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The Lamplighter

United Church
of Christ
August 2015
Inside This Issue

1 Pastors Peace
2 Palm of Prayer
3 Worship Ways
4 This Months Events
5 Community & Conference Clamor
6 Butterfly Room &
Inspiration Station

7 Celebration Occasions

Worship Whirl

"That They May All Be One"

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than
this, to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:1213 NRSV
Note: Facebook can be good or bad, depending
on how it is used, and not everyone uses it. I felt called to
post an apology on FB for legalistic behavior in my past.
Shared below is what I wrote, expanded for members and
friends of Zion UCC Mayview.
The journey of life is just that, a journey. Learning,
changing, and growing are all part of the process along
the way. We never get to a place where we know it all.
But I have to say that there was a time--years--during my
young life when I thought I knew it all and tried to instruct
others on what I "knew". I was being legalistic and inflicting a legalistic view of faith on others. In essence I was
saying "You must believe this way or else."
I was wrong, and I apologize to anyone who was
hurt by my naivete'.
Since those days new understanding and hopefully
some maturity have come into my life. I began to seriously study Christian Scripture, to ask questions of it and
of God, to study other expressions of faith, and to respect
others' experiences of faith, whether believing in a way
that I understand or not. It is not my place to judge another. This is something very important that I learned.
The most important thing that I have discovered in
seeking and listening, experiencing and learning, is Love.
I began to experience God's deep love for me through the
unconditional love, self sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus,
his teaching of the Way, my own experiences, intellect,
tradition and curiosity. I learned how to forgive myself
(which is ongoing) and how to forgive others. Every day is
a celebration of discovery, and I am excited and humbled
to be able to share the nuances of love and forgiveness,
trust and peace that I am learning through my relationship
with Jesus and with others.

Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880

105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224
Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355

This is me. This is who I am. I will not

apologize for being human and deeply fallible,
curious, creative, and occasionally funny. My
constantly-growing relationship with the energy of
Love through the teachings of Christ continuously
help me to understand how everything is connected,
and how the power of Love can bring healing to each
one of us and to our world. It brings tremendous
healing to me every single day! There are times
when I'm scared, when fear is almost overpowering,
but then I remember who and whose I am, and
surround myself with others also on this incredible
journey, this adventure, and realize I'm not alone. We
are not alone.
The United Church of Christ gives all of us the
freedom to grow, to serve, to discover, to disagree,
and to be curious and creative persons on this
journey. I have friends and loved ones in other
denominations, faiths, groups, agnostics and atheists,
and appreciate and love all with Christ's love, for
that's who I am. Fifteen years or so ago I might
have been upset by the ruling of the Supreme Court
for equality of marriage for everyone, including
homosexuals. I admittedly was stuck within the
worldview that marriage was strictly between one
man and one woman. I wore blinders to the
understanding of God's diversity in humanity and kept
it strictly where I was comfortable, focusing on certain
Scriptures, taking them out of context and applying
them to my perception.
Then I began to meet same-sex couples, and
saw a deep and abiding love of God and of each
other. Life and marriage are hard enough without the
additional bigotry and prejudice that often accompany
fear and judgment. This causes damage in selfworth, relationships and the dynamics of everyday
life. We, as Christians, are called to move beyond
fear, legalism and judgment, to the place of living in
the Love that is God.
Each Sunday morning at 9a.m. during this
summer, those who wish to are engaging (over coffee
and delicious snacks) in Sacred Conversations on
Race. This is something we need to explore,
because we are one people. I hope you will join us if
you haven't already.
The color of our skin varies; our cultures vary;
our sexual and gender identities vary. The beautiful
emblem and logo of the UCC signify the sovereignty
of the risen Christ over the world. The inside cover of
the NRSV given to me at my ordination states what
we are about: "For the United Church of Christ, this
emblem, rich in the traditions of the past and alive
with hope for the future, is particularly appropriate.
For this reason, there appear on the perimeter of the
emblem both the name of the church and the text:
'That they may all be one'". John 17:21.

The Lamplighter
If there is disagreement or offense within
the eyes and hearts of readers, that is fine. We
can agree to disagree, but let's not stop there.
Let's talk, explore and discover together these
things which are vital to living in community with
one another. Our community is right here within
the walls of Zion UCC Mayview, and beyond our
walls into the rest of the nation and world.
Jesus laid down his life for his friends and
for the world, so that we may all be one. And God
Is Still Speaking!
In God's Grace and Love, Pastor Kristin

PALM of PRAYER 2 Carry each

others burdens, and in this way you will
fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Concerns Please continue to surround in love
and prayer, those experiencing health difficulties
&/or recovering from surgery, the loss of family
and friends, & those adjusting to new seasons in
their lives: Lois Schmutz Dial, Elaine Hudsons
granddaughter Natalie, Ricky Butler, Shirley Paul,
Cassandra Tieman, Shirley Shafer, Katie
Heatman; family and friends of DWayne Burks,
Rick Lawson, Raymond Dunkle & Mark Malott;
first responders; military personnel and their
families; families around the world that are in the
midst of disease, natural disasters, immigration
crisis, tensions, conflicts, acts of violence and
wars which are going on in different parts of the
Charlie Lewis, Pastor Kristin's stepdad, home from
the hospital; Emily Nolte and Connor Moore are
married! Brian, Rachel and Brooklyn Murry are
expecting in January!

Our secretary Angie Lawson lost her husband,
Rick, on July 7. We extend our sincere sympathy
to Angie and her family. Memorials may be sent to
Lafayette County Cancer Coalition, PO Box 88,
Higginsville, MO 64037, or to Heartland Church,
777 MO-23, Knob Noster, MO 65336.

Pastoral Visits and Prayers

Please feel free to contact me at any time if a
pastoral care visit or prayer request is in
your heart. The best way to reach me is
at the parsonage, 660-237-4902, and
the next best option is my cell @ 660641-1038. Blessings! Pastor Kristin

June Current Expenses
June Current Receipts
Current Difference

2nd Place !!

$ 5,112.26
-$ 2,945.11

Comparison of Receipts
to 2015 Budget & Expenses as of June 30,
Total Budget
YTD Budget
YTD Expenses
YTD Receipts
YTD Budget to Receipts
YTD Receipts to Expenses
June 2015 SUMMARY
MM ACCT-Bank of
Certif of Depst-B&L Bank

$ 74,715.00
$ 37,357.50
$ 36,485.23
$ 31,360.92
-$ 5,996.58

$ 7,471.00
$ 3,735.50
$ 2,514.55
-$ 1,220.95

-$ 5,124.31
$ 52,820.81
$ 2,112.22
$ 12,524.42
$ 67,457.45

$ 5,112.26
$ 402.33
$ 485.00
$ 5,999.59


$ 49,875.70
$ 2,514.55
$ 12,624.42
$ 65,014.67







$ 31,548.96

$ 31,552.98


$ 31,560.63

$ 31,564.52

$ 31,568.54

$ 13,811.14

$ 13,643.87


$ 13,083.56

$ 14,472.61

$ 11,999.11

$ 21,393.94
$ 66,754.04

$ 21,393.94
$ 66,590.79


$ 21,420.32
$ 66,064.51

$ 21,420.32
$ 67,457.45

$ 21,447.02
$ 65,014.67


We're going swimming Sunday, August 9th! It is so very hot, and we can invite ALL
of our friends...I mean REALLY, ALL of our friends!!! The Board of Christian Education has reserved the Odessa Aquatic Center from 6:15-8:15pm August 9, and
we can welcome 250 people (altogether)!!! We'll invite the First Baptist Church and
Zion AME, and maybe all of Mayview too! This is our Back to School Bash--thanks

Visitation Sunday
On August 30th our worship will take place at St. Luke's in Independence with the Samoan UCC, followed by a pot luck! Please bring a dish to share as we enjoy a fabulous opportunity to worship and
feast together with our wonderful Samoan friends who visited us last year. The worship service begins at
10:30 AM. If you would like to carpool, please plan to meet at our church at 9:30 AM. If you would like to
drive direct the address is:
St Luke UCC Independence, 727 N. Main St, Independence, MO 64050. Please contact pastor Kristin at
660-237-4902 if you have any questions.
We return to our regular worship schedule on Sunday, Sept. 13th. Sunday School will begin at 9:30
AM, followed by worship at 10:30 AM. Promotion Sunday is September 13th.
To desire and expect nothing for oneself and to have profound sympathy for others is genuine holiness.

~Ivan Turgenev

The Lamplighter

Sacred Conversations9:00 A.M.

Worship10:00 A.M.
August 2, 2015
Sunday School Teacher Meeting
Immediately following services
Vespers, 3 pm
Golden Living Center
August 3, 2015
Outlook Club, 1:30 pm
August 6, 2015
Advent Celebration Meeting, 4 pm
August 6, 7, 8, 2015
Odessa Puddle Jumper Days
August 7, 2015
Gospel Sing - Odessa First Christian Church
7 PM
August 9, 2015
Back to School Bash
Swim Party @ Odessa Aquatic Center
6:15 PM8:15 PM
August 12, 2015
BCE, 7:15 pm
August 13, 2015
Council, 7 pm
August 18, 2015
First Day of School - Odessa R-VII and Lafayette County C1
August 19, 2015
Newsletter Articles Due
August 30, 2015
Worship @ St Lukes UCC Independence
with our Samoan Friends

Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

Festival of Sharing kit for August: Paper Products Pack
3 pkgs of toilet tissue (4-double rolls)
2 rolls paper towels (good quality)
2 facial tissue (large rectangular boxes)
Place all items in a tall-sized kitchen trash
bag. Close securely.
Other dates to remember: CROP Walk for
Hunger on Sunday September 27 at 3:00
p.m. at Confederate Memorial Park in Higginsville. It is time to start collecting donations, ask
your family and friends to sponsor you and your
family. Better yet, ask them to join you. Plan to
attend and bring a friend to the Festival of
Sharing on Saturday, October 17th.
November 8th we will highlight Missions with a
special Sunday service and meal. Save the

HIGHER THIS FALL, and are interested in becoming a member of Zion UCC Mayview, it's
time for CONFIRMATION! This is a two-year
program where you will learn about the history
(BLAH! HISTORY!)--don't worry, it will be FUN!
of the United Church of Christ, grow in your own
discovery of who Jesus is and who you are in
God's family, about the whys of worship and will be great! There will be a little outside
work for you to do, but nothing too demanding--I
promise. We'll have fun learning and growing
together, visiting other churches, and preparing
you for full church membership! Please contact

me so I can make preparations to start in September. This is a journey that will become part
of your adventure of life! Peace, joy and God's
great Love, Pastor Kristin

Community, County &

Conference Clamor
The fall shower for Steppingstone is right
around the corner! Please bring in new and
gently-used items that will work in an apartment-single bed sheets, towels and washcloths,
lamps, pots and pans...the shower date
is September 14, and the need is always great.
Also, please remember that we are collecting
different bundles for Festival of Sharing each
month. In addition there is always a need for
seed packets and money for shipping. This is
part of the outreach we are called to as a faith
community--giving is always much more fun

Music is the Voice of the Soul!

Puddle Jumper Days

Friday, August 7, 2015 @ 7pm
First Christian Church
224 West Dryden Street
Odessa, MO 64076
If interested in participating, please contact
Samantha in the First Christian Church office
at (816) 633-7726, or Zona Mitchell
at (816) 263-1222.

General Synod Update

It has been a General Synod for the record
books in Cleveland 2015, with UCC delegates
celebrating a history-making ruling by the U.S.
Supreme Court-making marriage equality the
law of the land, continuing the work for just
peace in Israel/Palestine, and electing a new
general minister and president to chart a course
for the future of the denomination.
The Rev. John C. Dorhauer was overwhelmingly
elected to serve as the UCC's ninth general
minister and president. He takes over the reins

from the Rev. Geoffey A. Black, who is retiring at

month's end. During closing worship on Tuesday
evening, June 30, Black presented his successor
with a stole, a symbol of the new leadership role
Dorhauer is stepping into, reflecting his calling to
do new things.
Excerpt fromUCC News, July 03, 2015 , Written
by Connie Larkman. To read full article go to:
The United Church of Christ, General Synod 30,
and Israel/Palestine What Synod Said, and What It
Didnt A Summary Guide for UCC Clergy
To read the summary go to: http:// or ask the church office for a copy.

The Conference OCWM Covenanted Ministry is
seeking additional members to help with their
work. Listed below is information regarding their
purpose and goals.
Purpose Statement for OCWM Covenanted
Ministry Team
The conference covenanted ministry for interpretation and promotion of OCWM will encourage the
financial support of Our Churches Wider Mission Basic Support in addition to participation in the
four special offerings of the UCC by local churches
of the Missouri Mid-South Conference.
Goal: Document our OCWM Ministry Team
goals and perceived challenges with specific
recommendations for next steps, necessary
support from the Conference and timing of future activities. This document will then be
shared with the current conference leadership.
The group has been meeting primarily via a conference call with an occasional face to face meeting at Columbia UCC.
If you have anyone in your congregation that
would be interested in being a member of this
group, please send me their name(s) and contact
information. Thank you.
Peace, Ron Wendle
Q: How do bees get to school?
A: On a school BUZZ!

3 And

if I go and prepare a place for you, I

will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:3 (KJV)

The words below were written by the Irish poet and

philosopher John ODonohue who no longer lives
on earth and come from his book of blessings
called Benedictus.
When you lose someone you love,
Your life becomes strange,
The ground beneath you becomes fragile,
Your thoughts make your eyes unsure;
And some dead echo drags your voice down
Where words have no confidence
Your heart has grown heavy with loss;
And though this loss has wounded others too,
No one knows what has been taken from you
When the silence of absence deepens.
Flickers of guilt kindle regret
For all that was left unsaid or undone.
There are days when you wake up happy;
Again inside the fullness of life,
Until the moment breaks
And you are thrown back
Onto the black tide of loss.
Days when you have your heart back,
You are able to function well
Until in the middle of work or encounter,
Suddenly with no warning,
You are ambushed by grief.
It becomes hard to trust yourself.
All you can depend on now is that
Sorrow will remain faithful to itself.
More than you, it knows its way
And will find the right time
To pull and pull the rope of grief
Until that coiled hill of tears
Has reduced to its last drop.
Gradually, you will learn acquaintance
With the invisible form of your departed;
And when the work of grief is done,
The wound of loss will heal
And you will have learned
To wean your eyes
From that gap in the air
And be able to enter the hearth
In your soul where your loved one
Has awaited your return
All the time.
John ODonohue

The Lamplighter
Community Garden!
They are like a well-watered
plant in the sunshine,
spreading its shoots over
the garden;
Job 8:16 NIVUK

Thank Yous
Thank you so much for the time and caring you all gave us at The Terrace. Come
again anytime. - Mary Ann
Blessings to you all for sharing your gifts
and talents with the residents at the Terrace. Your generosity made all the difference to each of us. Thank you! - Deb Kassien, Coordinator
Those who give of their time are truly
generous. Just saying "thank you" doesn't
seem enough. We hope you know how appreciated you really are.
The staff and Residents of Blue Springs Terrace
Zion UCC,
Many thanks for your thoughts, love, cards
and prayers. A special thanks to Pastor
Kristin and Martha Hawthorne. Your
warmth and support was appreciated. I
love you all!!
Lillie and family
Our hearts are full of gratitude when we
say many thanks to family members,
friends and neighbors for all acts of kindness and sympathy: food, flowers, donations
to Ricks Memorial funds, cards, visits and
kind words spoken to our family regarding
the recent passing of a wonderful husband,
father, grandfather, son, brother and uncle.Rick Lawson. Rick will always be remembered for his sincere kindness, positive
attitude, warm smile and that twinkle in
his eye. Angie and Family

The Lamplighter

Celebration Occasions

Office Hours

August Birthdays


Joshua Wagner

Kelly Bayless


Jim Begemann



8:00 AMNoon
6:008:00 PM

5:009:00 PM

8:00 AMNoon

Norma Mittelhauser


Lillie Jennings


Beth Ogan


Michelle Bayless
Mary Brueggenhohann
Jim Walls
Joyce Hoefer
Sherri Walls
Dallas Walls


David Dickmeyer


Trinity Alvested

Robert & Amy Hoefer


Tanner Burns

Carl & Helen Hoeppner


Alyssa Hoefer

Scott & Amanda




I missed Wayne Hoefer on the

birthday list in July. Heres to a
Happy Belated Birthday on July
30th Wayne! JH

Serving Souls



Austin Aardema
Donovan Aardema

Ronnie & Martha

Wayne & Joyce Hoefer

Administrative Affairs
Kristin Aardema Faigh

August Anniversaries

Home(660) 237- 4902

Church (660) 237-4355
Cell (660) 641-1038

Scott Alvested
Council President

(816) 230-4450

Marvin & Alice Huenefeld

Angie Lawson
Church Secretary

(660) 237- 4355

Pastor Kristin & Kenny Faigh

Jenny Holt

(660) 237 - 4923

Teresa Begemann

(816) 633 - 4133

Dawn Stuart

(660) 237 - 4355

Jeff & Connie Sanders


The deadline for submissions for the
September newsletter is
Wednesday, August 19, 2015.
Send your submissions to: or
Or Call (660) 237-4923

Zion United Church of Christ

105 North Mary St.
Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224
Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians
Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship at 10:30 am



The Lamplighter
August 2015

Zion UCC Mission Statement

The avowed purpose of our church shall be:
To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congregation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Summer Worship Whirl

Traditional Worship

10:00 AM


Come As You Are Service

10:00 AM

Monthly - 3rd Sunday

Sacred Conversations and


9:00 AM




Monthly 1st Sunday & Special


Church Council

7:00 PM


Board of Christian Education

7:15 PM

August 12, 2015

SAIL (Serving All in Love)

7:00 PM

Monthly - 4th Tuesday

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