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Sci.Appl. (2012) II: 351-360

10. I007/sII804-012-II43-0

Design and Analysis of

Typical Buoyancy Tank Riser Tensioner Systems
Zhuang Kang, Lusheng Jia*, Liping 8un and Wenzhou Liang
College ofShipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering


Harbin 150001, China

Abstract: The method for design and analysis of a buoyancy riser tensioner system TRTS) was put
forwa:d in this paper, taking E ee standing hybrid riser's top buoyancy k as an example. The design
procedure was discussed and was also i11ustrated in a flowchart , after a short decription of the global
arrangement, structure configuration, and lction of different types ofbuoyancy nks T). The objective
of is paper is to describe a way of developing a BT with minimal hydro force , maximal net li and no
redundancy of compartments. The method of determining the main dimensions of the BT, namely the length
and e outer dia:meter, was outlined. A series of investigations was conducted for a West Aica FSHR. BT
design, and the effect of the ratio of the length to the outer diameter (L1D) on the hydrodynamics and the
weight of the BT was discussed. The methodology of designing the internal structure of the BT was presented.
le effects of the number of compartments and dimension of the inner stem on the BT weight and strength
were compared. The relationship between inner structure and the number one index of the BT as well as the
riser's top tension factor ('F) were i11ustrated for normal operating conditions and conditions with one or
more compartments (or ner stem) da:maged. A design instance was given in is paper, when L1D is e
BT weight and the drag force are compromised. When the BT is divided into 10 compartments , the riser TTF
wi11 reach the maximum value, and the ratio ofthe stem OD to shell OD is about 0.3. A global strength analysis
meod of e BT and the main load case max was also inc1uded in the paper, togeer with the local strength
analysis ofthe buoyancy tank's pad-eye assembly.
Keywords: buoyancy tank T); buoyancy tank riser tensioner system (BTRTS); top tension factor (TTF);
strength analysis
Article ID: 1671-9433(2012)03-0351-10

1 Introduction
A buoyancy tank riser tensioner system (BTRTS) is wide1y
applied in offshore drilling and oil production to supply
tension to the riser, thus improving e performance of the
riser system. Typical applications are seen in a top tension
riser (TTR) ee standing hybrid riser (FSHR) , and also the
Atlanta drilling system. Thi s paper will focus on the design
and analysis method of a BTRTS , which is usually called a
buoyancy tank for short. An FSI which is becoming
increasingly more accepted within the offshore oil and gas
induy is chosen as the study object to investigate the
basic design procedure and analysis contents. Design and
analysis methods of other types of buoyancy tanks are
basically identical but with minor differences.
This paper focuses on the method for determining the main
dimensions of an FSHR buoyancy tank (BT) and the inner
conformation, together with the analysis content and the
main load case matrix. A way to develop a BT with rninimal
hydro force , maxirnal net lift, and no redundancy of
companents is inoduced. An example of design and
Received date: 20 II -03-22
Foundation item: Supported by tbe National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No.5I009033)
*Corresponding author EmaiI: lu.chia@gmail. com
Harbin Engineering University and Springer-Verlag 8erlin Heidelberg 2012

analysis is examined to check whether the method is

applicable and effective.

2 Description of F8HR buoyancy tank

2.1 Function of FSHR
The FSHR concept is a freestanding hybrid riser
arrangement, which consists of a near-vertical rigid pipe
anchored to the seabed via a foundation (e.g. suction pile)
and tensioned by means of a near-surface buoyancy tank
providing the required uplift force , which is mechanically
connected to thep of the vertical pipe. One Flexible
Jumper connects the rigid riser via a Gooseneck to eFPU.
The connection of the riser to seabed is achieved by means
of a mechanical connector (e.g. tie-back connector or
roto-Iatch connector). Either a f1 exible or rigid riser base
jumpr connects the riser offtake spool and PLET (Song et
al., 2010a). A typical FSHR concept is illusated in Fig. 1
A typical FSHR system
Vertical riser pipe;
Flexible jumper;
Top buoyancy tank;
Top riser assembly;


of the


Zhuang Kang, et al.


Lower riser assembly;

Subsea foundation.
A detailed discussion on the free standing hybrid riser
inc1uding the development history and other design issues
can be found in Tellier (2009) and Song et al. (201 Ob).


and Analysis ofTypical Buoyancy Tank Riser Tensioner Systems

internal corrosion. It is divided vertically into a number of

compartments so that a leak will not result in a significant
loss of tension (Djia et al. , 2009). The buoyancy tank is
dewatered by means of ports located on the side of each
companent. Each companent features an inlet and an
outlet port.

Fig. 2 Integral and separate buoyancy tank

Fig. 1 Typical FSHR arrangement

2.2 Function of buoyancy tank
The top of the buoyancy tank is typically 50-150 m below
sea level (Wu, 2006); therefore, it is beyond the zone of
inf1uence om waves and high current. The main function
of the buoyancy tank is to supply appropriate lift force , thus
tensioning the vertical riser pip so as to improve the
dynarnic response of the whole riser system and elirninate
e VIV-induced fatigue damage. It also restricts the load
and the deflection angle ofthe flexible jumper.

The main componnts of a typical buoyancy tank inc1ude:

Outer shell;
Inner stem pipe;
Bulkhead stiffener;
Pad-eye assembly;
Valves and pipe work.
A typical buoyancy tank configuration is illustrated in Fig. 3.

2.3 Structure configuration

A top buoyancy tank is a large fabricated structure providing
a top tension for the riser. Two variations for the
configuration of buoyancy tank have been developed:
the integral buoyancy tank with product lines passing
through it, and a separate tethered buoyancy tank with the
product lines emerging at the top of the bundle (Sworn,
2005) , see Fig. 2. Both of these options have been
successfully engineered and implemented. This paper will
focus on the separate type.
A buoyancy tank is designed to be largely pressure-balanced
with the internal pressure being slightly above the external
hydrostatic pressure. The difference between the internal
and external pressures corresponds to the length of each
companent. The structure is filled with nitrogen to prevent

Fig. 3 Typical buoyancy tank configuration

Journal 01 Marine Science and Applicalion (2012) 11: 351-360

2.4 Global arrangement

standing hybrid riser top buoyancy tank may have
two different global arrangements; one is the standard
aangement namely the dispersed arrangement , and the
other is the grouped arrangement.
A ee

For the dispersed arrangement, the BT floats in the sea

independently, while the grouped arrangement incorporates
a guide frame connecting two or more risers. The grouped
FSHR optimizes the riser/vessel interface and seabed layout
by using a lightweight buoyant ame tethered below the sea
surface to link together in c1 0se proximity to an aligned
group of single risers (Roveri et al. , 2008). This coll ctively
consains riser movement and also eliminates the c1 ashing
issues (Bridge, 2007) , while maintaining a practical distance
between risers to facilitate installation, inspection, and
maintenance , inc1uding removal and reinstallation if
necessy. Different arrangements are illustrated in Fig. 4.


the riser top tension is competent and whether the whole

system has a satisfactory dynamic response (Qin, 2010).
3.3 Design standards and codes
When applicable, the latest edition of the following codes
will be used as guidelines for buoyancy tank design.
1) API-RP-2RD , design of risers for f1 0ating production
systemsPSs) and tension leg platfonns (TLPs);
2) API-RP-2WSD , planni designi and constructing
fixed offshore platfonns - working sess design;
3) API Bulletin 2U, stability design for cylindrical shells;
4)API Bulltin 2V, design of f1 at plate suctures.
3.4 Design considerations
The necessar data that should be known or calculated
before the design of the BT are:
1) Wet weight per unit ofvertical pipe andjumper;
2) Wet weight of top riser assembly and tether chain
3) Required riser top tension factor (TTF).
The most critical parameter for FSHR design is the Top
Tension Factor (TTF) , which is the value of the net tension
reversing the wet weight of the vertical riser. TTF is defined
as follows:
WD~-W4 -WD. -w /3

Fig. 4 Global arrangement of buoyancy tank



Wn ,__
W~..> - W,
oe + r'W~...
Coat + "Fluid
., Disol

3 Design method of FSHR buoyancy tank

3.1 Design objective and critical issues
Design of an FSHR BT is a continuous optimization process.
le primary objectives of a buoyancy tank design are
defmed as follows:
1) To deterrnine the main dimension of BT;
2) To decide the inner configuration of BT, namely the
number of the departrnents and the dimension of the stem
The critical issues associated with the BT design are as
1) Size optimization to minimize drag force and maximize
the buoyancy force;
2) Redundancy for loss of one or more chambers;
3) Fabrication and ansportation level restriction.
3.2 Design feature
The key factors that should be solved in the preliminary
design phase are listed as follows:
1) Length and diameter of the outr shell;
2) Diameter ofthe stem;
3) Number of departrnents;
4) Approximate weight and net lift force.
Furthenore the design of the BT should cooperate with the
riser system global design in order to detennine the depth of
the BT in relation to the sea level, and also to verify whether








represent the submerged




of the BT

(ballasted) , tether chain assembly, top riser assembly, and

f1 exible jumper, the weight of vertical pipe and coating in air,
the weight of inner f1 uid, and displaced water, respectively.
The typical top tension factor for a tensioned riser is 1.5 or
more. To be on the safe side , there should be a margin of
15% in the preliminary design phase.
Other considerations could be useful in the design of an
FSHR top buoyancy tank. In view of previous engineering
xperience parameters of regularity have been extracted:
1) Ratio of the BT weight to displaced water weight is about
0 .3;
2) Submerged weight of equipment (ballasting and
pressurizing systems , valves...) may be 30% of the steel
tank weight.
3.5 Design flow
The preliminary design of a ee standing hybrid riser
buoyancy tank should be perfonned with the following
1) Collect and review all the infonnation related to the BT
design. Critical design parameters are evaluated and agreed
upon with the c1 ient. Certain assumptions have to be mad
based on relevant project experience. Design acceptance
criteria needs to be proposed and aligned with the design


Zhuang Kang, et al.

2) Generate the BT design basis document (DBD) , which
lays the foundation for all the upcoming engineering tasks.
This DBD will be reviewed and approved prior to
commencing further engineering design;
3) Conduct a sensitivity study of the effect of L/D on the
drag force and the weight to determine th optimized BT
extemal fon;
4) Based on the known data ofthe riser system, calculate the
satisfactory main dimension of the BT, which can ensure the
riser top tension factor;
5) In terms of the detemrined main dimension, perform the
weight and strength sensitivity research to confirm the inner
confonation namely the departments and the inner stem;
6) Check whether the designed buoyancy tank satisfies the
function , fabrication , transportation, installation, feasibility,
and also e economical efficiency requirements;
7) Should one of the above indexes failed, and the failure is
unacceptable, redesign e BT until the design result is
On finishing the preliminary design, the detailed design is to
be conducted. During the detailed design phase, the real wall
thickness, pad-eyes, air vent, and pipe work should be
determined carefully. The flowchart in Fig. 5 shows a
proposed preliminary design procedure of the buoyancy tank,
together with the sketch map.
BC Extemal Fonn


and Analysis 01'Pical Buoyancy Tank Riser Tensioner Systems

sketch; that is to say, the range of LID must be decided in

order to begin. len according to the required riser top
tension, th magnitude of the BT length and diameter can be

Tow factors are considered when determining the ratio of
the BT length to diameter:
Effect of LID on drag force;
Effect of LID on the BT weight.
A buoyancy tank is a large cylindrical structure exposed to
wave and current. The drag force can be calculated using
Morison equation:

2 VCDPlulu3i
=CD lulu.L=CDP lulu.D&
.. (4V )3


is the ratio of length to diameter L/D; CD the

drag efficient; V the olume of displaced water, which is

set to be a constant; and u the current velocity.

Introduce a factor and set its value to be

(4V )3

Then the relationship between the drag force and L/D can be
wnttn as

Drag force is correlated positively with L/D. As the BT

becomes slender, the whole drag force that it ndures


BC inner Confonnation


~"h~ ~ ~
Optimized BC

Weight is another index that should be studied when

determining th BT outer form , because BT weight
influences the riser TTF directly. Different bulkhead
numbers should be taken into account when studying the
variation of the weight. In the preliminary design phase , the
wall thickness of all BT structure elements can be set to
20mm, on which the weight study is based.
Compare the

variation end

of drag force and weight with

LID , and then a moderate range of L/D can be obtained.

lue ofBT length and diameter
Should the range of LID have been worked out, the value of
the BT length and diameter can be calculated according to
the riser system data.

Fig. 5 Buoyancy tank design flowchart

3.5.1 Main dimension determination

Having obtained the ncessary data for preliminary design
of the buoyancy tank, the frrst step is to determine the rough

The essential train of thought when calculating the value of

BT length and diameter is as follows:
1) Calculate the weight of the riser system on the basis of
ODB , and then derive the submerged weight of the vertical
nser plpe;

Journa/ 0/ Marine Science and App/i cation (2012) 11: 351-360

2) Calculate the required top tension according to the

assigned TTF;
3) Calculate the required net buoyancy in tenns of required
top tension, submerged weight of flexible jumper, tether
chain, and TRA. Meanwhile , the weight of ballasting water
is assumed, typically 30--6 0 t;
4) Estimate the volume of displaced water on the basis of
previous engineering experience (net buoyancy/ volume of
displaced water=0.3). Take a value om the moderate range
of LID , and calculate the magnitude of L and D;
5) Refine L and D. The principle of data processing is to
maintain or decrease the value of the diameter and increase
the value of BT lenh proving that the net buoyancy is
unchanged. Reason lies on the captivity limits of the plate
roller during fabrication.
6) Calculate the net buoyancy of BT with the refined value ,
and examine whether the top tension factor is satisfactory. If
so , the process of the main dimension determination is
finished; if not, take other values of L and D until it is


3.5.2 lnner cormation determination

Inner confonnation design should be launched if the main
dimensions of the buoyancy tank have been decided. Fig. 7
shows the typical BT inner confonnation.
The objective of the inner confonnation design is to
determine the number of compartments and the dimension
ofthe inner stem pipe.
The following studies should be conducted:
Effect of inner confonnation on BT weight;
Effect of inner confonnation on riser TTF;
Effect of inner confonnation on BT sength;
Balance should be taken between the above three indexes ,
and the riser TTF is always referred to the NO.l index.

The f1 0wchart in Fig. 6 shows the basic process of

determining th main dimension of the buoyancy tank.
Fig. 7 Typical BT inner conformation

If the main dimensions are determined, the inner
confonnation will be the main element that influences the
BT weight. An assumption that the wall thickness of all
sucture is 20 mm is still valid. Wh en studying the variation
of the weight, it is recommended that the structure elements
be included as completely as possible. Weight of pad-eyes
and gussets can be considered as a known parameter, and the
value can be taken according to previous project expnences.
For a buoyancy tank whos main dimensions have been
determined, the main varying weight comes om the
buleads stiffeners, and stem pipe. An experienced
coefficient of 30% should be used, thus taking the effect of
ballasting equipment and pipe work on the whole BT weight
into account, and also enabling the following TTF analysis
to be more precise.
Riser TTF
The bottom companent is ballasted when the buoyancy
tank is in place. Should one or more compartments or the
stem pipe be damaged, and the ballasting water not be able
to be pumped out immediately, the BT will lose part of its
buoyancy, thus lowering the riser TTF. Low TTF could
induce the whole riser system to be forced into a poor
response condition, even to induce the riser to collapse. So ,
it is necessary to optimize the compartments and the Stem
Pipe to maintain enough top tension even in the damaged
Fig. 6 Main dimension determination owchart
The following conditions should be checked in relation to
the riser top tension factor:


Zhuang Kang,


One compartment damaged;

Two compartments damaged;
Stem damaged;
One compartment and stem damaged simultaneously.

For buoyancy tanks with different innr conforrnation , the
ability to resist the outer load differs , The objective of
studying the effect of inner conforrnation on the BT strength
is to find the optimized number of compaments and the
dimension of Stem Pipe that works bes t. The finite element
method (FEA) method can be used, and the in-place and the
lifting condition should be treated.

el al. Design and Analysis ofpical Buoyancy Tank Riser Tensioner 'slems

Local analysis
The buoyancy tank is a complicated structure with local
details. To ensure the ength check covers the local
structural details, local FEA models must be developed for
finite e1 ement analysis purposes. This pad-eye's local model
inc1udes the following details:
Main piece;
Diaphragm stiffener;
Transition piece of cenal stem pipe;
Cheek plate;
The pin is used to transmit the uplift load to the pad-eye hole.

In the FEA model, the pin is set to be a rigid body, and one

4 Analysis method of buoyancy tank

quarter ofthe pad-eye hole is tied together with the pin.

4.1 Analysis objective

le global and local strength analysis must be perforrned to
confirrn that e design satisfies e acceptance criteria for
transportation, installation, and operation conditions , as
defmed in the load case max.

4.5 Load case matrix

le main load categories are considered for analysis as
b e1 ow:
Buoyancy tank in-place condition;
Onshore two-point lift conduction;
Buoyancy tank temporarily floating on the surface of

4.2 Analysis standards

Stress check
API-RP-2A, recommended practice for planning,
designing, and constructing fixed offshore platforrns working sess design, 2002.


load cases and the applied loads for the analysis are
sUflllllarized in Table 1.

Plate buckling

Table 1 Load case matrix

DNV-RP-C201 , bulking strength of plated structures,



Shell and column buckling

DNV-RP-C202 , buckling strength of shells , May 2002.
Tranportand 1ing

DNV rules for planning and execution of marine

4 .3 Analysis software
Different commercialized soware is available for deepwater
FSHR top buoyancy tank analysis. Primary analyses should
be conducted using e indusr-standard analysis soware
packages such as:
4.4 Computer modeling

Global analysis

fmite element model of the buoyancy tank for global

analysis for both in-place and lifting conditions should
include the following details:
Buoyancy tank outer shell;
Buoyancy tank inner stem pipe;
Bulkhead stiffeners;
Bottom pad-eye assembly.




f1 0ating on

water surface
Mass of structure
pressure (G)
pressure (G)
Intemal air/gas
pressure (G)
Froude Kry lov
forces (E)
Drag forces (E)
Added mass (E)
Inertia forces (E)
Crane lift loads


(G) Loads that wi11 not vy in magnitude, position or direction during
the period are considered.
(Q) Variable loads that may vary in magnitude , position or direction
during the period are considered, and ey are related to operations and
normal use of the buoyancy tank.
(E) Environmental loads at may v in magnitude , position or
direction during the period are considered , and they e related to
operations and normal use of buoyancy cans. Accidental loads are
related to abnormal operations or technical failure.
A general description of the loads and how they
mode1 is given in the following.



Journal 01 Marine Science and Application (2012) 11: 351-360

Considering that there is no vent pipe and other bal1ast
equipment in the FEA model, the gravity acceleration g can
no longer reflect the real load ndition so a modification
factor 17 must be taken. Bal1asting and pressurizing systems
and valves may be 30% ofthe steel Tank weight, therefore,


shel1 w il1 be that of the extemal hydrostatic pressure. Fig. 8

shows the way to apply the pressure to the buoyancy tank.
4.6 Strength check
strength check performed during the buoyancy tank
strength analysis is surnmarized in Table 2.


= =1.429

Table 2 Strength check contents



= g


gSC-lift =g17YD

where g =9.81 rn! S2 , and YD represents the lifting dynarnic

amplification factor.

The buoyancy lift-force provided by the individual buoyancy
compartment has been applied to the respective bulkhead. The
buoyancy lift force acting on the bulkhead is based on the
differential pressure seen over the bulkhead.
Pressure on stem pipe
If le complents are flooded , these companents w ilI be
fi l1ed with seawater and the surface of th outside stem in
these comparlents w il1 be subjected to hydrostatic pressure.
Ifthe complents are gassed up, the surfac of the outside
stem pipe in these compents wi l1 be subjected different
gas pressure which equaIs the hydrostatic pressure at the
seawater level of each lower end of the complent vent













5 Design and analysis instance

A design and analysis instance is established based on the
method mentioned above to verify its applicability and
validity. le target oil field is located in wtst Aica with a
depth of 1 500 The distance om the top of buoyancy
tank to the sea leve1 is designed to be 70 m.

In terms of e data supplied in the DBD , and corresponding

parameters are calculated as fo l1ows:
Table 3 Parameters calculated from DBD




Submerged weight of vertical riser

Submerged weight of flexible jumper
(one third oftotallength)
Weight ofTRA
Weight oftether chain

3 1. 81

le fo l1owing figures show the pt of sensitive study results

when conducting th BT prelirninary design.

sensitive study, the main conc1usions are drawn as

fo l1ows:
1) When the ratio of BT length to the diameter (LID) is 4-6,
e BT weight and the drag force comprornised.
2) For the intact in-place condition, when the BT is divided
into 10 comptrnene riser TTF w il1 reach the maximum
3) When the number of compartments is 10, top tension factor
cus for Stem damaged condition and one companent
damaged condition intersect at the point where the ratio of the
Stem OD to shel1 OD is just 0.3. The case is the same for
when one comptrnent and the stem ae damaged and when
two comptrnents are damaged.
h le

Fig. 8 Buoyancy tank inner gas pressure and outer hydro


Pressure on shell
In any compartment, the pressure acting on the surface of the
inside shel1 is the same as the pressure acting on the surface of
the outside stem pipe.le extemal pressure acting on the


Zhuang Kang, et al.

The final optimized BT dsign result for the West Aica

Ratio of BT length to diameter - 4 .42;
No. of compartments - 10;
Ratio ofthe stem OD to shell OD - 0.308.
The main parameters of the designed buoyancy tank are listed
in Table 4.



.\\-' 14 l:l ulk.


16 l:l ulk.


LmJ 20

2 q8b

1. 5
1. 0

o ~?
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28


Ratio of length to diameter

Fig. 9 Effect of L /D on BT weight and drag force


and Analysis oj:pical Buoyancy Tank Riser Tensioner Istems

Basic configuration of the designed buoyancy tank is shown

Global and local strength analysis is conducted for both
in-place and two-point liing conditions. Following are some
typical analysis contours.
Table 4 Main parameters of buoyancy tank




1. 6

.9 1. 5

BT lengthlm


Weight of displaced water/t


Weight ofBT/t



1. 74

No. of compartments


TTF under in-place condition

1. 724

TTF under one comptment damaged

TTF under two comptments damaged



1.1 97

TTF under stem damaged condition

1.3 07

TTF under one complent and stem

damaged condition

1. 010



E 12
1. 0





8 10 12 14
No. of compartments





- d lD= 0.30


l";l~~;i!" ; c.l!;l""J";.r;;;r;l;J:.tJ

- - d /D=0.50

Fig. 10 TTF Variation with the number of compartments

under different load cases

Fig. 12 Buoyancy tank configuration


1. 8
1. 7

One C. damaged

.8 1. 5






Ralio ofstem OD 10 shell OD


-- 12
Fig. 11 TTF variation with stem dimensions under different
load cases (for 10-12 compartments)

--- 10

Fig. 13 Mises contour in global strength analysis under

in-place condition

Journal 01 Marine Science and Application (2012) 11: 351-360


6 Conclusions

design 'Of a deepwater FSHR t 'Op bu 'Oyancy tank is a

c'Omplicated pr'O cess, inv'O lving size 'Optimizati'On and
redundancy f'Or l'O ss 'O f 'One 'Or m 'Ore chambers, al'Ong with the
leve1 restricti 'On of fabrication and transportation.'hrough e
study in this paper, when the ratio 'O f BT len1 to the
diameter (LID) is 4-6, the BT weight and the drag f'Orce are
compromised. For the intact in-place condition, when the BT
is divided into 10 c'Ompanen the riser TTF w i11 reach the
maximum value. And the ratio 'O f the stem OD t'O shell OD is
about 0.3.

Fig. 14 Bulkhead stress contour under in-place condition

The preliminary design meth'O dology of a buoyancy tank was

discussed and proposed. Some useful parneters were
extracted. The way t'O determine the 'Outer form and inner
configuration was investigated in detai l. An analysis meth'O d
was inoduced t'Ogether with the load case matrix and check
experimnt was also conducted to veri the applicability
and validity ofthe proposed methodology.



Fig. 15 SheU stress contour under lifting condition

Fig. 16 Pad-eye local analysis model

Fig. 17 Pad-eye local analysis results

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Zhuang Kang, et al. Design and Analysis ofTypical Buoyancy Tank Riser Tensioner 'stems


Zhuang Kang was bom in 1978. He is an

asso professor the DW Research and I


University. His current research focuses on the i

analysis of riser vortex induced vibration and the
experimentation of offshore structures.

Lusheng Jia was bom in 1986. He is a graduate

student at the Deepwater Research and Engineering
Center, Harbin Engineering University. His current
focus is desi and analysis of hore riser

Wenzhou Liang was bom in 1986. He is a

graduate student at the Deepwater Research and
University. His current focus is analysis of offshore

Liping Sun was born in 1962. She is a professor at

Engineering University. Her current
research interests include deepwater technology


The 28th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies


Marseille , France, 7-10 April 2013

The Intemational Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies is an annual meeting of engineers and scientists with a particular
interest in water waves and their effects on floating and submerged bodies. In the organization and conduct of the Workshop ,
particular emphasis is given to the participation ofyounger researchers, interdisciplinary discussion between engineers and scientists ,
and the presentation ofpreliminary work before it is published elsewhere.
Since its inception, the Workshop has grown from strength to strength and annually brings together marine hydrodynamicis naval
architects , offshore and arctic engineers and other scientists and mathematicians , to discuss current rsearch and practical problems.
Artendance is restricted to the authors of submirted extended absacts that are reviewed for acceptance by a small commirtee. The
Proceedings of each Workshop include Introductions with background information, copies of the extended abstracts , and recorded
discussions , all posted here under the page for each Workshop.
The success of the Workshops is due not only to the dedication of the participants , but also to the efforts of the hos t/organizers for
each event and to the financial support of many govemment and industrial sponsors. These organizations and people are identified in
each Introduction. Special sessions have been organized at some Workshops to honor individuals who have participated in the
Workshops , as well as some mentors who predated the Workshops.
The IWWWFB was initiated by Professor D. V. Evans (University ofBristol) and Professor J. N. Newman (MIT) following informal
meetings between their research groups in 1984. First intended to promote communications between workers in the UK and the USA ,
the interest and participation quickly spread to include researchers om many other countries.The first Workshops evolved om
meetings of the Analytical Ship-Wave Relations Panel (H5) of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. These were
held in the United States, but frequently artended by visitors from other countries. The Introductions to IWWWFB20 (2005) and
IWWWFB21 (2006) include personal anecdotes by Professors Evans and Newman regarding the historical background of th

http://www.iwwwfb.orgldefault. htm

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