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Communication for Marginalized Population

HCA/ 230


Communication for Marginalized Personal

In society, people are assigned to a particular class or category and for many people
marginalization puts them in the unenviable position of exclusion from the mainstream.
Marginalized populations exist in many aspects of society and health care is no exception. The
poor, disenfranchised, and those deemed undesirable in society require medical attention just as
everyone else and should not make to feel uncomfortable in accessing health services. Caregivers
who master the art of communicating with patients in difficult situations help to foster patients
trust and compliance. In administering health services, caregivers should aim to set aside their
personal feelings and understand that personal feelings have no place in patient care.
The word marginalized means to relegate to a powerless or unimportant position
(Marginalized, 2011). Groups such as people with certain mental illnesses or addictions, some
ethnic minorities, the homeless, people with physical disabilities, people of certain sexual


orientation, and the poor encounter marginalization as they may have limited access to
appropriate health services or they may experience constraints in accessing health services even
if they are available.
Caregivers frequently deal with marginalized patients, three of which include children,
patients with disabilities, and patients with low health literacy. Children are a part of this
category because they are essentially in a powerless position, as they are not able to make
decisions for themselves, for this reason, family members usually accompanies children.
The medical assistant has to provide service and information within the scope of job
responsibilities (Axia College, 2011); that means he or she can provide information in a way that
does not contradict the physician nor confuse the patient. One communication tip in dealing with
a child in a health setting is to acknowledge the child and use friendly tone and dialogue. Doing
so not only puts the child at ease, but helps to ease anxiety and stress in the accompanying adult.
People with disabilities especially mental illness sometimes exhibit angry emotional outburst
that can cause caregivers to take it personal. However, it is incumbent upon caregivers to refrain
from reacting in a similar manner, and understand that this type of behavior is not necessarily
personal (Axia College, 2011). Instead, caregiver should try to remain calm, listen, be
considerate, and demonstrate empathy with the use of kind words to show understanding for the
patients situation.
Even the most educated in society experience some degree of low health literacy;
however, low health literacy is even more common among immigrants with language barriers
that impede comprehension and communication. Providing appropriate intervention for this type
of patient is essential for providing care. One way in which to overcome this barrier is to have
family members who speak and understand English accompany the patient, as they can help to


provide important information to the caregiver as well as interpret caregivers instructions to the
patient (Axia College, 2011).The steps listed for dealing with children, patients with disabilities,
and patients with low health literacy all helps improve communication between caregivers and
patients. They leave patients less confused and alleviate unnecessary anxiety or stress.
In conclusion, the lesson of this simulation is that hierarchy and chain of command exist
in health care for a reason; medical personnel have to remember the scope of their job
responsibilities and work within the boundaries of what they are supposed to do. That means,
nurses and other medical technicians should refrain from questioning doctors diagnosis and
treatments in the presence of patients. Doing so can create patients mistrust and confusion.
Moreover, it is important that caregivers strike a balance between being friendly and
authoritative and try to remain calm in any situation. The reality is, they will have to deal with
different types of people including the marginalized in society. Bottom line is, caregivers should
always try to refrain from reacting negatively to patients even when patients are difficult. They
should try not to take hurtful comments personal and try to remember that personal feelings have
no place in patient care.



Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2011). Marginalized Patient populations. Retrieved

January 22, 2011, from Axia College, Week Five Reading, aXces, HCA/230Communication

Skills for The Health Care Professional Course Web site, Marginalized. (2011). In MerriamWebster Online Dictionary. Retrieved January 22, 2011, from

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