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Um vdeo se tornou viral nos Estados Unidos mostrando mais um pastor famoso sendo

repreendido. Ms passado, seis homens foram presos depois de chamar Joel Osteen de
mentiroso . Desta vez, um homem natural da Esccia, alegando ser um profeta enviado
por Deus, interrompeu o culto da igreja Grace to You, liderada pelo pastor John
MacArthur. Seu nome no foi revelado, mas o vdeo mostra que ele traz uma repreenso p
elo fato de McArthur defender cessacionismo. Essa doutrina afirma que os dons do
Esprito Santo mencionados na Bblia cessaram com os apstolos. McArthur um grande crt
ico do movimento pentecostal, tendo escrito livros e pregado continuamente sobre
o assunto. Do plpito, o pastor ouviu a repreenso em silncio. Enquanto os seguranas
da igreja tiravam o homem da nave, ele continuou a chamar o pregador ao arrepend
imento. Em seguida, o pastor MacArthur, respondeu com bom humor, assegurando aos
congregantes que a equipe de segurana iria lidar com o intruso com gentileza. Ta
mbm ele explicou que, de acordo com 1 Corntios 14, o esprito est sujeito ao profeta.
Logo, se aquele homem fosse um profeta verdadeiro, no teria se comportado daquel
a maneira. Limitou-se a dizer que aquela era uma situao triste e que no era a primeir
a vez que algo semelhante ocorria. O incidente acabou virando motivo de piada na
s redes sociais, mas tocou num ponto crucial da teologia. Vrios telogos pentecosta
is criticaram a deciso do profeta escocs de se manifestar desta forma, mas insistem
que se McArthur estivesse certo as igrejas pentecostais no seriam as que mais cre
scem no mundo. Tambm lembraram que a maioria das igrejas que negam os dons do Espr
ito Santo na atualidade abraaram a teologia liberal, que inclui a aceitao da homoss
exualidade. Ainda que tenha lidado com o profeta que invadiu o culto com humor e
pacincia, em seus escritos, MacArthur sempre usou uma forma contundente e at agre
ssiva. Por isso chamado de divisionista, uma vez que ridiculariza e condena seus
irmos pentecostais. Com informaes Charisma News [2]

Agora pergunto: Porque esto chamando o homem de falso profeta????? S disse a verda
de! S porque John MacArthur???? Ele por acaso perfeito? Gosto de algumas pregaes de
le sim. Mas isso que houve deveria ser ouvido sim. Espero que estes seguranas no t
enham batido no homem. No crer nos dons do E.Santo se o prprio Jesus nos disse que
se crermos faramos as mesmas obras do que Ele e at maiores. Jo 14.12

Bom, se foi isso que voc foi ministrado "OK" mas os profetas do antigo testamento
eram sempre tachados como os perturbadores de alma, aqueles que traziam o peso,
o julgo do Senhor e quando Deus mandava eles irem, iam independente de como e o
nde fosse. No sou a favor do cessacionismo, isso pra mim, tem um nome "heresia".
Temos mesmo que se converter a Palavra de Deus e aprender a ler e pedir auxilio
do Espirito Santo para interpretar as escrituras.

Man Confronts John MacArthur

A Scottish-sounding man rebuked John MacArthur in a church meeting, telling him

that he had grieved the Holy Spirit of God, that his doctrine of cessation was i

n error, and that he'd been sent to tell him that.

Is it wrong to give out a prophetic message in a church meeting?
Does the Bible teach that we are to allow prophets to speak in church (e.g. I Co
rinthians 14)? Or does it say that we must only have one sermon (the book of Opi
nions, oops, that's not in the Bible.)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------I had to give this a thumbs up simply because it is original and on a topic that
I had no knowledge of. As well, I enjoyed hearing your input.
It would be helpful though if you could provide a link to a video that shows wha
t was said.
I found two videos on youtube. One gives a better view and take on what the so c
alled prophet said while the second is extended with some of MacArthurs and the
congregations reaction.
The one with MacArthurs reaction is entitled: Man rebukes John MacArthur.
Also of note is a 2 pt sermon of MacArthur's on youtube entitled: Confronting Er
ror with Condemnation, Not Conversation, Part 1 (John MacArthur)
Regarding 2 tim - I'd like to point out that it also does not define scripture a
s the 66 books of the protestant bible.
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TheYouthInChrist 4 dias atrs
Maybe God did sent the guy to rebuke them. Perhaps he had already tried through
other means to approach Mccarthur in regards to this subject and he did not heed
the voice of the Lord. So he sent somebody to rebuke him openly. Open rebuke is
better than hidden love concealed. If Mccarthur teaches that the holy Spirit is
not being poured out today and that he doesn't believe in the gifts of the Spir
it. He probably hasn't been filled himself. He needs to be born again.
Lika1414 1 segundo atrs
+TheYouthInChrist Big words! God bless you!

Judah Yehuda 4 dias atrs (editado)

I am not saying this is right...But this is only my opinion, I hope it makes sen
se. I do not judge anyone but this verse may help. God Bless everyone!
Matt 18:15-18
15 " If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens t
o you, you have won your brother. 16 "But if he does not listen to you, take on
e or two more with you, so thatBY THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES EVERY FACT
MAY BE CONFIRMED. 17 "If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church;
and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile a
nd a tax collector.
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Randal Deese 4 dias atrs
This video was an excellent summary of the issues. Good job! Those who do not be
lieve that the gifts of the Spirit are available today undermine Scriptural auth
ority. They place conjecture, half baked inferences, and personal experience abo
ve the very clear written texts. For all practical purposes, they should be cons

idered liberals - after all, they both ignore passages they disagree with...
Len Hummel 4 dias atrs
First of all, my wife and I have felt A LOT OF GRIEF IN THE HOLY SPIRIT the past
few weeks over the great (and ungodly) divisions over the baptism of the Holy S
pirit, tongues, and gifts. I understand John MacArthur (who I respect as a pasto
r and bible teacher) DENIES the giftings and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. this is a grave error and I AM CERTAIN the Holy Spirit is much grieved over thi
s situation. - especially being as we are all moving into an accelerated time of
Judgment and chastening from the LORD. THE HOLY SPIRIT is truly grieved over th
e "doctrine" of cessation-ism. especially the almost mocking attitudes of variou
s baptists and others also who speak AGAINST the power & the giftings of the Hol
y Spirit.
Secondly, I do not know whether this man who confronted Dr.MacArthur is an actua
l prophet but my best guess is that
1) he had spoken to Pastor MacArthur on more than one occasion about this issue,
2) he clearly felt COMPELLED to confront this man publicly because of the seriou
sness of the divisions over this vital issue. TO DENY the power, anointing, infi
lling, and the giftings of THE HOLY SPIRIT is a very serious thing in the sight
of GOD. PRAY for both of these men. I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW that the Holy
Spirit is grieved over all these unnecessary and ungody divisions in the Body o
f Christ.
Here is what I have been known to tell my baptist pastor friends who stop by eve
ry now and then and sometimes discuss this issue: "BEWARE of mocking or speaking
against THE POWER & REALITY & GIFTINGS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. - it's dangerous to
do so: especially if you say, "it is of the devil", or mock Christians who speak
in tongues. IT'S VERY dangerous territory to do that kind of thing, even privat
ely, let alone publicly." ... Just saying.
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Lika1414 1 segundo atrs
+Len Hummel
You speak the truth! God greatly bless you and your wife!

LAUNIE MARTIN 5 dias atrs

What the screaming man was trying to say is that the gifts of tongues, healings,
etc are still in affect today; clearly confused. Scripture is clear (IF read c
orrectly and per dispensational understanding) those gifts were given to those d
uring the transition of "acts" from Peter to Paul. Early is Paul's career he ha
d some gifts, but then something happened, towards the end of Paul's teachings h
e asked GOD to heal him, and GOD said NO, that his grace was sufficient. The gi
fts had ceased during the dispensation of the disciples, the ministry of Jesus w
hile he walked the earth....those gifts served a purpose, to convince Israel tha
t their Messiah was indeed amongst them, but they failed to see the truth. Afte
r Jesus ascended, there was no longer any need for the gifts, the dispensation h
ad ceased, and the NEW dispensation of grace, the mystery, the church began. SO
, the person that lost his mind was clearly in error and confused, most likely a
part of some anti-macarthur campaign; satan's children in full force during the
end times. We'll be seeing more and more of this as we approach the rapture.
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TheYouthInChrist 4 dias atrs

Your statement is not fully supported by scripture. No where in scripture it sa

ys that there was a New dispension of grace after the apostles where the gifts o
f the Spirit ceased. The Holy Spirit is still being poured out today and so are
his gifts.In the last days saith God; I will pour out my Spirit upon All flesh,
and your Sons and Daughters shall Prophesy. The gift are not just nessesarly to
convince the world. The gifts are for the building up of the body of s
ays it in Ephesians. If you have not received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and
Fire. I would admonish you to seek The Lord and ask him to Fill you. Because wit
hout his Spirit in us, we don't belong to him. (Romans 8:9).

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