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Healing Ministry

A Training Manual for Believers

Discussion Guide
Chapter 1 / Healing & Gods Will
1. What are the practical implications and problems associated with praying for healing if
it by according to Your will?
2. Of the three things the author discusses that reveal the will of God (Gods original
design and intent in creation, life in the kingdom when Christ returns, and the ministry
of Jesus in His incarnation) which one speaks most strongly to you and why?
3. Discuss the implications of the statement that Jesus prayer, Your kingdom come, your
will be done, is both our model for prayer and for ministry.

Chapter 2 / Healing & the Kingdom of God

1. How much time and attention should we give to healing ministry in the local church
today and why? (For the authors take on this see page 27).
2. Why do you think it is important to understand healing ministry as an integral part of
kingdom ministry?
3. Look at the diagram on page 32 and discuss the implications of living in the overlap of
this present evil age and the age which is to come. Can you think of ways you have
experienced the now of the kingdom of God? How about the not yet?
4. As we seek to do healing ministry within the tension of the already and the not yet of
the kingdom, where do you think we should put the emphasis and why?

Chapter 3/ How Jesus Healed the Sick

1. Read John 5:19-20; Matthew 12:22; Acts 10:38; and Luke 4:18-19. What do these verses
say about how Jesus healed the sick and why is this important?
2. Discuss the following two statements:
2012 by Jack Moraine. Permission is granted to freely reproduce this discussion guide.

We wont do what Jesus did until we believe what Jesus believed.

We wont do what Jesus did until we receive what Jesus received.
3. What is the purpose of receiving the empowering work of the Spirit and how important
is it, according to Jesus (Acts 1:4, 8)?
4. How can we receive the empowering work of the Spirit in our lives today? Is it a onetime experience, or something that happens throughout our lives?

Chapter 4 / Healing & Authority

1. What is your understanding of the difference between authority and power?
2. Read Mark 3:14-15. Discuss the two-fold call of Christ to be with Him and to have
authority to do ministry in His name. What is the relationship between the two?
3. What are some of the hindrances we face that keep us from exercising the authority of
Jesus to heal the sick?
4. The author writes: There is simply no way to exercise the authority of Jesus without
risk, but what feels risky to us is really obedience to God (p. 62). How can we overcome
our fears in favor of risky obedience?
5. How does exercising authority to heal differ from the prayer of petition (pp. 63-64)?
6. What is the relationship between authority to heal and the gift of healing (pp. 64-65)?

Chapter 5 / Healing & Faith

1. In John 14:12, Jesus says that it is those with present-tense faith (lit., the one
believing in me) who will do what He has been doing. What is your understanding of
present-tense faith and how do we maintain it?
2. In answer to the disciples question about why they were unsuccessful in being able to
drive the demon out of the boy in Mark 9, Jesus replied, This kind can come out only by
prayer. What do you think Jesus meant by this and what are the implications for us as
we pray for the sick and minister in His name?
3. What does Jesus interaction with the father of the demonized boy in Mark 9:17-29 tell
us about the kind of faith needed to lay hold of the healing power of Jesus?
4. What stands out to you the most about the faith of the woman with the bleeding
problem in Mark 5?

2012 by Jack Moraine. Permission is granted to freely reproduce this discussion guide.

Chapter 6 / Healing & the Cross

1. Some Christians believe the basis for healing ministry is found in the atonement, while
others believe the foundation for healing ministry is to be found in the kingdom of God
(i.e., that healing ministry is an expression of the kingdom). What do you see as the
strengths and weaknesses of each position?
2. The author argues that just as we experience the kingdom in now and not yet
dimensions, there is also an already and not yet to experiencing the benefits of the
a. What aspects of the atonement do we receive fully here and now?
b. What aspects do we only experience in part?
c. What aspects await a future fulfillment?
3. From a practical ministry perspective (in terms of how we pray for and care for people
who need healing), why is it important to understand that we experience both the
kingdom of God and the benefits of Christs saving work on the cross in already and
not yet dimensions?
4. What kind of problems arise when we fail to acknowledge the reality of the not yet
when it comes to healing ministry?

Chapter 7 / Healing Past Hurts

1. The author suggests that the healing of past hurts can be viewed as an aspect of
sanctification (the process by which we become more like Jesus). Agree or disagree? If
you agree, discuss how this is so.
2. What part does forgiveness play (forgiving others, forgiving ourselves, and sometimes
forgiving God) in inner healing ministry and why is this important?
3. Within the context of healing past hurts, what aspects of Jesus interaction with Peter in
John 21 stand out to you?
a. Why do you think Jesus felt this interaction with Peter was necessary?
b. What do you think was the effect it had on his life?
c. If Jesus had not addressed this issue in Peters life what effect do you think his
failure would have had on him?
4. A ministry exercise. Ask if someone in the group is willing to receive inner healing
prayer over a specific area of pain in their past. If so, have one or two people pray for
them using the model of inner healing prayer found in this chapter. Then ask questions

2012 by Jack Moraine. Permission is granted to freely reproduce this discussion guide.

and debrief about the prayer time with the person who received prayer and the whole
a. What did people observe during the prayer time?
b. What, if anything, did the Lord do in the prayer time?
c. Did the person who received prayer sense Gods presence and love during the
ministry time?
d. Did the person who received prayer feel the Lord spoke anything significant to
them during the prayer time?
e. Do they feel a greater sense of healing and peace over this area of their past?
f. Did anything surprise you? If so, what?

Chapter 8 / Healing the Demonized

1. Discuss the difference between demonization and demon-possession.
a. Why is the former term more accurate in describing the people Jesus ministered
to who are said to have been demon-possessed.
b. Can you think of other terms or language to describe varying degrees of
demonization (i.e., demonic influence)?
2. Can a Christian be demonized? (You may wish to include Ephesians 4:26-27 in your
discussion of this topic). Are there other scriptures that would suggest an answer to this
3. On page 98 the author cites this analogy from Dr. Charles Kraft. Demons are like rats.
They feed on the garbage in peoples lives. If you want to get rid of the rats you have to
get rid of the garbage.
a. What are some of the kinds of things that demons are able to attach to in
peoples lives? (For the authors discussion of this topic see pages 96-97).
b. What relationship do you see between the healing of past hurts and the ministry
of deliverance?

Chapter 9 / Ministering Healing

1. Discuss the five-step model for healing prayer and why the following are important
when ministering healing.
a. Why is it important to listen to the Lord as well as to the person we are praying
for? What happens if we do this? What happens if we dont?
2012 by Jack Moraine. Permission is granted to freely reproduce this discussion guide.

b. Why is it important to learn to pray for people with our eyes open? Has anyone
in the group had experience doing this?
c. Why is it important to not only ask God for healing (the prayer of petition), but
to also speak to the condition with the authority of Jesus?
d. Why is it important to ask for feedback from the person after we have prayed for
awhile? Why do we continue praying when there has been some incremental
e. Discuss the importance of post-prayer instructions.
2. Read through Appendix 1 on pp. 121-123, as a group, noting the Things to Do, and
Things to Avoid.
a. Is there anything that stands out to you in these lists as particularly important?
b. Is there anything you would add?
3. A ministry exercise. Ask if someone in the group has pain in their body and is willing to
receive prayer. Have a couple of people (i.e., the prayer team) pray for them using the
model and principles in this chapter. Then, debrief with the person who received prayer
and the whole group.
a. What did people observe during the prayer time?
b. What did the person being prayed for experience?
c. Is the pain completely gone, reduced, or still at the same level?
d. Did anything else significant happen during the prayer time?

2012 by Jack Moraine. Permission is granted to freely reproduce this discussion guide.

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