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This is a discussion comparison and demonstration about the differences

between the first second and third in fourth generation to reorder automatic
transactions used in their Harvard electric beer its the first- and secondgeneration Prius used the p 111 NP 14 transactions and I've got a separate
YouTube video on the second-generation Prius transactional first generations
for summer the second one was beefed up a little bit more handsome addition
barings but right here on this branch I've got some of the components up the
harbour transactional for me second-generation previous and then on the back
side here at the same components from the third generation priest
transactional the highlander transactional Camry transactional a they're all the
same design their there's different durations a and different sizes of these
components but over all others there's really just the design the original design
ahead P power split device planetary gear set and then the second design
second third forth and so on that not only contain that the planetary gear set
for power split but it also contain an additional you're set for motor speed gear
reduction for the MG one more so what I'd like to do sure the diff sure yet the
differences and compare the first design without with more speed reduction
planetary gear set and to the second
and later designs with the planetary motor speed reduction a cure said soul
right here on the first generation first- and second-generation transactions for
the previous we've got the clutch discs style damper we've got your personal
plate that keeps that permanent your flight who were looks like a manual
transmission flywheel the balls right to the crankshaft I'm so this acts as a a
damper for the engine starting and stopping the chain rapid changes in electric
mowers the gym and so on that's the the first generation design first- and
second-generation Prius the the third generation thats used in the Highlander
Camry %uh the third generation previous and so on has the same clutch a
plate and first to play but it's all in one assembly here we still have the damper
the clutch disc we can still see the material inside their but its permanently
squished with the pressure plate to install all in one unit rate here them the
flywheel is very much like the first
generation first and second generations balls were to the crankshaft but always
a little bit larger this particular transactions transaction was the P 310 a RV
2008 a highlander or a lexus rx hard and so if you're recall the purpose ok the
clutch damper here in the hybrid system is to drive the planet carrier and so on
the first generation first- and second-generation transactions for the previous
we have the input shaft to the transactions lines right into the clutch this in the
third design transactional we have the same thing pics to splines run into the
bunch clutch disc also she can see some similarities there a the third design
hasn't oil pump drive and a little teeny oil palm that is
driven anytime the engine rotates are which is only when the engines running
working battery is fully charged in your decelerating going downhill we don't
have the engine running but it's rotating maddox is a whirlpool on the first
design we also have an oil pump driveshaft the connected right here on the
back the planet carrier and had its own same style oil palm on the back who
backdrop okay now up you get these pieces are so the next I want to compare

his motor generator number one here's motor generator number one from first
and second-generation previous transactions that has the power split the
device planetary gear set and motor generator one is connected to the Sun
gear its the sport were three pieces a planetary gear said we have to have a
son here we have to have the planet carrier with the the plan opinions and we
have to have a review but I want to show you comparison OMG one you need
third-generation up transaction design has the pair split device but also the
motor speed reduction planetary gear sets would actually is going to have to
planetary gear sets but the function over mg/1 motor generator number one is
the same attacks as the starter motor for the engine it turns the Sun here just
the same as the previous designs you can see it a little bit thicker it stator
courses little bit thicker that goes with it and they are very close to the same
outside diameter so we've got the motor generator number one which is very
strong a rotating magnet that is axes the alternator for the charging system for
the high-voltage battery and the star model to start the internal combustion
engine as necessary miss like these back and we hear now I'm gonna bring in
the motor generator number two peace so for the first and second generation
previous this is motor generator number two considerably larger stronger more
powerful motor generator number one so more mg/1 motor generator one this
is mg two more generator to and the Java mg2+ is to rotate the Sun gear her
I'm sorry this this ring years now some some years earlier so put that ring here
right there splines on these teeth right here explain to another gear in on the
1st and 2nd generation Prius there's actually a chain drive to goes to the final
drive I don't appear in the final drive looks like a timing chain offer a over the
engine and so when this look electric motor the same to you to more terms
then the vehicle will move well the the second generation I'm sorry the third
generation transactional also has an MG to and when we make room for that
get through this first generation you warm you warship you very strong
magnets right here's our mg2+ from the 2006 in a bow a highlander 2007 and
a Camry the 2010 and above previous is the all have on a little bit smaller
mg2+ not include prissy the priest be the previous plugin a hybrid vehicle so
the the job at the Mt JMG to if you re remember on the first and secondgeneration Prius was to drive dreamGEAR a and then the MG one drop the Sun
year and internal combustion engine wrong the the planet carrier a mg2+ in
this newer design a transactional also drives reviewer but it has an additional
planetary gears so we we already have on mg one back here where we have no
name G one the Sun your but we've got another son here right here that's
gonna go in ng2 so this third designed a transactional has to planetary gear
sits the year the regional design one which is the power split device to allow
the engine pork and the electric motor torque for from mg2+ MMG want to help
propelled vehicle am church battered start the engine up this burgers up with
the additional motor speed reduction a cure said is a planetary gear set we've
got a son here we've got planet carriers reply carrier with five planetary
opinions rehear put that on their in them we have giver mg2+ my first moment
then we've got the rem year that's par up the motor speed reduction you're set
but nor is it is directly

connected to the rain gear were the power split device let me get the first
design transaction polio venture on soul we have the internal combustion
engine with the torque damper that is going to drive the planet carrier for the
the power squid device portion over transaction and then mg/1 just like with
him for the first and second generation Priuses drives the Sun gear right here
so we've got a son here we're gonna rain gear got planet gear that's par the
power split device but then it term at over on the other side up this same
component we've got another room here so we've got the rain gear we've got
the planet carrier we've got the the Sun year that's all par old what we call the
motor speed reduction here said and so put that together it's considered great
on their like Mac okay soul we've got mg2+ driving hearing your right here on
the third-generation third hirties I'm transcendental does the exact same thing
as the first design mg 28 driver arranger so mg2+ driving rain gear that spark
or that his party the three pieces that the planetary gear set for the power split
the bars the only difference here besides their physical size is that on the
design when the mg2+ motor maybe one rotation the rain gear also made one
rotation on the second design also in the third design transactional now since
we've got that additional motor speed reduction gears planetary gear set in
there one turnover the mg2+ does not equal one turn up the ring here for the
power splitter bars instead it's going to take a to morning 478 so almost two
and a half turns love the mg2+ to give us long-term love the rain gear now that
speeds up mg2+ a which also gives us to work more complication up about two
and a half to one so this is a more powerful transactional in the thirdgeneration Prius the in the islander in the Camry a its has more torque because
you have the additional your reduction you but if you recall this is called the
motor speed reduction planetary gear set it's not reducing the motor speed up
mg what program do to you doing here it actually ends up producing the motor
speed OMG 1 and one of the big problems with the first generation first- and
second-generation presupposes that when you got up to a certain speed the
mg/1 which is typically 37 to 40 miles an hour the MG one electric motor would
be spinning at its maximum speed and we would be forced to turn the engine
on to reduce the speed of the mg one more in this design the MG one motor a
is considerably slowed down by this additional yourselves matter fact a we
used to for one turn up the original for first and second designs we would get
2.6 turns so the mg one 21 turning the mg2+ I'll on this design we get just a
little over one term 1.05 turns OMG one for one term OMG to which means we
can go to hire vehicle speeds like on the Prius plug-in hybrid which are ready to
go clear up to 61 miles an hour now without having to have the engine come
on and I suspect that's because a pre preventing
overspeed avenging to more so than in g1 alright soul let me get the first
second-generation perched only occur for now were would just back to three
pieces over regular planetary gear said we've got the Sun gear that took 2mg
one which is our starter motor alternator we've got the planet carrier with his
pinions that books to the internal combustion engine to the store damper in
clutch and then we've got mg to right here that terms the rain gear but not

with the direct drive anymore like the first injured second-generation
transactions but with a 2.47 8 21 your reduction now I'm gonna put this a
whole thing together and for in them all look at the year big your age so we're
gonna take the planet carrier and it's going to fit just break down insider the
rain here for you power splitters year ago user and then it got me its this over
to this down mg/1 were here with the Sun gear is gonna go right up the middle
about planet carrier and mash with the planet pinion gears and so now we've
got mg/1 we've got the power split device planetary gear set we we have been
motor speed reduction planetary gear set and then mg2+ by the way on this
third design trends are excellent world we go to your governor the chain drive
like to have a first- and second-generation Prius and went to a gear drive so
anytime this cure rotates it turns out I look here that turns the final drive and
propels the vehicle which by the way there are several different final drive gear
ratios depending on whether it's the previous see which has think tallest
duration: things like a 3.11 your racial their previous plug in hybrid as like a
3.21 your racial the previous be in regular Prius the Camry the the first- and
second-generation third-generation Islanders and so on all have different
durations but these durations are pretty much the same may reflect the power
split device key ratios have been the same since 2001 on the on the original
the previous soul all Toyota hybrid use the same duration along the power split
the bars planetary gear set there's two gear ratios for the motor speed
reduction your said they're all the same except for them the new there's there's
two new transactions is a P-forty canopy 5 10 transaction the that come in the
priest and see the p4 10 comes in the previous plug in hybrid in the p5 10
comes in the previous see and it has instead a one rotation I'll mg2+ you miss
1.05 rotations program do you want it's one rotational energy to yours is .9
rotations mg once or slows it down even more which is better for higher speed
battery only operation okay grab some words here and we will sit this
transactional up and run you through durations gonna burn was on you and
your who very heavy bump euro alright a.m. I'm also going to arm take the
clutch disc clutch damper of a formal and put it on the input shaft up the plant
carrier this will represent the engine speed to the engine this is our mg/1 our
starter alternator a motor generator in this is a view to the pills the vehicle and
so is laid out very much the same as the first and second-generation Prius
remember once again this is third generation and above creas this is the
highlander this is the Camry this is everything later from Toyota up for 2012-13
a that are verified so for and the big advantage here is this motor speed
reduction gear set lets this motor mg to spin faster through gear reduction so
takes less
work and gives us more pork because its cure mold report multiplication
through the gear reduction and it also slows down mg2+ which was limiting
factor into one over here which is limiting factor in maximum vehicle speed on
battery power only okay I've got some yellow up paint marks here you can see
a yellow marker here in the yellow marker here is also your mark on the
damper for the them for internal combustion engine no one thing that's
different about this transaction is that in order for the motor speed reduction a
gear set to work these logs right here are actually spline to the case and so all

the rotating right here in my Marco these locks do not rotate at all so I'm just
gonna take am lock them in place with a her locking pliers prevent them from
rotating during you know demonstration here okay now when we first start the
vehicle /url not start the vehicle but first power up the vehicle you up in it
power button the internal combustion engines off so the planet carrier for the
powersport device will not rotate and you put it in reverse you you want a
backup I'm we will just simply attorney electric motor mg2+ one direction to
back or so you put it driving or move forward them run the motor the other
way but notice that as we were driving straight I'm not street driving forward
were records watch this course the paint work on Mt to verses mg/1 member
on the first and second-generation Prius
Chris's that transactional one turnover mg2+ gave us two-point a six terms
November g1 now watch how many terms we get so as we were accelerating
mg to stores to rotate here comes mg2+ round one full-circle enormous mg
one is just a little over one morn fall a rotation Mets 1.0
521 gear reduction overdrive actually through the more reduction gear set and
the power split device yourself sores were driving down the road mg/1 her here
can spend as fast as its limited to which is upwards of 12,000 rpm to work
fourteen thousand I believe nor serve them: g1 isn't pending much faster really
would've been spinning faster on the earlier first and second generation
transactions 2.6 times as fast the gears rotating which terms or a eventually
turns our final drive gear set him for pills the vehicle soul when we get up to a
certain speed where we want two's to limit the speed evangi one because it is
or were driven just a little bit them we will exert a force on mg one to make it
rotate just a little bit faster and what that will do is norse with mg once turning
MD to turn sorry md2 and mg/1 turning just a little bit faster now the internal
combustion engine crankshaft is spinning and then we get our engine up to
good its speed and with him happens to be the same weekend after him to you
to going faster the internal combustion engine slower than the internal
combustion engine a we can vary the speed of the internal combustion engine
to very good to speed up the mgt long motor generator but rattling noise
you're hearing is this a loose spring insiders damper weird but anyway for
driving down the road were were we can have mg we have the engine of mg to
propel the vehicle mg one does not really get overspeed into a considerably
higher rpm to consider scan should concerned with her vehicle speed if we
needed spin faster to charge the horrible battery more we can start to internal
combustion engine by turning it faster with electromagnetic field the stator and
on the previous plug in hybrid a its the it's the same design it's my
understanding that it just runs on lithium-ion battery pack until its depleted and
then it switches to regular nickel metal hydride batteries that are still in the
back in the normal location so that the transaction was in mourning different
spores which batters forces propelling it the gear ratios just a little bit different
so all that we can go clear up this to 61 miles an hour on battery power only
before the engine has to come on work overspeed reasons most likely you
mg2+ electric motor so this is been a review comparison and discussion of the
differences between the the two basic types or hybrid electric trams axles the

Toyota has produced they're the ones that have just the planetary gear set for
the power split between the
Engine mg 2 mg one so the first- and second-generation Prius is only in them
all other Toyota hybrids not counting Lexus is produced it Oreos have an
additional more speed reduction gear
said but actually speed ok mg2+ but slows down in June 1 because it was the
one that was over speeding anyway when you drove down the road and then
these are just a little bit smaller more compact to balance better and have a
higher RPM range the previous first- and second-generation produces these
mortars remember to round 6500 rpm now these years summer in the Ranger
twelve to fourteen thousand p.m. which gives us more Torkham higher vehicle
speeds on battery power

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