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Ann. Hum. Genet.

(2000), 64, 395–412 395

Printed in Great Britain

Patterns of male-specific inter-population divergence in Europe,

West Asia and North Africa


" Department of Biology, University of Rome ‘ Tor Vergata ’, Italy
# Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of Rome ‘ La Sapienza ’, Italy
$ Institute of Biochemistry, University of Urbino, Italy
% Pediatrics Department, Ankara University, Turkey
& Haematology Unit, Girokaster Hospital, Albania
' Institute for Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague, Czech Republic
( Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland
) Arct-An C Laboratory, Moscow, Russian Federation
* I.B.P.N., Magadan, Russian Federation
"! A.Q. Khan Research Laboratory, Islamabad, Pakistan
"" Department of Forensic Sciences, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
"# Faculty of Sciences and Technics, University of Corte, France
"$ Department of Experimental Biology, Anthropology Section, University of Cagliari, Italy
"% Department of Evolutionary Biology, Tartu University and Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, Estonia
"& Department of Biopathology and Biomedical Methodology, University of Palermo, Italy
"' Genetics Department, University of Bucharest, Rumania
"( Department of Biology, University of Ferrara, Italy
") Department of Cell Biology, University of Calabria, Italy

(Received 2.5.00. Accepted 19.7.00)

We typed 1801 males from 55 locations for the Y-specific binary markers YAP, DYZ3, SRY
and the (CA)n microsatellites YCAII and DYS413. Phylogenetic relationships of chromosomes with
the same binary haplotype were condensed in seven large one-step networks, which accounted for
95 % of all chromosomes. Their coalescence ages were estimated based on microsatellite diversity.
The three largest and oldest networks undergo sharp frequency changes in three areas. The more
recent network 3n1A clearly discriminates between Western and Eastern European populations.
Pairwise Fst showed an overall increment with increasing geographic distance but with a slope
greatly reduced when compared to previous reports. By sectioning the entire data set according to
geographic and linguistic criteria, we found higher Fst-on-distance slopes within Europe than in
West Asia or across the two continents.

chromosome are gaining an ever increasing value

in understanding human microevolutionary pro-
Genetic diversity markers of the human Y cesses. Its uniparental inheritance renders the
Correspondence : Dr Patrizia Malaspina, Department
non-recombinant portion of this chromosome
of Biology, University of Rome ‘ Tor Vergata ’, Via della (NRPY) a unique tool to describe its phylogeny
Ricerca Scientifica 00133 Rome, Italy. Tel : j39-06- and to make inferences on its diversity assuming
72594321 ; Fax : j39-06-2023500.
E-mail : patrizia.malaspina! the concept of a progressive accumulation of
396 P. M  
mutations over time. In this context, the NRPY (Goldstein et al. 1995, 1996 ; Slatkin & Rannala,
can be regarded as the male counterpart of the 1997).
mtDNA. However, a higher rate of divergence The age of populations carrying a repertoire
among populations for this chromosome with of lineages must keep within the time limits
respect to mtDNA seems to be attributable to estimated in this way. However, very wide
the difference in the female vs. male migration margins of uncertainty are present. As a matter
rate (Seielstad et al. 1998). This results in a higher of fact, an appropriate sample coverage over a
level of population structuring which may be vast geographical area is a necessary require-
more pronounced in some continents and is ment, not often fulfilled, to attain an exhaust-
often significantly detectable in neighbouring ive description of the variation within each
populations (Scozzari et al. 1997 ; Karafet et al. lineage.
1998). Uncommon microsatellite multirepeat mu-
Different classes of markers are able to reveal tational events which could be regarded as a
different subsets of the total variation, this disturbance in the regular process of accumu-
ability being a function of the locus-specific lation of variation are instead an important
mutation rate (Kayser et al. 2000). Binary resource, since they may identify groups of
polymorphisms, where mutational events are chromosomes with a common ancestry (Forster
considered rare or even unique, have been used et al. 1998) that cannot be otherwise recognized
to unequivocally reconstruct phylogenies of Y by binary markers.
chromosomes sampled in all continents (Altheide We have previously defined six major one-step
& Hammer, 1997 ; Hammer et al. 1997, 1998 ; haplotype networks by combining binary and
Underhill et al. 1997). Such reconstruction of microsatellite markers and described their fre-
phylogenies can be further improved by a quency in 33 populations from Europe, North
description of the geographical distribution of Africa and West Asia (Malaspina et al. 1998).
each lineage which, in turn, allows one to make While a remarkable degree of geographic
inferences about the major male-specific popu- specificity emerged for all of the networks, it
lation movements in the past, up to several tens could be argued that the overall result may have
of thousands of years ago (Hammer et al. 1998 ; been conditioned by an uneven coverage (for
Karafet et al. 1999 ; Santos et al. 1999 ; Hill et al. a discussion see Thomas et al. 2000), with
2000). The joint use of binary markers with an overrepresentation of Western European
highly mutable mini- and micro-satellites countries.
becomes a powerful tool in analysing recent In the present paper, not only have we
lineages and in defining population processes on adopted the same analysis, but we have doubled
smaller geographical and time scales (Zerjal et al. the overall sample size by increasing the number
1997 ; Hurles et al. 1998 ; Jobling et al. 1998 ; of sampled locations to 55 (by adding popu-
Kittles et al. 1998 ; Thomas et al. 1998 ; Scozzari lations mostly from Northern and Central
et al. 1999). Europe and West Asia) and added a third binary
Several papers have shown that the patterns marker.
of microsatellite length variation closely ap- Here, we also investigated the patterns of
proach the expectations of the stepwise model population divergence across the surveyed area
which assumes mutational events that involve a by introducing a spatial analysis of Fst. For the
single repeat unit (Di Rienzo et al. 1994, 1998 ; first time, we show that the pattern of such
Cooper et al. 1996). Coalescence estimates derived variation for the Y chromosome is anything
from microsatellite variance are highly valuable but uniform and varies greatly depending upon
since they allow one, in principle, to date the the geographical areas where the populations
antiquity of lineages ; these methods can in fact are living and on the linguistic family they
complement those which are sequence-based belong to.
Y-chromosome inter-population divergence 397
site and on 485 subjects with the alphoid HindIII
   site.
Subjects A complete listing of the data is available
1801 males were sampled in 55 locations (Table at URL\dipartimenti\biologia\
1, Fig. 1A). Thirty-two of these samples, pre- genetica.html.
viously described by Malaspina et al. (1998), were
further typed in this study for SRY (see
"!)$" Statistical analyses
below). The previous mixed Turkish sample
(Scozzari et al. 1997 ; Malaspina et al. 1998) was One-step networks of adjacent microsatellite
replaced by geographically well-characterized haplotypes on chromosomes with the same allelic
groups. The previous Sicilian sample (Malaspina states for binary polymorphisms were con-
et al. 1998) was here assigned to West Sicily, and structed as described (Cooper et al. 1996 ;
increased by 44 subjects. Malaspina et al. 1998). Briefly, each network
DNA was prepared by standard techniques groups ‘ adjacent ’ haplotypes, i.e. haplotypes
from either fresh venous blood, dried blood that differ for the insertion or deletion of a single
absorbed on filter paper, or hair roots. CA unit at a single locus.
Immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines were used Estimates of coalescence times (t) for each
for the Pakistani samples. network were obtained by two methods, based
on the stepwise mutation model. The first
method relies on average squared distance
Markers (ASD), a parameter linearly related to coalesc-
Three binary polymorphisms and two complex ence time (Goldstein et al. 1995 ; Slatkin, 1995).
dinucleotide polymorphic systems were studied. We calculated the squared difference (in CA
The presence\absence of the YAP element was units) for every microsatellite allelic series,
assayed by PCR as described (Hammer & Horai, between the value of each individual and the
1995). The presence\absence of the alphoid value found in the most frequent haplotype of
HindIII site (DYZ3) was tested by PCR followed the corresponding network (see Table 2, col. 3).
by digestion (Santos et al. 1995). The A\G base The average values for chromosomes belonging
substitution at position 10831 of the SRY to the same network were then averaged over the
sequence (Whitfield et al. 1995) (SRY or four microsatellite allelic series and then divided
SRY-1532) was assayed by either one of the two by the mutation rate (µ). The second method
previously described independent methods assumes a star-shaped genealogy characteristic
(Santos et al. 1999 ; Scozzari et al. 1999). The of rapid population growth. In these conditions
YCAII and DYS413 polymorphic systems were V l µt where V is the average variance of
analysed according to Mathias et al. (1994) and microsatellite repeat counts (Thomas et al. 2000).
Malaspina et al. (1997). These systems consist of It is to be observed that the results of the two
two Y-specific loci each, both containing a (CA)n methods converge when the ancestral haplotype
microsatellite, which are co-amplified during the carries the allele with the average CA size at each
corresponding PCR reactions. The larger and locus.
smaller PCR fragments generated for each sys- In both methods the value of 5n6i10−% was
tem were assigned to the allelic classes a and b, used as the mutation rate (Weber & Wong,
respectively. Whenever a single band was 1993), an intermediate value between that of
observed, two fragments of the same size were Gyapay et al. (1994) and that of Kayser et al.
assumed (Mathias et al. 1994). (2000) for dinucleotide microsatellites.
All DNA polymorphisms were assayed on all Confidence intervals for both methods were
individuals except SRY . The latter was obtained by bootstrapping, by performing two
tested on all subjects lacking the alphoid HindIII hundred random samplings from the entire data
Table 1. The 55 population samples included in this study. Relative frequencies of the seven largest networks, eight minor networks (pooled) and
haplotypes not joined to any network

Sample Larger networks

Linguistic size Minor Unclassif.
Region Population familya,b (n) 1n1 1n2 1n3 2n1 3n1G 3n1A 1n4 networks haplotypes
Northern Europe Norwegianc I.E. 8 0n25 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n13 0n50 0n00 0n00 0n13
Lithuanianc I.E. 15 0n40 0n00 0n00 0n07 0n00 0n40 0n00 0n07 0n07
Estonian Uralic 74 0n54 0n01 0n00 0n04 0n03 0n36 0n00 0n00 0n01
Komi-Permiak Uralic 31 0n65 0n06 0n00 0n03 0n06 0n19 0n00 0n00 0n00
Danishc I.E. 35 0n23 0n09 0n00 0n03 0n54 0n06 0n00 0n03 0n03
Mordovian Uralic 62 0n40 0n05 0n00 0n02 0n06 0n39 0n00 0n05 0n03
Great Britain Londonersc I.E. 20 0n30 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n65 0n05 0n00 0n00 0n00

P. M  

Iberian peninsula Northern Portuguesec I.E. 26 0n19 0n00 0n00 0n08 0n58 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n15
Southern Portuguesec I.E. 26 0n31 0n04 0n00 0n08 0n46 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n12
Central Spaniardc I.E. 22 0n23 0n14 0n09 0n09 0n45 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n00
Basquec Basque 28 0n04 0n04 0n00 0n00 0n93 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n00
Southern Spaniardc I.E. 62 0n19 0n00 0n00 0n05 0n68 0n02 0n02 0n02 0n03
Italian peninsula Ligurianc I.E. 20 0n15 0n05 0n05 0n25 0n50 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n00
Trentine I.E. 30 0n20 0n03 0n00 0n00 0n67 0n07 0n00 0n00 0n03
Venetianc I.E. 20 0n15 0n20 0n00 0n10 0n45 0n10 0n00 0n00 0n00
Latiumc I.E. 76 0n36 0n12 0n03 0n13 0n29 0n03 0n01 0n00 0n04
Apulianc I.E. 20 0n20 0n20 0n00 0n20 0n30 0n10 0n00 0n00 0n00
Calabrianc I.E. 28 0n21 0n25 0n00 0n11 0n32 0n07 0n00 0n00 0n04
Lucanianc I.E. 24 0n17 0n13 0n04 0n25 0n29 0n00 0n08 0n00 0n04
Sicily Western Sicilianc I.E. 65 0n12 0n15 0n00 0n18 0n43 0n03 0n03 0n02 0n03
North-East Sicilian I.E. 46 0n22 0n28 0n00 0n26 0n15 0n04 0n00 0n00 0n04
Sardinia Northern Sardinianc I.E. 189 0n24 0n05 0n37 0n11 0n20 0n01 0n01 0n00 0n02
Southern Sardinianc I.E. 29 0n17 0n14 0n41 0n03 0n24 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n00
Corsica Corsican I.E. 90 0n24 0n02 0n02 0n04 0n59 0n00 0n04 0n01 0n02
Central Europe French I.E. 26 0n19 0n00 0n04 0n04 0n62 0n08 0n00 0n00 0n04
Slovakianc I.E. 23 0n43 0n00 0n00 0n09 0n00 0n39 0n00 0n00 0n09
Northern Rumanianc I.E. 27 0n26 0n26 0n00 0n04 0n30 0n15 0n00 0n00 0n00
Eastern Rumanianc I.E. 18 0n39 0n06 0n00 0n11 0n11 0n28 0n00 0n00 0n06
Western Rumanian I.E. 22 0n36 0n09 0n00 0n05 0n23 0n18 0n00 0n00 0n09
Ukrainian I.E. 6 0n33 0n00 0n00 0n17 0n00 0n50 0n00 0n00 0n00
Eastern Czech I.E. 40 0n20 0n03 0n00 0n05 0n30 0n40 0n00 0n00 0n03
Polish I.E. 36 0n31 0n06 0n00 0n03 0n19 0n39 0n00 0n03 0n00
South-East Europe Albanianc I.E. 33 0n24 0n06 0n00 0n33 0n24 0n12 0n00 0n00 0n00
Continental Greekc I.E. 28 0n36 0n11 0n00 0n25 0n07 0n21 0n00 0n00 0n00
Crete island Creteanc I.E. 83 0n25 0n31 0n00 0n14 0n16 0n05 0n01 0n02 0n05
West Asia North-East Turkish Altaic 11 0n55 0n09 0n00 0n00 0n09 0n18 0n00 0n09 0n00
Central Anatolian Altaic 18 0n33 0n22 0n00 0n06 0n06 0n11 0n00 0n11 0n11
South-West Turkish Altaic 29 0n38 0n31 0n00 0n10 0n03 0n10 0n03 0n00 0n03

Y-chromosome inter-population divergence

South-East Turkish Altaic 13 0n46 0n23 0n00 0n00 0n08 0n15 0n00 0n00 0n08
Turkish Cypriot Altaic 22 0n18 0n27 0n00 0n23 0n05 0n14 0n00 0n05 0n09
Omanic A.A. 13 0n38 0n08 0n00 0n08 0n08 0n08 0n00 0n00 0n31
United Arab Emiratec A.A. 35 0n51 0n06 0n00 0n14 0n06 0n17 0n00 0n03 0n03
Iranianc I.E. 7 0n29 0n14 0n00 0n14 0n14 0n14 0n00 0n14 0n00
Pathanc I.E. 22 0n50 0n00 0n00 0n09 0n18 0n23 0n00 0n00 0n00
Sindhic I.E. 20 0n30 0n05 0n00 0n05 0n15 0n35 0n00 0n05 0n05
Baluchi I.E. 27 0n41 0n07 0n00 0n07 0n19 0n19 0n00 0n00 0n07
Brahui Dravidian 15 0n20 0n27 0n00 0n00 0n07 0n33 0n00 0n07 0n07
Burusho Burushaskid 19 0n21 0n05 0n00 0n00 0n16 0n53 0n00 0n05 0n00
Hazara I.E. 13 0n31 0n08 0n00 0n00 0n62 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n00
Kalash I.E. 20 0n80 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n10 0n10 0n00 0n00 0n00
Punjabi I.E. 13 0n23 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n15 0n46 0n00 0n08 0n08
Makrani I.E. 14 0n29 0n07 0n00 0n00 0n21 0n21 0n00 0n07 0n14
North Africa (NA) Moroccan Arabse A.A. 56 0n27 0n00 0n00 0n70 0n02 0n00 0n00 0n00 0n02
Northern Egyptianc A.A. 24 0n13 0n13 0n00 0n58 0n13 0n00 0n04 0n00 0n00
Southern Egyptianc A.A. 22 0n32 0n05 0n00 0n23 0n09 0n05 0n05 0n00 0n23
Total 1801
a From Grimes (1996).
b A.A., Afro-Asiatic.
I.E., Indo-European.
c Sample described in Malaspina et al. (1998).
d Linguistic isolate.
e Sample described in Scozzari et al. (1999).

400 P. M  

Fig. 1. For legend see opposite.

set, each consisting of 50 % of the subjects. The on the accuracy of the age estimate from the
2n5 and 97n5 percentiles of the resulting distri- accumulated mutations. It should be appreciated
butions were obtained. This method gives a that the uncertainty in the mutation rate, in the
measure of the confidence intervals related to the shape of the genealogy, as well as in the mutation
representation of individuals within the genea- process, significantly broadens these confidence
logical group and not a measure of the confidence intervals.
Y-chromosome inter-population divergence 401

Fig. 1. Maps showing the 55 sampled locations (panel A) and frequencies of network 1n1 (panel B), network
1n2 (panel C), network 2n1 (panel D), network 3n1G (panel E) and network 3n1A (panel F).
Table 2. Main features of 15 one-step networks of Y chromosome haplotypes
Major haplotype Variance of CA units within Estimated coalescence age in generationsa

P. M  

N of subjects in the network each network (95 % C.I.)
(% of the n of
Network entire study) (CA units)b carriers YCAIIa YCAIIb DYS413a DYS413b ASD method CA variance method
1n1 523 (29n0) 22-22-22-21 44 0n90 1n49 1n26 0n86 5292 (5036–5599) 2013 (1884–2151)
1n2 166 (9n2) 22-19-17-17 91 0n42 0n32 0n19 0n16 500 (356–620) 482 (348–598)
1n3 91 (5n1) 21-11-21-21 72 0n14 0n00 0n10 0n13 172 (96–256) 165 (89–245)
2n1 216 (12n0) 21-19-24-23 38 0n32 0n12 0n86 1n09 1961 (1744–2200) 1066 (956–1179)
3n1G 480 (26n7) 23-19-23-23 253 0n76 0n17 0n37 0n53 932 (783–1076) 817 (697–938)
3n1A 222 (12n3) 23-19-22-22 136 0n52 0n01 0n08 0n34 475 (318–653) 424 (286–571)
1n4 15 (0n8) 24-23-20-20 5 0n86 0n31 0n00 0n00 506 (223–765) 522 (223–856)
8 minor networks 22 (1n2)
Unclassified 66 (3n7)
Total 1801
a Assuming a mutation rate of 5n6i10−% (Weber & Wong, 1993).
b Reported as YCAIIa-YCAIIb-DYS413a-DYS413b.
Y-chromosome inter-population divergence 403
The overall network frequencies in the 55
populations (Table 1) were used to construct the 
geographical maps and to compute pairwise Fst By combining the results of YAP and alphoid
values. Frequency maps were drawn with the HindIII markers, only two out of 1801 subjects
Surfer System v. 4n15 (Golden Software Inc.) turned out to carry the YAP element and to lack
using the Kriging procedure (Delfiner, 1976). We the alphoid HindIII site. This can be explained
used an 84i43 grid and estimates at each grid through a low rate of recurrence of the loss of
node were obtained considering a maximum of alphoid units containing the HindIII site (Santos
10 nearest points in each quadrant. In order to et al. 1996 ; Scozzari et al. 1999). The three
represent metric distances among locations, a combinations YAPk\HindIIIj, YAPj\
transformation of the actual longitude was HindIIIj and YAPk\HindIIIk are referred
adopted (Longh l Longicos(Lat)). With this to as frames 1, 2 and 3, respectively (Persichetti
and other methods isophlets are highly sensitive et al. 1992) ; overall, 824, 233 and 742 chromo-
to the frequencies of the points closest to them. somes were in turn assigned to these frames
As a matter of fact, isophlets in North Africa (Table 1).
may be more conspicuously affected by fre- While Hammer et al. (1998) demonstrated that
quencies from Southern European locations than both an ancient A to G transition and a more
by the three African locations. The peculiarity of recent G to A reversion occurred at nucleotide
this method is that the estimated values of the position SRY in the Y chromosome phy-
variable coincide with the observed values at the logeny, other authors (Kwok et al. 1996 ; Santos
sampled locations. This is therefore the best et al. 1999) concluded that the G to A reversion
method to group populations with similar net- occurred on chromosomes lacking the alphoid
work frequencies into a definite number of belts. HindIII site. Therefore, we performed the typing
We chose to show isophlets over the bodies of of SRY on all of the 742 frame 3 chromo-
water in order to better show the frequencies somes, resulting in two subsets (505 and 237) of
obtained in the Mediterranean islands. The chromosomes carrying G and A alleles, respect-
change of frequencies over the seas thus merely ively. We also tested 385 frame 1 chromosomes
reflects differences in frequencies among coastal and 100 frame 2 chromosomes, all of which
populations. carried SRY (G).
The total Fst, and the off-diagonal 55i54 We analysed the variation of microsatellite
matrix of pairwise Fst values, were obtained markers in each of the three frames. The search
by using the Arlequin package v. 1n1 (Schneider of all adjacent relationships (Cooper et al. 1996)
et al. 1997). The entire set of data was among microsatellite haplotypes resulted in 7
analysed by selecting values corresponding to large and 8 very small (no more than 3 haplo-
pairwise comparisons that satisfied the geo- types and 4 subjects each) networks, which
graphical and linguistic criteria as described group 96 % of all chromosomes (Table 2).
in the Results section (Table 3, col. 1). Fst-on- Doubling the sample size with respect to our
distance slopes, intercepts and their standard previous work resulted in a modest increase of
errors were obtained by ordinary linear regres- novel haplotypes within each network. It is
sion analysis. In order to take into account worth pointing out that we did not find haplo-
the internal correlation in the matrices of types joining the previously identified major
pairwise Fst and distance measures, sig- networks, indicating that the molecular
nificance of Fst-on-distance regression was definition of each network was not the result of
assayed by the Mantel test (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995) incomplete sampling but rather reflects an actual
with 10 000 iterations, when applicable. All cal- discontinuity in haplotype composition in terms
culations were performed with SPSS version of number of CA repeats across the four micro-
6.1.3. satellite loci. Moreover, increasing the number of
404 P. M  
sampled locations and expanding the surveyed North-East (0n65) is shown, with a decreasing
area did not reveal populations harbouring cline towards the South-West. The minimum
previously hidden large quotas of the Y chromo- incidence is observed among Basques (0n04).
some variation detectable with the markers here Network 1n2 (Fig. 1C) is confirmed to be
used. present mainly in Mediterranean populations. It
Networks 1n2 and 1n3 retain their major reaches frequencies exceeding 0n30 only in Crete
haplotype, i.e. a haplotype whose frequency is and South-Western Turkey. From these two
much higher than any other haplotype of its own areas, decreasing frequencies were found in all
network. Network 1n1 does not show such a directions except for Northern Rumania (0n26 vs.
prevalence of a single haplotype since there are 0n10 in 4 neighbouring populations) and
three haplotypes, each encompassing 30 or more Central Spain (0n14 vs. 0n10 in 4 neighbouring
subjects. Network 1n4, consisting of only 15 populations).
chromosomes, has the major haplotype 24–23– Network 1n3 (map not shown) identifies a
20–20 (CA units at YCAIIa-YCAIIb-DYS413a- group of chromosomes peculiar to the Sardinian
DYS413b) found in 5 subjects. In network 2n1 population (Ciminelli et al. 1995 ; Quintana-Murci
the major haplotype is 21-19-24-23 (Table 2, col. et al. 1999 b). This network reaches frequencies
3) whereas in the smaller data set (Malaspina et of 0n41 and 0n37 in Southern and Northern
al. 1998) it was 22-19-22-21 which now encom- Sardinian locations, respectively, dropping to
passes 30 subjects. This discrepancy exemplifies 0n02 within the short geographical distance which
the effect of population structuring as in the case separates Sardinia from Corsica.
of haplotype 22-19-22-21 found at high fre- Network 2n1 (Fig. 1D) shows the highest
quencies among Moroccan Arabs, which is to be frequencies in Northern Africa, decreasing along
considered over-represented in the previous data the South–North direction. The change is par-
set. ticularly sharp at the Strait of Gibraltar, with
As far as frame 3 is concerned, network 3n1 was frequencies dropping from 0n70 to 0n10 in all of
split into 3n1G and 3n1A according to the the Iberian peninsula and to 0n0 in Basques.
SRY results. Network 3n1G includes a greater Network 3n1G (Fig. 1E) is detected in Europe,
amount of microsatellite variation according to in a very particular portion of the total area
the number of haplotypes and CA variance previously described for frame 3 chromosomes
(Table 2 cols. 5–8). Some microsatellite haplo- (Malaspina et al. 1998). In Basques this network
types, identical in state, are found in both reaches a frequency of 0n93, 73 % of which
networks, although the frequency of their major is represented by haplotype 23-19-23-23.
haplotype differentiated them (Table 2, col. 3). Frequencies  0n15 are found in 7 out of 9
As a matter of fact, major haplotype 23-19-23-23 populations from Pakistan.
for network 3n1G accounts for only 2n3 % of Network 3n1A (Fig. 1F) also covers a specific
network 3n1A. Conversely, major haplotype 23- subset of the whole area occupied by frame 3
19-22-22 for network 3n1A accounts for only chromosomes. In addition to Northern Europe,
1n9 % in network 3n1G. this network is also frequent in the Brahui,
Burusho and Punjabi of Pakistan ( 0n30).
Geographic distribution of networks Network 1n4 (map not shown) is observed only
The overall network frequencies (Table 1) at low frequencies ( 0n05) in populations of the
were used to construct the five maps shown in Central-Eastern Mediterranean area.
Figure 1.
Network 1n1 (Fig. 1B) reaches its maximum Network coalescence
frequency in the small sample of Kalash from Two methods were used to estimate network
Pakistan, represented mainly by the unusual coalescence age. In the first one the calculation of
haplotype 21-19-20-20. In Europe, a peak in the ASD is made by assuming the ancestral haplo-
Y-chromosome inter-population divergence 405
type to be the most common in each network.
For networks 1n2, 1n3, 3n1G, 3n1A and 1n4 the
commonest haplotype is also constituted by the
modal microsatellite alleles (Ruiz-Linares et al.
1999) within each network, bringing further
support to the choice as the ancestral candidate.
When comparing the results, in two cases the
estimates calculated with one method were
outside the confidence limits with respect to the
other (Table 2). These cases refer to the networks
where the major haplotype did not outnumber
all other haplotypes. It is also plausible that the
assumption of a star-phylogeny is not appro-
priate for these ancient networks.
Overall, of the six largest one-step networks,
three (1n1, 2n1 and 3n1G) coalesce in the Palaeo-
lithic, two (1n2 and 3n1A) seem to coalesce in a
window of time post-dating the Last Glacial
Maximum and one (1n3) dates back to the last
three to four millennia of Mediterranean history.

Fst analysis
When the frequencies of the 15 networks (Table
1) were used to compute the overall Fst, a value
of 0n142 was obtained (p 0n0001). This confirms
the very high among-population divergence
revealed by Y-chromosome polymorphisms. In
the set of 1485 pairwise comparisons some
populations systematically produced higher-
than-average Fst values, namely Basques,
Southern Spaniards, Moroccan Arabs and Kalash
(41, 19, 39 and 20 values which were above the
90th percentile of the Fst distribution, respect-
ively). Indeed, these populations showed up in
one or more of the maps.
We then exploited the subdivision of our
population sample into 55 distinct locations to
analyse the sources of the overall Fst hetero-
geneity, by matching the pairwise values with

Fig. 2. Scatterplots of Fst (Y-axis) vs. geographic

distance (X-axis) for pairwise inter-population comp-
arisons in subsets of data selected according to the
following criteria : European vs. European (panel A) ;
European vs. West Asian (panel B) ; West Asian vs. West
Asian (panel C) ; Indo-European-speaking vs. Indo-
European-speaking (panel D). The regression line is also
406 P. M  
Table 3. Slope and intercept of linear regression of Fst on distance for different criteria of pairwise
population comparisons
Comparison n Slopep..a (P) Interceptp.. (P)
All data 1485 1n83p0n19 (l 0n0003)* 0n068p0n006 ( 0n0001)
Europe–Europe 595 6n49p0n50 (l 0n0001)* 0n014p0n009 (n.s.)
W. Asia–W. Asia 136 0n49p0n67 (n.s.)* 0n041p0n015 ( 0n01)
N. Africa–N. Africa 3 0n47p4n29 (n.s.)* 0n092p0n125 (n.s.)
Europe–W. Asia 595 2n43p0n32 ( 0n0001) 0n012p0n013 (n.s.)
Europe–N. Africa 105 0n14p1n54 (n.s.) 0n219p0n042 ( 0n0001)
W. Asia–N. Africa 51 5n22p0n78 ( 0n0001) 0n018p0n031 (n.s.)
Island–mainland 376 1n79p0n30 ( 0n0001) 0n085p0n009 ( 0n0001)
I.E.–I.E. 741 0n97p0n19 (l 0n0126)* 0n064p0n006 ( 0n0001)
I.E.-Basque 39 4n80p1n27 ( 0n001) 0n256p0n038 ( 0n0001)
I.E.–A.A. 195 0n84p0n63 (n.s.) 0n138p0n022 ( 0n0001)
I.E.–Altaic 195 4n78p0n65 ( 0n0001) k0n022p0n016 (n.s.)
I.E.–Uralic 117 2n86p1n04 ( 0n005) 0n070p0n030 ( 0n05)
I.E.–Dravidian 39 1n90p0n81 ( 0n05) 0n019p0n036 (n.s.)
I.E.–Bu. 39 2n05p0n93 ( 0n05) 0n042p0n042 (n.s.)
Basque–A.A. 5 k2n09p1n53 (n.s.) 0n645p0n064 ( 0n002)
Basque–Altaic 5 17n64p8n31 (n.s.) k0n002p0n260 (n.s.)
Basque–Uralic 3 1n35p7n80 (n.s.) 0n513p0n271 (n.s.)
A.A.–A.A. 10 4n22p1n65 (l 0.0187)* 0n004p0n057 (n.s.)
A.A.–Altaic 25 3n36p2n45 (n.s.) 0n033p0n059 (n.s.)
A.A.–Uralic 15 1n23p6n27 (n.s.) 0n136p0n240 (n.s.)
A.A.–Dravidian 5 6n13p1n62 ( 0n05) k0n034p0n060 (n.s.)
A.A.–Bu. 5 6n44p1n77 ( 0n05) k0n007p0n071 (n.s.)
Altaic–Altaic 10 6n62p5n51 (n.s.)* k0n045p0n031 (n.s.)
Altaic–Uralic 15 7n82p3n72 (n.s.) k0n122p0n089 (n.s.)
Altaic–Dravidian 5 k4n31p3n86 (n.s.) 0n143p0n120 (n.s.)
Altaic–Bu. 5 4n54p2n67 (n.s.) k0n042p0n090 (n.s.)
Uralic–Uralic 3 k4n12p2n62 (n.s.)* 0n076p0n034 (n.s.)
Uralic–Dravidian 3 2n51p7n92 (n.s.) 0n005p0n283 (n.s.)
Uralic–Bu. 3 k0n87p10n5 (n.s.) 0n127p0n344 (n.s.)
Combined (partial listing)
I.E.–I.E. ; Europe-Europe 465 5n40p0n54 ( 0n0001) 0n015p0n008 (n.s.)
I.E.–Basque ; Europe-Europe 31 20n7p3n20 ( 0n0001) 0n032p0n051 (n.s.)
a i10−&
b A.A., Afro-Asiatic.
I.E., Indo-European.
Bu., Burushaski.
* Significance determined by Mantel test (10 000 iterations).

the corresponding geographic distances of the pean vs. West-Asian populations (Fig. 2A vs. 2B).
populations being compared. There was a clear Pairwise comparisons of West-Asian populations
trend towards larger Fst values with increasing showed an even lower value for the slope (Fig.
distance, in addition to few high Fst values for 2C). The high Fst values at very short distances
distances 2500 km. The average increase of corresponded to comparisons among some of the
Fst was estimated at 1n8i10−&\km (Table 3). Pakistani populations. The reduced size of these
In cross-sectioning this cloud of points, geo- samples, together with strong drift effects, may
graphical and linguistic criteria for each pairwise explain this result. Comparisons between
comparison were taken into account (Table 3). European and North-African populations pro-
Comparisons of European vs. other European duced a non-significant value for the slope.
populations showed a strong dependence of Fst However, this latter subset included some of the
on distance, contrasting with a significantly points with the highest Fst at short distance,
( 6 ..) reduced slope when comparing Euro- yielding a very high value for the intercept.
Y-chromosome inter-population divergence 407
Comparisons between populations living on presence of the same networks obtained by the
islands vs. the mainland were also considered. combined use of binary markers and micro-
The resulting cloud of points overlapped with satellites, as previously identified throughout
those obtained for mainland vs. mainland com- Europe, North Africa and West Asia. Present
parisons and parameters of the interpolated line findings strongly suggest that most of the Y
were very similar to those obtained for the entire chromosome diversity has been sampled and
group. that the discontinuity in the haplotypic com-
Complex patterns also emerged when language binations is no longer the result of incomplete
affiliation was considered. Pairs of Indo- sampling. We also found that the mutation rate
European-speaking populations produced a very in the dinucleotide microsatellites is large enough
low Fst-on-distance slope (Fig. 2D). Comparisons to produce great variation during a period of a
involving one Indo-European-speaking popu- few hundred generations. Moreover, we identified
lation vs. a population speaking a language at least two lineages generated by multirepeat
belonging to another family produced slopes microsatellite mutations which become a useful
significantly different from 0, with the exception tool to address questions on the peopling of the
of the Afro-Asiatic. In this case, the Moroccan Mediterranean area in the Neolithic period and
population plays a major role in disrupting the in the periods thereafter.
overall regression producing Fst values  0n35 In our survey we confirm the presence of minor
for 9 populations at 2000 km, in agreement groups of YAPj\alphoid HindIIIk chromo-
with the drastic frequency change shown by somes (Santos et al. 1996 ; Malaspina et al. 1998 ;
networks 2n1 and 3n1G across the Strait of Scozzari et al. 1999) that can be explained by
Gibraltar. The Basques produced by far the recurrent loss of alphoid units with HindIII site.
highest Fst-on-distance slope when compared to With the above exceptions, the group of
Indo-European-speaking populations. alphoid HindIIIk chromosomes is also identified
The only other subset producing a significant by other mutations, i.e. the C-T mutation at
regression on distance is that involving the Afro- 92R7, the XbaI mutation at M911 and the G-A
Asiatic-speaking population comparisons. mutation at DYS257 (Mathias et al. 1994 ; Bosch
Combining the plots of Figure 2 shows that the et al. 1999 ; Scozzari et al. 1999). In summary, the
reduced slope of Fst on distance for Indo- group of HindIIIk chromosomes can be con-
European vs. Indo-European comparisons was sidered largely overlapping with haplotype 1C
indeed the result of two subgroups. The first and its derivatives 1D and 1G (Hammer et al.
included populations displaying a large diver- 1998 ; Karafet et al. 1999), with haplotypes 13,
gence with increasing distance up to 3000 km, 10, 1, 20, 6, 4 and their derivatives 31 and 32
mostly consisting of European data. In the (Santos et al. 1999) and haplogroup 1 (Hill et al.
second subgroup, when doubling the distance 2000).
across the Europe–Asia border, a corresponding The analysis of the G-A mutation at SRY
Fst average increase was not found. When we on all alphoid HindIIIk chromosomes was also
took into account both the geographic and carried out. Allele A identifies haplotype 1D
linguistic criteria and computed the regression, (Hammer et al. 1998) and haplotype 32 (Santos et
only in the 465 pairwise comparisons between al. 1999), as well as the ancestral haplotypes 1A
Indo-European-speaking populations living in and 19 (by the same authors, respectively).
Europe, a slope of 5n40i10−& was obtained. Given the geographic origin of our sample, a
thorough search for these latter haplotypes was
not carried out since they were expected to be
 very rare.
The extension of the sample size and the As far as our dating results are concerned, in
expansion of the surveyed area has revealed the three instances we could compare our estimates
408 P. M  
with the available data. Network 2n1, grouping explain the entry of haplotype 1 into Europe.
92 % of the YAPj chromosomes here found, Subsequently, a late Palaeolithic population
provided coalescence estimates that include the expansion, as hypothesised by Torroni et al.
value of 20 KYA for the PN2-T mutation as (1998) on the basis of the distribution of mtDNA
reported by Hammer et al. (1998). Indeed, it has haplogroups V and H, may have increased the
been shown that YAPj chromosomes found in frequencies of network 3n1G in far Western
Europe and North Africa mostly carry the PN2- Europe. A third, more recent, event (Zerjal et
T mutation (Hammer et al. 1997 ; Scozzari et al. al. 1997) is marked by the distribution of the
1999 and unpublished data). The estimates for Tat-C mutation, which belongs to a small sub-
network 1n3 are compatible with an origin not group within our network 1n1 (Scozzari R., un-
dating earlier than the first human settlements in published data). Other migratory movements
Sardinia (9 KYA, Cappello et al. 1996). Finally, may have occurred South-East of the Caspian
the estimates for network 3n1A are in agreement Sea. The prevalence of YAPk, alphoid
with the results from Hammer et al. (1998) for HindIIIk, SRY -G chromosomes in Pakistan
the SRY -G to A reversion. Our data indicate may trace a connection between Asia and
that this reversion occurred on a haplotype very Central Africa, where high frequency spots were
similar to the major haplotype of network 3n1G. recently found (Scozzari et al. 1999).
It is likely that this fact, and the short time In Europe the three largest networks undergo
allowed for molecular radiation within network sharp frequency changes in three areas, i.e. across
3n1A, contributed to the partial overlap of the Strait of Gibraltar, around the Basque region
haplotypes belonging to the two networks. and across an imaginary line approximately
connecting the Eastern Alps to the Baltic Sea.
Geographic distributions While the first two boundaries were also detected
The three largest and oldest networks were in analyses of population data for isoenzyme
geographically widespread and revealed clines variation (Barbujani & Sokal, 1990 ; Simoni et al.
that cover the entire European continent. An 1999), the latter did not appear in the same
area characterized by high frequencies was found analyses.
in North-Eastern Europe (Mordovia and Komi- The smaller and more recent networks 1n2, 1n3
Permiak) for network 1n1. Network 2n1, reflecting and 3n1A showed different patterns. Network 1n2
an input of African chromosomes into Europe, consisted of a group of chromosomes of the
displayed frequencies 0n10 in all of Northern Eastern Mediterranean area and its geographic
Europe and most of Turkey, whereas in South- distribution may reflect an East-to-West popu-
Eastern Europe it contributes considerably to its lation movement, possibly as part of a larger
gene pool. The splitting of network 3n1 gradient revealed by p12f2 haplotypes (Semino et
(Malaspina et al. 1998) revealed a clearer focus in al. 1996 ; Scozzari R., unpublished data). Overall,
Western Europe of what is now called network this Y-chromosomal pattern fits the autosomal
3n1G, fitting the distribution of haplotype 15 data condensed in the first PC by Cavalli-Sforza
identified by the p49f\TaqI system (Semino et al. et al. (1994), and is interpreted as the result of the
1996 ; Lucotte & Loirat, 1999 ; Quintana-Murci demic diffusion associated with the Neolithic
et al. 1999 a ; Hill et al. 2000 ; Scozzari R., un- spread of agriculture. Locally, this network
published data). The above distributions are in establishes similarities between the Cretan and
line with one or more population movements Southern Anatolian populations, in agreement
from Asia into Europe and within Europe. with the hypothesis on the origins of the first
Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994, p. 292) interpreted occupants of Crete around 7000 .., reported by
their second PC map as the result of a similar Renfrew (1998 and citations therein). The oc-
process(es). An early expansion from Central currence of this network at appreciable fre-
Asia has been postulated (Santos et al. 1999) to quencies in the Southernmost part of Continental
Y-chromosome inter-population divergence 409
Italy and Eastern Sicily is compatible with the Sforza, 1997). These authors have related this
further spread of these chromosomes during the pattern to the expansion of the Kurgan culture,
Greek colonisation of the latter areas in the first a three-wave process occurring between 5000 and
millennium .. In this context, the different 2900 .., which could also be responsible for the
frequencies of networks 1n1 and 1n2 (0n22 vs. 0n12 distribution of network 3n1A (Zerjal et al. 1999).
and 0n28 vs. 0n15, respectively) found in Eastern Alternatively, other migratory movements from
and Western Sicily, are in agreement with a more Central Asia westward may have brought both
pronounced Greek influence in the Eastern part markers to the places where they are found at
of the island (Piazza et al. 1988). present.
Network 1n3 is confirmed to be basically
confined to Sardinia, showing a particularly high Fst analysis
frequency. Therefore, this network reinforces the The analysis of our Fst-on-distance regressions
previously observed genetic boundaries around showed that high values for the intercept most
the island (Barbujani & Sokal, 1990 ; Simoni et al. likely result from local discontinuities in allele
1999). frequencies that clearly appear in the corre-
The distribution of network 3n1A shows an sponding maps. The same analyses also allowed
almost complete complementarity to the dis- inferences about the pattern of male-specific
tribution of its precursor, network 3n1G (see gene flow over the area under scrutiny.
above), contributing to the sharp frequency First, among the conventional geographic
change across Central Europe. In our maps this borders between the continents here considered,
network shows the highest frequencies in Eastern the European–Asian border was not associated
Europe and in Pakistan. High frequencies of with high Fst-on-distance slopes : the highest
SRY -A chromosomes were found in North- slope was in fact observed within Europe, to
ern Europe, Central Asia and India (Karafet et which the Basque population has contributed to
al. 1999 ; Santos et al. 1999 ; Zerjal et al. 1999), a large extent. In general, all pairwise inter-
pointing to their recent entry in to Europe from population comparisons, except those involving
the East. Our data indicated no difference in Basques, produced a slope of Fst-on-distance
either CA variance or in the sets of microsatellite which was half or less than that reported by
haplotypes contributing to this network in Seielstad et al. (1998). Their regression was based
North-Eastern Europe vs. Pakistan, suggesting on 10 points, and was most probably inflated by
that its dispersal was fast and postdated the the inclusion of the Basques. Indeed, we showed
accumulation of the overall diversity of the a marked heterogeneity of the dependence of Fst
network. Therefore our data favour a relatively on distance, with many types of comparisons
early origin and a much later dispersal. Although producing slopes as low as those reported for
error margins are considerably large, coalescence mitochondrial or autosomal markers.
estimates raise the possibility that SRY -A Second, the geographic separation of the
was already present in Eurasia at the end of the islands considered in this study does not seem to
Palaeolithic, and possibly in one of the glacial have acted as a relevant obstacle to gene flow, in
refuges of Eastern Europe (Soffer, 1990 ; agreement with the view that from the Mesolithic
Dolukhanov, 1993). The striking similarity be- onwards the Mediterranean Sea represented less
tween the distribution of network 3n1A and that of a barrier and more of a bridge (Binder, 1989).
of allele ABO*B over the area also surveyed by In addition founder or drift effects in Sardinia
Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994, maps 107 and 108) and Crete could have contributed to the rise in
deserves particular attention. The ABO*B fre- frequency of some haplotypes.
quencies contribute mainly to the fourth and Third, different linguistic affiliations were
third PC for Asia and Europe, respectively often associated with reduced levels of genetic
(Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994, pp. 249, 291 ; Cavalli- similarity. This was not, however, an absolute
410 P. M  
rule. Fst values as high as 0n30 and 0n40 were phylogeny. The consequences are twofold. First,
found for comparisons between pairs of Arabic- the description of genetic diversity over Europe
or Indo-European-speaking populations, respec- and any inference on the causes of its distribution
tively. In the former case, Arabic-speaking must include data from Africa and Asia. In
populations geographically far apart (Moroccan searching for the relationships between European
Arabs vs. Omani and UAE) produced high Fst. populations, data from the neighbouring areas
This is most likely because of the acquisition of could be used, in principle, as outgroups are used
the Arabic language in recent times by popu- in sequence analyses. Second, the vivid debate
lations with a very different genetic background. on the relative contribution of Palaeolithic and
As for the Indo-European-speaking populations, Neolithic populations to the extant European
the Kalash largely diverged (average Fst l 0n25) gene pool, so far mostly based on autosomal and
from all other populations of this linguistic mtDNA data, should take into account the
family. Also, large Fst values were observed marked difference between Western and Eastern
between Indo-European-speaking populations Europe for Y-chromosomal markers. Averaging
residing in Europe. In this context, a disconti- over the entire continent may not be meaningful
nuity within this continent seems to be more and the different estimates need to be reviewed
relevant than the conventional boundary be- in light of the precise geographic origins of the
tween Asia and Europe. population samples they have been based upon.
Our analysis merged two approaches to in-
vestigate different demographic scenarios that We gratefully acknowledge Jean-Paul Moisan and
shaped the present-day distribution of genetic Damian Labuda for contributing French DNA samples.
We also thank Dr. M. Lo Ponte for revising the paper.
markers. The area of low Fst-on-distance slope Work supported by CNR grants 98n00485.CT04 (AN),
(East Europe and West Asia) parallels the area 97n00712.PF36 (LT), 97n00702.PF36 (RS) and PRIN
MURST 1999.
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