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CISAK 2013 C3/P/29

Indonesia Young Sociopreneurs (INYES) Program:

Entrepreneurial Character Development Based on
Local Economics Wisdom
Ade Suyitno1 and Erna Yulianti2

Student of Economic Education Department, Indonesia University of Education

Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi, No. 229 Bandung Indonesia

Student of English Education Department, Indonesia University of Education

Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi, No 229 Bandung Indonesia

Abstract. There are many social problems with different reasons in Indonesia. Most of the social problemsare caused by economic
and geography factors. A crucial problem in Indonesia is the problem of unemployment and poverty. Slow handling of these issues
will affect negative impact in crimes, homelessness and unproductive culture. Those social problems should be solved fast by the
government and all of the stakeholders who are responsibility of it. The social problems should be given in the near future settlement
especially Indonesia goes into the era of the single market with the introduction of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). One of
the solutions to overcome this problem is through the development of social entrepreneurship because entrepreneurship will create the
nation's independence and new jobs through optimization of the potential that exists in the community to be a resource-based business
social entreprise. Where the purpose of this paper is to describe the development of young entrepreneurs with a triple helix
approach. This development program will be optimized to work with the synergy between the parties of triple helix that is academic,
business, and government. In this research paper, writer tries to formulate an entrepreneurial development program through the
Indonesian Young Sociopreneur (INYES) program in stimulating entrepreneurship and print-based character education and social
problem with the actualization of the economic values of local wisdom to lift the local potential and productivity of the society.
Keywords: Sociopreneur, INYES Program

The most crucial social issues in Indonesia is unemployment
and poverty. Social problems in Indonesia vary and theyhave
different factors and reasons behind them. But in general, many
of the social problems are caused by economic and geography
factors. This is because it views the economic conditions of our
country, as well as from the point of view of the geography of
the population in Indonesia which continues to increase and not
accompanied by an increase in the quality of human resources
Based on the data from Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS,
2012) showed that the unemployment rate by education level
attained in Indonesia reached 7,244,956 people. Which is
dominated by the number of university graduates 438,210 people,
Diploma 196,780 people, SMTA (General and Vocational)
2,873,374 people. It is quite ironic considering all the educated
young generation becoming a burden and contributing to the
high unemployment rate in Indonesia [1].
Indonesia is included in the three countries with the largest
population that shows high rates of poverty and unemployment.

According to Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the World

Bank, Indonesia is one of the poor Muslim countries. CBS Data,
the number of poor people in Indonesia in 2012 reached 29.88
million, while in the World Bank is much larger, reaching
102.45 million [2].
This unemployment problem should be solved immediately
because of the amount of high unemployment will impact on the
increasing rate of poverty in Indonesia. Poverty will affect on the
quality of health and public education. The future development
of this nation cannot be separated from the qualities of healthy
and intelligent of this countrys generations.
One of the solutions to overcome this problem is through
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship will not only create the
nation's independence but also it can provide many fields of new
jobs. According to the Ministry of Small and Medium
Enterprises alerts and Cooperatives, entrepreneurs in Indonesia
in 2012 is only 1.56% of total population, it means that only 3.74
million of 240 million Indonesian people. So that it need 1,06
million people or 2% of Indonesia total population to become
new entrepreneurs as a minimum to compensate on competition

CISAK 2013 C3/P/29

of ASEAN China Free Trade Agremment(ACFTA) and to face

AEC era on 2015 [3].
Based on the above problems, the author trying to provide
alternative solutions to the social problems related to economic
factors through a program that will accommodate the academics
and the public with a triple helix approach. In this study the
authors raised the title "Indonesian Young Sociopreneur (INYES)

Santoso (2011:53), defines social entrepreneurship
(Sociopreneur) as a discipline of science that combines
business intelligence, innovation, and determination to move
forward. Social entrepreneurs look at problems as an
opportunity to establish a new business model which will be
benefit in the surrounding community empowerment. The
results that will be achieved are not only about material profit
or customer satisfaction, but rather how the proposed idea can
give a positive impact for the community. Those entrepreneurs
are like people who are saving because their effort and
process will require a long time to show the result
[4]. According to Martin and Osberg (2007), the differences
between individual and social entrepreneurship lies in the
mechanism. Entrepreneurship is the individual mechanisms to
anticipate and organize markets to function produces products
and services as well as profit for the entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurship education is the whole set of
education and training activities (within the educational
system or not) that try to develop the intention of participants in
the entrepreneurial behaviors to perform, or some of the
elements that can affect the intention, such as entrepreneurial
knowledge, desirability of the entrepreneurial activity, or its
feasibility [6].
Triple Helix is a model that introduced by Etzkowitz
and Leydersdorff. This model emphasized on the role and the
close relationship between the three actors; the
government, industry and universities (academics). Universities
(academics) can be a leader of innovation in the knowledgebased economy, while the NIS (National Innovation System)
emphasized the importance of the company's role innovation
[7]. This model can also give an over view of the coordinates of
the symbiosis (slices) of each element. In the triple helix, each
element is a stand-alone entity, have their respective role seven
though they work together and support one another

This study is a descriptive research with a qualitative
approach. The search procedures produce descriptive data such
as written words from the people are observed and it
is supported by literature or literature study based on a literature
review of data and number, so that the reality can be well
understood [8]. This research was designed to analyze the
poverty problem in Indonesia based on local economic potential
with the continuous development of social entrepreneurship. In
the process of problem analysis, the authors try to draw each

core of any problems that are customized for the study area and
then drawn conclusions in solving solutions.

Ongoing effort with the concept of social entrepreneurship
will not give "Trickle Down Effect" for society both in economic
and social terms. This effort synergistically through the role of
academicians, practitioners, regional government and
community leaders in developing Indonesian Young
Sociopreneurs (INYES) program; the development based on
local potential through optimizing the potential of the local arts
and crafts areas which can be marketed in tourism sales centers
throughout Indonesia. "INYES" program is designed to have
several advantages in its program in order to focus on the goals
to be achieved. Feature on the program really want to provide a
sustainable entrepreneurial education as an effort to reduce the
number of unemployment of university graduates and youth in
the community.
Its program outcomes are:
1) Cultivate new entrepreneurs based on local wisdom and soci
al values. The program which is design with the triple helix
approach will integrate between academics, business and go
vernment in a work.
2) Raise the potential of the local economy. This program com
bines entrepreneurship and social (Sociopreneur) to solve th
e social problems that exist in their local communities and t
he potential to become a social business optimally.
3) Provide equal opportunities for all students and talented coll
ege into INYES program to become an independent entrepre
4) It is not only on the creation of business-oriented, but also tr
ain the soft-skills of students and non-student youth involve
d, so if they prefer not to set up their own business, they've
got enough self-development training.

Indonesia is rich with local peculiarities that can be
developed such as arts, culture and heritage. It is a great
potential in set out all of cultures on young people and develop
creative industry to have global competitiveness in the face of
ACFTA and AEC in 2015. Based on empirical studies, it was
found that the areas which have a high creative power are areas
that have a social dynamic with a high level of tolerance. Social
tolerance is a major factor in creating a creative climate that can
foster innovation. The model (figure 1) will describe the
developing entrepreneurial activities based on social and local
wisdom as sociopreneur. The foundation in this model is
makingcreative young entrepreneurs based local wisdom with
the triple helix approach.

CISAK 2013 C3/P/29

4) Implementation (assist entrepreneurs in running their

businesses). Assisting entrepreneursin implementing the
plans that have been drawn. Enterpreneurs bussinesses are
solutions when entrepreneurs face obstacles and problems.
5) Evaluation (an assessment of the performance achieved by
creative entrepreneur). Eemployers look for the cause of the
deviation from the target business to be achieved. Evaluate
all of the mistakes that ocurs in process of running a

Fig.1. Model of Developing Entrepreneurial Character Based on Local Wisdom

and Social Problems
Source: Authors, 2013

The model above shows that academics have some

functions as executor, researcher and intermediary between the
tree stakeholders in this model (government, businessmen and
the other academicians). Here are the explanations of each role:
Academics, performing transferring knowledge of
information, technologies, researches, and efforts to apply some
theories in the field through soft skills training to young creative
entrepreneurs. Participate on increasing amount (quantity) and
quality of human resources of young sociopreneurs to contribute
in the developing of creative industry.
Business, creator, as the center of excellence from product
creator and creative service, create new markets that can absorb
products and services that are produced, as well as job creation
for creative individuals or individuals other support and help
financially through CSR program.
Government, creating business climate to start and execute,
which include: national administration system, infrastructure,
policies. Supporting financial institution to support new creative
entrepreneur over banking system, company CSR, and
optimization of people business credit (PBC).
The next stage of the process towards the implementation of
the mentoring program is an independent social enterprise with
local wisdom based approach ABG Triple helix, as in fact is the
following form appropriate flow chart:
1) Identifying local potential, the role of intellectual academics
encourage research activities and community service where
the results as a reference to look at the problem and the
potential of an area.
2) Planning (helping entrepreneurs creating a business plan and
action plan), organised by the government, academics and
businessmen to assist in making a measurable business
planning and prospective. Stimulate the participants to think
and be creative, innovative and original based on local
wisdom as typical products. Helping entrepreneurs and
creative entrepreneurs in preparing a plan (action plan) and
future business goals are measurable, effective, and fair.
3) Training. Managerial training in business, financial and
business leadership. In this global era should invest
marketing management skills through the medium of

The Efforts to develop characters of young entrepreneurs is

through a social entrepreneurship which based on local
economics wisdom. An integrated way through the role of
academic, culturalist, creative people and businessman
community in an sociopreneurship education will make it run.
The potential of education as an agent of constructive
improvement of the society becomes a reality. It not only
develops youth's intellectuals as agents of change in the nation
but also to develop the characteristics in the young generation
who will build nation better.
Education of characters in sociopreneurship's field which is
integrated by the triple helix model through INYES Program
will develop enterpreneurs which based on social and economics
local. Furthermore, integrated system between OVOP program
and extracurricular activities of college students will increase
knowledge's student which will be applied on craft development
(culture form). It will develops creativities and independence of
the young generation to face of global economic era based on
local competitive advantages. The examples of local products
that could be developed in international markets are batik,
applications, architectural Indonesian culture, performing arts
and many more.

INYES Program is to foster the idea that entrepreneurship
development based sociopreneur and local wisdom. It will
contribute to addressing social problems. The presence of
INYES in the AEC challenge is not only to improve the
competitiveness of domestic enterprises in quality and quantity
but also to contribute in the development and empowerment of
local communities through education and entrepreneurial
potential. Integrated systems of INYES in the development of
the entrepreneurial researcher through an intermediary to
synergize between the triple helix; academic, business, and
government will succeed in this program. So INYES through its
sociopreneur is the solution in tackling social problems in
Indonesia and performance efforts to increase competitiveness in
the face of AEC Indonesia 2015.
INYES Program is to foster the idea that entrepreneurship
development based sociopreneur and local wisdom that
contribute to addressing social problems. INYES presence in the
AEC challenge, not only to improve the competitiveness of
domestic enterprises through developing of entrepreneur quality
and quantity but also contribute to the development and
empowerment of local communities through education and

CISAK 2013 C3/P/29

entrepreneurial potential. Absence of integrated systems in the

development of the entrepreneurial researcher and INYES
through an intermediary to synergize between the triple helix
that is academic, business, and government will succeed in this
program. So, INYES through its sociopreneur is the solution in
tackling social problems in Indonesia and preformance efforts to
increase competitiveness in the face of AEC Indonesia 2015.





Young creative entrepreneur has great potential in the

Indonesian economy. Thus, the necessary role of all elements of
the nation in supporting the development of creative young
entrepreneurs in future integrated under one umbrella called
TRIPLE HELIX coordination ABG (Academics, Business,
Government). Three parties are instrumental in the development
of young creative entrepreneurs based on local wisdom. To
support this program a few things we ask as suggestions or
solutions that might be considered by the parties to support the
success of this model:
1) It is necessary to establish a business incubator organization
hierarchically shelter under department / agency or SMEs jo
int venture / joint operations between government and the pr
ivate / professional, the legal entity enterprises, PT, or coope
rative, and has a network to the regions. The institute is expe
cted to present a comprehensive range of solutions over the
obstacles faced by young creative entrepreneurship.
2) Colleges and professional institutions (management consulti
ng and business) should ideally act as agent of expertise for
SMEs, which scored its graduates to be educated and equipp
ed with managerial knowledge about science and creative y
oung entrepreneurs.


This model of social entrepreneurship education becoming
the input for the government to immediately implement
entrepreneurship education and holistic integration ranging from
various levels of education toward the goal of National
Education has been set. Internationally, to transfer technology
from developed countries and from scholars who are outside of
the country to accelerate growth of new entrepreneurial
technology-based. This model can also be used in Indonesia and
International based social entrepreneurship to develop the
economic potential of each local region.

With the completion of this paper, the authors would like to
thanks to :
1. UKM LEPPIM UPI as a center of students research
institute which has developed competence of scientific
writing of authors.
2. Various sources of references that have been reference
literature for authors.

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