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K 13 Severe Malnutrition



Klinis dan atau antropometris

Diagnosis gizi buruk

Terlihat sangat kurus dan atau edema,

dan BB/PB atau BB/TB <-3SD
A. Mengenali tanda-tanda Severe Malnutrition
Marasmus : visible severe wasting,baggy pants
Kwashiokor : oedema=> mild(+) : both feet
Moderate (++) :both feet, lower legs, and lower
Severe (+++) : generalized oedema including
both feet, legs, hands, arms, and face
B. Klasifikasi malnutrisi
1. Clinical Findings : visible severe wasting,symetrical oedema
2. Weight for Height : SD score kurang dari atau sama dengan 3 SD,< 70%
percentil 50th NCHS WHO.
SD score = (observed value) (median reference value)
standard deviation of reference population
3. Dermatosis : banyak dijumpai pada kasus-kasus kwashiokor
Mild :a few rough patches of skin
Moderate : more patches on arms and legs
Severe : flakking skin , raw skin, and fissure
4. Eye Sign : defisiensi vitamin C

C. Gangguan Pertumbuhan

Beberapa penyakit yang sering terjadi dan dapat menyebabkan gagalnya kenaikan BB
pada anak : demam , batuk pilek(ISPA),diare akut, gangguan telinga(otitis media ).namun,ada
juga beberapa penyakit yang menggagalkan kenaikan BB , tapi muncul dalam jangka waktu
yang lama : HIV,TBC,Diare kronik, cacat bawaan.
1. Hambatan pertumbuhan terjadi :
Sebelum status gizi mengalami penurunan
Sebelum terjadi tanda klinis gizi kurang/buruk
Saat anak masih aktif, tidak terlihat sakit/kurus
Dapat terjadi pada berbagai macam status gizi
2. Penilaian pertumbuhan :
Yang dinilaiadalaharahgarispertumbuhan.
Tidakmemandangletak / posisi BB atau PB dalam KMS /
Tidakdapatdigunakanuntukmenentukan status gizi..

3. Pathogenesis Oedema
Asupan protein yang rendah menyebabkan penurunan sintesis plasma
albumin dalam hati.Mekanisme yang hipoalbuminemia menyebabkan edema
hukum Starling, menurut tekanan plasma oncotic mengurangi lebih banyak
ekstravasasi cairan dari kapiler ke dalam ruang ekstraselular.Oedema dapat terjadi
karena kehilangan kalium(JC. Waterlow).

Glikogen akumulasi tetesan lemak yang mengisi sel-sel dari bagian perifer
dari lobulus hati.
Teori yang paling menjanjikan untuk penyebab infiltrasi intens kwashiorkor
menurun,sintesis hati dari Apoprotein bertanggung jawab untuk menghilangkan
lemak dari hati, setara dengan penurunan sintesis albumin.
Percobaan yang tidak dipublikasikan di Jamaika: menunjukkan bahwa
penyerapan metionin berlabel ke lipoprotein bahkan lebih berkurang daripada
penyerapan albumin.
Golden : Tindakan radikal bebas menghasilkan nfeksi atau racun, yang
memproduksi peroksidasi lipid, khususnya lemak tak jenuh dari membran sel.
- Iron (baik Fe 2 +dan Fe3 +) yang kuat
generator dari radikal bebas.
- Antioksidan (karoten, vit C dan E)
- SOD dan GPX yang memainkan khususnya
peranan penting dalam pemulungan radikal bebas
4. Fisiologis dasar untuk pengobatan gizi buruk
a) Cardiovascular System : COP , SV , BP , renal perfusion
and circulation time , volume plasma N
eritrosit,membatasi transfusi darah sampai 10 ml / kg dan
memberikan diuretik.
b) Liver : Sintesis protein ,ketidaknormalan metabolisme
asam amino
Metab.CH , gluconeogenesis => Hypoglycemia
Kemampuan metabolik dan mengeluarkan racun,sekresi empedu
Efeknya adalah sering makan, makanan kecil
Pastikan bahwa jumlah CH dan protein cukup
Mengurangi dosis obat,Suplemen zat besi Jangan diberikan, karena
tingkat transferin berkurang.
c) Genitourinary system : GFR,kemampuan untuk menekskresikan kelebihan asam /air,pengeluaran fosfat lewat
urin, ekskresi natrium,UTI is common.
Prevent tissue breakdown by adequate
energy,Sufficient highquality protein,Avoid acid load
( e.g MgCl2 ),Restrict sodium
d) Gastrointestinal System
Gastric acid , intestinal motility , pancreas atrophy,
small intestinal mucosa digestive enzyme ,
absorption of nutrients is reduced when large amounts
of food are eaten.give the child small, frequent
feedsmalabsorption of fat treatment with





pancreatic enzyme.
Immune System
Lymph glands, tonsils, thymus atrophy
T-cell, SIgA, complement, Acute phase immunerespons,

Hypoglycaemia& hypothermia Broad-spectrum

Endocrine system
Insulin level Insulin Growth Factors 1 (IGF-1) ,
cortisol level usually .give the child small, frequent
do not give steroid
Cellular function
Sodium pump activity ,so Na intracellular , K and Mg
intracellular Protein synthesis ,and Give K and Mg,
restricted Na
Skin, muscle,and gland
The skin and subcutaneous fat , Signs of dehydration
are reliable,Many glands are atrophied
drynessRespiratory muscles are easily fatigued
Rehydrate the child with ReSoMal or
F-75 diet.

Checklist of Medical History :
Usual diet before current episode of illness

Breasfeeding history
Food and fluids taken in past few days
Recent sinking of eyes
Duration and frequency of vomiting or diarrhoea,
appearance of vomit or diarrhoeal stools
Time when urine was last passed
Contact with people with measles or tuberculosis
Birth weight
Milestone reached (sitting up, standing, etc)
Checklist of physical examination :
Weight and length or height
Enlargement or tenderness of liver, jaundice
Abdominal distension, bowel sounds, abdominal
splash ( a splashing sound in the abdomen).
Severe pallor
Signs of circulatory collapse : cold hands and feet,
weak radial pulse, diminished consciousness.
Temperature : hypothermia or fever
Eyes : corneal lesions indicative or vit A deficiency
Ears, mouth, throat : evidence of infection
Skin : evidence of infection or purpura
Respiratory rate and type of respiration : signs of
pneumonia or heart failure
Appearance of faeces.
Initial Treatment :
1. Hypoglycaemia :Blood Glucose < 54 mg/dl or
< 3 mmol/l.
Signs: Hypothermia (<36,5C), lethargy,
limpness, loss of conscious.
caused by a serious systemic infection or
fasting for 4-6 hours
Treatment : 50 ml of 10% glucose /
sucrose / F-75 diet oral / NGT, except losing
consciousness5 ml/kgBW of 10% glucose iv

2. Hypothermia :< 35.5C rectal / < 35.0C axiller

Treatment :
Kangaroo technique
clothe the child well (icluding the head)
cover with a warmed blanket
place an incandescent lamp over (but not
touching), hindering the wind

3. Dehydration and septic shock

Diarrhoea :
- History of watery diarrhoea
- Thirst
- Recently sunken eyes
- Weak / absent radial pulse (shock)
- Cold hands and feet
- Low of urine flow
Septic shock :
- Hypothermia
- Weak / absent radial
pulse (shock)
- Cold hands and feet
- Low of urine flow
Treatment of dehydration :
Contents of ReSoMal

2 litres


one litre



mineral mix solution

40 ml

Dietary Treatment :
F-75 (75 kcal and 0.9 g protein per100 ml) is
used during the initial phase.
F-100 (100 kcal or 420 kJ/100ml) is used
during the rehabilitation phase.
Determine frequency of feeds :
A total of 130 ml/kg/day of F-75, divided in
12 feeds, except the child has severe
oedema, should be given 100 ml/kg/day.
Criteria for transfer to a nutrition rehabilitation centre :
Eating well
Mental state has improved : smiles, responds to
stimuli, interested in surroundings
Sits, crawls, stands or walks (depending on age)

Normal temperature (36,5 37,5 C)

No vomiting or diarrhoea
No oedema
Gaining weight :> 5 g/kg of body weight per day
for 3 successive days.
1. ANAK :
a. BB/PB > -1 SD
b. Nafsumakanmembaik
c. Tidakadapenyakitinfeksi
a. Tahumerawatanaknya
b. Tahumenyiapkanmakanan
c. Tahumemberistimulasi
d. Tahumemberiobat
3. Petugas

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