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When a coalescence of the will of the people, for many are
not yet citizens (sufficiently informed to participate
responsibly in the care and maintenance of a republic)*,
manifests itself in a rising tide of awareness and commitment,
we will hear a crescendo saying, No more! Not any longer!
While human history, in that organic sense of growth and
awareness - when maturity responds to chronological age,
becomes a part of the psyche of a culture - great things can
happen. We, the United States of America, are thresholding
on that very moment.
Enough has become enough! Enough people have realized
that while being an angry adolescent is a part of our natural
history, we cannot tolerate having those qualities manifested
in the highest office of the land. And when that office is
occupied by an individual who is guilty of High Crimes and
Misdemeanors: Those being - stealing freedoms of
expression and accomplishment from those he has sworn to
Protect and Defend and as well bearing false witness to the
citizens of this great nation and the world through lies of
commission and omission, we are morally, practically, and
politically obliged to act.
That there is a dawning of an awareness that we (many of the
citizens of this great republic)* did not really know enough
about our lack of understanding about what Barack Obama
was really saying, much less intending to do to our beloved
country, we were ensconced in a stupor of acquisitions,

malaise, and yes, a nave sense of political correctness (now

that is an oxymoronic phrase if there ever was one).
However, we certainly do now have sufficient information
with which to respond to our current circumstance. And this
response must come with some dispatch. Our nation is
teetering on the brink of dramatic and fateful change, a
change that will bring untold suffering to millions even
billions of people who believed in and aspired to the
possibility of living in and creating a government of the
people, for the people and by the people by giving their just
consent to be governed by an enlightened and committed
president who has sworn to uphold the Declaration of
Independence (that sacred document recognizing unalienable
rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness) and the
laws of the Constitution of the United States of America.
That the process of impeachment is to be manifested first in
the will of the governed expressed in an intolerance to
withstand behavior that is unbecoming and unlawful and then
it must be executed by the appropriate elected branches of
government that have sworn to uphold the laws of this land,
is now a part of our current circumstance.
That this process of impeachment should begin immediately
is beyond question: The thefts have occurred and the lies
have been told. We cannot continue in an ignorant state of
wait and see.* We are fundamentally obligated to protect
ourselves from the oppression of tyrannical behavior for
this we fought the Revolutionary War, for this we have
maintained a commitment to the founding documents of this
nation. We must act now.

Thoughts of, Well he only has two more years, he only is

one man, maybe we can retake the senate, maybe we can
stifle his headlong plunge into national and international
disaster cannot prevail.
All life carries with it an existential mandate: True, mine,
now!* And as the old famous phrase says, Now is the time
for all good people to come to the aid of their country! We
must not only remove the malevolence of thought, word, and
deed from the offices of this administration, we must send a
clear message to future generations who must assume an
informed and protective posture in husbanding this nations
resources and protecting the rights of liberty. And we need
likewise to send a clear message to the despots of this nation
and the world that we will not tolerate malfeasance from
anyone, much less elected officials, We must remember we
are a nation founded upon principals of freedom and
responsibility and those attributes of being are paramount to
maintaining the great gifts of our founding forefathers, and
Don Davison 2014

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