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=LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE= May we have compassion for Allah(God)’s creation so

that the reception of His compassion is attained.

= The Prophet whom Allah/God has called the compassionate and the merciful had
extremely tender feelings for his own as well as the outsiders and would feel
overwhelming kindness at the most trivial of things.
(1) Once a Companion stepped over the Prophet’s foot with his hard leather boot,
which caused the Prophet pain and he quickly removed the leather boot with a
slight strike of his whip. The Companion spent that night in utter remorse over
causing pain to the Prophet. Next morning some people came looking for him and
took him to the Prophet, who said ‘yesterday you nearly crushed my foot with your
boot, however, I struck you with my whip to remove you, take these 80 ewes in
return of that [hurt].’
(2) The Bedouin of Arabia were unrefined people and once a Bedouin pulled hard at
the Prophet’s mantle (cloak) which had hard edging and this grazed his blessed
neck. On top of this the Bedouin demanded that he is given some of the provisions
that ‘Allah had bestowed the Prophet’. When the Prophet asked whether the
Bedouin’s earlier act should be retaliated, he replied no, explaining that the
Prophet did not respond to bad with bad. The Bedouin was then given the provisions
as he had asked.
(3) The Prophet was extremely mindful of the natural disasters that had
obliterated the earlier people and would be acutely aware lest calamity befell due
to any slip-up of his people. Therefore, each time there was wind or rain he would
engage in prayer and would ask the Muslims to pray as well. He would enjoin not to
condemn the wind per se for it was a source of mercy that carried both calamity
and mercy; he enjoined to seek its good and to seek protection from its harm.
(4) A poor woman who lived at the out skirts of Medina fell ill. The Prophet
would always ask after her and advised that in case she died she should not be
buried until he had said her funeral prayer. When the poor woman passed away her
funeral was brought to Medina late at night and the Prophet was found to be asleep
at the time. Not wishing to disturb him the people said her funeral prayer and
buried her. Next morning the Prophet asked after her and was told of what had
happened. The Prophet asked to be taken to her grave where he said her funeral
prayer with four takbeers and advised that in future he should always be informed
and that his prayer was a source of mercy for the deceased.
(5) The Prophet once related that a man who saw a tree branch in the pathway
thought of removing it lest it caused difficulty to any believer. The man was
granted Paradise on this act of his. He also told of a man who was parched with
thirst and saw a well. He went down the well and quenched his thirst. When he came
up he saw a panting thirsty dog, so he down the well again, filled up his sock
with water for the dog and brought it up. The Companions asked the Prophets if
there was a reward in kindness to the living creatures. To which the Prophet
replied that Allah indeed forgave the man’s past sins.

(6) Once the Prophet kissed his grandson Hassan and a man remarked that he had
ten children but he had never kissed them to which the Prophet replied, ‘one who
is not merciful is also not shown mercy to [by God].’
Expression of love for children should be out of compassion and that this attracts
Allah’s compassion.
(7) Once a man related his earlier deeds to the Prophet, including taking his
young daughter to a well and throwing her it and walking off to the sounds of ‘O
my dad, O’ my dad’, this brought tears to the eyes of the Prophet. The assembled
people censured the man that he had saddened the Prophet but the Prophet asked the
people to remain silent and said the man was seeking his advice over something
very significant. So he asked the man to repeat his episode, which he did. Tears
kept streaming down the Prophets blessed face and he told the man that Allah
forgives deeds done in ignorance and that he should make a fresh start.
Significance of the matter was that the man had come to find out if he stood a
chance after committing grievous acts as he had.
(8) Prophet advised to treat women with good will and kindness. [With a hearty
metaphor] he explained, ‘Woman has been created from a rib and the most crooked
part of the rib is the uppermost. If you try to straighten it you will break it
and if you leave it alone it will remain crooked. So treat women kindly.’
Women should be handled/engaged/employed in the manner that they are created.
Welfare of families depended on overlooking slight issues relating to women
otherwise not only is the household peace destroyed, one also loses Allah’s mercy.
= One should turn to Allah with thankfulness and seek a measure of His Rahimiyyat
(mercy by virtue of God’s attribute Rahim), or else one would be a transgressor if
one creates ones worldly idols. [ref:4:37-Quraan].
= Shirk (associating partners with Allah) is the only sin that Allah will not
forgive and that by partaking a measure of Divine Rahimiyyat one is inclined to
avoid any overt or covert shirk.[ref 4:49-Quraan] It is most unfortunate that
some Muslims are involved in covert shirk by idolising the graves of earlier
saints as well as by going to pseudo holy men and mendicants.
= There seems to be a great trend towards the false beliefs of sorcery and such
like. By absorbing the spirit of Rahimiyyat (Mercy of God), these things should
be avoided with a noble struggle against them.
= Promised reformer, the promised Messiah (on whom be peace) who, in following
the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)
demonstrated extraordinary compassion and kindness to people. May the master and
servant be followed.
= May compassion for Allah’s creation be shown so that the reception of Allah’s
compassion be attained.
------------- promised divine peace for this era at and LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE -------------------

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