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Oracle 11g DBA

1 Architecture

Defining an Oracle Server, Database, Instance Understanding

Physical Structure Memory Structure, Process Structure, Logical
Structure, Execution of SQL Statements, User Sessions.

2 Creating a new Database

Identifying the application and the no. of applications the DB will

support, Adv of each application on each DB Adv. of having common
DB for all applications.
Understanding TS, Changing Initialization Parameters SGA size,
Processes, TS Naming conventions, Block Sizes Type of DB, No. of
users the DB has to support etc . Dropping a Database, ASM
Database, sysaux Tablespace, Default Tablespace.

3 Managing an Oracle Database

Creating and Managing Initialization files PFILE and SPFILE , Adv. Of

Identifying the various states /options of Instance Startup /Shutdown, DB
Mount /Open Stages
Monitoring Alert and Trace Files in udump,bdump and cdump for DB
Understanding Background Processes Mandatory/Optional and the jobs
performed by them using the Data Dictionary to retrieve information
about the database V$,DBA_Views.

4 Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles

Creating and Altering Tablespaces,add ,resize, rename a

Datafile,Renaming Tablespaces.
Tablespaces offline, online, readonly, readwrite, Temporary tablespace
groups, multiple blocks
Creating and managing a Tablespace when using OMF and the advantages
of OMF feature.
Extent management Dictionary Managed and Locally Managed
Tablespaces(Auto Allocate, Uniform) and advantages of locally managed
over dictionary managed tablespaces.
Big File Tablespaces, Temporary tablespace groups.

5 Storage Management

Creating ,Maintaining tables using appropriate storage settings Initials,

minextents ,pct free etc.
Obtaining table information like avg. row length, chained rows, etc. after
analysing the tables.
Managing, Listing diff. types of Indexes and their uses ,Creating B-Tree and
Bitmap Indexes, Maintaining Indexes, Identifying unused Indexes,
Obtaining index Information.

6 User Management

Creating Users ,managing resources with profiles, User Authentication

,Managing user privileges, schema management Security
Creating roles and Managing roles

7 Managing Export and Imports

Main Tasks of Exports and Imports

Incremental ,cumulative and complete Export and Import

8 Oracle Data Pump

Introduction benefits of Data Pump Export and Import

Data Pump export and Import modes
Transport of Table spaces across different platforms ,TTS for a single

8 Managing undo Segments

Understanding Oracle Undo segments, Retention policy ,Retention

Guarantee /Noguarantee switching Undo Tablespace

9 maintaining the control file ,Redo Log File and Archive Log Files

Importance ,Role Sizing ,Contents, Multiplexing and Backing up of the

Control File
Purpose of and how online redo log files work with their associated
Background Processes

Controlling log switches and checkpoints, Multiplexing and Archiving online

redo log files

10 Networking Overview

Explaining solutions included with Oracle for managing complex networks

Oracle Net Architecture Explaining they key components, Role in
Client /Server connections
Oracle Net Services Server Side Configuration ,Oracle Net Services Client
side Configuration
Configuring and maintaining Distributed DBs by creating DB Links,
Materialized Views
Usage and Configuration of Oracle Shared Server, Components of the
Oracle Shared Server, Configuring shared servers and Dispatchers
identifying useful data dictionary views

11 Backup and Recovery

Describing the basics of DB Backup, Restore and Recovery, Listing the

types of Failures that may occur in an Oracle Environment ,Defining
Backup and Recovery Strategies
Instance and Media Recovery Structure Describing the Oracle Processes,
Memory Structure and Files related to Recovery ,Identifying the
importance of Checkpoints, Redo Log files and Archived Log Files.
User Managed Backup and Recoveries Backup and Recovery Operations,
Closed and Open DB Backups(Hot and Cold),Complete Recovery,
Identifying the situations which require Incomplete Recovery ,Recovery
from loss of Online Redo Logs, Creation Clone DBs.
Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN)-Features and Components,
Repository ,Channel Allocation, Configuring RMAN Env.,Complete and
Incomplete, Incremental ,Compressed backups, Incremental backups with
block change tracking ,RMAN Compressed backup

12 Cloning

Creating a Exact Copy of Prod to Test , Dev etc., Complete Clone versus
Partial Refresh, Issues During Clone etc.

13 Patching
How to analyse a Patch, How to go with the readme of patch, How to apply
patches, troubleshooting patch issues etc.

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