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HR Final Answers Preparation


Appraisal interview
1. How to handle a defensive subordinate?
- Recognize that defensive behavior is normal
- Never attack a persons defenses.
- Postpone action
- Recognize your own limitations.

How to criticize a subordinate?

Do it in a manner that lets the person maintain his or her dignity and sense of worth.
Criticize in private, and do it constructively.
Avoid once-a-year critical broadsides by giving feedback on a daily basis, so that the formal
review contains no surprises.
Never say the person is always wrong
Criticism should be objective and free of any personal biases on your part.

3. How to ensure the interview leads to improved performance

- Dont make the subordinate feel threatened during the interview.
- Give the subordinate the opportunity to present his or her ideas and feelings and to influence
the course of the interview.
- Have a helpful and constructive supervisor conduct the interview.
- Offer the subordinate the necessary support for development and change.
4. How to handle a formal written warning
- Purposes of the written warning
To shake your employee out of bad habits.
Help you defend your rating, both to your own boss and (if needed) to the courts.
- Written warnings should:
Identify standards by which employee is judged.
Make clear that employee was aware of the standard.
Specify deficiencies relative to the standard.
Indicates employees prior opportunity for correction.


Career Development

5. Roles in Career Development

- The Individual
Accept responsibility for your own career.
Assess your interests, skills, and values.
Seek out career information and resources.
Establish goals and career plans.
Utilize development opportunities.
Talk with your manager about your career.
Follow through on realistic career plans.
- The Manager
Provide timely performance feedback.
Provide developmental assignments and support.

Participate in career development discussions.

Support employee development plans.
The Organization
Communicate mission, policies, and procedures.
Provide training and development opportunities.
Provide career information and career programs.
Offer a variety of career options.

6. The Employers Role in Career Development

Realistic job previews
Challenging first jobs
Career-oriented appraisals
Job rotation
Networking and interactions
7. What are the differences between coach and mentor?
How to choose a mentor?
Choose an appropriate potential mentor.
Dont be surprised if youre turned down.
Be sure that the mentor understands what you expect in terms of time and advice.
Have an agenda.
Respect the mentors time.
8. Innovative Corporate Career Development Initiatives
Provide each employee with an individual budget.
Offer on-site or online career centers.
Encourage role reversal.
Establish a corporate campus.
Help organize career success teams.
Provide career coaches.
Provide career planning workshops
Utilize computerized on- and offline career development programs
Establish a dedicated facility for career development
9. Managing Transfers
- Employees reasons for desiring transfers
Personal enrichment and growth
More interesting jobs
Greater convenience (better hours, location)
Greater advancement possibilities
- Employers reasons for transferring employees
To vacate a position where an employee is no longer needed.
To fill a position where an employee is needed.
To find a better fit for an employee within the firm.
To boost productivity by consolidating positions.

10. Describe about Career Management and Employee Commitment

Commitment-oriented career development efforts


Career development programs

Career workshops that use vocational guidance tools (including a computerized
skills assessment program and other career gap analysis tools) to help
employees identify career-related skills and the development needs they
Career-oriented appraisals
Provide the ideal occasion to link the employees performance, career interests,
and developmental needs into a coherent career plan.

11. Describe Sources of bias and discrimination in promotion decisions

Having few people of color employed in the hiring department
The old-boy network of informal friendships
A lack of women mentors
A lack of high-visibility assignments and developmental experiences (glass ceiling)
A lack of company role models for members of the same racial or ethnic group
Inflexible organizations and career tracks
12. How to manage your career successfully?
- Ask for feedback
- Show a willingness to take on new work
- Get a name for being good at something
- Strive for excellence
- Be accountable
- Be adaptable and embrace change.
- Have a positive attitude, dont be a complainer.
- Build relationships with people who can support you.
- Find a mentor.
- Take responsibility for your own career
13. How to be a good manager?
- Motivating Your Employees:
motivate people,
make people feel good,
tell your employees how you appreciate them from time to time
- Setting goals:
Motivating Your Employees knows what's expected,
Offer goal-oriented feedback,
Hold yourself to the highest standards
- Delegating Responsibility:
Assign tasks that will stretch your employees,
Assume responsibility for your employees' mistakes,
Don't take credit for your employees' achievements
Acknowledge your own missteps
- Communicating Effectively

Keep the door open. Always remind people that if they have any questions or
concerns, you're ready and willing to listen
Take an interest in your employees
Don't mix positive and negative feedback
Listen. Listen to what your employees and coworkers have to say
Clarify what you're hearing
Ask questions.
Embracing Egalitarianism
Treat everyone equally
Treat your employees well.

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