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This FAQ is copyrighted (c) by Jarrod Garripoli. You can e-mail me at

mastervgamer782 (at) hotmail (dot) com
This guide is for private and personal use only. No part or whole of this
document shall be reproduced in any form whatsoever. This document is free and
may not be used for any commercial uses. This document may not be altered
without permission from the author.
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have trouble reading it, I will discard it very quickly. I don't have much time
in trying to decipher what you're trying to say. Also, please see if your
question is answered in the guide before e-mailing me about it. That's all I ask
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A search system has been implemented to help you find a mission easier. Hit CTRL
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to it.
I. Introduction
II. Gameplay Mechanics
III. Shu Story Mode
1. Yellow Turban Rebellion
2. Battle of Hulao Gate
3. Defense of Xu Province
3-X. Disturbance at Guandu
4. Battle of Xinye
5. Battle of Changban
6. Battle of Chibi
7. Battle of Chengdu
8. Battle of Mt. Dingjun

9. Battle of Fan Castle

10H. Battle of Yiling
11H. Battle of Tianshui
12H. Battle of Jieting
12H-X. Battle Chencang
13H. Battle of the Wuzhang Plains
9W. Battle of Fan Castle
10W. Battle of Lukou
11W. Ambush at Chang'an
11W-X. Pacification of Nanzhong
12W. Invasion of Luoyang
13W. Capture of Wei
IV. Wei Story Mode
1. Escape from Luoyang
2. Battle of Hulao Gate
3. Battle of Yan Province
4. Battle of Xu Province
4-X. Battle of Puyang
5. Imperial Escort
6. Battle of Wan Castle
6-X. Battle of Xiapi
7. Battle of Guandu
8. Battle of Mt. Bailang
9. Battle of Xinye
10. Battle of Chibi
11H. Battle of Tong Gate
12H. Battle of Hefei
13H. Battle of Mt. Dingjun
14H. Battle of Fan Castle
10W. Battle of Chibi
11W. Campaign for Jianye
12W. Uprising at Xuchang
13W. Pursuit at Nanjun
14W. Battle of Baidi Castle
V. Wu Story Mode
1. Battle of Xiangyang
1-X. Battle of Liang Province
2. Conquest of Wujun
3. The Little Conquerer in Peril
3-X. Defeat Gan Ji
4. Battle of Chibi
5. Battle of Nanjun
6. Battle of Jing Province
7. Battle of Hefei
8H. Battle of Ruxukou
9H. Battle of Fan Castle
10H. Battle of Yiling
10H-X. Battle of Guangling
11H. Battle of Shiting
12H. Battle of He Fei Castle
7W. Battle of Hefei
8W. Pursuit at Shouchun
9W. Defense of Jiangxia
9W-X. Assault at Xinye
10W. Battle of Runan
11W. Assault on Xuchang
VI. Jin Story Mode
1. Pursuit at Wuzhang Plains
2. Battle of Xiangping
3. Battle of Mt. Xingshi



4. Coup d'etat
4-X. Xiahou Ba's Journey
5. East Gates Battle
5-X. Battle of New Hefei Castle
6. Battle of Mt. Tielong
7. Guanqiu Jian and Wen Qin's Rebellion
8. Battle of Xuchang
9H. Zhuge Dan's Rebellion
10H. Wei Emperor's Last Stand
11H. Battle of Taoyang
12H. Battle of Jiange
13H. Battle of Chengdu
8W. Battle of Xuchang
9W. Capture of Chengdu
9W-X. Defeat the Rebels
10W. Battle of Jianye
11W. Defend Chengdu
12W. Final Conflict at Chibi
Others Story Mode
1. Yellow Turban Conflict
2. Eliminate Dong Zhuo
3. Chase at Hulao Gate
4. Xiapi Defensive Battle
5. Skirmish at Guandu
6. Nanzhong Rescue Mission
7. Phantoms of Xuchang
8. Rescue at Baidi Castle
Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to my Dynasty Warriors 8 Walkthrough, which will cover every stage that
is included in all of the story modes for Shu, Wei, Wu, Jin and the Others
characters. It's hard to believe that this is the eighth main title in the
series (7th with the beat-em-up style), and it still feels like fun!
The Story Mode in the game functions similar to the one in Dynasty Warriors 7,
except that you get to choose from multiple characters instead of being forced
to use only one. Also, the way the battles are set up is that they will be
played out differently depending on the character used. If it is a huge change,
then it's mentioned, but a lot of the battles are very similar and only one
walkthrough will be listed.
This Walkthrough will attempt to guide you on getting all of the optional
objectives (Hypothetical) on the battles in the game. These are marked with
stars when you go to select a stage during Story Mode. There is a certain battle
in every Story Mode where it is split into a Historical branch and a
Hypothetical branch. To unlock the Hypothetical branch, you must fulfill all of
the conditions for the starsfor the stages prior to the one that marks the

The only Story Mode that functions differently is Others, which are nothing but
singular stages for the characters involved with them. To unlock them, you need
to complete a specific stage in one of the other Story Modes.

If you have never played a Dynasty Warriors-style game before, it is a thirdperson hack-n-slash title that pits your character against thousands of enemy
troops. Stages are usually set up as two factions fighting each other, with the
typical victory condition being to defeat the enemy commander, and the usual
defeat condition is either your own defeat or your commander's defeat.
This game adopts the EX weapon system that was introduced in Dynasty Warriors 7.
Every character, of which there are now a combined total of 77, has their own
unique weapon. Every officer can use two weapons that can be switched with the
press of a button while in combat.
=======| STORY MODE |
Story Mode in Dynasty Warriors 8 functions the same way as in the previous
titles, with each faction/kingdom having its own story. New to the game is WhatIf scenarios, which act out different outcomes depending on if specific officers
live or die. These are generally triggered by doing specific actions during
previous battles, and will unlock extra stages or have officers for use in later
battles. Also, each story mode, except for Others, have two different endings,
one for the historical setting and one for the What-If scenario.
Ambition Mode is a new mode in the game where you are a nobody officer and must
build up a town to the point where the Tongquetai Tower is constructed to bring
the Emperor to your town. There are three different kinds of battles for this
mode, which are Great Battles (used for recruiting new officers), Unconventional
Battles (good for increasing your fame), and Endless Skirmishes (used for
gathering materials to build up your town).
You can fight in consecutive battles to increase your rewards, but the battles
get progressively more difficult and if you lose, then you will lose all of the
gold and EXP you have earned up to that point. There are over 700 potential
allies you can recruit to be in your town, with the more that are recruited, the
more facilities that will be in your town.
======| FREE MODE |
Free Mode returns in Dynasty Warriors 8, which allows you to play any stage that
has been unlocked with any character you want. As you complete more battles in
Story Mode, you will unlock more stages for use in Free Mode. You'll be able to

play as either side of a battle in this mode and all stats/weapons acquired can
be carried over to the other modes.
Dynasty Warriors 8 introduces some new elements for the basic gameplay, as well
as expand on some of the basics in previous games. Dynasty Warriors 7 introduced
multiple Musou attacks per character and DW8 expands this by having three
different Musous per character. Each one will have two ground Musous, as well as
an air Musou.
In addition to that, there are three new gameplay elements in the game, which
are Storm Rush, Switch Counter and Rage. Storm Rush occurs when your character
has the advantage in the Three Point System. There is a spirit gauge over an
enemy officer's head and continuously attacking will lower that gauge. When it's
empty, the next attack will trigger Storm Rush, where repeatedly pressing the
attack buttons will perform a barrage of attacks.
Switch Counter is what happens when your character is at a disadvantage in the
Three Point System. You'll know because a special icon will appear over the
opponent's head. This will allow you to perform a Switch Counter during one of
your opponent's charge attacks, allow you to either push your opponent back or
stun them long enough for you to counterattack.
The last new element is called Rage. Once certain conditions have been met in
battle, your character will enter a state of Rage that will enable them to
perform powerful attacks. Pressing the Musou attack button while in Rage will
perform a Rage Attack. Defeat enough enemies with this and you will go into a
True Rage Attack, which will make enemies drop EXP items upon defeat.

======| 1. Yellow Turban Rebellion |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Zhang Fei
Your first goal in the battle is to rendezvous with the main forces to the west,
so defeat any enemy officers in your way and head to the middle area in the
south. Along the way, you should see a message saying that some of the Yellow
Turbans are approaching the main camp. When you get to the main camp, you'll see
an officer there, so take him out and then head to the north to take out the
other that is highlighted.
Depending on who you're playing as, head in the indicated direction that you're
told (Guan Yu to the west and either of the other two to the east). However, not
long after, you'll see a message talking about peasants in the middle of the
map. Rescue them by defeating the officer near them to get some experience as a

Once again, the battle is different depending on your character. Going up the
west side will have Zhang Bao using some sorcery and there will be two gates.
Opening both gates will make him summon sorcery troops that shoot ice or fire.
The east side of the map will have Zhang Liang making shards of ice fall to the
ground. Defeating either one will make their respective sorcery stop and taking
out both will make the gate open to Zhang Jiao. Defeating him will finish the
| You will need to help the peasants in this battle to get the stars. At one |
| point, you will see them calling out for help in the town area in the middle |
| of the map. Go there and defeat the officers attacking them to rescue them. |
| Note that the peasants will appear randomly in one of three spots in the
| middle, but they will always be in the middle.

======| 2. Battle of Hulao Gate |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu
At the beginning of the battle, go south down either of the three paths. Your
first goal is to get to the base in the southeast, where Yuan Shu is located,
and clear a route to get the supplies to Sun Jian. There will be a few officers
along the way, with two near Yuan Shu and one near Sun Jian. Along the way to
Sun Jian, Hua Xiong appears from the south, so make sure you defeat him,
although he is slightly stronger than the other officers so far.
Start making your way along the path heading to the west, where you'll trigger a
trap of arrows from the nearby base. When you see some stairs, go up them and
then jump into the base, defeating the officer to stop the arrows. As soon as
you enter the next base Zhang Liao will appear. After defeating him, you will
see some ballistas on the hill to the east. Try your best to quickly destroy
them and then the gatekeeper to open the gate.
Kill the officer inside to take control of the base, and then the next officer
to capture the catapult. Use this catapult to destroy the two enemy ones on
either side of Hulao Gate. Doing this will open the gate, as well as make Lu Bu
spawn in front of it (you can't hit him with the catapult). You won't be able to
do much to Lu Bu, so ignore him and continue on with the battle.
On your way north up the west side of the map, you'll encounter Diao Chan. If
you defeat her, then Lu Bu will mercilessly hunt you down, so it's best to avoid
her as well. Defeat the officer by the gate to open up the path leading up to
Dong Zhuo, but not before he sets fire to it. Take out the officer guarding the
last gate, then defeat Dong Zhuo to put an end to the battle.
======| 3. Defense of Xu Province |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Zhang Fei
At the beginning of the battle, some of Cao Cao's forces have infiltrated the
castle, so go around and defeat the officers inside. There are a few in the
first room, as well as some in the second. While likely fighting the second set
of officers, you'll get a prompt to start the boulder device by defeating the
officers in the southwestern chamber. Do that and boulders will begin dropping

from giant dragon statues on one of the paths.

The next big event will split up Liu Bei's forces into three. Zhang Fei will go
after the units beginning to build some catapults to destroy the boulder
devices, while reinforcements will come from the north (Liu Bei will go after
this) and west (Guan Yu will go after this). If you manage to stop all three
events, then Cao Cao's troops on the frontline will withdraw.
It is at this time that Guo Jia will appear and order a fire unit to attempt to
set fire to the castle. There will be two different units that follow the same
paths the reinforcements from earlier followed. All you need to do is defeat the
officer with the fire units to get rid of them.
If either manage to make it to the castle, then it will be set ablaze and Dian
Wei, Cao Ren and Xu Zhu will march towards Liu Bei. If the fire units are
defeated before reaching the castle, then only a few of the remaining officers
will come after Liu Bei. Either way, defeat the remaining officers and then go
after Guo Jia to finish the battle.
| There are two Hypothetical situations to fulfill in this battle. Both
| revolve around the same set of enemies, so an explanation will be given as |
| to which enemies the withdrawing ones are. After clearing out the castle,
| you should see Yue Jin and reinforcements show up in the southwest. Any
| officer that shows up as reinforcements here count when the order is given |
| to withdraw.
| The easier of the two is to let all of the officers withdraw, which will
| open up 3-X. Disturbance at Guandu. However, the other one is slightly
| trickier, as you need to defeat them all only after they have been given the |
| order to withdraw. This is easiest with Zhang Fei, as his job is to defeat |
| Li Dian to stop the catapults, which happens to be the closest to the
| officers.
| The order to withdraw is given when the catapults are stopped, and Guan Yu |
| and Liu Bei defeat the other two units they are given. There will be a total |
| of EIGHT officers you need to kill, which are Yue Jin, Lu Qian, Xiahou En, |
| Xun You, Cheng Yu, Man Chong, Li Quan, and Liu Ye. Make sure you don't take |
| out any of them prior to the withdrawal order. They will retreat to where
| they first appeared, so run past all of them and defeat them one by one,
| starting with the closest to the escape point. You know you did it right
| when you don't see the cutscene at the end of the battle.
======| 3-X. Disturbance at Guandu |
- CHARACTERS - Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun
Start the battle by taking the two western bases near your position. Open the
gates by taking out the gatekeepers and then defeat the officers inside to
capture the bases. Taking both of them will make some of the forces start moving
north towards Liu Bei, and it's your job to intercept them. There will be plenty
of officers here, including Yue Jin. Once you defeat them all, Yuan Shao will
order you to help out at Yanjin in the center of the map, so head there.
However, on the way, you'll get reports that Wen Chou and Yan Liang in Baima
have been killed. As a result, Yuan Shao wants you to head over there now. When
you get there, you'll meet up with Guan Yu again and he'll mention it's time to

escape the battlefield. Yuan Shao will have nothing of this and will turn on you
now, so you'll have a new set of enemies to worry about. The old escape route is
blocked when Yuan Shao's reinforcements arrive, so Guan Yu mentions passing
through Baima and heading to the west.
When you reach the southern gates of Baima, they will close and you will have to
fight Xiahou Dun, Xu Huang and Xiahou Yuan. Defeat them all and continue heading
to the western escape point. You'll encounter a slew of officers along the way,
including Guo Jia, Cao Ren and Zhang Liao. When you do reach the escape point,
it will close and you'll have to defeat Jia Xu in order to open it again. Note
that Cao Pi, Li Dian and some officers are there as well. Defeating Jia Xu will
put an end to the battle.
======| 4. Battle of Xinye |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Xu Shu
Start out the battle by going forward and capturing the east and west bases near
your location. Once you've captured both, head across the bridges and then enter
the Eight Gates Formation through the designated gate. When you're inside of the
Formation, follow what Xu Shu says and start following the path that is shown to
You'll encounter some officers along the way, and
area of the Formation. Once you have defeated the
defeat the rest of the officers on the map. Zhang
Formation, but Yue Jin and Li Dian will likely be
the south.

then Cao Ren in the very last

Formation, you'll need to
He will be close to the
inside of your main camp to

With all of Cao Cao's troops gone, the only thing left to do is go to where the
Sleeping Dragon is located. When you cross the bridge marked on your map,
Yueying and some other troops will appear to stop you. Defeating her will open
the way to where the Sleeping Dragon resides, and the battle will end once you
get there.
======| 5. Battle of Changban |
- CHARACTERS - Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang
You need to withdraw with Liu Bei to Changban Bridge, however, Cao Cao's forces
have decided to launch a pincer attack. This will cause everyone to stop
withdrawing, and you'll need to defeat both Xun You and Cao Chun in order to
start Liu Bei's forces to continue. When they get to the bridge, rendezvous with
them to continue the battle.
This will cause some of Cao Cao's forces to charge towards the bridge, so some
of the garrisons will now be open. However, you get a report that Adou, Liu
Bei's son, has been left behind north of the village, so you will need to rescue
him. When you get there, defeat the two officers and find the handmaiden to
rescue Adou, then return to Liu Bei. On your return, you'll be ambushed in the
eastern fort, so defeat the officer and then return to the bridge.
Liu Bei will resume his march, but is eventually blocked by an ambush. Don't go
towards it, but stay at the bridge and repel the forces that will now be moving
towards it. There will be two waves of enemies, with the first consisting of Li
Dian, Yue Jin and Xu Zhu. The second wave consists of Xiahou Dun, Zhang He and

Xiahou Yuan. Once you defeat the second set, start heading towards Liu Bei along
the path chosen for you.
Once you get close enough
ballistas and an officer.
to minimize the damage to
With them gone, jump down
make Liu Bei pass through

to Liu Bei, another ambush will appear, with two

You need to take out the ballistas as soon as possible
the peasants, then you can worry about the officer.
and then Zhang Liao will appear, so take him out to
the gate and finish the battle.

======| 6. Battle of Chibi |
- CHARACTERS - Liu Bei, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang
Cao Cao's forces will appear to the south at the beginning of the battle and
launch an assault on the altar where Zhuge Liang is located. You can quell the
assault by defeating the three officers that come along with it, one of which is
Xiahou Dun. A second assault should be on its way now, which is a ship with Sima
Yi approaching the altar from the west.
With him out of the way, Zhuge Liang is worried that Pang Tong is in danger, so
board the ship to the south of the altar to make your way to Cao Cao's main
fleet. When you board the main fleet, head north to where Pang Tong is located
to rescue him by defeating Zhang Liao. Pang Tong notes that the linking of the
ships won't work until Xu Shu has been defeated, so head to his location to do
The linked ships plan will now be put into action, as well as the fire attack,
making it so all of Cao Cao's ships are now ablaze. For now, just run around and
defeat officers until you are told to go after Cao Pi. Once he's gone, start
picking apart the rest of the officers, slowly making your way towards Cao Cao,
who will end up escaping to the south using his boat. Keep going and once you
catch up, defeat Zhang Liao and Xu Zhu to finish the battle.
| Both Hypothetical situations in this battle involve finding Xu Shu after the |
| fire attack has succeeded. It's best to use Zhuge Liang in this battle, as |
| getting the stars to hit with other characters can be kind of hit or miss. |
| Carry out the battle like normal on your side, including defeating Xu Shu
| after rescuing Pang Tong. Eventually, Cao Cao will escape to the south using |
| a boat and when that happens, Xu Shu will appear up north on the ships, so |
| wait there until he does and eventually there will be a conversation, then |
| he'll leave.
======| 7. Battle of Chengdu |
- CHARACTERS - Huang Zhong, Pang Tong, Wei Yan, Xu Shu*
Your first goal in this battle is to capture Mianzhu Garrison and Fu Castle,
which are the two bases on the southern side of the map. There will be a few
officers in the way before Mianzhu, so take them out and then the officer inside
to capture it. Do the same thing with Fu Castle to capture it, although make
sure you defeat Liu Jun, who will come slightly from the north to go after
Note that Pang Tong will likely be injured by the ambush, if you're not playing

as him. Either way, some officers will make their way from the western path, so
stick around in the center to take care of them. After that, your next target is
to capture Luo Castle, so head there and take out the officers inside to make it
Whenever Liu Bei gets to the central garrison, an ambush will be launched and
the gates closed. If you are outside of the garrison, you will need to circle
around and drop in from the north. If you go around the right side, defeat the
other ambush troops to lower the drawbridge to make Shu reinforcements come.
Once they do arrive, they will bring catapults to knock open the main gate to
When you arrive inside of Chengdu, both Ma Chao and Ma Dai will appear. Do
battle with them and upon their defeat, they will join your army. This will
cause panic inside of Chengdu and the gates will open. Defeat all of the
officers that get in your way, then head to Liu Zhang to fight. Once Liu Zhang
is done for, the battle will be over.
| Both Hypothetical situations in this battle involve Pang Tong, and it makes |
| it a lot easier to use him. When you are asked to take the easternmost path, |
| don't as when you get to the one area, you will be ambushed and you will
| fail, making it so you have to start again. Instead, take the northern of
| the two eastern paths and inside the first garrison, you'll find a ladder on |
| the east side, leading up to a ledge. Climb it and you'll force Zhang Ran to |
| spawn. Defeat him and the ambush will be defeated, making it so Pang Tong
| will make it through the entire battle alive.
======| 8. Battle of Mt. Dingjun |
- CHARACTERS - Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Ma Dai, Pang Tong*
You'll need to wait a little bit in order for the gates to open, so you can
start the battle. Your first order of business is to capture the two bases at
the foot of Mt. Dingjun, which is easily done by defeating the officers inside
of them. Note that near the beginning of the battle, there will be ballistae
placed near the foot of Mt. Dingjun, so if you happen to approach it, be careful
of them.
Zhuge Liang will chime in and say the enemy is only facing forward and it's a
good idea to capture Mt. Tiandang, which is in the northwest corner of the map.
Follow the west side of the map, taking out any officers along the way, which
includes Xu Huang and Wang Yi. At the top, fight and defeat Zhang He to capture
Mt. Tiandang.
Climb the stairs and you should see a marked circle on the ground. Stand inside
of it and press the button to make your character automatically head down the
hill and land inside Mt. Dingjun. Once you're inside, there will be a few
officers in the way, including Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Ba and Guo Huai. Defeating
them will let you capture the place.
With Mt. Dingjun finally in your hands, all that is left is to go and defeat Cao
Cao. Note that upon exiting Dingjun, you might want to go around and destroy the
ballistae that were placed at the beginning of the battle. There should be a
garrison to the south of Cao Cao's, so go there to find a few officers, then
head to Cao Cao to finish the battle.

| You need to defeat Cao Xiu and win the battle in order to get this star. Cao |
| Xiu is not on the battlefield in the beginning, but will appear as
| reinforcements later on. He appears on the eastern side of the map, so when |
| he does show up, head over there and take him out quickly.
======| 9. Battle of Fan Castle |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Suo, Guan Xing, Guan Yinping, Guan Yu
At the beginning of the battle, just concentrate on clearing the area of enemies
right outside the castle. Whenever you see that Wei's flood attack has
succeeded, you'll be told to head to the escape point in the southeast corner.
On the way there, an ambush will appear and you will need to defeat Niu Jun to
make every continue withdrawing.
Around this time, Guan Ping will die in battle and the victory conditions will
change. Either way, continue to the southeast corner, where a bunch of Wu
officers will appear, including Lu Xun and Lu Meng. If you have the Rage meter
filled, now would be a good time to utilize it. Note that while you're fighting
here, the others will likely have begun moving to the west, as a new escape
point will appear in the southwest.
The only problem is that when your allies reach the gate, it will shut and Mi
Fang will betray you. In order to open the gate, you'll need to defeat both Mi
Fang and Fu Shiren. You now need to start advancing to the north and get to the
western checkpoint to escape. On the way, Wei will have an ambush waiting, which
includes some ballistae and some officers approaching from the south.
Defeat them all so you can continue, when Xiahou Dun will appear and shut the
northern checkpoint gate. Get rid of all the officers that have shown to open
the gate, then continue southward. Cao Ren will have sealed off the escape
point, so take him out to put an end to this battle.
======| 10H. Battle of Yiling |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Yun
Don't go too far from where you begin the battle, as Liu Bei will disappear near
the start and go into the forest alone. Follow him and not far in, a Wu ambush
will happen, so defeat the officer and then continue to the intersection. The
gates will closeand the only path you can go is north. Another ambush will
happen the base there, so defeat the officers and then you'll find Liu Bei is
currently fighting with Lu Xun.
Defeat Lu Xun to make Zhuge Liang regroup with Liu Bei and convince him to
retreat. Follow Liu Bei along and he'll stop every time he comes across an
officer, so you will need to defeat them to make him continue his march. When
you get to the southwest corner, Liu Bei will stop and you will need to defeat
Gan Ning in order to make him start moving again. He is on top of the one
walkway, with all of the ballistae, which can't be destroyed but will stop once
Gan Ning is gone.
Continue to follow Liu Bei on the path until another ambush appears. To make Liu
Bei continue moving, you will need to defeat both Ling Tong and Xue Zong. Liu

Bei will continue to make his way to the escape point, but there will be one
last ambush in the way before he can finally escape. Zhou Tai will appear and
once you defeat him, Liu Bei will have a clear path to escape and finish the
======| 11H. Battle of Tianshui |
- CHARACTERS - Liu Shan, Xingcai, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang
Start the battle by going to the first base and capturing it by defeating the
officer there. Wait until Zhao Yun announces himself, which will make all of the
enemy come to him, letting the main forces concentrate on going to Tianshui
Castle. However, on the way will be an ambush, so take them out and continue to
another ambush, this time with some ballistae. Destroy those first and then take
out the officers that are there.
Once they are gone, there will be a short scene where Jiang Wei will appear.
Defeat him and he will temporarily retreat, where he will head towards Andang.
The game tells you to capture it before Jiang Wei reaches it, but it is quite
difficult to do and if you don't, three pyrocannons will spawn.
The next event is the same thing, but with Nan'an Castle. You can't directly go
to the castle and capture it, as you need to go after the garrison a little to
the south to set up some siege weapons. When you capture the garrison, a
batterin ram appears, but Pan Sui will activate some ballistae nearby. Defeating
Pan Sui will deactivate the ballistae, so go ahead and do that.
As before, there isn't too much of a difference whether you don't make it in
time or not. Once you capture Nan'an, Ma Zun will opt to try and escape from
Tianshui, so head over there. Capture Tianshui by defeating Xiahou Mao, then
defeat Ma Zun once the gates open. After that, all that is left is to take down
the isolated Jiang Wei to finish the battle.
======| 12H. Battle of Jieting |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Xing, Jiang Wei, Yueying, Zhang Bao
Ma Su has stationed himself at the top of the summit, but this has caused him to
be surrounded by Wei's troops. The only way up to where he is located is the
eastern path, as all other routes have been blocked by boulders. As soon as you
set foot on the unblocked path, two enemy officers will ambush you and you need
to defeat both.
Keep moving along and at the end of the path, some ballistae will spawn. Destroy
them and the officer, then move along the center road. Your objective at the
moment is to go to each allied officer and defeat the enemy one that is fighting
him. There are three that are in trouble and upon defeating that officer, they
will retreat back to the main camp.
Once you rescue the three, continue climbing up the mountain and when you pass
through the next garrison, it will close and ambush troops will appear. Take
them up and continue to where Ma Su, who should have Zhang He closing in on him
now. When you reach him, take out the officers harassing him and that should
rescue him.
It's now time to escape with Ma Su, but things won't be as easy as just running

away. Wei's secondary force will be hot on your heels and there will be plenty
of ambushes on the way, including Guo Huai and some other officers. Keep going
until you reach Shu's main camp, where all you'll need to do is defeat Sima Zhao
and Sima Shi to make Ma Su escape and finish the battle.
| In order to unlock 12H-X. Battle of Chencang, you need to rescue Ma Su
| before he is trapped. You need to be sort of fast, but if you follow all of |
| the pre-scripted events leading up to Zhang He trapping Ma Su, you should be |
| fine. When you see Zhang He mention something like "They're trying to rescue |
| these eyesores," then hurry up and defeat all officers up to where Ma Su is |
| located. When you get to him, you have to defeat Zhang He and Cao Xiu to
| finally rescue him.
======| 12H-X. Battle of Chencang |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Xing, Xingcai, Zhang Bao
Your first duty in this stage is to escort the siege ramps to their destination,
but not too far into the battle, Wei soldiers will begin dropping boulders from
atop the castle and there will be plenty of ballistae that appear, too. You need
to use the catapults that show up to try and destroy the ballistae, but they're
likely going to be destroyed before you get the chance to.
If you keep waiting, eventually an underground passage will present itself that
will lead to the castle's interior. A secondary unit, which consists of Xingcai
if you're playing as her, will need to head inside and capture the castle's
armory. Otherwise, just stick to the outside and take out all of the
reinforcements that get sent at Shu's forces.
Once the secondary force takes the armory, the siege weapons on top of the
castle's walls will cease functioning. This will make your own siege weapons
break through the castle's walls, allowing access to the inside. As you approach
the commander, Zhang He will show up, so take him out and then go after the
commander to finish the battle.
| There will be enemy ambush troops at one point that will injure Zhang Bao, |
| who will end up dying from it. This can be a tricky one to get, as there's |
| no clear indication on how to get it. It's best to play as Zhang Bao and
| follow the battle until you break into the castle. Now, DO NOT enter the
| main gates and into the small room on the map, as that is where the ambush |
| happens.
| Instead, take one of the catapults and bring it inside the courtyard area. |
| There is a cracked wall on the west side that can be destroyed, allowing you |
| access inside without triggering the ambush. Go into one of the side rooms |
| to spot the ambush troops. Defeat the both and then finish the battle.
======| 13H. Battle of the Wuzhang Plains |
- CHARACTERS - Jiang Wei, Ma Dai, Wei Yan, Xingcai
As you approach the open area ahead, ballistae on the cliff to the east will

begin firing, as well as archers to the west. You will need to defeat all of the
officers in the area in order to make Wei retreat, which will grant you access
to the east and west sides near paths that lead to the main camp. If you're
playing as Jiang Wei or Ma Dai, then use the ladders to the west; if you're
either of the other two officers, go through the eastern garrison.
Go through whichever side you're on until you break through the defenses, which
will trigger some trash-talking. This will cause Guo Huai and Zhuge Dan to come
forth and challenge your own officers, so defeat the one on your side and the
other should fall as well. Zhuge Liang has a plan to fake his own death and
temporarily withdraws from the battlefield, with Shu forces retreating to their
main camp.
This makes Sima Yi actually think Zhuge Liang has died and he sends officers in
pursuit. Make sure that Wu Ban isn't defeated at this time, as he is the
commander of your forces. Defeat the pursuing officers and Sima Yi will send out
messengers for reinforcements to the east and west, so if you can intercept
them, it will mean less officers you might have to take out.
At this time, Sima Shi and Sima Zhao will both open the main gates and make
their way towards the Shu main camp. This will turn the central area into a nice
big gathering of enemy officers, so make sure you go around and get them all.
Eventually, Xiahou Ba will spawn to the east where the reinforcements came from,
so stick around if you are finished to take him down. All that's left is to make
your way to Sima Yi and finish him off to complete the battle.
| This is one of the harder stars to get, simply because there are two
| objectives on opposite sides of the map. At one point in the battle,
| messengers will appear that go to specific points to call in reinforcements. |
| There are only two, but you need to defeat both of them to get this star. It |
| might be easier to use Wei Yan for this one. You will likely need three
| Musou bars for this, so come back if you don't have them yet.
| Begin the battle like normal and follow the orders given. When Wei Yan calls |
| Sima Yi a coward, Zhuge Liang will make you retreat, but don't listen to
| this mission. Instead, Sima Yi will send troops after you, so stick around |
| and defeat them all. Once you do, the messengers will appear for the
| reinforcements. Defeat the one in the northeast corner, then use the Musou |
| with the horse to reach the other messenger faster. If you get both, then
| the cutscene at the end of the battle will be slightly longer.
======| 9W. Battle of Fan Castle |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Suo, Guan Xing, Guan Yinping, Guan Yu
Completing this stage will start you on the Hypothetical route for Shu. In order
to unlock the option, you must get all of the stars on the stages prior to this
one on the stage select screen. Once you do, talk to Xu Shu in the camp to start
the battle.
Xu Shu's first task for you at the beginning of the battle is to capture the
northern garrison, which is easily done by defeating the officer up there. This
will cause some siege ramps to appear, so follow them to where they will be set
up. Climb one of them and make your way to the floodgates, where you need to
defeat Pang De to make sure the enemy doesn't use a flood attack.

The enemy troops in the middle of the map will start advancing and go after Guan
Yu. Go and help him with the officers that come after him, which will cause Wu
forces to appear in the southeast corner. Head that way, noting that some of the
Wu officers will try to run past you, so make sure you defeat them before they
get away.
The other Wu officers, which include Lu Su and Lu Xun will remain in the
southeast corner, so head there and clear the area. At this time, Xiahou Dun
will appear in the southwest and start heading for the floodgates. Move as fast
as possible to the northwest corner to cut him off, noting that there will be
other officers with him. It's a straight shot to Cao Ren after this, whose
defeat will end the battle.
======| 10W. Battle of Lukou |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Xing, Xingcai, Zhang Bao, Zhuge Liang
At the beginning of the battle, start off by heading to the highlighted area and
defeat the officer inside of the garrison. At the next garrison, Lu Fan will
appear and you need to take him out, as he's a fire attack unit. It will be
mentioned that Lu Xun is in the central garrison, but there seems to be two
areas of suspicious activity around, so go to those two areas first.
When you go to the suspicious areas, you will find two more fire attack units
just like the first one. With them out of the way, you can go into the central
garrison now and defeat the ambush unit that appears to capture it. The
objective now is to lure Lu Xun into the central garrison, which will make Shu
set it ablaze.
Lu Xun withdraws upon defeat, as well as the soldiers, who use a ladder. Climb
it to trigger an ambush with two officers, which must both be defeated to cut
off the Wu's attack route. Lu Meng should now show up to the west, but a frontal
attack is against orders, as there's a back path that is suggested to use. You
don't need to defeat any of the enemies here, so just breeze past all of them.
Once you make it to Lu Meng, he'll be surprised and you need to take him out in
order to fulfill the plan. It's now time for the final push, which is to take
out Gan Ning, Ling Tong, Ding Feng and Lu Su. The first two will likely charge
to your position, so defeat them as they appear, then take out Ding Feng to open
up the gates to the main camp. Take down Lu Su to put an end to the battle.
| You need to see through and break Lu Xun and Lu Meng's ploy in this battle |
| to get the star. This isn't too bad, as Zhuge Liang says everything you need |
| to do. The only tricky spot is the final trick up their sleeves, when Lu
| Lu Meng is in the southwest corner. You have to catch up to him here and
| defeat him within 2 minutes, otherwise, he will set up some siege weapons
| and you will fail the bonus objective. You don't have to take out anyone on |
| the path leading to Lu Meng, so just rush past them.
======| 11W. Ambush at Chang'an |
- CHARACTERS - Ma Chao, Pang Tong, Wei Yan, Xu Shu
The Handmaiden before the battle will mention her little sister being held

captive by Xiahou Mao, which is going to be your first true objective. Clear out
the first area and then approach the handmaiden to make her open the door. Head
to the left once inside and clear out all of the officers, including Zhang He,
who will free the little sister.
She will open the path going forward, which will cause Xiahou Mao to retreat,
leaving behind Cai Wenji for you to battle with, so take her out to get out of
the area. While this is all going on, Jiang Wei will show up with Ma Zun, but
Xiahou Mao is becoming suspicious of him. Follow the path that will lead
straight to Jiang Wei, clearing the ambushes that he springs on you.
Defeating Jiang Wei will cause him to retreat to the southeast corner, but
before heading over there, you will need to take out Ma Zun to truly isolate
him. Once Ma Zun is out of the picture, head to the outside area and go south to
find a small path that will lead to Jiang Wei. There are a few traps along the
way, which shouldn't be much trouble. Defeat Jiang Wei and he will join Shu
after a short scene.
In order to reach Xiahou Mao, you need to capture the armory, which will grant
you access to a bridgelayer. Jiang Wei will open the gates for you, so defeat
the officer inside to capture the armory. As soon as you do, Yue Jin and Li Dian
will appear just to the south of it, so take them out in order to let the
bridgelayer reach its destination.
When you cross the newly formed bridge, Wang Yi and Xu Huang
them out. Around this time, Xiahou Mao will likely have left
but if you're quick enough, you can get him. Either way, the
the battlefield will be Guo Jia, but he also has Guo Huai as
Defeat Guo Jia to finish the battle.

appear, so take
the battlefield,
true commander of
his helper nearby.

| In order to unlock 11W-X. Pacification of Nanzhong, you will need to defeat |
| Xiahou Mao. The problem is that it's at the end of the stage and he will
| retreat before you likely get to him. Towards the end, you recruit Jiang Wei |
| to your forces and he helps create a bridge across to where Xiahou Mao is. |
| Once the bridge is finished, you need to hurry and defeat Xiahou Mao, as he |
| will retreat and leave the battle.
======| 11W-X. Pacification of Nanzhong |
- CHARACTERS - Bao Sanniang, Guan Ping, Guan Suo, Guan Yinping
Note that you cannot use your horse at all in this battle. At the start of the
battle, just fight what's in front of you until Meng Huo decides to shut the
northern garrison. Defeat him to open the gates again and then head west to meet
up with Yueying. Take out the two officers nearby to make her send some
Juggernauts to the central garrison.
Go to the central garrison and defeat all of the tigers in front, which will
make King Mulu come after you. Once you defeat him, start heading to the east
until Jinhuan Sanjie uses a boulder to block your path. Go all the way to the
west and take the narrow path, making sure to avoid stepping in the poisonous
As you start traversing the western path, Zhurong will ambush you from behind.
Defeat her and then continue going east until you can drop down into the area
where Jinhuan Sanjie is located. Take him out and then grab one of the

elephants, backtrack to destroy the boulders. Now, start making your way to the
main camp, only to have Meng Huo appear once again on the next path.
Once Meng Huo has been defeated again, he'll retreat back into the main camp. As
you go south to the last path, one of the officers will cause a rockslide.
Slither your way past the boulders and then take down Ahui Nan to stop the
rocks. At this time, Zhurong will appear once again slightly to the east, so
make sure to take her out as well. All that's left is to head into the main camp
and take out Meng Huo, making sure to keep an eye out for Zhurong, who will
appear one last time.
| Zhurong will appear three times throughout the battle, and you must defeat |
| her all three times to get the star. Note that the last time she appears is |
| with Meng Huo in their main camp, so make sure you defeat her before Meng
| Huo, as the battle will end.
======| 12W. Invasion of Luoyang |
- CHARACTERS - Guan Xing, Jiang Wei, Ma Dao, Zhang Bao
For the beginning, just keep going forward until you come to the designated
spot, only to have the gates closed and an ambush happen to the south of them.
Defeat Man Chong nearby and then continue north to find another ambush. Continue
forward to the seemingly dead end, which will open up the next area that has an
ambush waiting for you.
After defeating the ambush, go north and follow the path through the northwest
door, which will close with an ambush behind you. Defeat the two officers there
and keep going to the main hallway where Jia Xu is located. When you get to him,
yet another ambush will happen. Clear everything out, including Jia Xu, who will
withdraw. Go out the eastern gate and meet back up with Guan Xing.
On the easternmost path will be Sima Zhao and upon taking him out, the bridge
behind him will lower. Go south and then west to encounter a lot of officers,
including Sima Yi, Wang Yuanji, Sima Shi and even Jia Xu, who has reappeared.
Defeating Jia Xu will make the main gate to Cao Pi open, who has Zhenji by his
side. Take out Cao Pi to finish the battle.
======| 13W. Capture of Wei |
- CHARACTERS - Liu Bei, Liu Shan, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang
Start the battle by heading east and going towards the two highlighted spots,
which are reinforcement points. Take out the officer at both of these points to
seal off reinforcements for Wei. With that out of the way, just continue
advancing through the castle. If you're in the southern area of the castle,
archers will appear you'll need to get on top of the wall to take them out.
If you are going through the northern area, you'll eventually come upon an area
where arbalests will be activated. Ladders will be placed throughout the area,
which will allow you to get behind the arbalests to destroy them. There will be
sets of archers guarding them. Destroy all of the arbalests to make a gatekeeper
appear, which leads to an arena-type area with Zhang Liao, Yue Jin and Li Dian.

Defeat them all and then head south. There will be a trap here, which are
statues that spit fire, but they can't be destroyed by normal means. However,
two Juggernauts will appear just outside of the room, which will allow you to
destroy them. Once they're all gone, the gate to the next area will open.
In this area, you need to defeat both Jia Xu and Wang Yi in order to open the
Outer Castle gates. Go inside and the gates will close, with an ambush appearing
that has Xiahou Dun. With him out of the way, the main forces for Wei will
appear in the next area, although the officers will appear before the main gate,
who are Sima Yi, Cao Pi and Zhenji. Defeat them all to open the way to Cao Cao,
who will be your last opponent in the battle.

======| 1. Escape from Luoyang |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan
When you finally gain control of your character, go forward and take out Li Meng
to open the gate. One thing you shouldn't do is even get close to Lu Bu, as
he'll likely be way too strong and will kick your butt before you say his name.
The next officer, Li Jue, will open the next gate, which lead to some
underground stairs.
Follow the path until you come out again, where you see a message about a gate
closing. Defeat Xu Rong and then find the opening where you can jump down to the
area below. There will be four ballistas here that will keep firing upon you
until you defeat Chen Gong, so make sure you concentrate on him.
As you approach the next area, you'll see Diao Chan chime in and say she will
help you escape from the battlefield. Before you can do that, you'll need to
defeat three officers in the next area. Once you do, follow Diao Chan until you
get to a bridge. When it's lowered, Zhang Liao and Li Su will both appear, so
defeat them both and then the path to the escape point will be clear.
| The Hypothetical situation in this battle requires you to defeat Lu Bu
| before you escape, which can be a tough thing to do considering he can kill |
| you very easily if you're low level. It also doesn't help that he doesn't
| flinch when being hit, either, even if you have an advantage over him with |
| your weapon affinity, although you should still have it.
| When you start, you could go straight after Lu Bu, but it's best to wait and |
| come back at a later point once you level up some. During the actual battle, |
| do it normally to build up a Musou Attack or two to help out in defeating
| him. If you feel like he is going to attack, move away from him. If you have |
| that much trouble doing it, then set the difficulty to Beginnger before
| starting the battle.

======| 2. Battle of Hulao Gate |
- CHARACTERS - Li Dian, Xiahou Dun, Yue Jin
At the beginning of the battle, go down any of the paths for now. Your goal will
be to get to the area in the southeast corner, which is the supply depot. Clear
the area of officers, then Yuan Shu will begin moving to where Sun Jian is
located. However, Hua Xiong appears at one of the bases near your position, but
be careful as he is slightly stronger than the other officers so far.
Once Sun Jian receives his provisions, Si Shui Gate will open and you can
progress farther. As you approach the next gate, archers will fire arrows down
from above, so watch your health if it's low and take out the gatekeeper and
then the officer behind him. To get to the area where the officer is located
that will stop the arrows, use the stairs and jump down.
Go south and now Zhang Liao will appear, with him being slightly stronger than
the usual officer in this stage (like with Hua Xiong). Don't bother with the
ballistas in the next area and instead go up the hill, opening the next gate.
Inside, defeat the officer and then do the same with Jia Xu after that.
Do not drop down to the next area, as you need to use the ballista that is just
past Jia Xu to destroy the two catapults to each side of Hulao Gate. Lu Bu will
now appear and it's best to leave him alone, unless you have powered up some.
You should see Diao Chan up ahead and while she's not powerful, fighting her
will make Lu Bu try and come to her aid, so it's best to just go right past her.
The final gate is guarded by an officer, so defeat him and it will open. Dong
Zhuo will set fire to the entire next area, including the area you have to fight
him. This will cause your health to stay at half of its max no matter how many
pickups you get. Go through the winding path and then confront Dong Zhuo to
finish the battle.
======| 3. Battle of Yan Province |
- CHARACTERS - Dian Wei, Li Dian, Yue Jin
Go forward and start taking out the Yellow Turbans in front of you, including
one officer and then a man named ??? (who is really Xu Zhu, if you have never
played a game in this series before). He will temporarily withdraw and you will
need to find him. The game tells you to search the western garrison first, so
head there.
When you go inside, the gates will shut and you'll find out he isn't in this
one. You will need to go and investigate the northeastern garrison, so start
heading to the west and go through the middle, defeating the officers in the
way. When you reach it, there will be no big man and you'll have to face off
against another officer.
You find out that the remaining forces are in the northwestern garrison, so
start heading in that direction. When you get to the garrison, you will have to
fight one remaining officer. The battle seems to be over, until the big man from
earlier returns. Defeat him and the battle will truly be over.
======| 4. Battle of Xu Province |

- CHARACTERS - Cao Ren, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu
Follow the path, defeating the officers in the way, until you get to the north
part of the spiral, where the enemy will start dropping boulders. Also, the
enemy will start using catapults along the southwest corner of the spiral, so
keep going around until you eventually get to that spot.
When you do get to the catapults, take out the officer and then drive one of
them to the northern part of the spiral. Here, you need to shoot a boulder at
the dragon heads that are dropping boulders you saw before. There should be
three of them, and it might take a while to adjust the catapult's marker to hit
the heads.
Now you need to go back south and then east, fighting your
but don't go in between the two garrisons there, as it's a
the southeast corner and you should see a path not visibly
Follow it until you get to a camp and take out the officer
there to capture it.

way up the east side,

trap. Instead, go to
marked on your map.
and base captain

Doing this will make Tao Qian retreat farther into the castle. At this time, you
should be asked to defeat Lu You and Cao Bao, who come from side rooms in the
castle. Also, Liu Bei's forces should now have arrived, which will trigger Tao
Qian to set the castle on fire. Another thing is that Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun
will begin their trek to Cao Cao's main camp.
Start heading west through the castle and defeat the officer in the way, opening
the gate. You should definitely head towards your main camp and take out Zhang
Fei and Zhao Yun, who are certainly capable and defeating Cao Cao, thus making
you fail. If you do that, though, you're going to have a long trek back to the
path that leads towards the northwest corner.
Head into the northern garrison, only to have the doors shut on you. Two
officers will ambush you, so try to take them both out before continuing. Once
you do, start heading west and on the winding path that leads to the final area
where Liu Bei is located. When you get there, you'll find that Guan Yu is also
there, who will get stronger and refill his health if it gets low enough. Defeat
Liu Bei to finish the battle.
| In order to unlock the next stage, 4-X - Battle of Puyang, you need to
| defeat Tao Qian before he manages to reach the escape point. This can be one |
| of the more annoying ones to get, since the time restraint doesn't leave
| much room for error. You're going to want at least two or even all three
| Musou bars. DO NOT waste your Musou on any officers, and save it until you |
| get to the third paragraph.
| Follow the stage normally until you get to right outside the castle where
| Tao Qian is located. It doesn't matter if you disrupt the pincer attack or |
| let it happen, but as soon as the gate opens, the battle will enter a
| frantic state. Every officer you face between you and Tao Qian doe snot need |
| to be defeated, so if you can pass one up, do that.
| Once you get to the open area that is outside the castle that he sets fire |
| to, use your Musou bars while on the horse to move quickly. There will be a |
| point or two where you will be trapped and have to defeat an officer, so
| don't waste your Musou if you know you won't get anywhere. If you don't get |
| to Tao Qian by the time you're right outside of where Liu Bei is located,
| then you aren't going to reach him in time.

======| 4-X. Battle of Puyang |
- CHARACTERS - Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Yue Jin
Your first order of business is to rescue Xun Yu in Juan Castle, which is on the
east side of the map. Along the way, some reinforcements will show up, so take
them all out and then use the wooden walkway to get to the castle. Out front is
Zhang Liao, who is guarding the gate. Upon his defeat, the gate will open and
you will rescue Xun Yu.
As it now stands, Lu Bu has taken over Puyang and you'll need to fight your way
back to the other side of the map. When you get to the northern bridge, the
garrison's gates will close and Lu Bu's forces will destroy the bridge. On top
of that, an ambush will be sprung, so defeat the officer and start making your
way to the southern bridge.
When you get to it, an ambush will appear and the gates will be closed. Once you
clear the officers, it is suggested to you to make your way along the southern
path to make it into Puyang, so exit east and start going along that southern
path. Along the way will be a few officers and then Zhang Liao outside the
southwestern checkpoint.
After you take him down, start heading north to Puyang. As you come around to
the front, defeat the officer in the way to open up the gates to get inside
Puyang. You'll eventually arrive in the room with Lu Bu and Diao Chan. Note that
if you defeat Diao Chan first, then Lu Bu will recover all his health and become
stronger. Defeating Lu Bu will end the battle.
======| 5. Imperial Escort |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Cao, Li Dian, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Huang
Start the battle by going forward and taking out any officers that are in range.
Eventually, the carriage will turn around and you'll need to go and catch up to
it, which will cause Guo Si to appear, so defeat him to make the carriage go the
right way again. Continue taking out any other officers until you get to the
right side of the fork.
You should also be getting messages about Yuan Shu's men appearin at the byroad,
which is the southern checkpoint. Taking out the officer and base captain there
will put a stop to more men appearing. Go to the locked gate and take out Yuan
Shu to make it open, which will make the carriage carry on to its next stop.
When it does stop, it's because of boulders that start falling. About this time,
Lu Bu will appear at a checkpoint behind the carriage and it's best to leave him
alone, as he can defeat you rather quickly. Dodge the boulders and continue to
the designated spot, defeat all of the officers to eventually put a stop to the
Continue to the next area, where there's a fog, which will limit your in-battle
map to the closer one. Also, the Emperor has been kidnapped from the carriage
and you need to find him. If you do find him, try and clear the area of officers
before you meet up with him, as he will follow you around afterwards. Bring him
to the escape point, where Zhang He and Yuan Shao will appear. Defeat them both
to make the Emperor escape and finish the battle.

======| 6. Battle of Wan Castle |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Cao, Dian Wei
There will be fire throughout this battle, meaning your health will be lower
than normal. Defeat the first officer in the way, then follow the only path you
can go. When you get into the long hallway, you will find some arbalests, which
can be destroyed, so make sure you do that. Some more will be in the next
hallway, so take care of them as well as any other officers.
The next area will have dragon statues, which will trigger its fire-breathing
powers when you get close. One hit can destroy them, so go around to each one
and smack it to get rid of them. Once you destroy them all, the gate to the next
area will open, where a bunch of unit commanders will appear. Defeat them all to
open up the next gate.
This area will have some ballistas, which definitely can do some damage, so
either take out the officer controlling them, or go around and destroy all of
them. The next room has a wind trap, which will blow you off the path and into
the water below. A horse should be able to quickly traverse the path to reach
the unit commander, which must be defeated to open the gate.
In the next room, simply defeat the officer guarding the door to open it, where
you'll be greeted with a cutscene. After it's over, take out all of the officers
in the area, then head to the southwest corner. There are three garrisons in the
southwest corner of the map, with each one containing a hidden ambush should you
happen to step inside them. There are reinforcements that are on the way and
it's your job to get rid of all three hidden ambushes in the garrisons before
they arrive.
If you do the above, then Zhang Xiu will appear inside of the castle, as well as
a bunch of other officers. Take out the ones near the garrisons, and some other
ones will likely come to your position. Once you clear the area, start heading
to the main area in the northwest, which is where Jia Xu is located. Defeating
both Zhang Xiu and Jia Xu will result in a victory.
| There are three stars from this battle and it is best to play as Dian Wei. |
| Not far into the battle, a fire attack will occur that will severely limit |
| the health of Cao Ang and Cao Anmin. If you fail to save them, then the
| Battle of Xiapi will unlock. However, if you would like to save them, then |
| you will need to be very quick in getting to them and defeating the officers |
| that are harassing them.
| Playing as Dian Wei seems to make it much easier for him to survive the
| battle, although it's not entirely clear the path to follow. It seems that |
| rescuing Cao Ang and Cao Anmin might be a prerequisite. Once you make it
| outside the castle, fulfill all of the missions given, making sure you try |
| and defeat everyone yourself.
======| 6-X. Battle of Xiapi |
- CHARACTERS - Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Xiahou Dun

Go forward from the beginning of the stage and open the first gate to the east,
which prompts a Messenger to appear and start heading to the northeast corner.
Defeat the officer in that garrison to open the next gate, then start heading
towards the messenger. If you catch up to him before he passes through the next
gate, then it should be easy to kill him and continue your plans in silence.
Otherwise, things get hairy and more enemies will show up.
With the messenger hopefully defeated, head back to the green highlighted area
and defeat the unit commander to lower the drawbridge. Start heading west after
crossing the bridge and defeat the officer inside the garrison to continue your
way. There will be ballistae in the next area, which is highly annoying while
trying to take out the officer there. Your best bet is to keep running until
you're underneath them, then continue to the right to get out of their range.
Zang Ba is the one controlling the ballistae, so go the next garrison only to
have the gates be closed. An ambush unit with archers will appear, so take them
out and then the gates will open once again. Go and take out Zang Ba to cease
the ballista fire, then take out any other officers that might show up. If your
unit has reached the floodgates, then Xiapi will be flooded. If he hasn't, then
clear the area surrounding Xiapi until he does.
When the castle is flooded, a messenger will be sent out to go to the northwest
corner and try to get some reinforcements. You should be in good position to
intercept him, so do that to make sure none will arrive. All that's left now is
to head inside Xiapi and go after Lu Bu, so go ahead and do that. If you defeat
Diao Chan before Lu Bu, then he will become enraged and be tougher to defeat.
The stage will end with his body on the floor.
======| 7. Battle of Guandu |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Pi, Dian Wei*, Guo Jia, Yue Jin
Start off the battle by heading north and capturing the garrison right outside
of your main camp. Now, all of the attention will be on you, so wait right
outside of the garrison and take out all of the officers that show up. If Baima
and Yanjin are not captured yet, assist in their takeover and return to the west
side. If they have, stay put on the west side of the battlefield.
Note that after the above two have fallen into your hands, enemy units will
likely come and try to take them away. One of these is Liu Bei and Zhang Fei,
but they won't stick around for long because of Guan Yu returning to them and
then leaving the battlefield. The officers defending the areas should be more
than enough so that you won't need to back them up.
Xu You will end up defecting not too long after your plan has come to fruition,
with him mentioning that the Wuchao Supply Depot should be set ablaze. This
causes a fire attack unit to appear, which must be escorted to its target. Kill
any officers in the way and once the fire attack succeeds, Zhang He will defect
to your side, opening up the gate that leads into Guandu.
For now, fight your way through the castle until you get to the gate of the main
room where Yuan Shao is located. Here you'll find Zhenji and upon defeating her,
she will defect and join Wei. This will open the main room with Yuan Shao, so
just defeat him to finally finish the battle.
======| 8. Battle of Mt. Bailang |

- CHARACTERS - Cao Cao, Jia Xu, Zhang Liao
As the battle begins, your first goal will be
the foot of Mt. Bailang. There are a total of
by a gatekeeper, which will open the gate for
defeating the officer inside will capture the

revealed to capture the bases at

6 of them and each one is guarded
each one. Once they are open,

Once you get all six, you'll be tasked with going up the eastern side of the map
and attacking the northern enemy base from behind. Chen Lin will likely begin
his trek towards Cao Cao's main camp, but you should be passing him up along the
same path, so take him out. Also, wolves will appear inside of the caves, but
they shouldn't be any real trouble, so either kill or ignore them.
Go through the base up top, defeating the officer to open the gate that will
lead to the targeted base. Jump down into it and then defeat Yuan Tan, which
will open all of the central base gates. Go down the middle path and defeat Yuan
Xi, who is the second Yuan. When you reach the second east-west corridors,
you'll find that they are secret passages to the bases with the remaining Yuan.
It should be at about this time that some reinforcements will show up, but you
should only have one Yuan remaining. Take the secret passage and take out the
gatekeeper to open the gate, allowing you access to the base. There should only
be the Yuan there, so he should be easy to take out. The battle is over once all
three Yuans are gone.
| In order to get both stars on this stage, you need to make sure that Guo Jia |
| survives. Despite the descriptions saying he needs to withdraw, he will
| likely stay on the battlefield, even if you fulfill the conditions. Follow |
| the stage like normal, capturing the bases at the beginning. Once he starts |
| talking about defeating the Yuan brother, ignore his mission and follow him |
| as he goes along the eastern path through the caves. Guard him from any
| attacks and ambushes, including the Wuchuan reinforcements later in the
| battle.
======| 9. Battle of Xinye |
- CHARACTERS - Guo Jia*, Li Dian, Xiahou Dun, Zhang He
Your primary goal at the beginning of the battle is to try to get inside the
Eight Gates Formation and rescue Cao Ren before he is defeated. The only problem
is that the entrance moves around, so stick to the northeast corner until you
see the message that the formation has moved. Find the entrance and head inside,
following the targeted marks.
Each time you get to the designated area, an officer or two will spawn, so
quickly take them out before moving on to the next. If you can make it to the
center and rescue Cao Ren, that'll be good but more than likely not, you won't
make it on your first attempt at this battle, meaning Cao Ren will perish.
A secondary goal not marked for you is to go after Zhao Yun and Guan Ping, who
are the reason that Cao Ren was defeated. After that, they will head straight to
Cao Cao's main camp, meaning he'll be in danger. Your actual goal is to go after
Xu Shu, who is near one of the southern exits of the Eight Gates Formation.
Defeating him will make him your captive, so continue on across either of the

bridges to the south to make your way towards Liu Bei's camp. You'll encounter
both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei here, so try and either separate them or go all out,
as they can be troublesome together. All that is left is to make your way to Liu
Bei and take him out to finish.
| Before you rescue Cao Ren inside the formation, you need to defeat Xu
| Shu, who is located in the southeast corner of the formation. For this, you |
| need to be quick, as Cao Ren will be stuck fighting Zhao Yun and Guan Ping, |
| making it very easy for him to perish on harder difficulties. There is a
| little bit of confusion as to the exact requirements, as the game sometimes |
| doesn't trigger the fulfillment, despite getting to Xu Shu in time. One
| theory is that you need to defeat all other officers inside the formation
| before Xu Shu, excluding Zhao Yun and Guan Ping. Either way, once you defeat |
| Xu Shu, go and rescue Cao Ren to get the star.
======| 10. Battle of Chibi |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Cao, Dian Wei*, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao
Your first goal of the battle is to go north and defeat Sun Quan's assault unit,
which is comprised of three officers. Not long into your mission, Cao Cao will
mention that southeasterly winds are blowing. This will trigger an event where
an enemy fire ship collides with your entire fleet, setting it all ablaze. That
means that your health will be cut in half while you're on the ships.
Cao Cao now needs to get to safety by escaping to the south. This is complicated
by Cai Mao defected to the enemy, but start making your way to the next rally
point, defeating officers in the way, which include the likes of Han Dang and
Huang Gai. Your goal is a small ship on the west side of the map, but you will
need to defeat Taishi Ci before you can board it.
Board the boat and Gan Ning will jump onto it, so you will need to defeat him
before you can set sail. As soon as you get to land, go forward to encounter
both Liu Bei and Sun Shangxiang. Defeat them both and then you'll see Zhang Fei
appear not much farther. Things get even more complicated as some of Sun Quan's
forces appear to the south and start moving to your position.
You can either go back and take these forces out or continue north,
will be ambushed by a rock attack unit and some archers. Defeat the
there to eliminate both problems, then continue north to the escape
you get close, Zhao Yun will appear, so defeat him to open the gate

where you
two officers
point. When
and finally

======| 11H. Battle of Tong Gate |
- CHARACTERS - Wang Yi, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Zhu
Exit the camp and start taking out the enemies in front of it. Get the gates to
the central garrison open and then defeat Yang Fu inside to complete the
mission. At this time, Cao Cao will begin moving up the east side of the map to
meet with Han Sui, so you'll need to escort him there. Also, Xu Huang will now
begin defending the main camp and the victory/defeat conditions will change.
Keep following Cao Cao until Ma Dai appears, so take him out and then Cao Cao

will meet up with Han Sui. They go into a private room and Ma Chao wonders why
Han Sui isn't moving. This will trigger two sets of reinforcements of nothing
but normal soldiers on the east side, and it's your job to continue killing them
to lure out Pang De. If you fail, then Han Sui doesn't defect and you'll have
more officers to kill.
If the plan succeeds, then Han Sui and a few other officers will defect to Wei.
Either way, Ma Chao will eventually appear in your camp, so make sure you're
there to take him down. Note that you should be here, as it's likely your main
camp has been under attack while you were on the east side of the map. After
taking out Ma Chao, you will need to take out the ballistae at the first gate.
To get there, you'll need to go up the eastern path and into the garrison there,
then take the southern exit, go up the hill and go west before the drop. Destroy
both ballista and the ram will break through the first gate. It will stop before
the second gate, as there will be more ballista, so use the western path in the
area to get to those (take down the officer in the way).
Destroy the next two ballista to make way for the ram to the second gate and
once it does, exit to the west. Go north and take out the officer to take over
the catapults. Get next to one and use it to bring down the third gate, then
drop down and pass through it. Feel free to go and destroy the ballista, but all
that remains is to clear the last two areas and then defeat Ma Chao to win the
======| 12H. Battle of Hefei |
- CHARACTERS - Li Dian, Yue Jin, Zhang Liao
Start off by going up the nearby stairs and dropping down to where enemy
soldiers are running around. Some officers may drop by for a visit, so politely
show them the way to the ground, then go to the northwest corner and defeat the
officer there to open the western path. Go down the western path and when you
get to the designated spot, an ambush will happen.
The ambush will consist of Ling Tong and Gan Ning, as well as two other
officers, so take them all out and then start heading to the east. Some
reinforcements might show up (Han Dang and Ding Feng) to the far south, but keep
heading to the spot at the west. In order to get the ladders needed to climb up,
clear the nearby base of any officers to free the engineers.
Climb up the ladders and keep going until you encounter Taishi Ci. Take him out
and then keep going south, destroying the bridge by going into the highlighted
circle on the ground and pressing the correct button. You must now capture three
bases surrounding the Wu main camp, so go back the way you came and capture the
northern one.
Go west and south, then go and take the western base and then go after the
southern one last. Wu's main camp will now be open, where you get to meet Zhou
Tai and another officer, as Sun Quan is withdrawing from the area. Take out both
and then pursuing Sun Quan. Defeating him will put an end to this battle.
======| 13H. Battle of Mt. Dingjun |
- CHARACTERS - Wang Yi, Xiahou Yuan, Zhang He

Start out the battle by jumping down into the sea of red just by the gates to
Mt. Dingjun. There will be plenty of officers here, as well as some more that
show up, including Zhang Bao. What you want to keep an eye out on is the western
side of the map for Huang Zhong, because as soon as he shows up, you want to
head to Mt. Tiandang, which is just northwest of Dingjun (you'll need to come
from the north, though).
Eventually, Ma Dai will place some siege ramps and start heading towards the
main camp from the north. Zhao Yun will also try to sneak in from the north, so
if you get a chance before Huang Zhong shows up, take him out as well. You do
not want to let Huang Zhong capture Tiandang, which will make him run down the
hill and attack Dingjun.
When you get closer to the enemy main camp, some arbalests will spawn. There
aren't too many, so they should definitely be destroyed before going after the
officers. Speaking of which, Ma Chao will be in front of the front gate and then
Yueying will be in the room before Zhuge Liang. Defeating Zhuge Liang will
complete the battle.
| To fulfill the Hypothetical condition in this battle, which will make Xiahou |
| Yuan playable in the next battle, you must defeat Huang Zhong before he can |
| manage to take over Mt. Tiandang. If he manages to do that, then Xiahou Yuan |
| will die at the very end of the battle. As soon as Huang Zhong appears, go |
| straight to his location, as this should give you enough time to hopefully |
| get to and defeat him.
======| 14H. Battle of Fan Castle |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Pi, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan*, Xu Huang
There will be a lot of chaos happening at the beginning of the battle, including
plenty of officers close to your starting point, as well as some that even
defect to the enemy's side. Once it's all clear, get into the water and start
swimming towards Fan Castle itself. Watch out for the boulders while fighting
outside and defeat all of the officers there to finally secure the place.
Lu Meng and Wu should now appear as help for you, but they will get ambushed by
Shu and some ballistas. Your goal is to take out the officer in charge of them,
so take the eastern exit out of Fan Castle and start heading in that direction.
Once Zhou Cang is dead, Wu will continue moving and then get ambushed by Guan
Suo and Wei Yan inside the garrison.
To get inside this garrison, you'll need to go south and around to jump down
into it. It is also around this time that Guan Xing will have appeared close to
the central area of the map, and he'll begin dropping rocks. He must be defeated
in order to stop the falling rocks. Pang De is also isolated in the northwest
and needs to be rescued, so head over there when you get a chance.
Go onto the west side of the map and begin moving southward, only to be stopped
by the gates being shut down. Wu will bring in some rams to break down the
gates, so you'll need to wait until they have broken through one of them. When
they do, go and start clearing out the area of enemies. Eventually, Guan Yu's
children will show up, including Guan Suo, Guan Ping and Guan Xing.
Take them out and then go to the gate leading to where Guan Yu is located, only
to find it closed. It's guarded by Guan Yinping, so defeat her to make it open.

Guan Yu has quite a bit of health when compared to the other officers in the
stage, as well as more strength. One you take him out, then the battle will be
over and you'll have finished the Historical battles for Wei.
| You need to rescue Pang De before he retreats, which will extend the final |
| movie a bit. He is located near the floodgates and is fighting with two
| enemy officers. After clearing the castle of all enemies, exit it into the |
| central area. From here, go all the way west and into the area leading up to |
| the floodgates, where you see Pang De with the two enemy officers. Defeat
| both to rescue him and get this star.
======| 10W. Battle of Chibi |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao
This battle will unlock the Hypothetical route for Wei's story. In order to gain
access to it, you must complete all optional objectives in battles prior to this
one on the stage select screen. Once you do, talk to Guo Jia in the camp before
the battle begins.
Start the battle off by clearing the enemy officers to the north of the main
camp, of which there are a total of three. After that, Xu Shu will mention that
the enemy's plan is to link the ships together and wants you to follow him to
where the culprit is located. Do that and you'll find Pang Tong, so defeat him
to continue.
Once that is over, you need to head to the indicated ship and wait until the
enemy's surprise attack comes. This is led by Huang Gai and Han Dang and will
light that ship ablaze, but defeating them will end that. After taking down
those two, Cai Mao defects so head over to where he is. He doesn't seem to
listen, so defeat him to make him rejoin Wei.
Board the ship to the south and once everyone gets on it, the ship will start
moving to the eastern side of the map. Start clearing out all of the enemy
officers as you make your way to the main camp. Note that Liu Bei and Sun
Shangxiang appear to the south of the main camp, although they will chase after
you. You should go to the altar and defeat Zhuge Liang, which is the first path
to the west as you go north.
Continue fighting your way to the enemy's main camp, defeating any officers you
come across on the way. When you get to the front gates, defeat Ding Feng, then
go inside and defeat Sun Quan to finish the battle.
======| 11W. Campaign for Jianye |
- CHARACTERS - Cai Wenji, Dian Wei, Zhang He, Zhang Liao
At the beginning of the battle, start by heading north and clearing the western
side where you start. Your goal is to capture the three bases in front of
Jianye. When you approach the westernmost one, Gan Ning will appear, so take him
out and continue east. Note that Ling Tong will appear south of where Gan Ning
did, so it might be wise to go after him, too.
Once you take the three bases, assist in the conquering of the south outer

castle in the southeast corner. You'll need to capture all of the bases in the
area before the gates to the actual area opens. When it has opened, go inside
and you'll be ambushed by Taishi Ci and Han Dang, as well as a bunch of archers.
With the outer area now secure, it's time to head to the main castle. When you
get to the main gates, you'll find Sun Shangxiang and Huang Gai there defending
it. Defeating them both will open up the main gates and when you get inside, Xue
Zong will defect to your side. There will be others who will end up defecting as
well, so keep an eye out for them (there are five in total).
Lu Xun will order the gates to be shut and he, Lu Meng, Daqiao and Xiaoqiao all
appear, with the two former appearing outside of the castle and heading to your
main camp. Defeating the Qiao sisters will open the gates again, so do that and
then head back to defend your main camp. Defeat both Lu Xu and Lu Meng, then
head back to the castle.
Once you get back to the castle, only a certain path is open to allow you to
continue. When you get to certain spots, traps will be sprung and Zhou Yu will
appear. Navigate past the traps and defeat Zhou Yu to deactivate them. Make your
way to where Sun Quan is and defeat Zhou Tai to open the gates. If you made all
five of the officers from above defect, then Sun Quan will surrender without a
fight. If you didn't, then you must defeat him to end the battle.
======| 12W. Uprising at Xuchang |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Pi, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Zhenji
Go south at the beginning and an officer will spawn in the first area, who will
disappear once he's taken enough damage. The next room requires you to take out
all of the soldiers in order to open the gate. In the area beyond, phantom
soldiers will be summoned, which can't be damaged at all so ignore them. What
you need to do is take out the three sorcerers who have summoned them, who are
Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang and Zhang Jiao. Once you do that, the phantom soldiers
will disappear.
Investigate the room to the south and a phantom version of Cao Cao will appear,
so defeat him to continue. Wang Zhong will appear once again in the area to the
east, so head over there and take him down to find out that the real culprit is
Zuo Ci, who goes to the throne room. When you return to the previous room,
phantom versions of Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao will spawn, as well as a few other
Kill them all and then Lu Bu will appear in the small room leading to the north.
The very large courtyard-like area will have Wei soldiers that will eventually
defect, as well as phantom versions of Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. Defeat
them all to make the final gate open leading to Zuo Ci, who will make doubles of
himself appear. Defeating the real one will end the battle.
======| 13W. Pursuit at Nanjun |
- CHARACTERS - Guo Jia, Pang De, Wang Yi
Your primary goal at the beginning of this battle is to make
doesn't reach the escape point. If you go north at the first
normal officer in the way, but the bottom path has Zhao Yun,
powered up. Either path will lead to a second officer, which

sure Liu Bei

fork, there is a
who is slightly
can be bypassed, as

the next gate opens by taking down the gatekeeper.

Before you jump down, note that this section is the same as the previous one. If
you do jump down, Zhang Fei will show up to the north and he's slightly tougher
than normal officers; defeating him will let you bypass a few extra officers.
However, going the normal path will have a few normal officers and this path is
a lot longer than the previous one.
Once you get to the next area, a fire attack will happen and you will need to
defeat Chen Zhen. Getting to him can be a bit of a problem, as the place is a
little confusing. When you get to the area that's on fire, there will be a open
path to the left that you can use to eventually reach Chen Zhen. Once you defeat
him, the gate from before will open, allowing the rest of Wei to join in.
Continue on, going on the long path going south, where you will encounter some
ballistas. There are only four, so destroy them all and or take down Liao Hua to
make them stop firing. The one path in the next area is blocked, so you'll need
to head across the middle area, where you'll find plenty of officers in the way,
including Guan Yu. When you do get rid of Guan Yu, the gate will open up and the
enemy will reveal a ladder.
Climb this ladder and go into the next base, where you'll find Yueying, along
with some of her Juggernaut siege weapons, which should be easy enough to
destroy. Past her will be some more officers, including Zhuge Liang. Once you
reach Liu Bei, you'll want to hear him say something along the lines of Guan Yu
not being there yet. If you hear it, then feel free to defeat him, although the
battle won't end there. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun will all show up and
once you defeat these three, the battle will truly end.
======| 14W. Battle of Baidi Castle |
- CHARACTERS - Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan
At the start of the battle, your main camp will be set on fire and you need to
track down the officers in charge of the attack and defeat them. Liu Yin is the
one located slightly to the west and the other is to the northwest. Once you
have defeated both, the fire attack will be extinguished. Zhao Yun will likely
have begun his charge towards the main camp, so head over to him and defeat him.
A lot of things will likely be happening at once now, with ballistas appearing
in the center of the battlefield, as well as Meng Huo showing up in the south.
For now, board the boat in the north and it will stop in the middle of its
journey. Use the ballista on board to destroy the three on the shore and once
you do, Guan Ping will jump onto the boat. Take him down and the boat will land,
so get off and start moving towards Jian Yong in the middle of the map.
There will be plenty of other officers around Jian Yong, so be careful. You'll
likely have triggered Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's appearances, who show up near the
front gate of Baidi Castle. Likewise, Ma Chao and Ma Dai will appear in the
southwest corner of the map. Defeating Jian Yong will stop the ballistas and
make your side start to build their own catapults.
Use the catapults to knock down the main gate for Baidi Castle and when you do,
go inside. Some rock throwers will appear, which are tied to Guan Yinping, but
you need to go around to get to her. On either side are some stairs, which will
trigger the ballistas to start firing, which are tied to Zhuge Liang. All before
Liu Bei, you'll likely fight Guan Xing, Guan Suo, Zhang Bao, Zhuge Liang and
Guan Yinping. Once the final gate opens, finish off Liu Bei to put an end to

this battle.

======| 1. Battle of Xiangyang |
- CHARACTERS - Han Dang, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang
At the beginning of the battle, go forward and do battle with Huang Zu, who is
slightly stronger than other officers at this time. After he's gone, head
straight up the middle and defeat the officer there, which will open up the
three garrisons across the middle of the battlefield. Go to each one, starting
with the western one, and capture them by taking out the officer inside.
Taking all three garrisons will have your forces surround Xiangyang Castle, and
it will also open up the gates on the easternmost path. Follow this path,
defeating the officers along the way, until you come to Zhang Hu. Take him out
and this will lower the drawbridge and complete the assault on the castle if you
were quick enough.
Close to where you drop into the castle area is Huang Zhong, who should be your
next target, as he can initiate an archer attack should he get the chance to.
There's not much left to do besides do some clean up, so go around and defeat
any remaining officers before going after Liu Biao to finish the battle.
| All of the Hypothetical situations in this battle involve Lu Gong and
| defeating him before he escapes. Follow the battle as planned until you are |
| asked to assault the castle by using the easternmost path. At the end of
| this path, you need to defeat an officer to make a drawbridge fall. As soon |
| you do this, drop down into the castle area and head straight to Lu Gong.
| If you're fast enough, you can catch him before he escapes, but it helps to |
| use a horse.
| Doing the above will unlock 1-X. Battle of Liang Province.
======| 1-X. Battle of Liang Province |
- CHARACTERS - Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang
At the beginning of the battle, fight the common soldiers until you're given
your orders. Depending on who you're playing as, you will go in one of a few
directions, but for this instance, go right. Defeat the officer in the way and
continue south until you are asked to capture the base on the cliff.
As you're going south from the first officer kill, you should see a small path
on the map that leads straight into the central garrison. Use this and drop into
the base, then defeat the officers in there to capture it. Go south from here
and defeat any Unit Commanders you come across, then some attack units will

appear to the north and south slightly east from your position.
Once you defeat both of those, Ma Chao and Ma Dai will appear in the bases on
the western side of the map. They're going to head towards Sun Jian, so quickly
head to them and take them down. Also, Pang De and Han Sui will attack the main
camp, so after taking out the other two, head there and defeat both of them.
Around now, Dong Zhuo will come and head towards the main camp. He'll need an
escort, so head to and follow him, as when he gets close enough Bian Zhang will
appear from behind in an ambush. There are a few other officers around, but
defeating Bian Zhang will finish the battle.
======| 2. Conquest of Wujun |
- CHARACTERS - Huang Gai, Sun Ce, Sun Jian*, Zhou Yu
If you're playing as Huang Gai, you will be tasked with heading east and going
after the supply depot. Either of the other two characters will require you to
head south and start capturing the bases around the area. Not long after
capturing the second base, Taishi Ci will show up slightly to the west of it.
Defeat him, remembering that he is slightly stronger than normal officers.
Taking out Taishi Ci will make the eastern and northern gates of Moling Castle
open. This will trigger a mission to defeat both Ze Rong and Xue Li, so do that
and continue going south. Taishi Ci will appear again, so get rid of him and
then defeat the officer inside the next base.
Now, start heading east towards the main camp. Defeat any other officers in the
way and then open the gates. Head inside and yet again, Taishi Ci will appear.
Defeating him the third time will keep him away for good, as well as open the
main gates to Liu Yao. Head inside and defeat him to finish the battle.
======| 3. The Little Conquerer in Peril |
- CHARACTERS - Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Zhou Tai, Zhou Yu
Once the battle begins, fight the enemies around you until some phantom soldiers
appear. You can't hurt these enemies, so you need to go to one of the designated
spots and find the one responsible for making them appear, which will be nothing
by a Unit Commander. As you continue exploring the forest, an ambush of archers
will appear and will continue on until you finally reach the garrison and Xu
Gong appears.
Defeating Xu Gong will trigger a short scene and after it's over, Cao Cao's
forces will arrive. You'll need to escape the battle with Sun Ce, so start
heading east and taking the path over there. You'll run into some officers such
as Yue Jin and Li Dian. Defeat them as they come, with Li Dian being the second
officer, which will trigger Xiahou Dun to start advancing.
Once you make it into the last garrison, there will be a lot of officers in the
way, including Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and eventually Guo Jia, who is the one
blocking the escape point. Utilize musou attacks and your Rage, if you have it
full, to cut down all of the enemies in your way. When Guo Jia is gone, the
gates to the escape point will open, so head to it to finish the battle.

| You need to defeat both Xiahou Dun and Gan Ji in order to unlock 3-X.
| Defeat Gan Ji. As soon as you escape from the forest, Xiahou Dun will
| appear in the northwest corner. Continue the battle like normal after taking |
| out Xiahou Dun, until you see Guo Jia appear. Around the time he does, Gan |
| Ji will appear in the very same base as Xiahou Dun did. Go back, defeat him |
| and finish the stage.
======| 3-X. Defeat Gan Ji |
- CHARACTERS - Daqiao, Sun Quan, Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu
At the beginning of the battle, there's no enemies on the map, so go to the
designated spot. Some troops summoned by sorcery will appear, so keep on
fighting them until Gan Ji ends up appearing. Defeat him to make the gates open,
allowing you to go forward.
Here, you can either go straight or go right to the barracks entrance. If you go
right, you'll have to keep fighting phantom soldiers until you are cleared,
which opens the gate to the barracks. The appearance of these ghost soldiers
will close nearby gates on the straight path. In the next area past the barracks
entrance will be Liu Yao and Yuan Shu, so take them both down.
After those two are done, Yan Baihu and Xu Gong appear, so defeat both of them,
which will open the gate nearby. Past the gate will be a small area, where a
ghost version of Sun Jian appears, who is a little bit tougher than the normal
officers so far. Once he's gone, Xiaoqiao appears, so take her out, too.
Make your way to the throne room with Sun Quan, where Gan Ji will appear once
again. Defeat him to make the gates to the actual throne room, where you will
have to fight a ghost version of Sun Ce. Once he's through, Gan Ji will set fire
to the room and make three versions of himself appear. You need to take down all
three versions in order to continue.
Gan Ji will now appear outside the castle, exhausted, where he'll run away a
little bit. Give chase, defeating the unit commanders to open gates when needed.
When you get to the one area, you'll have to defeat a phantom version of Gan Ji
again to open the next gate. This final path will lead to the real Gan Ji, so
finish him off to complete the battle.
| In order to get the star on this stage, you need to find and break the
| source of Gan Ji's sorcery. This is actually an urn-like object that is
| hidden within the stage. To find it, go left when you defeat the first
| phantom Gan Ji near the beginning. You will have to climb a ladder to
| continue, but keep going north to find the urn with a blue mist coming from |
| it. Hit it once to destroy it.
======| 4. Battle of Chibi |
- CHARACTERS - Han Dang, Huang Gai, Lu Su, Sun Shangxiang
Start the battle by fighting the soldiers in front of where you begin, as not
too long, two boats with two officers will land. Once those two are gone, Sima
Yi will land a boat to the north, so head up there and defeat him. Next up will

be a raid from the south, with Xiahou Dun leading the charge. There will be
around 5 officers here and once they're finished, the prayer will be successful
and the fire attack will play out.
Go to the boat in the south and board it, waiting for Lu Su and Sun Shao to
board it as well. With everyone on it, it will begin moving towards Cao Cao's
fleet. There will be a few officers there to greet you when you land, including
Cao Pi and Zhenji. After they have been defeated, start making your way north,
taking out any and all officers in the way. Once you get to Cao Cao, defeat him
to end the battle.
======| 5. Battle of Nanjun |
- CHARACTERS - Lu Meng, Lu Su, Zhou Yu
Your first order of business is to go and rescue Gan Ning, who is in the
southwest corner of the map. You'll need to take the winding path to the west to
get to Gan Ning. Break through and defeat the officers around Gan Ning to rescue
him. Zhou Yu will get injured in the process, which he will use to lure the
enemy forces to trap them.
Head north from where Gan Ning was located and go into the garrison there. Clear
it of the officers and then wait there until the next wave of officers approach.
Defeat every officer that comes to you and once they're gone, the Wu forces will
lure out Li Dian, so defeat him when you can. If the main camp is in trouble,
which it might be due to Cao Cao's forces entering it, then go and save it.
Lu Su wants you to act as a decoy again, this time attacking from the cliff to
approach Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He. Follow the trail given to you and when you
execute the pincer attack, defeat both officers mentioned above. Defeating those
two will open the door to Cao Ren, who will be the last officer to end the
| You need to successfully complete the decoy strategy in order to get both
| stars on this stage. It's best to play as Zhou Yu for this, as you can
| control what happens. After rescuing Gan Ning, go north and hold your
| position inside the base until you lure out Li Dian. It might be best to
| make an interim save here, in case things get screwed up in the next area. |
| Once that's done, the second stage of the decoy plan begins. You'll need to |
| follow a specific path on the eastern side of the stage, so enter that area |
| by using the middle path. Go to the north and then around and down the east |
| path. Wait until Lu Su manages to get close enough to Xiahou Yuan and Zhang |
| He before defeating the last officer in the southeast.
======| 6. Battle of Jing Province |
- CHARACTERS - Han Dang, Lu Meng, Lu Su, Zhou Yu*
You must quickly get to the assault point in the northwest, so start the battle
by heading along the path going west. Defeat the officers in the way and when
you get on the west side of the map, defeat Guan Suo and then arrive at the
assault point.

Start going to the collection of Shu officers and defeat all of them, of which
there are plenty. Once the whole area is clear, you can start heading over to
where Guan Yu is located. However, the main gate is closed and Guan Yinping is
guarding it, so take her down to open it up. Once inside, you will have a
reunion with the whole Guan family, although the main target is Guan Yu.
Defeating him will end the battle.
| You need to lead Lu Su to Jing Province Castle to get both stars, which
| means it's easiest if you actually use Lu Su. Your objective is to go up the |
| easternmost path, so do that, defeating all officers in the way. When you
| get to the gate to Jing Province Castle, an ambush will appear behind you, |
| along with two arbalests. Defeat all four officers to disable the arbalests, |
| as well as open the gate to the castle. After defeating the next officer,
| Lu Su should say something about making it to the castle.
======| 7. Battle of Hefei |
- CHARACTERS - Gan Ning, Ling Tong, Lu Su*, Sun Quan
Begin the stage by going straight towards Hefei Castle, which is done by going
through the nearby base with Wen Pin. However, as soon as you cross the bridge
past Wen Pin, it is raised and you're split off from the rest of your army. Not
only that, but Zhang Liao will appear in your main camp and capture it, making
things a total mess.
To limit casualties, Sun Quan has decided it's time to escape from the battle,
so start heading towards the westernmost path. When you reach the garrison on
the western side in the central area, defeat the officers to rescue Taishi Ci.
Go to the rest of the bases and rescue your other officers by doing the same
Not long after rescuing Taishi Ci, there will be a short scene where Zhang Liao
gets the jump on Sun Quan, but Taishi Ci ends up protecting him at the last
minute, with his life ending there. Keep going around and rescuing who you can,
until Sun Quan reaches a cliff. It seems that the engineers have been captured
and are being held by Xu Huang nearby. Defeat him to free the engineer, who will
build a ladder. At the escape point, Zhang Liao shows yet again, but the battle
will end when he is defeated.
======| 8H. Battle of Ruxukou |
- CHARACTERS - Gan Ning, Ling Tong, Lu Meng
Open the gate by taking out the gatekeeper, then capture the garrison by
defeating Xu Huang. Once the outer gates open, you need to avoid direct
confrontation with the officers in the area and get to the drawbridge. When you
get there, Zhang Liao will appear and he is slightly tougher than the other
Defeating Zhang Liao will lower the drawbridge and allow your main force to
arrive. You now need to go around and capture all of the garrisons on the map,
so start with the ones to the south. At one point, a messenger will show up and
attempt to call in for reinforcements, but it should cross your path if you go
with the southcentral garrison first.

With the southern garrisons under your control, head north and go after the ones
there. Once you capture all of them, the gate to Wei's main camp will open.
Also, Zhang Liao will appear again, so defeat him first before going after Cao
Cao to finish the battle.
======| 9H. Battle of Fan Castle |
- CHARACTERS - Lianshi, Lu Meng, Lu Xun
Go forward at the beginning of the battle and capture the southeastern garrison
by defeating Guan Yinping. Your next task is to defeat both Mi Fang and Fu
Shiren, but they will likely retreat before you can get to them. After that,
start heading north and east, towards Guan Yu.
Cross the central area of the battlefield, only to have Zhou Cang start using
catapults to pelt the area with rocks. Defeating him will make them stop, so
hunt him down. Head back to the central area, as Guan Ping and Guan Suo start
heading towards the floodgates. Guan Suo will likely shut the gate, so he'll
need taken out first.
If you don't make it in time, Fan Castle will be flooded and it's likely that a
lot of officers will make their way to Cao Ren. Should that happen, you'll need
to go to him and clear the area of officers. Otherwise, head towards Guan Yu's
main camp, which is likely accessed from the southern gate. Guan Xing controls
some arbalests in the area, so defeat him to stop them. Defeating Guan Yu will
put an end to the battle.
| You need to win the battle and make sure that Lu Meng doesn't get injured to |
| get this star. This is easily done by playing as Lu Meng, as you can control |
| the situation and not have to rely on the AI. At the beginning of the stage, |
| make sure you defeat Fu Shiren and Mi Fang to make them defect to Wu.
| Whatever you do, you cannot enter Guan Yu's camp in the southwest from the |
| east, as this will trigger the arbalests and Lu Meng will get injured.
| Fu Shiren will say he knows how to enter the camp from the north, which is |
| where you need to enter. You likely have to stop the flood attack by
| defeating Guan Ping and Guan Suo, which requires you to be quick, as once
| Guan Ping gets beyond the gate there, he will likely trigger the flood
| attack.
======| 10H. Battle of Yiling |
- CHARACTERS - Han Dang, Ling Tong, Lu Meng*, Lu Xun
While defending
immediate area.
advance. Around
disappeared, so

the main camp, you need to defeat the Shu forces in the
There are three of them and once they're dead, two more will
this time, you'll see a report that Liu Bei seems to have
Lu Xun orders a fire attack to be escorted to the middle of the

Before the fire attack unit can move, however, you will need to defeat Ma Su.
Follow the engineer, defeating any officers in the way, until you get to the
designated spot. Once he reaches the center of the forest, the fire attack will

be successful and Liu Bei's position will be shown. Another scripted event is
that Shamoke will kill Gan Ning. Go over to Liu Bei's location and take him out,
which will make him withdraw.
Zhuge Liang will show up and bring Liu Bei through the Stone Sentinel Maze, and
you'll need to give chase. Once you step foot in the maze, the mini-map will
stay constantly zoomed in, but you can still view the larger map on the pause
screen. There are larger rooms in the maze that have big torches, which your
engineer will light when you defeat the officers there.
There are a total of five torches in the maze and there will be one minor
distraction, which is an officer who activates a ballista. Defeat him to
deactivate it, then light all five torches to remove the gate blocking the exit.
Leave the maze and then defeat Zhuge Liang to open up the final gate, so you can
take out Liu Bei to finish the battle.
| You need to make sure Gan Ning is alive while defeating Shamoke, who will
| kill Gan Ning during the battle. Follow the battle in the beginning like
| normal until you are told to escort the fire attack unit. Ignore this and
| follow Gan Ning, who will begin to traverse the southern path. Eventually, |
| this path will lead him to West Mountain Path Second Garrison, where he will |
| be trapped inside by Shamoke. If you're with him the entire time, you'll be |
| stuck inside as well and be able to quickly defeat Shamoke. Doing this will |
| unlock 10H-X. Battle of Guangling.
======| 10H-X. Battle of Guangling |
- CHARACTERS - Ding Feng, Gan Ning, Ling Tong, Zhou Tai
The beginning of the battle will have you on defensive duty, protecting the
three garrisons in front of where you begin. This is because the fort behind it
is a fake and Wei mustn't find out. Defeat the three officers that come to try
capture the three garrisons. After that, an Assassin will find out and begin
moving along the southern path to tell of the fort being a fake.
Catch up to this Assassin and quickly defeat him. You must now wait and protect
the garrisons from any other officers until Ding Feng manages to get to the
cliff to launch a surprise attack. At the same time, some Shu reinforcements
will appear in the south. Your goal is to go through the middle and defeat the
officers there, including Pang De and Zhang He.
Once you defeat Pang De, Zhang Liao will home in on your position, so take him
down, too. Continue west towards Wei's main camp, where an ambush will happen in
the garrison. Take out the officers and then push forward. Sima Yi will be in
the next area, then there will be a big cluster of officers before the main
gate, including Cao Ren, whose defeat will open it. Once inside, take out Cao Pi
to finish the battle.
======| 11H. Battle of Shiting |
- CHARACTERS - Ding Feng, Ling Tong, Lu Xun, Zhou Tai
Your first order of business is to capture the two bases that are shown on your
map. You also can't go near the two bridges, as your plan will be seen through

if you do. Capturing both bases will make Zhou Fang lure out Cao Xiu. In the
meantime, you need to break through the southern garrison and go into the
southeastern one.
When you get to the above garrison, defeat the officer inside to capture it,
then wait until Zhou Fang lures Cao Xiu into your previous main camp. Once he
does, he defects back to your side and lights the place on fire. Now, make your
way to where they are and defeat Cao Xiu.
Once Cao Xiu is gone, Sima Yi and the rest of Wei's forces will show up in the
western and northwestern areas of the map. On the western side, you'll fight
Shima Shi and Wang Yi, while the northwestern area contains Sima Zhao and the
final officer of the battle, Sima Yi.
======| 12H. Battle of He Fei Castle |
- CHARACTERS - Lianshi, Lu Xun, Sun Quan, Zhou Tai
Begin the battle by going to the two nearby bases and capturing them. This will
cause a battering ram spawn for your forces and head to the front gate of the
castle. However, a pendulum axe will appear and end up destroying the battering
ram. Since the front is out of the question, it's time to attack from the sides.
Depending on who you're playing as, you'll either go to the east or west (this
guide will go to the east).
Once you make it to the designated spot, defeat the officer there to open the
gates. Inside, you'll find some statues that shoot fire, so you need to get past
them and take downthe officer in charge of the statues, who happens to be Yue
Jin. Continue farther into the castle until you get to a room with some large
The officer in charge of the fans is Xu Zhu, who happens to be located behind
the fans themselves. With that out of the way, start making your way towards the
throne room, where Cao Pi is located. Along the way, you'll encounter Li Dian,
as well as Cao Ren guarding the gate leading to it. Once inside, take out Zhenji
and then Cao Pi to finish the battle.
======| 7W. Battle of Hefei |
- CHARACTERS - Gan Ning, Ling Tong, Lu Su, Sun Quan
Finishing this battle will set you on the Hypothetical route for Wu's story. In
order to do this stage, you need to have acquired all stars on the battles prior
on the stage select screen. Once you have done that, speak with Zhou Yu in the
At the beginning of the battle, head east and drop down nearby the bridge. Head
north to the eastern base and you'll find Zhang Liao waiting, so take him down.
Continue north and drop down into the central area of the battlefield, making
your way towards Hefei Castle. Once inside, you'll notice the drawbridge is
raised, so Wu decides to take another route to inside the castle.
It is about this time that Zhang Liao will reappear near Taishi Ci, but Lu Su
mentions not to worry about it and continue towards Hefei Castle. Head to the
western side of the map and climb the ladder to reach the cliff above. Inside
the base there is Li Dian, so defeat him and then continue north.

Keep pressing forward, clearing the next base and then reaching the outskirts of
Hefei Castle. In order to breach the gates, you're going to need some rams, but
you need to lower the drawbridge first. To lower the bridge, you need to defeat
Zhang Hu, but there will be a lot of other officers in the area, including Cao
Ren and Zhang He who show up as reinforcements.
Once the drawbridge has been lowered, the ram will move to the gate, but before
it will likely destroy the gate, Yue Jin and Li Dian show up next to the main
gate. Defeat both of them and once the gates have been opened, all that's left
is to take down Zhang Liao to finish the battle.
======| 8W. Pursuit at Shouchun |
- CHARACTERS - Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu
Go forward at the beginning and defeat any officers in your way. Not far into
the battle, Cao Pi will retreat to the northwest corner and destroy the bridge
behind him. At around the same time, Jia Xu will appear in the south and head
towards the Wu main camp, so start heading back there. The Wei forces to the
north are behaving strangely, which prompts Ding Feng to head there.
All of this culminates in Ding Feng being isolated because Wei destroys the
eastern bridge, making it impossible to get back to the north for now. For now,
defeat Jia Xu and the other officers attacking the main camp. Once it's clear,
head towards the middle area on the map and try to defeat all of the officers
there, even though you don't have to.
When you're done with that, head across the bridge in the southwest corner of
the central area, where you'll meet an ambush by Li Dian. Defeat all of the
officers and you'll succumb to yet another ambush with the next set of enemies.
Keep going after that to encounter an archer ambush, where you'll need to go up
and around on a path to the west to reach Zhang He, whose defeat will stop the
Zhang Liao will likely have gone back to rejoin with Cao Pi, meaning the bridge
to the north has been reconstructed. This means that Ding Feng has been
finished, so there's no need to go to save him now. There will still be two
officers sitting there, if you want to get them, but otherwise, go and defeat
Cao Pi to finish the battle.
| To get this star, you need to defeat Zhang Liao before Ding Feng gets
| isolated in the north. At the beginning of the battle, you go north to fight |
| some of the enemy, but not long after that, Jia Xu will appear to the south |
| and head towards your main camp. DO NOT listen to this and continue staying |
| in the north. After some time passed, Zhang Liao will come out of the castle |
| and to your position, so defeat him to finish this optional objective.
======| 9W. Defense of Jiangxia |
- CHARACTERS - Han Dang, Huang Gai, Lianshi, Lu Xun
Since Wu and Shu should be allies, head straight to Shu's main camp at the
beginning of the battle, making sure to avoid fighting with any of their

officers. When you get there, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei refuse to talk, so defeat
them both to make sure they do talk.
As it turns out, it appears Wei set things up so both Shu and Wu would fight,
with them cleaning up the remaining troops. The battlefield has expanded, with
Wei's forces to the north. Wang Yi should be approaching your position, so
defeat her and then head over to the eastern side of the map, since Xu Huang
will be moving toward Wu's main camp.
Defeat Xu Huang and now both Xiahou Dun and Xu Zhu will appear to attack Guan Yu
in the central area. Go to help him out by defeating both of them. This should
trigger the central bases across the map to open up, with the officers inside
advancing. There's likely to be more officers hanging around the map, but your
main objective now is to go and defeat Wang Yi to finish the battle.
| You need to make sure that both bases near your main camp don't fall, which |
| will happen in the second part of the battle. At the beginning of the
| battle, follow the orders given to you and defeat Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.
| This will open up the second part of the map, with Wang Yi arriving. Defeat |
| her and then Xu Huang will appear. This is where you need to make sure both |
| camps don't fall, although it's fine if one happens to get captured.
======| 9W-X. Assault at Xinye |
- CHARACTERS - Daqiao, Lianshi, Sun Shangxiang, Xiaoqiao
Fight through the normal soldiers and enter the first garrison, where you'll
meet an ambush with Zhang Liao and Zhang He. Defeat them both and head to the
next area. Here, you'll find a closed gate, but there are some stones you can
jump on nearby to reach the cliff above.
Do that and defeat the officer there, then drop down and take out the next
officer to open the gates. Do the same with the next gate, although there is an
alternate path that leads to the cliff this time. You'll find some abandoned
Juggernauts on the path, but you don't really need them for anything. Defeat Cai
Wenji, who should be just past the Juggernauts.
When you reach the bottom of the mountain, Wang Yi will appear as an ambush with
some archers. Dfeat her to stop the archers, then continue west to encounter
Zhenji. It is likely at this point that Pang De has reached the bottom of the
map, so after taking care of Zhenji, defeat Pang De and the other officers. When
Sun Quan reaches the target destination, the battle will end.
| To get the star on this battle, you need to just quickly defeat all of the |
| enemy officers.
======| 10W. Battle of Runan |
- CHARACTERS - Lu Meng, Lu Su, Lu Xun, Xiaoqiao*
At the beginning of the battle, you'll be blocked off from the rest of your
troops and depending which character you're playing as, you will have a set path

(Lu Su in this case). Go north and defeat Zhu Ling to open the next area, where
you'll encounter some large fans. In order to get past this area, go to the
northern set of fans and you'll find a ladder on the west side.
This ladder leads to a platform with Guo Huai, who controls the fans. Defeat him
to shut down the fans, as well as clear the archers, then make your way into the
next area. Defeat Xiahou Mao to open the next area, where you'll find some enemy
pyrocannons that have been activated by Deng Ai. Destroy the ones that are
against you and you'll find some that can be ridden by you.
Use them to take out the reinforcements that show up (or not), then head to the
opposite end and defeat Deng Ai. In the next area, Wang Yuanji and Zhang Chunhua
both appear, but they shouldn't be too much trouble. Defeat them both and then
head north, with some arbalests being used by Sima Zhao. Hunt down both Sima
Zhao and Sima Shi (who is opposite of his brother), then head to the main camp
to finish off Sima Yi.
======| 11W. Assault on Xuchang |
- CHARACTERS - Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang
Depending on the character you use, you're either feigning a frontal assault
(Sun Ce and Sun Quan) or assisting in the fire attack (Sun Jian and Sun
Shangxiang). For the fire attack, go west at the beginning of the stage and when
you can go north, do it to get inside of the castle.
Here, you'll find Xiahou Yuan waiting for you and Wang Yi will eventually come
into the picture. Defeat both of them, then move forward into the castle to
encounter Zhang Liao. Once you make it further into the castle, you'll run into
Guo Huai, as well as some other officers. Defeating them will open up the gates
leading into the northernmost section of the castle.
When you get here, you'll need to lower the water level to find the secret
passage, so go around the path and hit the switch at the end to open the
floodgates. Once it's open, jump into the water and start making your way into
the secret passage. Upon reaching the room, Li Dian and Yue Jin will appear, so
defeat them both to gain access to the main room with Cao Cao.

======| 1. Pursuit at Wuzhang Plains |
- CHARACTERS - Sima Shi, Sima Yi, Sima Zhao, Zhang Chunhua
At the beginning of the battle, you'll be in the central area of Wuzhang and you
will need to defeat the encroaching Shu officers. As you're fighting them, some
more officers will start making their way towards Wei's main camp, so take them
out, too. You'll be told to start heading towards Shu's main camp, but as you
do, their officers will begin to retreat.

You'll have to give chase to the Shu officers via the central garrison, but as
you get close to it, the gates will close and Guan Suo will appear. Defeat him
to open all of the gates. At the next base, Guan Yinping will appear and drop
into the base, so defeat her and continue. Note that Wei Yan and Ma Dai will
appear on a separate path than the one you're probably using.
When you enter the main camp, Jiang Wei will set fire to it, retreat and some
Juggernauts will spawn. Destroy them and the gates will be open, with Jiang Wei
reappearing in the southeast garrison. As you continue along the path to where
Jiang Wei is located, Yueying will appear, along with some arbalests.
After defeating her and the arbalests, you'll find Zhao Yun appearing along the
path. Defeat him and continue to the southeast garrison, where you'll find Jiang
Wei. His defeat will bring an end to the battle.
======| 2. Battle of Xiangping |
- CHARACTERS - Sima Shi, Sima Yi, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji
At the start of the battle, some of Gongsun Yuan's forces are targeting your
main camp and you need to get rid of them. Defeat the first two and the others
will start retreating. Follow them to the west base, where an ambush will be
sprung on you from inside the base. Defeat all of the officers, including Wei
Yan, who will trigger the capture of the base.
This will make the troops in the base to the east of your position panic,
causing them to open the gates. Defeat the officer inside to capture it, then
continue east to take on the assault unit. It's likely that the reinforcements
will show up just north of the assault unit, so take out all of the officers
that appear.
Gongsun Yuan holes himself in his castle, meaning you'll need to find another
way inside. Go to the west side of the map and use the ladders to climb up the
mountain. Clear the garrison at the top, then make your way down the path and
drop into the enemy's main camp. Defeat Gongsun Yuan to finish the battle.
======| 3. Battle of Mt. Xingshi |
- CHARACTERS - Jia Chong, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Zhang Chunhua
At the beginning of the battle, start making your way to Mt. Xingshi, which is
the base in the middle at the south end of the map. When you get to the forest,
it will be set on fire and then the gates you went through will close. After
that, a Shu assault unit will be sent to take over your main camp, as well as
destroy the bridge to the north of it.
Once you get close to Cao Shuang, Ma Dai will appear and drop down from the
summit to attack. Defeat him and then continue south, stopping at the gate
that's likely closed. It'll eventually be opened and the victory conditions will
change, with the battle becoming an escape one now. You need to start making
your way up the eastern side of the map and be careful of any officers
approaching from behind.
When you get past the little maze-like area, Xingcai will appear, so defeat her
and then Cao Shuang will run off again. Eventually, he'll reach an area where
rock throwers and a ballista will appear. You need to take down Liao Hua to take

control of the ballista, then use it to get rid of the rock throwers.
Keep going to the next base, where you will encounter some Juggernauts and
Yueying. Defeat her to make the gates open again and make your way to the escape
point, only to have both Guan Suo and Guan Yinping appear. You will need to
defeat both of them in order to allow Cao Shuang to finally escape from the
======| 4. Coup d'etat |
- CHARACTERS - Sima Shi, Sima Yi, Sima Zhao, Zhang Chunhua
At the beginning of the battle, there will be four spies where you are, so
defeat them all and then take the western path out of there. The gatekeeper will
turn on you, so take him down and the next part will depend on which character
you are playing as. Sima Shi and Sima Zhao will have to go to the east and
capture the supply depot, while the other two characters will need to capture
the armory.
When you have captured whichever base you were told, make your way to the
central square and capture that next, then make your way to the throne room,
which should now be open. Defeat the officer there and Cao Shuang's vanguard
will appear in two spots. Make your way to the south end of the map, as Cao
Shuang will appear with some of his officers. You need to quickly defeat him, as
he will try to run away and if he does, then you fail the battle. Take him down
to finish.
| Whenever Cao Shuang appears at the end of the battle, he will have three
| officers with him, who are Cao Xun, Cao Xi and He Yan. To get this star, you |
| to defeat those three before you take down Cao Shuang. This is a problem as |
| Shuang will attempt to escape from battle and if he does, then you fail the |
| battle. That means you need to quickly take the three down quickly with
| hopefully a Musou attack and then get Cao Shuang.
======| 4-X. Xiahou Ba's Journey |
- CHARACTERS - Guo Huai, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji
If you're using Guo Huai, then you will go down the eastern path, while Sima
Zhao and Wang Yuanji will use the western path. The western path is fairly
straightforward, while the eastern path has a few things that need to be
detailed. Guo Huai's sole purpose in the battle is to slow down Xiahou Ba.
At the beginning, defeat the first officer in the garrison, then keep going to
the next one. Guo Huai will mention that the rocks seem a little loose and there
will be a ballista nearby. Defeating the officer will let you control the
ballista, which you can use to shoot at the rocks mentioned before to block the
Path this is a pit with spaced stones, with tigers in the pit. You need to jump
across the stones without falling into the pit, but should that happen, there is
a ladder on the north side that you can climb up and try again. Once you make it
across, there is one other thing to keep in mind.

When Guo Huai mentions the bridge, there is some branches that you can hit to
make a boulder fall to destroy the bridge. Once you make it past that, keep
going until you see Jiang Wei at the end. Defeat him and then defeat Xiahou Ba
to finish the battle.
| You need to defeat Jiang Wei before he and Xiahou Ba manage to meet. It
| might be better to play as Guo Huai for this, as you can control the
| progress of Xiahou Ba. If you do all of the actions to slow him down, you
| should have more than enough time to make it to Jiang Wei and defeat him
======| 5. East Gates Battle |
- CHARACTERS - Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji, Xiahou Ba*, Zhuge Dan
Your goal at the beginning of the battle is to capture the two frontline
Once you capture one, though, the enemies will begin retreating down the
path. However, Sima Zhao thinks the enemy is behaving strangely and opts
east. If you're playing as Sima Zhao or Wang Yuanji, then head east, but
other two will continue south on the western path.

to head

parties will meet with an ambush, so defeat the officers and start making
way to the southeast garrison. Once you make it there, defeat the officers
appear from the southeastern checkpoint, then clear the garrison itself.
will trigger the whole group to start making their way to the escape point.

When you reach the eastern garrison, the gates will shut and an ambush appears.
Defeat the officer and then continue to the northeast. Ding Feng will now appear
in the northern base, as well as set fire to the northeast area. Defeat him and
then continue to the next area, where Lianshi and another officer appear. Take
them out and then it's a clear shot to the escape point.
| You need to make sure all of your allies survive the battle, which shouldn't |
| be too difficult. Since everyone splits up near the beginning, you need to |
| make sure you work quickly to clear a path to the southeast garrison. Once |
| you do, you'll meet up with everyone and should be together for the rest of |
| the battle.
======| 5-X. Battle of New Hefei Castle |
- CHARACTERS - Guo Huai, Sima Shi, Zhuge Dan
When the battle begins, go forward and drop down to the large room on the
eastern side. Here, defeat all the officers and this will activate the wind
generator. Once you do that, find the stairs in the southeast corner of the room
to find a hallway of statues. Defeat the officer and then find the path that
goes onto some balcony-like areas with ballistae.
Defeat the captains to seize the ballistae,
captains/officers to seize those ballistae.
are stairs on the west side of the room, as
these to reach some of the enemies that let

then use to hit any nearby

If you fall off the platform, there
well on the east side. You can use
you seize the ballistae.

Once all of the ballistae have been taken, as well as the Wu forces have been
eradicated, you can head to the area outside the castle. You need to take the
two garrisons in front of the Wu main camp. When you do that, the commander of
the Wu forces will be mad and open up the gates to the main camp, so defeat him
to finish the battle.
======| 6. Battle of Mt. Tielong |
- CHARACTERS - Deng Ai, Jia Chong, Sima Zhao, Zhong Hui
At the beginning, you can either go south or east. If you go east, you can
fulfill the Hypothetical condition for this stage. If you go south, you won't be
able to and Guo Huai will end up dying at the end of the battle. Defeat the
officer nearby, then drop off the ledge and then choose between the next two
ledges after taking out some more officers.
The one to the southeast will place you into the central area of the map, where
you will find plenty of officers. The other ledge will lead you into the central
garrison, where you will be ambushed by some officers, including Ma Dai. This
will eventually trigger an event where Guo Huai gets injured.
As you leave the garrison or go south in the plains area, the supply depot will
open and Xingcai will start escorting some wooden oxen to the south. Follow them
and destroy all of the oxen, as well as Xingcai and any other officers. There
will be another ambush, one of the archer kind, on the southern path, so lure
the officers off the ledge above and defeat them both.
As you exit the southern path towards the west side, quite a few officers will
appear, so head up to them and defeat them all, with Liao Hua and Zhang Yi being
the main targets to open the gates in the western base. As you exit the base to
the north, Li Jian shows up and depending on what you did earlier, he may injure
Guo Huai or won't try to trick him. After taking him out, Jiang Wei and a whole
bunch of officers show up, so defeat them all and then Jiang Wei to finish the
| You need to rescue Guo Huai without him getting injured at all, which
| involves a specific process and set of rules. One thing you should never do |
| is enter the central garrison, as this will trigger the rams Shu will use |
| to break down the gates to Guo Huai's base and injure him.
| When the battle begins, go east instead of south, until you happen upon Li |
| Jian. Defeat him and he'll withdraw after stealing some Wei clothes. Now, |
| go south until you see Xingcai talk about supplies, so follow them and
| destroy all of the little ox carts. Keep going along the southern path and |
| destroy the reinforcements that appear and then Li Jian will appear again. |
| If you defeated him at the beginning of the battle, you will be allowed to |
| take him out again without him opening the gates, thus being able to rescue |
| Guo Huai.
======| 7. Guanqiu Jian and Wen Qin's Rebellion |
- CHARACTERS - Deng Ai, Guo Huai*, Jia Chong, Sima Shi
When the battle starts, you'll see Sima Zhao and Sima Shi say something about

being careful for ambushes, and you'll see two highlighted green spots. Go to
the western of the two and Wen Yang will appear, where he'll head to your main
base. He cannot be attacked right now, so turn around and he'll follow him to
your base to view a cutscene.
After it's over, you'll get a report that some reinforcements from Wu will be
arriving soon on the western side of the map. Go there and capture the western
base by defeating the officer and then three waves of reinforcements will come.
The first one has three officers, the second two and the last will be headed by
Ding Feng and have two other officers.
Defeat them all and then head all the way across the map to the eastern base via
one of the southern routes. Note that Wen Yang will appear again to attack your
main base, but ignore him and concentrate on the other things. At the base,
which Wen Yang should probably have appeared in, is unlockable via the
gatekeeper. Go inside and defeat both Wen Qin and Wen Yang, then head into the
middle of the battlefield.
There will be two officers who should have already left their bases, as well as
three still inside. Once you get the word about the northern base, the three
other garrisons will open, so defeat those three officers and approach the
northern base to make some soldiers defect. They will open the gates for you, so
go inside and defeat Guanqiu Jian to finish the battle.
| The description for the star is a bit misleading on the stage select
| as you need to make sure you defeat all other officers on the map besides |
| Wen Qin, Wen Yang and Guanqiu Jian. The best way to do this is to play as |
| Sima Shi, as he is one of the culprits that can ruin this if left to the
| AI.
| Start by going to the left of the two highlighted spots, which will trigger |
| Wen Yang to go towards the main camp. Follow him to view the cutscene, then |
| go after the Wu reinforcements on the west side of the map. Defeat the
| three waves and once you do, follow the path to the north until you get to |
| a point where you can drop down into the middle area.
| Doing this serves two purposes, which will cancel the attack on the east
| base (it's a good thing) and draw out the three officers in the northern
| garrisons. Defeat all other officers on the map besides the three you need, |
| then head into the eastern base. If you see Wen Yang mention a pincer
| attack and then saving his allies, then you're good. He'll have a short
| dialogue with Sima Shi when you get close, which will be your cue to defeat |
| Wen Qin first, then Wen Yang and finally Guanqiu Jian.
======| 8. Battle of Xuchang |
- CHARACTERS - Jia Chong, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji, Zhuge Dan*
Go east until you find some officers, so defeat them and then head north to the
objective. Some rebels will ambush you, so defeat the three unit commanders (as
well as the officer just for fun) to clear it. It doesn't seem Sima Shi is here,
so go north into the next area.
As soon as you step into the next area, you'll see some peasants asking for
help. There is one on each of the paths in the vicinity and all you have to do
is defeat the Unit Commander fighting each peasant. After rescuing all three, go

north through the now opened gate and search the three spots for Sima Shi. While
exploring these three spots, the gates to the area to the west will open.
You will notice that Sima Shi's bodyguards are in the area, but they are
surrounded by rebel forces. As you did earlier, defeat the three unit commanders
to rescue the bodyguards, who tell you that Sima Shi is in the garden area to
the north. Before you even get the chance to rescue him, Sima Shi is defeated.
Defeat the rebel forces in the area, which will trigger Wen Qin's appearance in
the eastern side of the map. All that is left is to go over there and defeat him
to finish the battle.
======| 9H. Zhuge Dan's Rebellion |
- CHARACTERS - Jia Chong, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji, Zhong Hui
At the beginning of the stage, go west and after clearing the gate, the bridge
ahead will be destroyed. As you start heading south now, an ambush group will
appear, so defeat the officers at the base of the cliff, then defeat the fire
archers at the top, which will trigger Zhu Yi to flee.
There are two paths here, one that goes underneath and one above, so take the
one above. Eventually, you'll come to an officer preparing to use a catapult, so
defeat him to take control of it. Use the catapults to get rid of the ballistae,
then unite with the other group again.
Clear the area in the south and then Zhu Yi will lead an ambush to the same
place, so clean them up. When Zhu Yigoes back to his commander, he is executed
and some of his other men will defect to your side. Sun Chen will send out a
warning, which is two officers, to anyone else who would like to defect, so hunt
them both down and get rid of them before they can meet.
Once you do that, you'll have two new allies on your side. They will open the
gates to the main camp, so go inside and start doing some cleaning. When you
open up the eastern gates, some more men on Wu's side will defect to yours. This
will open up the final area, so go inside and defeat Lu Kang, who surrounded
himself with some arbalests. All that's left is to go and defeat Zhuge Dan to
finish the battle.
======| 10H. Wei Emperor's Last Stand |
- CHARACTERS - Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji, Zhong Hui
Go east at the beginning and defeat Cao Mao, making him retreat to the northwest
base. Head over there and defeat the officer guarding the door, then go inside
and defeat Cao Mao once again. Now, go east and through the central gate, where
you will face down an ambush.
Defeat the officer in the ambush and continue north again. When you reach the
main gates to the throne room, you'll find them shut with no way of opening
them. However, Jia Chong appears with a fellow officer and will unlock them from
the inside. Go inside and defeat Cao Mao once more to finish the battle.
======| 11H. Battle of Taoyang |

- CHARACTERS - Jia Chong, Sima Zhao, Zhong Hui
To begin, defeat the officers right outside your starting position, then start
heading to the southwest base. Defeat the officer there to capture it, then head
east towards the next one. Do the same here as the previous one, then once more
in the southeast one (you can only enter from the west gate).
Once you take care of those three bases, the enemy will attempt to send out
messengers to their main unit. Head to the southwest corner of the castle and
intercept the messengers, of which there are a couple. There is a ladder nearby
that you can use to breach the castle, so hop down and inside.
At the top, defeat the officers to open the gate, as well as stop the arrow
attacks. Once the way is open, drop down into the main area and clear the area
there of all the officers to begin your chase to Xiahou Ba, who should now be
attempting to escape from the back of the castle.
Of course, there will be officers between you and the back gate, so take them
down and continue your pursuit, which likely has ended thanks to Deng Ai
ambushing Xiahou Ba. All you have to do now is defeat him in combat to finish
the level.
======| 12H. Battle of Jiange |
- CHARACTERS - Deng Ai, Wang Yuanji, Wen Yang
At the beginning of the battle, go north and once you encounter the first
officer, some messengers will appear ahead. Run as fast as possible and chase
them down (there are three), as they will tell their allies that you are coming
and it will ruin the decoy plan.
Now that you got rid of the messengers, start making your way to the
mountaintop. This is easily done by defeating Ju Fu and Chen Zhi, then going
through the gates that open. At the top, defeat Zhuge Zhan and that will take
care of the enemy pincer attack. Now you can start making your way down the
mountain and towards the enemy main camp.
When you make it to the enemy camp, the officers guarding the three gates will
rally and become slightly tougher. Defeating two of these officers will make the
third fall back into the main camp, so give chase and take care of that one. As
soon as you step foot into the main camp, Yueying will appear with some
Juggernauts. Take her out and then go into the newly opened area to defeat Jiang
What appears to be the end of the battle isn't, as Jiang Wei falls back and an
extra section of the map appears with more enemies. As you approach the next
area, ambush troops will appear to the east, while Liao Hua will commence an
archer attack on the cliff to the west. There will be a few officers around,
including Xingcai, who when defeated will open the gate to the east.
Ma Dai will appear to the south and begin causing a rockslide, making boulders
roll down the path. In the northeast corner of this area is a hidden path that
you can use to bypass the boulders and get behind Ma Dai, making it easier to
get rid of him. On the path leading to the western section, Dong Jue will make
some fire archers appear, halting the Wei progress once again.
Continue past the area with the fire archers and you'll be ambushed in the

south-southwestern garrison. Defeat the officer there and then defeat Dong Jue
to cease the fire archer attack. There will be two officers outside of the main
camp, one of which is Guan Suo. Defeat them both, then go inside and defeat
Jiang Wei once again to finish the battle for good.
======| 13H. Battle of Chengdu |
- CHARACTERS - Jia Chong, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji
Your first objective in the battle is to capture Fu Castle, which is only open
from the west, so go that way and defeat the officer inside to take it. When you
do, Ma Dai and some other officers will appear to the east and head towards the
Wei main camp. However, you can't use the shorter of the two paths unless Jia
Chong defeated the officer in the base, so you'll have to go back the way you
Ma Dai withdraws once defeated, so continue on to Luo Castle, which appears to
be empty for now. A cutscene will occur inside with Liu Shan appearing. While
you're fighting him, Jiang Wei and another officer will show up, so defeat all
three. Once you step foot out of Luo Castle, Yueying will activate siege weapons
all over the map.
Your objective now is to go east and take out Yueying to stop all of the siege
weapons. When you make it to the base where Yueying is, Guan Yinping and two
other officers appear, so take out all three to open the base, then defeat
Yueying to deactivate all of the siege weapons. Note that you'll likely need to
go back to Deng Ai and clear the area around him, as he'll probably have a good
number of officers surrounding him.
Once everything is clear, start making your way to Chengdu Castle. When you get
to the front of it, Ma Dai will appear again, leading some cavalry. Defeating
him will open up the two paths on the east and west sides of the castle. In
order to open the inner gates to Chengdu, you'll need to defeat Guan Suo on the
west side and Jiang Wei on the east side.
When you do open the inner gates, defeat the officers on each side if you want,
then go to Liu Shan. Xingcai will also be there, guarding him, and if you defeat
her first, then Liu Shan will rally become stronger. Defeating Liu Shan will end
the battle.
======| 8W. Battle of Xuchang |
- CHARACTERS - Jia Chong, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji, Zhuge Dan
In order to play this stage, you must have gotten all the stars on the stages
prior to this one. Once you do, talk to Wen Yang in the camp to start the
hypothetical route.
This stage plays out mostly the stage as the historical version, although there
are a few key differences. Wen Yang will plant defending forces on the east
side, and then try to convince Wen Hu that their father is doing wrong. Defeat
him once and then a second and third time to make him defect to Wei. Once you
do, Sima Shi will appear in the northwest and still be alive. When Sima Zhao
meets up with Sima Shi, he will be rescued and Wen Qin will spawn in the
northeast. Defeat him to finish the battle.

======| 9W. Capture of Chengdu |
- CHARACTERS - Deng Ai, Guo Huai, Sima Shi, Xiahou Ba
Your goal is to storm Chengdu Castle, but as you approach it, you learn the
gates are shut tight. Sima Shi says to go to the eastern garrison and capture
it, which will help in the construction of rams to break the gates open. Defeat
the officers and then make your way to Chengdu, only to have Ma Dai appear to
try and destroy the rams. Once you get rid of him and his fellow officers, the
ram will break into the gate on the east side.
Don't worry about the officers on the west side and defeat the ones on the east,
then go straight to Jiang Wei in the north. At around this time, Guan Suo and
Guan Yinping will appear in the northeast and start making their way towards
your main camp. After disposing of Jiang Wei, go straight after the Guan
siblings. Also, Liu Shan will appear at the south end of the map, along with
plenty of other Shu officers.
Start making your way to the southern end of the map. You'll encounter Yueying
in Luo Castle, so you will need to defeat her to open the gate. As soon as
stepping foot outside of Luo Castle, Jiang Wei will appear in the base slightly
to the south and light fire to the little area. Go into the base and defeat him,
then continue working your way around the western path and to the south.
There will be a few officers in the way, as well as Xingcai guarding the front
gate to the enemy main camp. Once you clear the other officers out of the way,
go and defeat Liu Shan to finish the battle.
| To get the star on this map, which unlocks 9W-X. Defeat the Rebels, all you |
| need to do is make sure you defeat all other officers on the map before
| defeating Liu Shan at the very bottom of the map. Make sure you check the
| officer listing before confronting Liu Shan and if he's the only one
| remaining, you can defeat him.
======| 9W-X. Defeat the Rebels |
- CHARACTERS - Sima Yi, Zhang Chunhua
At the beginning of the battle, head west and then north into the first
highlighted area. It seems like the enemy troops are frightened by the fact that
Sima Yi is there. Anyways, go west into the small room to encounter an officer
building some siege weapons. Defeat him to reclaim the weapons, then go through
the next door that opened.
It seems that Zhong Hui has kidnapped the Emperor, so start heading north.
Defeat the officer in the way, then start going east. There will be a blocked
gate, so defeat the officer and once you step foot into the next area, you'll
get a report that Zhong Hui has captured the supply depot and barracks.
Start heading towards both the supply depot and barracks, defeating the officers
inside to reclaim them as your own. Once you do, Zhong Hui will reappear in the
central square, so head there to have the gates close on you before you can
enter. You'll need to defeat Xun You to open the gates, then you can head past
the to confront Zhong Hui. Defeat him and the battle will continue.

Zhong Hui will reappear in the throne room for the final time. Note that
sometimes the door will remain close, but just move away from it and go back to
have it open. Once inside, Zhong Hui will spring an ambush with nothing but
regular troops, so just concentrate on him to finish the battle.
| There is a star for this battle, but all it entails is for you to simply
| win the battle. If you follow the walkthrough above, then you should get it |
| with no problem.
======| 10W. Battle of Jianye |
- CHARACTERS - Jia Chong, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji, Zhuge Dan
Your first objective in the battle is to head to the northwest garrison and
capture it. As you approach it, Sima Zhao remarks that it's too quiet in that
garrison considering there's a battle. Once you step inside, an ambush will
appear, so defeat the two officers to clear it and open the gates back up.
Capturing the western castle will cause some troops to escape from it and
venture into the enemy strategist's base, leaving it open to attack. Go there
and defeat Lu Kang, then continue through the gate that opened in the west
section of that room. Note that there will now be ballistae scattered around on
the path leading to the central room, so make sure you destroy those first when
you see them.
Once you get into the eastern hallway, there will be spike traps on the ground
that will trigger when you walk over them. On the southern end of the hallway
will be Ding Feng, whose defeat will deactivate all of the traps encountered. In
the next area, you'll have to fight Lianshi.
When Lianshi is done, use the nearby stairs to reach the throne room where Sun
Xiu is located. However, before you can enter, Lu Kang appears once again and
will be slightly tougher than previously. Once you defeat him, the main gate
will open and you can take down Sun Xiu to finish the battle.
======| 11W. Defend Chengdu |
- CHARACTERS - Sima Shi, Wen Yang, Xiahou Ba
There will be some forces inside of Chengdu at the beginning of the battle and
you will need to find the three officers responsible for letting them in. They
are located on the southern end of the east and west sides, as well as the path
connecting the two. Once they have been taken care of, it's time to get rid of
the forces outside of the castle.
Around this time is when Jiang Wei will appear in the northeast and move towards
the castle. He should be your first priority, so defeat him and any other
officers in the area before clearing the middle path of officers. As you're
fighting them in the middle, tigers will appear and you'll need to go to the
garrison on the east side.
Once you arrive, you'll see some Juggernauts sitting there, but Yueying will pop
up. You must defeat her before you'll be able to use the Juggernauts, so do that

and then attack one of the tigers with it to scare them all away. You may have
noticed by now that all of the officers that fall under Meng Huo will reappear
if they have been defeated.
In order to stop this from happening, you'll need to go to the garrison on the
west side of the map. When you arrive, Zhurong will appear and attempt to stop
you. Defeat her and then commandeer one of the catapults. However, you can't use
it yet, so continue to Luo Castle and defeat Meng Huo who is inside. This will
allow you to use the catapult from before to set fire to Luo Castle (you don't
need to fire it at all, so just drive it to the castle).
Jiang Wei will appear just outside of the south exit of Luo Castle, so take him
out and he'll move into a base east of the castle, which is only accessible by
using the eastern path. As you're going towards Jiang Wei, Guan Suo will appear
in the northwest, so go and take him outand then come back down. Other than Guan
Yinping, there isn't much else standing between you and Jiang Wei, so defeat him
to end the battle.
======| 12W. Final Conflict at Chibi |
- CHARACTERS - Jia Chong, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji
Sima Zhao and Jia Chong go up the left side of the map, while Sima Shi and Wang
Yuanji will use the middle of the map. At the beginning, go up the middle path
and defeat any officers in your way, as well as clear out the area until you get
a report saying that a fire attack is on its way. You will need to be on the
southernmost ship (marked on your map) until Ding Feng appears on your ship and
sets it on fire.
Defeat him and the ships will be reconnected, so start heading towards the
southwest corner as soon as possible. The reason for doing so is because of
enemy reinforcements will appear in the southwest. Go and take care of them and
then Sima Yi and Zhang Chunhua will appear as allied reinforcements in the
south, linking the southern area to the main camp.
Around this time, Bao Sanniang will appear in the south and bring some
reinforcements from Nanzhong, which include Meng Huo and Zhurong. Go to the
front of the enemy main camp and defeta Yueying to open the gates. Once you do,
you might want to clear the area of any other officers before going inside and
defeating Jiang Wei to finish the battle.

Each character in the Others group have a single stage attributed to them and
aren't available when you first begin playing the game. As you clear specific
stages in the other Story Modes, these stages will become unlocked for play.
======| 1. Yellow Turban Conflict |

- CHARACTER - Zhang Jiao
- UNLOCKED - Clear Shu Chapter 1 (Yellow Turban Rebellion)
Your task at the beginning of the battle is to rescue Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao.
Since Zhang Bao is closer, start by heading north and clearing the area around
him, including any officers who might show up. Once you do, start heading east
to where Zhang Liang is located, making sure to take a pit stop in the area with
the stairs to take out any officers there.
Rescuing both officers will make the enemy officers change their course due to
the sorcery, which will result in them going to the altar. Go back and defeat
all of the officers that will likely be swarming your altar, including Sun Jian,
Huang Gai and Han Dang. Zhao Yun will now appear in the northeast, so go there
and defeat him, then start moving south down the eastern path.
Note that more Imperial forces will arrive in the northwest and northeast,
consisting of Liu Bei's forces, as well as Cao Cao's. You can go and greet them
if you want, and after that, start making your way to the enemy main camp. When
you reach the garrison with Huangfu Song, he will close the gates, but defeating
all the officers around will make Zhang Jiao set it ablaze, opening the main
camp. Defeat He Jin to finish the battle.
======| 2. Eliminate Dong Zhuo |
- CHARACTER - Diao Chan
- UNLOCKED - Clear Wei Chapter 2 (Battle of Hulao Gate)
Go north at the beginning, then go around and defeat Xu Rong to open the gate
that leads south. You'll see your father fighting with Li Su, so defeat him to
rescue your father. Continue to the next area, where you'll see a bunch of
ballistae, but before you have a chance to say anything, they will activate and
the doors will close.
Defeat the officer nearby, then exit to the north and take the newly opened
gate. Follow this path to the central area, where Diao Chan will talk about
trying to alliance themselves with Lu Bu. So now, go to the south and make your
way to the southeast to where Lu Bu is located.
Once you get to him, he will defect and join your side. Now, start making your
way towards Dong Zhuo, who will have reinforcements join the battle. Defeat any
officers that get in your way and when you get to the middle of the map, Wang
Yun will head east and go north to cut off Dong Zhuo is he decides to escape.
When you get to the west gate, there will be an ambush.
unit commander in the north by the gate, as well as the
Continue on until you get before the throne room, where
Liao on you while he tries to escape. Defeat Zhang Liao
defeating Dong Zhuo to end the battle.

You need to defeat the

one to the south.
Dong Zhuo will sic Zhang
and give chase,

======| 3. Chase at Hulao Gate |
- CHARACTER - Dong Zhuo
- UNLOCKED - Clear Shu Chapter 2 (Battle of Hulao Gate)
Go forward on the only path at the beginning, defeating any officers in your

way, with the first two being Li Dian and Yue Jin. Continue along, defeating
more officers, until you run into Dian Wei at the second gate. He runs before
saying anything about Diao Chan, but the gate is now open.
In this area, go from ally to ally, defeating the officer and trying to obtain
some information about Diao Chan. The first one is fighting with Xiahou Dun and
Zhang Liao is fighting with Guan Yu, with the rest fighting generic officers.
There is one officer you need to drop in from some stairs nearby, who when
rescued, will stop nearby ballistae.
As you get close to Sishui Gate, ambush troops led by Zhang Fei will appear,
with Liu Bei also close by. You must defeat both of them in order to make Sishui
open. Once you pass through Sishui, you should see a bunch of arbalests, so
destroy them all before concentrating on any other enemies.
You must defeat Cao Cao and Sun
gates open. Once they are open,
his defeat, both Lu Bu and Diao
rendezvous with them, they will
the battle.

Jian, which will make the enemy main camp's

go inside of there and take down Yuan Shao. With
Chan will appear in the nearby base. When you
defect and you'll have to defeat them to finish

======| 4. Xiapi Defensive Battle |
- UNLOCKED - Clear Wei Chapter 6-X (Battle of Xiapi)
Your first overall objective at the beginning of the battle is to head over to
the floodgates and close them, which will call in reinforcements for your
forces. However, there is another problem at hand, which is the possible
defection of some of your own officers. Thus, you should concentrate on clearing
out the enemy officers in and immediately around Xiapi Castle to prevent your
own from defecting.
Once you helped out your own officers, head on over to the floodgates and defeat
Jia Xu in order to close them. When you do, start going around and defeating any
other officers that you find, with Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei being directly
outside of the southern entrance to the main castle.
Start making your way to Cao Cao's main camp in the southwest corner. Defeat Xu
Zhu to open the gates and when you enter, Cao Cao will retreat, which will
trigger Guo Jia to light the main camp on fire. Defeat him and Cao Cao will
reappear in the northwest corner, with him trying to take over Xiapi Castle.
Head up there and you'll find Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan with him. Defeat Cao
Cao to finish the battle.
======| 5. Skirmish at Guandu |
- CHARACTER - Yuan Shao
- UNLOCKED - Clear Shu Chapter 3-X (Disturbance at Guandu)
At the beginning of the battle, head for Baima on the east side of the map. As
you get near it, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei will start moving towards it as well.
Note that during this time, Cao Pi will go for Yanjin in the center of the map.
For now, go to Baima and defeat Guan Yu before Liu Bei and Zhang Fei get there,
as their meeting will make them all withdraw.

With Baima safe, head to Yanjin and defeat Cao Pi, who should already be there
attacking it. While defending Yanjin, Xiahou Yuan will start moving towards the
northwest garrison, so go there after Yanjin is safe. Once you take out Xiahou
Yuan, start heading south down the western path, only to have some arbalests
block the path.
Navigate past the arbalests and defeat Guo Jia in the base nearby to make them
stop shooting. Make your way to Cao Cao's main camp, defeating Xu Zhu to make
the gates open. At this point, some reinforcements will arrive, so you might
want to go and take care of them. After that, head to Cao Cao and defeat him to
finish the battle.
======| 6. Nanzhong Rescue Mission |
- CHARACTER - Zhurong
- UNLOCKED - Clear Shu Chapter 11W-X (Pacification of Nanzhong)
Meng Huo is nowhere to be seen at the beginning of the battle, plus the Shu
forces are attacking your officers and even main camp. Go to each officer in
trouble, starting with the main camp, defeat the enemy officer harassing them
and learn any information as to the whereabouts of Meng Huo. One of them will
point out an allied officer in the northwest section of the center area, so go
If you use the stairs that look like a bridge on the map, you'll see Guan
Yinping ambush you on the west side with some rock throwers. Defeat her to make
the rock throwers stop, then continue to the last ally in trouble, defeating the
enemy officer to rescue him. Another enemy officer will appear from the central
garrison, which is where Meng Huo is located and fighting with Zhao Yun.
Defeat the other officer, then rescue Meng Huo and exit out the northern gate,
only to have some enemy reinforcements appear in the middle eastern area of the
map. Go back and defeat them, then continue towards the enemy main camp. At the
one garrison, you'll have to defeat both Bao Sanniang and Guan Suo to continue.
After that, it's a straight shot to the enemy main camp, where you'll find Zhuge
Liang and Yueying. Defeating Zhuge Liang will end the battle.
======| 7. Phantoms of Xuchang |
- UNLOCKED - Clear Wu Chapter 11W (Assault on Xuchang)
At the beginning of the battle, defeat the officer nearby to set up an altar
that will summon phantom soldiers. This will open the gate to the north, where
you'll find another officer, who will open the gates to the east in the previous
area once defeated. Follow this path, defeating the officers in the way, until
you arrive at the designated spot.
Here, you will need to take out the officer in charge of the area, noting that
the ballistae are active, so destroy those first. Another altar will be placed
here, so continue to the north. There will likely be arbalests here, but you
might be able to breeze by them if you're fast enough. If the messenger gets to
Cao Ren, don't worry, as Zuo Ci will still summon phantoms of Lu Bu and Dong
Either way, defeat Cao Ren and then head into the arena-like area to the west to

find Xiahou Dun, so take him out as well. Go south and then west only to have to
backtrack because of Sima Yi seeing through your tricks and sending engineers to
take out your altars. Go back to the area with the arbalests lined up again and
then north into the area with Li Dian.
Defeat Li Dian first, then go north to find Sima Yi, who will sic some
pyrocannons on you. Destroy them first, then go after Sima Yi. Once you defeat
Sima Yi, the gate on the west side of the area where you fought him will open,
allowing you access to Cao Pi, who also has Zhenji with him. Defeating Cao Pi
will end the battle.
======| 8. Rescue at Baidi Castle |
- CHARACTER - Meng Huo
- UNLOCKED - Clear Jin Chapter 9W (Capture of Chengdu)
At the beginning of the battle, there are a total of six officers attacking the
Shu forces surrounding and inside the castle. Clear out all of them, including
the two inside, who are Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan. Once it's clear, go to the
central area, where you will be thrown against a lot more officers, including
Yue Jin and Li Dian.
You will need to defeat the above two in order to gain control of the ballistae,
so do that. Around this time, Zhang Liao will begin preparing a boat to leave
from the northeast corner. You need to head to the area in the north part of the
center of the map, defeat Han Hao and use the catapult to try and destroy the
If you fail, then you have to deal with Zhang Liao who lands near Baidi Castle.
Also, some Nanzhong reinforcements are set to appear from the south, but Wang Yi
shows up and blocks them. Defeat her to make your reinforcements show up, then
continue along the southern path towards Cao Cao's main camp. You find out the
main gates are shut and you will need to navigate through some bases to get
There will be a few generic officers in the way, but the big ones appear inside
of the three bases you need to take. The first one has Cao Pi and Zhenji, with
the second having Pang De and the third being occupied by Guo Jia. Make your way
into the main camp, where you'll find Cao Cao being guarded by Dian Wei and Xu
Zhu. Defeat Cao Cao to finish the battle.

08/21/2013....Finally finished all of the battles, as well as listing out the
Hypothetical situations and how to do them. Guide has been
submitted to GameFAQs.


Q) When was Dynasty Warriors 8 released?
A) It was initially released in Japan on February 28, 2013 as a Playstation 3
exclusive. In North America and Europe, it was released on July 16, 2013 and
July 19, 2013 for both the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
Q) Will all of the DLC that was released in Japan come out in other territories?
A) I'm not sure if it will or not, but they have released the DLC for previous
entries in the series, so there's a good chance some of it will come over.
The only one I'm thinking will not are the bonuses exclusive to certain
stores in Japan.

- CJayC for creating GameFAQs and SBAllen for running it today (as well as
everyone else who maintains it)
- Omega Force and Tecmo Koei for creating the Dynasty Warriors franchise

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