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Homeopathy for Arthritis

for Arthritis
Including Arthritis Emotions,
Acute and Chronic Arthritis,
Rheumatic and Gouty Arthritis
And Joint Homeopathics

People Helping People Live Healthier Lives through Natural Healing

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 2
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Arthritis can come on as a result of diet, overuse of joints, calcium absorptions
problems, injury, or emotional issues. The symptoms are a reflection of our
Arthritic conditions explained: We can see joint inflammations which develop pain; stiffness
associated with inflammation or as a separate issue; injuries or over-use can cause
inflammation; stiffening or swelling can be combined or separate; joints may deform, or bony
growths may appear in or around the joints. Several symptoms may happen together, or
Gouty arthritis comes when the body is unable to digest protein, and the kidneys are unable to
get rid of uric acid. Uric acid crystals may end up in the joints of the large toe, ankles, knees,
and other parts of the body.
Rheumatoid arthritis is chronic condition where joints are inflamed, stiffen, swell and deform
as a result of chronic inflammation and overuse. One cause can be from the results of abnormal
calcium and deposits in the wrong place in the body creating conditions of bone spurs. Many of
the homeopathic remedies have to do with the thyroid and parathyroid (4 small glands which
sit on top of the thyroid; they regulate calcium metabolism.)
Modern medicine treats arthritic conditions by attempting to contain the symptoms using toxic
drugs that bring about side effects. The drug companies have designed medications to be used
for a lifetime. Western medicine considers all chronic conditions to be irreversible. This view is
so prevalent that most people believe the fallacy. Dont be fooled into thinking there is only
one way.
Prescription medications may interfere with the action of homeopathic treatment. They
hamper or stop the action of the homeopathic remedy in the body. Steroids such as prednisone
are the most addicting and the hardest to remove. Medications can only be removed or altered
with a physicians advice. As your body is regulated under the influence of drugs, slowly wean
off medications, allowing for an easier transition.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 3
Homeopathy for Arthritis


Our emotions affect our ability to move; the joints are a part of our ability to move forward in life
and reflect a spiritual ability to move forward also. Spiritually, we may get out of joint. A joint is
the connection between two bones and as such, is our connection to our self. Whats your spiritual
block to moving forward in life? Why are you stiff, swollen, or inflamed?
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman

Severely criticizing self and others
Holding onto feelings of hostility
Holding onto own opinions and beliefs
Long-term tension or anger in life
Feelings of anxiety and/or depression endured over long periods of time
Belief that its wrong to get angry which creates:
Repressed anger that eats you up
Need to be right
Rigid in thinking and feelings
Uncompromising attitude
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Body is receiving conflicting messages like:
Laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside
Feels totally helpless in ability to change lifes burdens

Heal Your Body by Louise Hay

Arthritic Fingers
A desire to punish
Feeling victimized
Feeling unloved

Feeling victimized
Lack of love
Chronic bitterness
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Deep criticism of authority
Feeling very put upon

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 4
Homeopathy for Arthritis


Homeopathic treatment of Arthritis has been proven successful
for over 200 years. Homeopathic remedies are safe for anyone
and can be used along with any other treatments or medications.
Homeopathic remedies can be used during pregnancy, and while
Treating arthritic symptoms with homeopathy is best used in
conjunction with a clean and nutritious diet. The Mucusless Diet is
a good guide to follow. Always remember to eliminate tobacco,
alcohol, coffee, soda pop, and dairy products.
True healing facilitates the body to repair itself. Pain is an
indication of an energy blockage (the energy doesnt move
through and organ or system in the way nature intended it. Remove the blockage, and the pain
will go away permanently. On the other hand, if joint damage is too far gone the body cannot
repair itself.
Through the natural remedies pain can be eliminated either through continued treatment, or
may go away permanently even though the joint is damaged. With severe damage, pain may
not be the only factor, but joint mobility will. More stubborn cases can only be positively
affected by finding a persons homeopathic constitutional remedy, often determined by an
experienced Homeopath. There are answers for those persistent enough to find them
Homeopathic remedies are very specific in their action and can be used for acute and chronic
Acute arthritis conditions are a temporary condition of pain or aggravation that has occurred
because of some stressor such as emotions, exhaustion, or something like the weather
changing which is a physical cause. This condition is similar to emergency protocols and high
potencies are used frequently. Results are often rapid.
Chronic arthritis conditions are those that have lasted some weeks, months, or even years.
Lower-potency remedies are used for treatments over a period of weeks or months. Success
can come quickly or gradually, over time (days, weeks, or months). In chronic conditions you
may also use higher potencies, or what we call emergency potencies, for flare ups or
aggravations of symptoms (pain or swelling, etc).
As healing comes, remedies may need to be changed as the symptoms also change.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 5
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Arthritis by Dr. Robin Murphy N.D

Rhus tox (#1 Homeopathic for Arthritis)
General arthritis and rheumatoid; stiffness, especially mornings, worse on first motion but
loosens up with motion. #1 remedy for dislocated joints in general with weakness and stiffness.
Chronic Arthritis. (Causticum next.) Depression related to physical functioning. Symptoms
worse in change of weather, wet, humid, and cold; also worse by overuse, since injury, and in
lower back. Symptoms better by continued motion, loosening up, heating pad and hot shower.
Calcarea carb
Especially for early stages of arthritis (chronic of Rhus tox). Overuse; bones dont heal well-poor
calcium metabolism. Lame joints. Leg and foot cramps. Muscles flabby. Joints crack. Cold
clammy hands and feet; sweating of feet or back of head. Acute arthritis from jumping in cold
water or from being overheated (Rhus, Bellis). Craves calcium-rich foods such as dairy. Worse
from working in water or AIR CONDITIONING, cold damp, exertion or manual labor.
#1 for gouty arthritis and rheumatoid. Gout (Urtica, Benz ac). Uric acid deposits, calcium
deposits. Like Rhus tox, except worse with motion and sensitive to the touch; also worse in cold
damp, fall season.
Arthritis of large joints; hips, shoulders, neck. Stiffness with cramping pains. Inflamed, hip
cramps (Aesculus for aching). Hormonal arthritis associated with menopause; worse periods.
Menopausal or PMS depression as if dark cloud hanging over (Sep).
Pains changeable, sharp, stiff; wandering pains. Weepy. Pain with chills; internal shivering or
shaking. Thirstless. Worse in heat wants cold ice packs on joints; also worse in evening after a
days work. Symptoms are better by steady motion, walking slowly, open air.
Hormonal arthritis of small joints, especially fingers/toes (Actea spicata). Chronic fatigue since
childbirth, and during menopause. Settles in fingers and toes and smaller joints.
Salicylic acid
Especially elbows and knees; joints are sensitive and red. (Belladonna has more inflammation).
Symptoms are worse from motion, jarring.
If Rhus tox doesnt work. Herpes, Mononucleosis, swollen glands, convalescent remedy (Nat
Sal, Sarcolactic ac). Worse < damp, change of weather. Change of weather is factor (Rhod has
more pain storm movements) changes of barometric pressure.
Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 6
Homeopathy for Arthritis
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Arthritis continued
Looks like Rhus tox stiff and ACHY. Symptoms worse with storms, damp weather.
Arthritis with sinusitis (Puls), with yellow-green discharge in sinus; post nasal drip. Symptoms
worse left side. Old soldiers with stiff left knee. Chronic mucus or history of Gonorrhea.
Infections and periodic aggravations (Med is acute).
Swollen, bluish discolored joints. Worse ice pack or gout. Pains ascending (rising). Traumatic
arthritis from damage. Feels cold to the touch. Bluish.
Ruta graveolens
Similar to Rhus tox. Arthritis in wrists by overwork (Ruta, Guai for deposits). Lameness and
Viola odorata
Arthritis as if wrist was broken.
Psoriatic arthritis (psoriasis and arthritis) or deposits in the wrist joints or eczema.
Spinal Arthritis. Wandering pains (Puls, Kali carb). Swelling of the joints with shooting and nerve
pains in the swollen joints. Ascending arthritis: ankles, knees, hips or fingers, wrists, elbows.
Causticum (Arthritis in HANDS)
Hands cant close. Rawness, burning and drawing. Arthritis deformans.
Kali Carb
Arthritis deformans, twists the joints. Sharp stabbing pains as if a knife were put in the joints.
Better or worse with motion. Worse from 2 4 am. Radiating, wandering, burning (Kali Ars).
Kali Ars
Fear in Solar Plexus. Worse from 2-4 am with burning, jarring.
Actea Spicata
Arthritis DEFORMANS and those of the hands.
Natrum Phos
Gouty Arthritis caused by over acidity. Arthritis of the knees. Candida abdomen fermentations
(Nat Mur, Phos). Urine turns dark when the uric acid goes out and then the joints are better.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 7
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Using Cell Salts for Arthritis

These formulas contain a number of cell salts that normalize cellular
function and chemistry in the body. Use these solutions internally, 10
tablets of each cell salt in 12 to 24 ounces of water, and sip all day. For
best results, utilize cell salts for several weeks or months. Externally,
these Cell Salt Solutions can be used as a poultice or in creams for
quicker results (while using them internally also).

Arthritis, inflammation of the joints that is painful.

Nat Phos over acidity in the body
Ferr Phos inflammation, heat
Kali Mur dissolves mucus
Silicea dissolves scar tissue and stops infections

Gout, swelling of the joints from excess uric acid. Remove meats and coffee from the diet.
Ferr Phos inflammation
Kali Mur swelling, mucus
Mag Phos sharp pains, cramping
Nat Phos to remove over acidity

Rheumatoid Arthritis, a deforming arthritis with great pain and disability.

Calc Fluor joint and body deformation
Calc Sulph detoxify the joints
Ferr Phos inflammation
Kali Mur dissolve mucus
Nat Sulph activates and detoxifies the liver
Silicea strengthen connective tissue and dissolve scar tissue.

Dr. Robin Murphy also recommends the Biochemic Phosphates (a collection of all the
phosphate cell salts) for rheumatoid arthritis.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 8
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Arthritis Acute Remedies

These remedies are used for occasional pain relief or for flare ups. It is important to find the cause.
Causes include cold wind, weather changes, suppressed skin conditions, kidney problems, immune
weakness, injuries, over-exertion, and stress.
Aconite symptoms sudden from onset of influenza. Numbness, tingling. Hot hands and cold feet. Arms
are icy cold, lame, bruised. Numb left arm with tingling fingers and red finger tips.
Arnica from injury or trauma. Soft tissue injury. Bed feels too hard. Bruised, painful or beaten
sensation. Severe coldness of forearms. Arthritis begins from the feet moving upward. Lack of strength.
Knees fail suddenly upon standing. First emergency remedy.
Apis swollen red, stinging, burning pains. Better by cold applications. Upper eyelids swollen. Knees
swollen and shiny with stinging pains. Numb hands and finger tips.
Belladonna symptoms are sudden, often right-sided, red, throbbing. Limb spasms. Joints swollen, red,
shining with red streaks radiating. Weak tottering gait, limping. Cold limbs.
Benzoic Acidum strong urine odor. Cracking joints, and nodes. Sharp pains. Achilles tendon painful.
Arthritis in wrists and ganglion cysts. Big toe pains. Emotionally sensitive, depressed.
Bryonia sudden symptoms better from not moving. Joint pains from the slightest movement. Joints
are red, swollen, hot and sharp pains. Knees are stiff, painful, weak, tottering gait. Feet swelling, hot,
pains and needles sensation.
Colchicum kidney problems. Weak, tingling, cold, lame, stiff joints. Gout typical in the big toe. Cant
touch or move the toe, or ankle, or knees. Swelling of limbs, with stinging pains. Finger joins distorted.
Top remedy for gout.
Kalmia worse of right deltoid muscle. Pains move quickly through joints. Pains along the ulnar nerve
into third or fourth finger. Tingling numbness of the left arm with heart pains. Pains shoot downward.
Worse motion, left side, night.
Phytolacca electric shock pains. Shooting pains in the right shoulder. Pains worse in mornings. Painful,
hard, shining swelling of finger joints. Hips and thighs are painful, especially at weather changes. Heels
aching, shock-like. Swollen feet and painful ankles and neuralgia of the toes.
Rhus tox sensitive to cold and damp conditions. Stiff in the morning or after sitting. Painful upon first
movement but better from continued motion. Joints and gout worse from weather changes. Tearing
pains of the tendons and ligaments. Ankles are swollen after an injury.
Sulphur stoop shoulders, hot sweaty hands. Joints swell, hot and burning with stiffness. Rheumatic
pain in left shoulder. Stiff knees and ankles. Left arm numb. Fingers numb. Left hamstring tense. Cramp
of left calf.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 9
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Arthritis Chronic Remedies

Chronic arthritis is characterized by arthritic conditions lasting for weeks, months, or years. The
remedies may remove pain, but may not always restore joint damage Use the following remedies in low
potency (6c or 30c) for several weeks or months:
Calc carb weak tendons and joints. Cold hands and feet. Obesity. Loose connective tissue and
joints. Sensitive to bad news. Weak ankles, cramps in calves. Deforming arthritis with nodes. Soles of
feet feel raw.
Calc fluor cracking joints, bone spurs, joints dislocate easily. Swollen joints. Ganglion cysts on
wrists. Joints enlarged from gout. Very hard swellings. Weakness or tension of connective tissue,
tendons, and ligaments.
Causticum emotionally oversensitive, especially to social injustices. Thinking of problems increases
pain. Paralyzed individual muscles. Tendons are painful and feel too short. Burning of joints. Deforming
arthritis. Unsteady gait. Cramping of feet or hands.
Dulcamara icy cold feet, swelling of calves, trembling of the right arm. Paralysis of joints. Arthritis
alternating with diarrhea or skin eruptions. Conditions worse from cold wet weather.
Formica rufa spinal arthritis. Sudden shifting pains with restlessness. Pain is a tearing sensation.
Weakness of the legs. Hardened nodules in and out of the joints. Stiffened and contracted joints. Hands
feel numb.
Hecla lava facial neuralgia from decayed teeth. Severe continual pain of the legs. Hip disease. Jaw
infection, enlargement. Bone spurs of tibia. Severe continuous pains. Bone tumors and deformity. Better
from light touch. Also good for toothaches and dental problems.
Ledum shooting gouty pains of the feet and joints with deformation. Cracking joints. Worse from bed
warmth. Heels and soles of feet painful. Weak ankles. Feet itch at night, stiff at mornings. Ankles
swollen. Throbbing right shoulder. Worse from cold, wet weather.
Phytolacca electric shock pains. Shooting pains in the right shoulder. Pains worse in mornings. Painful,
hard, shining swelling of finger joints. Hips and thighs are painful, especially at weather changes. Heels
aching, shock-like. Swollen feet and painful ankles, and neuralgia of the toes.
Rhus tox sensitive to cold and damp conditions. Stiff in the morning or after sitting. Painful upon first
movement but better from continued motion. Joints and gout worse from weather changes. Tearing
pains of the tendons and ligaments. Ankles are swollen after an injury.
Ruta has weakness of tendons and ligaments. Joints cracking. Finger contractures. Wrists arthritis with
ganglion cysts. Pain from back to hips and thighs. Hamstrings feel shortened and thighs feel broken.
Knees fail upon ascending or descending stairs. Tendons sore and aching of Achilles tendons. Bones are
painful of feet and ankles.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 10
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Arthritis Gout Remedies

Gout is a condition where uric acid crystals are not flushed out through the urine. The uric acid crystals
deposit in any joints of the body and the joints become red and extremely painful. Medical knowledge
can only offer drugs or medications for a lifetime. It is very simple, poor protein digestion (pancreas) and
poor kidney function (not strong enough to eliminate uric acid crystals). Stay away from most meats,
alcohol, coffee. It is also an acid condition. Homeopathics can be amazing in their ability to get the body
to function normally. Below are several of the top homeopathic remedies:
Urtica urens (Nettles) in a tincture for immediate relief to dissolve uric acid and normalize the pH.
Temporary relief.
Apis mellifica hot swollen joints that respond to cold application. Stinging and burning sensations.
Upper eyelids may also be swollen.
Benzoic Acidum strong urine odor. Cracking joints, and nodes. Sharp pains. Achilles tendon painful.
Arthritis of the wrists and ganglion cysts. Big toe pains. Emotionally sensitive. Feels depressed.
Causticum emotionally over-sensitive, especially to social injustices. Thinking of problems increases
pain. Paralyzed individual muscles. Tendons are painful and feel too short. Burning of joints. Deforming
arthritis. unsteady gait. Cramping of feet or hands.
Colchicum kidney problems. Weak, tingling, cold, lame, stiff joints. Gout typical in big toe. Cant touch
or move it. Swelling of limbs with stinging pains. Finger joints distorted. Top remedy for gout.
Guaiacum aching in upper neck and shoulders. Deforming arthritis. joints are swollen, hot, painful,
stinging. Hamstrings feel short. Needles in buttocks sensation. Stiffness. Joint pains from the ankles
Kali Carb sharp stitching pains. Muscle twitching. Swollen limbs. Back is weak and legs give out. Fingers
burn and pains from hops to knees. Sciatica pains. Emotionally feels duty bound and is exacting.
Rhus tox sensitive to cold and damp conditions. Stiff in the morning or after sitting. Painful upon first
movement but better from continued motion. Joints and gout worse from weather changes. Tearing
pains of the tendons and ligaments. Ankles are swollen after an injury.
Sepia low sex drive. Severe hormonal disturbances. Wants to be alone. Lame, stiff, shortened, bruised
sensations. All limbs are restless. Hands or feet cold and the other hot. Limbs feel heavy.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 11
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Arthritis and Psoriasis Remedies

There is a link between arthritis and psoriasis. It is often called psoriatic arthritis, and is treated with
steroids by modern medicine with less than acceptable results. Even with success, a person has to be on
medications for the rest of their life. The following is an alphabetical list of homeopathic remedies for
this condition:
Antimonium crudum digestive problems, arthritis of the fingers, warts, cracking skin, psoriasis with
scaling and itching, skin problems with burning.
Calc carb obesity, cold hands and feet, loose joints, weak ankles, red spots (petichia), psoriasis with
scaling and white spots. Cant bear bad news.
Dulcamara arthritis worse in cold, wet weather, enlarged glands, ringworm, rashes, flat warts.
Psoriasis that is scaly, thick, crusty, moist or thick, yellow-brown crusts that bleed when scratched.
Arthritis with diarrhea.
Ledum feels cold all the time. Psoriasis with poison ivy-like eruptions. Feet, ankle arthritis. cracking in
joints. Ascending arthritis. stiff throbbing, soles of the feet painful. Weak ankles.
Lycopodium right-sided problems. Liver and kidney problems. Wants to sleep or very tired from 4-8
pm. Digestive gas. Gouty arthritis. Right-sided sciatica. Psoriasis in the folds of the joints, sweaty.
Manganum pain, twitching with Parkinson-like symptoms. Arthritis with twitching, cramping and pain.
Body feels sore to the touch. Walks stooping forward. Pus around the joints. Deep cracks in the skin.
Mercurius Parkinson-like tremors in the limbs, especially of the hands. Pain worse at night. Finger
numb and swelling of feet and legs. Crusty, ulcerated eruptions of psoriasis that crusts over.
Pulsatilla hard to make decisions, weeps easily, fears of abandonment. Arthritic pains wander form
joint to joint. Psoriasis worse from fatty or rich foods.
Sarsaparilla urinary remedy. Arthritis of right lower limbs. Paralytic pains. Tremors, psoriasis with
cracking of finger tips or toes. Bone pains.
Sepia problems due to hormonal imbalances. Brown skin spots. Avoidance of sex. Wants to be alone.
Cold hands and feet (or hot). Fatigued and bruised joint sensations. Psoriasis is rough, hard, cracked,
crusted and in the folds of the joints.
Silicea cold, thin people with tendency to infections and pus. Tips of fingers and toes crack. Shy or
timid personality. Arthritis of forearm with paralytic pains. Hands are trembling. Sciatic pains, weak
muscles and joints.
Thuja warts and skin problems with brown skin spots. Hair on unusual places. Eruptions burn or itch.
Worse from cold applications. Dry skin. Cracking joints. Muscular weakness and twitching. Weak hip
joints, restless knees, ingrown toenails, pain of heels and Achilles tendon.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 12
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Remedies

This condition is a very painful arthritis which can affect anyone from youth to old age. Untreated, it can
permanently damage and deform the joints. There is tenderness, stiffness, inflammation, and possible
knots on the joints. It is most successfully treated constitutionally by an experienced homeopath.

#1 Rhus tox caused from exposure to wet weather conditions. There is often an associated skin
condition. All symptoms are worse in wet or cold conditions. The tendons and ligaments are affected.
Pain is evident upon first movement after resting and then gets better after continued movement. There
is great stiffness, especially in the mornings. There is restlessness associated because it alleviates the
#2 Causticum pain and stiffness in the joints with severe weakness; walking is unsure. Shortened
tendons. Arthritis of fingers and hands. Opposite to Rhus tox as one feels better in damp weather. Feels
worse in cold dry weather and first movement. Fingers become deformed.
Arnica for weakness and pain of the soft tissues. The cause is physical or emotional trauma. The
person may be obese and feels beaten up. The bed feels too hard. Everything feels worse from
movement or touch, fears being touched. Shoulder-to-hand pains.
Calc Carb rheumatoid arthritis in obese people. Deep aching in the joints. Pains worse from cold and
dampness. These people have weak joints especially ankles. They are also sensitive to bad news and
overwhelmed by stresses.
Bryonia is the classic homeopathic remedy for painful arthritis where every movement is painful. The
patient is irritable and worse in cold dry weather. Any touch or bump causes pain. Feels better from
pressure. Pain is sharp like a knife.
Kali carb pains feel like a red hot poker. This person operates out of a sense of duty. Arthritis pains are
sharp with stiffness. Like Rhus tox, pains are worse upon rising with stiffness. The joints may become
thickened and deformed. Everything is worse from cold and dampness.
Rhododendron a remedy of those who are sensitive to the weather. The joints swell and inflame
before a weather change. Worse from damp and cold condition. Joints worse in weather changes of the
summer. Feels better from movement. Right-sided remedy. Worse from warm winds.
There are other remedies, but these are the main ones.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 13
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Joint Location Remedies


Elbows: Rhus tox, Bryonia,
Colchicum, Ferrum met, Kali
bic, Nat carb, Rhododendron,
Hips: Aesculus,

Hands: Actea, Caulophyllum,

Colchicum, Rhus tox, Clematis,
Guaiacum, Lac Caninum,
Pulsatilla, Viola odorata.

TOX, Antimonium crud, Calc
phos, Pulsatilla, Silicea,
Staphysagria, Colchicum,
Conium, Dulcamara,
Guaiacum, Nux Vomica.

Rhus tox, Aconite,
Bellis, Kali bic,
Kalmia, Phosphorus,
Lac Caninum, Ledum,
Phytolacca, Medorrhinum,
Pulsatilla, Nitric acid.

Wrists: GUAICUM,
Caulophyllum, Kali bic,
Lachesis, Rhododendron,
Viola odorata.

Knees: Bufo, Calc carb,

Ledum, Nux Vomica,
Calc fluor, Phytolacca,
Ankles: Lac Caninum, Rhus tox,
Chelidonium, Guaiacum,
Kalmia, Lycopodium.
Feet: LEDUM, Kali iod,
Nat sulph, Bufo.

Toes: Actea,
Chelidonium, Guaiacum,
Kalmia, Ledum,
Lycopodium, Pulsatilla,
Rhododendron, Ruta.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 14
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Joint Swelling Remedies

Any of the following remedies can be used for symptomatic relief of an acute or chronic condition. The swelling
can be fluid or pus (infection).
Apis swollen red, stinging, burning pains. Better by cold applications. Upper eyelids swollen. Knees swollen and
shiny with stinging pains. Numb hands and finger tips.
Arnica from injury or trauma. Soft tissue injury. Bed feels too hard. Bruised, painful or beaten sensation. Severe
coldness of forearms. Arthritis begins from the feet upward. Lack or strength. Knees fail suddenly upon standing.
First emergency remedy.
Arsenicum Album restless, perfectionist, hot joint swelling better from warm applications. Paralysis of legs with
muscle atrophy. Feet are weak, numb, swollen. Sols feel wooden. Pains twitching, spasms, heavy, uneasy. Restless
Bryonia sudden symptoms better from not moving. Joint pains from the slightest movement. Joins are red,
swollen, hot sharp pains. Knees are stiff, painful, weak, tottering gait. Feet swollen, hot, pins & needles sensation.
Calc Carb weak tendons and joints. Cold hands and feet. Obesity. Loose connective tissue and joints. Sensitive to
bad news. Weak ankles, cramps in calves. Deforming arthritis with nodes. Soles of feet feel raw.
Causticum emotionally over-sensitive, especially to social injustices. Thinking of problems increases pain.
Paralyzed individual muscles. Tendons are painful and feel too short. Burning of joints. Deforming arthritis.
unsteady gait. Cramping of feet or hands.
Hepar sulph skin, lungs, and arthritic condition. Lumbar (lower back) pain and must lift self from sitting position.
Finger joints swollen and dislocate easily.
Iodatum thyroid and parathyroid for calcium metabolism. Thin people cant eat enough. Joints swollen. Bone
pains at night. Cold hands and feet, hands painful upon turning. Neck and arms arthritis. nightly constrictive pains
in joints. Feet swelling, corns on toes.
Kali Carb sharp stitching pains. Muscle twitching. Swollen limbs. Back is weak and legs give out. Fingers burn and
pains from hops to knees. Sciatica pains. Emotionally feels duty bound and is exacting.
Kali Iod back pains as if in a vice. Pain in the tailbone. Arthritic pains at night and damp weight. Severe bone
pains. Hip pain, sciatica causing limping. Lung problems. Itching of legs upon sitting. Symptoms better from motion
or cold open air. Symptoms worse from change of weather and cold foods.
Nat Sulph is a liver remedy and is often used for head injuries. All symptoms worse from damp weather or weather
changes. Restless, sciatica, hop pains. Heels throbbing, piercing, blisters, burning. Knees stiff, cracking.
Ruta has weakness of tendons and ligaments. Joints cracking. Finger contractures. Wrists arthritis with ganglion
cysts. Pain from back to hips and thighs. Hamstrings feel shortened and thighs feel broken. Knees fail upon
ascending or descending stairs. Tendons sore and aching of Achilles tendons. Bones are painful of feet and ankles.
Rhus tox sensitive to cold and damp conditions Stiff in the morning or after sitting. Painful upon first movement
but getter from continued motion. Joints and gout worse from weather changes. Tearing pains of the tendons and
ligaments. Ankles are swollen after an injury.
Sulphur Iod for skin diseases and acne. Feet and lower leg pains, aching, burning, and sore when standing. Spinal
Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 15
Homeopathy for Arthritis

Joint Deformation Remedies

This is a chronic condition where the arthritis deforms the joints and causes loss of mobility. Permanent
damage cannot always be reversed.
Actea spicata finger, wrist, and ankle arthritis. Swelling, hot. Slight exertion causes joint pains.
Lameness in arms. Swelling and deforming of joints. Everything worse from physical exertion.
Aurum met bone pains. Suicidal pains, hopelessness. Financial worries. Nightly leg pains. Weak knees,
tearing pains.
Ammonium phos knots in finger joints and should pains. Limbs heavy, unsteady tottering gait. Gouty
arthritis. oversensitive to pain. Warmth improves, cold aggravates.
Causticum oversensitive individuals about social justice. Joint contraction, stiffness, tearing pain,
paralysis. Worse from cold dry winds and better from warmth and damp weather. Tendons shorten.
Guaiacum aching in upper neck and shoulders. Deforming arthritis. joints are swollen, hot, painful,
stinging. Hamstrings feel short. Needles in buttocks sensation. Stiffness. Joint pains from the ankles
Rhododendron deforming arthritis worse from cold, damp condition. Arthritis in hot weather. Tearing
pains especially of right side. Joints swollen. Pains of shoulders, arms, wrists. Cant sleep unless the legs
are crossed. Achilles tendon pain.
Formicum acid poor eyesight. Constant muscle pains. Gouty arthritis. Pains on the right side. Sudden
pains. Everything worse from motion. Better from pressure. There is also tremors.
Nat phos condition of excess acidity of the body, tissues, and digestion. Aching of wrists, finger joints.
Hand cramps when writing. Rheumatism of the knees. Legs or arms tremble after sex.
Benzoic Acidum strong urine odor. Cracking joints, and nodes. Sharp pains. Achilles tendon painful.
Arthritis of the wrists and ganglion cysts. Big toe pains. Emotionally sensitive. Feels depressed.
Ledum shooting gouty pains of the feet and joints with deformation. Cracking joints. Worse from bed
warmth. Heels and soles of feet painful. Weak ankles. Feet itch at night, stiff at mornings. Ankles
swollen. Throbbing right shoulder. Worse from cold, wet weather.
Hedra helix muscular and joint rheumatism. Deforming arthritis. nightly arm problems. Raynauds of
the hands (poor circulation). Respiratory and rectal problems.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional. 16
Homeopathy for Arthritis
Rheumatic Knots
Rheumatic Knots are those of a rheumatic origin on the middle finger (nodus rheumaticus) and can
show signs of rheumatism. They arise from rheumatic fever, with accompanying heart problems. They
happen to people who feel subjectively well. Usually painless.

Finger swelling gouty

Gouty finger swelling of a male 50 years old, diabetic. The right ring finger and the left thumb are less
affected. Only in acute circumstances (1 5 days) are the swellings hot and red. Next to the uric acid
problems we see this in people that are overweight, have raised cholesterol and a tendency to high
blood pressure. Many people with this problem have diabetes. Almost always there lies a kidney
deficit, the inability to get rid of toxins, and circulatory problems. The darker finger tips show
congestion of the circulation. 95% of all gout happens to males. It is a tendency to wrong nutrition,
poor food choices and not enough exercise.

Copyright 2013, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not
meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

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