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Adventure #220



Story Hook



General Setting

Specific Setting
Specific Setting

Master Villain

Minor Villain I

Minor Villain II




This is the most common and straightforward sort of adventure there is. In the Action/Adventure scenario, you
present your characters with a task and then confront them with obstacles to overcome in order to accomplish the
task successfully.
Protect Endangered NPC(s)
One or more NPCs are in danger, and the characters must protect them. They might be doing this for a reward, or
because one or more of the NPCs is a friend or relative of the character. You need to decide what the characters are
protecting the NPCs from. The NPC might be a wealthy or powerful person being sought by assassins or kidnappers.
The NPC might be a whole village of peasants who are being terrorized by a bandit chieftan.
Dying Delivery
On some occassion when the hero is out wandering the streets or is otherwise all alone, a dying man bumbs into
him, hands him something, says a few words, and dies.
A-B-C Quest
This is an epic sort of plot. In it, the heros are given (or undertake) a task to perform: The taking of a city, the rescue
of an innocent, the destruction of a monster, the creation of a magical item, the defeat of a Master Villain, etc. But
the path to victory is not a simple one. To get to their goal, Event A, they find that they must first accomplish some
other task -- Event B. But when they undertake the task of accomplishing Event B, they find that they must first
accomplish Event C. This goes on for several encounters, until the heroes accomplish all the obstacle events which
prevent them from returning to Event A, their original goal.
Throne Room Duel
This is set up much like the Scattered Duels, except that you don't separate the heroes. It's harder to control whom
fights who in this situation... but if it doesn't matter who has the final duel with the Master Villain, this is a classic
climax choice.
On the Sea
Most of the action occurs on the sea -- the heroes are shipborne for some reason, docking in lots of ports. Again, this
is good for adventures where the heroes are investigating clues left all over the map, are part of some trading
enterprise, or are being pursued by villains.
These can be catacombs beneath a living city or a ruined one; they can be long-forgotten or still in use.
Classic Dungeon
This would be the standard monster-filled labyrinth; perhaps it's a nesting ground for the master villain's monster
This Master Villain is the head of the local criminal syndicate -- the Thieve's Guild or slaver ring, for instance. He's
cold-hearted and unsympathetic, and human life means nothing to him. He employs assassins and musclemen
against the heroes, and can only be reasoned with when it's going to profit him more to cooperate with the heroes
than kill them.
This villain is the one who interrogates the heroes and NPCs captured by the villains. He accompanies the other
Minor Villain out into the field and works on anyone captured; he enjoys inflicting pain and suffering.
Childhood Friend with a Dark Secret
This Minor Villain is like the character of the same name from the Allies and Neutrals section. However, the heroes
find out early on that he's really working for the Master Villain. He may not wish to be helping the villains; his
family may be held hostage, or he may just be too frightened of the villain or otherwise weak-willed to refuse.
Alternatively, he could actually be evil now.
Grumpy Old Professional
Again, the heroes need an expert in a certain field -- this time a craft or art, such as blacksmithing, engineering,
horse-training, or whatever. The only or best professional they can find is an aged expert. He's grumpy, cranky, and
sharp-tongued; he constantly complains about the food, the weather, his companions, the decline in skill of his coworkers since he was a young man, the road conditions, the rotten pay he's receiving, and so on.
King Beast
At some point in their adventure, the heroes run across a King Beast -- some enormous, intelligent monster (which
speaks the Common tongue) which is the leader of its species. Perhaps it needs help; if the heroes help it they'll earn
themselves a favor which the King Beast will repay at some later time in the adventure. Perhaps the heroes are in
deadly danger and need help; the King Beast can be persuaded to help, but only in return for a deed or favor in the


At some point in their adventure, the heroes have a run-in with thieves.
is an outdoors trap. Some time when the heroes are in a narrow canyon or gorge, or are on a snow-covered
mountain, their enemies can arrange to dump an avalanche upon them (rocks and boulders in the first instance, snow
in the second).
heroes could be riding pegasi or friendly griffons or allied great eagles; the villains could be carried aloft by
gargoyles or demons. The prospect of taking a mile-long fall if one's mount is hit is a very daunting and challenging
one for the hero.
Hero Fulfills Prophecy
Omen/Prophesy This is the most useful sort of prophecy. In the early part of the adventure, one of the heroes discovers that he fulfills
some ancient prophecy.
Lack of Familiarity
Master Villain, if he comes from the past or another dimension, or belongs to an alien race, might be
Secret Weakness
sufficiently unfamiliar with this world that he essentially defeats himself. How? By making incorrect guesses about
human behaviour. One classic error involves underestimating the human capacity for self-sacrifice.
Coping with a Curse
The curse might be making the hero progressively uglier, might be draining out his life-force (he's losing experience
which will be retruned if he succeeds), or might be making him progressively insane. Each day, as he sees his
reflection in a mirror or pond or fountain, he'll know himself to be less than he used to be.
Saving Quandry
Moral Quandry Finally, another classic quandry puts the heroes in the position of choosing between a grand opportunity to hurt the
Master Villain -- or saving the lives of a number of individuals.
False Path to the Artifact
Once again, if the heroes have had too easy a time finding the artifact capable of destroying the villain, give them
Red Herring trouble this way: When they get to the place where the artifact is supposed to be contained, they find the coffer or
chamber or whatever empty, obviously looted by robbers, who have scrawled such remarks as "Kelrog was here!"
upon the walls.
Wanted by the Law
Cruel Trick One final complication, one which occurs pretty frequently, is when the heroes are wanted by the law. When they're
wanted by the law, they have to travel in secret and very limited in the resources they can acquire.

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