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Branch Chairs Report 2009/2010

The year gone has been a tough year with Director’s falling over
each other to make cuts that, quite frankly, the business neither
needs nor can morally justify.

However we know that these assaults were just a pre-amble to the

coming attacks. Labour announced 25% MoD cuts and when our
Branch pointed out to the press exactly what this means our
Secretary was accused – by the Agency – of ‘wrecking Christmas’.

It was not us who scuppered the UK economy. It was not us who

decided – without adequate protections for our money – to bail out
the corrupt financial sector. It was not us who announced even
more cuts in the MoD or the civil service alike. It is not us who have
attacked the Civil Service Compensation Scheme. It is not us who
think that trying to cut strips off the bone (for the flesh has already
gone) of SPVA is a good thing. It is not us who actively want to
throw the staff to the HP wolves.

We are the messengers.

Towards the end of the 2009/10 Union year myself and the Branch
Secretary joined comrades from across the civil service and from
other Unions across the public sector in a march through the streets
of Liverpool and rally afterwards. It was a march to highlight the
plight the whole of the public sector faces.

We face the plight because the politicians and right wing press have
decided that we are the source of economic woes. It isn’t true.
Budget deficits are there because of the banks and all sensible
economists are suggesting a plan of ‘spend to escape recession’ –
America is doing just that, China did it in its normal exuberant
fashion and is out of recession with 8% growth. Our Government
(and all prospective next Governments) are attempting to keep
their (and their masters’) pockets lined at our expense and will only
make the bite of recession that much deeper for the ordinary
workers of the UK.

The speakers at the Rally mentioned the People’s Charter, this is a

blueprint for what the Unions believe is a fair way to deal with the
economy and many other aspects of modern life. I urge you to
check it out at The original Chartist
movement did much to improve the lot of ordinary folks – perhaps
the new Chartists can do the same.

In the coming year there will be more rallies and marches – I urge
you to try and attend. There is likely to be Industrial Action,
especially over the cuts to the Civil Service Compensation Scheme.
Such action is hard – I know – but it can be successful and we are
going to have to fight for our jobs, quite literally.

I apologise for offering a report that looks forward rather than back
and with much gloom, but it is a report of realism but a report that
contains a kernel of hope. Together we can win.

Andrew M Boylan

Branch Secretary’s Report 2009/2010

The past year, characterized by economic and political depression,

has seen the MoD Civil Service come under fire as never before.
Politicians of all political hue have been falling over themselves in
their eagerness to “cut” our jobs, our pay, our compensation
scheme and our pensions. And we know why these attacks are
happening and why they continue to come. We, the honest hard
working tax payers of this country, are going to made to pay, all of
us - for the bail-out of the financial institutions and the bankers
bonuses; for the consultants and their fees; for failed PFI projects
and continuing privatisation of public services; for the millionaires
tax breaks and for their heirs inheritances, and for their children’s
children’s school fees. Speaking as the honorary Grinch of SPVA
(having ruined everyone’s Christmas this year by speaking up about
just one of these scandals!) I fully intend to continue fighting in the
coming year against any and all attacks on our jobs, pay, pensions
and conditions of service.

In SPVA through the Whitley process we as a branch have learned

the full extent of the problems facing us in the coming years from
the implications of the Interim Contract to our management’s
intentions regarding the Future Contracts. We were initially given to
understand that whilst all of the SPVA business was included in
scope of the FC, the areas thought to be vulnerable were the MoD
Medals Office at Imjin and the non-considerative elements of the
War Pensions Scheme (for instance payments and maintenance,
registrations, file building, etc.) However, in light of recent
information we now have to revise consider that every part of the

business is likely to come under the threat of outsourcing, and
whether through management incompetence or malign intent, (and
make no mistake, it can only be either!) some elements of this
might happen sooner rather than later and without the usual and
expected procedures and protections. This will set a number of
challenges for the branch and it’s membership in the coming
months. But I believe we are up to them. With your support, we can

On a more prosaic note I report that the branch held a full program
of 6 BEC (Branch Executive Committees) during the year, attended
by officers from Norcross and across the VWS. However, the branch
still has room for one further BEC member and I invite nominations
from the floor of the AGM from any member interested in becoming
active in the branch.

The officers of the branch have once again spent many man hours
this year in dealing with a number of diverse and difficult personal
cases, for far too many members one would like, it has to be said,
and the details of which cannot be entered into here. However, I
would like to take this opportunity to thank all those officers who
have acted throughout the year in the very best interests of all our
members, and who have demonstrated through their work,
exemplary levels of professionalism and patience in dealing with at
times trying and challenging issues.

Ian J Melvin

Organisers Report

We have seen a rise in the percentage of membership this year, and

especially in the last couple of months. This is bitter sweet as on the
one hand, an increase in membership is brilliant and gives the union
more weight to tackle the Employer, on the other hand it is when
times are bad at work that people decide to join the union.

2009 saw a huge change in the way the branch managed the
distribution of information to members. During a members meeting
in September 2009, it was agreed that future distribution would be
done, in the main, via email. This has considerably cut down both
the amount of time it takes to do the distribution and also the
amount of repro the branch needs to have done.

This new system seems to be working well, although it has been
quite a task collecting everyone’s email addresses! If anyone hasn’t
received any emails from me at all then please let me know.

This past year has also seen the branch continue with the road
shows that have been useful in getting material on specific topics
out to both members and non-members. We have highlighted a
number of issues such as RSI, Stress, Education, Work your proper
hours, Mental Health Awareness, Union Membership and
Organisation and Anti-Bullying during these road shows as well as
being available to answer any questions on current union campaigns
or more local matters.

These road shows have also been useful in promoting the PCS
Credit Union and other PCS+ benefits such as BHSF (health cash
plan) and there are more planned for the coming year.

Rachel Wallace-Dand

Treasurers Report

In November 2008 the Branch received a notification stating that

the National Executive Committee had maintained the overall
budget for Branches at its current level, but it had not increased the
budget. The Branch would therefore receive the ‘same as previous
year’, £4560. The notification came with a dire warning that due to
the present economic circumstances, additional funding would be
very difficult to obtain. It was therefore most important to live
within our means in 2009.

2009 was a very different year financially. In previous years our

biggest outlay was for Rep’s attending negotiating meetings.
However, during 2009, the reorganisation of the Welfare Offices
resulted in an increase in the number of personal cases. As a
consequence of this, Branch Officers Expenditure amounted to
£1521.40, a 105% increase on the 2008 figure. Although
expenditure for the BEC’s increased by £232, the costs for the
Welfare meetings fell by £647.00 and because of this, the Branch
finished the year with a surplus of £474.29

Due to the difficulty being heard at Branch meetings in Tommies, it

was decided to approach the Finance Sub Committee at PCS HQ for
permission to purchase an amplifier and microphone. Authorisation
for the purchase was given in October and the items were
purchased at a cost of £154.99 in November.

In late November we received notification of our funding for 2010.

The review of expenditure was based on our 2008 accounts and
would be ‘as per previous year’ £4560.00.

Our Number 2 account has been quite active during the year with
three payments being made. The first was the ‘Brew with the union’
campaign held in January and cost £50.40. In June we received
£290.00 from Unionlearn for the purchase of education vouchers
from Blackpool & The Fylde College. The payment was made to the
College on 20th July. Finally a retirement card was purchased for the
Branches Welfare Secretary and long standing BEC member, John
Lynch. During 2009 the account received donations amounting to
£19.80 and ended the year with a balance of with a balance of

Christopher G Senior

Public & Commercial Services Union Veterans Agency National Branch
Number 1 Account Financial Statement for the period
1st January 2009 to 31st December 2009

£ £
Balance brought forward from 31/12/2008 £680.99


PCS rebate £4,049.36

Total £4,730.35 £4,730.35


Negotiating Meetings Travel £463.92

Subsistence £182.50
Other £244.90

General Meetings Travel £87.20

Subsistence £34.00
Other £460.00

Executive Meetings Travel £450.40

Subsistence £238.00
Other £370.35

Officer's Expenditure Travel £1,244.40

Subsistence £211.00
Other £66.00

Postage and Stationery £5.40

Blackpool Trades Council 2010 £25.00

Amplifier £79, Microphone £69.00 £154.99
Carriage £6.08 Agreed by FSC
14th October 2009
TUC Book 'Hazards at Work' £18.00

Total £4,256.06 £4,256.06

Balance £474.29

Public & Commercial Services Union Veterans Agency National Branch
Number 2 Account Financial Statement for the period
1st January 2009 to 31st December 2009

£ £
Balance brought forward from 31/12/2008 £136.10

Donations £19.80
Unionlearn £290.00

Total £445.90 £445.90

Brew & the Union £50.40
Blackpool & The Fylde College £290.00
Retirement card for John Lynch £1.65

Total £342.05 £342.05

Balance £103.85

Copy of the Auditors Report – PCS Accounts

The Veterans Welfare Service Secretary’s Annual Report

These are extremely challenging times for Veterans Welfare Service.

Many offices have closed and the AO grade has been hit hard with a
number of people being forced into the redeployment pool. The EO
grade welfare managers are facing fundamental changes to their
roles as the majority will be working from home. Coupled with this
the whole service is using case management software and following
new processes. Cost and security restraints, and some technical
issues, have resulted in incomplete IT support and this has had a
knock-on effect to AO grade staff in the new ‘Veterans Advice
Centers’. With staffing tolerances very fine any staff absences have
had a significant effect on work available resulting in, in one
instance, a massive backlog in event logs waiting the be accessed
and records created in the new VWS Case Management system.

Additional problems have arisen from imposed changes to working

practices adding further to the high levels of stress that are being

From a PCS point of view we were not in a position to stop the

wholesale changes to VWS. What we are able to do is address
individual and group problems as they arise. We would hope that
the solution to these problems could be found informally but where
that has not been possible we will be vigorously following the
grievance process and Employment Tribunals where necessary.
Additionally we have opened useful discussions with the Director of
Veterans Services which has given us some hope that problems can
be sorted out before they become critical and heavily bureaucratic.

The key here is collective bargaining. If you work in VWS and have
a problem its quite likely that someone else has had or has that
problem too. So get in touch with us and we will see what we can
do. We cannot promise to completely resolve all the issues but
compromises may be possible. By approaching us your problems
can be dealt with by us lessening any possible confrontations with
local or senior management.

Nicholas Wilson

Veterans Agency
National Branch Constitution


1. The Name of the Branch shall be the Veterans Agency

National Branch Executive Committee of the Public and
Commercial Services Union, herein referred to as the Branch.


2. The Branch shall be composed of all those PCS Union

members employed in the Veterans Agency; save as the
National Executive Committee of the Union shall direct.


3. The objectives of the Branch shall be to protect and promote

the interests of the members of the Branch, and to further the
objects of the Branch in relations to the members of the

4. The Branch shall arrange ballots and make recommendations

on pay, terms and conditions, industrial action, and send
delegates to National Conference, and service the day to day
needs of it’s members, etc. (this list is not exhaustive).


5. The management of the Branch shall, subject to the

overriding authority of the NEC and of a membership ballot,
be vested in an annual general meeting of the membership
and between such annual general meetings in the Branch
Executive Committee (BEC).

Branch Executive Committee

6. The BEC shall consist of a Branch Chair, Branch Secretary,

Branch Treasurer, Branch Communications Officer and Branch
Organiser (together known as the Branch officers), together
with 7 other members.

7. Elections to the BEC shall be held every year and shall be by

postal ballot as defined in Rule PR19. The Branch Secretary,
in consultation with independent scrutinisers, appointed by

the NEC, shall issue regulations for the conduct of the

8. Of the BEC at least two shall be filled by members who, at the

date of election, are employed in the Veterans Welfare Service
or Ilford Park Polish Home. Should there be insufficient
nominations to allow this reservation to be effected it shall not

9. If no member of the BEC is of a black ethnic origin, then the

BEC shall be able to co-opt a black member onto the BEC.

10. The BEC may fill any casual vacancy among the Branch
Officers (other than Branch Secretary) by appointing one of
its’ own number. The BEC may fill any casual vacancy among
its voting members (other than the Branch Officer) by inviting
the person standing highest on the list of unsuccessful
candidates at the last relevant election and who is available to

11. The duties of the BEC shall (subject to the overriding

authority of the NEC) be to:

 Protect and promote the interests of the members of

the Branch and to deal with all matters within the Veterans

 Ensure that the most effective available arrangements

are made for the recruitment and retention of members.
The Branch Organiser shall report to each BEC meeting the
last known actual membership, and an estimate of the
potential membership for the Branch.

 Keep such records, and render such returns and

information, as the NEC may require.

 Co-operate with the NEC in the conduct of the Union’s

affairs, and deal promptly with any action remitted to it
from the NEC for its action.

12. Where either the BEC or the NEC considers that the employer
is proposing a major change in members’ terms and
conditions of employment, that change shall not be endorsed
by the Branch except with the support of the members
concerned as endorsed by a majority of those voting in a

ballot conducted on the same basis of voting as that laid down
for BEC elections.

13. The BEC may:

 Prepare resolutions on matters within its area of

competence, which shall be considered by the NEC

 Conduct a ballot of members in the Branch on any

question relating solely to those members, subject to NEC

 Co-opt or invite to its meetings such person(s) as it

considers appropriate without voting powers

 Establish such other sub-committees as it considers

necessary, and prescribe their terms of reference

 Send a delegate to attend meetings of the Defence

Sector committee, on any matter within its area of

14. The BEC shall establish such structures of the Branch as are
necessary, and which are practicable and sustainable, to
represent the interests of women members, black members,
young members, gay and lesbian members, and disabled

15. The quorum for meetings of the BEC and any of its sub-
committees shall be a simple majority of those entitled to
vote. A record of attendance at BEC meetings shall be
maintained by the Branch Secretary and published to

16. All members of the BEC who are elected shall have one vote,
except the Chair who shall only have a casting vote.

17. The BEC shall meet at least six times a year and shall conduct
the business of the Branch, having regard to relevant
decisions and instructions of the NEC of the Union.


18. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Branch shall be

held on a day after the first of January, but not later than the
last day for the timely submission of notices of motions for

the Delegate Conference of the Union, for the purpose of
determining such motions and nominations.

19. The AGM shall receive the Annual Report and the Financial
Report and audited Statement of Accounts; and it shall elect 2
Branch Auditors (who shall not be members of the Branch
Executive Committee), and Branch delegates to the delegate
conference of the Union. The AGM shall also elect delegates to
those District’s Committees on which the Branch is entitled to
be represented and women delegates to the equivalent
District’s Women’s Committees.

20. The Annual General Meeting shall also receive the results of
elections conducted under Rule 8.

21. In respect of elections held at the Annual General Meeting a

member who is present at the Annual General Meeting shall
be entitled to one vote for each position, which is to be filled.
The votes shall be counted and the candidates for each
position shall be placed in order, and the candidate with the
highest number of votes shall be elected.

22. The Branch Annual Report, the Financial report and the
Audited Statement of Accounts and a notice convening the
AGM and calling for Branch Executive nominations,
nominations for positions under Rule 21 and motions for the
AGM shall be circulated to members not later than 42 days
prior to the meeting. All notices of motions and nominations
for inclusion on the Agenda of the AGM shall be forwarded in
writing to the Branch Secretary not later than 28 days prior to
the AGM.

23. Nominations for Branch executive positions shall be forwarded

to the Branch Secretary not later than 28 days prior to the
AGM. In the event of there being more than one nomination
for a Branch Officer position, or a larger number of
nominations than seats for the Executive, the timetable for
the election, to be conducted under rule 8 shall be as follows:

 Ballot period opens 22 days prior to the AGM

 Ballot period closes 1 day prior to the AGM

24. All motions and nominations for election at the Delegate

Conference of the Union and for delegates to District

Committees and District Women’s Committees shall proceed
from the BEC or members of the Branch. Nominations for
Branch Executive positions and Delegates to the Delegate
Conference of the Union shall proceed only from members. In
respect of the elections for the NEC nominations shall proceed
from the BEC or members of the Branch in accordance with
resolutions carried at meetings of those members who are
entitled to vote for those seats to which the nominations

25. All members of the Branch attending the AGM shall be entitled
to vote, except the Chair who shall have a casting vote in the
cases of equality of votes. Voting for positions as specified in
Rule 8 where nominations have been received in accordance
laid down in the timetable at Rule 23 shall be by postal ballot.
Voting for all motions and on nominations other than Branch
Executive positions shall be by show of hands; but any vote
may be taken by ballot of those present at the discretion of
the Chair, or at the request of the majority of members
present provided that such a request is made before the
question is put.

26. A motion shall be carried and a nomination for election at a

Conference of the Union or to the PCS NEC shall be secured if
it is endorsed by a simple majority of those present and
voting at a duly constituted meeting.

27. In accordance with the Rules and Constitution of the Parent

Organisation a General Meeting shall be convened by the
Secretary primarily for the purpose of mandating Branch
Delegates in regard to the business to be transacted at
Delegate Conference or Special Conference of the Parent
Organisation. The composition and voting at a Mandating
Meeting shall be the same as that for an AGM. A notice
convening the meeting shall be circulated to members not
less than 14 days prior to the meeting. No quorum shall be
necessary at a Mandating Meeting.

28. For the purposes of determining the vote of the Branch in any
elections to be held at a Delegate Conference of the Union or
Branch, a member who is present at a Mandating Meeting
shall be entitled to one vote for each position to be filled; the
votes shall be counted and the candidates for each position
shall be placed in order and the candidate(s) with the highest
number of votes shall be regarded as having the support of
the Branch.


29. A Special General Meeting (SGM) shall be held no later than

21 days following the receipt by the Secretary of a written
request signed by not less than 5% of the members of the
Branch. The request for the meeting, which must be in
writing, shall be supported by the reasons for calling the
meeting together with the motion(s), if any; it is proposed to
submit to the meeting and the names of the mover(s) and
seconder(s) thereof. Discussion at a SGM shall be confined to
the item(s) notified in the Agenda, which shall be circulated to
members not later than 7 days prior to the meeting. The
composition of and representation and the voting
arrangements at a SGM shall be the same as those for an
AGM. The quorum at a SGM shall be no less than 5% of the
membership of the Branch.

Extraordinary General Meeting

30. An extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be convened at

the discretion of the BEC. Discussion at an EGM shall be
confined to the item(s) notified in the agenda, which shall be
circulated to members not later than 14 days prior to the
meeting. The composition of and representation and voting
arrangements at an EGM shall be the same as those for an
AGM. No quorum shall be necessary at an EGM.

Branch Women’s Committee

31. The Branch shall establish a Women’s Committee consisting of

at least 4 women members.

32. This Committee shall normally meet at least once a quarter. It

shall make reports to the BEC and for this purpose a member
of the committee shall attend the BEC meetings.

Branch Black Members Committee

33. The Branch shall establish a Black Members Committee

consisting of at least 3 black members.

34. This Committee shall normally meet at least once a quarter. It
shall make reports to the BEC and for this purpose a member
of the committee shall attend the BEC meetings.

Branch Executive Representations etc.

35. The representatives of the Branch to any liaison committee

shall be appointed by the BEC. Such representatives shall be
accountable to the BEC.

36. The BEC shall ensure the annual election or appointment of a

Health and Safety Convenor and Deputy Convenor, and
representatives covering all workplaces in its area.

37. The BEC shall appoint from among its members an Equal
Opportunities Convenor.


38. Branch funds shall consist of the monies remitted by the NEC,
together with such other monies as may be raised by the
Branch. The Branch may not raise funds except on a
voluntary basis, or expend funds except for the purposes
consistent with Union policies

39. The Branch funds shall be administered by the BEC for the
purposes of the Branch, subject to the overriding authority of
the NEC.

40. The financial year of the Branch shall run from the 1 January
to 31 December.

41. An account in the name of the Branch shall be opened with a

bank approved by the NEC. Signatories to the account must
include the Treasurer and Secretary, and any other authorised
signatories the Branch may decide.

42. The Treasurer shall maintain appropriate records for the

Branch’s financial activities, which shall be made available for
inspection at each BEC meeting. An accounting statement
shall be prepared for approval to the next convenient BEC
meeting: on approval the Chair shall sign it, and a copy sent
forthwith to the National Treasurer.

43. The Branch Treasurer shall provide for inspection at each
meeting of the BEC the account book and bank statements
and such other documentation as may be required by the
BEC. The Treasurer shall normally submit a financial report to
the BEC at each meeting; and shall give up all documents,
books, monies and property of the PCS when required to do
so by the BEC.

44. Each quarter a designated Branch officer shall be required to

inspect the accounts and sign a statement to the effect that
the account book and bank statements can be reconciled and
no cash balance is held. At the end of the financial year the
Branch Chair shall undertake this inspection.

45. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for estimated

expenditure for approval by the BEC. On approval, the
statement shall be forwarded (together with any explanatory
notes and supporting schedules) to the National Treasurer by
the date laid down by the NEC.

46. The Treasurer shall prepare annual accounts for the preceding
year, in the form prescribed by the NEC, and present them to
the BEC for approval. The BEC shall cause the accounts of the
Branch to be regularly entered into proper books and shall
once a year submit for audit by duly elected auditors the
accounts up to the end of the previous year with a general
statement of the same and all necessary vouchers. Following
approval by the BEC the accounts shall be presented to the
AGM and the Treasurer shall submit them to the National
Treasurer as soon as practicable (but not later than 28

47. Expenses necessarily incurred for attendance at the BEC and

its sub-committees shall be reimbursed from Branch funds
within limits determined by the BEC.

48. The cost of travelling together with subsistence allowances at

such rates as may be determined from time to time by the
PCS and other expenses necessarily incurred in attendance at
meetings of the BEC or its committees or for any authorised
purposes of the Branch shall be reimbursed from Branch
funds within the limits prescribed by the NEC of the PCS. All
claims shall be checked and approved by the Branch
Treasurer and/or Branch Chair or Secretary.

49. The Branch Treasurer, in conjunction with the Branch

Secretary, shall ensure that the Branch accounts and all

relevant documentation shall be retained for the statutory six

Branch Rules

50. In the event of any conflict between these Branch rules and
the Union Rules the later shall prevail.

51. These rules may not be amended except by a motion at an

AGM or EGM, supported by not less than two-thirds of the
votes entitled to be cast by the members present. Any such
amendment shall be subject to NEC endorsement and shall
not be effective until then.

52. The Branch Chair shall rule on any matter on which the rules
are silent, or on any question of their interpretation. A
member of the PCS, covered by the Branch, may challenge
any such ruling. The challenge must be in writing to the
Branch Secretary stating the reason for the challenge. A
challenge shall be upheld by the BEC on a majority of not less
than two-thirds of those present and voting.

53. Additionally a member of the BEC may challenge the Chair’s

ruling verbally whilst the BEC is in session, and may briefly
state the reasons for the challenge. In all cases where the
BEC is considering a challenge to the Chair’s ruling, the
Secretary shall put to the meeting of the BEC without debate
the motion that the “Chair’s ruling be upheld” The motion
shall only be defeated by a majority of two-thirds of the votes
cast at a meeting of the BEC.


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