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In this chapter the researcher presents some points related to this research
those include background of the study, formulation of the research problem,
the purpose of study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the
study, definition of the key term, the hypothesis and organization of the study.
A. Background of the study
In era globalization, English is very important for our life, so every
country try to teach this language. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language.
Learning a foreign language is an integrated process that the learners should
study the four basic skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. We
use it to understand our world through mastering those skills in order to
communicate our felling, it needs desires through speaking and writing. By
having more knowledge about language skill we have much better chance of
understanding and being understood, beside that we will get what we want
and need from these around us.
Based on the four skills above, the reading skill plays very important role
in the educational field, students need to get more exercise and training in
order to have a good reading skill. Reading is useful for language acquisition.
Provided that students more or less understand what they read, the more they
read, the better they get it, (Harmer, 2007:99).
Reading is one that demands one's language skills able to read and
understand the contents of the reading or writing text. Reading is a complex

cognitive process of decoding in order to construct or derive meaning

(Reading comprehension). It is a means language acquisition, of
communication, and of sharing and ideas. Like all languages, it is a complex
interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the readers
prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is
culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous
practice, development, and refinement (Louise : 1978).
According to Harmer (1991:190) in the practice of English language
teaching, he says that reading is an exercise dominated by the eyes and the
brain. The eyes receive message and the brain has to work out the
significance of these message. Unlike listening text, a reading text moves at
the speed of the readers to decide how fast he wants to read a text, whereas
learners often have to do their best with a text whose speed is chosen by
Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students
because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability
to read. If their reading ability is poor they are likely to fail in their study or at
least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they
have a good ability in reading, they may have a better chance to success in
their study.
Reading comprehension is a written text, meaning extracting the required
information from it as efficient as possible and as the level of understanding

of a text/message. This understanding comes from the interaction between the

words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the
text/message (Franqoise Grellest, 1984: 3)
Some problems faced in the world of education, especially in learning to
read is the lack of reading skills among students, especially in learning to read
English text. Some factors that cause the condition above are the students
have low motivation and interest in reading text. Students with low
motivation and interest tend to be passive, lazy and pessimistic in the class.
The presence of reading material can also be another factor in supporting the
failure. Some texts sometimes appear too long and difficult which make the
students become bored.
This condition motivates the researcher to choose the learning model. the
learning model must be able to develop the student's ability to think logically,
critically and creatively. According to Sanjaya (2010) learning strategy will
depend on the approach used, while explaining how the strategy can be
applied as a model of learning. In an effort to run the learning methods
teachers can determine the techniques that are considered relevant to the
methods and the use of such techniques teachers have different tactics
between teachers and others.
Method of two stay two stray (dua tinggal dua tamu) is one of the
cooperative learning model which provides an opportunity to share the results

and other information to the group. This is done because a lot of teaching and
learning that characterized the activities of the individual.
The purpose of this strategy is make the students active, both in
discussions, ask questions, seek answers, explain and also listen to the
material described by a friend. In this lesson the students are exposed to
events by listening to what is being said while visiting his friend, who is not
directly the students will be taken to listen to what is being said by members
of the group who hosted them. In this process, there will be activities on
students' listening material.
According to Lie (2005) learning model two stay two stray (Two Lives
Two guests) is a model of learning in which students learn to solve problems
together members of the group, then two students from the group exchange
information to two other group members were staying. In the learning model
two stay two stray (Two Lives Two Guest), the students are required to have
the responsibility and active learning in every activity.
Widoyoko (2011: 206) states that the quality of learning is influenced by
the five aspects such as: performance / performance of teachers in the
classroom, the classroom learning facilities, classroom climate, students
attitude, and student motivation. Aspects of performance of teachers means
the ability of teachers to demonstrate competence in the skills or time to teach
in the classroom. Based on the interview with the teacher, it is known that the
teacher is certified, the teacher in the learning process to apply a lecture with

a brief question and answer, and using media powerpoint, because with such a
method can be conveyed all the material to the students. Meanwhile, based on
the observation, it appears that the acquisition of learning materials has been
pretty good teacher, but in learning, teacher learning model has not been
applied in accordance with the characteristics of basic competence (KD) and
it does not use instructional media interest, so that learning looks monotonous
because there is no variation in learning techniques in the classroom.
Based on the description of the author has the motivation to conduct the
research, entitled The Effectiveness of Using Two Stay Two Stray
Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension of Second Year Students
in SMP N 1 Sumbergempol in Academic Year 2012/2013.

B. Formulation of the Research Problem

Based on the background study, the problem of this study formulated as
1. How is the students reading comprehension before they are taught by
using two stay two stray technique?
2. How is the students reading comprehension after they are taught by
using two stay two stray technique?
3. How is the effect of using two stay two stray technique toward
teaching reading comprehension of second years students in SMP N
1 Sumbergempol in the academic year 2012/2013?

C. The Purpose of Study

Based on the research problem, the study is intended to:
1. To know the students reading comprehension before they are taught
by using two stay two stray technique;
2. To know the students reading comprehension after they are taught
by using two stay two stray technique;
3. To know the effect using two stay two stray technique toward
teaching reading comprehension of second years students in SMP N
1 Sumbergempol in the academic year 2012/2013.
D. Significance of the Study
The researcher hopes that the result of the study will give contribution to:
1. The teacher
a. Teachers know the level of students ability in reading

The result can become an input to determine the step and strategy
for teaching reading comprehension. So the teacher can reach the
maximum teaching as a feedback to improve the quality of English
teaching reading comprehension and it can be as important
information in using two stay two stray technique to improve the
quality of teaching reading comprehension.


Other Researchers
The research can give a concept in their method in teaching reading
comprehension because it will give some knowledge about two stay
two stray method. Therefore, the researcher knows the benefit of
teaching reading comprehension by using two stay two stray method
optimally. The






comprehension by using two stay two stray technique.

The English Students




It can improve the ability of reading comprehension.

The student will be easy to read by using two stay two stray


Two stay two stray technique can give motivation in reading

E. Scope and Limitation

In this research, the writer limits the study only with the implementative
effect of two stay two stray method. Therefore, the writer limits the study
reading comprehension only on:
1. The use of two stay two stray method in reading comprehension;
2. The eighth grade of SMPN 1 Sumbergempol;
3. Reading text about descriptive text.
F. The Definition of the Key Terms
In this part, there is explanation from the title and research questions
mentioned in the previous items. The definition of key terms is as follows:
1. Reading comprehension
It is as a process of simultaneously extracting and constructing
meaning through interaction and involvement with written language
(Snow, 2002: 11).
2. Descriptive
Giving a picture in words, describing something, especially without
expressing feeling or judging (Djuharie, 2007: 24).
3. Teaching
Teaching is the roles of teacher give lesson, knowledge and skill to the
students (H. Douglas Brown, 2001: 299).
4. Method of teaching
Method of teaching is the plan of language teaching which is
consistent with the theories. Talking about method in teaching learning
process, there are many methods can be used in the process of teaching.

Here the writer only focus on two stay two stray technique to teach the
English students (Sudjana, 1988).

G. The Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this research is:
1. Null Hypothesis
There is no significance in the teaching reading comprehension score
between the students before taught using two stay two stray technique and
after using two stay two stray.
2. Alternative Hypothesis
There is significance in the teaching reading comprehension score between
the students before taught using two stay two stray technique and after
using two stay two stray.

H. Organization of the Study

The organization of the research paper is given in order to make the
readers understand the content of the paper.
Chapter I: Introduction
It deals with Background of the study, Formulation of the research
problem, The Purpose of Study, Significance Of The Study, Scope and
Limitation, The Definition Of The Key Terms, The Hypothesis, and
Research Paper Organization.

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

It consists of Cooperative Learning Method, Two Stay Two Stray
Technique, Reading, Reading comprehension, Teaching Reading, Genre
of the Text, and Descriptive text
Chapter III: Research Method
It covers: Research Design, Population, Sample and Sampling, Variable
of the Study, Data and Source, Data collection and Research Instrument,
Validity and Reliability, and The technique of data analysis
Chapter IV: Research Finding and Discussion
It consists of Research Finding and Interpretation
Chapter V: Conclusion and Suggestion
This chapter presents the conclusion of the research and suggestion for
further research.

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