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Algiz Rune Meaning


Fear has its place in every heart. Courage is only a response.

Algiz (or Elhaz) Al-jiz Literally: Elk Esoteric: Protection, Higher
Rune of the essential link or connection with the patterns of
divine or archetypal consciousness, such as the Valkyrie. Rune of
the possible danger of realizing this link when unprepared.
Psi: divinity, higher self, the state of listening
Energy: protective teaching force, the divine plan, Valkyries
Mundane: protection, safety, spirituality
Divinations: Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life,
protection; or hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of the
divine link, fear.
Strengthening of hamingja (personal gravity, luck) and life force
through courageous deeds
Mystical and religious communication with non-human sentient beings
Communication with other worlds, especially Asgard
Receiving instruction on the magical potential of the runes
Banishing the fear of death
My notes:
Algiz is the single strongest energy connected with my own existence. It
is a protective teaching force that promotes independence and
autonomy as well as faith. Courage in the face of fear is central, not the
absence of fear, because fear may or may not be a warning to us that
protection and defensiveness is necessary. Algiz supplies the insight
necessary to make such judgments and stand in true service to Asgard.

The spiritual force, hamingja, generated by Algiz envelops the invoker

with so much energy that he or she becomes sacred, set apart and
protected by Divine power. The image of the Valkyrie in mythology is
fully representative of the way in which the energies of Algiz work to
protect you. Meditating on the image of a Valkyrie in her teacher, swan
and warrior forms is a powerful method of invoking Algiz energy.
The Valkyrie will not assist in evading punishment for wrong deeds, or
illegal or immoral acts. It will act to soften the blow of punishment if the
person willingly accepts accountability for the harm cased by his or her
acts and begins to take steps to compensate.
Do not mistake the archetypes encountered through use of this rune. Ask
them politely of their purpose and to identify themselves. Good entities
always will respond favorably to such requests, and mischievous or
harmful entities tend to become offended or refrain from answering.
Have courage and fortitude, as you will sometimes be tested. These
entities come in many forms, so be prepared to open your mind as to
allow their unique methods of communication to take place.

Algiz Rune Meaning Analysis


ALGIZ (also called Elhaz) is a powerful rune, because it represents the

divine might of the universe. The white elk was a symbol to the Norse of
divine blessing and protection to those it graced with sight of itself.
Algiz is the rune of higher vibrations, the divine plan and higher spiritual
awareness. The energy of Algiz is what makes something feel sacred as
opposed to mundane. It represents the worlds of Asgard (gods of the
Aesir), Ljusalfheim (The Light Elves) and Vanaheim (gods of the Vanir), all
connecting and sharing energies with our world, Midgard.

Image by H. Koppdelaney

The Symbolism of Algiz

The symbol itself could represent the upper branches of

Yggdrasil, a flower opening to receive the sun (SOWILO is the next rune
in the futhark after all,) the antlers of the elk, the Valkyrie and her wings,
or the invoker stance common to many of the worlds priests and
shamans. In a very contemporary context, the symbol could be
powerfully equated to a satellite dish reaching toward the heavens and
communicating with the gods and other entities throughout this and
other worlds. I find this metaphor particularly useful, due to my embrace
of technology, but if it doesnt work for you, use the older

Aligning with the Divine Plan

As a part of the second Aett, whose inimical nature is primary to the
interpretations of the symbols, Algiz represents the divine plan as set
apart from individual affairs, even in spite of human concerns entirely.
Understanding the divine plan is ultimately beyond us while we live as
human beings, save that it is for the greater good.
Algiz requires faith to work with. Like DAGAZ, it can be seen as the
continual unfoldment of universal intelligence, particularly consciousness
in all its forms. This puts the denizens of Midgard in a central role.

Activating the Higher Self

When Odin sacrifices himself to Himself to receive the runes, it can be
interpreted that Odin was setting an example for us: to sacrifice the
things that make us small or petty, to give up our fetters, addictions and
vice to seek something much greater within ourselves. Algiz lifts us away
from the limiting egocentricity which comes part and parcel with ISAs
rune vibrations.

Alignment with the divine plan activates our Higher Self, pushes us from
within toward the self-actualization of MANNAZ. In doing so, Odin invites
us to seek godhood, just as he once did, and give ourselves over the the
pursuit of wisdom, higher awareness and service to the heavens.
In exchange for such a sacrifice (which you may eventually see as no
real sacrifice at all as you explore TIWAZ and GEBO), a number of
specific magical and psychological benefits are bestowed upon us.

The first of these is protection, as is to be expected because of the runes
esoteric meaning. Alignment with the divine makes a person sacred
set apart from the mundane and therefor blessed by divine protection.
The courageous garner favor with the gods. This can be in the form of
increased luck, stronger Hamingja, and this protection is renewed by
passing certain tests of ones courage and honor, often administered by
Odin in one of his various forms.

Communication with Divine Entities

The second is the ability to communicate with gods and entities of the
Higher Realms, particularly Heimdall and the Valkyries, who are the
guardians of Valhalla and watch over their favored warriors. The symbol,
reversed, might be used to access the realm of the dead, giants, and the
unconscious. Tread carefully!

The Protective Teaching Force

Thirdly, Algiz is a channel for the protective teaching force, that power
which great teachers and mentors transfer to students or seekers, a
relationship also touching onKENAZ. Its intensity ranges from divine
guidance to sitting in a classroom during a lecture from a favorite
teacher, but it is the same energy, and can manifest in countless ways.
Teachers and mentors come in many forms and often test our humility
and our readiness, requiring our attention, our service and our unique

ability to think for ourselves and integrate knowledge into the mix of our
own associations and life experience.
Beware the so-called guru who acts in order to convert you to his views,
opinions and thoughts. How to think, and why to think for yourself,
should always be more important than what to think. Avoid accepting as
mentors those who do not truly wish to assist in awakening you to your
own, unique powers theyd rather an ornament to their own ego.

Facing Fear with Courage

Finally, Algiz is the rune of Fear, and the proper use of fear.
Where PERTHRO represents the unknown, ALGIZ represents the courage
we must exercise in order to face our fear of the unknown. Algiz gives us
the counter-phobic urge to move toward our fears and conquer them
rather than be ruled by them.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to right action in spite of
it. It is important to move toward fear rather than avoid it, because it is
in the dark areas obscured by your fears that you can truly grow and
learn to live fully.
Wisdom and courage are the two things you can take to the very doors of
death, and up into Valhalla, accumulating Hamingja which will carry on
into your next life. Therefor, they are both divine pursuits and invaluable

Important Psychiatric Warning on the

Dangers of Algiz
The divine power of Algiz is intoxicating and dangerous to the
Communication with other worlds can be intense and hazardous to the
unprepared, resulting in psychiatric conditions like mania or
schizophrenia in other times such patience may have been shamen,

sorcerers or oracles, but our culture has largely lost the knowledge and
methods by which a person is prepared for these roles.
If you are experiencing an overload of Algiz, you may be hearing voices,
feeling paranoid and receiving new ideas and awareness that is not
normal for you. You may feel invulnerable or filled with energy. Some of
these experiences are quite authentic. However, it is extremely
important that you are able to cope with the necessities of your life and
care for yourself in the mundane world!
If you cannot eat or sleep, and are experiencing symptoms of psychosis,
or uncontrollable emotional outbursts, seek help from a psychiatric
expert. They are here to help you. I speak from experience, and I
promise that coping with your powers and attaining self-mastery are
much more essential to the right path.
It is much more powerful and courageous to find a stable center within
yourself, be in control of your emotions and mind, and be able to eat,
sleep and speak clearly in a way others can understand, even relate to.
If you need the help of medication while you learn to cope, it may sting
your pride at first, but in the long run, it will help!
If you cannot cope with the day to day mundane aspects of your life, you
cannot cope with the divine their seeming duality is an illusion! At the
level of the Higher Self, they are one and the same. You will find this
paradox at the root of the DAGAZ rune meaning.
Good luck, and be wary.

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