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Final Grade Calculator

This tool will determine what grade (percentage) you need on your final exam in
order to get a certain grade in a class.

Your current grade is

(e.g. 92.4)

You want (at least) a

(e.g. 90)
% in the class.

Your final is worth

(e.g. 10)
% of your grade.

Determine what I need on Final!

Have another question? Try one of these:

Already took the final. What is my overall grade?

My final counts as a test. What do I need to get?
There are 2+ parts to my final. What do I have to get on them?
My class has a point system. How much is the Final worth?
How does this work?

Usually, teachers will have weighted categories that determine your grade:
Homework, Classwork, Test/Quizzes, and the dreadful Final. Because the Final
category stays at 0/0, an indeterminate form, all year long, its counted as the
average of all your other categories and does not affect your grade. Therefore, your
final grade can be calculated using the formula:

Grade = Exam Worth Exam Score + (1 Exam Worth) Current Grade

Its not rocket science, its just math! You could, of course, do this on any calculator,
but you could come to RogerHub too because its cool. (:

6997 CommentsScroll to bottom

The following opinions were written by anonymous visitors and do not represent
Posted Sep 9th at 7:28PM
i need a -500% to passi'm not sure even i, a god, could do such a thing.

Posted Sep 9th at 5:58PM
So I need a 89% for Psychology, 27% for nursing 100, a 4% in dosage calculations,
and 68% in anatomy and physiology..overall not bad. Considering I have been
out of school since 08. Let the finals begin.

Posted Sep 8th at 7:33PM



Now I need like 280% on my oral presentation tomorrow to make an A!!!

UGGH.. I can still make at least a 'B,' and it's just progress reports..

Now, I seem to be exaggerating a bit compared to other people with 'real grade

Derp. My bad people.

God help me
Posted Sep 8th at 1:27PM
I need pass anatomy with a C. God help me please. I canttake it anymore

Posted Aug 27th at 9:05PM
Only need a 23 on my final to pass *calmly Kanye shrugs*

Posted Aug 27th at 8:04PM
I need a 10% on my final, and even then I'd get 110% in my history class. :D

Posted Aug 27th at 9:18AM
not sure if i wanted to know this:(

Sexy girl
Posted Aug 26th at 7:16PM
Needed a 300% on my final to pass. FUCK

Posted Aug 25th at 10:23PM
just let me pass. please.

Posted Aug 25th at 9:15PM
woo hoo need a 38 on my final to walk away with an a in chem!


chem failure
Posted Aug 25th at 3:49PM
it's the first day of the second week of chem class and i just took the first quiz. i
know i pretty much failed it seeing how bad my anxiety crippled me from listening
throughout the rest of lecture class and i just calculated

i'm going to need 168% on my final to get an A in this class. guess who's hauling
ass last minute?. AGAIN.

Brittany Romero

Posted Aug 24th at 9:03AM

I need to get atleast a 5.37% on my final that I took today in order to pass the class
with a %70 haha. If I get below that, im quitting nursing school because ill have no
business dealing with peoples lives.

Posted Aug 22nd at 7:24PM

Posted Aug 21st at 3:23AM
'You need 110% on you final'

lmao i guess i'll just go to sleep then

Posted Aug 20th at 1:58AM
i need to get 36 at finall , i will go to the final exam just like a boss.

Posted Aug 19th at 7:41AM
Only need a 10% to maintain my A XD This makes me feel so much better

Posted Aug 17th at 4:58PM
Hey roger i have a question. So on the uc addmisions calculator it asks how many
classes i took at community college. I took one and got an "a" so do replace the

amount of "a's" i have with the number of a's i have including cc. And i took it
summer going to 10th grade so it still goes there right?

Small Bee
Posted Aug 16th at 4:13PM
63.25% to maintain my A. Unless the prof throws some major curve balls, I've got

Posted Aug 16th at 5:26AM
I guess a "C" will not be bad. At least I passed. Now I can become President of the
United States of America!!!

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