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Plastic Waste Reduction

There's about nothing we do that doesn't generate some form of waste as a byproduct. Before
20th century, that wasn't really a problem. People were pretty good at turning things like food and
animal waste into compost - they assuredly didn't have things like landfill sites and incinerators. These
days things are very different because we use a far different variety of materials, including plastic,
which are harder to recycle or dispose of. Even though most plastics are made from petroleum, still we
tend to throw them away rather than recycle it. Every piece of plastic that has ever been produced is
still in existence, with much of it collecting in our landfills and environment. Waste is one thing: if we can
contain it and collect it, at least we can recycle it or dispose of it responsibly. Sometimes, though, waste
becomes pollution: solid, liquid or gases we throw out into the environment without caring where they
end up or what damage they do. We had taken the earth from our ancestors as a green peace without
pollution and think for us what we are giving back to our children's.
In today's world we are living in age where disposables have becomes a way of life. In this "use
and throw" society, plastic and paper have become a part of our day to day life style and affect
everyone. The issues surround the toxicity to human from the single use plastics are primarily due to
their use in packing food stuff. Disposable food service ware - plates, bowls, cups, cutlery and other
products - is widely used in restaurants, offices, parties, hospitals etc. - ease of use, minimal
maintenance and reduced dish washing needs. Here the drinking water bottles are often the most
talked about sources of toxicity to humans from plastics. Pthalates and Bisphenol A (BPA) are the two
most notorious toxin which leach from plastics into the contained food or water. Moreover when these
single use items are discarded improperly, they often end up in water bodies where they continue to
leach these harmful chemical for a very long time, on account of being non-biodegradable, as well as
these single-use items end up in landfills, incinerators or the world's ocean where they can cause serious
consequences that affect our eco systems and our heath. An examination of the chemical components
of commonly used plastics, as well as their manufacture and disposable, paints an unsustainable picture.
Other potential negative impacts include:

Plastics are non-biodegradable.

Plastics prevent or reduce the seepage of water into soil.
These clog/block the domestic pipelines and sewage lines.
Depletion of nonrenewable sources - fossil fuel;
Direct burning of plastics lead to the emission of toxic fumes and gases, which in turn affects
human life.
Emission of CO2 during burning of waste plastics causes global warming.
Contamination of food from leaching chemicals.
Continuous accumulation and dumping of plastics, in due course of time reduces cultivation
land. Accumulation of plastic invite additional wastes and these dumps are aesthetically
disturbing and potential health hazards.
Generation of air and water pollutants from manufacturing, shipping and disposal.

Plastic waste is a pressing issue in the world today. The environmental issues regarding plastic
waste arise predominantly due to throwaway culture that plastics propagate, and also lack of an
efficient waste management system. Mostly people have turned away from traditional modes of
consumption, and are moving towards more wasteful patterns of resources use. Since use of single use
plastic have becomes so integrated in our life that the legal option to drastically cut its use is going to be
a very tough task. The debate over cost effectiveness of plastics versus the alternatives may not be that
simple to begin with. Especially since, there is something immeasurable at take i.e. a better future for
our environment in the decades to come.

At Jia, we initialize and conducting research program for the traditional plates, cups and bowls
made of dry leaves and earthen clay, seems to be going out of fashion although they are biodegradable.
The main factor for non-acceptance of traditional plates, cups and bowls are due to higher in cost, not
easy to handle and can damage easily. By involving the better technology, we at Jia working, for the fine
earthen cups, bowls and plates, because people still appreciate fine earthen cups as the aroma of the
earthen cups adds a delightful taste to the servings.
We strive to be eco-friendly every day, in whatever we do, no matter how large or small. We
understand that while large news-grabbing initiatives are important, its the many little things that
eventually add up to significant responsibility towards environmental stewardship. We hope, our
invention for single use disposable food service ware shall be useful for the health of society as well as
reduce the impact on the environment.

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