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Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin.

Psalm 51: 2 NLT

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from
all wickedness.
1 John 1:9 NLT

No$ce how the verses above talk about washing and cleansing. Today, we will talk about how the
Word of God can clean us up from the inside out.

Just like we use SOAP to clean our bodies, we can use S.O.A.P. to clean our hearts. Many people
have experienced an amazing transforma$on in their thought paGerns, aHtudes, and behavior,
simply by prac$cing this habit of using S.O.A.P daily:

Having your Bible laying around the house wont change you, much like buying soap bars wont
clean you automa$cally. Youve got to break open that wrapper and start using it. So everyday,
Open your Bible and start reading SCRIPTURE.

You can follow a Yearly Bible Reading plan (there are many online) or perhaps you can begin with
the book of Proverbs. Its simple. (For example, its March 20, so you read Proverbs Chap.20 that



You will no$ce that as you read, certain verses seem to jump at you.

Underline/ Highlight and take note of those verses that have an impact on you. These are the
verses that speak to your heart that day. (Some days youll have many, some days just 1 or 2).

Use a journal to record the verses and your observa$ons.



Ask the Holy Spirit: What are you teaching me from Gods word today?



How can I apply in my life what Im learning ?



Write down what God tells you.




In your own words, write a simple prayer based on what you just learned, then ask God for the
power to apply these truths in your life.

In conclusion:

Think about ita bar of SOAP. Such a small thing but it can clean and refresh and revitalized any
person of any size, of any dirt, of any age. Especially when used daily!

Now think about the impact of your spiritual S.O.A.P.

Imagine the power of Gods Word when read & applied everyday! It will break wrong mindsets,
arm how valuable you are, improve rela$onships, give you wisdom for school or work, most of
all awaken your heart to how deeply God loves you that he sent Jesus to be your Savior, and the
washer of your sins.



Try S.O.A.P today and make it a habit for life. : )

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and
night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is wriHen in it. For then you will
make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Joshua 1:8 (ESV)

Dear Heavenly Father,

There are so many things that need cleaning up in me and I cant do it on my own.

I need wisdom in so many areas of my life. I need the power of your words and your Holy Spirit
to come and help me.

Give me the daily desire to read Scripture, because it is reading your wisdom that will radically
improve my life, more than the daily reading of my text messages, email, or the internet.

As I read my Bible daily, please open my eyes to your teachings and how I can apply it in my life.
I ask your Holy Spirit to guide me, give me a willing heart and the discipline to obey you.

Thank you for the changes and breakthroughs you have prepared for me.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
Jeremiah 10:12

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