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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Office: 5562 2231 Fax: 5562 2230

Diocesan website:

Parish Stewardship Program 2015


Fr John Fitzgerald (Parish Priest)

Barry Wolff (Business Manager)
Leanne McElgunn (Secretary)
Brian Shanahan (Gardening/Maintenance)

Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 1.00pm; 1.30pm - 4.00pm



Michael Gray (St Josephs School)

Peter Morgan (Emmanuel College)
Sunday: 8.30am - 10.30am - 6.00pm
Purnim: 11.00am (Eucharist on 2nd and 4th Sundays)
(Assembly of Word with Communion on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays)
Wednesday to Friday: 10.00am (Eucharist)
Friday: 10.30am (Reconciliation)

Deaths: Denise Fromager (Lake Bolac), Leanne Harris

Thank you to parishioners who have already responded to the

invitation to generously support our parish with a financial
pledge to the Stewardship Program.
A special thanks to Fr Justin Driscoll from Ballarat
Cathedral, who generously gave his time to be with us at all
Masses last weekend. If you were not at Mass last weekend
and have brought your completed pledge slip from the
Program brochure with you, please place in the basket when
called to do so. If required, pledge cards can be found in your
seat. By completing and returning your pledge this weekend you will assist in
minimizing the follow-up work of our Parish Stewardship Team. Your completed
Time and Talent sheets will also be collected. If required additional sheets are
available in the Gathering Space.
Your new pledges will take effect on Sept 6th and letters of confirmation and where
appropriate, new sets of envelopes, will be available at all Masses on August 30th.
Thank you once again for your generous response.

Communion to the Sick & Homebound: This is an important ministry and the parish
wishes to ensure no one misses out. If you take Communion to someone at home
please register your name and the name of the person to whom you are taking
Communion each week on the list in the sacristy porch. Many thanks for your help.

Distribution Meeting: Parishioners who have generously volunteered to help with

follow-up are reminded of the Distribution Meeting at 7.30pm this Monday
(Gathering Space). If you have not yet volunteered and would like to help please feel
free to join us. Your support will be very much appreciated.

World Youth Day: An information session for potential pilgrims (18 to 35 years) to
Krakow Poland 2016, will be held 5.30pm Wednesday 26th August in Gathering
Space. Further information Amanda (0427 748 867)


Southern Zone: The priests and pastoral associates meet this Tuesday at St Pius.
Migrant & Refugee Sunday: 30th August: Theme this year: Church without
frontiers, Mother to all. On this day we celebrate the cultural diversity of our nation.
You are invited to bring memorabilia of the country of your birth to display over the
weekend. Please bring a plate to share, perhaps a special dish from your homeland,
following the 10,30am Mass. Further details Parish Office (5562 2231)

Fr John: Will you continue to nourish your own faith by continuing to hear and
reflect on the Word of God, being nourished by his Body and Blood and living out
the values of the gospel?
Parents: We will
Fr John: Will you continue to encourage your child to live the Christian life through
word and example?
Parents: We will
Fr John: May Almighty God bless you in this most important ministry.
NB: 1st Eucharist rehearsal for all children Friday at 4.15pm

Youth Mass: Sunday 30th August at 6.00pm here at St Josephs. Pizza tea to follow.
Collections: Presbytery: $1,212.00 Parish: $1,153.50 Thank you for your support

This week: Team 3: Tom Arundell (5561 2109)

Next week Team 4: Gerald Shanley (5562 5992)

Playgroup: The St Josephs Playgroup have moved temporarily to St Pius Parish

Hall, meeting every Tuesday 10.00am to 12noon (not school holidays). Parents,
grand-parents, care-givers are all very welcome. Enquiries to Lauren (0447 778 891)
or St Josephs Parish Office (5562 2231)

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