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Abortions 1

Abortions by Selected Characterstics

Exercise #3

Abortions by Selected Characterstics

Brittney V. Smith

SOWK 300-01

Tuskegee University

Febuary 2, 2010
Abortion 2


The big problem that we are dealing with everyday is teen pregnancy and how the rising rate

tends to increase every year. More and more young females turn to abortion to fix their problems

that they can’t overcome or deal with but not knowing the risk that there taking, each and every

year you to overcome hurting an innocent child. Although we may feel it’s wrong but behind

these abortions comes with a story. Some can be caused by rape and other may be cause by

trying to hide it from their parent because their afraid of what might happen or what their parent

will do or think. Abortion is not just a problem in one state it’s a problem all over the world and

only half is taking action in trying to do something about this. If we all help then we can help by

saving someone’s life.

Abortion 4

Scope of the Problem -Figure 2

Characteristics of Women Who obtained

Legal Abortions

In state
20 out state
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000


National Center for Health Statistics. Bridged modified race summary file. Hyattsville, MD: US Department of Health and
Human Services, CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, 2003

Descriptive Discussion –

This graph is the legal abortion that takes place in states and out of states. These are compared

but pretty much turns out the same. This shows how abortions not only affects certain areas but

affects all. The percent rate is higher than it should be but not the proper steps are be taking to try

and cut down on these problems. This is a problem that 90% people still do it .each year and a

change has not happened yet

Interpretive Discussion-

Abortions are very high around the world and it shows that no matter what and where, in state

and out of state is the same. Here shows in 1995 through 2000 each year it has not change about

rate and percentage has remain the same throughout the five years. In blue it represents in state

and red represent out of state although the red shows a low rate the in state still remain bad and

something needs to be done about it.

Abortion 5

Changes in the Problem- Figure 3

2,500,000 Reported Annual Abortions: 2000-2008

Numbers Of Cases


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
Source: CDC information for 2004 statistics drawn for special supplement “Abortion surveillance – United States, 2004, “Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly report Vol. 56, No ss09

Descriptive Discussion

This is main pointed on two certain topics which is CDC that stand for Centers for Disease and

GI that stand for Guttmacher Institute that has been going through different research through

abortions situations including Planned Parent Hood. This is data that has been conducted with

over fifty two different health agencies. This data shows the counts of abortions over the years.

Interpretive Description –

This line graph CDC is the red line and the GI is in the blue. This line graph pretty much

explains it all. These are annual abortion rate that are taking through a different period of time by

many different agencies. In 2002 both CDC and GI were able to decrease, by the looks of the

graph CDC in the red was at a higher risk thank GI and over the years tend to stay and a

consistence paste. Each one of them the number of cases that they have been working on.
Abortion 6

Disparities in the Problem -Figure 4

Female Abortions

37, 21% 15-19

49.3, 28% Under Age 15

29, 16%
62, 35% 18-19

Source:Data for 1976-1989: Venture SJ , Mosher WD, Curtin SC, Abma JC, Henshaw S. “Trends in pregnancies and Pregnancy Rates
by Outcome: Estimate for the Unite States, 1976-1996.”

Descriptive Discussion –

This chart has started under the age of fifteen all the way through nineteen, this is showing you

how women are starting to get pregnant younger and younger as the years go by, but risking

abortion more and more as time goes by. This chart has four different slices to show how each

age in calculated differentially and how much an age can have an effect on ones decision. Not

knowing the outcome Statistics shows it exactly how it is.

Interpretive Discussion-

In this pie chart all four different colors represent abortion rates between certain ages. Here it

shows you that under the age of fifteen more teens are at higher risk at becoming pregnant and

being the one’s to have an abortion. Although the highest amount is under the age of fifteen the

lowest amount is even between the ages of fifteen and seventeen many abortions are made

between the ages of fifteen and nineteen these are high risk that younger adults are taking.
Abortion 7

Abortion is at a very high risk each and every year, over thousands and thousands children are

being killed due the fact of being in a position, where a kid can’t have a kid. In each one of these

graphs they direct on how many abortions were having over the years and also looking back and

statistics to where it began and matters only got worse. In state and out of state the number still


In some states they are trying to ban abortions while other states have programs that kids that are

just sixteen years will be able to walk through and get an abortion without parents or guardians

around and keep everything confidential. Just look at each graph will show you the rising rate

and how it’s starting to happen at a young age. An abortion comes along with a story although

young adults such as kids get pregnant can be on purpose due to feeling alone at home or many

other issues and don’t know how to deal with it. Others can be a victim of rap and so happen

become pregnant. I understand we all as one won’t be able to stop all abortion but if were able to

assist the right need such as turning to adoption kids will have a better outlook on how things

would turn out.

Many are in need of assistance; but can’t be brought in to get help. The statics shows how the

years go on the number are going up. Each year the ages of abortion is getting younger and

younger and although we feel the need to help its nothing we can do, the easiest thing is to give

the right assistance for one to make the right choice.

Abortion 8


Source: R.K. Jones M.R.S. Zolna, S.K. Henshaw, and L.B. Finer, “Abortion in the United States:
Incidence and Access to Services, 2005, “ Perspective on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2008,
40 (1):6-16; and unpublished data form Guttmacher Institute

Laurie D. Elam-Evans, Ph.D. Lilo T. Strauss, M.A. Joy Herndon, M.S. Wilda Y. P al, parker
Sonya V. Bowens, M.S. Suzanne Zane, D.V.M. Cynthia J. Berg, M.D. Division of Reproductive
Health National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

“Abortion Surveillance- United states, 2004, “ Morbidity and Mortality Weekly report, Vol, 56,
No ss09 (November 23, 2007) and earlier reports. Explanation of CDC undercount in Frye, et al,
“Abortion incidence and Services in the United States in 2000, “ Perspective on Sexual and
Reproductive Health, Vol 35, No 1

Source Data for 1976-1989: Ventura SJ, Mosher WD, Curtin SC, Abma JC, Henshaw S. “Trends
on Pregnancies and Pregnancy Rates by outcome: Estimate for the United States, 1976-1996.”
Table 3. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health stat 21 (56). 2000:

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