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Time cube theory

Time Cube Theory

A interp
The earth is a 4-sided time cube - the plan text has to specify which side the plan passes on
Ray, No Date [Dr. Gene, Cubic and Wisest Human. Time

you realize that a 4 corner

square rotating 1/4 turn creates a full
circle? A full rotated square will create
16 corners, 96 hours and 4 simultaneous
24 hour Day circles within only a single
imaginary cubed Earth roation. This
amounts to a spiraling quad helix of
Earth as it revolves around the Sun rotating as it revolves around the Sun,
to induce the value of the Sun revolving
about the Earth.

B: Violation

They dont

C. Standards
1. Education - Ray, No Date

I can call singularity educators the most

putrid name on Earth and claim they eat
cow-dung ambrosia, but the lying ass
bastards will not even object - for they
know I am right and that any debate will
indict them for the evil they perpetuate
against the students and future humanity.
2. Ground - I lose links to side-specific DAs and counterplans

D. Voting issue

1. Jurisdiction - you lose automatically because time cube is undebatable Ray, No


You do not have the freedom

to debate Time Cube.
2. Death
- Ray, No Date

Only by overcoming the enforced education of the single earth that
we can overcome evil. Aff education standard destroys critical
thinking and prevents creative activity.
Ray No Date (Gene Ray, Cube Phenomologist, lectured at MIT.
"Nothing on Earth more Evilthan a human educated as 1, when composed of
opposites that cancel out as an entity. In fact, man is the only 1 Evil, and will soon erase himself byignoring
Cubic 4 Day Creation. If a Man cannot tear a page from the bible and burn it - then he cannot be a scientist, or participate in
Symposium - to measure Cubing of Earth with Cubic intelligence wiser than any man or god known. Educators have
destroyed thehuman analytical brain to asingle perspective, in spite
ofall creation within Universebeing based upon opposites,binaries &
antipodes, including Sun/Earth binary relative to the human male/female binary.

We must force debates of time cube in order to free ourselves from

hegemonic educational practices and standards.
Ray No Date (Gene Ray, Cube Phenomologist, lectured at MIT.
Force teachers to debate Time Cube site. Word teachers are the most evil humans.
Religiousacademia represses the human mind of the Cubic Truth - not
utterable. Educators and teachers, ignorant of the Time Cube Principle, are
evil liars and unfit to live in Earths Garden of Eden. The bastards refuse to challenge this
site, repressing Time Cube free speech rights. Students must force Time Cube debates & Make sure every
teacher sees this web site.

Debating time cube is key to value to life
Ray No Date (Gene Ray, Cube Phenomologist, lectured at MIT.
Demand right to debate Time Cube, or you are
unworthy of life on Earth. I cant believe that stupid ass students allow suppression of the Time Cube
Wisdom=Cubic testing of knowledge.

Reject the aff debaters one-ist mindset, and accept the cubist
Ray No Date (Gene Ray, Cube Phenomologist, lectured at MIT.
We have a Major Problem, Creation is Cubic Opposites, 2 Major Corners & 2 Minor. Mom/Dad & Son/Daughter, NOT taught Evil
ONEism, which VOIDS Families. Seek Wisdom of Cubic Life Intelligence - or you die evil.

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