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1. What are Facebook data centers unique implementation techniques?

These are some of Facebook data centers unique implementation techniques:

building cold storage data centers, adopting techniques like RAID in HDFS to reduce
replication ratios (while maintaining high availability)
using compression for data reduction before its written to HDFS
using Hive, a query engine based on Corona Map-Reduce used for processing and
creating large tables in our data warehouse
using RCFile which is a hybrid columnar storage format that is designed to provide the
compression efficiency of a columnar storage format, while still allowing for row-based
query processing
the use of ORCFile which uses encoding techniques on the column values and then
compresses the columns using a codec like Zlib

For large integer types, we use dictionary encoding since it performed well when there
was a low number of a distinct value.
By using a memory-efficient hash map for the dictionary, and sorting only when
necessary, we reduced the memory footprint of the dictionary by 30% -- and, more
importantly, improved write performance by 1.4 x to reduce redundancy.
we added lazy decompression and lazy decoding to the Facebook ORCFile reader, this
makes selective queries on Facebook ORCFile run 3x faster than open source ORCFile

2. What are Google best practice when it comes to data center and network
Google has a simple test to make sure the data server rooms don't get too cold and
waste energy unnecessarily. Employees who maintain the systems wear shorts,
rather than long trousers, at work. If the data center becomes uncomfortably cool
for shorts-wearing workers, the temperature is too low. By rethinking many longaccepted practices, like cooling requirements, Google says its data centers are able
to use 50% less power than the industry average.
The building's air-cooling systems will rely completely on cold, and free, seawater
from the nearby Bay of Finland.

In Douglas Country, Georgia, Google built its own water treatment plant that
allows them to recycle wastewater obtained from the county for cooling its facility
rather than taking valuable drinking water from the community. In a second phase
of the process, Google cleans the water again before returning it to the nearby
Chattahoochee River.

Starting in 2008, Google began to publicize the energy efficiency numbers for its

data centers, which it felt were industry leading at the time, using the standard
industry metric of Power Usage Effectiveness (or PUE). Along with these numbers,
the company shared some of the details about the designs that allowed them to
achieve these levels.

3. What countries benefited from Project Loon?

- its starting with the small island nation of Sri Lanka.
The entire Sri Lankan island every village from (southern) Dondra to (northern) Point
Pedro will be covered with affordable high-speed Internet using Google Loons balloon
technology, foreign minister Mangala Samaraweera said in a statement. So why is Google
starting with Sri Lanka? Well, in addition to being relatively small in terms of land area (the
entire country is roughly the same size as West Virginia), Sri Lanka is home to over 20
million people and only a small portion of them have access to the Web. According to
AFP, the country currently has about 2.8 million mobile Internet users and 606,000 fixedline users. Thats a lot of people that Google could bring online.

4. Base on movie the Dawn of the Net, what is the purpose and use of a
proxy server?
A proxy server is a special type of network node that alters packets that pass through it,
masking their IP addresses and making it seem that the packets originated at the proxy
system. Proxy servers may be a natural part of your network architecture, or they may be
third-party servers that provide anonymity to their users. Using a proxy can help mask your
activities online from prying eyes, but it can also open up your business's computer network
to a host of security threats

5. Comparing Facebook, Google and Microsoft data centers what is the best
DC for you and why?

For me, Google because Google has a simple test to make sure the data server
rooms don't get too cold and waste energy unnecessarily. Employees who maintain
the systems wear shorts, rather than long trousers, at work. If the data center
becomes uncomfortably cool for shorts-wearing workers, the temperature is too
low. By rethinking many long-accepted practices, like cooling requirements, Google
says its data centers are able to use 50% less power than the industry average.

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