (2). The harmonics
of the modulated wave accounts for the second term of Eq. (2). The combined
modulation of the carrier and the modulated wave accounts for the last term of
Eq. (2). The spectrum of the pulse train is acquired by replacing the and of
the series equations with time functions c t and m t. The spectral analysis of the
waveforms of the three-phase PWM inverter by means of DFS and asymmetrical
sampling technique.

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Figure 4. The 3-D modulation model of the asymmetrical sampling of a three-phase
PWM inverter. (a) plane and (b) plane.

To simplify the analysis of the harmonics of the switching of the three-phase

PWM inverter switch components, the following hypotheses are adopted in the
theoretical inference process: (1) The DC chain voltage of a PWM inverter does
not comprise any ripple; (2) the switching switch of a PWM inverter has ideal
operation characteristics; and (3) the switching triggering signal does not contain
any dead time. Take the circuit depicted in Figure 1 as an example. If the input

Characteristics of PWM Modulation


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voltage of the three-phase PWM inverter is an ideal DC voltage source, then the hth
harmonic current output by the PWM inverter in phase A is expressed in Eq. (3).

i1(h) =
R1 + jXL1(h)
where h is the harmonic number.
Figure 4a depicts the asymmetrical PWM sampling structure. Figure 4a shows
the double rim employed to produce the rst pulse, that is, the rectangular coordinates (i.e., 1 and 2 ) of the point of intersection between the sampling prole
= /Mf and the non-sinusoidal wall. Such rectangular coordinates are exactly
the rectangular coordinates of the point of intersection between the sine wall and
the sampling prole = [ (X 1)]/Mf (the solid line) that has already
been converted, as illustrated in Figure 4b. Therefore, the pulse train and the spectrum that arise from the two aforesaid modulation processes are the same. The fact
that it is easier to gure out the double Fourier series coecient on the plane
than on the plane is proved by the following explanation.
As shown in Figure 4b, the period for the carrier and the modulated wave of the
3-D modulation model is 2, and the modulated wave has to perform an anti-phase
shift of 180 every half period () of the carrier whenever the carrier undergoes a
period. Figure 4b also shows that the carrier has a maximum amplitude of /2, and
that the amplitude modulation ratio of the PWM sampling is M1 = 2a/ because
the curve of the modulated wave is expressed as a sin . Suppose the frequency
modulation ratio of the PWM sampling is Mf = 7, or in other words, fourteen
modulated wave walls intersect a carrier wall. The point, 1 , of the intersection
between the rst modulated wave (X = 1) and the carrier slant cross-section is
worked out in Figure 4b. The intersection point, 1 , is exactly the front rim of the
rst pulse train of vAO . Thus, 1 can be expressed with Eq. (4).

a sin =
sin AB
sin[(1 )1 /Mf ]
As shown in Figure 4b, the straight line OC is plotted, as point O (0, 0) and
point C (, (1 )/Mf ) are well-identied.
1 =

= (/Mf )


With the above-mentioned linear conversion, Eq. (4) may be converted into a
simpler sinusoidal waveform.
0 < 1 <

sin ,
where denotes the sampling prole that results from linear conversion.
For the same reason, the point of intersection, 2 , of the intersection between
the second modulated wave (X = 2) and the carrier slant cross-section is exactly
the back rim of the second pulse train of vAO . Thus, 2 can be expressed with
Eq. (7).
1 =

2 =

3 MI
sin ,

0 < 2 <



K.-H. Tseng et al.

By substituting Eqs. (6) and (7) into Eq. (2), it is possible to gure out
the voltage, vAO , of the phase-A, three-phase, two-level PWM inverter, which is
expressed with Eq. (8).

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vAO =

2Jn (npMI /2)
sin nm t
2 n=1,3,5,...

2J0 (mMI /2)

(1) 2 sin mc t

2Jn [(m + np)MI /2]
(m + np)
m=1,3,... n=2,4,...

cos (mc + m n)t





2Jn [(m + np)MI /2]
(m + np)
m=2,4,... n=1,3,...

sin (mc + m n)t m +

In Eq. (8), is the sampling factor between 0 and 1, p is the reciprocal of the
carrier to modulated wave frequency ratio c /m , MI is a modulation index, and
Jn is the nth Bessel function.
To gure out the PWM inverter voltage, vBO , in phase B, it is necessary to
process the modulation signal of vAO with a phase shift of 120 . In other words, in
Eq. (7), nm t is replaced by n(m t + 2/3). Thus, vBO is expressed with Eq. (9).


2Jn (npMI /2)
sin n m t +

= +
2 n=1,3,5,...

2J0 (mMI /2)

(1) 2 sin mc t

2Jn [(m + np)MI /2]
(m + np)
m=1,3,... n=2,4,...

cos mc t + n m t +


2Jn [(m + np)MI /2]
(m + np)
m=2,4,... n=1,3,...

sin mc t + n m t +



Characteristics of PWM Modulation


Hence, the linear voltage output by a set of three-phase, two-level PWM inverters, vAB , is gure out. In other words, vAB = vAO vBO can be expressed with
Eq. (10).
vAB =

4Jn (npMI /2)
np n 
cos nm t

4Jn [(m + np)MI /2]
(m + np)
m=1,3,5,... n=2,4,...

np n  
sin (mc + m n)t m +



4Jn [(m + np)MI /2]
(m + np)
m=2,4,6,... n=1,3,...

np n  
cos (mc + m n)t m +


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Hence, the phase-A loaded harmonic current, i1 , can be expressed as follows:

R1 + jXL1
i1 = v1

 4Jn (npMI /2)
np n 
cos nm t
4Jn [(m + np)MI /2]
(m + np)
m=1,3,5,... n=2,4,...

np n  
sin (mMf + n)m t m +



4Jn [(m + np)MI /2]
(m + np)
m=2,4,6,... n=1,3,...

cos (mMf + n)m t

np n  



3 V1

R1 + jXL1

4. Time-Domain Simulations and Spectral Analysis

In this article, the researcher adopts the hypothesis that the load functions with a
constant power for the sake of solution and simulation. The questions are solved
with Matlab, by means of the harmonic mathematic model, expression Eq. (11),
created by DFS. The model and simulation of the system are constructed the timedomain simulator tools, Pspice and Simulink. Eventually, the ndings of simulation
are compared with the mathematical model created by DFS for the sake of analysis,
with a view to verifying its precision.


K.-H. Tseng et al.




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Figure 5. Symbolic representation of various components of Pspice. (a) An AC switch;

(b) the switching diode; and (c) a three-phase of a power transistor PWM controller.

Figure 6. The circuit of a three-phase PWM inverter simulated by Pspice.

4.1. Constructing Three-Phase PWM Inverter Used in the System

with Pspice
All the components of the system are roughly divided into three types, namely the
input voltage (DC), the three-phase PWM inverter and the load. The PWM inverter
is composed of a power switch and a counter diode, as shown in Figures 5a and b.
Figure 5c shows a three-phase PWM controller. Given the aforesaid components,
the circuit model diagram of the three-phase PWM inverter used in the system can
be constructed, as shown in Figure 6.
4.2. Constructing Three-Phase PWM Inverter Used in the System
with Simulink
In this section, the construction of the system-based inverter circuit by Simulink
(Power System Blockset) is discussed. The models of the power switch and the

Characteristics of PWM Modulation


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Figure 7. The symbolic representation of the power switch.

Figure 8. The symbolic representation of the counter diode.

Figure 9. The three-phase PWM control block diagram.

counter diode of the PWM inverter are borrowed from the component library of
Simulink. Figures 7 and 8 show the symbolic representation of the power switch
and the counter diode, respectively.
Regarding the controller for the three-phase PWM inverter, the triggering
signal for the switch can be devised with the concepts mentioned above in Section 2.
Its control block diagram is depicted in Figure 9.
The equivalent circuit of the three-phase PWM inverter used in the system can
be created by means of the components constructed with Simulink. Figure 10 shows
the circuit of the three-phase PWM inverter constructed by means of Simulink.

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K.-H. Tseng et al.

Figure 10. The Simulink circuit structure diagram for the three-phase PWM inverter.

Table 1
System simulation parameters
Three-phase DC input voltage:
Three-phase induction motor:
Three-phase PWM inverter:

Vd = 313.97 V
V1 = 105.73 12.36 V,
f = 60 Hz, R = 2 , L = 10 mH
Mf = 7, MI = 0.75, = 0

4.3. Discussion of Simulation Results

The aforesaid simulation method and the system model of the PWM inverter
created above are analyzed. Table 1 shows the parameters adopted by the system,
wherein it is supposed that the load functions with a constant power.
Figure 11a and b show the ndings acquired by Pspice simulation and Simulink
simulation, respectively. Figure 11c shows the ndings of the simulation by DFS. Their
spectral characteristics are depicted in Figure 12a, b, and c, respectively. Regarding
these three methods, the current waveforms and harmonic spectrums at the load-end of
the three-phase PWM inverter are simulated, while unipolar natural sampling backrim modulation is taking place. As indicated by the ndings about the spectrums
depicted in Figure 12a, b, and c, although the measurements of the three types of
simulation dier slightly, the dierence is insignicant. We treat the Simulink-based
simulated values as the standard so as to conduct the analysis, wherein Ih denotes
the current of the nth harmonic, and I1 denotes the current of the basic harmonic.
As for the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th harmonics, a relative low Ih /I1 ratio is adopted
in Pspice simulation and a relative low Ih /I1 ratio is adopted in DFS problemsolving process, though the discrepancy is just as great as 10%, approximately.
According to the aforesaid ndings of comparison, the main spectrum worked
out by DFS put forth in this article approximates closely the main spectrums
worked out by Pspice simulation and Simulink simulation, and the computation
is fast and precise. However, the DC link of the Pspice simulation and Simulink
simulation is not DC in nature as assumed by the mathematical model created in
this article. Instead, it is even harmonic. In addition, its switch switching can be

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Characteristics of PWM Modulation




Figure 11. The time-domain waveforms of the current output by the three-phase PWM
inverter. (a) Using Pspice simulation; (b) using Simulink simulation; and (c) using DFS
for solution.

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K.-H. Tseng et al.



Figure 12. The harmonic spectrum of the current. (a) Using Pspice simulation; (b) using
Simulink simulation; and (c) using DFS for solution.

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Characteristics of PWM Modulation


delayed. These two phenomena contribute to the low order harmonics (the 3rd,
5th and 7th harmonics, etc.). Furthermore, there are atypical harmonics, because
Simulink switch model is not an ideal component at all.
Based on study in this article using 3-D modulation model to analysis the
harmonic spectrum of three-phase PWM inverter, the authors suggest that considerations, such as the dead time of switch components, the fact that the power source
comprises ripples, and the phenomenon wherein the load comprises even harmonics,
should be incorporated into the establishment of a harmonic mathematical model
in further study, so that a harmonic model that is more accurate can be established.
Regarding further study, it is important to take into account the dynamic load of
an operating system so as to gure out the dynamic output power of the inverter.
As a result, the dynamic harmonics of the system is monitored, and it is possible
to supply the harmonic source to the load so as to conduct harmonic analysis, with
a view to providing the data about the harmonic characteristics of an operating
system and thus making the harmonic model put forth in this article more useful.

5. Conclusions
This article involved using a PWM inverter as the major source for supplying
harmonics to the load, and studied the structure of a three-phase PWM inverter
and its principle of motion, with a view to creating a harmonic mathematical
model for the three-phase PWM inverter used in the system and then analyzing
its harmonic characteristics, by means of a 3-D modulation model and the double
Fourier series. As a result, the precision of the harmonic mathematical model put
forth was proved by the ndings about the three-phase PWM inverter harmonic
characteristics simulated by the time-domain simulation tools, Pspice and Simulink.
The conclusions of this research are as follows:
(1) In view of the combined modulation relation between a modulated wave
and a carrier, the harmonic voltage mathematical model of the three-phase
PWM inverter is constructed by means of the 3-D modulation model and
the double Fourier series. In this way, the harmonic current input to the
load by the three-phase PWM inverter is gured out accurately.
(2) Construct the circuit of the three-phase PWM inverter with a simulation
tool. Simulate the harmonic mathematical model and verify its precision,
so as to help identify the harmonic characteristics of the system while it is
operating in practice.
(3) The harmonic characteristics of the three-phase PWM inverter constructed
by DFS are distributed around Mf , and the harmonics appear at the
frequency modulation ratio, Mf , and the adjoining rim. Hence, harmonic
number, h, may be expressed with the following
h = j(Mf ) K
if j is an odd number, then K is an even number;
if j is an even number, then K is an odd number.
Hence, the distribution of the harmonic source is swiftly assessed in accordance with the variation of the frequency modulation ratio, Mf , for the
sake of prevention and prohibition.


K.-H. Tseng et al.

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